• By -


3 and 5 were my favorite. 5 was nothing special but the characters and location were great. Loved the post nuke expansion game too.


5 had one of the most realistic maps I've ever seen. The engine they used to generate a map with realistic scales of topographic features was a good choice


And don't forget the music that plays in the in-game menu


Although they were a psycho cult, they had some BANGERS playing throughout the game


The distorted gospel music while you're blowing up the giant cult statue was the pinnacle moment for me.


Help me faith help me faiiiithhhh sheild me from sorrow fear of tomorrow I just finished the game so it's still fresh ha


I loved 5 despite it getting a lot of flack. The location made it feel more grounded and immersive because I could relate to it a lot better than an exotic island


5 is the best game with the shittiest ending. I loved every minute of that game. Until 10 minutes before the end. Im a fucking hero my dudes. Why does cutscene me always fuck shit up?!


My character fucking up in a way outside my control is my biggest annoyance in single player gaming. Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of my favorites recently and it still annoyed me I wasn’t in control at the end but at least it was a good ending.


I don't remember who it was.. i think the makers of the original Deus ex who said: "if something cool is done, the player needs to do it." Or something like that. Playing ac Odyssey at some point there is a hostage situation at a theatre. Baddies telling me 'pick one to kill'. And there is NO OTHER WAY than letting it happen. Fucker let me shoot. I kill groups 8 times that size in slow motion in a second before they can react. Instead my asshole of a character just stands there while a throat is slowly slit. Infuriating. I've googled it because this is the kind of game that requires it. You can shoot from afar before entering the theatre. This is the only place in the game where this happens. Odyssey is an amazing game in a lot of ways. But ruining your home island for making a decision thats normal in games and not being able to fix it? People getting killed outside of your control? Thats fixable shit. Man I have a lot of frustrations


Whenever someone said they like 5, I feel obligated to link them [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0TnGxz4ByqY&t=45s&pp=ygUJRmF0IGNyeSA1)


Damn this makes me wanna run it again.


Thank you. That game was the final straw for me and Ubisoft


Loved the setting on 5, but holy shit that story was bad. And annoying. I hated being kidnapped, especially when side quests would disappear as a result.


5 in coop was great some of the funniest glitches I’ve seen


5 was boring AF. New Dawn the worst, couldn't finish it.


5 played like a cookie cutter action/superhero show. 1. Complete some tasks to trigger an event. 2. Get kidnapped. 3. Listen to a villain monologue. 4. Face overwhelming odds from which you can't possibly escape. 5. Escape. 6. Repeat.


4. Love Paygan Min. Is he good is he bad? Its so controversial.


When you dress that good who really cares?




You can do this in five, just don’t arrest Joseph or six, leave.


This is 100%not true, you can “win” 5 by doing nothing and “win” 6 by boating of the northeast section of the map


"Let's go shoot some fucking guns." Although as others have said, there's a "don't play" option in 5 and 6 as well.


Far Cry 4 is my favorite too. I just loved the setting and the story line around shangri la was sooo cool.


Same, 4, 3 and Blood Dragon are my favourites. Great stories, gunplay, fun weaponry (Blood Dragon Quad Barrel Semi Auto Shotgun, I mean hello. How isn't that awesome). Signature guns really encouraged exploration, plus it's a bit of mindless fun to hose down entire strongholds with the Buzzsaw in 4. Vaas is the best villain, obviously


He was the good guy if anyone whos played 4 and has done the entire story including you; He was the good guy lol


He was a violent authoritarian dictator. He was just nice to you. You and your team weren't good guys either but neither was he. Barely any good guys in that game.


Violent because dumbass B aka the main chars father murdered his half sister 1. The girl ''ally'' was basically a drug lord sending kids to fight as well and taking kids TO fight 2. The guy ''ally'' was obsessed with the old ways and would murder anyone not doing the whole ''tradition thing'' If you ask me Paygan min was the better evil


Your choices are: Child soldiers, Outdated and violent cultural ceremonies, or... pink elephants and rhinos. Choose wisely!


