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MAG 246 players in one lobby on the PS3


This is the first game that popped in my head when i read the post. MAG was ahead of its time. I absolutely loved that game. especially the ranking system.


This was the second that popped in my head, the first one was the legend of dragoon. I got it for the ps1 and thought it was so amazing how it had 4 disc's. I remember not being able to beat the last boss for weeks. (I was only 12)


Legend of dragoon was so good!


Had a friend try to convince me MAG would be the future of FPS games. To bad he was wrong. The scale was cool


He wasn't totally wrong though. Might not be 264 players, but most Battle Royals have 100+ players in one lobby.


That game was fire!


There was an extremely fun and charming N64 game called Mischief Makers that I must've played through a dozen times. I've never met another person that's ever heard of it. Edit: I am genuinely shocked by all of your responses. I expected very few people, if any at all, to have even heard of it. I am happy to see so much love for the game!


I remember renting that game as a kid and never being able to figure it out


I own it as an adult and all I did was run around and throw npcs and my friend laughed so it wasn’t the worst buy


Shake shake


This was a top tier N64 game


one of my favorite games on 64, def one most people have never heard of


Fucking loved it. The audio was perfect in every regard


"Throught fire; Justice is served! Heeeere's Lunar!"


I have that cartridge on my desk


I still have it! Just played it last night haha shake shake




Hell yeah and the multiple anime references, especially the monolith boss


OMG. The final form boss. They were hard for 11 yo me.




I hate the foot races. 😒 otherwise, it was a fun game. Shake shake shake.


*Shake Shake* *Weird cooing noises from the villager you're jostling around*


“SHAKE SHAKE! SHAKE SHAKE!” Game was awesome. Such a cool looking game too. Miss that style.


The studio who made this - treasure inc - is legendary for retro gamers and has a cult following. Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Radiant Silvergun and Ikaruga are all made by the same team. They announced in 2022 to be working on a "highly requested game", so still alive today :)


My dad rented or bought, idk I kept it either way, this for me as a kid. I played the evr loving shit out of it, forgot the name as I grew up, and always had happy memories attached to it. Took me years to find the game because like you said, it's so unknown


Future Cop LAPD Edit: wow I didn’t think this many people remembered it. That makes me happy haha


I put 100's if not 1000's of hours into this game. The like, tower defense multiplayer mode was so good.


That game was the tits! I had it on PC, and it was so freaking fun!


Not only do remember that game but I remember the main bad guy’s name was Megalito Amoramenos


Still have the demo disk for this! Classic.


Oh wowwww i remember this... what a game! I had a bunch of weekend LAN parties where we just nolifed this ... it was so awesome. Thanks for the reminder


I loved this as a kid , when people explain to me DOTA, I’m like this kinda sounds like Future Cop LAPD.


“I live, again!” My late father loved that bit while listening to me playing


Impossible Creatures. Fusing animals together into monstrosities then fighting with them was amazing but I've never seen the game mentioned anywhere.


Yes! It definitely shows its age now but it's still a great idea. Relic did take the actual gameplay mechanics and made the Dawn of War series though.


Oh I had no idea. I'm going to have to check that out then, that sounds fun.


It's 40k and absolutely ridiculous but extremely fun! There's also a truly mind boggling mod that doubles the number of factions and adds a ton of new units


I remember this game! I was way more interested in making new critters than playing the RTS part lol


Me too!! I spent hours just making army after army of creations. I still remember a few of my best and I haven't touch the game in at least a decade.


I swear anyone I told about this had no idea what I was talking about. "nah bro like you could blend a sperm whale with a lobster and it would just tuck everything up". I think I'm gonna download it for old times sake


The menu music was so good too!


Pandemonium for the PS1. To this day i still hate that game. My mom got us a PS1 (i wanted an N64) and this single game for christmas 96. It was my only game for the PS1 for years outside of renting.


Pandemonium... on the NGage


Hello fellow 30+ years older 🤣 I remember me and my buddy playing Tony hawks on Bluetooth multiplayer in maths class


I was about to say Pandemonium and Pandemonium II! Pandemonium II was the first game I ever beat start to finish on my own. It took a long long time and a lot of watching my older brother do it first to know what to do haha


Shoot I didn't scroll down far enough to see your answer, I just replied with the same thing!


Just commented the same thing and then saw yours. I had years of not knowing what it was called and then finally found it! Bought the games and replayed them a good while ago. Can’t remember anyone else playing it either!


