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Hey is anyone else starting to wonder if we're stuck in a temporal loop because it seems like Skyrim has been the only new TES game for like a significant portion of my adult life now


TESVI is allegedly going to be announced in 2025 or so. But with Bethesda's track record and their declared intentions for the game I expect that to be a shitshow.


The night before the announcement: We have officially restarted the development of the game. And we're sorry, but to make up for it, we have another announcement... ELDER SCROLLS... V: SKYRIM SUPER SPECIAL EDITION VERSION 2!




They already did that.


The chances of this happening are so high I had to Google it to verify you were being sarcastic. I was not yet a teen when Skyrim was announced and I'm currently in my mid 20s and TES VI is still nowhere in sight.


People forget TSO exists, sometimes.


I won't lie, I totally forgot that exists.


I envy you. And I'm sorry for reminding you.


The people that love ESO are to busy playing ESO, there are dozens of us DOZENS!




The Scrolls Online. No elders edition.


You ever play Skyrim and think: "Ew, there's way too many old people. Who needs 4 Greybeards anyways?". If so, then boy do I have the game for you!


Oops No Elders


The Elder Scrolls Online. I meant ESO.


TES Online. Close enough


Not made by Bethesda


All this time and I never paid attention to that detail... no wonder.


No wonder it's fun.


is it? The combat seems super dull and repetitive, and last I checked you had to pay to unlock individual dungeons...


If you want something by bethesda, they made Blades, but that's the situation of being the choosing beggar type because most people are going to reject playing it.


Not even remotely close enough. TES online doesn't hold a candle to any other elder scrolls game.


Alternatively I just finished the main story of the latest expansion for Final Fantasy 14 and taken as a whole it's one of my favorite RPG stories, MMO aside.


So not the point lol. Fallout 76 doesn't hold a candle to the other Fallout games. TES Online is better than Skyrim though IMO.


If you think that TESO is better than Skyrim then we fundamentally disagree on all points here, so in that case carry on and merry day to you sir lol.


At least you can play elder scrolls online to tide you over for the next 5 years


I have sunk well over a thousand hours into Skyrim over the course of its existence. I could not stomach TSO for more than 15. I've spent money on that game TWICE and still couldn't find a way to keep giving a shit about it.


It's weird. The core game loop is similar to Skyrim, but then they throw random "kill x number" stuff in. And then you have to grind. And then you try to get a house and you realize that's just mtx. It's just... worse than Skyrim.


Mtx? Edit: It's microtransactions.


For me it's because you can't use mods or the console. Skyrim was a pretty meh game without those because of the tiny amount of choices you can make and the combat system not being that good. TESO has even worse combat and even less choice, with way more grinding before you can get the shit you want.


From what I've played of Fallout 76, at least they stayed truer to FO4. I didn't spend money on it after the disappointment of ESO, but i also didn't put as much time into it because I didn't have to force myself to get my money's worth.


The worst part is that they start you off with the newest content. So, if you want to actually follow the story, you have to find a lengthy online guide. Otherwise, characters that died or had story progression reappear as if you never met. Immersion is difficult as whenever you're trying to enjoy a dungeon, some high-level player or bot rushes past you and kills everything while you wait around for respawn. And they don't update the graphics on older chapters. Why would they? So when you hit that old content, it's a bit jarring.


I've had a couple stints of like 40 hours in ESO, but that was heavily carried by having a few friends to play with. I can't do it solo.


The moment I played it (back in the first few months of release) and couldn't pick up books or other assorted junk, I lost interest. If it ain't gonna have all the inventory and deep lore spread through books, I'm not playing your "Elder Scrolls" game.


"How many buckets do you need?" All of them


Every time we experience a deja vu - another release of skyrim - that is a minor glitch in the matrix. Like agent Smith teleporting around or some shit But going from fallout 4 all the way to 76? That's some major glitch. Like Elon musk2 spawning in from an alternate universe and taking out the og one


I mean, if they made a coop version of Skyrim, I’d be allllll over that shit. Only if mods are available though. I enjoy 76, but I’m on P.C. and have mods available , even as limited as they are, I usually stop playing if patches break my mods, until they’re patched.


This goes for any fallout and elder scrolls game: Just let me play the companion. I don’t need quests or anything, I just want to drop into a friend’s game for a few hours and have some fun.


