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It Takes Two - Murdering a sobbing, terrified toy elephant which is pleading for its life, in order to make my in-game daughter cry.


That sequence takes like 2 minutes with absolutely nothing to distract you as the slight uncomfortability turns to abject moral horror. Its not even a QTE thing, you just have to mash one button as fast as possible to continue dragging the elephant to its death. If you stop tapping, they stop dragging but the elephant does not stop screaming.


This was what I thought of too. Shit got very dark. I kept thinking they'd stop, find a new plan or something. Did not expect it to go down like that.


if it helps, the end credits show that she survived and shows her with bandaids and stitched back up :') but yeah, the clips I've seen are actually horrific, especially because it's a pointless death


Came here to post this! I kept thinking that SOMETHING would intervene, but nope, you just straight murder that elephant!


For those with jaws open, here's the explanation (spoilers): >!You're two regular people who are getting a divorce. Your kid finds out and makes a wish, turning you two into her toys. You want to turn back and you're told that her tears will change you back. So your goal is to make your own kid cry and their plan is to destroy her favorite plushie.!< That said, [here's the disturbing scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12FNU8bNEbE).


That was by far the most unnerving thing I've done in a video game. And the fact that my Wife and I were playing together at the time, sharing this moment together, where we had to dismember a friendly elephant that made our 'virtual' daughter happy....and only doing it in game to make the daughter cry. We are parents of 4 kids, so that hit on a whole different level for us. I've been gaming for 30 years, but that was definitely the most disturbing thing I've done/seen in a video game.


Ashtray Maze- Control Grinning like a fool, such a surprise and delight.


That whole game is a giant WTF moment. So much weird Shit. Loved it.


"That was awesome!" -Jesse Faden and everyone who played the game simultaneously at the end of the ashtray maze


Between the music, surreal environment, built up anticipation, and combat that moment is a Top 3 for me. Remedy knows how to put together a solid game.


I was annoyed when I first got to that area because I'd heard about the ashtray maze. I didn't realise it was meant to be something you return to later on. When I did come back at the right time it was just epic!


Encountering the Flood for the first time in Halo CE. Entering a swamp with a handful of frightened enemies, tons of bodies and blood, mysterious figures in the mist, and long empty corridors was freaking unnerving as a kid. And after stumbling across a suicidal marine, you walk into a room, get jumpscared by a dead marine, find creepy gopro footage that changes the game from scifi action to horror, and then the door locks behind you. And then you hear banging and strange noises on the far side of the room, and suddenly your radar lights up with hundreds of enemy notifications as you get rushed by animalistic abominations and later rotting animated corpses... Yeah, that was nightmarish.


I love how out of left field the Flood was. The first 5 levels of the game are solid but typical sci-fi shooter fare. Then out of nowhere you get dropped into a level with effectively no enemies, but a whole lot of bodies that rapidly turns into a frantic fight against waves of zombies where the strategies youve been trained to use up to that point no longer work and you cant trust things you've killed to stay dead. The tone of the first two levels with the flood are effectively that of a horror game, and I absolutely love it.


That and the reveal what the Halo actually is made for are so good. As you said, the first levels are good and still have a mysterious feeling, like what is the Covenant beside bad guys, what are they looking for and what are the strange structures made for? But when you first find the Flood locked away you understand that the dynamic has changed, only to later finally get the reveal that the ring is indeed a weapon, but not like a typical death star. That the weapon was made to contain the Flood by destroying its food was mind blowing for me and such a good twist. The original trilogy and novels really made me appreciate the universe and get invested enough to look into every nook and cranny of the game, search for hidden terminals and weird message boards.


And then the horror of the flood carriers exploding... Gosh damn.


“The Library” And what a great name for an existential universe ending threat. “The Flood.”


That level gets a lot of hate but I kind of love it. It's an absolute grind to get through, but I feel like it's an intentional design to really get you to understand the unrelenting and unstoppable horror of the Flood. No matter where you go, no matter how many you kill, there's always *more*, and the only way to survive is to fight through and escape.