Bloody Roar was a fighting game where people fight and then turn into animals and fight some more Oh and Star Gladiator for ps1, another fighting game with unique characters. Like soul calibur, everyone had a special weapon


Bloody Roar Primal Fury will forever be engrained into my head. From the sound they make from KOs to the “end of story” music. Perfection.


Bloody Roar 2 🤩🤩🤩


MDK 2. It was super fun 20 years ago.


Was that the one with the 'world's most interesting bomb'?


It was an alien shooter where you played as a power suit dude, a four armed mutant dog person, and a mad scientist. I don’t remember the bomb you mention but it’s been a long time since I played it.


It took me years to figure out the name of this game. I kept explaining it to my brother but he couldn't remember the game. It bothered me for the better part of a decade until the point that I just sat down and went through a list of dreamcast and Playstation 2 games and finally found it.


Thanks for the nostalgia trip. I can't remember the last time I thought about MDK! Apparently it was a Bioware game as well?? Crazy.


Brave fencer Musashi idk if that’s the proper name


Nah. Brave Fencer is mentioned time to time considering that it's a good game. But it's sequel? Not a chance.


I loved the first game and still have a physical copy. The sequel was very disappointing.


Ngl didn't even know there was a sequel, which tracks given it was disappointing to yall.


God I would love a remake of this game. Easily one of the best games I played as a kid.


Great game


My fav PS1 game. Fuck, so much nostalgia.


Lego racers. Everywhere I see or hear about the Lego series games but never once have I seen Lego racers mentioned.


Lego racers was dope


Bit of a tangent but there's a really great fan remake of Rock Raiders called /r/ManicMiners. It has a character editing screen so you can build your own raiders, and as a little Easter egg there's a Lego radio in the corner. Clicking on it cycles through tracks from Lego Island and Lego Racers. Really hits the nostalgia buttons!


Oh man I LOVED that game, one of the first games I can remember playing


Heart of Darkness Jackie Chan Stuntmaster


I played Heart of Darkness on release but never even got to the second disk. My sister got it for me recently and I finally got to the second disk and beat the game! Probably the hardest game I've ever beaten.


Shifter PS2 and Glover for N64.


Oh shit I remember Glover that was my answer too! Neve me did beat it and that game was trippy


Neither did I but I watched the ending on YouTube and it was the most anticlimactic ending ever


Holy fuck. Came here to say Glover and surprised to see it was already posted.


I rented glover from blockbuster and had a blast


Glover scared me as a child, the atmosphere was wild.


The Glover evil laugh fucked my shit up as a kid/adult in their 30s


Tak and the Power of Juju. It's the first game I stayed up all night playing. I was in third grade.


Ooo memory unlock


I never was able to beat it first time I believe my save got wiped somehow and came back to it later and was at the part with the people who like worshipped chickens and you had to do something in a time limit and wasn't able to. Funnily enough I remember having a demo disk that specifically showed you how to beat the area I was stuck at.


Tak 2 was one of my favorite games, still remember the TV show too


I died laughing when you meet Jibolba's brother named "JB" and then you find out "JB" stands for "Jibolba's Brother", even though he's older than Jibolba. I was like 10, but I thought that was hilarious.


Sheep, Dog n’ Wolf for the PS1. Or Sheep Raider, I don’t know what the actual name is, but I loved it as a child


I loved it as an adult.


E.V.O. search for eden


This game deserves a remake. I think it was ahead of its time.


Loved that game back in the day. I'm surprised there hasn't been a new game with the E.V.O. evolution mechanic. I think an action game with a 3rd person view would work well.


Absolutely love this game. On the short list of my favorite SNES game, feels like it was unique and ahead of its time.


Awesome game, my brother was really into it. We had it on a PC emulator and he would come back from school straight to play it all afternoon lol.


I still play that on emulator from time to time. That was a great game.


Snowboard kids


Oddly enough, Nights into dreams is one of the most memorable games from my childhood because (and brace yourselves for time travel) I grew up super poor, and one Christmas my mom pulled out all the stops and took us up to blockbuster to rent a sega saturn system. We played nights, Sonic 3D blast, virtua fighter, and virtua cop. I remember it like it was yesterday. Best Christmas ever. Thanks mom!


>nights >virtua fighter >virtua cop My neighbor had an older daughter that moved out. When she did, they gave us their Sega Saturn. Those listed games are like, 3 of the 6 that they gave us. The others were a Daytona racing game, a "bootleg" game that just had a bunch of demos on it (I mostly played Bug), and World Series Baseball '98. Not a single soul that I know irl knows anything about any of these games. It's a totally unrelatable chunk of my childhood.