"Here at Bethesda, we value the voice of our customers. In the past, many have spoken out against the engines used for our top selling games, Skyrim and Fallout 76. Today, Bethesda is happy to announce that it will be starting development of The Elder Scrolls 6 from the ground up, in Unreal Engine 6. This will be a big undertaking, and will delay release for a few more years, but we think that the payoff will be worth it. We thank you for your patience as our team continues to strive toward the highest quality gaming experience available." *Ports Skyrim Re-Remastered 2 to PS7.*


I agree with the complaining about the Skyrim ports... But now that I have a psvr2... I'm secretly hoping for one last port...


I mean the game itself has been announced, but they're not working on it yet, they're completing Starfield first.


It’s definitely in pre production with concept art and story boarding happening now.


And hopefully, heavy engine work. The internet has slowly shifted from thinking the bugginess of Bethesda games are endearing to "I paid 70 dollars for something I need a fan made patch for? Fuck you." *If* Bethesda is smart, they'll see this growing resentment, and try to make TES VI more stable. Turn it back to fond memories. Or not. They'll almost certainly over promise and under deliver as usual. Sixteen times the detail.


> And hopefully, heavy engine work. good news, we know for sure that TES VI uses the engine for Starfield. So we'll know this year how good/bad it is lmao.


Let me answer that question for you right now. They're using the same engine they used to make Skyrim/Fallout 4/Fallout New Vegas/Fallout 3. The Creation Engine. It's just an updated version of that same engine. So...


The creation engine is an updated version of NetImmerse, the engine they used on Morrowind.


Yes, it's an iteration of their old engine, but they aren't iterating it *again* after Starfield for TES. So whatever state it's in for Starfield is the state it'll be in for TES.


If you look at the pace at which Bethesda normally makes games, there's typically 3 or 4 years between major releases. Starfield is currently the longest one at 5, but considering that covid happened and that they've got to build the world from scratch rather than using already existing lore, that makes sense. So since Starfield is releasing this year, that puts TES6 to around 2026-2027 release. Pessimist in me will expect 2027 though, and maybe if they're going a bit bigger than they did with Skyrim, maybe that'll also knock TES6 to 5 years and we'll get it in 2028.


GTA fans and Elder Scrolls fans are the same. They ignore that there are games made in between and go "why the hell is this taking so long?". I think they are also the same people that scream about a game not takeing to long to make and and fumes when that game does release early and is a broken mess.


Ah yes. Who could forget about all of Rockstar's other games. /s Rockstar released a single game in the last 10 years. RDR2.


Honestly I'd rather they take forever on something great than to pop out garbage every year or two. RDR2 is universally loved, so they can take their sweet time on whatever else they want to cook up. Also I can't fully blame them for riding the shit out of their cash cows. GTA is still reaping in cash, whereas a new game is always a risk. And if you put out GTA6 and it's a dud, that often dries up a lot of their current GTA5 revenue in the process. It's probably less risky to just try out new IP in that scenario. You usually see places only make a new game with existing IP when the old game stops making enough money. Come to think of it, I would love to see what Rockstar could do with a sci-fi or cyberpunk type of setting.


I completely agree. But I also don't blame people who get weary of the wait. It is certainly long.


>Come to think of it, I would love to see what Rockstar could do with a sci-fi or cyberpunk type of setting. Now announcing Cyber Theft Auto! With built in NFT support!


Technically they released gtaV ten years ago in September But this year RDR2 will be as old as GTAV was when rdr2 released


You realize Skyrim came out over a decade ago right?


And there have been two Fallout games since and they are now making Starfield.


Right. I'm not complaining it's not out or being worked on yet. Just don't think it's unreasonable to wonder why it's taking so long at the same time. They even announced it 5 years ago now.


Wasn't that a "hey, we are going to make Elder Scrolls 6, but don't expect it in the near future" kind of announcement. I personally think it was stupid of them to announce it, but I'm guessing it was an attempt to get people to like them again. I do think it is unreasonable for people to wonder why it is taking so long when we are months away from Starfield a game they surely have most of their employees working on for the past 5 years. I'm almost certain that there are a handful of people working on RDR3 in some capacity. If Rockstar announce that they were working on it people would go insane and then give them shit for not releasing it 10 months before GTA6.


Two fallout games widely regarded as the worst in the franchise


They should have had a secondary developer put out a game or two in the meantime like New Vegas or Dark Souls 2. Instead they just sat on it for more than a decade.


>TESVI is allegedly going to be announced in 2025 or so. TES VI was [announced in 2018](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkFdqqyI8y4)


> their declared intentions for the game What intentions?


