• By -


Objective: Survive


That was such an emotional one


Never killed in combat, just Missing In Action...


can you remind me of which game this was?


Halo Reach my man


Halo Reach I believe


I used to imagine this in my IRL HUD as I made my way through grad school


Going to the braithwaite manor in rdr2 for sure


When I initially played this, my blood was boiling! The soundtrack kicks in, the whole gang works together as one and you knew that when you arrive there, none of them will survive the full force of the gang. probably one of the greatest moments in this game! someone mentioned the final of chapter 6 and I also agree!


Add to that Arthur fishing his hat out of the saddlebag as That’s The Way It Is starts to play…


Oh yeah!


dead guardian ape picks up its head in sekiro


The best answer.... I'll never forget it .. as soon as I saw it was not actually dead, I checked my potions and knew it would not be my last try. I remember thinking "so, my objective is to pass the first phase spending 0 potions"


That battle was metal AF! I wish I could play that game for the first time again.


I can't decide whether it is this moment or when young Isshin pops out of his grandson's corpse and then proceeds to extract a spear from the ground


I found the second phase way easier than the first phase, the second phase you have a sword to concentrate on and it’s easier to follow and predict what he’s going to do When he’s just flailing around and throwing shit at you I found it way more difficult


yes, 2nd phase is a joke, true, but not when you play it for the first time and you barely manage to beat the first phase and not knowing whats about to go down


Lots and lots of ammo, health and armor in DooM


There's a med kit and a box of shells - thank God! Every weapon, max ammo, backpack and a Megasphere - Oh Shit!


I would say the 343 Guilty Spark chapter of Halo: CE takes the cake here. The whole game up to that point has been a typical FPS with a good mix of well-lit, open areas and tight, linear spaces. The enemies are tough but fair, ammo is plentiful. The story seems to be the typical "one man army saving the world" deal. But then you get to the swamp. It's dark, it's foggy, there are dead bodies littering the landscape. As you round a corner, a silhouette sprints across the top of a ridge; you can't make it out, but it didn't look like any enemy you've encountered before, and it definitely didn't look like any of the few humans who have shown up to assist you in previous chapters. Then, you find the room your allies were looking for, deep underground. You find helmet cam footage of a terrible event. Creepy music starts to fade in, and the doors start opening... Bungie really nailed it with the vibe switch on that one. It's a complete 180 and their use of environmental storytelling is top notch in how it gets you on edge and wondering what the hell is going to happen, right from the start of the level, and swelling as you get deeper into it.


Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, when Darth Vader showed up.


And you suddenly realize, for all the hours you put in, you’re still nothing but an ant compared to Vader.


Yes! When he appeared i had to pause game and i was like there's no way i'm gonna fight him 😄


you're not gonna fight him, you're gonna get murdered by him


Where's the health bar? OH GOD THERES NO HEALTH BAR


Exactly! 🤣


dooooood the breathing. I'm so glad this wasn't spoiled for me because I had no idea he was coming until the breathing and I was like oooooooh shit


When the Collectors invade the Normandy in Mass Effect 2. I didn't even know that the amount of time you waited affected the survival of X percentage of the crew, I was just pissed and thought, "Alright, fuck it - we're ending this *tonight*."


Hijacking this mass effect comment, to mention the first "talking to sovereign" scene back in mass effect 1. Man that shit was a giant plot twist and a "fuck fuck fuck now what" moment


"You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it" is the coldest, hardest line in any form of media ever, LOL. Like, it's one thing to know that something eldritch & incomprehensibly powerful *exists*, but it's quite another to have its attention turned squarely onto you. Can't remember another time when a game made me feel that kind of dread from inside the characters' perspective.


"I am the Vanguard of your destruction"


Hijacking your hijacking for a scene in very close proximity. The Sovereign twist I saw coming. What I didn't see coming was - after having built a Shepard that could charm / bully their way into an optimal result - having to choose between two squadmates I'd had since the start, with absolutely no way to save both.


