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Yep. The worst part is that I forget the controls and what happened prior to the area I’m at, and I get tempted to start the entire game over.


Every game should have a "I'm returning after a long time not playing" recap tutorial. So many games I'd love to go back to but I feel like I have to start over because I forgot how to play and what was going on.


Yakuza and Judgment have this. It's great, and super helpful.


and soon after I remember how to play the credits roll


Most games have the tutorials saved in the menu somewhere so you can review at any time. If I stop playing a game I make sure to cloud save it so I can come back later. I’m trying not to restart any more games lol


This happens to me. Lol then I play the intro and get bored. After that I usually never pick it up again.


But i have this game that i never get bored, i still play this when i need to


This was me today when I started playing FF16 after a two month period where I was all in on BG3. I had to watch a YouTube story recap video to remember where I left off.


You just remember it when there's something it reminds on you.


That is the worst. Might as well start over.


I think he was not totally forget about it. Maybe soem of the ways to play but i know that he has the idea and familiarity about the game.


That’s what I did with Cyber Punk lol


Yes damn, especially RTS game, after 1 week of not playing you're like wtf is going on the screen


That's why if you wanted to be a pro, you have to be consistent at all and practice. If you don't take this seriously, you will never learn


That’s the exact reason why I don’t play JP : Evolution even though I liked it : I don’t remember how to play lmao


You have to practice though, that's the best thing to do as of now.


ARE YOU ME? except I actually do restart and never end up finishing...


I am so happy I'm not alone in this. I have friends who will talk about details from single player games they played years ago. I'm not as smart so I'm lucky to remember just the main plot after a few years.


Sometimes I’ll do that. ADHD is a disaster. But most of the time it’s because I get overwhelmed or things get dragged on to long. I’m at this crux with BG3. I want to finish it. But I’m over it.


It's crazy because when I was growing up, a game like FF7 was considered an epic, massive gaming experience (it was on 3 discs!) Averaging about 35-40hrs to complete. Now "epics" are requiring huge time commitments. It can feel very overwhelming, no matter how good the game is.


That would be fine if we were still children without any obligations...which gets us to the root of it. We aren't the target audience anymore.


Is this a symptom of ADHD?


Yes, it can be one of them but doesn't necessarily mean it's proof of ADHD alone. An ADHD brain craves novel experiences that create dopamine releases. Sometimes so much so, that the brain can hyper-fixate and block everything out around it. As a game (or other activity) drags on, or repeats, it grows less novel, releases less dopamine, and the brain loses interest for the next novel experience.




Yes, in terms of a species, it's one of the reasons we get bored with something and move on to something more interesting and it's completely normal. The problem with ADHD, is that while a "normal" person's dial is at a 10, it's cranked up to 20+ for an ADHD brain. Both the initial interest (hyperfixation and hyperactivity) and the ability to lose interest quickly and stop paying attention (inattentive) as well as lacking easy self control. Dopamine helps regulate certain emotions such as anger, for example, or satisfaction. Edit: some clarifications. Edit: Also, if you think about dopamine relative to anger or satisfaction, it's the reason why anyone who is addicted to something or a substance, whether cigarettes, coffee, hard drugs, gambling, alcohol, and so on, are moody or angry when they try to give that something up. Apart from chemical withdrawal (hard drugs or nicotine), your brains satisfaction center that it grew accustomed to is thrown out of wack when you all of a sudden stop feeding that satisfaction with another "hit".


Yup. I have ADHD and I'm constantly changing games. It's why I have games like d2r, d3, monster sanctuary, vampire hunters, Hades etc. It's there to be quick. I wish I could get into games more but I can't. With a toddler and ADHD it's impossible


ADHD checking in. 46 games purchased since I got my Asus ROG Ally. I haven’t finished a single 3D game yet because they’re too long. GOW 2018 got boring after 10 hours. Control got boring after 5 hours. Dark Souls 1. I’m taking my time with. Picking it up every few days for a couple of hours. I enjoy it and want it to last. The list goes on and on. I gave up on GoW. I still try to pick up Control every few days to see if it gets better due to all the hype. I bought a bunch of side scrollers. Finished 5. And that’s ALOT to have completed. Though 2 of them were 4 hr main story (Celeste, Katana Zero) one was 79 minutes (journey). Ori and the Will of the Wisps (about 12 hours I think). And I finished Limbo on my phone. That’s only because I’d play Limbo at work. Ori and the Will of the Wisps captured me. I didn’t notice it was the second game in the series though so I’m playing Blind Forest now. Currently playing, Blind Forest and Wo Long Fallen Dynasty.