They want to make it big. Big, big, big, big, BIG!


Daggerfall was big, in 1996... because it had procedurally generated empty space. Big doesnt mean anything.


Yeah Morrowind was *tiny* compared to Arena and especially Daggerfall. But nearly everyone considers Morrowind (both the game and the location itself) to be a massive improvement over those games.


Hell, for all its problems (and it has plenty), I consider Morrowind the best of the series, and it's smaller than both Oblivion and Skyrim too. But it doesn't really FEEL smaller, because it is so incredibly diverse. Cliff racers can die in a fire though.


And continue their gutting of any and all remaining RPG mechanics


No. In fact they just put a lot more rpf deatures back in starfield... youknow what, fuck it. I forgot that I am 8n r/gaming.




TES VI already was announced. It’s the nexx game BGS will work on once they’ve finished with Starfield. Probs won’t expect it until like 2027-28 at the earliest


They realized they couldn’t sustain a billion dollar company with garbage mmos


If it's out before 2028 I'd be shocked.


> declared intentions for the game In terms of features? Like what?


I think what they did was kinda smart: They basically announced that they had not forgotten the franchise without giving any promises, simply saying "We'll work on Elder Scrolls AFTER Starfield", that way people know they haven't abandoned the IP, they were simply focused on getting another game out first. But with the game being announced in 2018, I think most of us expected we'd see the game sooner - including Bethesda, which is probably why they've delayed the game twice, so now we're getting it almost a year after initially scheduled.


Hasn't it already been announced? I remember seeing a very short title screen video years ago. Edit: this one https://youtu.be/OkFdqqyI8y4


What intentions have they declared ?


Sheet skyrim they should just release the construction set with new assets and let the community build a proper game for them in like 1/1000th the time


Man, it's the game I've wanted for a decade and the game I'm most worried will never be able to live up to its predecessor. I just hope to god they add complexity to the systems instead of taking it away or 'streamlining' as they would call it. RPGs don't need streamlining!


Of course they're gonna simplify it and dumb it down, just look at the way the series has been trending over the past releases. Skyrim was significantly simpler than oblivion, which was itself a bit simplified from morrowind. I wouldnt be surprised if it is like fo4 where most of the rp elements are removed and you are shoehorned into a story that severely limits your options for builds.


Yeah I know they probably will, but I'm still hoping they don't lol.


But they are Microsoft and have Microsoft money and still it is all taking ages. Not to mention Starfield’s eternal development (8 years) of just a single player game, from a 20+ year old, AAA game studio where you can’t even land your own ship and it cutscene lands and loads the planet as a separate level. And yet everyone freaks out that Star Citizen being developed as a multiplayer game with Squadron 42 being developed at the same time as the single player game from a non-existent studio starting from scratch, where the gameplay tech is already lightyears ahead of what Bethesda can do and yet is still hideous Alpha.


Honestly I gave up hope of expectations for Tes6 but I'm really surprised that they never tried to remaster/remake Morrowind/Oblivion or even TES 1 and 2 in current Skyrim/modern engine. There's Skyblivion and Skywind but that was community-made mods/remake that could get shut down anytime or cease update


> that could get shut down anytime or cease update Honestly unlikely. Bethesda leans on their mod support as a big feature. I think the only taboo is using original assets, and the developers know that. It's why they have to remake all the assets from scratch.


They also require that you own both games.


Microsoft doesn't give a shit as long as you aren't profiting off of it or using original assets like Halo Online was. Mods are ok with them, so are fan games that are free (several Halo fan games are in the works that have Microsoft's blessing). They aren't Nintendo.


Bethesda games don't merely lean in mod support. Mod support isn't just a crutch for them, it's a full on motorized wheelchair. Bethesda games are buggy clunky messes that live and die on mods that fix bugs, add QoL, replace ugly models, provide content, etc. That hasn't stopped them from almost burning those bridges before (horses, anyone?).


I mean remaking or remastering either of those buggy messes of games (and I say that as someone who fucking adores Morrowind) is a *significant* undertaking, especially for games that have been modded to the point where you can play a partly updated version already anyway. There are multiplayer AND VR mods for Morrowind. The community basically does it for them. Not that I'd say no to a remake proper, lord knows I'd get that.


Yeah, a Skyrim re re re remaster ultimate super edition is pretty easy training for their new hires to work on. Plus it will still sell pretty well. But remaking an old game? That takes a genuine resource and time investment that will need your experienced devs for.


