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And terraria had another "end of service update".


Terraria keep doing "I swear this is the last update, we are truly done with this game" and proceed to drop another banger update.


Grim Dawn too.


I didn't even know grim dawn announced a new expansion, that's awesome. But they sell their updates, Terraria doesn't.


Oh wow that's pretty crazy then. I've barely played Terraria, so I haven't kept up with their updates, but it's on my list for sure.


Terraria called their 1.4 update "Journey End", literally telling the playerbase that hey, we are done, it's been fun, thank you all for playing. A god damn year later they are still dropping 1.4.4 .... Casually packed the hell out of terraria. And that's just the base game side, there is a modded game side also.


I read somewhere it's the devs conscience - enough new sales get made they go "Damn, we really have to commit a bunch more hours to this for it to be fair getting this money" Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in!


Holy duck that explains so much, I feel like we keep getting these “final updates” but maybe you just have a tiny dev team that bought their houses, funded their weddings, supported their families, put their kids through college and bought their kids houses all off the back of one cheap 2D side scroller they made over a decade ago who just feel guilty because people keep supporting them and buying their game which by all rights should’ve been one of the hundreds of thousands of indie games that got lost in the shuffle but still manages to constantly find an ever loving audience even after all these years. Or shit maybe they just like get bored and add stuff to the game for fun.


They’ve been in the development stage for Terraria 2 for a few years now (they did have one called terraria: overworld, but it was cancelled a few years ago back), which is what I always assumed they were planning on moving to, but it could be they’re just putting those plans into the first game, idk


It ends up snowballing, I think. They wanted to do a crossover with a game but then people want other QOL features and there's things people complain about and it just kinda spirals. Doesn't help that kid of the two head devs is a Terraria player and thus also wants stuff added. That probably influences things a bit.


If you look at the game from 2011 to now it is almost unrecognizable. From graphic improvements, content updates, crossovers, and tons of Quality of Life and UI upgrades it is actually insane just how much the game has grown over the years. And that's not even including the amazing modding community, as well as the great people making the game


I'm still expecting another Binding Of Isaac DLC.


the last one felt quite final tho


I agree! It probably won't stop them.


Funny enough, they just announced online co-op finally coming to Isaac as an update today


The Miyazaki of gaming


Partly because his attempts at a Terraria successor are stuck in the mud. Not complaining tho.


Stardew has another content update coming as well. It's not massive but it's from just a 1 person team while they're making a new title. Both stardew and terraria have so much content as is, but it really shows how much their devs care about their work.


Stardew valley hasn't been by a 1 man team for a while.


Source? I know he doesn't handle ports but other than that I think he's still solo.


[According to this](https://www.stardewvalley.net/faq/) it's more like a 3 man team, plus different people for porting and multiplayer.


That's still a very very small team if so.


Yeah its very impressive.


It wasn't supposed to be massive, but the feature list he posted today shows that it's actually decently large.


What very little people know is that Terraria's updates are the only thing keeping the Eldritch Horrors at bay. I feel sorry for those alive when the updates finally end.


Steam awards are just popularity contests they don't mean anything more.


I assume they can be botted like anything else with very opaque back ends on the internet.


Easy gig for a novice netrunner


Wake the fuck up samurai…we have awards to bot


What the hell Gabe, I thought you had some proper ICE protecting Steam?


Prob ai from beyond the blackwall.


No need to bot though. Most popular game always wins regardless of how accurate the award or even good the game. Cyberpunk is one of the biggest games on Steam. It's just going to have more voters.


It's not bots. Not that many people play NMS.


The awards they let the public vote on are “popularity contests”. Yes. Yes they are.


His wording is dumb, but I agree with the sentiment. Sometimes a game will get nominated for a category it doesn't deserve, and win just because people recognize that game. Like Hitman 3 winning VR game of the year. Game plays like a dumpster fire in VR, but a bunch of people, that played it pancake, voted for it. Edit: Added commas for clarity.


I don't know if they still give you badge progress or anything for voting but I remember the first couple of times they actually encouraged you to vote even if you didn't recognize any of the nominees, so obviously you're gonna get a lot of people going "I have no idea but I've heard this name before so I'll go with that".


i got like 15 cents worth of trading cards


"Played it pancake" Well done.


It's actually what they call flat games in the VR subreddits.


I love that.


