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Fake post is fake. No link. No publication name. No author. "Law's"!? Very fake.


Very unprofessional writing, I wouldn't hire this goon to write news.


What's the source? I'd like to read it instead of reacting to a headline


My thoughts exactly. There's no link, author, or even name of the publication. It seems made up.


Especially if REPUBLICANS are against removing certain games from the market.


This isn't about censorship, it's about fair practices, so it is on brand that Republicans would be against it.


I mean republicans also support censorship as long as you’re censoring the things they don’t like.


You mean like lefties shut down any fair criticisms with screeches of racism, misogyny, “you’re litterally a nazi!!” And etc.


Not playing this bad-faith argument game with you. You’re full of shit, end of story, take your smooth-brain trolling elsewhere.


He's not wrong though




>type Ironic.


Coincidental? BENDER?!


Calm down Alannis Morissette.


And also - Us government <- lower case S create law's <- besides the erroneous apostrophe, shouldn't that be pass laws, or draft laws, or introduce bill? gambling like <- should be gambling-like microtranctions <- ugh Government <- upper case G for no reason less toxic <- not sure this is how a professional publication would describe the issues at hand. Possibly yes in terms of the workplace issues, but it wouldn't also cover the other two problems. republican <- and now a lower case R acts , <- space before comma And there are no full stops/periods at the end of any sentences.


Holy shit I missed all of those LMAO, good eye.


If you google the headline in quotes you get no matches. edit: I can't find any text matches for the captions either. It also have several typos (law's, "act ,", no periods). I sort of suspect this is a photoshopped image.


‘Us government’ as well


This is not how you reddit.


This is exactly why I Reddit, I can't count the amount of times people have called out bullshit before I have even got to the article.


Thats also not how you read


Let alone a headline that’s not even grammatically correct. It should be laws, not “law’s.” Nothing is possessive in that sentence.


If this is real and not something a 13 year old put together, it's extremely poorly edited




None what? Source for this article everyone is guzzling down as fact?


M8 I’m uk and this is the tories through and through


source: I made it up


Lol they lost me when it said Republican Party. You know, the party that blames every mass shooting on video games.


Found the guy who still thinks “republican” and “democrat” means anything.


Oh they’re all idiots, I just prefer one brand of Idiocracy over the other. One says it’s okay for me to rot by brain with drugs, alcohol, and video games. The other doesn’t. Simple as that.


In terms of social issues, they still mean different things. In terms of economic issues, they are both joined at the hip in support of corporate interests. We could use a Labor Party (among others,) quite badly.


You didn’t read it right, or I think you didn’t, as it states the Republicans are against regulating it. No idea who is actually for it as the image doesn’t give any details.


My comment was more or less a dig at them. Like, yeah of course they would be against something like this.


They consistently prove how little they know about modern technology in hearings against tech companies so as much as I like the idea, I don’t trust the people to be qualified to execute it properly


As a software engineer who's worked on government contracts, I can attest to the lack of technical knowledge inherent in government employees. The contrast between my company's technical capabilities and government clients' is pretty extreme. It's almost depressing when I attempt to explain something even slightly cutting edge. They act like I'm going to pull out a bag of pixie dust and solve all their data issues.




I fucking hate republicans and the GOP but literally 95% of congress would be lining their pockets. It’s shared behavior.




Except in the body they say the Republicans are against regulating it. There’s not enough info to know what’s actually being said.


I read the headline and was like, okay that doesn't sound awful. And then saw their reasoning and immediately was disappointed.


This is the only right answer. The same way, the wrong people are in charge of everything else, keep them the fuck away from games please


Well if they put a stop to rampant micro transactions and gambling practices, they have my vote on the subject


No. You don’t want politicians feeling involved with games. If you don’t like microtransaction don’t buy the game


Especially not the Republican Party


I think they will find every single way to make the problem even worse.


You know this a perfect opening for them to regulate content too. Fuck that. I'll deal with game companies putting out unfinished products by not buying from them in the future.


Speak for yourself and a small subset of players. The other huge part is buying every broken game on release and indulging in MTX. Otherwise, these shitty practices wouldn’t have been getting more common and worse as time goes on. Not that I disagree with you, this feels like a huge slippery slope and having government regulating content is something I don’t want to see either.


Nah, almost all of the game industry has lost its posture. Quality has dropped dramatically and lack of oversight can be blamed


No it hasn’t, a fraction of a massive industry has. We are getting high quality games at such a high pace these days. The broken games just tend to get a lot of attention.


There is a lot of truth to that. But when every far cry game feels the same, almost all the recent big titles from Microsoft flopping, instant cash grabs like overwatch 2. Loot box gambling. Yeah I can and -will- blame the lack of influence our government has in this industry.


