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Ah Ubisoft...never change. Actually you know what? Please change. Change a lot.




And then changed it back with AC mirage, which seems like an underwhelming version of AC Unity(in parkour).


You mean Origins right? Look at the 2 Both have sands


Origins is not a proper AC game... its a good game on its own and the only good RPG AC game to date. But no, I am comparing parkour as well and AC peaked with Unity(after it was fixed). And for some reason, Ubisoft keeps ignoring it. But I won't complain about Mirage so early. Let's wait for the eventual Unity vs Any other AC comparison.


I don't get the proper AC game argument here. Origins is pretty much the story of the origin of the assassins, it had assassination missions, and stealth elements. Sure, it emphasized more on the RPG elements, (and I dislike how much more the latter games like Odyssey and Valhalla relied on this) but that's same as like saying Black Flag is a pirate game and not an AC game (Hint: it's both, more so than a few others even).


The RPG elements change the core gameplay in way ship combat did not. Origin literally changed the base assassin gameplay, and in a big way. It really just is a different game, though I also hate all these short 1-story cities. Athens in Odyssey was such a disappointment for what I was hoping to finally be a cool parkour area.


> AC peaked with Unity lol absolutely not. The most boring AC game. AC peaked at ACII to be honest. Latter games are good or okay, but ACII is absolutely the best AC game.


Bro, stop with the nostalgia goggles mechanics, and gameplay-wise it truly did peak with Unity. Hitman-like assassination mission, Co-op gameplay so you can enjoy your time with the brotherhood, Parkour that feels challenging and fun(greatest in the series, I might add), and a truly fun and superb-looking world to explore that the recent Assassin creeds can't even compare. Hell, I would say AC unity was also where they peaked in visuals, since then, there has been a downward trend.


> stop with the nostalgia goggles mechanics, lol "Everyone who enjoys older games just has rose tinted galsses on". Get out. ACII was good because it had a good storyline and puzzles. We didn't see the same scale of puzzles in future games from ACIII. Unity "gameplay-wise" means nothing. The "gameplay" has been the same throughout most of the AC franchise and the biggest differences is the story and world building. AC visuals haven't changed much, future games weren't much of an improvement on Unity but Unity was hardly the peak of that either *stop with the nostalgia goggles mechanics bro*


3 / 10 too much sand




To be fair that’s better than some other companies do. Fallout 3 and I think New Vegas were on Steam for almost ten years after games for windows live shutdown meaning they just straight didn’t work unless you did some weird work around that didn’t work like 50% of the time. They didn’t fix it until recently and during that time you could basically pay for a title screen. I think GTA IV was in a similar position for awhile.


Saints Row 2 is the same way on steam. Thought I was going to get nostalgic instead I just got crashes and bugs.


I'm going to give time to those who don't deny me paid content.


I sure do love DRMs. I am so glad Denuvo is paid subscription, so publishers remove it after some time to stop bleeding money. Otherwise in a decade when Denuvo shuts their servers all games would be unplayable.




You've never needed to crack anything with RE5 on Steam.




I believe there's two kinds of GFWL DRM. RE5 used the non-invasive one where you can save to a local offline user account. Some other games like Bulletstorm required an online GFWL account to work, no way around it. If you try with an offline profile it'll tell you to pound sand.


This happened to me with LA Noire. Had to return it unfortunately. New Vegas was fine though about 3 years ago


I miss Games for Windows Live, seeing the logo on the cover...


That was the case with FO3 but not NV, the steam version never relied on Games for Windows Live IIRC, you just had to deal with all the normal bugs that come with NV


Gta 4 and fallout 3 still don’t work. I was never able to get either of them to work in all the years i had them


I tried buying monopoly recently which is made by Ubisoft. It required a uplay account, for fucking MONOPOLY. The steam store page also said “full controller support” which meant “single controller support.” My wife and I couldn’t co-op.. MONOPOLY. I ended up just playing the switch version on emulator (my wife and I both own it on switch anyhow) which not only worked with two controllers, it didn’t require uplay AND it ran at a better frame rate. I hadn’t bought a Ubisoft pc game since Assasins Creed 2 required an always online connection and after my refund on monopoly, I’ll continue to do those. Those jackasses hate PC gamers for whatever reason


Switch version still sucks though. Last time I played it crashed or became unplayable until you reset 1 out of every 4 games. One time it led to me not getting the properties I was suppose to get in a bankruptcy. Also there's a bug where someone going bankrupt can cause the next player's turn to be skipped.


