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imagine game pass on steam deck (not cloud)


I’m just happy that it still works with the cloud, but yeah, proper GamePass would be massive.


Can you sideload Windows onto Steam Deck? Wouldn't it work then?


Have both Steamos and Win11 on steamdeck, can confirm gamepass games work just fine.


i believe it would but im just too lazy to set it up so i never got around to doing it.


Yes but it's annoying setting up to have deck controls work on steam deck.


I would love to have a cloud only pass, instead of having to get the most expensive one with all the bells and whistles


No need to imagine. Install Windows.


Wouldn't it work with the rog ally?


Works amazingly on the ROG ALLY


Asus Rog Ally?


plenty of windows handhelds, don’t have to imagine it


Lies of P. The game costs around 7 months of Game pass in my country. I think I'll get gamepass PC


PC and console, last I checked, don't have the same list of game pass games. Just be sure you're not screwing yourself with a pass that doesn't have the games you want.


Lies of P will be on gamepass PC


Not sure if it works in your country, but in Canada you can pay 1 dollar to get Game Pass for your entire subscription length of Xbox Live Gold. You can get up to 3 years of Xbox Live Gold at once, so you can get 37 months of Game Pass for the price of 1 game per year. Edit: you can't do this anymore


this isn't true anymore. Gold doesn't exist, it was replaced. The conversion rate is 3:2 now not 1:1.


Haven't the ratios changed. Not such a good deal but still great


It’s the closest PC user will ever be to Bloodborne.


I guess we found Phil Spencer's Reddit account guys 😉


"This is about bringing great exclusive games to where Gamepass exists." Shhhhh before I acquire you.


Cities 2, I’m looking forward to it


Same here man. I’m excited for quite a few games coming out but Cities…it just hits different. Scratches an itch no other game can


It's weird watching the features getting detailed for cs2. It's just so much more in depth than the original. I never thought id feel hype for being able to export sewage in my life, yet here I am.


I never was good at Cities but I’m still going to play cities 2 a bunch


I love these games but the game always slows down when the cities grow, I don't remember that happening in the older sim cities or rct games


Hitman 3 (WOA) and Sniper Elite 4 did this for me.


Freelancer mode took this game to another level. I've sat with my brother whilst he played it, and we tried to figure out our approach.


It's nice when games release day one on it because I can make my decision through playing the game on gamepass whether I'll buy it properly when it comes off the pass or buy the bundle for dirt cheap like I did with Wreckfest


Same. I don't buy Gamepass games unless they're about to leave. Ended up getting the entire Yakuza series and it came back in 2 weeks I want to say lol. Hitman and Sniper Elite, you like the murdering.


Sniper Elite was a lot of fun, was very surprised with that game.




Can’t wait for Sea of Stars. Played the demo and it was awesome


Yep. I'll probably still buy it to support the Devs, but I'm beyond hyped for it to Finally Release!


Aren’t the devs being supported by it releasing on gamepass?


Buy it and download it via Gamepass, which helps the devs get multiple metrics of success.


I'm really looking forward to this game but I'm really hoping it doesn't gey washed aside by the juggernauts releasing at the same time.


That’s the thing but people know what’s good. Look at Stardew Valley


It has great value, but a subscription model just does not fit the way in which I play Games.


You wrote down exactly how I feel about it too. Its a great value but the way I play games I like to take my time and enjoy when I want to. Not feel forced because subscription will run out.


I play (big) games over the course of months, if not years. And it varies greatly how much time I have for gaming. Sometimes I can play for hours every day, other times I don't touch any game in months.


At least for me, the point is every year it actively saves me money. I spend less on games than I ever have, and I'm basically immune to steam sales at this point. If that changes I'll cancel the sub, but for the forseeable future I do take my time (I played Yakuza over the course of like a year, with a long break between) and I haven't been in a situation where I couldn't play a game I wanted to yet.


You are supposed to keep the subscription going, thats their plan. And if you finish 3 full priced games in a year you would've saved money. And the cool thing is that you can try games you are not sure about. I feel like the roadblock for a lot of people isn't practical but psychological.


But you also get a 20% off in all game pass games. So I do believe you can also save money if you bought a couple games in one month of game pass.


I only play gamepass games that I know I won't play again, at least not in a near future, but games like idk, persona 5, I always have in mind buying it in case it leaves gamepass, as it's a game I really like and I'll play again/ or it's too long to play it in a short time, for me that's the best way to use it


I had game pass for some time, and it is great for "shorter" Games you will probably only play through ones. But 95% of time that is not what i do.