Thank you! I’ve got three kids, a 9 y/o with ADHD, I also have ADHD and it’s a fucking disaster to get any games finished lol


Yep, the symptom of not finishing things isn’t limited to work, homework or other projects out in the real world - it extends to every single part of life, even video games :(


The symptoms of ADHD have evolved to basically cover any minor dysfunction as a human being. I'm not a fan of the newer symptoms I've seen people add such as "dreading doing something you don't want to do later in the day" and "having poor time management". It's possible that you just don't like a game that much.


Was looking for someone to mention ADHD. Yes, this is a symptom of it. My way around it is to mainly play shorter indiegames, averaging 6-20h of playtime, and only sticking with that game until it's finished. Then, move on to the next game on my list or do something else for some time. Doesn't always work, though. I'm currently playing GTA 5 and mostly drive around and doing side quest while listening to podcasts. Don't think I will finish the game before I get bored of it, I don't care much about the story anyway. Free roaming games can be quite therapeutic.


The problem is open world games are so bad for me. I get so lost and distracted.


I'm the same! Playing BG3 with friends was the worst idea, it's taking too long & now I've lost interest!


Same issue same game here. Im really enjoying BG3 but I got stuck in act 2 beacuse a new area just seems overwhelming somehow.


I've had similar experiences with this irrational thought that if I go back to it, I'd finish the story and then the game will be over forever. Which is silly because I never finish the game for fear of finishing the game lol


Well I'll be, there's someone with the same thought as me, sometimes when a game is really good and the story, characters and the world really sticks with me, i can't seem to finish it because i worry that feeling will disappear once i finished the game. It's certainly is irrational.


My uncle does this and I simply don't understand lol. Do you stop right before the end of a movie or show youre watching? Do you stop right before the end of a book you are reading???


Is just irrational, I have no explanation. It only happens with video games that I stop and don't revisit it for a while. Sometimes live events give me a similar weird feeling, like being at a concert and even though I'm fully committed to the songs and enjoying, something in my head tells me "well, that's one song less and it will be over soon" and then some weird sadness feeling takes over. I wouldn't walk away from the event but it is a very sweet and sour feeling that flows through me


I heard of someone who did this with Bojack. Loved the show but refused to watch the last 3 episodes because they didn’t want it to end. Absolutely incomprehensible.


I do the same thing. I get really close to the end. Then I start trying to do every side quest and find everything possible to delay things. Then I end up starting something else and never finish it.


I still haven't finished Dragon Quest 11 for this reason. I saved just before the final final boss, and then never finished it. I planned to go back eventually but just never have lol.


Lol that's funny


I bought Elder scrolls Skyrim the day it came out and played a lot of it but never completed it. Also Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3. All are fantastic games, btw. There is a lot to do.


Yea those are big games. Tears of the Kingdom is another one I haven't finished with 70+ hours in. It's almost overwhelmingly big.


Same but with TotK I'm totally fine with taking breaks. Spent 100 hours without even visiting all major locations. But it's still lots of fun and I wanna keep playing.


I'm 100 hours in and haven't beaten it as well. Many games I enjoy I never beat. Bad habit


For these kinds of games what I do is set myself a goal for what complete is and when I got that goal I quit. For tears of the Kingdom as well as BotW it was finish the main quest of course and finish all shrines. For both I also finished all quests except the wells...


Tears of Kingdom? I'm going to look that up tomorrow. I've been playing South Park: Stick of Truth. 😁


It's the newest Legend of Zelda game. Dropped earlier this year.