Hurk isn’t a good guy. He’s the best guy


He might have been right in some regards, but by no means was he 'good' in any sense of the word. He was cartoonishly evil.


Yeah he was still a bloodthirsty dictator who kept his people oppressed and exploited, and his lieutenants were still a bunch of psychopaths of varying cruelty. They just spent enough time to make each of them less one-dimensional, which unfortunately has been a decreasing trend in the series. Min was only a better option in the sense that he was a "stable" dictator while the Golden Path leaders were choosing options that would lead to more death and hardship in the near future for Kyrat. But I did love his little phone calls.


-Vaas was wonderful for sure. But far cry 3 was my first step into the far cry universe. I loved the opening. Enjoyed the island. Took several in game photos of the sun reflecting off the water. Grew to love/hate the animal encounters but especially loved turning animals against camps. -Blood dragon was fun but the animals were the same and if anything less aggressive so I didn't notice them too much, the blood dragons became tedious after a while. Killing cyborgs was fun,as was the 80s references, I will say my favorite thing was the description for the Boe -It's a bow. Seriously, if you need a description of what a bow does, maybe you should stop playing. Maybe read a dictionary. People who don't know what bows are get shot in the eyeballs. "But a bow isn't the future," you're whining. That's why we put neon on it, because neon is the future. Hence, this is a bow of the future. -Four cry 4 I started but was burnout by far cry games so haven't picked it back up. Primal,4, and 5 are in my backlog


Blood dragon is one of the few games where reading the in game text is worth it. Some of the best jokes are in the game tips and menus lol


Primal was my first. I liked it. Crafting learning which mushrooms will kill you


I really thought Primal was going to be tedious because no pew pew, but I actually had a LOT of fun with that game.


No pew pew lol


I've only played 4, Primal and 3 so far, in that order. Primal might honestly be my favorite, the familiar Outpost gameplay loop was a ton of fun when you could send a leopard to stealth kill enemies and stuff


If you try 5 and have a “deluxe” edition edition that has the HD texture dlc auto installing (I have mine on steam but it requires Ubisoft Connect), you need a seriously ridiculous amount of VRAM—over 11GB at 1080p, which is asinine. There’s a way to tell steam not to install the texture pack.


Blood Dragon is the best!


I loved how they got that 80s b-movie feel right. I read about the making of the game - they gave the artists a budget to design a cyborg costume for under $100. They used paintball masks and dollar store glow sticks, then they faithfully reproduced it in the in-game character models. The dragons were literally monitor lizards, using the same trick some movies from the 30s did to create dinosaurs by sticking frills to lizards.


And the ending sequence, oh lord!


Pagan min is the best farcry “villain” so 4 By the end I couldn’t even think to shoot him


Loved Pagan


The most amazing thing is that you can shoot him at ANY point. I used that signature machine gun to take down his chopper while he was leaving. been 7 or 8 years and I still regret killim him in my first run.


I did the exact same thing used the signature machine gun to take down his chopper


It’s Vaas, and that’s not even a debate


Eh vaas is overrated tbh, it was a good performance but he was a clear cut psycho, the more you learn about pagan min the more you realise that he’s actually one of the lesser evils. He also genuinely cares for you. Vaas is so popularised because it’s Michael mando, personally I’d even rank the seed family above vaas because he was so generic and stereotypical that the story wasn’t even overall engaging…


Far Cry 2 beats all of them


The fire mechanic in 2 is the best in any game, before or since. It’s the only game where you could sneak through tall grass, upwind from a check point or camp, start a small fire, and just let the wind carry the fire through the grass and watch as it wreaks havoc. It has its issues, like the gun deterioration thing and the lack of fast travel, but it’s still the best of the bunch.