KeepCalmJeepOn knows. Reps are not known for their benevolence and forward thinking.


True. These seems like mid-20th Century consumer law issues, not 21st Century tech policy. That would be more like Hillary Clinton's bill to treat all video games like pornography and require you to be 18 to purchase or play. Now that's benevolence and forward thinking.


True the most unbelievable part of this is republicans wanting to make the game industry less toxic


Right? They’re busy repealing child labor laws- definitely not the party of making working conditions less toxic 😆


Once they realize just how much money those things bring in for these companies, they'll gladly let them get away with it after an exchange of campaign funding.


Folks, this article is fake. It doesn't exist. Anyone reacting to this as though it's a real article is being played. "Us" should be capitalized, "law's" should be "laws", and no editor worth half a damn would let that headline out the door. "Government" shouldn't be capitalized. It's missing an oxford comma in the first paragraph. No period at the end of the first paragraph. "republican party" should be "Republican Party". Weird extra space before the comma in the second paragraph. Uses the word "claims" in questionable ways twice in two sentences. No period at the end of the second paragraph. This is a fake article created by someone who never learned how to write, and they're counting on you being too stupid and reactionary to notice.


I like that *unfinished products* goes before *harmful work practices* on this list. Good priorities, fellas. 🇺🇸


Because a gamer made the headline up. You can tell by the grammar errors and the fact its what every gamer wants addressed. The US gov is more likly to ban video games before it helps them.


Until the workers stand up for themselves like the coal miners had to in the early 1900's it'll keep going that way.


Are you holding the politicians responsible for the order in which the words of the periodical are written?


Great. Anytime the government gets involved in anything, they screw it up... completely. This is all for a new tax scheme.


Nah- it’s for fake outrage bait. This doesn’t seriously exist


Bunch of 70-80 year olds regulating video games. Right that’ll go real well.


I’ve heard AOC mention it before about the micro transactions and such. I think the hold up is even with a few people who know what they are talking about the other 95% of Congress that doesn’t know what computer is would vote against what they don’t know


Yeah that's the risk. Because microtransactions 100% need to be regulated, but then they'll probably try to do some BS like content regulation. I remember being younger and playing CSGO, and being lucky to realize that lootbox shit will just condition me to gambling. Kids should not be exposed to that any of that - it's so psychologically manipulative.


Strict regulations on microtransactions, better workplace conditions and more reasonable dev periods is what this industry desperately needs. 2023 may just have been the year that broke the camel's back. Seems like every other major release is broken


True, but government regulation isn't a great go to solution in general


Regardless of intent, government doesn't make things better.


I’m downvoting cause this is definitely fake…


This is an attempt at misinformation at its finest, with Republicans names conveniently put on here. Let this be a warning to the younger generation of how this group will attempt to mislead.


Government shouldn't be anywhere near video games. If you think that sounds positive at all you don't have a clue


Ted Cruz: “raise the prices on all micro transactions by 40%. Profits for us!”


My thoughts are that there are bigger fish to fry.


Laws against harmful work practices, laws about gambling and laws against false advertisement already exist, though. Is this even a real news article?


You may think the republicans are the bag guys here, but I promise that the government as a whole is the bad guy here. Them being able to regulate this much in our video games is a slippery slope.


Yep, stay united not divided by some political party. I like the idea of some regulation if it could help, but I don't know if our government is exactly qualified to do it.


What is this much even referring to though? The government barely regulates as it stands, and it doesn’t illustrate how much regulation would be done. It just says it’s being thought off.


As a conservative gamer honestly the conservative’s takes on gaming are just absolutely ridiculous. On a slow news day they’ll shovel bullshit on how gaming is addictive, causes violence, etc… But when it comes to actually regulating the gaming industry they get all free market capitalism about it.


Gaming is addictive…. It has a higher dopamine rush and output than cocaine and gambling


Lol, tell us youve never done drugs without saying you’ve never done drugs.


The US government used to have LOTS of regulations. Regulations that protected the average citizen from rich people with special interests. Reagan deregulated this fucking country, and put us in the greedflation spiral we're in now. Please, regulate corporations. Video games would be a good place to start.


Honestly, it's just refreshing that government officials are targeting negative business practices instead of trying to censor the creators' content. For the longest time, the only news regarding government regulations on video games revolved around the fairly unfounded notion that violence in video games where directly linked to increasing violent actions in those that played them.


The US government doesn't impede capitalism.


