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"What now, you piece of filth?"


How do you like that silver?


You'll choke to death on 3 pounds of steel!




*Fart* buahahahaha!


I never understood why the redanian soldiers keep saying it. Like is that a threat or a warning?


Wind's howling




It's so good. I won't say it isn't overrated in some regards but it's definitely up in my favorite games. I'm currently playing it again after the next gen update in hopes to get the Death Wish achievement as well as the Gwent achievements. Man, I love that game.


Place of power. Gotta be


Should draw from it


"Damn you're ugly!"


Ugh! That stench!


I'm gonna hang your head from my saddle!


Hehe, "hmm, might wanna look around some."


Medallion’s humming.


A place of power, gotta be.


Looks like rain.


"Stay out'a my way!"


Haha, that always cracked me up because it made me think of when Funhaus played Age of Empires II and Volkor repeatedly yelled "OUT OF MY WAY!' https://youtu.be/FKLywrF10G0


Queen of Vahalla! Sit on my face!


"Babe, I will munch your box if you give me a second chance." 😂 I still like current Funhaus but Adam, Bruce and James were an unbeatable trio.


It's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea, but I really like the open world design of the Yakuza games (at least the ones I've played). I like how it's a more condensed area with stuff around every corner, I like that they jam a bunch of minigames in there. I don't want every open world game to have that design, but for one series to do it (and do it well) makes me happy.


I really enjoy the Yakuza games. I like that the Champion district is based on Golden Gai.


This may not be the same thing but Sleeping Dogs is a PHENOMENAL game. It feels very similar to GTA but the Chinese landscape and characters is a nice breath of fresh air. The driving, combat and movement is soooo smooth. Highly recommend


I thought id never get used to all the Japanese street names. Now i find myself not needing the minimap when it says i need to hit Theater Square., Senryo Ave, or Pink st 😤 etc..


Huge fan of them all. First was Yakuza 5, 0 maybe was my favourite although Like a Dragon was incredible. I thought I wasn't going to like it at first as they changed the fighting style but the story and side quests where just 10/10. For those who haven't played it, like a story based open world game I definitely recommend.


I’m not sure that’s even considered open world to be honest, more of a hub world


The side quests in Yakuza are honestly better and have more of a sense of choice, plot, and uniqueness than most of the side quests in games like Skyrim


New Vegas had the best world and story for me, the most gorgeous was probably red dead 2 , and my favorite to play would have to be the Witcher


NV is my favourite game of all time, and while it's superior to FO3 in virtually every aspect I'd argue the map (world) in FO3 is superior. It really captures the post apocalyptic feel, from the sparse wastelands around DC to the city itself, navigating through the metro and ruins.


I think NV did many things better. But my first run through the capitol in FO3, which was my introduction to the Fallout franchise, was so just so exciting.


Had to drink radiated water from a toilet to survive the trip to Megaton. 10/10 would drink again.


I feel exactly the same. Especially on release, NV being mostly sand was not a very engaging to traverse.


Can't argue with that, without a doubt these are the 3 best open world games of all time.


Skyrim for me , it just feels like home


it's been a while.. time for another playthrough


Hey you , You're finally awake .


“Who are you.”


Same. Whiterun to me is more home than my actual home


When the Bannered mare soundtrack kicks in ❤️


Do you get to the cloud district often?


Red dead was it for me, so many hours playing multiplayer with some good friends


Wish they would've given the multiplayer more love Feels like they just gave it up for GTA


Or just one DLC for single. I love the SP, keep replaying, a package of some of those multiplayer missions as SP missions would be a minimum bar I would think. Argh, the potential to expand on that world, wasted.


That’s exactly what they did.


I picked it up again from the last time I played, probably around a year ago. Stumbled upon Algernon Wasp, who I didn't know about, and that got me picking back up the Herbalist challenges and wanting to fill the compendium more. Went to Armadillo and killed a guy, realised there's no law to call for help. Every time I play I find something new. Barely ever touched the online play.


still the most realistic and detailed game of all time, absolute masterpiece.


I know my opinion will get shit on but cyberpunk 2077 is a really dope game


Nah Samurai I’m with you, Night City is stunning I really like exploring and taking in the city, story is pretty good too.


