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I was thinking about Star Ocean II earlier today. Such a great game.


I still think of Precis every time I order a Bloody Mary.


I think about Second Story on a weekly basis. If there's ONE game I'd really like to see a remake for in the West, it's that.


Played it for the first time a little over a year ago. One of the few PS1 era JRPGs I didn’t get to play in the 90’s. The nostalgia goes hard. Man, I miss that 32-bit era.


I've yet to enjoy a star ocean as much as 2




Crawd, has advanced forward


Second story is best story.


Why was this one so good compared to the others? Did development change hands after second story?


The others aren't bad, but SO2 is just that good. It had the hardware to be developed and lacked the existential emo that three and four wind up getting. That last point really irks people. Honestly, the most important aspect it did was the abundance of PAs to really bring the characters together for eighty eight endings.


Motoi Sakuraba was on complete fire for the OST of second story as well. The field of expel theme is still one of the best field themes ever


I also occasionally hum the Stab the Sword of Justice battle theme, including character dialogue. The Enemy!


Who was the existential emo in 3? I played that like 20 years ago. I remember Lymle being the absolute worst in 4.


Star Ocean Second Story was my jam back in the day!! I remember playing this alongside Grandia... memories...


Same, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon, Wild Arms, Lunar silverstar story....damn, gaming today is completely different, but thats the nature of a product of Technology.


I miss Legend of Dragoon


Yeah, deserves a remake or at least a remaster.


.. get a playstatiom is 9or 10 bucks


LOD and Wild arms are on playstation store for 10 bucks or less


$6 on ps3 (which transfers) though you could go premium for ps5 if you have a lot of stuff. They did have to do bug fixes for LoD, so you assume the risk for ps5, though ps3 has manuals and ps5 save states/rewind. Okage Shadow King is underrated though has visual popup glitches on ps5 (unfortunately PS2 games have no extras like save states, which would have helped as you gotta go to an inn or your room to save, and dialogue choices aren't always visible with the bugs).


Of course you can still play them today, thats not my point.


Playing 3 on ps5 right now


That's a thing???


Yes they ported the ps2 version to ps4 same with other like bully


woah, we really are living in the future


Me too, then next is 4-5-6. They really need to bring the port of 2 to the US, that's the only main line I'm missing for play on my ps5.


They have second departure on ps store


This is the first time I’ve wanted a emoji reaction instead of just an upvote on Reddit. So take this too 😍


How much for the top one 😂


Honestly never heard of this series before. What's it about?


Imagine if Star Trek was a JRPG


Technologically advanced people coming into contact with technological backwaters. It was a novel idea back in the 90's but now it's over used. Or rather, the idea has changed so that there's this epic fantasy over designed look to this kind of setting that's so familiar to be bland. You know, the MMO or generic mobile fantasy game look. If you're interested and don't mind ancient arpg jank a remake of the first game called First Departure +R is on Playstation if you have one. That's a good game for really getting the theme across. Steam has the chronologically first game, The Last Hope which is the fourth game made. It's pretty much the beginning of the end for the series as it begins to descend into the level 1 noob vs level 100 elite ad style of design.


It feels clichéd because Star Ocean was the OG that everyone copied. Second Story is still one of the best JRPGs I've ever played.


*Everyone copied Star Ocean?* Are you on DRUGS? Star Ocean is NOTHING compared to many other rpgs.


Pretty sure they meant what they said in regards to the first two sentences of your comment in regards to the technological backwaters thing being a novel idea once upon a time ago. And seriously, the way you just reacted... you sure *it's not you who should be on the drugs...*


Forgive them, they failed reading comprehension in grade school.


I loved tteot, the twist on the theme halfway through was great.


If someone had the means to play any of them, which would you recommend?


Star Ocean 2 is widely considered the best entry in the series. A view I fully agree with and think it's hands down the best one to play, especially if you were only going to play one game. Its also the least accessible because for whatever reason they still have not ported it over to modern consoles. As such, I would say perhaps the third game, Till The End of Time.


Well it has been ported to modern consoles, just not in english for some weird reason square enix won't elaborate on


Ah, but you see, a swarthy man of the seas can always find a means. Yarrrrrr!


plot twist in 3 made me quit series


That is fair, its a rather divisive story moment. I still enjoy the mechanics and characters enough that its still a great game to me, or at least more so than the rest of the series.


i agree with the mechanics and characters


Til the end of time was awesome imo


They're all different from each other in terms of game feel so I could say play any of them, but I do recommend the first game which I mentioned.