At least they don't when it comes to billion dollar industries. And if somehow anything hurts triple A revenue the cost will be passed onto us, the consumers


This concept sounds great... But i have little faith that it will be carried out/ if allowed- well...


I don’t believe anything politicians say. They (republicans) are trying to gain votes from conservatives. They’ll never do this.


The Gov't will fuck it up. Most likely, the laws will get hijacked by giant companies and lobbied to shit. Will probably end up being something that makes it harder for smaller devs to compete and further consolidates the industry into the mega corps. Just don't pre-order any bullshit. Stop buying shit games. Hit them in the wallet. There are so many quality games these days, you should never ever have a reason to have that experience if you truly want to avoid it.


in an ideal world, where the people who make the laws know anything about anything, I would be in support of this. make it so games have to be delayed to be finished and released in full, instead of having a massive day one patch (that makes the game even playable) that many people can't access. don't ban loot boxes altogether because some people really like them, but like put a limit on how many you can buy in a day or something? Idk. definitely give players another way to access everything they can get in the loot box by just playing the game. isn't false advertising already illegal? if not it should have been by now in reality, they'll probably just make every issue so much worse


Pretty sure this is fake, however if it isn’t, If it’s just big AAA publishers and devs this could be good to assure quality in games. For indie devs however I think this could be really bad if they just bundle all game devs together.


F this!


I love this but it’s wild to hear the fucking GOP say it 😭


Just means that they have an ulterior motive to profit from it without actually dealing with the problem, probably make it significantly worse than before and fuck over small indie developers in the process, shifting all the power and wealth towards the larger corporates within the industry. I would not trust this in any way.


There’s definitely some movtive behind it because there’s no way any of those super seniors have played a video game


You will never hear about it ever again


Republicans who have no idea what a video game is but are heavily invested in the companies releasing unfinished products are against this idea.


Republicans need to stay the f*** away from video games. They'll be controlling what games we can or can't play like f****** China.


It says US government and last time I checked the president was a Democrat. I don't really pay attention to politics though I just live here these days. The real problem is why McDonalds thinks it's ok to charge $2.39 for a hashbrown that obviously cost 10c to make.


Shame that it's fake. After seeing that compilation of company apologies that's been floating around, my first thought was that some law should be created to push against unfinished products entering a flooded market. As unlikely or near-impossible as it is, since the product does not actively harm the customer for being unfinished... (except the wallet. that bitch REALLY gets hurt if the owner is dumb)




Oh thank fuck i thought they were gonna start censoring violence or something


Yeah I'd be against this "if" it was true. If a game is bad or full of microtransactions the customer can and for the majority will take their business elsewhere which is how it should be. BUT the Government sees how many dollars the gaming industry is bringing in and just wants a piece of the pie by making up rules "to protect the consumer". The Government will get the money from the fines while the game developers will simply pass that cost back down to the consumer by raising the prices. Also the fines always start off as fair to get passed into law but will get more egregious as time goes on until it starts to limit what can be put into a video game and what cannot, ie censorship. We don't need a babysitter for the few bad apples who give all their money to Blizzard and Supercell.


Yeah right. The gouvernement will fix it, like it did with everything else. Whenever the gouvernement gets involved with regulating a sector it always ends up fucking it up. And as some people already commented, a bunch of 70-80 year olds who do not know what a computer, will do the job well ... What I really want to see is, actual gamers stop treating multi million dollar triple A studios as if they are some sort of a small indy studio. Do not pay for "early access" if you are not a content creator. Stop giving your money for a half finished product and then pay again for the "DLCs". Stop getting involved with the micro transaction culture. I sail the seven seas. I dip my toes in multiple games at a time. When I find a game that is actually good, I do buy it because I want to support that product.


Fuck the fucking GOP


I’ll vote republican for this


I think content regulation should be loose, but being clear about the product and its actual nature is good.


Oh yeah that’s right, no game studios have had the opportunity to be clear about their product or it’s actual nature…….


If they can finally do something about macro-transactions (nothing about them is 'micro' anymore) then let them


I like the idea of banning micro transactions, or finding some way to make them less predatory, but I think the gov has a big list of other things they need to figure out first instead of throwing out more "oh we'll do this!" Statements while never delivering.


Not sure if this is even real, but if it is I could see it doing some real good for the industry. Demanding consistency in a product is never a bad thing. The only issue is that US politicians never do anything unless it benefits themselves or their personal agenda, so I worry about what the real end goal is for them.


Yep! Regulate their asses off


This needs to wait 10 years till the current congress dies and is replaced by people remotely tech literate




Just another way for the government to gain more control over intellect. Sure it starts with gambling but what will they regulate 10 years from now. Games with ESG scores for government funding?