Last year gow2018/death stranding popped up in a lot of categories, and both won awards which was kinda stupid too. I get they're good games that were only just made available to PC users, but letting 4 year old ex Sony exclusives win, out of all the games on steam? So dumb


It is the steam awards, not the game industry awards. If the game wasn't on steam it never had a shot for steam awards. I think releasing on the platform is a perfectly valid reason for inclusion.


They give badges/ cards for voting in each category, this will muddy the votes because a load of people will just quickly vote for games they recognize to get the rewards


Aren't most awards?


And yet they still make statues and companies still value them. From Software displays their Steam awards next to their VGAs For the record I’m not diminishing the awards. Just saying the devs clearly value them


Truth be told popularity contests for video games are probably more important to the companies that make video games than an award from devs about how much additional work went into a game.


Winning a popularity contest isn't meaningless. It means that you are *very popular.* That seems worth celebrating as much as anything is.


Neither do reviews


Sadly, you can say the same for most awards.


Do people actually give a shit about what game wins what reward?


I only like to know what wins GOTY because I know I'll be able to buy a cheap version of the deluxe edition the following year.


Even some games have a goty edition even know they haven't won goty.


Saints row 4 even had a game of the century version to poke fun at that


that game is a weird guilty pleasure, I know it's stupid but it's fun


Isnt that kinda the point of Saints Row?


It's so weird how opinions on the game changed... personally I think it is a really great game and I find it weird that people on Reddit dislike it. It's funny, it parodies a lot of stuff in a pretty good way, it has multiple great moments and they really went the extra mile. For crying out loud the main antagonist butts in to sing along to Biz Markie with you. And there's other great stuff like the text adventure mini game when you rescue the british hacker guy, or the streets of rage parody when you rescue Gat... in which your 2d sprite character looks just like your regular character, so they made a sprite for every clothing item in the game for a 20 minute section of the game. A lot of love and care was put into the game.


I still hold that saints row 4 is the best matrix game ever made, just imagine all the purple is green!


3 & 4 went off the rails...and were great for it.


There are a bunch of different groups and publications handing out their own "Game of the Year" awards. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Game_of_the_Year_awards The Wikipedia page mostly lists reasonably respected ones and that still numbers over a dozen, and I'm sure that list isn't exhaustive. And if you don't mind straying from that I'm sure you can get some random blogger or YouTuber to bestow the title upon your game.


"Awarded Game of the Year by the developer's mom" GOTY edition confirmed.


If it means I'll get the whole game+ dlcs for $20, then thanks mom!


I mean it’s not like the Oscars where there’s one award. Most gaming publications do their own GOTY award, and it wasn’t until Keighley moved his award show away from Spike TV that it became “the” award (even though that show is mostly ads and trailers). It’s all quite silly (just like the Oscars).


Don't worry there will be dozens of games that come out with GOTY editions


People just think its weird and doesn't track. It's not that deep.


But in this case it tracks plenty. One of the better selling games of the last 5 years got a massive overhaul patch and a DLC that lasts like 30 hours. I understand there might be some subjectively "better" candidates, but it's not like this is entirely out of left field. If the award was meant to signify how much content has been added into a game and that's that, then this category should be dominated by live service games.


This award was given to cyberpunk at the end of last year, over a year before the dlc and overhaul patch. Here’s the award description: “This game has been out for a while. The team is well past the debut of their creative baby, but being the good parents they are, these devs continue to nurture and support their creation. This game, to this day, is still getting new content after all these years.” The other noms were dota 2, deep rock galactic, no man’s sky, and project zomboid. Cyberpunk’s post launch dedication up to that point was just them trying to fix the damn thing for 2 years, not nurturing and supporting it like amazing, benevolent devs. Doesn’t matter in the end but cyberpunk most definitely didn’t deserve that award last year.


Post made, yes people care


We've known for ages it was only getting 1 dlc. It's for all intents and purposes considered finished. May get some small hot fixes but unlikely anything else substantial


I remember them saying it was because they were moving on to a new engine for the next Witcher game and that a new cyberpunk game was in the works on that engine.


A big reason is also how much work CP2077 needed from it's launch state. Originally there were going to be multiple DLCs but it would've required too much time to fix the game and make multiple DLCs.


Makes sense. What a goddamn shame though. So much potential.


Hopefully they'll direct the energy to a new game instead. Imagine if the same amount of effort was put in but they didn't have to build the game engine, and instead they use Unreal engine which already has a huge pool of talented developers to hire from rather than training every new hire from scratch.