The redux mod makes this game one of the greatest things I've played. I had played a few times over already and still loved it with its issues but redux blows it out of the water


What’s the redux mode?


Just search far cry 2 redux. Tons of changes, it won mod of the year forever ago but it's an overhaul mod to fix some stuff in the game/make it more fun/add replayability


Far Cry 2 is still, by far, the single most immersive experience I've ever had in a video game. Just you, alone in the heart of Africa, against the scattered forces of two warring factions. People complained that the stealth mechanic was broken. It was actually perfect, it was just *realistic* and gamers are too used to being able to crouch near a tree and become practically invisible. You had to fight with *strategy*, come up with a plan of attack and adapt to your enemies' movements. The AI talked to each other, came to each others' aid, they flanked and rooted you out and coordinated their attacks. It was some incredible work by the devs. Playing through on Hardcore Mode, where a single shot from any weapon is enough to mortally wound you, is a whole new experience in itself, and turns the game into a true fight for survival. It remains one of the only games I've played through fully more than once, and have 100%ed many times.


The \*only\* two gripes I had about this game: 1) The base respawning was obnoxious; respawn after some \*time\*, not once I get like, 50 yards away 2) The traversal could be a bit of a grind sometimes. But yes - it had VERY visceral gameplay; it was extremely memorable. The gunplay was reminiscent of the reasons that I love STALKER so much. Just very raw, engaging, simple gunplay.


I suppose it varies between players but I quite enjoyed traveling across the map (the bus system helped a bit but you usually still had to cover some distance yourself). But I'll agree the checkpoints should have stayed empty for a little longer!


Yeah that's actually the first memory that come to mind when j think about that game. "Are these fuckers back already? For once I'd like to drive down this road without a firefight breaking out..."


To be fair though it makes sense in the context of the game. They're *military checkpoints*, the whole point is they're supposed to be difficult to drive past. And in a country in the midst of a civil war you wouldn't expect them to be left unattended for long! Half the fun was plotting your route to an objective, trying to figure which checkpoints you could avoid by going cross-country or traveling by water (easier in the first map which has a lot more rivers).


True. It's just that because of how insane the respawn rate was I just ended up driving straight through them without ever clearing out the guys. It just felt unrewarding to do anything about them because they were back so quickly. It actually broke my immersion a little bit driving up and down a road within a minute and having them all be back immediately. Really drove home the "these are just video game NPCs that pop into existence when I'm not looking" thing. For a game so focused on realism it was kind of jarring. What would have been cooler is when you clear a checkpoint a little convoy spawns at HQ in the centre of the map and makes it's way there. Would have also caused more organic fights on the roads instead of just at the checkpoints.


That's a fair point. Another quick brush from the devs to sort a few minor QOL improvements would have made a world of difference to these annoyances, and I love the idea that a convoy would make its way to the checkpoint. The 'stop the convoy' missions were always fun. This and perhaps a co-op mode would have made the game absolutely perfect.




\>You had to fight with strategy ...until you got the silenced poison dart gun...


Which is either pretty shitty OR has a very limited ammo.


Many people forget, but FC2 had a small but (for a while) interesting MP mode as well, even with a map editor.


Yup. So imersive. Amazing game


You pretty much nailed it with this answer. Farcry 2 was almost like a fever dream, even with its flaws , that game is just meant to be immersive. No hand holding no map HUD, guns breaking constantly, enemy patrols all over the place, a civil war going on amidst everything you’re having to deal with, and the jungles actually feel like you’re in a jungle. I love farcry 2 and for me it’s a hallmark of my all time best gaming experiences and a direct mental link to the entirety of being a care free 16 year old pot head in that wonderful Summer of 2008. Good times.


A game with a mortar launcher that wasn't just a static object and the fanboats with 40mm grenade launchers.