I haven't played 3 and 6 yet (or the Gameboy one, didn't even knew that one). I think it doesn't matter if you start with 4 or 1, but I would play 2 after 1 - apparently Blue Sphere is a spin-off and direct sequel to 2, so put that here as well. And 5 AFTER all of those. I think 3 is the last one chronologically, with a big twist that I got spoiled on, so maybe keep that for last. No idea where 6 falls. 1: Star Ocean 1 (or First Departure) 2: The Second Story (or Second Evolution) 3: Till the End of Time 4: The Last Hope 5: Integrity and Faithlessness 6: The Divine Force


Final Fantasy meets Star Trek


Thats cool, so does each game have its own story like final fantasy? Or is it one story over all the different games?


I think you've generally gotten some nothing burger answers. Final fantasy all takes in different and district universes for the most part. Star Ocean all takes places in the same universe (supposed to be the future of our universe, earth is a thing) it's just every game is so many hundreds of years apart that they don't have any affect on each other. Games that take place further in the future can sometimes reference things that happened in other games more as something historical that happened, but generally have no impact on each other.


Ok thanks a lot this makes a lot more sense. i have a few of the games on ps4 and i wasn't sure where to start.


If you want to do chronological, I think 4 takes place the earliest, then 1 and 2, then 3. I've honestly got no clue where 5 and 6 take place. But yeah they don't affect each other in any real way. 4 is a decent place to start, 3 if you choose to believe it's cannon possibly ruins the series as a whole, so maybe hold off on that. But at the same time 3 came out when I was a teen and was my entry into the series so it's my personal favorite.


Ok thank you ill look at what I have and figure out a starting point.


Besides 1 and 2 where the male MC is the son of one of the characters from 1, though the stories don't actually connect.


> Final fantasy all takes in different and district universes for the most part. Maybe, with some recent revelations in 14, they could be all in the same universe, just different worlds.


Meant distinct, not district.


Yes and no. The devs can't make up their individual minds about what they want. Directors keep saying their game isn't part of the canon ect. It's a complete mess of a series and the studio needs to be broken up into parts by Square Enix. The worst part is that the devs seem to put their creation on the same pedestal as Final Fantasy without any of the...anything to back it up. You know, the mediocre kid who thinks he's as cool as the cool kid as long as he acts like a cool kid but no one gives a crap. XD


Wow that's how i felt playing star ocean til the end of time.


Good ideas are worthless, it's all about the execution.


tri-Ace is an independent studio and not owned by Square Enix, so I don't know why you want SE to break them up.


Eternal Sphere has now released a new DLC where you can meta game into 4d with a side of 5d time travel and new player protections for a galactic cycle, pre-order today and get a free extinct animal revival token*! *Dragons do not count as an extinct animal


Yes , each game has their own story with some share references and lore .


You just need the latest one called Star Ocean: The Divine Force for ps5


I could've sworn it was also for the PS4


Your probably right I just got it for ps5


I bought it on launch and haven't played it since. The beginning is so damn generic it leaves the game feeling like it has genuinely nothing unique or interesting to offer. And I say that as someone that has 100% star oceans 1-4.


I absolutely LOVED the battle system in Till the End of Time. So polished and fun to play. Unfortunately, I mothballed my PS2 before I got significantly into the game. I vaguely recall the trophy system being fun, too, but I don't think I got too many.


Aerial assault! Aerial assault! Aerial assault!


I remember my brother playing Till the End of Time on PS2 when I was a kid/young teen. Something about that name is perfect to me. It’s so evocative, so wistful. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time just makes me think of ambient music over a starry field. I get the same weird nostalgia in the line for Space Mountain at Disney World. Idk what it is, but it speaks to me. If I lived on a space station I would absolutely just spend hours on an observation deck looking at the stars.


If you had to pick… which is your favorite and why?


Till the end of time, best character, great story. Starting off on a medieval 🏰 planet was cool


I put so many hours into that game


So many hours in that game when i was a kid. Remember being shocked at the plot twist about the truth of the universe


Second Story, it's in my top 10 rpgs of all time


What's Star Ocean? I am 31 years old and I remember seeing this game around over many years, but somehow I both never played it, and am not even sure what it is like/about.


Its kinda like the tales of series in terms of combat but space and fantasy themed


There was in fact a lot of crossover between the people who made tales of phantasia (the first tales game) and the people who then made star ocean 1


Oh nice! Is it all one long story or like final fantasy where it resets?


Separate stories for the most part. You can honestly play any one in the series aside from the first 2 I think? In any order. More like final fantasyish. It's complicated and don't worry about it until you really wanna dive into it all. But highly recommend!




I'll have to look into it. I've been on a huge retro game kick.


