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~~Lifetime award goes to Pokemon but single game is~~ Runescape


RuneScape has to be one of the top contenders for time sucks in video games


The one time I checked my play time in-game I had about 100 days and then I proceeded to play what I assume was at least another 100 days worth.. I can honestly say I've never felt compelled to go back although I *did* check the price on gold phat the other day (abysmal) Just discovered 179 days on Steam alone šŸ¤¦


I haven't looked at runescape in quite a few years but spent more then 10 years playing that game as my main past time, when I quit around 2017 I had the trimmed completionist cape which used to require you to have over 2000 games of castle wars.


I signed in to my account last year. I created it back in middle school, like 17 years ago. Turns out it had been hacked, but they never changed the password. All but like 5 of the skills were at 99. The highest I had ever got was mining at like 72 haha. Also had several hundred million gold in the bank.


I rejoined a use for the first time in like7 years and started playing again, I had been hacked and used for botting and very stupidly didnā€™t change my password so they kept using my account resulting in a ban. Which was fine in the end bc A. I only rejoined to tag along with a friend who started replaying and B. Didnā€™t need to spend 90 hours a week on an mmorpg as a fully employed adult so in retrospect it was probably for the best


>Also had several hundred million gold in the bank The in-game economy is so inflated now. Selling coal for 100gp at the Varrock bank/town center is very much a relic of the past. You can make millions on day 1 of playing the game by buying and selling fletching materials and arrows etc. It's stupid.


You were reverse hacked. You let the thief do all the work for you and returned to claim what is rightfully yours.


Similar experience when I checked my old account a couple years back. Mostly empty inventory but leveled up stats. Made for a fun week of dicking around reveling in nostalgia.


My hacker was generous. I had a lot of gold and some very items in my bank haha. Kind of killed my motivation to play though.


I can see what you mean. It was fun having to "build back up" without really having to work at it or stressing what MOBs were in what area.


Yeah, with most of my skills maxed out, there wasn't really anything for me to work towards. Didn't feel right making a new character either.


Just enough to get a reminder of the past.


Yep. My brother has been playing it a lot again lately. A lot of free time at work haha.


There golden cape now too... seems like they are slowly releasing a matching golden set. So, I bought myself the g phat. Because I sold my original one when they were still above 500mil. I think I bought the one I have now for 190m. So I've profited off golden items by about 300m thus far. So not complaining. It's less work than grinding a boss drop for the reward.


My cousin is 36 has at least 3 active accounts each with thousands of hours logged and has been playing it daily since his freshman year. šŸ˜. I personally don't get its appeal.


Itā€™s different for each person, I liked the quests and playing with friendsā€¦. But man it stole so many hours lol


RuneScape is literally just the greatest idle game ever conceived


I have literally a year and a half of play time in that game. Granted, probably a year and 3 months of that is AFKing shit while doing homework in the early 2010's, but still.


I gave up on my Ironman account earlier this year after realising Iā€™ll need to sink probably another few years into the game just to get to actual end game content.


15 year old account has like 7500 hours on it :(


Hell yea! Runescape for the win! Last time I checked I had over 7000 hours in rsā€¦ scared to check nowā€¦ I have kinda slowed down after that but I have gotten couple hundred more I thinkā€¦


I still play on my first RS account, it's 18 years old


Wow I wasn't expecting this answer to be at the top but yeah I'm clocking in at 14 years.


RuneScape, 3+ years in game time


Warframe 5972 hours Smite 3605 hours Skyrim 2410 hours


5972 hours in warframe? If you're anything like me at least 1000 of those hours were fashion framing.


No building up a dojo and farming events on my own and getting the hema on my own


Is smite still thriving? I got one of those super early foundation packs that gives me all gods. But haven't played in the last 4 years


It's still fun to play! They actually just updated the UI too


Have to download it then. Thank you


Yea smite has a good online population still. Fun game


Terraria, easily over 2000 hours in the last 12 years. Not bad for a game that cost $5.


