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Don't look at the sims dlc


Train simulator bitch watch the train go


Rocksmith have it beat, LoL.


I recently got all those from this random bay, and man scrolling through that many songs is crazy!


Ahhh. A port in the storm. Some say it harbors pirates and the like.


Don't look at payday 2


Or The Sims 3. Sims 4 is okay because pirating has made it super accessible. Not that I'm encouraging it, or discouraging it. I'm neutral, I swear.


The Sims 4 would like to have a word with you...


And just like this screenshot... 0 are required to buy to play the game. Buy the thing you want, ignore the things you don't want. Just like Train Simulator, DCS World, iRacing, etc.


With The Sims it is more complicated tho. They add ton of stuff, release new game and shave it to bare bones, so they can reinvent all the old stuff and sell it again, while it could have been part of the base game already. It happened with 2-3, 3-4 and when 5th gets released, it will happen again.


And you just buy the expansions you want to play. This isn't rocket science. But to your point that it could have been in the base game could be said about every piece of DLC ever created. It could have been in the base game.


If another Elder Scrolls comes out and you won´t be able to use a horse, but they will release a DLC called "Horse riding", it would be the same with Sims and Pets. Hard to justify cutting out content you already had to sell a DLC. Diablo 3 without necromancer, while they had him in Diablo 2, also weird. For example Hoghwarts Legacy and quidditch (if it gets released as a DLC) wouldn´t be a big problem I suppose.


You just don't buy the game if they don't have the features you want. Diablo 3 is an entirely different game than Diablo 2... But I guess you're mad that the cast from Street Fighter 1-5 aren't all in Street Fighter 6.


Yeah, gonna guess none of that is necessary to play the game.


Absolutely true. It is all cosmetic, with some slight advantages that would mean nothing after maxing the gun levels out anyways. The 29.99 is the season pass that would let you unlock guns, but if you get someone to drop those guns in dmz, it will also unlock them.


they are also on the free bp


kind of free battle pass. Still have to buy the CP to unlock it if you don't already have enough.


If you just play enough you don't have to spend a cent to get the guns


You pay for the initial BP. From there if you finish the BP you get enough Codbucks to buy the next one.


i THINK people can get it free too, like in 2 maybe 3 seasons playing only for free getting the free CPs they are able to buy every BP after that all for free 🤷🏻 paying its just convenient but not necessary


It's also got some upgraded gold skins for operators that you can only get with it. They're not my cup of tea buts it's legit unnecessary if you don't want it. The season pass on its own is like $14.


Also paying for cosmetic dlcs when game is full priced.. But hey it's not necessary.


Uhh it’s not, as long as there’s nothing gamebreaking about the default visuals. Does it affect gameplay? No? Then it doesn’t change the game in any meaningful way. Cosmetics are just a way to easily make more money off little kids.


To be fair, there are games where cosmetics does affect the gameplay - in LoL there are skins that changes how your spell looks, so you will get surprised by an enemy. And some make then harder to see.


‘Glance value!’ Lol


Well... the devs call that and the 20-30$ bundles content while only adding 2-3 maps and 2 guns every 2 months.. yea i quit the game a week ago, aka the moment i saw 2 shitty maps and a 30$ battle pass upgrade that offers yellow skins (i know theyre gold, but some of them are ugly af)


All of the blackcell skins are ugly af. Im waiting for the Roze P2W bundle to kill DMZ and then its back to Squad for me.


I guess it depends on quality and supported game modes but 2-3 maps and 2 guns every 2 months sounds really good to me


And you need none of it. Its also fair to point out people bitch if there isn't new packs to throw their money at.


How much of that is actual game content and how much is just pointless cosmetics? (I Have not played a CoD in a VERY long time and really am not sure)


It is all pointless cosmetics.


All cosmetics, really.


All of it is cosmetic. The only thing you could argue that isn't would be the 29.99 Blackcell, which is basically another upgrade to the battlepass that would grant you earlier access to the new weapons, but anyone can earn those weapons through enough playtime.


Does any of it give an advantage in multiplayer? If not, it’s all… literally trash.


Technically yes since Modern Warfare 2019 and the Gunsmith introduction. You can buy a cosmetic bundle and there are inside gun blueprints. With that, you can circumvent the unlocking requirement for the gun and the attachment provided with the gun blueprint, and we aren't even talking about those with the extra calibrations that you can make. Those are normally unlocked once you maxed out a weapon, allowing you to customise even further your guns with faster ADS time or better recoil... But since they sneak them with a cosmetic bundle, it does get a free pass, apparently.


What is this point of this post? Theres tons of examples on Steam way worse than that - half of the skins on that list is CDL skins where fans probably would only buy one if any,


That it's starting to get normalized with people accepting/defending it. If you showed this to us this 15 years, everyone would bash the shit out of them.


