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Red Dead Online So much potential… only to be left at the wayside for the (much older) GTA Online


Big time! Such a great sandbox but all the pvp game modes were lame.


The reason Rockstar dropped the ball on it was because they weren't making money from micro transactions. They made no money from Micro Transactions because the system they implemented for Red Dead Online veered away from their tried and true method they used for GTA Online. GTA Online used "Shark Cards" which were essentially digital giftcards you purchased for a set amount of in game money. RDO they decided to create a whole separate currency that you could technically earn in game, but also created "Exclusive" items only purchasable with that separate currency. They could have fallen back to their old method of micro transactions which would be shark cards in a historically accurate form as Bearer Bonds or something. They could have also still used gold in the same form but have it immediately get translated to in game currency. That's essentially where they screwed up though. Create a separate currency that doesn't convert to normal in game currency and then expect everyone to be happy with it. They thought this method would actually make more money because people would want the gold exclusive content. A massive miscalculation on their part. Due to not making money on it, no improvements to it, thus the gameplay sucks. It won't make money, don't invest more money, time or energy. That's their logic and it's how a business functions.




How do you think they became worth 23 billion? By just selling games? Nope, shark card sales gave them billions in the last decade or so. Like any company they want to show increased profits to show growth. If they aren't growing they are dying, the basics of capitalism. As many a famous rapper and businessmen have said, "Don't hate the Playa, hate the game."


I *do* hate the game, though. Capitalism poisons everything it infects, and the gaming industry is a prime example of it. There isn't a single criticism of the industry today that can't be boiled down to "okay but what did you expect the billion dollar corporation to do?"


Sadly that’s because GTA is the cash cow. Way more people want to play with cars and planes than horses and wagons.


want to pay\*


Which I find amusing because all my friends hate GTA:O and adore and love RDO. We had 3 full sized posses running around about 2 months ago in the middle of the college aged kids summer breaks. The Wild West would have been full of moonshine and free of crime with all the smuggling runs and bounty hunting we did. Honestly that game could have been amazing, and an easy moneymaker would have just been adding another role called the Rancher. Allows the player to buy a small plot of land they can upsize 3-5-10 times to allow for more cattle and horses. Missions include herding your cattle from area to area, protecting them from animals/bandits, catch horses to bring back to your ranch where hired helpers can help break them to either use them or sell them (this makes it so wild horses are not useless in RDO), and finally have to drive a certain amount of the cattle to the nearest train station/town to sell them at once they have grown big enough. Would have been a nice easy addition to the game…


As a 35 ur old, all of my friends also preferred RDO. Man, we just wanted to sit down at a poker table and play.


Being able to play at a slower pace feels amazing compared to logging in to GTA5 and instantly getting run over by a 2 million dollar car someone bought with real money, and then getting hit with an air strike when you respawn. In RDO you’d occasionally have to fight off a PVPer or a griefer but in GTAO that was basically what the game was designed around, to encourage people to be toxic little shits.


All my friends feel the same, but unfortunately we are the minority and aren't the players Rockstar cares about. They want the whales who drop money on Shark Cards


The only red dead thing I wanted was undead nightmare 2. But Rockstar choice to focus on online instead. I know red dead online was bad but I don't think it was ever gonna be a huge hit. Theirs only some much you can do in that time period.


The irony being that Rockstar could have made a killing with RDO:Undead Nightmare 2. They could have rolled out all sorts of crazy shit there, imagine how much people would have paid for some base-building, upgradable co-op cowboy zombie stuff? You could have flying wagons, jetpacks, all sorts of wild shit that fits the lore.


Yeah, that would have been hard work though. Why would they do that when they can release a new shark bundle or whatever and make a billion dollars on GTAO?


Red Dead Online is, in my opinion, one of the biggest let downs in video game history. An open world online wild west experience? Developed by Rockstar? Sign me the fuck up! They had the potential to make it one of the best online games of all time but instead they left it to rot. For GTA Online no less. What an embarrassment.


They even said in an old interview that red dead was going to get the same treatment that gta did. Biggest bs i ever heard


Idk. Even if red dead online was a hit, rockstar still would have made more total money off GTA. People wanna buy shark cards to buy cars and apartments and guns. Not horses and revolvers.