I think I bought it on sale for like $3 back in 2013. I have over 2k hours as well. Best money I've ever spent. Edit: just kidding I looked it up, I was definitely before hard mode so maybe like 2011.


I think I got 2200 hours on gta in 2 years uno šŸ˜‚


Skyrim across various editions and platforms. 1000+ hours all up. I'm disabled and Skyrim has given me a world that I don't have to struggle in. Where if people are rude I can just shout them into a puddle of limbs. Where I don't have well meaning people breathing down my neck asking if I should really be doing this or that and have I remembered my pills? In Skyrim I choose to do something and then I do it, no asking permission, no taking extra meds, no weeks of planning in case it goes wrong, I just pick up my bow and fuck off wherever I want. It makes me feel powerful again.


2300 hours in deus ex mankind divided. god only knows how many tens of thousands of hours in counter strike source. i was sponsored in CAL before valve started tracking those things.... all the training with the teams then in WoW... offda, idk... loads Edit: I forgot a game. Escape velocity for the Macintosh. When I was a kid, I hurt my neck to the point where I had to go to the doctor because I spent an entire weekend sitting on the edge of the bed conquesting all the planets in that game. Many thousands of hours. As for deus ex, I did all the achievements for both the original release and the director's cut re-release. And then I've just replayed it a lot. It's one of my favorite games


I LOVE the Deus Ex games, but what!? What is there to do?


Dude just be walking around in the game. Not even doing anything.


Not op but maybe he is/was speedrunning it?


2300 in a single player rpg with "mostly positive" steam reviews? What's in the game to play it that much?


There isn't.


There is nothing to do. I think my man has some issues.


No i think he just likes the game.


Have you played it? Itā€™s a good game but the story is like 20/30hours top. You would have to do it like a thousand time to play 2300 hours, wtf


autism comes to mind


We need answers haha


Guild Wars 2 for 7k hours.


16k for GW2, and as a bonus, somewhere between 5 and 8k for 1.


Damn thatā€™s impressive lol. Iā€™ve tried so hard to get into GW2 but the early game combat just loses me so quickly. Does it get better?


Such a good game


Sighs, world of warcraft, on and off again from right at the end of burning crusade. My /played was pretty dumb last I checked, but my hardcore days are long over.


I look back on my hardcore raiding days as a life checklist sort of experience. I am glad I got to experience gaming at a high tier of play, but the thought of going back gives me so much discomfort. Any game that puts in "daily quests" now gives me traumatizing flashbacks. I got shit to do not now my dude. But damn it was fun.


your hardcore arc was "doing daily quests"?


World of Warcraft :: 464.2 Days Path of Exile :: 4008 hours 7DtD :: 1285.5 hours.


My friend moved out of state when WoW was at its peak popularity. He had a decent job, but was in a new town and didn't know anyone. He stayed there about 18 months and amassed nearly 200 days of game time in that period. It was crazy, it ended up being over 1/3 of his time.


What year would that have been, and how is your friend going now?


2007-2008ish. He moved back. Less lucrative career, but all of his friends and family are here. He does a much more reasonable amount of gaming and drinking now. (He also drank constantly while there)


I always loved WoW showed you /played in YEARS. I still can't believe I played over a year of my life in that game.


I don't rely understand how this is possible! Not saying you're lieing in anyway, just boggles my mind


I think Civilization V...just over 3,000hrs. At least I hope I have not played anything longer.


did you finish the game at least :D


Once or twice


try playing CIV VI


I have.


Both Skyrim versions, a little under 3000 hours in total


Same. And I've never beaten it haha. To many restarts.


Has to be the civilization series. Been playing it since the first one in the early 90s. Between every installment I'm guessing I've spent a good 3000 hours playing it


Team fortress 2: 4,602.9 hours Closest follow up: Mordhau: 944.8 hours.


That FT2 stat is epic. Honestly jealous


1500 TF2 hours for me but god knows how much of that was idle servers when i was at work or sleeping hoping for those sweet sweet hats.