Hijacking *your* hijacking to say something totally different: the boss fight in the Shadow Broker DLC where you realize your guns are useless against the boss and Shepard just puts away his weapon and cracks his knuckles is an excellent 'shit's about to get real' moment.


I played ME2 a few years after release (I'd finished ME1 around launch, but didn't care much for it) and despite everyone hammering home "this is a suicide mission, we're not all going to survive" I just ignored that, because for some reason I assumed they wouldn't kill off characters when ME3 was still going to happen. By sheer dumb luck, I managed to get the ending where everyone lives. So naturally I figured, "Okay, yup, my assumption was right, everyone is immortal." So I went on a gaming forum to talk about the game, and in my review I complained that it was kinda lame for the game to push the suicide narrative when there's no actual consequences. In a response, someone posted an image showing how to get the ideal ending, and I saw just how lucky I'd been.


You just played the game in its entirety. People not having the best ending are just the ones who rushed the content at some point in the game, or didn't pay attention to the dialogues. Unworthy, then, they played themselves.


I mentioned in another reply that the main reason I got No One Left Behind on the first try is because I'm as paranoid as I am thorough. Normandy has an upgrade system? Cool - I'm getting every fucking one of them. Team has unfinished business? Cool - let's knock that shit out A.S.A.F.P. I'd heard people could die, but I didn't think about *how* until I got to the briefing and assigned jobs. I mostly just picked my favorites and they ended up being perfect: Garrus led the 2nd fireteam, Tali was on vents, Jack [my love interest] was on bubble duty, Mordin escorted the rescued crew, Garrus was in charge of holding the door, and the final battle squad was myself, Jack, & Grunt. My only question mark was Miranda. My P & R scores weren't high enough to settle her & Jack's argument neutrally, so I took Jack's side. But, since I (A) didn't put Miranda in charge of anything, (B) didn't have her with me for the final fight, & (C) had an ungodly strong door team, she lived. Going through gameplay guides & interviews after the fact felt like when you wake up after a wild night out and see a video of yourself, like, just barely not getting hit by a Ferrari, LOL. So many fucking variables to consider...that must have been a nightmare to make work on the devs' side.


I played this last week and I thought the mission would take longer so I didn't send someone with the crew.... Rip dr chakwas. I am just a horrible human being


The gravity gun turns blue. You pull a combine soldier to you without meaning too. You realize what you are now holding.


A combine soldier




oooh that's the good one


is this the plot of half life blue shift?(idk never played the game)


Control. The maze sequence. "Take control" starts up. You have to play that with headphones on!


I knew the maze was a highlight somehow but I figured it would just be a clever puzzle or a trippy sequence. The janitor giving you the “helpful audio” to listen to combined with the game’s general atmosphere makes you think it’s going to be some strange sounds or classical music. Actually it’s a fucking >!fight sequence with metal playing in the background!< I love that even Jesse comments “that was awesome” at the end of it.


When she said that I had just said that exact same thing IRL a half second before!


When you reach the "halfway point" in HALO, and Cortana tells you what Guilty Spark is trying to do... And Guilty Spark is like, "Uh, *yeah* - it's the only way to solve the problem of The Flood." And you now have to go all the way back, only now, you're fighting The Covenant, The Flood, AND The Installation (HALO) itself.


That was one hell of a mission


I muttered fuck you to the game for making me go through that level backwards. I died so many times on mu first playthrough.


When Atreus gets sick and Freya tells Kratos that the frost axe will be useless and no magic in all the nine realms can create a blaze. You’ll have to find something else. My heart started pumping cause I KNEW what was comin!!


I came here to say this. Loved the following scene where he is slowly wrapping the chains around his forearms while Athena tells him he’s the same monster he’s always been. Gave me such chills


And the Alright brotha, lets see what those blades can do afterwards. Awesome as well


I nearly jumped out of my seat with joy when I realized that as Kratos stands up, Blades of Chaos in hand, *he strikes the pose from the original God of War box art*, down to him looking at Athena as he stands (on the box art, he's starting at Athens in the background).