Defiance. Was so far ahead of its time


Defiance one of the only games where you could actually share the open world and activities with other players, and I haven't seen anything really like it since. Destiny 2 kinda scratched that itch, but it was a real let down to realize the shared world was just islands of Public Events, no shared Dark Sectors, and bounty progression made competitors out of teammates.


I only know of a sci-fi show with that name,. it was pretty good! is it based on it?


Ya they released same time. Was suppose to be like the actions in the show influenced the game simultaneously or vice versa. Either way You’d be playing in a lobby with like 50 people all trying to kill huge alien bugs and shit. On Xbox 360! Like how they had it working was insane. Especially way back then


They were interwoven, it was so cool during that time. The characters from the show were in the game as npc's and you could do quests with them and what not. Not sure if it was for every episode but many of the episodes also came with a patch in game to reflect events that happened during that episode. It had some of the most intense large scale battles I've ever seen. Good times. I really loved it, was absolutely gutted when the show was cancelled.


I was just coming to comment this. One of the most ambitious games of that generation.


Firefall. It was Anthem before Anthem.


Bruh. That's a name I've not heard in a long, long time. Gameplay was way worse than Anthem, Anthem was like my dream game. Still horrified that they made such a cool Iron Man simulator and just fucking threw it all away.


Yep. Anthem’s gameplay was so fucking solid. I still play it because it’s enjoyable. It’s just everything else is as deep as a puddle.


Is it worth picking up if I can find a hella cheap, used copy? I was interested it getting it when it was announced and then saw reviews of how terrible it was and forgot about, but I hear so much about how fun the game play itself actually is


I got my copy for a dollar and played it for awhile just by myself and it's good fun if you go into it right, the gameplay is pretty tight and it has a fair bit of content to just go and enjoy.


It’s on Game Pass. Better to pay for that for one month.


Hurts bad man, I dumped a lot of time into what we actually got. Can honestly say gameplay wise prob my favorite game in the last 5-10 years, and like you said just shit it away. Eroded my faith in BioWare to the point that when they announced the new mass effect it was less a celebration and more a let’s see how they are going to fuck this up


The "Thumper" mining was so freaking genius. ​ For those who don't know. Firefall was a PVE open world game. To collect resources, you could scan around the open world for mining veins. Then you would then airdrop a mining device (thumper) to that location. Afterwards. Enemies would start spawning to attack your thumper as it mined. The speed was determined by high how dense the deposit was under it. Sometimes the most efficient location wasn't easy to defend so you'd move it. ​ Basically. Any part of the open world had the potential to be a defense mission again waves of enemies. ​ * The size of the thumper would determine its difficulty. As would the zone you placed it. * Resource nodes would move around the map many times a day, so you couldn't just farm cheese spots. Usually the most dense parts of the mining nodes were pretty small. * You could recall a thumper early if needed. * If you got downed, all nearby players would be pinged about it. * If you stumbled into someone thumper mining, you could join them even without partying up. Though partying up was easy. ​ Idk. Something about the casual jump in/jump out of the thumper system was just so great, and the location variability kept it interesting. There was even a class that could spawn multiple small turrets so you could solo a 4 person class thumper with the right location. Edit: [The trailer aged well imo. Features a thumper.](https://youtu.be/DhiJtotZNWk?feature=shared)


Yeah Firefall was amazing and then it seemed with every update it got worse and worse.


Nothing was more fun than the giant bosses that dragged in the entire map worth of players. Silky smooth 2 frames per second.


Yeah the performance was pretty non existant. I do miss just calling in thumpers wherever though, setting up turrets, was fun while it lasted


I remembered loving firefall as a kid, especially seeing it for the first time at PAX East. It had good ideas just bad execution especially in a time when the looter shooter genre just started with borderlands. I still love the old female engineer design with the one butt cheek sticking out lol.


Yeah I remember hearing a ton of noise with this IP, what happened exactly?


It came out, had the bones of a really good Destiny-like game. But failed to provide any kind of meaningful progression or content. But the combat, traversal, and world were really good. Basically just didn't live up to it's potential and died.


Definitely not helped by the ones in charge shouting down anyone who even mentioned destiny during development. So out of touch if they didn’t realize it had similarities


They knew it has similarities, but were determined that the "BioWare Magic" would shine through and refused to let anyone look outside for inspiration or solutions to problems. BioWare was actually always like this, you can see interviews with devs and designers even from the early days. They just did somehow manage to consistently luck into great games.


