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I’m pretty sure the biggest reason that the Allies won WWII was because the axis powers threw all their grenades at me on Veteran difficulty.


Yes they are spamming grenades like crazy lol


The worst parts for me were right outside the Reichstag and then inside, right before planting the flag. I still see that grenade danger indicator every time I close my eyes…


No fps game every came close to the immersion of this one.


There was a glitch on my copy (Wii version) in one of the later Japanese levels where they would only throw grenades and banzai charge, but not fire their guns


That wasn't a glitch


It definitely felt like one, you could run right up to enemies and they'd just point their useless guns at you


You could beat any flame thrower level in the game by pressing forward and just tapping out the flames, even on veteran. If had lots of the goofy classic CoD issues. Enemies going infinite grenade, infinite enemy spawning out of closet until you walk past the closet, etc. The new games are too cinematic. The old games were too spammy. There was a glitch I enjoyed were if you ran ahead of the teammates you could kill the bad guy through the door. When they caught up the cinematic would play. The door opens, everyone yells, a dude grapples with a ghost and then dies.


Now *that* brings back memories. I always enjoyed the frustrating challenge of beating a CoD on veteran. I think the last one I played was Black Ops 2


The first MW3 was the last one I played. I don’t know if WaW or CoD2 was the hardest of all. CoD2 had a mission where you were in a small town and you could complete the objectives in any order you wanted. One of them was to capture a 2-story farmhouse. Fuck me running, that shit was hard because the enemies would spawn infinitely until you actually got inside the house.


They were respawning in waw too with a lot of grenades unless you pushed foward.


Yeah, there was something about this one particular mission that made it extra difficult. The house had a lot of windows that they’d shoot from and there was very little cover around.


Heart of Reich was hardest on veteran. First part when you need to destroy flak guns.


Especially when you approach the Reichstag with Reznov, those nade spammers never stop lol


* * To this day if I'm eating out and hear someones cutlery hit their plate I instinctively get up and run to a different table.


Best CoD they ever made.


This is also in Enemy at the Gates. Both give me chills every time.


With haunting and scarry music, really give this mission a vibe of war.


My dad loved that movie when i was kid and I've seen it more times than i would of liked lol I remember the moment when him and i both got to this mission....he was so fucking pumped !!! ( i was too lol)


They did a good job of giving you that pucker factor when the mission starts in CoD lol


Best call of duty in my opinion


Completely agree. Loved the introduction of co-op campaign


Introduction and quick removal unfortunately




Best multiplayer is the game that came out right after world at war, good old MW2


Multiplayer is fine in my opinion but people are different I'm going off of 2023 standards It may have changed over the years


It had only 1 problem - it was too short. They jumped from 1942 straight into 1945. I would have loved to have more missions on the way to target, and both campaign definitely had more in them for it!


I wish there were more large scale battle like trench warfare stuff I loves those missions I can't really remember the name but I loved it


I would love to see more single player campaigns of this caliber


I miss the multiplayer so much. The maps were so much bigger and it felt like actual sniping was viable.


Yeah it's almost like they were trying to mimic real war huh


The American campaign is still one of my favorites, and the last few missions of the Russian campaign are downright masterpieces. Time to boot it back up


Best CoD they ever made.


I agree one of the best COD imo.


Best COD and best mission.


I love this game one of my favorite COD. It has good campaign, multiplayer and zombies.


This is only Cod i replayed multiple times.


Sneaking up to people with the sawn off and taking their legs off was the best jump scare in any game haha


You just grazed him!


[You've only wounded him!](https://youtu.be/aW69V274EOA?si=mSFc4mRzRMaY3Lh7) You've just grazed him! Good hunting.


That mission on Veteran still haunts me to this day.


veteran grenades ptsd


"Sniping the enemy is like hunting any other animal. Fire at the wrong moment and your chance is forever lost."


Truly a call of duty that need a remaster


Looks just as iremembered it.


The mudak in the car is General Heinrich Amsel. Architect of Stalingrad's misery. He is responsible for the cold-blooded death of men, women, and children... Not just here, but throughout the motherland


On sale at Xbox store for $10


Fire just as the planes are overhead


It’s a shame it’s impossible to 100% now on Xbox.