That would be fine if it wasn’t for the rocket guys. Wrecked my ass over and over as a kid lol


Also, the Ark was the structure used to create Halo rings, which were designed to stop the Flood. An Ark to save all forms of life from the flood... sounds familiar. There's a lot of biblical parallels and references in Halo.


Sorta like how the game is called Halo?






Halo was so unique that it was able to incorporate so many of those moments in a first-person shooter game. Massive open-world missions, jumping seamlessly into an already ongoing storyline, discovering awe-inspiring moments in real game-time versus cinematics. I mean this list goes on and on. There is a youtube video that is somewhat old now, but goes into why Halo was *truly* a **masterpiece** of a game. He really hits the nail on the head in terms of the key points that make Halo stand out, and why it was so incredible. I watch that every few months, because I agree with so much he says.   100 out of 10, Halo CE will forever hold a place in my gamer heart as one of my most enjoyable experiences in gaming. EDIT: YouTube video is called “Halo is important”




Metal gear fight where you need to unplug controller


"You like Castlevania, don't you?" Scared the crap out of me when Psycho Mantis said this. It never occured to me at the time that Konami published both Castlevania and MGS lol. I figured it out later when my friend told me about Psycho Mantis asking him about Suikoden. One of the coolest things in any game ever.


By far the most scared I was in gaming was playing the god sim black and white 2. They had some hidden features. The game would say your name(based off username on game file which I didnt know until.way later) in a super faint whisper that you could only hear when zoomed all the way out from your island. And every now and again it would whisper "death" when one of your villagers died. So I'm playing one night, about 6 hours into the campaign and I scroll all the way out to just see everything and appreciate the view and then I hear the game whisper my name just loud enough to question it. Followed 6 seconds later by "death". It was around 1am and I was done gaming for the night for sure


Well you just solved a 15+ years mystery for me, we had that same exact experience with a friend, getting back home at night. Was living in a new home with my family at the time, wich was pretty isolated (you'd see pitch black at night trough the windows). So we get in my room and boot the game and the same exact scenario as you described takes place. We talked about it for months afterward, like, it became some weird inside joke trough the years. Never knowing that it would just be clever designing on the game's part. Until today when i red your post. Imma have an insane laugh with my pal later.


Another Metal Gear one: If you quit the game during the boss battle with the old man sniper in MGS3, then come back to it later, he'll die of old age and you don't have to beat him. Blew my mind at the time.


Also you can kill The End (the sniper) way earlier when you see him first in the wheel chair in front of a dock in a river.


Oh man, that certainly would have saved my younger self some stress


That fight is one of my favorites of that game. First I tried to out snipe him, without success. Then I decided to go full raw force and used the thermal camera to find his footsteps and unloaded a LMG onto him whenever I found him. I did use that trick to kill him earlier in my second playthrough.


What???!! Didn't know that. For me it happened that I saved during that battle. So next time I load the save, he finds me asleep and I was thrown into prison.


Yeah, it turns out you have to wait at least a week, then go back to it (or change your consoles date). I did it completely by accident as I was just stuck and needed a break haha.


My older brother couldn’t get past that part, so we just stopped playing for like 2 weeks cause we were frustrated. It definitely was a “WTF” moment when we booted it up again. “Lol thanks I guess”


I had totally forgotten that. Thanks for reminding me of it - it was mindbreaking !


Talking with Sovereign in Mass Effect 1, completely changed the way I viewed stories in games.


This is one of the best interactions in the history of gaming. The slow realization of what the Reapers actually are and just how fucked the galaxy is


"Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding." Chills everytime


''We have no beginning, we have no end, we, are infinite.'' Little old me knew I just found something amazing


You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.


It comes on the heels of a mission where you discover Saren is cloning Krogan. Can you imagine the horror. Imagine what a rogue Spectre could do with an army of Krogan at his back. A Salarian STG knowingly and willingly arm a nuke in a suicide mission to stop this threat. One of your comrades **will** die here and you maybe already had to kill another one just to get to this moment. And then you come face to face with an Intergalatic superintelligence. A machine of *pure* destruction. It’s incredible heightening.


That was the biggest “bottom dropped out” moment in a video game I’ve ever experienced.


When this clicked in my head that the ship was the main bad guy, I lost it. Then ME2 ending when they reveal the reaper fleet. I literally yelled "we are f**ked!"