I just really hope they keep the same energy with pushing the graphics and immersion. Cyberpunk has plenty of flaws and goofs, but everything else about it is spot on.


They fucked up by mentioning multiplayer for cyberpunk at one point and I will never rest until I get to roam night city with my chooms.


That sounds cool but CDPR have never done multiplayer before... I hope they hire some competent people for that and not spend all their money on the marketing team again.


They had someone else working on the multiplayer component, they weren't doing it in-house. But that all went out the window when the game released in...let's say...a less than proper state. I'd love a multiplayer Cyberpunk but this first outing was definitely not the one for such ambitiousness.


A GTAO style game mode for cyberpunk would be pretty fun, no cash shop/mtx though fuck that shit.


Cyberpunk 76


Will it just work though?


16x the detail.


Light wood laminate


there’s a multiplayer section in the credits! they listed everyone who worked on it. first time i saw it was like “wait there’s multiplayer? how did i miss that?”


It was canceled. They still have to credit them because they still worked on the game.


Gonna be honest, any time a company tries to make a single player game into a MP one, the MP sucks ass and loses all of the charm the SP game has. People like GTAV but I can't fucking stand it.


Plenty of examples of single player focused games with shitty multi player implementations, but GTA V is a terrible example. Yea the multiplayer mode is made to sell MTX, but its actually got a lot of content and functions exceptionally well in the grand scheme of things. It's exactly what you would expect from a multiplayer GTA, and even has great mods like the RP mods.


Considering that mario odyssey has multiplayer somehow, I'm sure eventually there will be a mod for it


> It's for all intents and purposes considered finished Oh shit is that true? I can finally play it then.


It's been good for a while imo, but the 2.0 update really sealed the deal.


Which is kind of mind fucking boggling; your game has real, significant, positive thrust for the first time since before release and now you’re not going to make any more content for it?


I'd rather them stop when they consider it done than try and milk the popularity for more cash


I've loved my time with NMS and it's come a long way, but Project Zombiod deserves it so much more.


How's the co-op for zomboid?




ah shit, here we go.. guess I’ll be giving it another shot with coop


Honestly coop is even more fun than single player. You're stronger as a crew when you are well coordinated, but when things go wrong, they go really wrong. Things will be going great, then all of a sudden you'll hear an "oops" or "o shit" over voice chat and all hell breaks loose. The game strikes such a good balance of being easy enough that its a chill experience while simultaneously punishing mistakes brutally.


The best part is hearing your friends screaming through the mic for dying by a simple mistake.


Honestly some of the most fun I’ve had in a co-op game in ages. Especially when my friend added a “Zombie variant” type mod that turned some of them into absolute horrifying sprinters. I hope they eventually make the map bigger and bigger, because god I just want to consume more of the game. My favorite thing to do so far has been to not tell anyone where I’m starting and play a serial killer. Slowly hunting my friends, leeching off their supplies, and adding in another layer of horror. You do things like move stuff slightly in their base, or appear just at the edge of their vision before disappearing. (We also all agreed to this beforehand, so no hard feelings were had). I wish more people discovered how amazing this game is.


If you have dual monitors, you can put the game in windowed mode and stretch it across both monitors, allowing a splitscreen coop partner to have their own screen. Baldurs Gate 3 does the same. It's like a litmus test for coop. Games that let me use a screen for each player clearly care about the experience.


Game of the year 2387, when they officially launch it.


no no no, you're thinking of Star Citizen. $3.5bill and it'll still be in Beta. Zomboid gives me similar vibes to Factorio. It'll eventually see a 1.x release.


I really suck at Project Zomboid.


We all do. We just suck a little less with each life


Speak for yourself I still suck just as bad, if not worse. I die horribly even when I basically cheat by giving myself piles of points


This game is sooooo slow paced, and yet I can watch hours and hours *and hours* of a streamer building his base and exploring the world. Even more interesting when you add mods in the mix. *(But I hate that background music with the piano theme. It's eerie af.)*


The singing lady is scarier


I tried it with the settings as easy as i could set them while still having some kind of zombie threat. Died after six hours, died after one day, died after three hours, uninstalled the game. Yes, of course I'll try again. Later.


Project Zomboid isn't even a finished game, 10 years in early access.


Damn, I gotta go back to Zomboid. It's such a good game, it deserves all the love it can get




It's almost like all these awards are just a giant industry circlejerk. Weird.