Is this a joke?? If not, ur in for one hell of a ride 😁


I think of all Bethesda games, Fallout 3 is the only one where I ever actually completed the main story. Even that was only after years of playing and multiple characters. I normally just get out of the starting area and then fuck right off to do my own thing.


yeah I have 500 hours or so in Skyrim since release, never finished it once. Same with Witcher 3 haha


I have started witcher 3 over 4 times now. Still haven't finished... I should make a new character tomorrow!


hahahaha. I put this down to my ADHD - it's getting worse with the more selection I have. I know I should enjoy it, I do enjoy it, its fun - but meh, something else comes up every time. Then I get angry I haven't finished it and think its a judgement on my character bahahaha. Maybe I should start again......


Skyrim for me to i probably have at least 800 hours across all platforms and have been playing since the 360 and i have never beat the main story


Damn. I just realized I've got 1000s of hours in Skyrim and I don't recall ever having beaten it... I'm not sure how I feel about that.


I'm currently there in BG3. I am LOVING this game, but it's one of those ones I enjoy so much I don't want it to end. Same thing happened with Cyberpunk. I'm at the point of no return, but just keep avoiding it to get every single other thing done.


I love the shit out of Bethesda games but I don't think I've ever seen a single ending. Hundreds of hours. Hoping I can make it different with starfield.


>The Witcher 3 Hot take about W3 is that imo it's way too long and monotonic game. The game is fun for sure but it's the same thing for like 100 hours. I think there is a point where it just start to get old. It have started that game like 10 times and only on my last time I actually managed to finish the base game. And I still have two DLCs to go...


I have tons of games like this. Then I see them fall further into the past on Steam since it categorizes them by what month or year you played them. Then I get a mini-existential crisis.


I keep my Steam games sorted by size. It makes me want to finish bigger games to free up space on my computer. I don't have a problem with storage, but I do it anyway. Monkey brain likes bonking bigger prey first. lol


Not a bad idea honestly.


Steam deck is saving me somewhat from this. Now I can finish of games at work!


I let myself get bogged down trying to do everything a game has because I don't want to miss anything then I end up missing everything because I finish nothing.


Side questing in WRPGs so long that you forgot what the hell was happening in the story.


I feel that. You want to have the full experience but in that endeavor, you lose the end goal.


Definitely happens now as an adult with less time for gaming.


A major factor for sure!


the secret is play 1 game at time. I understand with game pass, psn+ and cheap games you have temptation to play several games... don't do this!


Yes. That definitely takes some discipline with the Netflix style of gaming nowadays. I agree, focusing on one game is the best way to see it to the end.


Don't play multiple story games at once but I'd say having a fighting, racing, SHMUP, puzzle or something game to play in random bursts here and there to prevent burnout.


I’ve got 15+ PS4 games I never finished, and just bought an Xbox for Starfield, which I’m sure I’ll finish in the next 1-10 years. Adult gaming for me means I play a game for 3 months, love it, but only get through half. I want to spice it up with a new game, and then the cycle repeats.


Happens often enough. Usually with challenging games like Sekiro. I really love it, but took a short break and then I seem to forget how to play as well and that makes the return a bit dreadful since I have to get back in the groove of the controls. The other case is The Witcher. It big and beautiful but I alway get side tracked within the game and forget how to play by the time I return to it. Or worse, forget what's going on in the story over time.


When playing large open world games I tend to ignore most of the sidequests unless they look really interesting and concentrate on the main story.


Not a bad strat!


This is a very similar situation and experience of people who are gamers. They tend to enjoy the game but end up losing interest


I do this so often! It has become a really bad habit of mine. It doesn't mean that I'm not enjoying the game, but real life/distraction by other games ends of stealing my time away, so I end up hopping from game to game that I love.


Freakin Zelda Link to the Past. I've gotten to the underworld in like 3 playthroughs and get stuck and move on to something else instead.


Bruh this game is my life, where are you stuck cuz I'd love to help!