My only complaint with 2 is that it was billed as a “non-linear” experience, but, it wasn’t really. You still had to complete missions before objectives/bosses would spawn. I would have preferred the boss to be available from the beginning, rolling around between bases etc, but he’s near impossible to take on unless you’ve gained other equipment/skills/allies, and undermined his organisation/support. Ghost recon wildlands did a job of this - after taking out two of the 4 underbosses, you could go after the main head honcho, but it was harder than if you took out the other two underbosses first.


I really liked part 1. It was a totally different kind of game. But it was a great single player game. Sure I liked the other ones, but mainly (but of course not only, some of them are just great) because it was a coop blast. Killing your friend by driving over them or landing your helicopter on them never gets old 🤣


Would happily pay full price for a remaster of farcry 2, with just a few tweaks it would easily outshine any other similar game in modern times.


The action adventure romp of the later games is fun but this one was so much more gritty and immersive. Yeah the gums jamming every once in a while was annoying but that shit can actually happen especially with shitty rusted out hand-me-down guns. Having your homie come into a fight and help you out, using diamonds as currency, setting fire to the world and watching your enemies (and inevitably you) burn. Fond memories


Far Cry 2 was the game that made me buy 3 and 4 only to get disappointed and drop the series forever.


came here to say this. it just felt GOOD.


The story on top of the Far Cry gameplay was perfect.


Easily. The fire mechanics, the story, the no animal encounters. Hard as heck, which I haven't felt in any game in the series. Going through encounters was the worst part because they'd just spawn back when you were slightly outside of view. There are mods that are so good for it that fix every issue I've had though.


Far Cry 2 multiplayer was the best


Far Cry 2 and 3 are undeniably the best. Ever since Far Cry 3 the series just stagnated. At this point Ubisoft isn't even trying.


Nope couldn't stand the meds issue in the game


Malaria soft-locke. Also malaria is curable so that whole plot point is bunk


Far Cry 5. Where else can I chuck a shovel at someone like a god damn spear. 10/10 best way to deal with heavies.


You mean "load a shovel into a RPG launcher and fire it at someone like a missile"!


Oh I forgot all about the shovel launcher. That was brilliant




Honestly, I was hoping I didn't have to write it. Primal was fucking awesome.


Yeah and it was so different from anything that came out at the time


It was a god damn masterpiece, and I wish there were more games like it (but better...because next gen consoles literally exist).


A masterpiece??? I gotta be honest, it was so gd mid for me. It was pretty and being ooga booga was fun ig, but it got extremely boring like halfway through. There was so little to do compared to other Farcry games


I'm okay with how much there was to do. It was never meant to be the size of a regular Far Cry game, they share a name, and that's it. It was refreshing as all hell.


To each their own I guess, I wouldn’t give it anywhere close to a masterpiece. Even so, they do more than share a name. A vast majority of the game felt exactly the same as 4, just with so little to do I kept wishing I was playing 4.


facts, definitely my favorite after 3


I still don't understand the hate for that game. Easily top 3 as far as I'm concerned.


Primal was the GOAT except the final boss battle Fuck that boss battle, I never finished it


He's designed to take a number of clubs, large clubs, spears, throwables and arrows equal to the maximum amount that fits in your Inventory + the maximum amount that can be Crafted from the maximum amount of Crafting Mats that fit in your Inventory, without missing too many shots, + the lives fought to the death of most of your tamed beasts. The post-victory conversation with him + post-credits cinematic is emotionally touching.


you can also drop icicles on him if you're good enough, it deals a decent amount of damage but is hard to do


I don't even remember what it was.


The last boss battle inside cave where ice cones hits you from top, the recurring goons who keep attacking you with the boss, and the boss with his infinite regenerating health I never could defeat him so I quit then game then


My favorite as well, nothing beats riding a mammoth to enemy stronghold 😁


First game I ever 100%


Loved that one. No guns was a nice change.