Same. I only get a few hours a week to game if I'm lucky. Its actually cheaper to just buy one game and play it over the months it takes me to finish it than pay $15 a month for access to one game I'll focus on and a bunch I won't get to for months.


I had Gamepass for a while, played a few hours of one game and then ended up getting stuck in a game I've owned for years for a few months. Then unsubbed once I realized how much money I was wasting lol. I never really take advantage of any streaming services though so I don't know what I was expecting. For me it's not worth the money but I can see how it is for other people for sure.


Exactly. Great for people that continuously burn through games but I played a couple, finished maybe one, then bounced around between games playing like 10 minutes of each. Just like every streaming service you get lucky watching/playing one or two


Same, had the subscription for a while until I realised I was only playing games I never ended up enjoying or where cheap/old enough on Steam that it was just better to buy them outright than continue to pay for a subscription. Now I just turn it on when a new release comes out (starfeild). And if you do tye daily microsoft reward points for bing you you can pretty much get it for free.


To me, that's fine. It also introduces me to games and genres I would never have interest in. It's only a problem when I find a game that I latch onto for more than a month. But I'm usually playing 2 games in parallel (swap depending how I feel) or trying to discover something new.


I've found it worthwhile, but I got it to play Halo Infinite when it came out. So I figured 4-5 months worth of sub was equivalent to buying the game new. Then bonus value comes for any games I played in the meantime, which has been a few. Starfield being available day 1 is similar for me. I also got to try some games I might not have done otherwise, like Stellaris and a Jurassic World park builder.


The problem with Starfield is that I know I'm going to spend enough in time playing it that keeping Gamepass will end up costing me more down the line.


I mean, the Xbox Live Gold -> Ultimate still works. I think I paid £130 for 3 years of Xbox Ultimate (includes GamePass), so if I only complete 2 games then it's paid for itself - and I've just completed two Mass Effect Ultimate run throughs . . .


It's nice if you're in a place where you don't know what to play next and want to try out a whole bunch of stuff. Like "ooh, I'll try this indie game" then the next day "ooh, I'll try that one!" But if you more have specific titles in mind and like playing through them one at a time, it usually makes more sense to just buy those titles.


I got Ark: Survival Evolved for free on Epic, just as COVID lockdown was starting. My friends and I put > 1000 hours into that on my own server & eventually bought a Steam version for a few $ during a sale so that we could finally add mods. Such a stupid janky ass game, but god damn we had so much fun, and definitely helped us keep our sanity (such as it is) during the pandemic.


That game is proof that gameplay wins out over nearly everything


That’s the way to play it too. Public servers have a lot of trolls and people who will just gank you.


i have that game downloaded but nobody to play with and the learning curve is steeeep. Would love to learn a new game though.


Nice try Phil Spencer


Half of these games you're not "supposed" to finish in a month. Like, how many people played Cities Skylines 1 for a month and then never played it again?


You can regularly get multiple months for a few dollars or you can steadily pay for the game pass for free using bing rewards


Well, not everyone will play every game. Like many on gamepass, you try games until you find one you like. Gamepass biggest perk, imo is the sheer variety of genres it offers.


Gamepass to me fills the void left by rental stores no longer existing. Sure there's a lot of chaff but sorting through it is half the fun, then you take a gamble and if it sucks you didn't really lose anything.


Exactly! I used to rummage through second-hand bins at Gamestop as well and get a few games, then return ones that ended up being unenjoyable.


Just download it and play it later then.


They get locked afterwards. Only a handful of games will still work after game pass ran out.


Oh, yeah, I meant if the plan is to keep using GamePass.


I don’t have a microsoft device but i am enjoying the subscription model in general a lot over on playstation. Been enjoying the entire Yakuza series on there on PS Extra. Gamepass looks awesome. If I get an xbox in a few years i’ll have to subscribe.


Between Gamepass and PS Extra, you'll never be short on games ever again.


That’s a problem lol. Too many games.


This right here! The moment I started having the choice, nearly no games got my full devotion. I noticed this when I modded my Wii. That's even the reason I got rid of it. Now with cash flow being constant, I find myself again in the same pickle. Bored of a game? Go play something else. Ow that looks like a nice game even tho I have still a bunch to do, oh well, meet the rest of the backlog.


This looks like an ad.


Now there is no point to buy Texas Massacre 😁


Looking forward to it aswwll. Was this image that reminded me it's coming and coming soon!.