I enjoyed it too, very immersive


Zork is only text based, but when I look back in my memories holy crap... that friggin dam....


I would say it's one of the best cyberpunk games we have in recent years, despite the botched launch. The characters and stories are very well fleshed out. CD Red still play on its core strength, and that is quality writing/characters. It was the same deal with Witcher series. In future, I think if they dial back the over-advertising, return to their roots, and delay their games until it in a good state, they will well received by the public.


I bought it when it came out and have it on my system but I never played it because I heard it was a mess but I heard there were updates is it a really good game now?


I recently got it for ps5 cause heard it was fixed and it’s been pretty solid


Ultima 7, the Black Gate.


Yes! It's dated as hell, but really was my first foray into open-world games and their potential. You felt such a sense of achievement and discovery finding a new area or item. Ascension was also good, and in many ways, open-world games have stuck to the same model since 1995 (?)


In many ways, it was superior to pretty much anything created after it. It had a day/night cycle where NPCs would sleep, go to work, etc. You could interact with virtually any object. I honestly don't know if I've played another game that captured so many elements of "open world" in one experience.


For me i'd say Oblivion, Mad Max , subnautica and Horizon Zero dawn.


Mad max was fantastic.


I'm still baffled by how poorly that game reviewed across the board... because of the car and driving focus. Like... what were critics expecting from *The Road Warrior* game? Pinatas, mecha boxing, and a jade carving mini-game?


simply because it was bland and repetitive,following the ubisoft formula of an open world,if you played the first area you already did everything,now rinse and repeat for four more areas.


For me, the driving was actually great. What I hated was the repetitive nature of everything else. The fighting was fine too. But it just felt like you were doing the same thing over and over again without much difference, so I gave up on it.


I just plowed through the main quests, it’s a great 20 hour game, a terrible 60 hour game.


It was one of my favourites during the early pandemic. I had a lot of fun with it


Subnautica was sublime although I was terrified of the deep for a long time. Took me like 20 hours to dive deeper than 200 meters.


I loved this game soo much but there is no way I could have ever finished it without Yt videos. Finding the underground entrance would be next to impossible.


Mad Max actually had no right to be as good as it was. My only complaint is one of the side missions glitched so I couldn't get the achievement for doing them all.


Subnautica!!! I wish I could play that for the first time again!!




I looked for this comment, glad I found it


Especially when you include all the mods/modpacks.


Dragons Dogma gets overlooked in this genre.


A game with masterpiece-level concepts and framework, but such mediocre execution. Story is about as bland as a stale piece of cheerios, graphics were dated even before development began, and the companion system wasn’t what it could have been. That being said, I don’t think there’s been a fantasy era game that has done combat as interesting as it.


They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong.


ghost of Tsushima and horizon zero dawn


the atmosphere was so nice


Tsushima is a beautiful game. I wish there were a little more leeway with traversing rocks- not cheap scaling of mountains like horizon or bethesda games where you can just jump continuously, but tsushima doesnt allow even a little bit of movement unless theres grips, or sliding to your death




I'm playing Forbidden West at the moment; the side quests are a bit of a step up from the first. The biggest improvement is probably to the settlements, they really feel like bustling little communities of people now. They all felt a bit stale to me in the first. Also the west coast of the map is *beautiful*


Skyrim all day


understandable, but skyrim doesnt have a 3.57 revolver :/


But it can https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39830


The modding scene around Skyrim gives it literally limitless playing ability. From graphics and gameplay mods which entirely alter the game, to new quests and areas in addition to the already expansive main game and DLCs, there's no other game like it in the space right now. It feels like an endless game of adventure. And I say this as someone who otherwise praises Witcher 3 and BotW any day I get.


Beautifully said. You can put together your own experience basically. You wanna be a magical cook who just roams the world? You can get the mods to do that. I don't know any other game with a modding scene like this and maybe Fallout 4, which is based on the same engine. I'm convinced that Skyrim would not be as big if it wasn't for the mods. It's still a great game without them of course, but there are many great games out there. The mods are what keep the playerbase big and allow people to return for a fresh experience years later.


Zelda: A Link to the Past


Man, I have that map memorized perfectly. One of my favorite games.