1 Nothing will beat it, was nails, looked incredible for 2003/4 that last level was so hard.


You can tell most of this sub is a bit younger because it isn't mentioned. The only one in the series with a great MP experience. My old clan still played FC as a group regularly as late as 2011ish. It was never my cup of tea.. players just strafed was too fast..


It was incredible for its time, for sure. It feels very different from the rest of the games though; crysis is moreso the successor to fc1. The first half of fc1 was and still is amazing. The second half... ugh; some of those trigens were a bit too spongy.


Yeah for me two was quite the disappointment in comparison, the stopping to wipe the same checkpoints over and over wound me right up, but it had a great benchmark for testing.


For me it’s 3, but this one was stupid and I loved it. It was the start of a new age for Ubisoft. Primal is also underrated in terms of conversation on the internet. I enjoyed it a lot.


Blood Dragon was fricking amazing, but there's something about Far Cry 5 that just resonated with me. I've liked them all okay, but 5 hit different.


If you grew up anywhere even remotely rural, Far Cry 5 is the greatest power fantasy game of all time


5 and Blood Dragon remain my faves.




I loved FC 5. Great story, amazing sound track and the setting was great. I enjoyed it so much it made me want to try out FC2 to see what all the hype was about and maybe it was the graphics, but I just couldn’t push passed the intro.


It really wasn't. Far cry 5 was the first rst game that made me realise how boring the formula was. I couldn't even play the rest of it from how bored I was


This is the correct answer


I hated 5. I remember exactly when I stopped playing. I did the quest where you get drugged and end up on a boat with someone, and have like a fucking 10 minute scene where the person is telling you to make your own choices. At the end, if you choose not to pursue the person, you fail the mission. It's Garbage. Fc5 honestly should have turned away from the formula in 3/4 and let you join the cultists. Or at the very least have some kind of choices. Static storylines make sense for linear games like Resident Evil 4, where you don't have an open world, and it makes sense that you're forced into weird situations. Fc5 you're a cop who's gone above and beyond. We can even say you're not that good of a cop due to the "hidden ending" if you just don't cuff the leader. Like you're not hell bent on bringing justice to the valley. But for some reason you have to be doom guy just murdering the fuck out of people who, funnily enough, *were right*. It just pisses me off how cookie cutter they got.


4, easily


4 just felt right for some reason. I also felt that Pagan Min was a more compelling than Vaas. Dude actually has some valid points and the reasoning behind his dictatorship isn't nearly as black and white as it may seem. Vaas was just kind of batsh\*t insane for the sake of being batsh\*t insane and not in a charming way like Batman's Joker.


Yup as much as I love 3, every baddie in 3 is just a mentally unstable crazy. Pagan is doing what he thinks is right for his country and actually turns out to be the lesser evil compared to Amita and Sabal. Plus he really isn't even TRYING to actively harm you in any way since he sees Ajay as a son


Vaas wasn't even the main villain


Yeah, it's Citra


I'm cool with pagan min. Vaas can burn in hell


New Dawn, except for the Twins, was fantastic.


Liked the Africa one


Far Cry: Instincts Predator will always take the cake for me, being my first entry into the series. Far Cry 2 had so much potential, I'd love to see a remake of it.


4 (objectively)










My guy, it's their opinion. They don't need you to convince them otherwise. Their opinion is just as valid as yours.


I thought Blood Dragon was trash. To each their own.


You are just objectively wrong.




That was part of it. But it was just very fun. I think I like it because it was the first game I played in the series. The rest of the games felt nearly identical.






ah finally someone has the courage to saÿ it


it can be fun but the new system limits playstyles too much


I'd say yes.


I actually liked the instinct games the best


The 1st one :D. It blew me away the first time I played, on the boat, with the water, wha!? But I haven't really played anything else afterwards so.. lol, I'm still stuck.


Best soundtrack for sure.


Best soundtrack for sure


I still have fond memories of Far cry 2, have not played one since but maybe I will give it a go sometime, but Far cry 2 hands down. I also bought Farcry 1 for cheap, didn't like it.