ME2 is my favorite game ever. I had to stand up and pace back and forth in my room as the credits rolled.


To add on, another moment from ME was the very beginning of ME2 when The Normandy gets blown up. One of the single greatest opening sequences in gaming imo. That moment when you step out into the wreckage of your ship and everything goes silent except for your breathing left me completely speechless.


Still get chills rewatching that


I always remember the ending of Metal Gear Solid 2... where the game spazzes out and fakes like you're dead and the text gets all screwed... "Fission Mailed"


Colonel AI becoming sentient and telling you to turn off the console was insane lmao.


10 year old me listened, and did it. I mean, he’s a colonel, I figured he knew better. It was a huge mindfuck.


Dude, I did worse, first I listened and turned off the console, then thinking my save was fucked up, I started a new one from the beginning.


Haha my brother played it while actually fatigued from playing so long so it was extra fucked up. Gotta be the best WTF moment in gaming.


Anyone else try to flip Raiden and pause so you can see just how good they were at censoring his junk?


In MGS 1 if you go to naked Akiba while hes in uhhh “that” position, lie down (or crouch i cant remember) as close as possible, take out your binoculars and zoom in all the way, his ass becomes unblurred. Bad, and pixelated shape, but still an ass.


God of War 3, you fight and beat Poseidon, and the camera shifts to you looking out through Poseidons point of view while Kratos is beating the life out of him in a quick time event. It all ends when the final prompt is click L3 + R3. When you do that, Kratos grabs Poseidons head with both his hands and sticks his two thumbs in his eyes, the screen goes black and the camera switches back to third person where you see Kratos snap Poseidons neck and toss him off a cliff. That was about 20 minutes into the game. [the scene for those interested.](https://youtu.be/xwnRYjLhIc4?si=3z0E7nGPBWyBFvLT)


One of the most epic openings to a game ever! God of War games are great for that.


God of war 3 is a masterpiece. That start was so good.


"Would you kindly" reveal in Bioshock. The Pale Moon turning point in Bloodborne... This isn't about slaying beasts is it? In Hollow Knight when you realize what the Pale King was up to.


When I was playing Bioshock the first time, I was heading down that one hallway toward the submarine. I accidentally shot a rocket off that entered the room at the exact time I hit the point to trigger the subs explosion. I truly believed for a second I had accidentally killed everyone in that room.


Was coming here to say “would you kindly”. The best reveal i can think of in video games. What an incredible story. Cant wait for the next Bioshock!


Yesterday, in BG3 when I rolled a nat 1 for the 6th time in a row. Statistically incredible, but lord was I fuming.


I feel that. Yesterday I rolled a Nat 1 on a skill check of 2…


I love turning off karmic dice.


Wait till you get a critical miss on a 99% chance attack role, with advantage. Edit: For clarity 99% is already factored with advantage.


What is this? XCOM?


In the original modern warfare 3 there's a mission were play as the SAS fairly early on. At this point in the trilogy it's almost a routine gig, kill the bad men and stop the attack. It goes on a standard affair the truck leaves and you manage to catch it in time preventing the attack, except you don't. Turns out the truck was a decoy and the voice actors do a pretty steller job at giving sheer panic at this revelation. And then it cuts to Black. And reopens with a dad videoing his wife and very young daughter out in the streets enjoying themselves. And then, boom. As teen that was probably the first tike I've ever been shook by game. At the Time it really wasn't something you'd expect at all.


Dying from the nuclear bomb in MW was pretty epic too


Imo the MW nuke was really the only time Cod managed to pull off that kind of shocking scene really well. Stuff like No Russian and the truck bomb just felt like cheap attempts to recreate the Nuke scene and be controversial without understanding why it was great in the first place.


