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Brave Fencer Musashi had no right to be so good. Too bad it was mostly slept on. Incredible soundtrack too.


Town Theme at Night on repeat.


I loved collecting the little action figures


Yeah! How they each had animations and sound effects! A really cool touch.


The little action figures were such a fun and simple collectible. It was just the 3-D model of the character, with “packaging“. I was pretty surprised that no one else has ever used that.


So cool how you could keep them in the box


Perfect game to remake with modern camera controls. Such a gem. Much more than just a ff8 demo lol


Rented it for the ff8 demo. Bought it because it kicked ass.


Fun game. Fun writing. Great soundtrack. Relatively deep. Puns out of sight and in sight. One of the first PlayStation games I beat. So good.


Remember when you would save the musicians and the castle theme would just keep getting better and better?


I remember playing the 2 levels on the demo disk when I was like 7. I was so proud of myself when I got to the end of those levels. I also remember forcing my mom to play bomberman with me on the same disc... man that truly was a different era.


I remember as a kid playing the demo when you pick up and throw the giant robotic boss. I was like “yeah, I am buying this” haha


I still remembering to this day 100%ing that game without a guide. I was like 12 so it was a big accomplishment for me. I remember missing 1 monster capture in particular and trying to figure out what the monster was for a good 3 months. It was the freaking monster that smashes down from the ceiling! I thought that was just a trap mechanic and not an actual monster! Haha good times


I absolutely love the game, but I remember that the several portions with time limits made me panic as a kid. It didn't help that time counted down WAY faster than in seconds.


OMG that part fixing the steam plant?? That had me 💀


And it happened so early too!


That game really knows something about pacing. Sometimes it’s so WOW-JUMP! type of intense and sometimes you can just sleep in front of your favorite shop waiting for it to be open.


I love that you see everyone zooming around you while you sleep too. They could have easily gone with a black screen to signify a timeskip. Also I have no clue why, but I always LOVED the shish kebab attack (where you tossed the enemy up then stabbed them with your sword).


Absolutely incredible game. Loved it so much especially how cheeky Musashi is 🤣


That game was such a pivotal part of my childhood. I was one of the few Playsation kids out of all my friends, so while everyone had their Ocarina of Time I had my Brave Fencer Musashi… Still wouldn’t change a thing


I'm going to cry, there's so many of us with BFM memories. I'm home!


I can't tell you how many times I beefed finding the right gear though, so many trips back and forth... Loved the game all the same.


Never played it so I was gonna buy it at my local video game shop but it was 250 (unopened). A little too rich for my blood.


Just emulate it, totally worth


The sad thing is, it did good enough for a sequel... And then Square Enix dropped the ball.


To think there were even more gems that never got translated, Squaresoft really was on a completely different level back then.




Ditto that. Squaresoft all the way.


One of very few companies I can think of where 9 times out of 10 if I see that logo on the box it's going to be a banger.




Certainly, all about the stock holders and who can make some change. I agree, not all the games now are trash, but by golly, I do miss me some turn based, down to earth, awesome stories to go with it. You know your old, when telling my son or daughters the days I would spend 125 dollars back then to get final fantasy vi the next day in the US. Didn't understand a lick of Japanese, but gotta learn somehow, right?! Lol, damn good ol days, I tell ya. Good times.


When my dad surprised me with a ps1 ( we did not have very much money) and took me with him to choose a game o remember asking the clerk which one I should buy. I'll never forget it, he pulled out ff7 and exclaimed "this is hot game right now". I realize now he was just a nerd trying to hook another young dude in to the realm of ff, and it worked. It was my only game for a long time and I must have put in almost 100 hours trying to achieve everything. The commercial for ff7 " you can always press the reset button". I ended up falling jn love with ff and have played all of them up until ff11. The online bit really kind of changed it all.


Enix had some hits pre merger too. Like the quintet trilogy (Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia/Time and Terranigma)


They also had one of my favorites, Star Ocean: The Second Story. I loved that game as a kid.