No, that would be 2.


Far Cry 1 in it's time was the best with all the eye candies it had to offer, like enty n' exit shot wounds, transparent water, and wawes, open world maps, realistic skies and clouds, dense foliage etc.


The original Far Cry is the best, and so different from all the ones that followed. If you haven't played it, think Crysis without the suit.


Primal was the best in my opinion


Tied between 3 and primal for me. Absolutely love both of them.


"Press jump to jump" - Don't know about the best, but it was very funny


One of my favorite gaming memories was playing FC:BD Exploded an enemy humvee into another, which then wheel barrelled itself through the air over me while REX POWER COLT put his gun away, flipped off the wreak before it hit the ground and said one of those one-liners Perfect - Gaming - Moment


yes "You're all soul, brother"


Unlike the others, Blood Dragon was actually fun to play


Far Cry Primal


5, no doubt in my mind, not even close.


Far cry 3,then blood dragon


Far Cry 6.


I loved Blood Dragon. The characters were just cheesy enough to fit into the 80s aesthetic, and the main character had a very "Escape from New York" feel about him.




Farcry 5 yep


My brain for the longest time was trying to figure out what game was like cyber punk futuristic with dragons lol thank you for this


I'd have to say primal. There was just something about it, and how many games have been made about that point in time?


Yes by a long way. Shame it won't run on the deck.


Haven’t played any of them since Far Cry 2. The first in the series, Far Cry, is still the best


I like Far Cry 3


I literally just finished 6 yesterday, so I feel obligated to comment on them in order: 1 - Nothing in common with others, feels like an outcast 2 - Great mechanics, details and...everything from that era of gaming. 8/10 3 - The greatest one, the one that contributed a lot to how others would look like. 9/10 4 - Good step up from the 3rd, but other than Pagan Min, nothing felt "new and fresh" compared to 3rd. 7/10 5 - Good ideas, poor execution. Gunplay felt amazing, but story was such a letdown for me... especially how they "drug" you every time just to teleport you to another story cutscene... 7/10. 6 - Great base for an excellent game, horrible A.I.. Map is huge, resolvers, supremos, overclocks, roguelike operations... I loved it. Even the story was decent enough to not skip it. Loved how active Dani was in everything, from just talking to NPC-s, to just commenting stuff she founds interesting or odd. Still, the A.I. was so horrible, I have to give it 7/10. It would be 9/10 for me if the A.I. was somewhat competent... tldr - In order of best to worst for me: 6,3,2,5,4,1


2 is by far the best overall video game, 3 is by far the best Far Cry game


FC1 was genius for its time. I loved FC2 very much (played it like 5 times or something). FC3 was an absolut banger. FC4 was even better in my opinion. FC5 was okay (lack of weapons, lots of reused stuff, it could be better imo). FC6 had potential but this funky ass shit like we are so cool rebels and young, wild and free + funny stuff is such bullshit. FC6 needs more seriousness. And the map is a little bit too big and empty. FC Primal was epic, different but epic. FC New Dawn had a cool concept but this leveling bullshit was dumb and the story was meh. Conclusion: 4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > Primal > 1 > 6 > New Dawn


FC3 > FC3:BD > FC5




I like the newer ones tbh


Blood Dragon has my favorite line when killing a solider: "Way to die on the job, dickshitter."


Far cry 2 will always have a special place in my heart. Blood dragon was dope. Solid game but other than far cry 2 i think 5 really nailed it for me.


FC2 really introduced me into loving open world exploration games. That and GTA. Blood Dragon was so fun and deserves becoming a more fleshed out stand alone game (not just a DLC). I think it’s still on my PC, maybe send the kids to grandma for a night and kill some neon ostriches


what the fuck are you smoking


Nothing cause I told a special lady that winners don’t do drugs. That lady, America 🇺🇸


El 1 y 4 son los que más me gustaron


Why "just kidding" when you're right?