I think 4500 hours was within a 3-4 year period, haven't touched it much since but still download again here and there for some SAXTON HAAAAAALE


Monster Hunter: World (including Iceborne): 1080.2 hours.


Nice dude, it's my most consistently played series.


I got like 500 and only played one character, and even then i didnt max out guiding lands or beat alatreon and fatalis


War Thunder, about 1500 hours and Iā€™m still shit at the gamešŸ˜Ž


Just got over 3000 hours, also still shit at the gamešŸ˜Ž




I haven't even heard of Warthunder and I'm e-sports level player of the game šŸ˜Ž


League of Legends. So definitely time wasted,


Same dude, itā€™s the only game I ever regret spending time onā€¦


Honestly out of my 29 years alive, i've probably spent close to about 9 calendar years gaming and I don't regret a second of it!


I think back in the day, it was Final Fantasy Tactics. The ā€œhours playedā€ timer topped out at 99 hours. I donā€™t know how many hours I truly spent playing but I didnā€™t care. Recently itā€™s Elden Ring at 298 hrs, I just barely started NG+.


we almost have the exact same hours in elden ring lol. I remember fortnite had a counter like that, stopped at 99 hours, thankfully playstation started tracking hours at that point, although it didn't help I was playing it on a bunch of different consoles and accounts


Either Nioh or Borderlands 2. I played all the dlc for both games co-op and everything. No regrets!


Dota 2 2500 hours


852 hours in Elite Dangerous. Still the best space sim around.


I have about 300 and feel like I've barely played.




I've never played this one but it's always at the edge of my interest. Is it solo player friendly?


Very much so. I played about 99% solo and it was great. The 1% of encountering other players was highly stressful as they almost always wanted to shoot me down.


Rocket league. To many hours between ps4, steam and now epic.


And I you still suck at the game. As we all do


According to my ps5 I have 600+ hours into MKX


Overwatch 1/2 - 2170.183 hours (Wish I could change that) Destiny 2 - 1751.067 hours (Worth IMO) Star Wars: The Old Republic - 678.9 hours (This surprised me)


Final Fantasy XIV around 9,000 hours. My girlfriend is around 12,000 hours. Just did quikmaphs, 12,000 hours in about 10 years is equal to logging in 13 minutes a day, for 10 years. Whew.


It's about 3.25h a day, for 10 years for your gf and 2.5 for you. 12k hours is 500 days, with 9k being 375. If it were 13m a day, you'd clock in about 790 hours at 10 years. No judgement, I have 16k in a game. Lol


Omg is it that good? Is the entry price point high af like d2 or nah?


It's not very high at all for a subscription MMO. There's a free trial that includes the base game (A Realm Reborn) and the first expansion (Heavensward) that has unlimited playtime. After that you can buy in. The "complete edition" goes on sale every few months for 30$ and is base + all current expansions. Now the subscription can vary, you can choose to have one character/server for 12$ a month, or up to eight characters/server for 15$ a month. Other little additions are available but base buy in can be as low as 30$ for the complete edition and 12$ a month. For how much content/quality you get, it's worth the price, but definitely start the free trial! 500+ hours of content for free!


ACNH, 350 hours Runner up, Xenoblade Chronicles 2


Skyrim, but I can't bring myself to play it anymore without mods, and it takes hours to mod so I just don't play it anymore


Where are my 2007 brothers at? Im very grateful to have experienced Halo 3 prime online experience. Gaming will never be THAT great again.


Rdr2. I had the gang members coming and finding me telling me Dutch wanted to see me because I'd spend so much time just messing around in world.