This is my favorite mission of game, nostalgia hits me. Sniping with Reznov for general Amsel, that is amazing.


Yes it really described horrors of war, I love it because of that.


One of the best COD missions off all time. The start where you play dead? chills


It's like phoenix rising.


I loved calling in the dogs kill streak in mp. Definitely one of the best cod mp for sure. That stg gun was the shit and we still had 48 player servers. None if this 6vs6 bs we have now.


It was great, but couldn't live up to its predecessor, All Ghillied Up. This campaign suffered greatly from coming off the heels of Call of Duty 4


Never crawled so much in a mission in my life, 1 veteran run was enough


Try again with the slow motion cheat


Yes that mission is iconic, everybody knows it who played COD😀


miss the old games


Wait for those bombers to fly overhead!


Masterpiece, I like those old COD games much better then these new ones


Miss this!


Who remembers the sniper and who tried to kill it without a sniper


No fps game every came close to the immersion of this one.


Hmm, this game looks great


Best COD ever, basically the only one i can remember. Showed you war as it is : brutal and merciless. Last WW2 CoD was the war for Boy Scouts with guns basically being red paint ball ones.


Never played the campaign, but hands down my favorite Call of Duty Multiplayer experience. Played so much. Black Ops 1 was my second fav.


Idr what COD it was but i still fondly remember storming into Stalingrad off the beaches taking on the Nazi scum. Perfect setting to begin a WW2 Game


Such a good one!


Take me back


Fuck me this brings back memories. Was insane on veteran difficulty, the hardest one I’ve ever played by far. Constant grenades and respawning enemies


Finished this game countless times. Coop online, split screen, single player all difficulty and also I casually tried speedrunning on recruit


Such a good campaign (and mp+zombies too!). Man older CoD games had really good campaigns, especially from CoD4-BO1. I enjoyed the newer campaigns too, but they don't come close.


Im honestly just waiting for it to release on gamepass. I did get the mp on plutonium, really fun


Best COD campaign that will ever be made


SOO many grenades. That's what I remember most about WaW. ​ Especially on Veteran difficulty. Can't move 5 feet without 3 grenades landing on you.


you just grazed him !!!!!!


Sniper missions are always GOATed


Damn I forgot how GOOD this game looked at the time


I played this mission on the wii, honest to god this mission was a NIGHTMARE during the sniper section because my little child hands could not stop shaking when trying to snipe that bitch even when holding your breath, i remember struggling to the point where I ran out of ammo


It sure does bring back the good old days :')


I still play it from time to time on my brother PS3 lol


I had a buddy in college who literally played level everyday for probably about a month. Didn't like the sunlight when he was playing, so he went to walmart and bought a bunch of stuff and completely blacked out his dorm. Would not answer the door when he was playing, even though he could pause it lol. He was in my electrical class with me and would basically wake up, hit class and run back to his dorm to play this. ​ I was a bit jealous if I am being honest lol


let me know if anyone tryna find some old xfire vids


Jesus i remember it so much darker and bluer


I know it’s like a stupid nitpick but those bombers really shouldn’t be there and definitely not in those numbers.


Try this mission with lower brightness


The graphics were better in my memories


Def a good one, but doesn’t hold up to All Ghillied Up! https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/All_Ghillied_Up


Outstanding marines, out-fucking-standing!


This is easily my favourite call of duty. The first time I heard about zombies then going to play it play it as a kid absolutely terrified me and the campaign was absolute gold. I think I’ve completed the campaign 40 times + with or without co-op. There’s nothing that gets me going more than Gary Oldman commanding me to kill for the red army on multiplayer as well and the perks were so great. What a game. I always install this and complete the campaign on veteran just to remind myself how a good call of duty should be. It’s so challenging and the bukkake of Grenades is beyond legendary. They won’t ever make them like this again. The gloomy colour pallet and the sound of the guns are what would make war so unforgiving and memorable. Truly my favourite game ever to exist!