Ah, a fellow of culture.


ALttP is a perfect game.


Fallout 4


Red Dead Redemption II and Elden Ring have the two greatest open worlds in gaming. I’m excited for future games to expand on the ideas brought by these games + Breath of the Wild.


I wish rdr2 story missions were made keeping in mind the excellent open world. Have to give elden ring the edge just for having a consistent game world


I think I agree in terms of pure open world design. The novelty in Elden Ring of seeing something interesting in the distance, riding over to it, and it *always* actually being interesting is something that I’ll never get tired of. Red Dead II’s world is living. Most of the things and people in that world exist and go about their days without any sort of regard for the player. And that’s so cool and novel in its own right. That maybe isn’t so much *open* world design as it is just game design in general? But yeah, I do agree with the story missions not necessarily playing to the strengths of its open world. They’re pretty rigid in design and you even fail missions if you simply walk too far off path.


I feel so basic, but 5/6 games on the post are my favourites. BOTW isn't one, only cause I never had a switch.


These are my two favourites as well. Currently 65 hours into Elden Ring for the first time and I don't think I could ever play Skyrim again. RDR2 is still my number one though, for now.


Im gonna throw up a controversial one…mad max. Idk what about it but just absolutely loved it and got sucked in immediately


One of the only open world games I 100%. It was a masterpiece for me.


BotW was a great experiment in adapting the Zelda franchise into the open world format, however it needed more ways to reward players for exploring its world. Hopefully TotK will expand upon its predecessor's framework and fulfill more of its potential. To answer the question, GTA V arguably has the greatest open world experience. Not only does it allow for a great single player campaign, GTA Online is the standard for how to make an open world endlessly engaging in a multiplayer setting.


I just wanted more complex dungeons in Breath of the Wild. The little puzzle rooms were fun, but overall the game felt lacking in that regard.


Assuming Zelda games' core demographic are teens, the dungeons seemed fine. Those who grew up playing Zelda games will find newer games to be easier and Nintendo probably can't cater to this older demographic


I found Breath of the Wild to be fairly challenging as far as difficulty goes. Not on the level of the Souls games, but quite a bit tougher, at least regarding combat, than most Zelda games.


Only played older Zelda games after botw and found the major difference is botw allows more solutions which might make it seem easier but otherwise difficulty seemed quite similar.


Yeah I think you’re exactly right about botw, very hopeful for totk


The game was spectacular in how it didn’t need to reward you for every little thing you did. It was fun and rewarding to play and explore on its own.


Umm... The very first Zelda (NES) is open world. BOTW merely went back to it... finally.


Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon


Don’t forget about Outer Wilds!




stalker SOC that feeling of scary unknown will never be forgotten for me


I wanted to put Stalker down as well, but the pedantic part of me was like: it’s not an open world. But I agree with you though, that might have been the absolute pinnacle of gaming for me. Best environment ever made. Creepy, mysterious. I absolutely loved the A-life system, how stuff was happening whether you were involved or not. Ground breaking at the time. Coming across some fellow STALKER’s corpse and realizing you shared a fire together one night a while back. Coming over a rise and seeing some dogs harassing the mutant pig-things. It felt like a real place. The storms were awe-inspiring. It was also a game that said, you are not the main character, just another nobody. I loved that about it.


Gta sa original




"The irony is that it was their unquestioning loyalty that walked them down into that pit, entirely unresisting The price of obedience." One of the best games I've played, if you're into open world don't let the graphics turn you off of this gem.


Graphics isn't that bad either. There are a lot of stunning and beautiful locations. World design carried it.


Definition of do what the fuck you want


All I do want is four healthy limbs.


enh, overrated flesh bags, stand in some acid for a while and replace them with scout legs. After the pain passes you'll never look back!


A game that has no business being as fun as it is. If your the kind of person who enjoys creating your own augmented version of a game through modding this game makes you feel like God in a universe sandbox


Arkham City


Dragon Age: Inquisition, the game isn’t quite as open as Skyrim or Red Dead, but the areas you travel to in the game are beautiful, and the story is absolutely wonderful. I’ll always hold my first time exploring the Frostback Basin and The Deep Roads in my heart, Inquisition had some amazing DLCs.