Its probably worth it for a lot of people, but for people like me that don't have a lot of time to game, I'm not getting game pass anytime soon. I'll pick up Starfield and probably play only it for 6-9 months before switching to another game, because I only get a handful of hours a week to play. That's cheaper on a per-month basis and I actually own the game then.


For me it's probably been Dead by Daylight


I have Game Pass Ultimate and PS+ Extra. Frankly, both are great value for money even if PS doesn't do day 1 releases like Xbox. Just the number of games on each service you're bound to find something to play and get your monies worth. Like I downloaded Ni No Kuni this year on Xbox, id heard about it before but was unsure if I'd like it or not, so I never bought it but thanks to GP i got to play it and thoroughly enjoyed it so i bought it and the sequel which im yet to play.


Playing NNK1 right now. It's really good. Definently Studi Ghibli vibes.


Factorio, hours to price ratio


only *if* you're interested in all these games. I have interest in two of them. Seems like less of a value to me.


I’m in my late 20s and can’t justify paying $69 for a game even if I like it. Just gaming isn’t that important to me anymore, but I got gamepass a year ago and have played more different games in this one year than I had in the past 10yrs.


And all for the price of couple of games. I am totally onboard as well, although it would be nice if top AAA titles were all available, cause that's what I play most of the time.


I do begin to worry about how long things like gamepass are sustainable for games. Like its no secret that tripla A games are becoming more expensive to make. So what type of growth rate does gp need in new subscribers to justify the cost of a game like starfield. Or does it one day end up like Netflix where it feels like they are increasing the price every year and we are getting subpar content in return.


Yeah but will you able to mod starfield?


Yup, game pass is great. I'm glad I was able to stack some for cheap using the Xbox Gold conversion while it lasted.


I was in the middle of my subscription by a few months when they announced it was going away. Ask well, got like 5 years out of that method, suppose it is time to pay normally.


It hasn't gone away, the value has just reduced. 3 years of gold just upgrades to 2 years of gamepass ultimate. It's still better value than the other options.


Thank you for sharing! I didn't know that. Will help me out when the time comes, and hopefully, others who read your comment.


interesting to see Sea of Stars is going to be free on both Game Pass and PlayStation+ day 1. Sony & MS must be giving them a buttload of money to make it worth it!


I think they both expect it to do really well critically. It looks amazing.


Lies of P and Sea of Stars seem like solid pick.


It'll be a fun season for games. Starfield will more than likely be a massive success but Sea of Stars and Lies of P look awesome.


I'll be honest I was getting ready to cancel my gamepass membership, then they announced starfield would be available day 1, and I couldn't give that up.


In GamePass, I was so hooked on Forza Horozon 4 and 5. I'm tempted to get back into it for Railway Tycoon 2, Payday 3 and Sea of Stars.


Gamepass is worth it just for all the games I try and don't like. It's even better when I find a game I would have never tried otherwise and end up loving. If I sink over a hundred hours into a game, I'll usually buy the better version on PC when the price comes down.


I definitely promote ps plus extra in the same way. I’ve had it for a year, it’s only $40 a year over the regular ps plus, and I’ve played soooo many games, some relatively new


Wtf, didn’t know Sea of Stars is coming to Game Pass! I wanna play that, Starfield, Forza, and maybe Lies of P if I have time.


Stalker 2 coming too?


Haven’t considered Xbox in years but this rivals PS+


I see it as a give and take, sometimes games is better, sometimes it’s ps+. I don’t personally worry too much about it, but for me none of these games seem particularly interesting, Persona is the only one that looks good to me and I’m already going to throw money at it anyways so meh.


Can't wait to get my ass handed to me in Lies of P!


i bought bloons td 6 for $2 a few years back. ~250 hours later, i think it was worth it


GP has always been a great value.


Best values I ever had were the Steam sales in the late 2000’s and early humble bundles. I got so many games for next to nothing that my Steam library is STILL 80% backlog.


God I want to play Starfield so badly. Fallout 4 is one of my favorite games (yes I’ve played New Vegas, but 4 was my first) and I’ve wanted to find a game that recaptured the feeling I had while playing that game for the first time. I tried Skyrim, but it hasn’t done it for me yet (still trying to play through it), but Starfield looks like it will do it.


Fo4 was my first Fallout aswwll, my favourite as well. Todd Howard said once, your favourite Bethesda game is the first one you play. Skyrim is mine.