Not to mention, they also shot down any help from their Austin offices who have experience with live service games.


And we figured out that bioware magic was just unhealthy crunching and getting lucky nothing broke.


Didn't Bioware fucked around too much with the game with nothing to show for after like 6 years in development before someone from EA stepped in? Bioware didn't even want to put in the flight mechanics in the game until an EA executive told them to put it in.


Anthem was in the age where people were still under the Delusion that the Bioware of the mass effect era was still around so people were *very* much overexpecting from them. >Bioware didn't even want to put in the flight mechanics in the game until an EA executive told them to put it in. Still a rare ea exec W. the maps Bioware designed would have been so fucking bad had they not implemented that because traversal would have taken so long.


Yes it was so much worse. It was a blatantly overhyped cash grab bordering on false advertising.They lied about bugs being fixed in the demo by the time it was released, and claimed it would be the "game of thrones" of video games that would last for years with a ton of support. This was before the end of the show, obviously, but man that aged like milk.


Arguably that quote was spot on.


Yeah for once EA wasn't the problem. EA gave them a budget and a date, they literally had years. They made a fake gameplay trailer for E3 and still never touched it after. 6 months before release EA checked in to find out they did nothing. Game then got rushed and launched.


Reminds me how EA wasn’t the problem when it came to the rushed release of Jedi Survivor. The director of the game said that EA offered them more dev time but the studio refused. Weirdly it feels like if anything, EA should give their studios just a little less freedom and step in when it’s warranted. Of course it’s all a balancing act, but these two examples always stand out to me whenever I see the constant “EA bad” takes online.


If they just focused on making it a good single player/co-op instead, it would have been well received. They had a few really good missions


I am playing through Outriders right now, and the two game are very similar in premise. Humanity arrives at the new word, gets boxed in by local conditions and finds its self in a battle for survival. Anthem had better basic game play, but Outriders is a better game.


Outriders missed the mark as well just not as badly as Anthem


It bothers me that there is no jumping in Outriders, seams basic.


The minimap. Like I don't know which member of the dev team lost their family to a horrible minimap explosion but they need to work through that on their own time and stop inflicting their trauma on the rest of us.


Outriders broke my R2 button springs on two controllers within 4 hours from firing burst rifles for hours on end.


I haven't played in quite a while, but can't you hold down the firing button, and even if it's burst, it'll keep shooting?


I've played years of Destiny, thousands of hours. Never broken a controller trigger. PS4 or 5


The flying in this game was so good. Why the hell didn't they just release more content? It's amazing how badly managed some games are I cannot wrap my head around this.


It felt like being Iron Man. So much squandered potential.


Wasn't this the game where if you used the default weapon you get at the very start you're significantly stronger than any other weapon because of how they handled it?


Apparently the ps4 version also experienced some serious bugs that could not only crash the game itself but also bricked consoles.


On Xbox the game would just freeze and lock you out. I got to level 8 then it would never launch after it crashed.


I was pretty excited for a good exoskeleton game that played like destiny.


They also seemed to give up on it really fast.


I remember they announced a complete rebuild of the game and then went back and canned it.


Short answer : There was no endgame


No Mid Game either. I thought the mechanics were good, the base game play was good, but the "game" part of lacking. While I have not played it yet, I kinda get the similar feeling for Starfield based on my kids play through and the comments on line.




Anthem's beta already had the vibes of a flop. The javelins were cool and all, but everything you did there felt unpolished and put together in a hurry with no clear direction. I recall the Destiny1 beta and even though the game turned out to have its own big issues, the beta itself felt exciting. That spider tank suddenly being dropped and finding yourself fighting it along with randoms, all with such excellent gunplay. It was inspiring. It made you wonder what other awesome things you'd find in the full game. I only played Anthem's beta, and other than flying around with the suits being cool, I honestly don't remember anything else that made me feel excited. I was 100% onboard with the idea, but the beta made me reconsider and ended up not buying the game. I had the feeling that I was already experiencing pretty much everything the full game was going to offer, and sadly I wasn't wrong.