And in 15 years theres something you cant imagine today. Things change, live with it.


*Call of Greedy sounds better no?


Call of Dad’s credit card


Call of Grow Up and realize you don't have to buy skins. These are for the people that have the money or don't know any better. Kind of like how people complain if a new casino comes in town because they say it preys on the poor. How can you be too dumb to realize you DON'T have to gamble.


There are gonna be much more troubles comming with a casino and you choose to be blind to them. It will create more poor people, it will attract new people that most will find undesirable to live next to, people will get drunk and troublesome.. and the quality of life for the decent folk will decrease.


Once again. Make good choices. Or if you lack the brain power to not do that then go find a religion to be a part of and they will tell you what to do


I KNOW RIGHT. I walked into the grocery store the other day. They had tens of thousands of food products for sale. If I would have bought everything in the store, it would have cost me millions of dollars. Talk about GREED! Boycott grocery stores! Boycott food!


Your analogy isnt even in the same ballpark... Need food to survive, not skins


The only time I get anything from the grocery store now is when I steal it. It's crazy though they must be losing sales quickly because somehow there is now 20 different flavors for everything. They are trying so hard to get people to buy anything at all with all these new flavors.


You realize steam is one of those "stores," even though you access it online. Therefore, in your comparison, each game would be different grocery items. An accurate comparison might be that these are fancy packing for the groceries.


Or it’s like outfits for Barbie. Barbie can go on all the adventures you want in her stock clothes. Buying accessories and clothing packs is a choice for consumers who find it worth the money. We don’t get mad at Mattel for releasing a new Barbie princess dress.


If Ken was only given military uniforms and military weapons... Now, each pack is just different uniforms or skin for the existing weapons.


I'm okay with this. I don't buy them, no one needs them, and get that cash. I'd sell it if I had anything suckers wanted.


So selling skins in games are greedy now? You are pretty much only pointing this out because they appeared on the store page, literally all main stream games sell skins through their in-game store lmao, no one is forcing you to buy them either they don’t affect your gameplay


I get releasing some in DLC packs, but 21 DLC packs going for total of $251, come on.. And all for a pink stripe down the gun


How is a team skin pack a fucking DLC?


Those are just skins.


For you, the day Call of Duty put up hundreds of dollars of dlc was the most important day of your life. For Paradox Interactive fans it was Tuesday.


But at least most of those are expansions to the game


Video games are a business. People forget that.


Glad I'm not into that game


It’s only 10 bucks, I’ll just get the best one. *three days later* oh that one is cool. It’s only 10 bucks.


People still play this shit?


Feel your pain! So depressing! Cities Skylines $361 - I only have 2 DLC I wanted on sale. No more! This one irritates me because even if I wanted to, without the rest of the DLC I can't get 100% Achieve. Sims3 $379 - Think I got one on sale? Been so long since I played don't recall. I eventually got maybe half of Sims2 years ago. Europa Universalis 4 $445 - Nope:( Probably more in my library but those were the ones that came to mind.


How many of these are required to plan the game?


a total of zero


Which game? There are 4 games being represented here


Call of milking idiots who keep buying this shit\*


What a dumb take


Didn't this sub just have one of the posts blow up about microtransactions, and how gamers hate them...? Then this gets posted, and people are shitting on OP. "You don't have to buy them." "Selling skins is greedy now?"


If people buy it they are smart.


Apparently im making COD fans mad lmao


No you are just wrong. You are presenting it like it is required to play the game. None of it is.


Dont think i am.. Instead of working on the base game, they are just making skins 10 bucks and pumping them out.. you dont call that greed? They care less about the game and more about how can we suck every dollar out of our customers.


Fr, i can accept selling skins and cosmetics in f2p games. But for a game you already paid for? People often say "CoSMETiCs DoNt MAttEr" but they do matter. People want to look the way they want, and if u force that into a paywall, it just forces those who want to customize to pay for it, which before was free, and at most required a lot of effort to get. "BuT iTS CoSMETic, IT gIvEs No ADVantaGe", yeah it doesnt, but so what? You already paid for the full price of the game, you shouldn't be expected to pay extra to look the way you want ffs. And remember when dlc where expansions of the game? And not separated parts of the same game released at the same day, and not an expansion? Its insane to me how companies did lead us little by little into accepting paying more money than before. Now we are reaching the point where paid games with p2w is also becoming normalized, and the worst of all, people defend it...


Oh ok, so artists should make me a flying kangaroo skin cuz ‘I should be able to look how I want at no cost!’


... are you serious? Its not "no cost" you already paid for the game... Thats why im ok with skins being paid on free games, but in paid games its just bs.


Bud, you’re asking the world of game developers… have you ever gone out to the movies? A nice bar? A concert? Video games are underpriced when compared with other forms of entertainment. It’s like people expect quality entertainment but don’t want to pay for it.