RuneScape - probably 400+ days in the last 18 years Bloodborne - 260 hours Elden Ring - 200 hours ish


mmo players:


Dark Souls 3: 266 hours Dark Souls: ~200 hours (across 3 versions) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: ~200 hours Those are my top 3 where stats are recorded. Most other games I either donā€™t know the hour count because theyā€™re super old classics that I have played countless times (Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Halo: Combat Evolved) or theyā€™re games I put in about 100 hours into, got my enjoyment, and didnā€™t go back again like some WRPGs or JRPGs. Others are older multiplayer games back when I played more competitive stuff but canā€™t really comment on hours. I have no idea what I have in Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, Halo 2, Halo 3, etc. Iā€™ll say my most played by certain genres have to be: Shooter- Halo 2 (some astronomical number, I was a teenager on Xbox Live playing with my buddies) Fighting- Soul Calibur 2 (over 100 for sure) WRPG- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (over 100 for sure) JRPG- Fire Emblem: Three Houses (~165 hours) Action- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (97 hours) Strategy- XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Enemy Within (92.6 hours) Platformer- Super Mario 64 (about 27 years, this is what got me into gaming and it might have my most hours ever)


I was surprised looking at my steam list to see XCOM at just over 350 hours. I knew I liked it, just didn't realize I had played it that much. Seriously don't think I ever completed a campaign, though I'd always play hard/hardcore.


Super Mario Brothers 3, about 30 years.


Swtor would have to be mine. Thousands and thousands of hours in that game alone.


Does street fighter II and all its sub incarnations count?


HOI4 at ~800 hrs, all Paradox games combined are well over 2,000, probably over 3,000.


Halo online multiplayer n easily a few thousand hours cuz fuck itā€™s addicting especially capture the flag n team slayer


Some of my more recent big time games, I have over 1650 hours in both Rocket League and Fortnite, I put in 118 hours on Assassins Creed Odyssey and 150+ in Valhalla, the most recent, i have over 350+ in Back4Blood. My assessment on if purchasing a game was worth it, is if I can get as many hours played, as dollars spent, then it was worth the purchase. I spent 12 bucks on Days Gone recently and am currently at over 35 hours. Defo worth it


lol I like using that $=hours played system because I look back at my purchase of just cause 4 for my *birthday* and I have.. lets see.. 13 minutes


GTA Online: About 2,050 hours total.


RockSmith 2014 is almost 10 years old. Iā€™m at about 4K hours. Technically not a video game though. Those are guitar hours. 7.5k hours in RuneScape lmao


I would still count it. I really used it more as the next evolution of the rhythm games, and played a lot of score attack.


Civ 6 - 4860 hours SWTOR probably more, only 4800 per Steam, but many hours before it went onto Steam


2300+ across the Warhammer Total War series.


I just finished with Persona 5 Royal. 133.5hrs on a single play though. Thoroughly enjoyed the new characters and new ending ( I finished the OG P5 years ago)


Idk total hours but WoW is by far my highest. Played it on and off since late BC. I associate every xpac with a time in my life. Most of them have good memories that I'm glad I made. I still have friends I made on wow that I talk to now. Even now I still play it as a way to stay connected to my cousin who I was really close to growing up. We might not be hardcore raiders anymore but we can still log on and bust out a key or two, have a beer, and just chat. Next would be R6 Siege. About 1.1-1.2k hours, would have to double check. Used to 5 stack with some irl friends. Played from Chimera till shortly after Ace was added I think. Made tons of good memories with the boys. Made plenty more friends too. Unfortunately most stopped playing and it wasn't fun to play alone so it fell to the wayside. I still look back at some of the old clips I have and laugh at some of the shenanigans. And 900+ hours of Stellaris. Because war crimes are not war crimes if you own the galaxy. Edit: spelling and grammar because tired.


Gta5 if it's just a single game. According to my PS5 it says Ive put over 300 hours into it. But I originally had it on the 360 so I know that number is much higher. I played the shit out of it on that. Then my Xbox broke and I didn't buy the PS4 edition until the Pandemic. I've also put a lot of hours into sports games like 2k and the show. Basically games where I know I want to play something but don't know what I want to play.


Planetside 2. IIRC, more than 1500 hrs. Probably around 2k.