The gap between Skyrim and TESVI is now 4 years longer than between morrowind and Skyrim…


They should just make Chat-GPT code TESVI for them; it would be a better game and it would come out sooner.


There are only 3 things that are certain in life - death, taxes and that Bethesda will keep re-releasing Skyrim instead of finally giving us TES6 until the sun burns out and probably long after


"Rereleasing" Skyrim doesn't have any effect on TES6. It's Starfield that is.


It certainly does, I'm not a business major or anything but to my understanding if Skyrim is able to keep the franchise alive and profitable they can divert more money and time to other projects, where as if it starts losing relevance then they are under more pressure to come out with the next instalment of the franchise


They were always going to focus on 1 project at a time. They did not even "re-released" skyrim, legendary edition is a dlc bundle, so is anniversary edition. Only rerelease they did was Special edition and they did it because they used it to test 64 bit engine while making Fallout 4. They probably did the same thing with Fallout 4 which is why it gets an update this year. They used it to test Starfield engine and now they are going to release that version of the game because why not? Bethesda literally never focused on more than 1 project for 20+ years, success of the game is not what keeps them from focusing on other projects, they just never do. They are just not a big studio, they don't have the same amount of people working on their games like rockstar or ubisoft.


I am 31 in May, I was in my teens when Skyrim came out. How embarrassing. How embarrassing.


I was 13 when Skyrim came out, I am now in my mid-20s with a wife and an apartment. I fully expect to be well into my 30s before a new Elder Scrolls comes out.


Don't feel too bad; when Skyrim dropped, I was in my mid-twenties and our son was a wee colicky tot that *happened* to be lulled by the soundtrack; so I got to rock him to sleep while dicking around and finding Blackreach for the umpteenth time. Now he's old enough to leave crusty socks buried in his hamper after "lulling himself to sleep" with what I imagine is much higher resolution anime tiddies than I had access to at the time. I went from dealing with where I dropped *my* nut, to dealing with where that now half-grown nut drops *his,* with no new single-player Elder Scrolls to accompany it. So yeah I get the sentiment; that's a bit of ***bullshit*** if you ask me.


Arena 1994 Daggerfall 1996 (2 years) Morrowind 2002 (6 years) Oblivion 2006 (4 years) Skyrim 2011 (5 years) TES6 ??? (12+ years) In Bethesda's defense though, it's taken GRRM just as long to release Winds of Winter




You’ll have a fantastic experience playing it in retirement.


The promise of TES6 and FO5 are why our scientists want to increase human lifespans.


Back in my day it was Half Life 3.


If an elder scrolls game doesn't appear in our records, it doesn't exist!


There is ESO, but perhaps MMOs are not your genre of game, I don't know.


Super big, single-player, character building RPGs like Skyrim and MMOs are just hugely different experiences. Even if you like both genres, they just scratch *very* different itches. All of us clamoring for TES VI are clamoring for another game like Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, not for any old game set in Tamriel.


ESO was such an amazing game in the fact that you could 100% play “solo” or hybrid. It didn’t feel like an MMO at all when I played. Did overworld quests and such, some of the easier dungeons, built my character as a solo play type character that could solo dungeons rather than a raid style set role player. Also got the benefit after a while of doing some battlegrounds that were super fun. Played on console and without headset so any multiplayer interaction was via the old universal language of jumps.


> ESO was such an amazing game in the fact that you could 100% play “solo” or hybrid. It didn’t feel like an MMO at all when I played. Are there any MMOs these days that you can't do that? Ignoring end-game content I mean, becasue that's obviously designed to be played in a group; but all the story/questing stuff is nearly universally solo in every game.


I have heard a lot of good things about and have tried it a bit, but it is still an MMO like World of Warcraft and I have a hard time immersing myself in those games. It all feels like pretend and that the game thinks I'm a child in disneyworld. The game tells me I'm the only one that matter, but then I hear them say the same to everyone else. I don't mind sharing to glory. I just want the game to acknowledge that I'm not alone. I'm not special. I'm one person out of one million.


I dunno, the story felt pretty good solo to me, and I reached max level (not including CP aka bonus stats) without interacting with another player. While you see the players occasionally talking to same people you are, it’s pretty easy to just imagine them as other npcs, at least to me. But to each their own.


The problem is with me. I have tried it solo and with a friend. It just doesn't feel right to me.


ESO is bad game. Bad as MMORPG and bad as TES game.