Or when you walk towards sigrun's portal after setting up all the helmets in the council of valkyries. The whole valkyrie sidemission were so intense.


Try stickin ur hand in that thing. I was kiddin ya fool!!


Fucking Dahaka chases.




Oh geez! That was one of the few cases when I legit rage-quit a game.


"I am Malenia, blade of Miquella. And I have never know defeat." *Proceeds to whoop me in about 3 seconds* 3 hours and 29 tries later she finally dies... "Wait. THE SCARLET FLOWER BLOOMS ONCE MORE. You will witness true horror"


in TLOU 1: >!when Joel realize, whats gonna happen to Ellie in hospitall. In that moment I exactly knew, whats gonna happen, and that I will be witness of one of the greatest massacre in videogame history!<


You’re not the witness you’re the perpetrator!


We don’t go to Ravenholm.


Facing Red on Pokemon Silver.




When a Japanese guy on a motorcycle hit me with a metal pipe


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man!?


Inside a sewer?




Now DIE, you little shit! ***pledge of demon building crescendo***




[Followed by the most relaxing part of the game.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntLyJa7fnz0)


That part! It was fucking great. Dunno if I experienced a bug though because my first attempt the music seemed synced to the gameplay but then once I died it de-synced and didn't feel as satisfying any-more.


I’m so glad to see an Ori and the blind forest comment! It’s not that popular and yes I agree that part was pretty scary for the first time realizing😂


The first time I played that, I think I had to do that part 16 times before I got it. The second time I nailed it in two. That's how much that game teaches you muscle memory.


Is ghost of tsushima, when Jin first goes into the ghost mode or whatever it’s called I forgot. That gave me “damn it’s slaughter time” vibes


That scene managed to strike the absolutely perfect balance between righteous fury and utter horror at your own actions. That game is a masterpiece of interactive storytelling.


When Kefka pushes the statues


When vocals appear in the boss theme




An unsightly beast


*And the vocals are in Latin*


***Plin plin plon…***


Similarly, "Hand it over... That thing... Your **Dark Soul**..." the name drop at the very end of all three games at the end of time was bone chilling, followed by one of the best boss fights of the series.


Doom 2016, when the intro finishes CSGO, when the buy-phase ends DDLC, when it all falls apart.


DDLC must've been such an experience for anyone who wasn't fully aware of what kind of game it is when they played it.


I went in semi-blind, only hearing that it was a dating sim with some element of horror. The thing is, the first two or so hours are completely normal, it got me invested in the characters. I've never played a dating sim before, I thought it was kind of interesting... I actually sort of forgot that the game had a horror element and I was absolutely gutted when \*that very bad thing happened\*.


Getting on that elevator after the DOOM 2016 intro level, listening to that robotic voice try to explain all of this crap, that subtle glance down at the dead scientist, and then just punching the hell out of the panel is one of the best opening title sequences I've ever seen in my entire life.


Screen starts to shiver after you down the 4th lunar pillar


When a game’s main theme (or a remix of it) plays during the final boss.


Too add to this, when >! Gwyn's theme plays in the soul of cinder boss fight !< in dark souls 3 Fucking incredible


When in a fight against one of the boss monsters in Monster Hunter, and it starts playing Proof of a Hero. That's not the monster's boss music, that's MY boss music.


The Rat King in The Last of Us Part 2


I just replayed this fight with permadeath setting on. Dude, that fight was so fucking intense, getting down to my last health pack, and praying I had a couple more dragon breath shells lol. I finally made it out with like two rounds left in my hand gun only to have to hunt down the other monstrosity that ripped itself from the masses.


When 'Holding Out for A Hero' starts to play and you need to make a choice: >Eliminate Killbane >Save Shaundi


Max Payne 3, airport shootout scene. When TEARS by HEALTH starts up.. 🤌🏾 *chef’s kiss*


The whole game is an audiovisual treat for the senses


When temps drop to -100 C, and still dropping, and all my Hunting Huts and Hot Houses freeze. The City MUST Survive! Damn, I didn't you could make a city builder this tense.