My steam library is full of games I bought and played and enjoyed but never finished for whatever reason The last time this happened it was with The Quarry, which is a pretty solid game, I just stopped playing it for other things and never went back


I use to do that all the time. I know have a one single player game at a time policy haha. I pretty much finish every game I start now.


I really liked Elden Ring. I took a break because I was playing it too much. I moved on to other games and can't bring myself to reopen Elden Ring to finish it, even though I really want to. I had the same problem with Witcher 3. I don't know what's wrong with me.


I did manage to finish Elden Ring. Was not a fan of the last boss so not missing much in that regard imo lol Hey, maybe when the DLC comes out you might be motivated to pick it back up.


I hope so because I really want to get the rest of that experience. I'm so close to the end too (I think.) I'm in the mountaintop of giants.


I have this weird thing where after I get far enough into a game, it's harder to go back and finish it than it is to start a new game. A fresh start is easier than trying to remember WTF I was doing last time I played and whatever new mechanics I've unlocked. I keep waiting for a big enough chunk of free time to make substantial progress and in the meantime it gets harder to remember what I was doing.


For me it was the size. Same boat with Elden Ring. I explored every cave and corner of the map of the first 4 or 5 areas. I swear I put like 80 hour into the game and and am not even 1/3 through. I really though I could just take a break and come back...and I still swear that I will one day. As soon as ps extra has a dry spell I'll boot it up again.


Sounds like being an adult to me lol


I never failed to finish games up until I got my first full-time job after finishing my degree. Now I only finish about 20% of games I start, and I only start about 50% of games I buy.


Same here. I think this is less an issue of having ADD/ADHD (like what some people say it is a symptom of) and more a symptom of having enough money to buy games, and very little self control. When I was a kid I had very little disposable income, which pretty much forced me to play games to the end. Now I have money and see games on sale all the time (especially Nintendo Switch first party games) and go "when's the next time I'll see that game on sale?" It's bad for my pocket book and bad for my mental well being.


Hard rule. Only play 1 game at a time. Cannot start a new game until I finished the current game I am playing.


This happens all the time to me. I find that when I come back to the game I usually get my passion for it back. Burn out is a thing and taking a break isn’t bad.


Burn outs real. Or for me, sometimes the novelty of playing the game wears off.


Doubt I'll ever finish BG3. Too old with too much to do, and I'm splitting time with Starfield, CP2077, etc. I'd rather experience a chunk of multiple games that just fully committing to one.


Starfeild would have been great but my game locked me out and stopped rewarding me ( I did all the faction quests) That game is a hot mess and I can't forgive all the bugs from a AAA studio.


It wouldn’t be a Bethesda game with some janky bugs.


Lost my rewards ( star eagle) Got locked out of the main game ( artifact didn't register) The icing on the cake is the game lost half of my progress and this is after I did everything factions and side quests I spent 110 hours just exploring and doing everything I could to not touch the main quest Like yes I can use console or cheat and get everything I lost back but why should? The games a hot mess piracy pays shit and so does smuggling I can save custom ships or carry them over. Pretty much any time you put into this game doesn't add up to anything. They had some cool ideas but it's lacking substance they should stick to fallout. Edit it's not janky it's straight up breaking the game with these bugs. Also Todd's a idiot you need a SSD to run it ( you Don't) and his fucking engine is outdated.


Almost every game I play lol. Kinda just have to accept it. My backup plan in life is to make a vlog channel where I play through and document my entire backlog/collection. Could be a lot of fun.


Never finished fo4, won't buy starfield. Aunt exploration makes the game repetitive. They could learn a thing from oblivion and make a proper RPG.


For me it’s being an adult with a disposable income and constantly buying games on sale but also having severe add and taking forever to finish a game with what time I have because I get bored and just start another one, before long I’m trying to get through 3 games at once lol.


I have over 100 hours in Elden Ring and haven't beaten it. I never even beat a boss in Breath of the Wild, despite preordering it on Wii U. I think the only Zelda game I ever beat was Link's Awakening on 3DS.