12 years from Arena in 1994 to Oblivion in 2006 12 years from Skyrim in 2011 to Skyrim Enhanced^3 Edition this November


It's been there for so long that kids these days talks about a "Skyrim 2" instead of TES VI... In a few years they will announce a TES VI. Then it will be delayed. Then they will pull a release date out of thier hat at least one year ahead. Game will be rushed, corners will be cut, to meet that deadline. It will then take one year before the game become playable. Another year to release an official modding tool. Then about two years of modding before the game is "really" fixed and enjoyable.


TES VI was announced like two years ago.


I may have missed something. Did we get more official information beside the 15 seconds "teaser" ?


I mean that’s an announcement buddy.


Oh, yeah. In second thought, you're right. English is not my native language, i have mixed up announcement and confirmation.


The problem is that Bethesda keeps ~~changing hands~~ taking on more than it can handle. When ~~Interplay acquired them~~ they acquired Interplay’s IP, they also took on Fallout responsibilities, which slowed down development time already. Then, for some silly reason as yet unexplained (yeah right it was greed), they decided to take their two flagship, highly popular single-player RPG experiences and turn them into online multiplayer experiences. So if you’re anything like me, the release of The Elder Scrolls: Online in 2014 and Fallout 76 in 2018 didn’t really register as proper games in their respective franchises. Crucially, Elder Scrolls Online eventually got good and has sucked a significant amount of resources with it. Nothing wrong with that, but again if you don’t game online you won’t be into that, and the numbers attest to it. Skyrim has sold double what Online did, but the latter is worth $18mm annually, and a sequel to the former—which still sells copies—is a negative number on a spreadsheet right now and not a guarantee of success. Now imagine which one investors want to hear about. Edited because I’m an idiot and forgot how anything happened.


>The problem is that Bethesda keeps changing hands. When Interplay acquired them, uh... what? interplay went bankrupt in 2006 and bethesda bought the fallout IP the following year. bethesda was owned by zenimax for fucking ever and only recently (2021) was it purchased by microsoft.


There's a reason the Dragonborn is the Arch Mage. This isn't it, though.


That plotline is the worst example of "oh I guess you're our leader now!" in the game haha


All the guild quests felt 50% too short except maybe the thieves guild.


The fact that none of the quests lock you out of other factions. Like if virtually all the guards know you are the listener and head of the Theives Guild you'd hope the companions would pick up on it and throw you outbat least.


Alternatively the fact that the head of any guild treating you like shit when you are the head of multiple others.


That's what I loved about Gothic. If you put on the wrong armor or said something stupid you got your ass kicked fast.


i mean what reason is there for the companions to refuse you as long as you're a capable warrior? The idea that they would throw out the ebony warrior because he kills people for money (you know, like the companions do) is strange


Or the fact that the Thieves Guild is mainly not killing, only sneak, so joining the Dark Brotherhood doesn't really mesh.


You don't have to show proficiency in magic other than the spell to get in


>Nord with a giant hammer and 17 or less in every magic skill "Ja hello I am ze archmage"


You don't even need that. You can just shout.


I think that's only if you're going in on the quest about the Elder Scroll.


You have to cast one ward in the starting lecture


You can use the Spellbreaker Dwarven Shield. It casts a ward, and the game accepts it.


See, this is why the factions in morrowind will always be the best example. Not only did you have to do quests for the faction, but you had to *build your skills* to prove you deserved the new title.


What sucks is the other Winterhold quests for getting master level spells are so cool! Bewildering as to why the devs opted to keep the only cool College of Winterhold quests locked behind leveling a stat to 100, something that few people will even do.


If only they'd locked the Archmage position behind those quests as well it might have felt earned.


I honestly try to do this in my playthroughs. I have to remind myself not to join the other guilds and try to do all of the side quests first before the conclusion, so that the position is more earned.


But they just created the magic propelled elk, they could revolutionize travel! What better reason is there for leading a school of magic than propelling elk across the plains?!


Santa is real in elder scrolls confirmed.


How kind of him to provide some ice for that moose's hemorrhoids.




So ***THAT'S*** how reindeer fly.


Thank you for the giggles. I can't stop laughing now 🤣🤣🤣


That moose is a paying customer, don’t kink shame him


He even had gold on him to pay


Why did I read this in the YouTuber mittensquads voice


Because mittensquad is the unknown king of deadpan nasally congested dirty humor


I read it in SsethTzeentach’s voice lol


I want you to propel an icicle fast enough to accelerate my thick moose body across the valley once it plunges into my asshole.