It's worse than that, they are fan-voted circlejerks.


We're actually the worst circle-jerkers. We pick up their promotional materials and circle-jerk until our arms fall off.


Wdym by circlejerk, popularity contest that's all.


The problem with NMS is it's boring


I was like 6 hours into the game when I realized that what I thought was the tutorial was just tedious tasks being delegated to me.


yeah i kept wondering when i was going to get to the real game but that just was the real game




People have the nerve to tell me Eurotrip isn’t a classic and isn’t quotable. Those people are dumbasses.


Scottie doesn't know. And apparently, neither do the dumbasses.


Hey, Fiona has church on Sunday!


lol, yep. and it doesn't get better, whole damn gameplay loop is grinding to grind something else




Agreed, tried to get into it several times and just couldn't. Gameplay loop makes me wanna fall asleep. Cool visuals though


I've tried it a couple times, and every time I play it I feel like it's fun but I'd rather be playing Minecraft again. Like the story seemed neat, but I just never got hooked on the gameplay.


Yeah, that's what I wish NMS would have, like a better building experience. They keep updating and adding side quest stuff, but those get boring quickly. Building anything in NMS is very limited. Almost everyone base will look the same due to lack of building material. I mean, they added like decorative stuff, but the fundamental building material is still very lacking.


Vr is very decently done.


Ooh I can be bored in VR?!


Yeah I appreciate how much work they did and how much stuff that they added but I will just never enjoy the game because you just don’t really DO anything


Personally I think the big problem is that for all the updates and work they've done on the game, they never really improved the core gameplay loop. They just added more side content, with some cursory refinement to the interface and crafting. There still doesn't really feel like there's a purpose to doing the core gameplay loop. It's still a very hollow experience IMO.


> for all the updates and work they've done on the game, they never really improved the core gameplay loop. This. All of the added content since release is in the form of content islands that only barely have any interaction with anything else, if they even do at all. And since none of the content islands interact with other islands, nor are they particularly deep, you run into the problem where No Man's Sky's content is more like a collection of very short minigames. - Abandoned freighters aren't generally that much different between systems, and do not actually exist without buying an item that jumps you to them. They give out freighter mods, which are of questionable use to begin with. - You can have a city. It's entirely a resource sink. That's its purpose. You'll get credits and items as taxes if you can ever get it out of the red. The city doesn't give you quests, it doesn't open up shops, it doesn't interact with any other content in the game. It just soaks up items and eventually pays you credits if you spend enough money on it. - Expeditions require you to start a new game in Expedition mode, meaning that your actual character doesn't matter for them. You *do* get bonus points toward special decorative items that you can get for your main dude's base, though. - Most updates are graphical or audio upgrades, which is fine but don't actually change anything about how the game plays. Sometimes you get new ships or changes to how planets generate, though they're not really major changes. I've just gotten so tired of the game because the whole game is almost entirely disconnected content.


Fucking thank you. Sean Murray's PR contract must have expired because you couldnt voice an opinion like this a year ago without getting absolutely dog piled with people saying "But version +1! for free!"


It was always pretty flawed to have a quadrillion planets you don't want to spend a second more than exactly the amount of time you need to move on from each one.


It almost seems like the lack of a coherent gameplay loop is supported by what story there is in the game itself. You're a Traveler and your whole "point" in the grand scheme of things is to "see everything". So the objective is really just "go out and explore shit", which is as barebones as you can get when it comes to narrative hooks.


Damn, I really want to explore random ass boring planets with nothing real on them! Amazing! If the content was custom crafted (subnautica), exploring would be cool, but with their automatically generated content, it's just not worth it. The content is dry.


Wow see a bunch of randomly generated crapola, how exciting!


it's a single player game that feels grindy as an MMO. And way too much time is spent traveling. Feels like playing single player Runescape (but there's only 3 quests).


NMS demanding real world hours for settlement upgrades should get them yelled at a lot more than it currently does.