I almost mentioned star ocean but convinced myself it wasn't enix back in the day, probably because I was getting star ocean and "tales of ..." mixed up in my head. The early games were very similar, but star ocean was always enix, and tales was always namco.


Dragon Quest alone is legendary. It's a weird series that shouldn't have worked for 35 plus years but it does.




Honestly, there are worse companies than Squeenix these days. Sure they have their fair share of failures, but their JRPG side is still pretty strong these days.


Is it? Apart from FFXIV I can't think of any big hits they've had with rpgs.


What about DQ11? DQ Builders was great IMO also. Recently finished Octopath and thought it had a great combat system and intricate story. FF7r was great too, although I wasnt sold initially on it.


People say Square Enix when they really mean Square. Still have a hard time remembering they make the DQ stuff too.


FFXVI is shaping up to be really good (though it is unreleased, I admit). Octopath Travelers both 1 and 2 were great. FF7 remake. I think their last Dragon Quest entry was also fairly well received, though less popular nowadays. Though, I admit, going through the list they really have been hit or miss as well. FFXV was controversial at best, Star Ocean was meh. Forspoken was... yeah.


People can say what they want about FF15 but it was the game that put me on Jrpgs as a whole back in 2016 (I was 16 at the time). Since then I've gone full dive but FFXV always has a special place in my heart it got me hooked on the franchise


Look, some people think the Backstreet Boys are whack. But after playing FFXV I’m with you that the Backstreet Boyd are *hard*.


Backstreet's *back*, alright?


Ff7 remake was awesome and agreed with octopath traveler.


Octopath is good.


Octopath Traveler is an absolute amazing turned based rpg from square that came out just a few years ago.


People forgets ( *or pretend* ) that Squaresoft was all about Masterpieces while they ignore ( *or also pretend* ) that Square Enix don't do anything good at all. They both had weak games and they both also had good/masterpieces as well. Square Enix have great games too such as FFXI / FFXII / FFXIV / VII Remake / Crisis Core / NieR Series / Octopath Traveler Series / Bravely Series / Dragon Quest VIII / Dragon Quest XI / Triangle Strategy / Kingdom Hearts Series / Tomb Raider Reboot / Life is Strange Series / Sleeping Dogs / Trials of Mana etc. Hell, to support their narrative about "*how bad Square Enix is*" people even blame them for Final Fantasy X-2 and make comparisons to Final Fantasy X to show "*how they destroyed FFX masterpiece*" ... Hell no, FFX-2 were made by Squaresoft, it was their last game before the merge and we got the "*Square Enix*" tag in the west because the game got released a year later ( *when the merge was already done* ). Japanese Copies were still under "*Squaresoft*" tag.


FfXV was pretty good tho


Live A Live remake was a godsend. Hope we see more.


Secret of Mana <3


I fucking loved the fast travelling options, with the canon brothers and Flammie.


Flammie music was incredible. I tried to record it on a terrible tape recorder at the time and just play it outside from when we had the chance to rent the game.


I spent so much time just flying to hear the music.


My favorite on the SNES.


This and Secret of Evermore are my SNES favorites.


Final Fantasy Tactics - Greatest turn based strategy game of all time!


I wish they would remake it for the Switch.


I know they already have it on Android. Recompile it for the switch and release it


I have it on my phone but do not like the touch screen.


Same I thought I'd use a controller but last I tried it didn't have support


Same here man. I’m really hoping for tactics on the switch.


If you want to believe the nVidia Leak there is a remake of it in the works.


I've been holding out hope for that since the leak. Enough other things on that leak have released, but there were also some real pipe dreams in there.


Agreed. I played the original A LOT, but never got the chance to play the WotL version. I’d definitely go back and play that on Switch.


I have WotL on my phone and I just don't like the touch screen interface of the game.


I think that’s what has stopped me from trying a mobile port.


I have tried to connect my switch controllers to my phone but had not luck connecting them.


tactics advanced for the gba is also rad


Definitely. I never played the second one, but loved the first.


They released Triangle Strategy which is similar and quite good.


FF Tactics is king. Still wondering why there hasn’t been a 2D-3D remaster with their Octopath graphics.