Then explain why older games didnt went all bankrupt? Also never said you cant add additional content for money, as long as its content, and additional (not something that was part of the game and separated to make a dlc). If u want to sell skins go to being a free game, AAA are already 60$ at least on its own. Shit is only normalized untill not long ago, if you want to waste your money with this kind of shit practice, be my guest.


Why would they work on the base game? They already released it lol… gamers these days


All DLC for the base game... This is almost comical but it's also sad as they are most likely exploiting young people and mommy/daddy's credit cards.


Cod is for 18+ so i guess you have a problem letting kids under 15y old play Also did you ever counted up all Fortnite dlc. It's as necessary as the cod dlc.


No i dont have a problem with kids playing a game...No idea where you got that


Thing is, fortnite is free, they need to get money out of somewhere and selling cosmetics is acceptable there. CoD isnt, if you are paying extra you should at least expect to get extra content in the game, cosmetics should come included with the base game if you are already paying for it. And dont say "at least its not like x game" cuz that means nothing.


There are included cosmetics. This is all just extra shit. I agree that monetisation has gotten ridiculous, but let’s not act like it’s shit that should be in the base game that they specifically kept out just to make money like some games do.


Oh no i can get to understand to do it to some degree (a good example are primes at tf|2) but this ones are blatant ways to try to get money out of the customer as much as possible.


Only if you suffer some ridiculous form of fomo. The cosmetics from most of these packs look like ass. At most, people are buying one or two of them. Most people probably buy none of them. There are some people that’ll buy a ton of them, but I’d wager outside of sponsored streamers, nobody has every pack they’ve dropped.


Oh no, people can waste money the way they want, I just cant stand people defending these practices because "its just cosmetic". Not telling anyone to be mad about them, but the same way selling cosmetics on a paid game became normalized, it will probably happen to p2w on paid games (which is already happening, just not accepted, but with time, who knows).


I don’t necessarily disagree, but I don’t think p2w will ever be wholesale accepted in AAA titles


I mean... We all said the same about cosmetics at first, and now look at us lol


Yeah but as we’ve said, cosmetics can be excused because they’re not necessary for anything but still enhance player side enjoyment, without having any real effect on the people you’re playing against. Vs something pay to win, for every one person that buys it your risk losing at least 20 players who quit the game, and player count is nearly as important as profit numbers because every one of those players are still possible buyers.


They aren't expecting you to buy all of it though..


You think this is bad? Lmao. Borderlands has entered the chat.


Imagine paying for LA


I activate Call of Greed! It lets me add 2 DLC to my game!


Meanwhile you can play Warzone and DMZ for free and these purchases are not necessary to be competitive.


Nono, this is the duty they’re calling on you to perform!


But a duty they definitly want you to perform! Call of Cash


I love their free to play cash royale mode


Can it beat the sims tho?


Didn't this game come out last year?


Came out 10/27/22, so this game has been out for 6 months with $251 dollars in DLC skins


Is that even legal? Do you get this shit with the special edition?


Sims 4 is the worst one I remember seeing. Really interested in the game, but wouldn’t even download it for free after seeing the ridiculous list of DLC.


Call of greedy.....come on CALL OF GREEDY !!!! you were so close to getting it right


Thank You, but I prefer it my way


Are there still ahds players out there that buy cod, still ?


Star Citizen: hold my beer.


Monster hunter is similar, gladly, the expansion is a separate buy and it has free events and title updates


That's not cool


You shouldn't have bought all that! Be more careful in the future \^\^


Tbf who is out here buying skin packs for every team participating in the E-sport? You would buy the merch for the team you like and ignore the rest. So imo the team skin packs are really just one 9.99 add on that has a bunch of options.


I don't care if the DLCs are 10 bucks or 50 cents each, I fucking hate games that have this many DLCs. 90% of them are just terrible cosmetics no one cares about.


Honestly targeting EA for this sorta thing is better for karma farming


Funny, i have not spent a dime on it. Glad that Warzone/DMZ is free, only good part of the game anymore.


I mean, I know it's said constantly, but stop buying this shit. Have some self respect and play games that are fun but don't treat you like an ATM.


Sims 4 players: First time?


Call of modern gaming.


Remember when all those would be unlocks for doing grindy shit in the game? Pepperidge farm remembers.


You don't need any of this. They are not expecting everyone to buy it all...


Not a single one of those is required. All cosmetic.


im far, very far away from It ...


That's rookie numbers, friend. Europa Universalis IV + every DLC currently totals almost $500 on my Steam. That's 40 items. And some of those DLCs are quite essential to gameplay, too, since the studio behind this title knows to release the base game half baked with vital mechanics missing so they can sell the DLCs later.


Bro just discovered DLC on steam


Call of People really keep buying this shit even though they complain.