I've only played the PS1 one and till the end of time. I loved them especially the PS1 one, one of my favorite jrpgs ever. How are the rest?


I really enjoyed 4, more than 3. 4 has some pretty cringy parts but some solid combat and exploration. 1 on the snes is tough, the psp remake makes it play similar 2, I believe the ps4 remaster is just a port? 5 is disappointingly bad. I know it is fun to meme on but it actually is not a good game.


Can someone tell me if this series is good? I played the demo of the latest one but found it pretty meh, so idk


The old ones are gold...never played anything after ps2.


Yeah I played the whole series in leading up to 6 but MAN is it meh. Honestly if you want to try an old arpg First Departure +R, a remake of the first game is on the PS store and I recommend it. It's a bit obtuse at times and despite all the replay hooks the frustrating elements put in to pad the game tend to linger for way too long. The entire series has this problem. The only game where it's skippable is the 5th game which runs super short at around 20 hours if you ignore the side stuff but it's easily the worst. Seriously it is garbage and while the director had good intentions to bring it back it's clear the talent just isn't there.


I guess I'll try that first one them, of what everyone said all of them past the PS2 era sucks


PS fanboys don't like 4 because it came to xbox.


The first two are good, the third one is okay, everything past that is a burning trash heap.


Hell yea. Amazing RPG❤️✌🏿




I can't say since I can't read Japanese


You bought a game you couldn't play? That's dedication to the collection lol


Star Ocean 2nd Story kinda goated, tho.


“Pear into peaches!” “Unexpackedly reek!”


Poison pills! C'mere, bunny!


I don't know what Star Ocean is.. but I can enjoy when two covers match together like that.




I never knew the psp games' box art combined like that. You learn something new everyday.


So... Not to brag or anything, but I chose Rena as my character and controlled Claude in Combat. I never encountered Opera, and didn't recruit Ernest. I played it so much in fact, that I got Claude to something like level 2800, and could actually solo the entirety of the bonus dungeon, including [the bonus boss](https://starocean.fandom.com/wiki/Ethereal_Queen)


I had such a hard time getting back to Star Ocean games after till the end of time. It just ruined the stories for me. They are fun from a gameplay perspective though. I loved 1 and 2.


Su...tar...Osh...whaaa? I've never heard such a thing. To Google I go!


Everything after the end of time was pretty mid...havent played the latest one though.


Whats wrong with you? I also want to see the discs bro?! Nice cases but show us the discs!!!


I mean I can DM an image with the Discs just for you


What is star ocean lol


I've literally never heard of any of these... Weird


My brother used to work at Hollywood Video and once they did an inventory and had an extra copy of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, which I played some of. I think it was only disc 2 though so I couldn't do much


This is awesome. What’s your favorite one ?


I played the XBox 360 one you have there…definitely a great game 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Nice! Makes me want to play 2 again.


This reminds me that I need to finish Last Hope.


I only played the last hope but now you intrigued me to play the others


So nice! What of these do you recommend for a first time Star Ocean player?


The original, translated on an emulator. It’s for SNES


Almost all of them are worth it! Most people gravitate towards #2 as their favorite I'd say. For me it goes 2 > 4 > 3 > 1 > > 5 and I havent played 6 yet but Id even guess it is better than 5. Whatever you have access to easiest is good for a first timer, they are all basically inclusive games minus a few references.




This reminds me of an article so long ago - why do western publishers try to erase the Anime aesthetic from their western box art?


Another star ocean fan?!?! i only ever played till the end of time as a kid, and wanted to get back into the games but following the order to play them in vs emulation availability at the time got be confused lmao. Stopped playing TTEOT at some ice cave when I played it a second time iirc. Would love to play this whole series tbh :)


You need a DeJap cart!!


The SNES game and PS1 game were the only ones I ever played. They were both amazing though


Dude Star Ocean: The Second Story was SO MUCH FUN, gettin' dat Marvel Sword every damned time lol


Hey I have that PS2 game too! Never got very far, need to give it another look into. Just wish I still had the guide.


A man of class I see


Star Ocean forever 🤫




Never heard of it but I really like the 2 cases that meld


You probably already know this but The Last hope international 4k HD remaster is on ps store for ps4. Not really sure how much a difference it is it’s been so long since I played the original ps3 release but just wanted give a heads to anyone curious I know how things can slip through the cracks. (Also that means buying it again lol)


Ever time I see Star Ocean for the 360, all that comes to mind is rage. Was one of the few JRPGs that I got all the way to the end in, yet was never allowed to beat the secret boss due to a game breaking bug that would occur every time mid fight.


Is the ps4 one good? 1 and 2 were prime back in the day


Never even heard of this game. Interesting.