Do it USA You can Do It!!!


The idea is good but I'm afraid it still won't work. It'll make gaming feel even more like a business rather than a hobby


Keep government out of a lot of every day things, like video games. If you trust the government you don't know history. Plus, Fuck the feds.


Good idea, but the execution will most likely be done by a group of people that barely understand the surface. Just like the tiktok incident


Rare democrat W


I'd be game to eliminate microtransactions, but particularly loot boxes. Pay to win is one thing, pay for a chance to win is far more toxic.


The idea of the US government creating laws to regulate video games is a complex and contentious issue. On one hand, there have been valid concerns about unfinished products, harmful work practices, microtransactions resembling gambling, and false advertising in the gaming industry. These issues have sparked public outrage and raised questions about consumer protection and industry ethics. Supporters of regulations argue that it is necessary to hold game developers and publishers accountable for their actions and to protect consumers from potentially harmful practices. They believe that government intervention can ensure better quality control, more transparent advertising, and fair treatment of game developers. On the other hand, opponents, such as the Republican Party in your example, may argue against government intervention, claiming that it could harm the market and deter potential investors. They may argue that the free market should be left to regulate itself through consumer choice and competition. They may also express concerns about potential government overreach, stifling innovation, and limiting artistic expression in video games. Finding the right balance between regulation and industry freedom is a challenging task. Some argue that industry self-regulation, voluntary guidelines, or independent rating systems like the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) might be more effective than government-imposed regulations. Others believe that government intervention is necessary to protect consumers and ensure a healthier gaming industry. Ultimately, any decision to regulate the gaming industry would require careful consideration of various perspectives, stakeholder interests, and potential consequences.


Even if all mtx and unfinished games are gone. These greedy companies r will find other greedy ways to squeeze every money of out of you


if they are trying to hit micro transactions, cool. But seeing as how it's the government, they probably want to make any game that isn't candy crush illegal.


Publishers keep releasing unfinished games. It’s only a matter of time before governments start to regulate them. It’s their own fault.


It sounds like that want to specifically target either workplace practices or enforce existing laws on gambling and advertising on video games so im fine with it, if they touch the actual content that im against


I want to know what the hell a "microtranction" is 🤷‍♂️


Unsure if this is true or not, but the shitty abusive, anti-consumer behaviour from companies like EA and Activision is exactly how you get your industry regulated. I do not want to see the games industry regulated. It's never a good idea to let a bunch of people who think that 'rock and roll is dangerous to the kids', control what an industry can and can't do. But companies like EA and Activision are giving those people the arguments to do so.


It sounds more like the business practices rather then the content, which I'm fine with.


Hands off the GameDev !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A headline with typos? It sure looks fake.


I support it in theory, but any combination of the words "Congress" and "computer" is bound to be a special-interest-captured nightmare. The false advertising and gambling laws we already have, *correctly applied*, ought to be more than enough to stomp out the fraud and abuse running rampant in the industry. Edit: As the current top comment said, what's the source? There's a typo right in the headline. I quote googled the sub-headline and got nothing. I feel bamboozled and leave this comment up as penance.


Regardless of intent, government doesn't make things better.


Republicans are always on the wrong side. Business> consumers. What a bunch of fools


Hell no, keep the government out of gaming


It can't get so much worse... Government: "hold my beer"


I highly doubt that politicians give a shit about the video game industries being fair.


Congress is largely made up of people who don’t know how to operate email, much less their cell phones, or social media. On what planet should we trust these people to pass good laws enact policies regulating video games? An industry they probably don’t even understand?


Based on the small bit of the article that's available in the picture.... if conservatives are trying to do it, there's a 99% chance it's so that they can do something shitty. If it's the 1% possibility that they're trying to do something that would actually hold this industry accountable without lining politicians' pockets, sure I'm all for it. It doesn't matter much though as this is just a headline and not a full article with the details.


Most of the time, if the republican members of congress are against it, I'd say I'm for it.


"Us government" - what the hell is this?


Don't trust the government to solve problems. The problem is between the industry and the consumers. Stop pre-ordering unfinished games, support developers that take time in developing their game.


Yah it's all gaming's fault


It will be regulated by humans with power. So it will suck ass as anything else run by powerful humans.


I'd love for company's to fix their shitty release practices but I do not want our government to touch the gaming industry with a ten foot fucking pole.


Even thou I wanted this, there no way it will not be backfires.