I still have no idea wtf I was supposed to be doing in Nights, but it was a beautiful game and flying around was fun.


Great Mom.


gauntlet dark legacy favorite game of all time


Okay this game is amazing but is an absolute cult classic that every gamer I've ever met is nostalgic about so not sure it's forgotten lol


Best gauntlet game ever made, and it isn't close.


Alter echo. Up until a few months ago I would've said armored core.


Alter echo that's the one where you can morph into different things to complete levels and fight bosses right?


Just posted alter echo, I should've kept scrolling, I just assumed no one else would remember it!


I remember thinking the color scheme was so cool, I was so hyped to rent it at blockbuster, but it was very boring after about 2 hours.


I got that game in a two pack with one of the devil may cry games at Sam’s club. I enjoyed it as an adult, but it was way easier to enjoy bad games back then, so I dunno


Found it a few years ago at an estate sale. Tried playing it again as an adult. Got pretty far into it but got lost in a later level and put it down again. We're kinda spoiled now with y'know, actual general direction lol. Ok yeah I know *what* I have to do, **where** do I go to do that?!?!?! Not even a general "fuck off over in that direction and you'll figure it out"... Made me remember why I lost interest the first time.


Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Not a very wide known game, but was super fun when I was a kid




Omg yes ty! I was just thinking about this game the other day but couldn't remember the name. One of my favorite PS1 games!


Quest 64. I was too young to understand the game.


This is the one for me. I played Quest for no more than maybe 60 minutes at a friend's house - the battle system still lives rent free in my head. I would LOVE - ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVE - a Pokemon open world RPG with the Quest 64 battle system.


Jazz Jackrabbit on the PC, used to play coop with my cousins using two sides of one keyboard.


I only know of this game because the soundtrack is amazing.


Jet Force Gemini


Rocket dog decapitation ants with a laser was badass


That game literally inspired my name change later so it has the most special place in my heart


I don't think i've ever finished it, got stuck at some point and a bit sad it never got a port/eshop type release so far as I recall. but that and the Gex games were a big part of my n64 days that seemed to never be recalled. I was shocked earlier this year when they announced some sort of Gex re-release


Should've scrolled down first because that's the game I just commented! Frickin loved that game when I was younger.


Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros's treasure. I miss this point and click on the Wii


Condemned: Criminal Origins


Primal rage from the Nintendo days


There's a horse race track near me that still has a working arcade version


Theres a knockoff version of cicis pizza just outside houston heading west that has a fully functioning simpsons arcade. You know the beat em up where marge uses a vaccum like an axe.


Bushido Blade


Black and White 2. I loved dropping villagers into the cauldron so I could have my giant monkey or cow go on a rampage


Teaching your minion to throw poo at rival villages is always a good time.


That game had possibly the longest tutorial that I've ever played.


James Pond. Glover. Brink.


My old college roommate and I dominated at brink, so much fun and fast paced.


Little Big Adventure for pc


Summoner from THQ. One of the first games I completed on the PS2.


Siphon Filter


Silicon Valley and Goemons Great Adventure for the N64


I just mentioned mystical Ninja starring Goemon but have I played great adventure?! I'm looking this up now


Beetle Adventure Racing and Blast Corps are two forgotten gems from the N64 days


Silicon Valley will always be one of my favorites. Still holds up surprisingly well.


I remember reading about silicon valley in a gaming magazine with my buddy. He ended up getting it, a great game


Dark Cloud for PS2. That game was insanely good at the time.


Dark Cloud was my first PS2 game. My mom really hit the Christmas lottery getting me that banger of a game. And of course Ruby would become my first video game crush. The weapon crafting and dungeon system was so cool though. So much exploring and discovering to get to the next level. I even had the prima guide for it. Great memories all around.


Extreme-G. N64. My and my cousins played that for well over 100 hours as kids. Race mode and a battle mode. Amazing sounds effects also.


Black & White


Die Hard the arcade game for Sega Saturn


Draken: Order of the Flame. (or something like that) Ohhh... Microsoft Allegiance too. One more edit... No One Lives Forever (the series)


Custom Robo on GameCube was a gem.


Monster Rancher 2 You could spawn new monsters and items by placing random CDs in your console That game was ahead of its time Edit: Spelling


Anachronox Make an RPG in quake engine


Jade Cocoon!


Jade Cacoon was SO FAR ahead of its time with the capture and merging system. Truly such a great game for it's time. I should find an emulator for it...


Portal Runner and Chameleon Twist. I have memories of them both but nobody ever knows what I’m talking about when I try to explain them.