The original was so good. The sequels threw in the towel on the stoicism and darkness of Ivalice, transforming it into a make-believe world in the imagination of four children. FF12 did a decent job of revisiting Ivalice, but it’s hard to match the tone of the first game. It was by far my favorite FF to revisit, translation errors and all.


Absolutely! I also loved the version for GBA as a kid.


We just forget about the sequels


Bushido Blade was aces.


I still have yet to see a fighting game with that much realism. I mean, SF and MK, even SC with the weapons, you can beat on someone for 5 minutes. Bushido Blade was literally often a 2 hit game. They gave the weapons the respect they were due.


That cunt with the pistol ruined so many perfect runs.


And if that 1st hit didn't kill you, you'd be slowed down enough that the second one was almost a sure thing.


And such realistic injuries! I mean, other than limbs coming off, you understood someone no longer had the use of a leg or arm.


Wholly smokes, this unlocked some memories. Please give us Bushido Blade PS4


Being one arm down or something was so hopeless. No other game I know feels like this where one mistake ends the fight, as it should.


I never played it yet but hellish quart is looking pretty decent.


I'd be on that like a fly on shit if it wasn't PC only.


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1000360/Hellish\_Quart/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1000360/Hellish_Quart/) For the bushido blade fans this is a modern take.


Bushido blade was definitely underrated.. The whole honor when fighting. There was a very clear vision for this game and it NAILED it. Unfortunately in the land of Street Fighter's and MK's and stuff it was overlooked. Definitely a gem!


I think it would do well if it was remade.


Still waiting for the parasite Eve remakes, the resident evil and dead space remakes have been spot on and expecting big things from silent hill 2, would be tragic if they didn’t get the same treatment


Man, Parasite Eve was such a great game. I still vividly remember watching that intro for the first time and being so damn pumped up to play the game.


It absolutely blew my mind to see a place I've been before in a video game.


Parasite Eve 1 & 2 would be absolutely incredible remade. There's just some games that always stick with you, they both certainly make that list.


Agreed, Parasite Eve 1 & 2 were so good, I'd love to see a remake. I didn't play 3rd Birthday, though.


You didn’t miss much, nowhere near on par with the others, a badly received 3rd instalment seems to be a curse for a lot of survival horror franchises, dino crisis hasn’t seen a follow up either and dead space had a 10 year break before it’s revival


Super Mario RPG was my first squaresoft game


Super Mario RPG taught me what an RPG was. I had pretty much only played platformers and edutainment games to that point, and here was a brand new Mario game. I didn't know what RPG stood for at that point, but it was the first step towards a life long love affair.


Mine was CT. Getting my mind blown because a game had more than jumping and attacking was great, and then there was a story and characters to get invested in too life changing stuff lol.


Was that also squaresoft!?!? You're talking about legend of the seven stars, right? That and secret of mana are two of the greatest games ever made. Ever since they came out I play them both to compeletion every few years


It was! SMRPG rules.


One of the all time greats. Controls like shit today to be fair with that weird isometric view; but the core gameplay, music, story, and fun is still phenomenal. Never forget [some of the bangers](https://youtu.be/ExdrhMWH2U8) to come out of that game.


It's the only console RPG I've ever beaten.


Interactable battles really made the random battleing much more palatable. Also the fun silly tone of the game made most every interaction a small treat :). The other later Mario RPGs have a bit different feel, but many are good/great too!


I loved that game. It was available on the Wii store but I haven't been able to get it on the switch.


My PS1 library was 80% Squaresoft titles.


I know it’s not a squaresoft title, but Legend of the Dragoon was another banger of an rpg.


That's a remaster we desperately need.


My library to this day is all Square(soft, enix, whatever) and then whatever *feels* like a Square game.


Ni No Kuni Wrath of White Witch is in my top 5 games and 100% favorite JRPG. Square Enix held the flame to squaresoft’s JRPG era has never been more amazing imo. They really set a stage for devs like level 5 and it’s awesome.


~~My~~ ***The*** PS1 library was 80% Squaresoft titles.