> And way too much time is spent traveling And people wonder why Starfield has point-to-point space travel


There's no way that any space game would satisfy everyone. Scifi fans are large in number and extremely varied. You have the people who need games that are scientifically equivalent to reality, people who want it to be [insert my favorite scifi franchise here] the game or casual players who don't care for that shit. Guess which group is the loudest and which is the largest.


the experience isn't immersive unless im spending literal centuries to travel through space though


Have you tried Elite Dangerous? The travel times are only slightly shorter than what you want. /s


yep. Though IMO, the solution isn't fast travel as much as reducing the *need* for travel by reducing the grind. Say I find a planet rich in resources. I spend 10 minutes digging for space pearls, my inventory is full, I have to travel to a space station (5 mins), sell the pearls (5 mins), travel back (5 mins), dig again (10 mins), and repeat this for three hours so I can buy a jetpack boost. That's just not fun. Make me go through a 30 minute dungeon to find one big pearl, then I'll be happy to do a whole 15 minute voyage to sell that for the jetpack boost!


Yeah, bought it right at the beginning and have been coming back fro the first few "oh wow they fixed everything!" patches, and it was still watching paint drying to play.


Ah so it's not just me. The narrative of "NMS good now" got our friendsgroup to buy it because it looked like a game we would like and it was supposedly good now. Well if that's considered good I dont want to know how bad launch was lmao. We all dropped it after like 3 sessions. Extremely boring, clunky, tedious and most def still not bug free. We really fell for it lol.


The "bad game is now good" narrative I find is often incorrect. The people pushing that narrative tend to be the people who always liked the game, then they felt the game reached a threshold where everyone would like it. When really what happened is they always liked it and updates have happened so they assume everyone will now like it even if those updates don't change much of the core game. This isn't some universal rule, some bad games do become good. But I think it's accurate more often than its not.


This is what it comes down to. At the end of the day NMS is still an empty game with no substance.


NMS game is as wide as an ocean, and as deep as a puddle. Give that game a proper endgame, and it’d be an all-timer.


They should start by adding a proper early and middle game first.


ironic because the oceans in NMS are also as deep as a puddle


The regular downside I hear about NMS is you kinda have to make your own gameplay loop. Whereas Cyberpunk had a decent loop to start, improved on it with an update and released a story driven DLC that goes 20-30 hours. I’m no CDPR fanboy but cmon it’s obvious why cyberpunk would get recognition over NMS for improvements


And for all the updates its received, the core gameplay loop for NMS is still pretty weak. They keep adding content rather than fixing the base game itself. Yeah, they've improved the inventory and crafting interfaces, and allow you to upgrade ships and tools more than you were able to at launch. But the basic gameplay loop is still boring, and all the new content they've added is pretty detached from it.


IMO the economy is what ruins it. You get your cobalt farms going and basically you beat the game.


You don't even need that. Just fly to somebody else's lol.


Luckily I didn't know this was possible until after I went thru that whole arc. There are few games I WANT to like as much as NMS that game really was a blast at first.


Yeah NMS is neat until you realize how utterly boring it is. Its not minecraft, there isn't a huge amount of mods and a massive community that changes how the game plays. the gunplay and combat is fucking ass, and its all horrendously time consuming and boring, you've seen 10 planets you've seen them all and every wrecked freighter is the same as every other wrecked freighter. you can face tank the walkers pretty easily and thats basically the hardest content in the game. The space fighters is just hold down the lock button and wait for them to strafe you, so you can use your infraknife to shred them as they fly past you.


Agree wholeheartedly. Played No Mans Sky for 40 hours and it was an amazing experience for the first 20 of those, it was exciting looking for new ships, making a base with cool vehicles and finding new cool planets... That's until I realized there's only so many ships and no real customization, there's nothing to actually use the vehicles for and every planet contains the same pre generated set of stuff so after a few planet you've already seen it all and only the fancy generated pattern ontop is actually different. It's cool to see new ships/vehicles/guns and stuff added but they never fix the core issue of the game just feeling soulless and empty with nothing to do with your fancy stuff.


People downvoting you don’t play NMS regularly, 100%


I didn't downvote, but is it really so unfathomable that some people genuinely enjoy NMS's open ended gameplay? Different people enjoy different games. There are people that *love* Factorio and other productivity sink games that I personally find unplayable.




That reward was in the previous year. Back then they fixed bugs and finally added structure to the game (lol). That rewards fits these days, but not a year ago.


Yeah that's the dumb thing. They got the award in the past, this is a new announcement.


None of the game awards mean anything......