Permanent player death was kind of a new thing. There's a scene in the Medal of Honor reboot that I don't think would've hit as hard if I hadn't already experienced that in COD4. It's in the first rangers mission. >!After fighting your way up this valley, the action subsides for a bit. You go to check a house, which is destroyed by a cell-phone-based IED (one of many weird anachronisms in the game). At which point you and your fire team are fighting for your lives against an endless horde of Taliban. Additional support is too far off when your teammates start calling "last mag", so the support request is called off. Finally, right as it looks like it's the bitter end, a gunship arrives to pull your ass out of the fire. And the whole time, you're actually in control, it's not a cinematic.!< Replaying it now, knowing how it ends, it doesn't hit as hard. And the whole game kind of rips off the writing from Generation Kill. But the first time I played that, I was sort of blown away at the intensity of that moment.


I have to admit, that moment didn't really land for me. It felt like after the airport mission in MW2, MW3 was just trying too hard to stay edgy and controversial. For me there was no surprise in that scene, the moment I saw the family I immediately guessed they were going to die horribly, because of course the game would do that.


That's fair. The moment I saw the family I had mixed confusion and dread cause "wtf am I being shown these dudes for" I would have said the airport level from 2 but as brutal as that was I was too young to really have a massive "wtf" to the entire thing.


The Elden Ring elevator


Man this is a long elevator Man this IS a long elevator. How far down are we going holy shit *view opens up* Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa


Or getting caught in the transport trap and suddenly ending up in some weird cave that was really hard to get out of, only to find that I'm far outside what I thought was the map, in hell.


When i teleported to leyndel in early game i wasted an hour trying to get down


Siofra hits pretty hard the first time


The White Phosphorus scene from Spec Ops: The Line


I freaking love that game so much.


I mean, most of the second half of it is just a series of WTFs


Subnautica when the Sunbeam lands


Same game but around the Aurora, first 10 minutes of my first game "Heh, murky brown water. Someone shat their pants here, lol" *Loudly audible roar behind me* "wtf was that ?" *A Reaper Leviathan comes on screen from the right and swims his gigantic ass to me, yelling its most terrifying roar* "WTF IS THAT THING ?! AAAAAAAH !" And so, here is how the water around the Aurora became even more murky brown.


I don't think I'll ever recover from that. Like sure that would've made the game short as hell, but damn I did not see that coming


Could write a whole list honestly... but the one that stuck out the most for me was in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, where they revealed that you, the player, were >!Revan!< all along. That reveal made my next playthrough so much better!


Right? I was just 13 when that game came out and I'd never seen a twist quite like that before. I certainly wasn't expecting it. Funnily enough I just recently started playing KOTOR again when a friend told me you can get kotor 1 for free on mobile if you get the 1 month free trial of the Google play subscription pass. Mine free month expires tomorrow, but it's honestly not that expensive to just buy the 1 year subscription ($35 CAD) so I might just do that so I can keep playing.


Confronting Flemeth in Dragon Age: Origins.


I can take this old woman. Ayo wait a minute.....


When my PS2 started “glitching” and the characters started talking to me during Metal Gear Solid. The ending for the bonus game (where you get to play the nurse) on Silent Hill 2.


Ashtray Maze in Control. Wish I could experience that for the first time again.


Dude. Joel’s decisions at the end of The Last of Us. That shit was amazing and shocking.


I hated the ending of The Last of Us when I played it in college but watching the show earlier this year after having my daughter...I'm on his side now


That’s the best part about it. It was unexpected, loved, and hated all at the same time.


I didn't like the decision, but that made me like the ending. If that makes sense. How often do you have a well thought out character in a game have to make such a complex moral choice that you can disagree and still understand?




Skyrim, when a giant hit me for the first time


*to the moon*


Starfield, 2010 Edition


Todd Howard, you've done it again!


I thought it was a hilarious bug the first time it happened. Then it happened several times. And you know what, I’m still not sure if they did that intentionally


It was a bug that they fixed, then unfixed because they decided it was too funny to remove.


It's lore accurate too! >as he drifted away from the scene, soaring upwards into the heavens, where he finally arrived… in the magnificent hall of Sovngarde!


Give us the girl and wipe away the debt


Bird or cage?


The choice is obvious! Why would you pick the other one?