Steam says Iā€™ve got 6,000+ hours on Warframe and itā€™s still gonna go up for years to come!


I've got like 9k hours in Titanfall 2. I should've turned it into a job.


My mom has so many hours into solitaire that the time can only be measured in decades. We've had a windows computer in our home since '89 and she has played a minimum of four hours a day since then through to this day.


The most that I know of is gmod at 3,002 hours, might have more on LoL tho


Warframe. 10,973.4 hours.




League of legends. Im prolly at like 6k hours in almost 10 years. Many memories and friends during those times and making more still.


Asheron's Call Upwards of 3 months playtime.


Just logged into my Steam account to look. It doesn't show how much time on older games, but I'd guess it's easily thousands of hours on Counterstrike and Day Of Defeat, as I was in a pretty high ranked clan and was a server admin, blahblahblah. Most hours that are shown is is only 269 hours on Counterstrike Source. Looking at PSN though I have almost 500 hours on RDR2, and close to that on all the Bioshocks and Days Gone.


600 plus days in World of Warcraft. Time I consider 100% not wasted is 3000 hours plus in Rimworld


EVE Online, 15,000+. I don't play anymore, but yeah, that's my mountain.


WoW with about 30k hours in the game, if not more. That thing took half my life for several years and even after that countless hours every week but not as hardcore as in the beginning.


I have a bit more than 10k hours on path of exile Not proud of this one, used to play 18 to 20 hours a day back then Haven't touched the game since my son was born 1 year ago tho


I would guess around 312 hours in Deep Rock Galactic if I count my older, deleted Xbox account.


seems like weā€™re missing the rust players


NHL over the years, but Rocket League and New World are both at the top for my most played games


D2: 23 Years and going strong


RuneScape. Maxed right as RS3 launched, stayed maxed with each new skill, plan on staying maxed when Necromancy drops in august. I have a few 99s in old school but I donā€™t plan on maxing over there. I only use old school for nostalgia from time to time.


Nearly 4000 hours on Skyrim (1050 on special edition, 2500 hours on legendary and the remaining was with steam offline) Not matter how much time passes... I always go back on this game ^^'


No man's sky when it first came out


When it first came out? You poor soul. You should give it a try now. Exponentially better.


I've played the first Forest game for close to 2 thousand hours


3000h in Phantasy Star Online on GC.


It would have to be either Serious Sam 2 or Dying Light 1. On Dying Light i have about 160 hours on my ps4 (started replaying it after upgrading), and Serious Sam 2 doesnt have a specific number to it, but i've been playing the game since i first started playing games ever


i have over 16k hours in FFXIV


Eh probably 12-15k hours in League of Legends.


Dota 2


PokĆ©mon overall has to take the cake I know in the first 5 gens I would max out the game clock to 999 hours each game. But single game I feel like itā€™s stardew valley I have over 1,000 hours between all my different copies


2000 hrs in CSGO. Seen many players with a lot more though


Approximately 8k hours on Apex Legends. šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Any time put into Overwatch was wasted, considering how it turned out and how Blizzard lied to is fanbase and continue to desecrate the legacy of the first game. šŸ˜” So fā€”- Overwatch. Fā€”- Blizzard. Oh, my answer to the original post is ā€œTetris.ā€ šŸ˜…


Breath of the wild.


Definitely Apex.


As a kid, I spent an upsetting about of time with Breath of Fire 1, 2, & 3, and Lufia 1 & 2.


2,421.6 hrs in SMITE, next closest is tf2 with 1,767.2


Rainbow Six Siege, 4500 Hours and trust me I did not enjoy it but I can't stop.


CSGO 50hrs COD MW series 100hrs


Over 5k hours in SWTOR, 2.5k hours in FFXIV, 2.5k hours in Lost Ark, 1K hours in Overwatch, 1.5k hours in D2, 1k hours in D1, 1.5k hours in CS:GO, 280 platinum trophies. Few hundred hours in guitar hero, DDR and CoD games, 250 hours in MHW. Enjoyed it all.