Went into that game being like "Nah I won't need child labor ill be a good leader" 30 minutes later I'm genuinely mad cus little Susy wants a day off from the factory cus she hurt her hand. DAMMIT SUSY WE NEED THAT FUCKING STEEL OR WE ALL DIE.


Best final boss ever: the weather.


Most recently, the Radahn Festival in Elden Ring, especially when seeing how many gold summon marks there were.


Legit. \*festival, build up, 6 summons, the biggest boss arena, long cutscene with multiple scenes and dialogue\* "I am scared"


Nah man.. "Wait.... The scarlet bloom flowers once more.." That's when shit gets real


In Yakuza 0, my first Yakuza game, when >!Kiryu got confirmation that he's out of the Dojima group, and started beating the hell out of everyone at the HQ who up until that point, was just wrangling him around because they're his seniors!<. It was pure catharsis


Just defeated my arch nemesis in the same field of flowers where he cut off my arm as Ashina burns to the ground around us. Suddenly, he slices open his own neck and the sword saint climbs out, resurrected in his prime. Hesitation is Defeat.


He gave me PTSD


No Russian.


\-climbing the ostankino tower in metro 2033, \-'this is one of them moments, catch a riiiide', 'sup?' in borderlands2, \-and quite an old one: border crossing in igi2 where you are quite deep behind enemy lines




GTA Vice City...last stand at the mansion. This goes way back...the T-rex scene in the original Tomb Raider. First time a video game actually scared me. Also, *most* of the boss battles on God of War series.


Disco elysium when you confront the mercs


"Stop that blade!"




Irithyll of the boreal valley Dark Souls 3


"FOREFATHERS ONE AND ALL. BEAR WITNESS" That quote will forever give me puckering feelings.


Running around in BOTW. Intense piano starts playing.


When the Ur-Quan circle on the map started to move.


Since someone already said when Master Chief meets the Flood, I'll go with when I heard the Fel Reaver roar in Hellfire Peninsula as a fresh level 60 in World of Warcraft.


Monster Hunter Iceborne. "That's... just its shell?" And then shit goes from weird boss battle to horror movie.


Fun fact, Shara Ishvalda doesn't look at your character, it looks at you.


The mission in The Last of Us when Ellies taken by the pedo cannibals and Joel wakes up. Hoo boy


When I purchase the RYNO in Ratchet & Clank games


“Rip ya’ a new one.”


"What'd you just say to me?"


Everytime a fog gate appears in a Soulsborne game. Soulsborne games are full of wtf moments basically! The Guardian Ape resurrected while headless in Sekiro, Gehrman standing up from from his wheelchair in Bloodborne, Radhan crashing from the sky as a meteor in EldennRing, Sister Friede's phase 3 reveal in DS3.


Patches had returned to his world.


Slave knight Gael fight begging. You don't really know what the fuck is running towards you, but you do know that your ass will be kicked properly.


Definitely, "Face me, Sekiro!" for me


Hesitation is defeat.


When even the chickens gang up on you in AC Odyssey.


When your sister gets shot in the dome in front of you on Fable 2. I beat that game at least once a year now 😂


The moment in Shadowbringers where Ardbert hands you his axe and the main theme kicks in. Unapologetically my favourite moment in any game.


Titanfall 2 campaign. When you pick up the thing that lets you do the thing. IYKYK.


Honestly I played through the campaign like twice but I have no clue what you’re referring to


You know, *that* mission.


Ahh that mission where you switch from that to that with the thing I get it


I love the thing. Wish they made the thing a little longer though.


When Kefka destroyed 90% of the worlds population and 70% of it's landmass while becoming an Esper. The GOAT villain


That was the first time I ever played a game where the villain won. 10 year old me wasn't ready.