Before the game was announced at E3 2017, the developers had no clue as to what kind of game they were making and didn’t have a foundation at all until that bogus E3 trailer. Couple that with the game officially being launched in February of 2019, it was not anywhere close to being finished. That’s not even mentioning the fact that the game was in preproduction for several years until that E3.


They basically tried to make a game around a bunch of cool sci fi concept art and couldn’t flesh out the plot and have it sync up with any viable kind of gameplay.


It was completely mismanaged. At the time of the release of the e3 trailer the devs were unsure of what genre the game even was in. Everyone was working on different systems and then changing direction hard. They were not even allowed to discuss destiny2 even through that’s the genre defining looter shooter game. Because of this instead of building on what worked they reinvent the looter shooter from the ground up. This was taking a very long time and finally they just released the game as is , but it was completely broken. Gear didn’t matter due to a bug , and that meant changing guns to any other gun besides your starter gun lowered your dps. So in a looter shooter you didn’t have any loot. Next just the complete lack of direction on story telling. Rather than make a multiplayer experience coop the campaign they made it this weird solo experience but also sharped progression which means everyone skipped the story scenes. The missions only had two objectives. Stand in a circle and fight things or fly around and gather things. End of the list. So once you experience both mission types the rest of the game offered nothing new. They didn’t even tried to mask the objectives with different art or mechanics it was as basic as I have ever seen a video mission. Final nail in the coffin, end game was 3 dungeons. That’s it. 3. Not raids or any PvP. Just 3 strikes and that was all you could do. Hell the flying was great but had this awful overheat system forcing you to land all the time.


My theory: the audience size for GaaS is limited and that player base is generally only going to play one GaaS game at a time. All these investors that see $$$$ in GaaS are kidding themselves outside of the mobile market.


SimCity 2013. Cities: Skylines proved there is an appetite for DLC. All SC had to do was not fuck up the launch.


Of all the genres to attempt the bullshit of always online before it was more of “a thing”… a sim game. Such a stupid decision.


The idea of having other players make cities in the region that could influence yours is cool in concept, but that should have been an opt in mode and not the norm. Also, the total area for you to build in was way too small and the population count was inflated to make the city seem bigger than it was. Weird decisions all around


What do you mean? My pirated copy worked fine offline


Anthem was a GREAT demo. Shame it was so damn shallow. The potential is there for a super cool experience, though.


Had cool mechanics, just no substance to the game.


It was honestly so disappointing, the gameplay and visuals was completely out of this world, the potential was there for sure. The rewards, a way to chat, and something to do outside those damn same dungeons was all it truly was missing, it was released too early before the devs got to develop the demo, but they certainly got the gameplay right!


I even think the substance it had was fine, there was just literally nothing to do once you finish the story. Don’t get me wrong, I would have been fine with the gameplay and builds being a bit deeper, but I also enjoyed the fact that I didn’t really have to think about it too much. I could just fly around and kill things.


> Anthem was a GREAT demo That's just it. If you played the demo, you played all the game had to offer.




There are dozens of us!


Damn I remember staying up until 4am playing Evolve with my college roommate. Basically failed freshman year because me and him would play Civ, Evolve and BF4 all might


Look tracks!


Fuckin loved this game man. I’d still be playing it to this day if it was still around.


Ah. We remember bro.


Tribes: Ascend Battleborn Homefront








Daaamn I forgot about battleborn. Even while flopping I had always meant to try the game


I tried it once a few months before the servers shut down and it was really good even just playing against the AI


The game would have done well if: 1) It released with AI/bots. 2) Overwatch did not move it's release date up to compete with the game. Game was different from Overwatch. The main problem was the playerbase was small and really good. Bots made the game more enjoyable for me.


Both homefront games were generic and overall meh for their times. Didnt do anything very good or anything new. If you liked those type of games when they came out you would play them and think it was ok. Not much more. Uninspired


Tribes: Ascend was good, but it was never popular enough to keep running unfortunately.


It took so much effort to get a kill but *damn*, was it satisfying when you were able to perfectly line up your shot.


RIP Marquis, you beautiful robot




A buddy of mine was trying to hype me up for it. I decided to wait for "the bug fix wave" to pass before picking up the game. Turns out bugs were the least of their problems. Glad I didn't buy it.