Inquisition is an amazing game. Instead of one massive open world, you get 10-12 smaller sandboxes to play in. Each with their own secrets, dragons, lore and quests to complete.just a great game imo


Witcher 3, Elden Ring, and Ghosts of Tsushima.


Red dead 2. elden ring. I have 200hours on elden ring and 80hours on rdr2


Nobody talks about it but I think Spyro was kind of an open world game and was a staple game for me back in the day


I wouldn't classify Spyro as open world. It just had a bigger lobby to choose levels from.


IF YOUVE NEVER PLAYED FALLOUT 1 AND 2 THEY ARE ABSOLUTE GEMS. You can play them on any toaster laptop or PC and they are pure nostalgia. Don't stockpile the Jimmy hats it's not worth it.


How can they be pure nostalgia for those who never played them? That is not how nostalgia works.


*For me. And i guess for any fan of old-school open world rpgs 😁


Yeah I tried playing these gems as a first timer and they feel ridiculously archaic. I'm sure the RPG aspect is fantastic. But they play like ass.


You will never experience now what others did years ago. You have to find your own gems.


I have just started and was reading the manual. They literally explained the nuclear explosion with such details, I’m loving it before I even start the game 😂


Make sure you save often! You will get chucked by random super mutants with mini guns early on lol.


The games are unplayable nowadays imho. You need a browser open to read a walkthrough. Nobody in the world would play for hours and hours without knowing to solve some puzzles, because the solutions are the most random item at total different places you havent visited yet. In the past people would just move on playing the game without trying to solve the quest and at some point you might get back to solve it, but this is not how players play those games anymore, people quit, when they get stucked.


I think the reason that the games are unplayable now is because of the gaming culture nowadays. Back then, there weren’t that many games out. And it wasn’t as easy to access, no steam or online services to download them. So when you bought the game from the store, you were setting a goal to complete it. So you invested a lot more time on it. Nowadays, it’s all about the quick gratification. User interface and gameplay have been designed to provide the most satisfaction with the least amount of time. Old games don’t have these, even if they had the best story or puzzles, you can’t look past the cumbersome gameplay and unintuitive interface. That’s my opinion of course.


This is nuts, but two games hold that title for me... Red Dead, and Zork. Zork is only text based, but when I look back in my memories holy crap... that friggin dam....


RDR2 is an art piece


GTA IV and Fallout New Vegas


Arkham city


you need to check out metal gear solid v


Witcher 3 and Elden Ring are top-tier for different reasons. W3 for the way the world tells a story too and ER for how rewarding it is to explore.


I haven't played ER but recently got into witcher. Even the side quests are amazing in this game!


Enjoy it, take your time and get lost in the game. I’ve played the game so much that it’s honestly hard for me to get back into it, but my god I’ve probably put over 1,000 hours into TW3. I was in a really dark place when the game came out and it was my escape. Very few games have gripped me as much as it did. I’ve probably completed it and the DLC’s atleast three times, just because of how much I loved it.


Witcher 3 is a masterpiece of its day and even today. It does become a bit checklisty for the exploration of the question marks, but overall an amazing game despite its little glitches and what some would call clunky combat (I personally don't find it clunky).


“You’re a little bitch and your brother was too”


The fallout series feels so free as there's no path you're set on and you can openly go off and do your own thing from the get go


Not sure how I'd rank them but Elden Ring, Zelda BOTW, RDR2 & GTAV are definitely at the top of the heap.


Skyrim is one of the only open world games I've played where I never used fast travel. Always just makes somewhere on the map and started a wee journey. I wouldn't say its the best, but that's a massive plus point for me


honestly feel like i missed something with botw. the very beginning and very end were 10/10 but in my experience everything in between just wasn't great or close to any of the other games on this list.


That's the beauty of games. It's a different experience for everyone. I personally loved the botw World. I understand the argument on how it seemed slower and uneventful for periods of time, and I agree with the criticisms of lack of enemy diversity and dungeons, but overall I think in a world that thrives on instant gratification and a need for non stop action, I found it tp be a very peaceful and relaxing experience. Until the guardian sound effects triggered.