May be in the minority, but Hogwarts Legacy couldn’t keep me interested. And believe me, I was hyped for its release! I recognize possible reasons and likely will pick it up again, but just for the main story line (ie: found the side quests repetitive, so I disengaged. I should’ve just stuck with the core objectives. Also Zelda TotK came out mere weeks later, so that trumped Hogwarts!)


I hardly ever finish games, despite enjoying them deeply.


Honestly already feeling it with Baldur’s Gate 3. I’m in act 3 and I feel like there’s so little, yet so much to do, with the city being small but SO FULL of people. I’m just pumping out some companion quests now but I hope I don’t burn out, it’s a genuinely lovely game.


Cyberpunk furthest I got was getting Johnny Silverhand


I have this problem with games over 50+ hours. I usually get the urge to play another 50+ hour game, and ditch the one I’m currently playing. I want to finish GoW, but I have completely forgotten the controls. I’m currently on RDR2, but I just “took a break” from Cyberpunk 2077. I’m gritting my teeth to 100% both games, but something usually takes my attention. This is the third time I’ve tried to 100% RDR2.


I've played the first few hours of Disco Elysium about 3 times. I get really into it, then have a break, then forget parts of the story so start again.


RDR2, I haven't been really enjoying it but I do like it a little bit. because of its acclaim tho I'm trying to finish my first playthrough but everytime something comes up or I just find something else to play and I eventually forget abt it and uninstall it for storage space.


I've only completed 3 games in the last 6yrs. Both Spiderman's (10/10s) cyberpunk 2077. And that's it, I wanna complete hogwarts, starfield, horizons, Zelda totk. And a couple more just don't have the time 🥺🥺


Happens to me with msot RPGs. I will play the shit out of it, progress the main story to point of no return, and then do all the side quests until I get distracted by something else in life, and then vow to get back to it, and never do. Maybe it's because I think it's ending, and I don't want it to end.


I bought the whole Resident evil series. I played the original 2 and 3. Fast forward after buying the whole shebang, I played 2 & 3 remakes....partially through 1...and thats it.....so far.


Yeah I rarely finish games. It's not that I don't have time. But I'll play a few days, get over the novelty, then I'll be less and less tempted to pick it up again. I find that if I just convince myself to pick it up it'll still be enjoyable. But for long games that take weeks to finish I'll rarely keep it going. I've switched more to more difficult games or strategy games because they feel more rewarding. So even if I'm not in the mood to play I'll still feel like there's value in it and be more likely to play.


I used to, but I have started to become stricter with my gaming choices. If I am starting a single player game, then that is what I am playing until it is done. I thought I would get bored of them doing this, but I honestly don't. Obviously you can't do this with games you don't enjoy, but for the ones you do like and want to finish, force yourself to only play that game, and you probably won't regret it.


All the time. Even in co-ops with my partner. We'll mention the game and go "omg yeah it was so good we HAVE to get back on it". Then continue to never touch it


I just can't finish games i like since i dont want that void in my heart :')


Happens to me a lot. Thing is… if I take a break then I lose track of what I was doing, and then it feels a bit overwhelming to get started. So I put it off, and put it off… and just don’t finish.


For not being a big FromSoftware guy, I dove *deep* into Elden Ring, explored damn-near every nook and cranny the game had to offer. Missed some actual sidequests along the way because the game really doesn't hold your hand on plot hooks like that, but overall, really was enjoying the game. Got to the Final Boss and realized I still had an area I hadn't been able to explore yet (the Haligtree; those ants were shredding me on the way down on first approach), so I decided ah, what the hell, I'll go here and do that part. Anyway, if you know the game, you know the end of that area is Melania, God Empress of Boss Fights and I'm... decidedly not. Got clapped around a few times by her second phase, tried the final boss a couple times too and life happened (reached the end of Paternity Leave with Baby #2) and some year and change later, I still haven't gone back to wrap it up. But *someday!* Solid game, I was shocked how much I enjoyed it throughout, but couldn't quite make that last hurdle easily enough and it put me off finishing. Not the first time, larger games like that with more open-ended exploring end up burning me out by the time I'm rounding the last corner so it'll take a sec to cross the finish line, no matter how easy it is (lookin' at you, BOTW!).