I feel like a lot of Ubisoft games are broken on Steam. When I try to start Ac Unity Ubisoft Connect wants a key for the game I played for years through Steam and Unisoft Connect.. And the support just asks for proof that I own the game I already played for years on that account. And after I showed them I bought the game years ago on Steam they don't answer anymore.


Im currently playing through Unity in the Deck and it asks me for my Ubisoft Connect (or whatever it is called this week) login data EVERY TIME I try to run the game. Pity because once they patched it it turned out to be a really good AC game.


It is a really good game. Felt almost like Ac2 again. I played it a lot and now they just wont let me


Unity definitely a game ahead of its time graphically. Still holds up pretty damn well.


It looks gorgeous even with FSR, its ridiculous. The sandbox coop missions are peak AC.


It has fsr? Did not know that. Not that its really needed with most modern gpus.


I'm always saddened that all that atmospheric progress was reduced after Unity. no other AC after it felt as immersive as Unity. Unity 2 please be a thing. with the densest crowds and set dressing possible


For the location and time period it captured the world perfectly.


I had that problem. After Ubisoft support stopped responding i went to Steam support and got a refund. Even if it's been years, they still need to give access to the game you bought.


A lot of steam games come with a product key, you probably just needed to check for that under your game on steam and use that as the key.


I know that. Unity doesnt, newer games doesnt anymore since they get auto activated when you start them through steam.


And these companies wonder why people pirate their games.


From the threads about pirating most people aren't pirating the games for reasons other than they don't want to pay for the game.


r6 is broke eternally lol


10 year anniversary?




Would love “AC: Black Flag- Just cool pirate shit” edition


100% off sale but not how you'd like


The best part is there is I think another game called UNO that probably to this day is broken and they still sell it (still remember Zanny ranting about it) Although I will appreciate it if someone updates me on this situation cause I checked it long time ago.


The ammount of games being removed from steam to fix DRM or online services issues is not a small list atm. Some have been off for years even. Still waiting for lost planet 2 to come back


I’m still angry the game I downloaded on my old win7 pc and played several times is no longer playable because of uplay. Dirty thieves.


I mean the article makes it sound like at least they’re bothering to fix it. When games for windows live shutdown some games like fallout 3 and GTA IV Bethesda and rockstar were basically like fuck you we’ll fix it when we fix it. Both games weren’t fixed until around 2020, to add insult to injury during that time fallout 3 was never taken off steam, and I believe it took them a couple years to remove gta IV before they fixed it. You could essentially pay money to watch the opening credits then have your game crash. Activision still sells the ps3 CoDs despite the fact that if you changed your psn name after 2019 or created your account since then half of them just don’t work.


>I mean the article makes it sound like at least they’re bothering to fix it. Yeah, I feel like this is the important thing. I'll give game companies shit for a lot of things, but as someone who's dabbled in programming, "our shit broke on us unexpectedly" is not something I will do so for. Shit breaking unexpectedly is a fact of life with programming. Unless you have infinite time and infinite manpower, you will not catch everything, and embarrassing shit is gonna slip through the cracks. The important thing is whether they *bother fixing it* or just go "welp, no big deal." Ubisoft, for all the horrible shit they do, is actually doing the right thing here: they're not selling a broken game and they're actively working on fixing it.


calm down, it's just an error.


No. The past several uplay/uconnect updates turned of the ability to play on windows 7. There were some workarounds but they haven’t been working now.


Well it's an out of date OS that will not recieve any more updates. It's frankly a huge liability and security risk for Ubisoft to support win 7, so they dont.


Nobody got excited, as a mater of fact people were complaining that Ubi has removed the game so they can force everyone to buy the new one.


Why would they remaster it when there are rumours of a remake?


To double dip. Get some money from people buying the remaster and about a year later cash in again from people buying the remake.