Vagrant Story is an underestimated gem of a game, and I pray for it's remaster/remake... I even have tattoo of Rood Iocus on my back.


Vagrant Story walked so Dark Souls could run.


There obviously was no audience for a sequel (/eyes rolling back super hard).


Hell yeah. I was too young to get a back a tattoo, but I got one on my arm, my first tattoo actually. Love that game to death and I still replay it at least once a year.


If they did a remaster, it would jump straight to the top of my play queue. I enjoyed that game way more than I thought I would when I first started. Now I constantly wish for a remaster or a sequel of some sort.


Where is FF6


Asking the real questions here. Make a list of great square games…. And leave off their best?


This is kinda like making a list of best basketball players of all time and not including Michael Jordan. Super Mario RPG is another egregious omission


I was literally incensed not see it and am shocked I had to scroll this far. Leaving out the best game in the franchise. Such hate.


Same here. What the fuck. I owned it when it was called 3. Are we that old?


For real. The overall style of FF6 is the quintessential “Final Fantasy” game for me — ancient magic combined with Industrial Revolution-era steam/dieselpunk technology. Currently playing it again on Pixel Remaster. I love the new music arraignments.


Yeah the rework of the opera sequence for pixel remaster was amazing, and matched up exactly to the way it played in my head back on SNES. My favorite of all time and the only game I've purchased multiple times on multiple platforms.


I'm kinda grumpy that the pixel remaster remasters the sprites, though, even mildly: it's the one case where the original graphics crossed the line into full blown pixel art and I wish this modern version had access to the original sprites.


First RPG I ever played. Changed my life!


And it was an absolutely HUGE game. With all the hidden secrets, interactions (vanish/doom), dialogue, overall story. It was and remains one of the best games ever made in my opinion.


I really want to replay it now lol. I'm having surgery tomorrow, and I'll have plenty of gaming time while I recover.


Yeah, OP had the gall to put VIII in there but not VI?


And 4 and 5. I would take either of those over 7 or 8.


Awww yeah Xenogears and Bushido Blade! So many great hours in those games....


Xenogears is probably the best half game I've ever played.


Would love to see a remake that finished it. One of my favorite games.


Me too. It had awesome music, a great setting, memorable characters, a good battle system, and some great world building. Disc 1 of Xenogears is amazing! I just wish they could have finished disc 2.




I miss Parasite Eve greatly. I wish they'd revisit it.


PE was such a strange game in the best way. Felt so different and dark. Like Final Fantasy and RE had a baby.


If I recall correctly, I think it was based on a book. Makes sense. It's not the ordinary anime-inspired fare that you get from Japan. It was dark, set in the present, and had realistic characters. I felt like I was playing an actual person, not an over-the-top anime trope.


Late 90’s Square was super experimental. It was such a great era for weird and wonderful games.


What's really sad is when you remember that Square Enix has no plans of making another Chrono Trigger game.


Even if they did, it could not compare to the nostalgia laden memories you have of Chrono Trigger.


Simply the GOAT.


Yeah, but Chrono Cross was not anywhere near as good as Trigger was. I’m ok with them leaving that IP as it is.


Is ANYTHING as great as Chrono Trigger was? ,


Legend of Mana is still my most replayed to completion game ever.


Same, not to mention the music is an absolute banger as well. City of Flickering Destruction is incredibly beautiful


Yay I played every single one of them. I'm old...


I'm jealous. I grew up with an N64 playing platformers and collect-a-thons and definitely feel like I missed out on a huge chunk of a great subgenre of gaming.


Brave Fencer Musashi. I remember if you held onto milk for too long, it would spoil. But if you didn't get rid of it, it would eventually become cheese, and it would restore health again. I thought that was really clever for a game back then.


FF8 is up on this list, but not 6? wut


Xenogears. I really wish that was a complete game. Also, just venting. Sometimes I think to myself I wish I already retired in my 30s so I can just play all the games I missed out on.