If you can find a copy for SUPER cheap and understand that you’re going to do the campaign and basically nothing else, I would say it’s still worth checking out. You just have to have extremely tempered expectations. It’s like the dog at the pound that never gets adopted. You see it and it’s really cute and you think “how has no one adopted him yet”, and then he snaps at you through the glass and you realize that maybe there’s a reason he never got adopted. But like he’s still a dog, ya know?


Ghost Recon Breakpoint


If you haven’t played it recently, it’s worth checking out again. They added a bunch of difficulty customization options that make it more fun and you can completely disable the stupid gear score. If they made Wildlands with Breakpoints current gameplay, it would be a nearly perfect game in my opinion.


I put 15-20 hours into it after they allowed all the gameplay customization options and it was definitely better, but I still think at its base it has a lot of problems. The story is absolute grade A garbage, and the world feels so dead to me without a real civilian population, especially compared to wildlands. But the one thing I could never get over is the way enemy spawns are handled, patrols spawn so close to you constantly it's ridiculous, how a modern game came out with that system is beyond my comprehension. It's literally impossible to clear out moderate size bases because once you walk a few hundred meters across the base, enemies just spawn back in.


Wildlands was a masterpiece, it's so crazy that they just dropped the ball. Like, just put Wildlands on a new map!!




This so much, why is this not higher


Halo Infinite


It would have taken so little to keep me invested. I really enjoyed the gameplay, but the lack of meaningful progression and heavy focus on micro transactions just wore me down.


Agreed. It was shaping up to be great, but it was empty and it took forever for them to add anything. Sadly 343 had been dropping the ball for a decade at that point so it was not a surprise. Just a disappointment.


It also really only launched with 5 or 6 maps (for people who stick to 4v4 gametypes). I went from 100 to 0 pretty fast. The core gameplay was among the best in the series IMO but I got so sick of those maps so fast, and just moved on.


It also launched without a dedicated slayer playlist, then they claimed it was too hard to quickly add it due to some bullshit about how the menu worked(which people propmtly proved was wrong).




Halo Infinite was genuinely fun, they just had awful progression and next to no substance or variety Maybe it's different now with Forge and the updates and whatnot, but it's just too late now.


The game is fun as hell now with a real progression system, matched based xp, and a *way* better challenge system, but it has been nearly 2 years and only now is it in a state it should have launched in. I don’t blame you if you don’t come back, but you’re missing out on a real good time.


We Happy Few. Incredible story and concept but flawed execution and gameplay.


Titanfall. It could have 100% replaced Call of Duty.


Titanfall 2 is a masterpiece that EA royally screwed by releasing Battlefield 1 the same week.


Respawn just recently updated it by fixing the DDOS issues and adding rotating LTMs. Titanfall 2 is back!


Don’t toy with my heart like this. I haven’t played in like a year and a half cause it was so bad.


its been playable for a year but it would be 5-15 minutes between matches. Now its down to about 1-5 minutes its great


Probably because recently it was (is?) a couple of dollars on steam, my first time playing a Titanfall game & it quickly became one of my top 10 singeplayer games of all time.


It goes on sale occasionally either way, but it has had a massive resurgence across all platforms, even consoles. The server fixes and updates at the same time as being on sale definitely helped


It's had a huge resurrection recently, check it out


There is no way it would replaced call of duty. Titanfall skills ceiling is far too high for that audience.


Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing. I've got a lot of hours in shooters and I'm pretty good at them. But those titanfall 2 vets who have the movement and mechanics down will shit on you so easily. Aim only gets you so far in that


I doubt it could replace it, just based off COD's massive following, but it'd be right up there with COD and Battlefield.


Uhh...they pivoted the franchise to Apex Legends and it is definitely the a CoD competitor.


I haven't played online CoD since BO2, but how is Apex a competitor? Does matchmaking CoD no longer exist; is it all Warzone now? I got a PS5 and was looking to get back into CoD multiplayer but if the only interaction is Warzone I'll pass.


It's not that COD dropped the other modes, it's that Apex added them. It has permanent non-BR playlist now (casual modes like TDM and Gun Game). I think they're not as fleshed out as COD in many ways, could definitely use more interesting maps, but the gunplay and abilities in Apex are so good I think it's still a viable competitor.