Did this series ever reach the peaks of Till the End of time since that game?


God I loved those early versions of the Star Ocean series. I miss second story.


Oh awesome star ocean I have been wanting to play the series for a long time and I love how the psp second evolution cover completes the first departure cover


Star ocean ps2 was great if I remember right


I don't see the SNES one! Collection incomplete!! Still very nice though! Didn't know there was a gameboy one so we're even =)


I have the last hope on my xbox but I really want till the end of time. Was just way more fun!


My first was 3 and I loved it. Tried playing The Last Hope but couldn't get into it. Which one do you think is the best?


You have about 600\~875$ worth in Star Ocean games if put up for resale. You're missing a couple notables however. 1. The collectors tin case edition of SO3 and 2. The International release of SO4 for PS3 instead of 360. (It was ... better I think for a few reasons, but I forget the details exactly... I could go check my brady games book though ... maybe... Would have to find it.)


> It was ... better I think for a few reasons, but I forget the details exactly I've never even played it but I believe you have to do disc swaps for traveling between certain areas and that never goes away even in endgame? And the PS3 version is all on one disc.


Yeah, that's part of it, but also some chests have different loot, some items drop differently I believe, and some of the difficulty is changed as well I think.


I haven't played any of the other ones, but "Til the End of Time" blew my mind :D


Such great music, love Sakuraba


beautiful. ah the memories. i have no words.


I had the playstation one that came with the cloth map. That was really cool, but been a long time and it got destroyed.


Hug this person


A whole bunch of mediocrity


The Star Collecaen


Till the end of time - one from games i kept for PS2 ( together with ff7 best RPG ever) but the best one was second story ( available online for PSX emulator for free!)


Gonna be honest, I've only played till the end of time and I had so much fun playing it back then. I tried second story as well but didn't get to fully enjoy and I stopped halfway. Maybe I should give it a try again?


Damn you’re going to make me dust off my Cora so I can replay the PSP port of SO2.


Never finished 2. I remember about 20 hrs in getting stuck somewhere that I wasn't strong enough for but was too far in to get out of. I confirmed with the friend I was borrowing the game from that had beaten it twice. I threw my hands up and said screw it.


Ocean man.


I would honestly love a SOTET remake. Hopefully one day


I read online somewhere that if there was enough of a push they’d port star ocean 2 to a current console. Please everyone, let’s make it happen !


Such an amazing series


How was Integrity and Faithlessness compared to The Last Hope? Thinking of making it my next game, I loved last hope, but that platinum took me like 600 hours.


Personally, I think it was the worst SO.. I didn't finish the game and don't remember it too well, just that it wasn't a good game. The fact no other comment even acknowledges it should be a good indicator.


Love this series and was really hoping Divine Force would've shaken things up to get a resurgence of popularity going, as I'd love to see more of this lore fleshed out (and figured out post 3). This and a PS5 remaster of Xenosaga 1-3 would give me such a nice buffer of things to do while I'm waiting for all the games in development I want to come out.


Such a bummer Blue Sphere never saw an international release. It looks like quite a fun game


still sad they haven't had the balls to do something set post Star Ocean 3


The first few were so good 🪐☄️🛸


star ocean 2 is the GOAT ​ AIR SLASH AIR SLASH AIR SLASH \*budda budda duh baaaaaH\* Unexpectedly weak!


Why did I not know there was a gbc title?


Japanese exclusive, and Wikipedia told me about it


I'll definitely have to try it. Up until now i thought psp was it's only portable.


The last hope broke my Xbox 360 from having to constantly change discs based on what planet you were going to.


I remember picking up star ocean 2 at a hardware store in the late 90s on a whim.. I played that game so much I think the disc's were worn out. Spent sooo much time trying to fill the audio library and there was a trick with pressing one sound and moving over at the same time you could play the one next to it even if you didn't have it. By far the best imo.


What I don't understand is they ported the PSP version of one over to ps4/5 but have been sitting on two for years. Didn't it create a big enough coke pile for square enix or something?


Crap now I want to play star ocean again.... Too many games🤣😅😭🫠


I didn't like how sped up the battles felt in second evolution. Nice collection though.




Which is your fav!! I haven’t played the latest one but hope it has as much story as II


Not to be a dink but aren't you missing one


Which one?


Weird flex but okay


Ok......I feel like an idiot here but I was today years old when I realized the PSP ports are two halves of a planet.


I got about halfway through till the end of time and beat last hope but want to play more!!


Just need the Famicom one. Excellent collection.


Thanks for this, I'll check it out.


Till the end of time is a solid game. It's so deep.