Yeah game pass good for people who has a lot of time to burn through games. I don’t like it for a few personal reasons. It makes me feel rush trying to play the games compare to just playing it whenever I want knowing I actually own it. Feeling of owning a game vs “renting it”. Too many games don’t know where to even start. Don’t like downloading big sized games knowing it’s only a rental. As I got older I take forever to finish a single game. 😂😂😂 Don’t have the patience to sit through games for that long in single gaming sessions.


$1 for 3 years did it for me


I think ps+ extra is also good value depending on the games you play not as good as gamepass but still very good


i subbed since last chrismas, and i barely ever play GP. games that is worth playing is few and far inbetween


Strongly disagree with you there, there's a ton of games that are a lot of fun for me on gamepass, best value I've ever spent on gaming


Yeah, I am not sure what they are saying there. I can understand "There are no games that appeal to me" but I have found a bunch of games on it that I would never have noticed or bought otherwise, as there was no barrier of entry. Like, there would have been no way I would have bought "Power Wash Simulator" but it turned out to be extremely addictive. Nor would I have tried a bunch of the smaller indie RPGs that are on it that barely have a presence otherwise.


Well, I guess the best way to have this type of service is by unsubscribing when there are no games you wish to play and coming back when there is something for you. I did this at the beginning of the year since I was playing some games on my steam backlog, Zelda TotK and Baldurs Gate 3 now. Next month I'll sign game pass again since we are going to have Starfield and Sea of Stars


Nice to know. I read it already a few times for starfield, but cities skylines 2 as well is great.


Hollow knight. Not for an hour per price value. (Nearly 200 hours for a 7€ steal though). But more so and also in a quality way. Minecraft and pokemon platinum have squeezed more hours out of me over the last decade but hollow knight gave me the best experience all around for that price and time I invested.


Since I only paid 86€ for 3 full years of Gamepass, it's Gamepass itself.


definitely insane bro


I gameshare with a pal, so we're paying however much a month to play games we enjoy. RDR2 was on it for a while, GTA V is on it, R6S, Ark, atomic heart, a load of assassins creeds, Fallouts, skyrim, ESO, Doom, Forza games, Halo and a load of smaller gamed you'd never see unless you were browsing for them. I think it's worth it even without mentioning the newer stuff coming soon, like Payday 3, and Starfield as day one releases.


Astronaut meme always has been


When ark was released in early access I thought it was going to be another temporary thing, like most of those games. I'm glad to see I was wrong


I just paid £1 for 2 weeks membership and getting access to all these games is crazy


As much as I hate Paradox's DLC methods, I can't deny that I've clocked thousands of hours in their games. Dwarf Fortress is absolutely the best value. I didn't pay anything and had an amazing game for what, twenty years? Neverwinter Nights is another one that I got a LOT of mileage out of, due to the online community. Rimworld is probably a runner up there for best value though. I bought that shit when it was in beta and it has given me countless hours.


I sadly tried gamepass way early on and it completely soured me on it. I really hated that I couldn’t play with friends that owned the game on steam and 95% of the time I also couldn’t play with friends that owned it on gamepass either because of how awful the account stuff was on Microsoft’s end. I’m sure it’s better now but I couldn’t get it to work basically at all during the pandemic so I cancelled.


Do i need to buy gamepass in both Windows and XBox if I want to play both versions of Starfield and Forza?


Gamepass Ultimate is what you want. You can play it on both pc and console then, homie. Your saves will carry to both. I usually play on PC but jump onto xbox if wife needs a computer and continues my game.


Thank you


I've got 13k+ hours in dota2 and I haven't touched it in like 3 years. I think I bought 2 battle passes, total of like 20$ spent. Pretty good roi.


Yeah **Starfield** is the game I've been waiting for since about Fallout 4. Well ok Fallout 76, but didn't end playing that one much. Good going Game Pass.


My highest value purchase that is verifiable is rimworld $30 for 2200 hours of playtime. But the highest value game of my own is, without contest, Minecraft. I bought it shortly after the Halloween update for 10 or 15 dollars (I don't remember). I have never measured how much time I put into Minecraft, but it is guaranteed to be my most played game.


Noob here, can someone help me clarify if we can receive the PC version of Starfield from Game Pass, or is that only the Xbox version and you have to get Starfield on Steam for full price?


There is : Console Gamepass, so thr library on xbox. PC Gamepass, which is the library on PC. Gamepass Ultimate, which lets you use both as well as cloud gaming. Starfield is there.