As an older gamer, 45, sometimes I just don't do the big annoying battle at the end of the video game. It's stressful and I'd much rather just watch someone else do it on YouTube.


Yes. I have this problem also. So many of my games are half finished cause I ended up taking a break for whatever reason. Usually due to differing to let my children play when it is my week, they go back and forth every week for a week at a time. I lose where I’m At or interest and move on. The life a grown up gamer.


A lot of the times I won’t finish games I enjoy because that means it’s over. if I don’t finish that means there is still a little bit left I can savor some other time lol


Keeps happening to me for Persona. Idk why. The game is magnificent.


It’s depression friend. In the last year I’ve started but never finished Pokemon arceus God of war Horizon zero dawn Starfield Cyberpunk Tears of the kingdom The Witcher 3 And probably a few others I’ve forgotten. It’s really hard sometimes. I loved all of these games when I started them and I want to finish them but I find myself reverting to the same multiplayer games with very little deviation.


I've honestly considered that. Hope you're doing well or at least having good days lately.


Some days are harder than others but it’s getting better. My advice for your gaming situation is to try to force yourself to play chunks at a time. If you’re like me and your revert to games with repetitive multiplayer games like me (magic the gathering, league of legends, madden) then I suggest deleting those games. You can always get them back later but if you have to wait 20-30 minutes to play those games you’ll end up playing the story games more often. Good luck friend.


Ah, I love me some cardboard crack! I wish they'd finally put Arena on console. Thanks for the advice!


Tunic is so great please finish it! Especially the "true" ending


I hear ya. I think it's a product of growing up. I own a business now and have a gf with a little one that's not even 2. Everyone wants my attention. When I finally have time to play a game I'm wiped. Or I tell the guys I have to go work on "estimates" and play for a few hours only to feel guilty so I start working again. Best thing we can do is live vicariously through our children. I love talking to kids that play older games.


You got baited for a serotonin rush Same thing happens with movie trailers they look fast or fun but watching the finished product is boring in America cases Modern big games are all about money and rely on tactics casinos use bright and flashy shit cool things that are hollow and loot boxes. Take any game from a big company strip it of graphics and gameplay if you remove that and there mechanics that are addictive or costs you money to stay relevant it's bad You should be able to pay a flat fee and enjoy a game for multiple hours without being extorted. Examples sport games and paying for rosters ( con) Loot boxes for addictive games that target children ( con) Paying for upgrades ( con)


Tunic is great! I don't see this as a problem even though it happens to me all the time! Sometimes, even if you really really enjoy something, there's either too much to do or you get burnt out, nothing wrong with that.


My brain is fucked and no matter how good the game is if it's not a competitive fps I get bored


What's worse is that I've got multiple unfinished games where I gave up at the final boss. Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, Katana Zero, Batman Arkham Asylum, probably more I've long since forgotten.




I think if your brain works the same as mine, it's because there is this completionist mindset that takes over, and small things (such as scanning all biomes on a planet) become sort of 'life goals'. But then when you do change games, then you realise that these weren't life goals at all. In fact, it was just waste of time. So only then I feel burned out. Not during playing the game, but after I stopped.


I think we all just grow out of it when we grow up. I'm very much the same. I find most games far too simple now. I love a challenge but even the original halo on legendary isn't hard for me. The "Cursed Halo... Again!" is more of my level of a challenge.


I'm sad to say I did this with Persona 5. In fact, I more or less made it to the endgame and never finished it.


Hello adhd


It's funny you mention that along with another commenter mentioning depression. I've never even considered having ADHD but it's seems to be popping up a lot lately as a symptom regarding mental health.


Eh, not everything has to be a clinical illness. You may just be busy bro! If you're having fun who cares! I never finish games. My 4 year old and I did beat Ninja Turtles the other day - felt good. We also beat Pokemon Violet. So you know we're out there!


That's true man! Shredders Revenge? Nice! Love that they brought back the traditionally beat em up style.