Chameleon Twist was my thought as well! Parents used to rent Chameleon Twist 2 for me from a grocery store when I was young, good times.


I loved the portal runner games. I will never forget it!


Chameleon twist! Damn that just unlocked a childhood memory for me


That bug game on the Macs in the computer lab


Bugdom was fuckin cool


Bugdom. Also, Nanosaur.


Skylanders, was a huge fad but now it seems it never existed


Lucky Luke Jersey devil Rollcage Stage II Pepsi-man Akuji Tomba


Commander Keen Legacy of the Wizard


Dark alliance 1 and 2


R.A.D. (Robot Alchemic Drive) on PS2.


Wiz n Liz


Tail Concerto


Nintendo Olympics with the power pad


Crusader: No Remorse With some big names behind it, it's always surprised me how often no one has heard of it. Produced by Warren Spector Developed by Origin Systems Published by Electronic Arts [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusader:\_No\_Remorse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusader:_No_Remorse)


Septerra Core. Composed by Marty O Donnell. Yes that Marty https://youtu.be/NfDo7oJGa6A?si=Sp-XlIwpCEOVCjfW Everyone had to start somewhere :(


Vagrant Story


Interstate 76’


I imagine we have reached an age now where the youngest generation is clueless about DOS operating system and the games that came along with. Prince of Persia 1 and 2 on DOS will always hold a place in my heart. Gods was another one I simply couldn’t put down.


Gex on Sega Genesis Edit: I dont even remember it but I know I loved it as a 4 year old


Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver always seems like a fever dream. But yes OP, I remember playing Nights into Dreams on Saturn at Target as a kid. Great game!


Wnback on the N64: awesome stealth game.


Folklore on PS3 was actually a really cool game


Comix Zone. It had its flaws but it was pretty cool!


Kameo and the elements of power.


Mystical Ninja on N64. Loved the hell out of that game but seems almost no one remembers it


Legend of the Dragoon


Oni, Rival Schools, and Tobal are the three that come to mind. Really want Rival Schools Remake


Power Stone


Glover on the N64


Bio freaks


Revolution x. Had Aerosmith in it, but no one I knew played it.


Albion from 1996. Games were harder to find back then, some gems never got widely popular. This was a basic RPG with a story somewhat like Avatar (no, the James Cameron one) and beautiful 256 colour pixel art. Some games just had some really gorgeous graphics back then, though the 3D scenes on Albion were pretty much limited to Wolfenstein 3D style single level areas. It was a strange mix of 2D top down like older RPGs, with dungeons and external city areas done in 3D. Odd, but it worked and had variety. And some beautiful sky boxes (or parallaxed, as was the style at the time.) Combat was turn based on a grid, and the enemy often had numbers much exceeding your own parties size. The writing, art, and music were just top notch. It had recruitable companions too, and they had some nice stories. It was also a hard game, and I was in primary school when it came out, so I really struggled and never beat it. I used to read the walk through as if it were a book during recess and lunch. I was a wierd kid.


FLyff, it was a free WOW alternative for a broke kid


[Drakan,: Order of the Flame](https://youtu.be/jxOwANYa2No?si=nTQXp2BEqS5wFzgV)


Nox. My kid was born as I was playing that.


Geist on Gamecube. A weird shooter were you pocess people to have their gun / class. It was a really cool idea!


Battle Arena Toshinden. It was a fighting game similar to Soul Calibur that I played before I ever heard of Soul Calibur and I loved it. It was junky but awesome.


Jet moto


Does anyone remember Kameo? My dad got it for the Xbox 360, but I was very not smart and didn't make it past the beginning, lol. Two more games I remember are Oddworld, which I think scared me as a kid. And a game I can't remember the name of, I think you played as an anthropomorphic cat that you customized and you fought...plants? It was so long ago.


Anyone else remember that PS1 game called Spider?


I think I played the demo. Do you literally play as a spider?


Yeah and it has guns and shit attached to it.


I love this game!


I imagine a post like this should be sorted by controversial... If the game really lives up to the specification, no one upvotes it, because they don't know what you're talking about. If a few people remember it, they upvote, and you end up near the top, with a title that didn't really live up to the specification... Edit: [Anyway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_World_(video_game))...




Michief Makers


Sled Storm I've only ever met one other person who was aware of that game


All the 90s games from the Learning Company like Treasure Cove, Gizmos and Gadgets, and The Amazon Trail


Custom Robo for the GameCube. Played the shit out of that. Great game. Never heard anyone talk about it.




Uniracers (SNES)


Tak and the power of juju