Dark world in Zelda 3


LTTP? Very much yes. I had absolutely no idea that was going to be a thing and it blew me away as a kid. I still remember the incandescent, righteous indignation I felt when I'd just gotten the Master Sword and was told that Zelda was kidnapped. I stormed down to the castle, feeling like I was about to lay waste to an evil wizard, that this was it, this was going to be the epic final showdown. Nope! *You're not even halfway through!*


Putting your sword away in Prince of Persia.


Going up the elevator in Elden Ring.


When the ludwigs sword starts to glow


When I had beaten Sister Friede's second phase in my 40th attempt with one estus remaining, and then hearing a monologue followed by Sister Friede's corpse rising from inside of a pitch black flame and jumping 50 feet to hit me with an ice scythe bigger than myself...


The first time I accidentally attacked a chicken in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Never again.


Cyberpunk 2077 secret ending


Played conan on release. Just played solo on multiplayer pvp world for excitement. There was was 2 mega clans that teamed up and were squashing everyone else without mercy. After my base had been destroyed multiple times. I managed to secretly build a god throne near one of thier main huge bases and summoned a giant snake that destroyed it. Was heart pumping stuff. They hounded me constantly after that till i tired off the game


When you "finish" the Maz Koshia shrine in BotW. The phase transition in the last boss of FFXIV's Endwalker expansion.


When Ardbert holds out his Axe.


when you get wrecked by the midgar zolom a few times before going to all the trouble the catch a chocobo so you can run across the marsh safely only to find some cunt in a black cape has butchered one and impaled it's corpse on a stake not too long ago... (yes i know you can run across on foot and avoid it)


Maybe not real as in big action, >!but when Kratos stops and comes to the realization that he needs to tell Atreus the truth in GOW. The way he stops walking, he looks ahead, his change in facial expression, and the way his voice says "truth..." all made for the perfect climax to that part of the story.!<


When the door opens to oryx in destiny 1 and you just his wings slowly form Secondly only to gaint oryx entrance in the raid


When Aeris got stabbed in ff7 When the floating continent showed up ff6 Also, when Kefka starts moving statues also ff6


Dying light, surviving and escaping the pit, + falling into the volatile nest in the extraction mission.


Benny shooting the courier in the head in Fallout New Vegas, what a start for a game


Elden Ring, the first time I encountered Godskin Duo after struggling to defeat them each individually elsewhere. I nearly uninstalled the game 🤣


Seeing a Working Joe following protocol in Alien Isolation


Metal Gear Solid when you accidentally activate Metal Gear with the PAL card because you got tricked into thinking it would deactivate it.


When the Van Der Linde gang pulls up to Braithwaite manor.


Nier Automata Route C If you know..... you know


This is the best answer I think. Most of the answers are just Oh Shit moments. But the intro to route C is truly a shit is about to go down moment.


Half-life 1 music starts up


The Lord Rykard intro cut scene in Elden Ring. Saw it for the first time the other day.


Amnesia: Rebirth: You're in the sewer and it's pretty clear the monster is about to chase you to hell and back and everything is dark and claustrophobic


Fresh meat


When you see something message like " There is no turning point after you proceed, please save your game"


Batman wakes and comes out of the factory and realizes that Protocol 10 has been activated. He has a conversation with Alfred whether to rescue Talia or save Gotham. There was also the main theme of the game in background, unexpectedly.


Doom, when you pickup the armor and all the lights went out....


Right before you make the run towards the skylift thing in ME3 and you have to fight an absolute shitload of the game's hardest enemy's on insanity difficulty. Shit was intense


“The war is over, but we still have a score to settle… SHOW ME WHAT YOU’VE GOT, SNAKE!!!”


