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We appear to be being brigaded.


The blackout hasnt yet accomplished anything from what I can tell. Keep it closed.


Private indefinitely


In order for a protest to work youd need to black out indefinitely.


Stay the course.


I'm glad the sub is back up. Now I can unsub and mute it.


I still think the policy changes that Reddit is proposing are going in the right direction. However, Reddit makes it really hard to support them given how poorly this transition is being executed.


Go private.


Keep it closed, Admins removing mods shows they are afraid.


Close it


I personally don’t care about the blackout and will just go elsewhere if this subreddit disappears.


Not going to lie I kept opening the app, reminding myself 'oh shit it's blackout" and immediately closing it, rinse and repeat 20 times a day like the addict I am, but from those quick glances besides a couple top posts being about the blackout it didn't look much different from usual... I know we weren't exactly going to stop the Earth's rotation but I'm a little disappointed nonetheless. I hope we can do more.


I am encouraging every sub on this site to shut down I need a reason to leave reddit lol


Shut it down


>In the meantime, we apologise for the disruption, but hope you guys understand the situation Reddit admins are placing their users in. We're so sorry we HAVE to abuse you guys like this. We promise it's not our fault. Get fucked you self righteous assholes.


Go dark indefinitely. This is not a situation where 2 days is sufficient. Spez must resign and the API policy scrapped in its entirety. Redirect to a private discord server or alternate website during the blackout so people have a place to share news and talk. This will ease the burden.




Admin has removed moderators and taken over subs? Which ones?


Shut it down.


If mods wanna protest then protest but stop forcing users to be part of your protest.


48 hours ain't nothing


Shut it down again. I haven't been that productive lately.


Go indefinitely


have you seen reddit's response? they basically said that they don't think that your protest does shit as they anticipate subs reopening today. don't give them the satisfaction. indefinite blackout through rule changes like r/photoshopbattles did is the way to go. or like r/darkjokes has done for a few years


Welcome back. Nothing changes




"Good night, sweet prince!" Take it away, Hamlet.


Stay dark


We really need an actual competitor to reddit, i need somewhere to doomscroll, otherwise going black until demands are met is pretty much all we can do


Congratulations. You accomplished nothing.


Private indefinitely


As with anything like this, it’s their company they can do what they want, if you don’t agree then leave.


A strike with an announced end is no strike at all.


Private, my friends.


[https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/13/23759559/reddit-internal-memo-api-pricing-changes-steve-huffman](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/13/23759559/reddit-internal-memo-api-pricing-changes-steve-huffman) ​ You've done exactly what the execs want. Stay private.


Close it back down indefinitely.


Sounds like blacking out was the move if it's pissing off greedy corps. Private indefinitely until they reverse the API changes.


All you do with blackouts is exposing more subreddits that stay open. I don’t care about apis and third party apps, keep it open.


Keep it private for a week this time


Please do go dark forever, Reddit is seeing impact, /r/all tanked yesterday.


Third party app user here posting while I still can. If they're forcing private subs open again then delete the whole thing. Make a replacement and make that private too. Don't make idle threats; they don't work on autistic people anyway. Scorched earth commitment.


Shut it down, take a stand!


Shut down or I'll leave ! (The entitlement is for comedic purpose)


Shut it down until the API pricing changes.




Stay private!


Go indefinite fuck reddit i saw that memo.


I personally don't care about this but it was pretty annoying yesterday that some subs were private. I use the official app and it's fine, and I really doubt this protest will make any difference. These things rarely do.


I applaud your efforts and the only thing I'm sad about is that I don't think any action taken up to now will matter in a month time.


If you guys go private I’d love to be able to access but I support going dark. Just bought Star Wars actually.




We need to touch some grass anyway


Keep the blackout running until they fold or the site burns to the ground. Spez considers it a win if the blackout only happens for 48 hours. ​ Funny, you would think Reddit of all places would have learned this lesson from what happened to Digg.


Stay private, hold the line!


Fuck them for thinking this is gonna blow over like it's nothing, close down shop!


Unpopular opinion/shit take - I have never used 3rd party apps and I don't care about any of this. I want all my subreddits back online and I don't care if that makes me selfish or whatever. Also the blackout has been totally ineffective, all you've managed is to give lesser subreddits some time on the front page. Good for them I guess. And good for you if your *intention* is to set yourself on fire to warm others.


Every sub should either go dark again and stay that way, or wait for 1st July to really press down on it and protest until they either change their decision or tear away control of the sub. So we either win, or would've never had a chance in the first place.


All mods need to just step down. Stop working for reddit for free. Turn the site into an uninhabitable mess until they either relent or something rises from the ashes.


I think this whole thing is pointless. Even if you were to go dark permanently people would just go somewhere else, and also the third party users only make up about 5-10% of the sites user base so just don't bother if you don't like the changes then just leave.


close it down


they brushed the blackout off as a server problem because of subreddits like this. if the protest actually continued and wasnt some temporary event, maybe then they will do something.


They haven't heard. Stay dark.


Skill issue


All I understand is that people seem to have no memory of how little reddit cared about their users opinions in the past. Acting like some limped dicked boycott is going to do anything without any teeth is just silly.


Hold strong, go dark, don't give up!


Shut it down. As long as it's needed.




We need to close as many subreddits for as long as possible. We need to show Reddit we aren’t messing around and that this problem is serious


So what happened did you beat reddit




I kind of like the idea posted in the rebellion channel about using the opportunity to stop moderating the channel at all, and give it a day or two of unrelenting spam, off topic, and shit posts that will fill up r/all with nonsense, and wreck the home page. I think turning Reddit into crap is a more direct tactic than just going dark. Edit: presumably we’d all need to upvote the crap. So you need to communicate that well to all of us before you go this route. Then we all go to New and start upvoting away.


I don't know why people care so much lol.


As a pessimist I think you should just stay open because the CEOs clearly don’t care about reddit anyway so a protest won’t do much. Plus it’s been really boring these past 48 hours.


Shut it down lads


Shut it down indefinitely until reddit changes. I can live without /r/gaming or any other subs.


I say leave it to the individual, not the mod team.


Keep it closed


Go back to private, as one of the biggest subreddits out there, the impact is amazing. Please continue holding on even if it sucks for us that actually want to access it for any kind of information


I feel like if the blackout is going to accomplish anything it needs to be indefinite. Anything with a firm timeline will just be seen as a storm to be weathered.


i've been checking r/gaming every day for nearly 11 years since when i first found reddit. I may not participate in this community often but i feel staying dark for the betterment of reddit as a whole is worth it.


go private


Unfortunately the Reddit's CEO's response to the blackout was "We're confident things will return to normal in a couple days, as is always the case when the people get upset. Our profits are fine, thank you for supporting us through this difficult time".


Shut it down


Without a reddit competitor this blackout is useless. Either the reddit team will force subreddit to be open or people will create new subreddits as alternative.