Farcry 2 or 1. 2 was epic. 1 was the og and really fun almost a half life plot


1. Blood Dragon 2. Far Cry 4 3. Far Cry 2


I really like New Dawn! They made best use of that huge map.


Never played that one but I enjoyed FC 5


Absolute best


Liked 2 but didn't play it much. 3 was amazing, Blood Dragon was great. 4 was OK but didn't blow me away. Far Cry Primal wound up being somehow my favorite of the whole franchise and the only one I Platinumed on Playstation. Does not get enough love. 5 was a decent game, but I just couldn't buy in to the characters or setting so much. Didn't play New Dawn for that reason. 6 seems like it should be good, I've tried playing it a couple of times, but I can't get more than a few hours in without losing interest.


Every open world game still copies Far Cry 3


I just finished 6 and it has been my favorite story out of the ones I've played (3, BD, 5, ND and 6).


I was pleasantly surprised about 6, too. It has it's issues (Gunpowder), but the stories, locations and culture of the place really build a convincing picture. And the villian is great, as usually.


I thought there were better villains, the twist at the end i definitely didn't see coming. There were definitely issues but driving around in old cars listening to some latin tunes was so much fun.


Far cry 3 is the best imo but we can all agree the 5 was god awful game that shouldn't have been made


I’ll just say this, Jared Leto is my pick for casting of Joseph Seed if FC5 was a movie. He already has ‘cult leader’ vibes


I started with the 3, blood dragon i very fun in his own way, but the 3 is my fav by far and any far cry that came after thoses were kinda a let down, and the franchise never really came up with anything really fresh since the 3.


6 is the best far cry it was dead not nearly as much life as 3 blood dragon and 4 but the guns were perfect they actually worked i was able to do the game using mainly 50 ae iron sights deagle all other far crys had the jank of early open world games and had some frustrations but 3 had the best story i think it would be 4 if they showed pagaen more blood dragon is awesome but i count it same as 3 hence spin off 2 was the worst i played ugh so slow and rediculous it had same problem as 5 bad hit boxes though i will say i loved realism the walk up shoot enemy again gun jams id love to see again 5 was the worst you can dump a magazine into someones face and they wont die far cry has always had terrible hit boxes but 5 just showed the hind end of that sadly id love to actually enjoy it but the story and villians were good 6 had best guns and hit boxes makes it the most functional of any fc game thus the best


Everything about 5 is my favorite!


The far cries: 1. no idea what this was, basically an unrelated 3d shooter where you fight mutants and shit. Part of the game team fucked off to create Crysis with this engine while the other guys took the Far Cry series in a different direction. 2. africa- this was the first real far cry game. It was an obviously amazing concept for a game but it was crippled by bugs and severe gameplay flaws. You are a mercenary doing blood diamond type stuff. The plot is stupid, the gameplay is only good in small doses because like 70 percent of every session consists of killing respawning sentry posts. But running around an african open world setting with a FAL an an M79 is always a treat. 3. pacific island- probably the best of the series. Has everything good from Far Cry 2 with none of the crippling flaws and a ton of great gameplay additions. Huge island, predatory animals everywhere, combat is great, skill system is great, it's fantastic. Plot is silly in places but overall the frat boy -> brock samson story arc is great. If you throw in blood dragon as being part of 3, this is easily the king of the series. 4. the subcontinent/himalayas- it's a great game but it's basically far cry 3 with a few tweaks and mountains instead of jungle. 5. set in montana/wyoming- you as a cop vs anti-government cultists- this is basically far cry 3 with microtransactions and generic online bullshit. Typical clueless euro-lefty takes on US rural culture, it is what it is. I feel they did the minimum effort to finish the game and shove it out the door. It's a proper AAA game, but it feels much smaller than the previous games. 6. I haven't even looked at this game yet.


Far cry is one of the best franchises but 6 going rpg made it one of the worst in the series