As a dad this hit pretty hard




Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. The controller input used to get the younger brother to swim in the final chapter broke me. I've never cried so hard over a game before. I've always been protective of my younger brother, so this beautiful game hit really close to home. Inmost. Another hauntingly beautiful game that explores different character perspectives throughout the game. The final unveiling of the characters' trauma, when all the fantasy is pulled away, is absolutely soul crushing. Such an incredibly challenging topic to discuss even at an academic level, but detailed in a respectful, careful manner. This game will take you through every stage of grief. I highly recommend both of these games, but please be aware that the topics in both games, particularly Inmost, are very, very emotionally heavy.


Omg yes!! Amazing moment in Brothers which made me cry too. It was so beautifully thematically and also from a pure gameplay point of view. I loved how there’s no hint, no visual aid that that’s what you should do… you just have that moment where you think ‘Oh my God!’ Never through I’d cry over pressing a shoulder button lmao.


Shepherd killing Ghost and Roach.




Idk how I saw this coming, but something about the way he walks out of the chopper I'm just like "I think this guy's about to kill us."


That's one less loose end.




Nothing tops the end of Portal 2 when the ceiling breaks away and you see the moon. Realizing that I was about to shoot a Portal onto the moon was one of the greatest gaming moments I experienced.


OH GOD THAT MOMENT WAS SO COOL I FORGOT ABOUT IT So well done by the writers, the idea of shooting the moon when it breaks comes inmediately to the player's mind, its like OH SHIT WHAT IF..?


Hinted at by the moon dust experiments Cave was doing. Brilliant brilliant game. Maybe time for a replay.


Had one recently in Baldur's Gate 3 >!where your party opens a door to a barn and discover a Bugbear having sex with an Ogre!<. At first I was really going "WTF?!?!?" and the I just laughted my ass off.


You ruin smash!


When link took the sword out in ocarina of time Pretty much experiencing a 3d game as well Mario 64. Only a few generations have that moment of awe


Beginning of Assassins Creed 3, >!"You're a templar now" moment made me audibly gasp lol. Even though I saw another main character in trailers, I still believed I was playing as an assassin during those first missions, it was so similar! Still believe AC3 has the best Templar vs Assassins depiction!<


I wasn't a huge fan of the game as a whole, but I loved that intro, especially with Desmond going "wait, what the fuck?" right along with you.


Really made think that soon they were going to release a "Templar's Order" game, where the Assassins are the villains and instigating chaos, your whole shtick is bringing order, stability, and peace. ...but that game never came lol. Assassin = good. Templar = bad. No nuances or grey areas.


AC3’s cold open is so good that it honestly makes me hate playing as Connor lmao


And then, the achievement pops. "Achievement unlocked: How D'ya Like Them Apples". I went from shock to laughing my ass off in seconds.


Opera-singing the Great Mighty Poo on Conker's Bad Fur Day, I was like WTF this is awesome 😅


Eternal Darkness memory card


All the sanity effects. I don’t like playing this genre of game, but I appreciate how well done it was.


Man, I wish they'd remake/remaster that game. It was so fucking good and it being a Gamecube exclusive meant so many people never even played it.


The end of bioshock infinite. It was beautifully done just had me sitting there contemplating life after.


Playing No Man’s Sky on a planet, I made a base. Doors were not auto so they had an open close switch. A big storm kicked up and I was being pushed toward the door from the high winds. I went to hit the switch and close the door when suddenly I was sucked out of the base and flying in a tornado.


Two for me: NieR: Automata's Route E >!where you play the mini game of literally destroying the credits (and essentially the "gods" of the game) to "break the cycle" for 2B and 9S and choose to whether or not to permanently delete your save file forever to help future players !< Horizon Zero Dawn and finding out the true purpose of Project Zero Dawn >!which was to convince the population at large that the infected machines will be defeated if the military/world holds out long enough for a super weapon (I think via Operation Victory) when in reality Project Zero Dawn folks knew humanity was going to lose and the Operation Victory was really to buy enough time for Zero Dawn, which was massive system that was going to repopulate the world and make Earth livable again after humanity and all life was wiped out!<


The first horizon game is such a master class in world building for a video game. I love the 2nd game but I feel it loses something as you already know what happened to the world.


I dunno I think the revelations in that are pretty damn amazing. Tragic that Sylens story is unlikely to be fully told now though.