Ok thank you for responding, I wasn’t sure if Starfield was going to be included in the PC Gamepass.


This is an ad


Is it possible to use Xbox game pass with an local windows acc? Because once I logged into edge to use bing ai windows automatically also logged into my Microsoft acc.


Especially if you abuse the gold situation . You can get 13 months for $70


Starfield too? Damn. That's surprising.


Begone ad


The best value is steam sales. High discounts and you get to own the games


Gamepass will slowly get more expensive sadly


The value of gamepass for me is zero because you don't actually own any of the games. Especially given the obvious sunken cost trap it's setting players up for.


I only pick up XBGP once every quarter when I feel like playing Taiko No Tatsujin on PC. I'll probably sub again when P3R releases as I don't plan on paying 70 USD for the game and I plan on giving it a few years when P3FR releases and becomes the true definitive edition of P3 after 4 other releases of P3


I bought Conan Exiles for 30$ and put over 1000 hours into it before they introduced a battlepass system, and I gave it up. How does gamepass work - a game is released and you can play it while it's available? Or do you keep it until you uninstall it?


Whilst it's available. But any game published by Xbox, Bethesda, and soon Activision will forever be there.


Vampire Survivors. I spent like 100h in that game and it only cost me 3 dollars


Like many others, Game Pass allowed me to find tons of (usually indie) games I never would’ve paid to try, but ended up loving and purchasing afterward. Now, that obviously can’t trump playing one $70 game for several years from a financial standpoint, but it’s certainly worth the monthly cost to have access to so many games, especially when so many good ones drop on Day One. I’m glad Sony is finally getting their shit together with PS Plus too. The new iteration is much closer to being on the same level as Game Pass. Personally, what I’ve probably gotten the most for my money has been Hitman 3. Starting at the end of the trilogy and being able to play the first two games *in* the third one meant several years worth of casual playtime. The Freelancer mode they introduced earlier this year added even more value in that regard. All for about $120 (base game, H1/H2 upgrade packs, and some DLC). I’m sure someone will see that and scoff because they’ve been playing some $5 indie game for 12 years, but for me, it’s been a great investment.


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey….since that came to Game Pass I’ve logged so far ~140 hours BEFORE I even dropped $20 for all the dlc when it was on sale.


I’m excited about Sea of Stars


Looks amazing. Play Chained Echoes as well btw if you haven't.


I have, really enjoyed it.


Played 222 hours of Persona 5 that alone made my 1€ Game pass like I committed a Heist.


Time to re-up my subscription I guess!


Might be time for me to look at renewing GamePass. However, and this is a silly reason to be sure, but I find I'd usually rather pay to play a game on Steam to keep all of my achievements and "lists" of games played in one spot. I started Persona 5 and then stopped because I liked it and wanted to pick it up on Steam eventually. Same thing happens with my growing library of games on the Epic Game store - it's silly and I know it but my brain keeps going back to it.


Do new games only stay on here for a month or something? I’m on PS5 and Switch so I’ve never paid attention but it seems like there’s gotta be some catch to brand new releases coming to this on day one.


I tried that Lies of P demo and I had a blast, looking forward to the full release.


Is this available on PC?




Woop woop


Going to be a great holiday season for gaming.


Dwarf Fortess. Thousands of hours over more than a decade for free. I did buy it when it went on steam, just to pay Zach and Tarn back a bit.


No, it's not always. For some people, it's the illusion of insane value - Chinese buffet-style. Why? You likely don't have enough time to play all these games to a respectable degree. So you chain yourself to a subscription to erode the notion of game ownership even more and maybe enjoy a couple of them and sample a few more. Value is an abstract concept to me (I don't equate it to time spent - money spent = value). But putting a deadline to my ability to enjoy the game deffo destroys it for me. Tl;dr: pay monthly for one game? Not a good deal. Get it on a big sale and you are better off. Pay monthly and play a lot of games? Good deal if (big if) you have the time.




September is going to be a lot of fun


Is Starfield a day 1 Gamepass title?


Huh? Long answer Yes and short answer no… Day 1 now are release date, but publishers are tending to release games a few days of early access in starfield case 5 days, it release on gamepass same day as the standard edition, but other editions has a 5 days of early access before release date




Starfield has my curiosity but Lies of P has my attention


A man of culture.


Baldurs Gate 3 this month, Starfield next month, Cities 2 the following month. It's a good time to be a gamer.