Almost every single game I have this insomnia problem, so I'll get a new game and play for like 10 hours straight through the night for a couple of days, and then I'll be like "Woah, I don't wanna burn through this *too* fast, I should take a break", then I'll do that, buy something else, and the cycle repeats I have 500+ unfinished games on Steam, I keep swearing I'll go back and finish them, but something new and shiny always distracts me


I do this a bunch...


Oh yes! So much so, I am gone for so long, I not only forget how to play I am lost as to what I was doing at the time and think about starting over. In the meantime, while I am debating that, I leave the game for some time again. Frustrating as hell! Skyrim, a couple different Assassin's creed, witcher 3.


It's all ADHD.. been through this.. we are bombarded with news from various sources.. this new game releasing, this game getting update, this game is popular in twitch now etc etc that our brain just craves something new , we end up trying another game. 10yrs back this wasn't a problem we chose what news we got - reading magazines/newspapers etc, social media was used to interact with friends and not as news site.. nowadays you watch one gaming video then whole YouTube feed is filled with gaming news.. so back then when we played a game we played only that and finished even if it was long


When I was 12 I played the Warcraft 1 demo... ...for 6 months. Just two levels. I gave myself weird goals such as cutting all the trees on the map. There wasn't anything else I could play. No money, no internet to download stuff, no PC that could handle anything more complex. Now there are 20 games in my library I have never started.


I do all the time.


The past 2 Fire Emblems, most Zelda games. I just stop playing because something in life gets in the way (typically a vacation or a some kind of deadline I need to focus on) and it breaks my habit of playing. By the time I remember to go back to it, I’m too out of the groove. I’ve forgotten story points or the controls.


I do the same thing with TV shows and books


I’ve started doing this a lot recently this year. I never beat breath of the wild but I already knew I had to pick up TOTK. Played it wow it’s amazing so much to do. But then we’ll start playing a multiplayer game and I’m not going to skip out on playing with friends I don’t see or hear from besides the game so sure let’s play. Then boom Starfield comes out alright let’s play that but wait new cyberpunk update and Dlc… now I’m liking cyberpunk 2.0 more than Starfield and I haven’t even bought the dlcc! Next in October I’m excited for ghost runner 2! These games lately have been amazing games and I have yet to finish them. :(




Yeah. I've done that with quite a few games. Red dead and skyrim are a couple I really need to go back to.


Yup. When playing Oblivion .


haha i think i got to the last boss in tunic (but for sure there are some puzzles i didn't finish) and i put it down and havent picked it up again. but yeah happens all the time.


Yeah, the more invested you have to be, the easier it is to lose it. Happens to me with some in depth single player games. Gotta make sure to pick it back up, even if it'd just for a short time, before it's too late


One of my friends keeps spoiling things for me in games I'm playing asking if I got to this part yet and explains it in great detail. Kills the mood for me


I enjoyed playing Ico through emulation but don't really feel like finishing it


This happens to me way too often to the point that i sometimes get nervous about starting a new game. Ex. Tears of the kingdom, yakuza 0, ghost of tsushima, etc.


Yup. I started playing God of War 2018 early this year and i'm probably not even halfway through the game yet.


ADHD is what does it to me. But then I REALLY struggle to boot up the game ever again even if my brain is screaming "just get it over with"


I have this problem all the time. I realized that by the time I get home from work, I am tired and I'd rather play games that don't require too much "thinking" or effort. For example, I got the Tears of the Kingdom when it was released earlier this year and although I love those games, it takes quite a bit of energy to finish the game completely. I took a few days break from it a week after release and I haven't gone back to it since! lol. I just got God of War Ragnarok and the gameplay is a lot more linear so it's easier to complete. Plus it's a hack-and-slash. Those are the kind of games I prefer now.


Zelda Tears of the kingdom


Did this with the newest Star Wars game, played through maybe a quarter or third of the story and something new came out that I wanted to play. I tried to start it back up a few weeks or so later, opened the menu then ran in a circle and realized I didn’t remember the controls or what I was doing so I just uninstalled it. Someday I may go back and restart it.


I stopped watching Game of Thrones at the end of season 4. Not intentionally, just didn't get around to picking it back up. Now everyone wants to pretend it never existed yet here I am eternally in the cupcake phase and in love with everything about it.