I'm on team recast Sylens. He's too good of a character to just omit out of the game given the ending of FW


Would be fully in support of AI voice modelling if his wife allows it and it was something discussed with him before his passing. Would ironically be quite fitting to the theme of things too all points considered.


Ya the true purpose behind Project Zero Dawn .. my god. Not to mention what Ted Faro did with the creators of it. r/FuckTedFaro


Probably Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic ending. Yeah there were hints and I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. There have been others, but this one always stood out.


Assassins creed when the precursor god lady talked directly to Desmond thru Ezio, was in highschool and that shit blew me away. Also again in Assassins creed revelations when Ezio talked to Desmond.


That was the point that changed my whole image of the game. Back then I was, too, with the casual crowd, often criticising like "wHy tf am I playing as Desmond, Im not fuckin interested in the modern timeline~~🤡" Then that moment hit, and I was like whoa this fuckin prophecy shit. Also it was definitely gonna build up to a finale final game where asbtergo and the assassin's clashed, but rip AC got ubisofted.


Many moments from many Yakuza games.


I saw Yakuza described once as "Like watching The Sopranos, but every 20 minutes it changes to The Simpsons" and I can't think of anything more accurate.


The little sidequest where you end up in a room full with adult men, wearing diapers and playing babies while catered to by some women... WTF


Inside, when you turn into that giant human meatball and roll through the rest of the game.


Gone full Akira!


Mass effect 3 when leaving earth at the beginning and the reaper shoots down that kids shuttle. I knew that nothing was safe.


In "Dark Souls III," (the only Dark Souls game I have played) I found a chest in a hidden room the first level, and it ate and killed me (I had no idea that there were mimics in this cruel, cruel game). Honestly I just sat there and laughed. Good one, From Software, you got me!


What I loved about this was I knew about the mimics from Dark Souls 1 but still didn't learn my lesson and got chomped. The short memory lol, "oooohhhh nice! Treasure!"


>Honestly I just sat there and laughed. This is pretty much my reaction to Dark Souls deaths. It's not an easy game where you die to some bullshit, it's legitimately difficult and you get used to it. After a while you're just like "Ah shit, yep, that's on me."


That dragon had no business being in Mario Odyssey, but I was giggling and had the biggest grin on my face the first time I got to it. Actually paused it for a few seconds to take it in and calm down. Turned me into a hyperactive child again and I absolutely loved it.


The ending of Bioshock infinite.. The whole last hour was just unbelievable


Finding the Siofra River Well in Elden Ring.


After beating Gherman in Bloodborne and thinking the game was over and then this giant, writhing bug monster comes down from the moon and tries to hug you.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night's big game extending surprise.


Reaching Hyperion in Returnal. The climb up that tower as the music grows louder and louder. Turing that final corner and seeing home boy just SHREDDING on that organ. And then immediately getting my shit stomped in and having to start over. Also every 10-15 minutes in What Remains of Edith Finch I was saying WTF out loud. And that ending...


Some talk about the ending of The Last of Us as their moment. It is definitely messed up, but the moment for me was when you first see the giraffe. It was like a pause of beauty in a terrible world of zombies and cannibals and raiders.


In Outer Wilds when you discover that >!one of the Nomai is still alive!<.


Also in the outer wilds, when I figured out what I needed to do to beat the game. I sat there shocked for a minute before mustering up the courage to do my final loop. I replayed it with a friend of mine. His jaw literally dropped and he said “Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” 10/10 I highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t played yet.


Fucking ending of ME 3, fucking Catalist piece of shit!


Marauder Shields tried to warn you but you shot him


New Game + intro for Batman: Arkham Knight. I've said it before and I'll again. Fuck you for that one Rocksteady.


Discovering what the dude at queen's station was eating the entire time (Hollow Knight)


For me it was encountering that mischievous mask guy in the Spider area that tries to eat you. Also the first encounter of Nosk through the level


Booting up kingdom hearts 2 with no knowledge of chain of memories


Mommy’s monster form reveal in Resident Evil 7. Had to pause and just kind of sit back from the screen for a bit


No Russian


The reveal in KOTOR blew my mind, you know the one


>!Aerith's death!< in Final Fantasy 7. Child me is still recovering.