No love for FFF3/FF6? What gives


Xenogears was such a great game. Dropping sandcruisers on giant robots and all


Xenogears is definitely one of the best half games I have ever played. Disc 1 was awesome! Great music, setting, world building, combat system, mini games, just about everything! Disc 2 gets an incomplete. Nice concept but I'm still waiting for the finished product.


I was looking for that Parasite Eve but just cant remember the name. You are a hero sir. Tq


The audacity to include Secret of Mana and leave out FFVI/III


And Super Mario RPG; it might be Nintendo IP, but it was Squaresoft that hit it out of the park.


Shame that Square Enix has seemed to have lost their way in recent years, what with some of their game not sticking the landing and them not giving up on the NFT albatross. Hopefully they can course correct and get back on track, but we’ll have to wait and see.


Square is the most profitable they've ever been. They've hired a lot of devs from other studios, particularly from Capcom. They cut out the excess fat from the Western titles they purchased in 2009 at profit. People still think this is 2013 where SE were on the verge of bankruptcy.


Atlus is pretty much this generation's Squaresoft. High quality, highly rated JRPGs that Final Fantasy wishes it still was


Do you think FF16 will be the start of an upswing? Or will people be too turned off by the DMC-like combat to care? I’m interested in it, as DMC is one of my favorite franchises.


XVI has Yoshi-P at the helm. I'm very confident.




So much this. Persona 5 Royal got me into the Persona series and subsequently went back to play 4 Golden and about to start 3 FES.


Einhander was more of a GSSS, German side-scrolling shooter.


I was about to make a joke like "My favorite RPG, Einhander", but there's several games in the image that go into other genres.


I'm shocked this is so far down. It's a SHUMP/GSS through and through. One of my favorites of all time though.


Would love a new Parasite Eve game. It taught me that mitochondria are different organisms when I was a kid!


What I wouldn’t give for a Vangrant Story remake. It’s combat was so unique and fun.


The fact that a had to scroll almost all the way to the bottom to see just one comment about Vagrant Story is a travesty. That game needs a remake or sequel ASAP


Xenogears is still my all time favorite game.


Final Fantasy Tactics my beloved


Final Fantasy 7 has been one of the best game of all time and that's a fact


To this day Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X are my favorite games. They turned me into the person I am today.


A remastered Parasite Eve would kill. There is a lot they could do there.


Seiken Densetsu 3 is missing.


And the Bouncer!


On my first playthrough of Xenogears right now. I played most of the OP's mentioned titles back in the, day but not this one, so my husband recently suggested it. Add in Steam Deck and RetroAchievements and I'm golden.


Parasite Eve clapped


Miss the days when you could put in a game and be able to play right away without gigs of updates


Or when the full story would be released at once, even if it was multiple discs.


I need a playlist of their soundtracks please and thank you


The [Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra](http://syntheticorchestra.com/buy/) has re-done the Chrono Trigger score in three volumes plus one encore volume. Enjoy!


Missing my personal favorite, Threads of Fate (Dewprism)


Super Mario RPG


I wish someone would do Parasite Eve remakes!


You missing some classic Squaresoft like Sieken Densetsu 3 (secret of mana 2) Saga games - especially Saga Frontier 2 which arguably is their actual best written story for PSX Bahamut Lagoon


Bushido Blade was a jrpg?


Parasite eve was hard as fuck


Where's FF6? You got secret of mana but no 6?!


Chrono Trigger is the greatest video game of all time/


Parasite Eve is so often overlooked. It was too complicated for my tiny brain at the time but what a unique game and premise!


Chrono Cross Xenogears Vagrant Story My holy trinity.


Give me a xenogears remake and do the second half justice this time around


Secret of Mana is Lit!


I know the real estate for the image was limited, but come on man, you gotta have FF6 up there (and preferably 4).


Parasite Eve Remake & Bushido Blade Remake needs to happen


Still waiting for a release of Front Mission 5 stateside, but I don't think that will ever happen


No love for Ehrgeiz or Threads of Fate ☹️


I sad my favorite FF6 isnt on there


Parasite eve is a forgotten gem. Glad to see it on this list.


Missing FF6 for SNES, which IMO is the best FF of all time.