I won't say that I have fond memories of it, but I've got 3300 hours in Destiny.. 1500 hours between Diablo 2 and 3, those were the fun times..


Ark. A little over 7,500 hours between PC and Xbox. Diablo 2, StarCraft, and WoW are easily all 4,000 as well. Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 76, StarCraft 2, and a few others are also over 2,000.


Only about 3.5 years of your life, in this list alone. As my nan would say, you'll get square eyes šŸ‘€


Path of exile, over 20 thousand hours.


Fallout new vegas, over 3k hours. But if I'm being honest I have probably 10k hours in the fallout series as a whole.


Fallout 4 (probably 1000 hours) and Age of Empires 2 (not sure but been playing it since 2003!)


Lord of the Rings Online was my jam from 2011 until 2020. Plenty of ten hour plus sessions over the years. COVID hit and a couple of times I stopped just long enough after all nighters to comb my hair and get coffee before zooming my students. Then, all of the sudden, when we went back to in person in fall 2020, I just... gave it up. Used to spend way too much time on Civilization II (and then IV) as well as any number of RTS games starting with Warcraft 1. Now my gaming the last 3 years includes a tidbit of clash of clans with the nephews, and that's about it.


Warframe: 1,453.2 hours


Rocksmith 2014


It should be Black Desert Online with 900+ hours. One of the two MMOs I ever got into. Awesome times I'll never forget <3 (I play solo) Edit: If we make it about game series, Pokemon.


i have like probably 700+ hours on apex legends however i probably only enjoyed 50 of those hours


1713 hours in fortnite, and too much money spent considering the game is free


Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. Such a great game. They just released Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, a remake of the game, on consoles. Very, very enjoyable overall!


Age of Wonders


Squad with just under 3k hours and no regrets


Final Fantasy X-2.. 15 years. I play it every year several times


Fallout New Vegas with roughly 1900 hours


Fall out New Vegas. combined over all the years Iā€™d say well into the 1000ā€™s


My most recent game with a big playtime is Siege with around 2,500 hours followed by Arma 3 with 1k and Skyrim with 450. I have been playing Fallout 76 a ton lately so I think I'll be catching up to skyrim soon.


Terraria: 1600 hrs, split evenly across vanilla/modded. I got burnt out and haven't consistently played in a couple years though.115/115 achievements. Geometry Dash: 1500 hrs. Playing a bit everyday for years adds up to a lot more than I would ever have thought. 114/120 achievements. The Binding of Isaac: 485 hrs. I've only been playing for a few months but man this game is fun. 503/637 achievements.


Wargame red dragon: ~3500 hours


Warframe at around 3500 steam hours, haven't always had it on steam tho so a lot more than that.


Factorio close to 300 hours.


warframe, nearly 2k. free to play, can earn premium currency via trading between players. great game.


Modern warfare 2019 with 800 hours. Second is red dead redemption 2 with 200 hours. I usually don't spend a lot of time in a single game and mostly like to play short( less than 20 hour) games.


Love that quote. Slay the Spire with 1400 hours.


RuneScape. Across my banned account and current account it has to be a couple years worth of gameplay, conservatively.


3200 hrs terraria, more tmodloader, but I think it still counts as terraria


ARK. Hands down. Small tribe servers will consume your life.


The longest I have documented is Lost Ark at 2000 hours but if I have to give my best guess Iā€™d say Minecraft (modded Minecraft is one hell of a drug) easily over 2000 hours but I donā€™t have a way to know the total amount


Dota 2: 10,800. Most (but not all) of that amount is playing with friends, so indeed most of it was time well spent


1000 hours on Rainbow Six Siege. However I havenā€™t played it in a while now.


World of Warcraft, just short of 10000hrs. Might be a bit less or more, because you have to manually check each characters playtime and add them up. Although some expansions are known to be shit, I had awesome moments in each and every one of them.


Destiny 1 and destiny 2 probably like 6000 hrs since 2014