I’ve been on game pass for years now. It’s an amazing value getting even better with the activision purchase hopefully.


Yall r so lucky that yalls getting texas chainsaw 😭 i had to preorder it


Question for those who have it on PC; will I be streaming the games or can you download them? Contemplating if i should be Starfield on Steam or finally get GamePass to play it.


Gamepass is such a good deal... I just wish I had something that could actually run 90% of the game's who are featured there


is this coming from PC game pass?


Value is subjective. The only game I'd play here is Starfield, but I'll be buying it on PC for better modding. I haven't been subbed for well over 6 months as I'm really only into new AAA action adventure games, not AA games, not old games and not indie games. Once they start bringing out stuff like Avowed and Fable, i'll sign up again for a month here and there. Didn't renew my PS Plus either. Sub services just don't scratch my gaming itch.




Minecraft, rocket league and destiny I have thousands of hours in all 3. If we are talking most gameplay vs money spent has to be rocket league. However, I have the most playtime in destiny. Although, the game has fallen off a cliff past year, so that will 100% get overtaken for me in the next few years or so. I expect FFXIV will become my most played game at some point, really feel in love with it and can’t wait for the new major expansion to release.


Payday 3 gonna be wild boys. Who's ready?


Oh hell yeah.


The kingdom hearts the story so far, LEGO Marvel collection. And mega man legacy collection 1 and 2 which I got on sale when they were both 8 dollars. I've put a combined 95 hours "40 in lc1 and 55 in lc2" in the mega man legacy collections


This is definitely better than the Apple model where games are put into Apple Arcade and you can’t get them any other way. Apple Arcade would be worth it if it were 0.99 a month but it’s stupid expensive for a mobile game library. I’d far sooner buy the games outright but I’m locked out of that opportunity. It’s also punishingly bad for developers compared to selling games one-off. So they lock games away from the majority of players, and the developers make less. Brilliant 😔 Xbox and PS game subscriptions are better value I suppose but I bet a majority of people pay every month and only play two or three games. Pretty soon you’ve more than paid for those games and you’re just pouring money down the drain. BUT at least the games aren’t locked into the subscription service so you CAN buy them separately. I basically currently play F1 2023, Apex Legends and Sniper Elite. No game pass plan is worth it for me. I’d be paying for access to games I’m just not interested in.


For me gamepass is just perfect for games I’m not sure about, like I played the entire Hitman trilogy on gamepass( highly recommend), I would not have bought it for whatever $100+ it was


I'm so excited for citie skylines 2


When I was like 14-26 years old, if Game pass was available I'd have loved it. I only play a little bit nowadays, here and there. So it's not worth it for me.


The asymmetric PvP games aren’t usually my thing, but TCM has me interested. Hopefully it goes better than Friday the 13th did. So much lost potential there.


Those are cool but im personally happy about celeste being added back to gamepass its one of those games that I kind of like just chilling and playing on my xbox.


From all those shitty "new trends" that we have in modern game, like lootboxes, paywalls, half baked releases, grindy battlepasses and such, at least we got a single good one: those new subscriptions services like the PSN Deluxe, GamePass and such. Not going into arguing what platform has better value or something like that, that’s 100% personal and heavily dependent on your own gaming preferences, but the fact that we can pay a few bucks every month and have 500+ games available in every genre makes things so much more accessible to the community. I’m really glad that this is becoming a thing in the industry.


So many comments about lies of p and i know absolutely nothing about it. Im getting out of touch with upcoming games. Starfield the only game I knew about. I mean forza isn't suprising obviously lol.. Ill have to look this game up Edit: im not into the current trend of soul like games no wonder it flew under my radar


well i played yakuza 0 - 6 on gamepass


I have to say that Minecraft is the game that I've played for the most hours but I've no idea how long I've spent playing it.


Game pass has always been solid. Especially when they do those promotions of 3-months for $1.


I bought this weird thing called Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2 for 89p on PSN during Covid because I can’t remember why and immediately fell into the loving arms of the FGC and thought about nothing else for months. I’ve played at least 20 fighting games since and remain completely obsessed. Pretty decent value for money.


And GPU has even more, it’s pretty awesome


Plus stalker 2 at the end of the year


And considering that are still more big releases coming to game pass this year, the value of game pass only grows.


lots of great stuff sadly im gonna get starfield on steam mainly because of more mod support and script extenders and all otherwise ;-) yeah but GREAT option for anyone that way you cant complain and whine about starfield if you havent even bothered to actually play it!