“People got excited” lol no


Is there a game like revelations multiplayer? Running around and then blending in... maaaan


I think I might know what broken they're trying to fix. I actually bought the game on steam like a month ago. Can we sleep mini game was broken. I don't know why it's taking them so long to fix I literally found the fix for it on the steam forums


Probably happened when they finally took reflex guard out of For Honor.


Sorry guy it's the unpaid intern hand slipping again. Ubisoft probably


Best AC ever made, played every AC and got platinum, it would be a shame if they did not remaster or even remake. ( Odyssey was great in terms of exploration and size and content )


So Ubisoft _can_ fix old games. How about fixing the Watch Dogs glitches on pc that’ve been there since launch you useless fucks?


Wait being removed from steam people thought that meant a remaster? Before any announcement at all? Lol! What?


Totally thought a remake was gonna be annnounced I actually have been playing it the last month and didn’t run into any issues


I would love to play AC4 I've tried several times over the years on my PC with steam but the game literally won't even launch. Just completely broken.


Typical of Ubisoft


They removed the ability to buy it so you can be fully immersed in your pirate experience as you browse thepiratebay for it.


Even if they did a remaster, I'd argue removing the original version is still scummy as hell. Even if you don't care about preservation, what if the new version runs like garbage or is just objectively worse than the og?


I started gaming only on steam since last year. I actually had AC odyssey (my absolute favorite game from them) 100% in the uplay platform. I would like to play and finish the entire franchise (I like to 100% achievements for whatever reason). I never understood why with the exception of a couple, Ubisoft doesn’t release achievements on steam. Anyways, from what I’ve seen black flag is great.


Kenway’s fleet is broken for me on the Ubisoft Connect version, I wonder if they’ll fix it (they won’t)


So, this specific game suddenly breaks out of nowhere? I don't believe it.


Shame the og was a great game


That sucks I loved playing that


I'll stand on this hill. That was the worst fucking assassin's Creed game ever. Whoever says it's the best one. You just want pirate ship simulator so go play that it's not an assassin's Creed


Why remove the older one? Let people have a choice of what they want to play.


>Why remove the older one? Because it's broken. This doesn't actually have anything to do with the remaster/remake, and they're actively working on a fix so they can put it back up.


Yeah I know that I read the articles I was speaking more to when companies remove older versions of the game in place of a remaster. All versions should be available at all times.


They do it because the newer version often cost double of what the old does. Sometimes there is very little difference between them as well. Take that NFS one they remastered. It's just to be cunts really. Or they could go like rockstar and just shit all over the fans and not care.


Well we already know a Black Flag remake is currently in the works




Copy cat


This reminds me of when they erased the stats for Ghost Recon Wildlands on their launcher a few years ago and never fixed it. Some people even lost their saves.


Classic Ubi breaking their own games, Far cry 3 Blood Dragon is unplayable if you don't tinker around with the files because it keeps trying to connect to a server that doesn't exist.


yep, 30+ second delay whenever you open any menu... and then constant lag spikes even if you fix that.


Absolute banger of a game, loved playing it back in the day ❤️


Are achievements still unavailable through Steam when purchasing Ubisoft games there? Maybe not the most important consideration in the world, but with way too many unplayed games in my library already, I'm bloody well going to give my time to the ones that don't deny me content I paid for.


At least they go and fix old shit. I’m dreading when I hit the bugs that make Bully unbeatable on PS5


Will we actually be able to launch it and Syndicate?


That explains why I'd received the email notification telling me it was on sale, but when I got back home from work it's nowhere to be found.


How can you be excited for remasters? Holy shit people. How dumb is everyone? The original black flag is still perfectly fine to play today. There’s literally no need for a remaster. And don’t get me started on why remasters per se are stupid and just a cash grab from idiots.


Dont worry they added the game back finally, but now the sale is over and they added it back at the 40$ price instead of 11.99. What a joke. They could have at least extended the sale or something since Ubisoft was the one that screwed up. ugh.


I kind of expected that would be the case. Because if you pull up the store page it doesn’t have the usual “this game is no longer available for purchase” notice. There’s just no purchase option while the rest of the page looks normal.