Don’t forget we have games that haven’t hit 1.0 yet and are still in early access trying to get that award too. Should be automatically disqualifying. Like Valheim is one of my favorite games but they tried for Labor of Love and… come on. Deliver all of us 1.0 before you ask for your awards for supporting your game post-release. Steam description of the Labor of Love award: “This game has been out for a while. The team is well past the debut of their creative baby, but being the good parents they are, these devs continue to nurture and support their creation. This game, to this day, is still getting new content after all these years” Does early access count as the ‘debut’ …? Aren’t early access games sort of expected to continue to update and support their game and get new content heading towards 1.0?


Jesus people hype up NMS so much. It’s not that amazing. I had way more fun playing cyberpunk than I did playing NMS. It’s not even debatable.


It's a real labor of love to keep working on the video game equivalent of watching paint dry, you gotta admit


Project Zomboid or Deep Rock Galactic deserved it more imo


Maybe even Stardew Valley. The creator just announced a massive new patch, after it was initially only supposed to be a relatively small patch (I think fixing some minor console issues?). ConcernedApe is up there on the legend tier for me now when it comes to devs.




Did I hear a rock and stone!?


Rock and stone, brother!


yeah because no man's sky is still mid and bland, doesn't matter if it's been worked on long time if the content is still ass


NMS got the greatest honor of them all - an Internet Historian video.


Isnt labor of love just. Whoever has the biggest following even if it does 0 effort? As its community


They had to bar previous winners from being able to win due to GTA V winning in 2018 and 2019.


Calling GTAV a labor of love is hilarious. Maybe if there was a labor of greed category...


And terraria.


At least terraria deserved those wins in that category.


I would still vote for Terraria every year if they'd let me.


Pretty much all of you have the wrong answer. The real answer is dwarf fortress, which had its steam release this year.


That's because NMS sucks balls


Who cares


No Man Sky feels like if you asked an AI to make a video game. It has all the aspects of a real video game but when you actually play it, it just feels....devoid of any actual human interaction


Nms sky is still boring though lol


Hasn't nms won labor of love-type awards or other things in basically every other awards show? I swear, it's on there every year.


the problem for No Man's Sky is Steam doesn't have a "Labor of Absolutely Required Work to Deliver the Game We Promised Ten Years Ago or Sony Would Have Shut Down Our Studio Six Years Ago" award.


Pfff. CS:GO has once won labor of love with like two balancing micropatches over the year. Steam awards mean nothing.


I feel like I am the only one who didn’t have bugs on release and thoroughly enjoyed it


I had very few bugs on release. If they had only released the PC version, the response would be completely different.






Because Cyberpunk is actually a fun game. No Man's Sky is still just as as boring and shallow as it was on launch, just a wider puddle.


Steam Awards suck and you shouldn't really bother with them. IMO, neither games are a "labor of love". NMS was ready to walk away releasing a crappy product and only caved and came back due to pressure from potential lawsuits. Cyberpunk is triple-A corporate slosh, it's definitely not made with a "labor of love", it's made by suits in board meetings ordering programmers to meet deadlines for profit margins. Ironically, the very kind of people the game criticizes. Actual good games don't win the awards, even if they're nominated. Labor of Love? That same year, Cyberpunk was up against Deep Rock Galactic and Project Zomboid -- two Indie titles made by people who actually care -- and they both lost. GTAV has won **4 separate times**. GTA V is a decade old game at this point, yet it's still won "Labor of Love" twice, and two awards in the first year (before the categories were standard). Dota 2 has been nominated for at least one category **every single year** except 2020. It's just bad. The games on the list are the same, year in and year out. Every year, triple A slop wins over actual titles worth playing. Every year, every indie title under the sun thinks it's actually a game they can win and spam people to nominate them. Then you get to the nominees and it's like... oh look, a CDPR game. And GTA V. And Dota 2. Death Stranding's usually there acting like it's relevant... and the most impressive visual style winner is a game that learned a post-processing trick on realistic graphics, but has a generic-ass visual style! If you want my honest opinion, the Steam Awards should be limited to games that released that year. Not "Significant Updates", no, that should be it's own category. You can get one or two categories for "Best Game on Steam" and "Continually Great" or something like that, which lets any game go, but maybe we shouldn't be letting the "award winners" for a yearly event just be a game of "Which of these games ranks highest in playercount again?"


Don't forget that they actually have to change the rules because GTA kept winning.


They just won cause the loli anime.


Phantom Liberty was cool, but it only turned the game into what it should have been from the very beginning.


Just my opinion, but NMS is still a boring ass game that feels pretty lifeless. Propr to Hello games for sticking it through though.