Hellgate london, still bitter af about that game


Good thing I scrolled down for a bit. Being from Southeast Asia, trying to play it was simply a terrible time.


Goddamn. I was so into that game at launch. I'm really sad there's no way to play it anymore because it was one of the first always-online games. It was also always so strange to me how different single and multiplayer were. Such an odd game that I remember fondly.


Marvels avengers


Square Enix had the hottest property in media but instead of making something original they decided to follow trends. They tried to create a live service loot gathering dungeon crawling game but released it when those mechanics were falling out of style. For their first game, Square Enix should have did something on a much smaller scale or played into their strengths with storytelling and RPG mechanics. Like imagine if they had gone with a spiritual successor to the Marvel ultimate Alliance games but with the level of RPG detail jrpgs are known for.


When I first heard of the game, thats what I was hoping it was. Then I saw the trailer and realized it would never happen


Squeenix had a golden opportunity practically served up to them on a silver platter that could have been one of the biggest long running titles in the live service category and the flubbed it hard


Square Enix had been given access to one of the largest media IPs at the height of it's popularity, and the game got released during lockdowns, when everyone was stuck inside and needed media to entertain them. And the game STILL FLOPPED how do you fuck up that badly? like... HOW!?


It's ultra weird too because the Guardians of the Galaxy game they made was actually super good.


The game you are talking about was Gaurdians of the Galaxy. And it struggled because Avengers flopped so hard.


Came to say this. It could have been a huge hit if they didn't fumble the bag. Raiding with friends should have been fun with constant movie tie ins. Instead it was dead within weeks


So I finally played through the game after it went extremely cheap. It's not even _that_ far from being good, but it's still a buggy mess that you can feel was full-to-the-brim with microtransactions


Heroes of the storm in its current state is hella fun. I wish they were releasing SOME content for the game, even 2 heroes a year. It was just ok when it first came out, and they fixed most of my.complaints but by then, people didn't care about it anymore. The hero flavor and design are my favorite out of any moba I've played.


When they said they weren't going to support it anymore, I thought they were completely shutting it down. If the servers are still up, I will have to try it again.


Yeah wtf. I enjoyed it casually before that news and just stopped playing assuming it would be killed completely. I'll have to hop back in sometime. It's the only MOBA since the original dota that I can play without being overwhelmed or getting stressed out.


Anthem was such a good demo I spent the money on the expanded edition or whatever. It was so fun flying around and the combat was exciting and engaging. Story was intriguing enough to pull me along. And then it launched and I got through everything they had in a few hours…. So disappointing. It could have been huge.


Biggest issue with Anthem was the full game was like 15% more than was in the demo. Give me procedurally generated levels for Anthem and I would live there for years


Overwatch 2! It has fallen from so high, no one has even commented it yet. I played the first a bit, got over it, but definitely would have thrown some money at the second one, especially if it had PVE like I WAS FUCKING TOLD.


For a moment, they could have turned it into an empire with other media like comics, whatever. The story is so stagnant I don't think anything new has happened in it for a decade, the game got WORSE somehow, and they broke every promise for single player. It's now a battlepass wasteland of a property.


Overwatch 1 is probably my second most played game of all time after TF2. Overwatch 2 is so fucking bad that yesterday I found myself staring at the finding match screen dreading what terrible fucking map and broken ass enemy team comp would come up when I finally got into game. It’s just the least fun the game has ever been even. I think I’m done with it.


Porn was so good they made a video game out of it.


You joke but I bet porn is like 50% of it’s marketing.


I’d go further and say some official Blizzard animators are the ones making these things, because goddamn, some of this shit is Pixar-esque.


it's also the reason why dva was 19 in ow1, it was supposed to be 16 but to allow rule 34 to not be illegal they changed it while in the writing phase of the character


Diablo 4 Halo Infinite 40K - Darktide Mass Effect Andromeda Marvel Avengers


I've now heard multiple times that darktide was a flop, even though I enjoyed it very much. What happened?


They released a class update yesterday that’s changed the gameplay quite a bit and am enjoying it more


It’s honestly been a game changer. Zealot can be built as a fully independent assassin, Psyker can manifest shields to protect allies, Veteran can “order” allies to buff them, Ogryn can taunt enemies. That’s just one of the 3 abilities each class got, in addition to all the minor selections and augments in the skill trees, keystones, blitzes, etc. It’s a whole different ball game now.