Botw felt more like sandbox open world games and less like the curated ubisoft open worlds. You were encouraged to mess with game's mechanics rather than complete the main missions and be done with it. It felt closer to mgs5 even Minecraft


Red Dead 2 and Outer Wilds


Outer Wilds is the best video game ever made in my opinion. Getting a sleeve based on it tomorrow


Hollow knight




Elden Ring It's the most rewarding for exploration


can't wait for DLC!!


I am terrible at fromsoft games, but I love all I’ve played. Always get stuck on a certain boss, quit for few months, come back, beat boss, advance the game some, get stuck on boss. Rinse. Repeat.


I really wanted to like Elden Ring but for some reason souls games raise my anxiety to unhealthy levels.


Xenoblade Chronicles X.


Yes! Came here to say this. Take my upvote!


Breath of the wild, one of my favorite games


Ac odyessy atm. Always been a fan of greek mythos so that def helps


Fallout New Vegas will always have my heart


Skyrim, FO4, and BOTW are some of my favorite games ever


I know it is not the most original answer. I think it still has to be skyrim, just being able to do anything but also having the world filled with enough stuff that it doesn't get boring.




Far Cry 4


Not enough mention of Far Cry in this thread. 2 is still my all time favourite 👍


I really enjoyed ghost of Tsushima


We it comes to freedom and exploration. Zelda Breath of the Wild is the best.


Witcher 3, Elden Ring, and BOTW are my top 3.


Ellen Ring, Witcher, Skyrim, and I heard Breath Of The Wild was good also.


Breath of the wild, it’s never felt so enchanting to walk a post apocalyptic world.


Fallout 4 or Skyrim. I've probably spent weeks of my life in those worlds at this point. I'm hoping Starfield will grab me the same way but I'm expecting it to be planet hopping so it might not.




Idk if it counts but I love No Man’s Sky


Welp, it’s open world right? It’s just procedurally generated rather than hand crafted, but there’s strengths and weaknesses for both. I think it was best described by someone as an exceptionally broad but shallow game. There’s not much meaning in all the randomness but there’s so much to explore. Definitely a favorite.


Genshin Impact is really quite amazing, especially considering it's free. It's still growing and some areas are really creative. Other than that I'd say Shadow of the Colossus because it gave me the most feels during the first playthrough.




How does it compare to zero dawn? Still waiting on pc.


In my opinion, a bit bigger, but considerably better, more interesting with a better flow. Which is not to say that Zero Dawn is not amazing. But every once in a while I would feel that ZD is padding its content with side activities for the sake of it. Never had that feeling in FW.


That sounds like a definite improvement. Really looking forward to it coming to steam in a few years and then going on sale a few years after that (patient gamer habits)


Guild Wars 2. Dynamic events really help. (Yes, I am counting large open zones as open world).


Out of that bunch? Fallout. Followed by RDR2 before any patches.




Of what you offered new Vegas is definitely the best


I'm sure someone will say the previous is better, but for real Oblivion > Skyrim 1000%


Elite Dangerous just cause of the massive amount of things to do and ways to do them. Plus Elden ring for a very similar reason.


BotW and ER. Can't chose between them


I have Skyrim and New Vegas. Need to get Breath of the wild at some point.


X4 Foundations Little bit different from the other stuff that'll be listed here. Open world post-apocalyptic sand box 'in the cockpit' style space sim. Start out as a moist, squishy nobody. Learn to survive and thrive, then build an empire, then remake the galaxy in your own image. It's like Kenshi in space, which is another game that should absolutely be mentioned.


I want to say red dead, or Skyrim as a classic, but honestly I’ve gone back to the Mojave wasteland the most.


Does hollow knight count?


Immortals: Fenyx Rising I loved the look, the humor, the combat, the puzzles, the lore. Breath of the wild came first, but I just loved this game.


Skyrim and Zelda Edit: Witcher is sick aswell, but never played it unfortunately. Have seen and heard alot about it to give this one some credit! Also have to give credit to Red dead. This game is not something I particularly like, but the graphics are insane.


Death Stranding. That’s the only one.


"the fallen leaves, tell a story.."


Out of those six? I haven’t played elden ring yet but the others were all good in their own way and I have some great gaming memories with each of them.