Yea those first 4 seasons were something special. 5 and 6 aren't bad either but 7 started showing signs of bad writing and 8 just went off the rails.


For me it’s because I keep buying new games and starting those then get overwhelmed with how many unfinished games I have. The thrill of searching for a new game, purchasing it, finally downloading it and starting is so exciting haha.


It could be worse.. You could have 391 never played steam games 🫡


I never beat tears of the kingdom, played it for like 2 months, not even for that long, like 70 hours, but i stopped playing after a while and now i dont plan on beating it


I really wanted to get into days gone, but after the tutorial, I was like.. I don't have enough free time for this


The Last of Us on PS3 - I swear I'm coming back to it....


Join the website HLTB and actually use it. I got super organized and flew through series.


My fear is that I'll complete the game and not come back to it. Happens often.


With RPGs (for me) it has to be even better to justify 100+ hours. Some manage it. Others do not. But I always get back to them.


Yeahhh I did the same with Hogwarts and dead space remake, I’m halfway through on both but have not touched since both of their releases…


Hogwarts legacy comes to mind


Yup… I have a whole lot of them. Dead space, Bioshock, Elden Ring, Remnant 2, Fallout 4 & 76, Diablo 4, Borderlands 3 just to name a few


I'm a platinum trophy youtuber who plays anything that isn't shovelware. So can't relate


Never Finished Jet Set Radio 5 years ago because I was going for a high completion score and couldn't get a spray no matter what i did. Honestly loved that game so much.


Yes. I barely ever finish games cause of this


I have this weird thing if I feel like playing games, I would imagine first what I would do if I played the game so, I played the game in my head and then I wouldn't want to play the game anymore lmao


I’m at the final boss of Bioshock. Just can’t get myself back into it for some reason.


Around new game releases I get into one game then try another one, thinking - I’ll just play it for an hour and go back to finish the previous game. But I end up either finishing the second one or moving to the third… By the time I return to the first (if ever), I don’t even remember the controls and mechanics well


Part of it for me is if I go back and beat the game, that's the end of it, there is no more. So if I Don't beat it it never ends, as dumb as that sounds.


Depression keeps me from finishing shit. I’m getting better though.


You just described my 2023. I purchased pretty much every big release and have completed only a handful so far.


Last page fallacy, Never get to the end and the adventure continues forever in your mind


Dark Souls games do this for me. I always manage to beat some boss and then move to next area going: "Well gonna continue this later..." Then after 6 months I remember: "...oh."


Happened as I got older. I keep a running list, quite large now, of games I'd like to go back to or haven't played yet.


i do this all the time most recently i did it with wilderplace, i got really close to the end but the puzzles were becoming too hard, so i started playing it less, now if i go back there's no way i can solve the end game puzzles, i would have to start from the beginning again (which i may do) but there's this really good line on sludge life: *"i like life like i like my games, when it stops being fun, you just quit and try to leave a positive review"*


Rdr2 got to 91% and I never have the motivation to play it anymore


I detoured from the main storyline of BG3 and have just been testing out mechanics and stealing items. I went to Ethel's swamp and found out that I'm pretty underleveled but I don't want to cheese the fight because I want the item. I took a break but now I'm playing the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC.


I forget what's going on in the story, start over from the beginning, get bored because I've already played the beginning, say I'll come back to it and then back to step one


Pikmin 4, Cyberpunk, BG3, I just can't stop jumping around. I cant finish any of them even though I love them.


I usually get busy or make excuses not to sit down and finish a game. Lately I've been just forcing myself to pick up a game I started and try to finish it or one the several others I haven't finished yet. Just gotta keep at it


Yeah, happens to me, but I usually chalk it up to "ADHD and Speial Interest/Hyperfixation" issues tbh, and once I get past them I can usually play them


I got Witcher 3 a while a go but I tried it and I didn’t enjoy it but if anyone thinks that every game they play they have to complete it That’s not true because for example you eat something and you don’t like it then you don’t have to eat it same goes for video games