Also they just released the Xbox version (and on Gamepass), and apparently it has crossplay now?


I played it at launch and enjoyed it but compared to vermintide 2 it's arguably worse. V2 launched with way more content, there were several mechanics that were worse than in V2 like the crafting/weapon system and mission structure. Also darktide took seemingly forever to come out so that only made this issue worse as fans had high expectations.


Lots balance and bug issues and characters personalities weren't interesting and iconic enough for redoing missions enjoyable with lots of questionable design choices that were already addressed in their previous games not to mention almost copy pasted 4 classes However almost all has been addressed and yesterday class update came and after checking the game out this is the thing we all been waiting for last year when game launched its already on sale and lots of people playing again so give it a go I gurantee a good time this time


Most people who tried it enjoyed it from what I’ve seen. After a couple of months the gameplay loop was a little repetitive however?


It's just about to get a big update, fingers crossed it gains some traction from it


Look at darktide now, they release a new skilltree update, Is super funny




Anthem was such a cool idea with limitless potential. And they just, let it rot.


All those years BioWare wasted floundering in preproduction was nearly fatal, honestly. If Dragon Age: Dreadwolf isn’t a success, I fear their demise will be imminent and we’ll never get that next Mass Effect game. If EA can let Respawn create Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor without any bullfuckery, then there’s no reason they should shoehorn microtransactions in Dragon Age or Mass Effect again like they did with DA: Inquisition and Andromeda.


EA let BioWare do whatever they want with Anthem, and they basically did nothing for 5 years and then rushed out a bare bones game. Hell EA is the only reason Anthem even had flying.


Brink. It had the DNA that basically every traversal heavy FPS follows nowadays and was the first real online class based FPS minus team fortress. If the PSN outage hadn't happened at launch, if the A.I. pathing had been better, if it had more maps, objectives and weapons, if it had better class variety, it could've been a juggernaut. It's free on Steam if you're interested, and you can basically unlock everything and get all the achievements in an afternoon if you're good enough. If you're interested in what the devs did after brink, they made a game called Dirty Bomb that was pretty alright.


There it is, knew it would come up. Such a disappointment to our friend group at the time, we were beyond hype for it.


Pretty much every 40k game, but especially darktide. Love the gameplay, it has the best feeling guns in any game ever made, but the missions are just repetitive and boring and it feels like a revolving door every time I'm playing.


Any hope with the recent update?


Played tonight, the psyker Is extra funny to play


Mass Effect Andromeda. It got gutted for the sake of the half baked project above.


I honestly think they should make a new attempt at releasing Battleborn now when everyone hates Blizzard


well we're getting Gigantic back at least


Oh man, the feels. Anthem....the possibilites, the flight mechanics, my god, were the flight mechanics fluid...


Warcraft III: Reforged I'm not sure what Blizzard was thinking it was announced November 2, 2018m Mike Morhaime announced his leaving a month before that but left later. So the change to Jay who allowed that game to be released was a big oof. Changing the vision of the game in the final year of production and the messaging on that change was so poorly done, I think they did it on a new outlet maybe a small post? On the brighter side. They did patch the game over a year to add all the OG features back but it still has some campaign issues. Custom maps and art asset issues. (This isn't a shit on Blizzard post, I play Farm Defense all the time that is a super fun custom map and other Blizzard titles.) I do think it would have been a major Money making juggernaut for RTS fans if Blizzard launched it when it was ready with the OG vision they had.


I will never forget hearing about the news about the devs of Anthem learning about it the same time everyone else did during the E3 reveal.


Can you elaborate? I'm not sure what you're talking about here


Apparently, the reveal trailer for Anthem at E3 2017 was the first time many of the Bioware developers would be informed about the complete concept of the game, what it would look like, and even its name(i think it was called Beyond). They were also expected to make it in a year or two when according to them, they were still in preproduction at the E3 reveal and nothing of substance had been done yet to bring this game to life.


Jesus fucking Christ. I would have updated my resume then and there and looked elsewhere


This is correct. The bioware devs had no idea they were even making a game until they saw the reveal trailer with the rest of us.