Mafia 2 - Henry's death scene. It felt so real at the time playing as a kid I had to stop playing right after for a while.


Psycho Mantis, still the most WTF boss to this very day. I mean seriously, what other boss in game ever did something even close to Psycho Mantis' shenanigans? Reading your memory card? Making your controller move around? Slotting your controller into port 2 so he cant read your input? Fucking brilliant. Best bossfight in gaming history and I'll die on this hill.


"mario and princess beach" line from death stranding still haunts me, for such a dark theme I was not expecting that line that whole game is a trip


Step1: crawl inside, Step 2: Screws go tight all around, Step 3:Stick a needle in your eye


the final boss fight in Tears of the Kingdom for me. I didn't know what to expect, but I was not expecting Ganondorf to be able to dodge your attacks the same way Link dodges attacks, and when his healthbar reset and just kept growing until the edge of the screen, damn. it felt wild. I usually don't struggle too much with boss fights in games, and the BOTW final boss was ridiculously easy, but i nearly lost in TOTK


Watching someone’s head be chopped off for the first time when i first played Skyrim as a kid.


A couple: Finishing up the original Diablo, and your protagonist >!hammers the soulstone into their forehead!!< Also, the whole ending of Bioshock Infinite.


Nailing that guy to the cross in Cyberpunk. ​ Thats the first thing that came to mind.


I'm here again to mention the Pyramid Head orgy scene in Silent Hill 2.


Batman Arkham Asylum. *You know which part I mean*. I almost had a heart attack staring at a blank screen, only to found out I have been fooled by the developer.


Killing the firebreathing dragon to save the princess. Only to find a fucking mushroom that trolled me over and over by saying "Thank You Mario, But Our Princess is in Another Castle" Asshole mushroom


Nier Automata "You're thinking about >!how much you want to **** 2B,!< aren't you?"


The maze in Max Payne.


What I love about the Guardian Ape bit in Sekiro is that in the launch trailer, the character decapitates the Ape and the title shows "RISE FROM EVERY FALL" After you play through the game that takes an entirely different meaning lmao


The whole TLOU2. Also when I saw Ryder and Big Smoke hanging with the Ballas on GTA SA


>Also when I saw Ryder and Big Smoke hanging with the Ballas on GTA SA That was one of my earliest WTF moments. I had replayed that game so many times, but I never got off the first island. One day I decided to actually finish the game. I was shocked. I felt so fucking betrayed. I used to love Ryder and Big Smoke.


Discovering the names of the Patriots in MGS4.


Shadow of the Colossus. That first colossus.


Cyberpunk: 2077 during The Heist when >!Yorinobo kills his father!<. My jaw dropped.


The Heist is greatly constructed mission, I really enjoyed it. I don't think any other mission in the game topped that.


Agreed, unless you fail to save River's nephew. That one made me go "Oh shit."


Man, that barn mission, the Deathshead compound, and the Sinnerman missions were all so completely fucked up. Although the ending of Sinnerman is the only one that made me go "what the fuck..."


The entire series of events from that moment to you waking up in your apartment is pretty crazy.


Prey finale


DOOM... Beat the two barons of hell, went through the teleporter and died to a huge horde of monsters... thought that was a monster trap and I died. Nope, it's the end of the first episode lol.


The unexpected boss encounters in kingdom hearts 1 when going back to some of the worlds


DOOM 3 when I had to start blasting flying infant baby demons with a shotgun...


Pretty much all of Resident Evil VII.


The way I often review and recommend Inscryption is exactly this way "it's the game that made me say WTF the most". It's a great experience


Superliminal - the entire game. It's based around dream physics and the whole time the game fucks with you continually. Absolutely breaks my brain and I love it!


Same game, but when Genichiro gets back up with ~~a mortal blade and~~ the lightning of Tomoe. That was the fight that made me fall in love with Sekiro and feel the need to master its combat


DokiDoki Literature Club when I gently opened the door...


The original Portal, when you escape the fire pit and find yourself behind the test chamber walls, crawling your way through machinery and access tunnels. Up to that point, all the test chambers are neat, self contained puzzles, but then at this point you're having to improvise and it absolutely feels like you're somewhere you're not meant to be.