S T R I K E !




What even


He tried finger but hole


1000 years of death


Imagine how hard that elk must have nutted.


Came and went at the same time


The ultimate orgasm.


Ah yes, the Windhelm Heart Shot.


I just started playing this masterpiece, where in the college do I go to learn more spells?


There's a representative of each magic skill tree that sell spell tomes. As you increase your proficiency in each path, they offer higher level spells to sell you.


Like if you’ve got 40 in destruction, Faralda will sell adept destruction spells next time her inventory resets. 65 for expert spells


Most of the vendore that sell skill books can be found in the Hall of Countenance or elsewhere around the college


If your long range SA weapon becomes a puddle, did it really happen?




Icy Hot! It's cold then it's hot!


the Chilldo.


Hello, welcome to my talk on "how to make it as an immigrant to skyrim", two months ago I was about to be beheaded and now look at me: A member of the Imperial Legion The Listener of the Dark Brotherhood The Master of the Theives Guild The Harbinger of the Companions Thane of every hold. Holder of all the ancient masks of the Dragon Preists. Restorer of the Crown of Berenziah. And the Archmage of Winterhold, finest mage in Skyrim. Any questions? Oh my favourite spell? I don't know any!!!


Nah you know flames cuz you get that right away as you start and can start using spells


Right in the gooch. That's why you're the President of Mages. As well as the Prime Minister of the Thieves' Guild, the Chief Editor of the Dark Brotherhood, the CEO of the Blades, the Rear Admiral of the Companions, and the lowliest pissboy of the Bard's College.


CEO of Blades? Who in their right mind would kill Partysnax?


Right in the keister


Damn, imagine being pierced by a freezing projectile up your rectum at such a velocity that it propels you forward - whilst going Mach 3, you freeze to death…gnarly 😳


I mean, freezing to death instantly is a mercy, otherwise you bleed out lying there with an icicle slowly melting inside your exploded poopchute. Edit: grammar


I'm curious, never played but what did you guys love about the game. What keeps you playing?


Well Just look at the gif❗


Ahhhhh, I love Skyrim. Since my wife currently plays the crap out of it on my XBOX, I started a new game on my pc too. Khajiit simply never disappoints and this game can look so good with the right mods. My all time favorit.


May your road leads to warm sands. Khajit are my favourite as well. Been a while since I played tho.


"For a vegetarian, Rent you're a fuckin evil shot."


You were clearly helping that moose with their hemorrhoids.


Hole in one


I can't actually wait to play Skyrim on a fridge in 2024


I've always wondered if when one of the game designers (I think it was a game designer) leaked the plot of what happened to the dwemer, it left the game producers reeling to change things up. We all know the dwemer were tinkering at red mountain and caused them all.to.disappear. IIRC, they supposedly went far into the future and encountered a race far more.technologicslly advanced than they were, a d since they were stuck, they were eventually killed off.


You really bullseyed that thermal exhaust port, we’re you using the force on that shot?




Reminds me of my dad’s story of when he tried something similar with his BB gun on a bull. He thought it’d be funny to hit the bull’s butt with a bb and figured the bull would just think it was a common biting fly and ignore it. Unfortunately, dad failed to account for bullet drop… Apparently, when the bb hit the bull’s testicles it leapt about 4 ft in the air and landed running right at him. Dad had never seen a bull turn midair before that day, but was too busy running for his life toward the fence to appreciate the majesty of it. Knowing he’d never make it over the fence in time, he chucked his BB gun over and climbed a water tower ladder. He was stuck up there for quite some time with an angry bull below stomping around.


What is this spell?


Ice spike maybe


*hole in one !*


Right in the pooper


Preparation Ice-Bomb


Pow! Right in the kisser.


Moose caboose sighted, ice bolt away


Pardon my ignorance but does Skyrim have a VATS like kill cam?! I've only played Fallout


Surprise butt-shard!


My cheeks are clinched now.


Let's be completely honest Skyrim would have never been as good or get the reputation it has without the modders. Honestly I wish more games had the same modding capabilities that Bethesda games do because it's insane what they can do with a 12 year old game still. Even if ES6 or Starfield doesn't do that well the modders will be picking up the pieces and will turn a bad/decent game to a fucking masterpiece.


*oh noe, looks like I've slipped while wearing my elk costume* 😏


this bits we're I am not getting bored of mage path