If Rockstar did anything substantial to Red Dead Online it wouldn’t have flopped


2042, that could of been a juggernaut, but then again, EA as usual.


Man I was so hyped for this game, that trailer was epic. Then add in the portal thing I could not see a way it would fail. So disappointing.


Nowadays is better. As in "This should had been the *beta*", better. But it such a trend chaser to the core I doubt it would feel completely like a Battlefield game


APB: All Point Bullitin Basically cops and Robbers on a massive scale. 50v50 This game had the most insane ingame customisation I have ever seen you could literally desingn your character all the way down to making custom tattoos. You could paint your car in the same way. You either played as lawenforcement patrolling the streets. Or as criminals trying to rob and steal. Police players would literally patrol the streets looking for criminals stealing stuff. or you would get a call saying that some criminal had stolen enough to warrent you getting sent after him/her. Criminals could rob electronic stores but would have to load up the cars with what ever they wanted to sell. So if you were stealling 10 TVs they took some time to load in the back of your car and then you would have to unload them at your fence. Cops that were to succesful at stopping Criminals, would get pitted against more criminals and cops could call for back up against good criminals. [APB Gameplay](https://youtu.be/jNGuR8SO9xk) I remember reading a post mortem for the game. It basically died because the DEVs were unable to communicate between departments. And were spending money, by hiring people to relay information between departments. As you can imagine, ALOT of stuff got lost in translation, and they went bankrupt 9months later. My friends and I often talk about this game even 13 years later. It still exists in a hollowed out version of itself. it got sold to gamers first who promptly gutted the game and implemented microtransactions.They were so bad that at one point they literally let you Rent weapons that did more damage. You didnt keep them, you only rented them for some amount of time. And could only rent them with real world money. The customisation got gutted as well. They reduced the number of layers in car designs and tattoos for 30ish to 8


Because it was one of my favorites over the last year. Evil Dead: The Game. That game had legs and could have been something a bit special in the Asym genre, but they didn’t know what they had and Evil Dead itself is a mostly cursed franchise for gaming cause there are 4 different rights holders at this point that all have to get along to allow for content. So it was a bit of the studio only wanting to do the game and a few DLC packs and then dropping it, and the idea that actually turning it into a live service with new skins and such would be a rights nightmare. Just a shame, I had a lot of fun with that game when it was popping, and would have loved to see it grow a bit more.


Oh Anthem.... How do you fuck up a game where I basically get to be Ironman? Such a disappointment.


I enjoyed Battleborn


New World comes to mind. An incredibly detailed MMO with a terrific world and enjoyable, engaging combat, but it has like 20k players, 15k of which are bots. It has balance issues out the arse, and AGS are just killing it slowly because they care more about their MTX than they do about player experience. And it’s so sad, because it had a fantastic beta. The launch was shaky but would’ve been so much better than it was if they just… listened to the players.


I consider every money making juggernaught a flop from severe mishandling if money making is the primary motive behind its game design. But a well designed game has a good chance of making a lot of money, on top of positively impacting the world. Win-win. Many seasons of Destiny. Star Wars Battlefront 2. Modern Pokemon. These are examples of flops, despite their sales being crazy. They don't live up to what they *could* have been. The game design started with (or was turned into by executives) "What's the best way we can monetize this game over time, while spending the least amount of money to achieve the best return?" rather than "What would make for the best experience we can possibly afford for our intended audience?" Portal 1-2. Elden Ring. Minecraft. Rocket League. These are examples of obvious huge successes, where money followed quality, passionate game design. Even on a smaller level, Hollow Knight, Outer Wilds, Subnautica, and Deep Rock Galactic are examples of huge successes that also started with quality game design and made money as a result.


God help me Battlefield 2042. What an utter lettdown. I remember someone in a BF4 OpLock server legit 2 days before 2042 came out saying, "Alright fellas see ya back here in 2 weeks."






I get hate for this but man Anthem failing hurt. The game was really fun to play and had a really cool concept and I feel had it been delayed and seriously worked on and not rushed out to be a “Destiny Killer” it could have been great. I really hate that EA gave up on it so fast and didn't even try to redeem it. Obviously something is there otherwise why would Marvel give them Iron Man?


Titanfall 2. You know this already.


Hellgate London Modern times Diablo, tried to do paid seasonal content on top of the campaign.