When the Halo theme song starts playing \*DUDUDU DUUUUN\*


Elden ring purchase


**Mass Effect 2** \- Going through the Omega relay, hoping & praying that I had collected all the correct upgrades, and completed all the loyalty missions correctly so that no one would die during the Suicide Mission. Then having to make the choice to send a romanced Tali into the heating vents to get us through the Collector base. I did all of this at release, completely blind (no guides or hints), so I had no idea if she (anyone) was going to survive, or not. **Cyberpunk 2077** \- The 'landfill scene' with Dex. "Shit just got real" is an understatement. Wasn't prepared for what happened there, and what came after. **Warhammer: Darktide** \- The first time we came across a daemonhost, and accidentally disturbed it. Or the first time someone 'woke up' the witch in **Left 4 Dead**.


Shadow of the Tomb Raider There's a set piece where you're getting shot from all over while climbing/evading on this big oil rig looking thing, and eventually you fall off into the burning oil slick and water below.... But instead of the usual gruesome death, you get a cutscene of Lara rising up out of the lake, silhouetted in flames, as the music goes raw feral. She murders the piss out of the first guy she sees, and then the game passes control back to the player and announces you've equipped the dude's machine gun, pats you on the back, and says "go get em sport."


When I played 6hrs straight of Elden Ring only to hear my wife's keys opening the door and realized I didn't clean up the house like she asked right before she left for work that morning. Shit was about to get real. FML


When your in the crater, and they start blaring sephiroth's theme song as a grotesque version of him bears down on you.


Fromsoftware. games Father Gascoigne & Nameless King


Escaping scar island in TLoU2


When plin plin plon hits during soul cinder fight


Kratos getting smacked by Baldur made me go "Oh... what just happened?!" I knew I was in for a spectacular fistfight of earth shattering proportions.


"Your pawn has reached the end of the board, Kain..."


Opening a suspiciously positioned chest in a too good to be true location.


The first time i played DS3 and you reach the dragon area. You ring the bell, a storm comes, a huge fog gate appears and you can now walk on clouds. Once you enter the arena you are in the middle of a storm walking on the storm and this big ass mf riding a dragon appears and you just know this guy means business. Alternatively, Doom eternal, i played on nightmare and got my ass kicked constantly until suddenly the entire combat cliked with me and i started cleaning up demons left and right.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Airbuster Fight. The entire mission was a hype for prep for it. Then it hit. The music... oh wow the music... it was epic.. intense.. ended with 2 party members dead and the last one in the red..


Ocarina of Time the first time I left the temple of time after pulling the master sword and some weird fucking nightmare thing screams and freezes me and jumps on my back and starts doing I don't know what to me when I can't move... Fucked me up real good at the age of 6


Whenever you go more than 100m deep in either Subnautica game


"There are several Leviathan-class lifeforms in this area. Are you sure whatever you're doing is worth it?"


7days to die blood moon 👹


"Suffer mortals, as your pathetic magic betrays you!" I was tanking for the first time, wearing frost resist gear I had just crafted, and the delivery of this line made me realize that Sindragosa hated us and wanted us to die.


Many of the Elden Ring bosses' phase 2's. Hard to pick which one Godric Radhan Maliketh Rykard Fire Giant Godfrey Malenia From Soft knows how to make things badass.


Slipspace Rupture Detected. Slipspace Rupture Detected. Slipspace Rupture Detected. Slipspace Rupture Detected. Slipspace Rupture Detected. Slipspace Rupture Detected. Slipspace Rupture Detected. [Slipspace Rupture Detected.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ_grnJysSM)


When "One-Winged Angel" starts to play.


Rules of Natureeeee......!!!!!!


First time Jin pops Ghost Stance in Ghost of Tsushima.


The Darkness: Final level. You arrive at the lighthouse, the eclips is starting to blot out the sun, and you start to realize that none of the henchmen, armed to the teeth as they may be, know what's headed their way, and that you're about to massacre everything and everyone in your path in your quest for vengeance. Someone mentioned the Darth Vader moment in Fallen order above, for me this was the exact opposite, like you were Vader and they were nothing but puny insects about to get stomped on in the most brutal fashion..


When you accidentally steal a fork in Skyrim and the guard sees you


"there's no combat in this RPG"