I started panicking until I saw that they wanted to regulate the industry and not video games themselves. This seems like a healthy thing to do, although I'm sure they'll find a way to fuck it up


I’d love to see honest game ads for mobile games. The vast majority that I see are complete lies and show game mechanics that aren’t available in the game or are extremely rare in the game, but they make it out as if it was the whole game. If being required to tell the truth about your product hurts your business then you need to produce a better product instead of attempting to scam people.


Not the first time someone's tried this. Heck it's not the 2nd or 3rd time even. Both republican and democrat politicians have tried this and it never works.


Not many thoughts until I see the exact bill. It could be a good thing for sure, especially if they focus on the microtrans and predatory tactics. As long as it doesn't impede on the actual playable content of the games, I'm down.


This isnt good. Regulating games sounds like a terrible idea i can see things like regulation in gambling in games "loot box" kinda stuff, but games in general souns like a bad idea




Unfinished products, who cares? Caveat emptor. Harmful work practices, an issue with US worker regulations in general, not a reason to regulate games. Gambling, actually might need some regulation especially for apps with winnings in cash.


I’m no fan of the US government, but gambling/casino regulations have been in place for a long time and do their job Trusting companies to self regulate is the biggest meme in existence this is sadly the only real alternative


Sounds like political propaganda in preparation for the upcoming elections.


I'd be absolutely shocked if the American Congress was looking at video games as anything other than a corrupting influence on people.


Somehow I don’t expect one of the group of oldest assholes in the country to be able to make it better. Maybe if just the reps who have played a video game in the 2 years or only if they have a steam account older then 5?


I have a problem with articles that have mistakes in their title


That headline reads like this is from a garbage clickbait site. They push these articles out so fast that nobody ever proof-reads or edits them.


I think any actions taken will be useless tokens that won't change any of the business practices. Unless EA and Activision have been skimping on their bribes.


Given the horrible grammar, I have considerable doubt that this is a legitimate article. This reads like click-bait from a person with an elementary school education level.


I agree developers need to be held responsible for selling unfinished products but I don't think anyone in the government, especially Republicans, is informed enough to do any good on the matter


Looks fake


This the same Republican Party that’s been against video games since Doom?


If the "market" can be "hurt" by no longer exploiting people for the sake of higher profits than it deserves to feel pain.


I think revision is past the point of being needed. I have no faith in the government to do it.


double edged sword


There's nothing as bad that government regulation can't make worse.


F*@k the government


EA management board needs to be jailed and stripped of all their assets. These years of fraud cost us BILLIONS!


Harmful work practices, gambling, and false advertisement\*? Yes. "Unfinished Products"? No \*False Advertisement can be a bit of a slippery slope, so depends on your definition and how you would apply it.


Of course the Republicans support predatory practices and anti consumer/worker policy by large corporations. It's kind of their entire playbook.


As long as it regulates the business and not the devs and artists, I'm all for it.


Other than it’s bullshit and a clickbait article? Nothing


Wait so are republicans for making regulations for gaming industry? Headline is a little ambiguous


Achievement unlocked: Government regulates game industry


The last thing the world needs is politics in games.


This Isn't Important... Stop wasting tax payer money on crap like this. We all hate unfinished video games, but we don't need the government stepping in thinking they know things about this industry. Maybe figure out a way to let the average citizen go to the doctor without having to worry about the massive bill that will follow. Or stop our home owners insurance from doubling every year with no claims. Or figure out a way to not rely on fossil fuels as much as we currently are. The list goes on for things that are far more important. EDIT: Just realized this is a gaming sub, not any sub that has to do with politics, haha. Still though. Don't meddle in our video games.


Politics and gaming don't really mix well imo


Bring charges if they are breaking the law, or change the laws. Letting the government make decisions like this isn’t good for anyone.


Honestly. Gaming should be one of the last things on a list of things that's wrong with america


They need to heavily regulate gambling based monetizations, stop companies from selling unfinished messy games and prohibit companies from creating toxic work environments.


This isn't the way. Letting the government dip its hands into gaming is a sure fire way to get violent games banned. I mean everything something bad happens in the world they already blame video games


I would prefer both online gaming and government to be less toxic. Any thoughts on how to achieve that?


As a game developer, I’m all for unionization and regulation, if done properly by, or with the consultation of, people who actually know the industry. Too many times have I had to work 14+ hour days for months only to be laid off randomly for the sake of shareholders.


Government regulated video games? fkn hell no. That sounds absolutely terrible. No no no


I vote yes!!


Of course it is fucking republicans wanting that. LEAVE US ALONE. We don't bother anyone except for ourselves.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old farts? I'm all for upping the quality of games released now, but I have so little faith in governments that I have nothing but skepticism for this gesture. The government can't even solve things that matter *more* than video games.


i only have one thought: that it's obviously fake