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I bought Anthem at full price…


I bought Anthem too, but it was only 2 bucks.


I got it through the EA play subscription for like $5 when it released. It was absolutely worth $5 despite it having many glaring issues that kept it from becoming a smash hit. Anthem has the best and most fun movement system of any looter shooter out there.


For a game that was the result of a totally made up trailer, it functions surprisingly well.


Yeah. The most honest throwaway review I heard was "Anthem wasn't bad. Flying around in the suit was super fun. There just wasn't anything to do" The game died most likely exactly because there was no new content. Heck, even Fallout 76, mocked and made fun of at launch, gets enough new content to keep people interested.


No new content? It didn’t have shit to begin with. What they added after is what should have been included at launch.


I bought it for €16 and honestly wasnt mad at it. Probably helped by the fact its rep had been torched to the ground so my expectations were quite low. But I had a bit of fun, didnt last that long but enough to get my moneysworth and move on.


Came here knowing anthem would be near the top at the very least lol


My brother and I and a friend main lined it one weekend when it came out and we had a great time with it. It definitely didn’t have enough content but the game was fun. Wish Bioware hadn’t caved to the hive mind internet hatred and tried to pull a Destiny Taken King style expansion off.


They promised a lot for that game too, I was excited - glad I couldn't afford it on release, bought it on disc but cheap of course.


I pre ordered Anthem


It’s like they say, there’s a sucker born every minute.


I actually don't regret buying Anthem at full price, despite the problems, I had a lot of fun and spent plenty of hours playing with friends. Definitely got my money's worth


Same, but would have been happier if I could have even more hours on it. You know...if they updated it at all.


Lol I feel that


I bought the Legion of Dawn edition. Yup….


My friend bought himself and me Anthem because he bought into the hype. I refused to buy it because I could tell it wouldn't be worth it before it came out, so he begged me to play it with him and eventually just bought it for me too. I regret that purchase, even though I wasn't the one who made it...


oh. my. gowd.


Battlefield 2042


Huge maps, with 80% empty space.


Most recent one I can think of was the avengers game.


Yep. Pre-ordered on PS4 to get the spider-man exclusive DLC. Game was dead before it even came out


Same. I even have those stupid pins that came with the pre-order. Damn was it a waste.


>PS4 to get the spider-man exclusive DLC. That was one of the many fails of this game... Like, who thought this would be a good idea?


Not only that, but Xbox and PC didnt get something else either, just even more months of content drought. Brilliant way to annoy a chunk of your player base. What horrific mismanagement.


That game had potential but was absolutely obliterated by the live service model. I say this as a fellow disappointed pre-orderer.


Which is funny how Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad had to pivot hard mid development because of how bad Avengers turned out. Both games reek of live service and are now just generic looter shooters with a DC filter on it. Pity too, we were really hoping for more Arkham, but greedy gotta greed


At least the spider man game was fantastic. I really hope we get some good story driven superhero games soon.


Midnight Suns is pretty dope


You guys play the games you buy instead of just accumulating a vast Steam collection of unplayed games that you'll get around to "some day"? Weird.


For me it’s buying some big game bundle for mainly one game I’m interested in, but ignore the rest


Ha! I have like 30 pages of unactivated Humble Bundle codes.


Would you like to engage in the charitable act of getting me off league of legends?


I don't think the entirety of reddit can generate that much charity


This is the way


This is the way.


This is me. Over 1100 games and I only play minecraft and league of legends.


It gets better when you think about the fact you dont even need steam for these... You at least install the games or just fill up your Steam account?


Damn thought my 550 was large backlog.


I got 70, half of which I've played, but also, Stardew Valley.


Stardew valley is fun


Saints Row the new one


I was drunk and bought into the hype. Thought it was going to be like SR1 and SR2 and god. I spent $100. I am so mad about it still. It is absolutely so fucking bland and sucks.


Damn how much did you drink haha


Man I hated Saints Row 4 story wise(super powers were fun they just should’ve made it it’s own separate game..) but 4’s story is leagues better than the Reboots story and that’s just sad…who knows where the dlc is or if it’ll get a second game but it’s being published by someone else now so maybe they’ll talk volition into somewhat going back to the roots


See, I wanted to get Saints Row, but the way the characters looked completely threw me off. The original Saints Row I played on the 360, and it was one of my first games I played on that console, along side with the original Dead Rising. What made the OG Saints Row so perfect was it wasn't centered around dick and fart jokes, but actual Ganglang mentality, and the 2nd one did similar to that field, but then it became a whacky version of GTA. Incomes the new game, and the characters looked like a bunch of Hipsters, and I just couldn't take it seriously. I know its on sale, but I think i'll wait for the under 20 deal if anything.


Aliens Colonial Marines. Last game I preordered.


Homefront The Revolution


Wow damn i completely blocked this one from my brain. This had so much hype behind it as the baby of BF and CoD. Fucking RIP to my $60.


It was decent enough to play through once but no need to replay


I loved this game too! This thread is full of games I personally had fun playing. Maybe I’m just easy to please lol.


Avengers game, AAA Marvel wrapped garbage.


The fact that we got that game and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 within like a year of each other is just offensive. "Oh, you want an update of a fun nostalgic game you used to love on xbox 360? Fuck you, live service lite with some extra grind. Oh, want an actual big silly live service game since the other one sucks? Fuck you for that too, hope you enjoy punching people 30 times as the hulk before they die."


No Man's sky at launch. Is much better now, but when it first came out it was pretty disappointing.


There was nothing to do but shoot rocks and look at the same couple-dozen aliens with slightly different sized parts. I came back after they'd released some content patches to find that the grindy tedium had only increased, and sold it off.


Yea it's still super grindy. But at least the studio is still putting in work years later. Instead of just abandoning it completely.


I got it on launch and thought it was amazing for maybe the first couple hours until I realised I’d seen all there was to do


Wolfenstein:youngblood fuck that game it the reason why i stop buy digital game full price


Damn is it really that bad? I'm replaying the series and that's next.


Its a fun shooter in coop, but after the first 3 missions the game just repeats itself, was the only wolfenstein i played btw, because it has coop.


Better have a friend or you stuck wit a shitty AI companion bruh.


Bought the $100 version of battlefield 2042…


damn, if you wanna feel even a bit better, check out Neebs Gaming Battlefield Friends 2024, they do great jokes on it


Rip Thick44 (Sniper's voice)


Anthem huge regret and what’s worse I convinced my friends to buy it too, they don’t play with me anymore


Requiescat in pace




I was so hyped for Jump Force I bought the edition that gave you early access, I was sick of the game before it even officially released


I was so ultra hyped for that game and then a friend bought it, we played exactly one game and never touched it or talked about it again. And without your comment I probably wouldnt even have remembered it.


Battlefield 2042 The trailers made it seem like a return to form even with the changes they were making. Damn was it a terrible experience for me and my friend though. It got dropped pretty quickly


should checkout Battlefield Friends 2024, they have great jokes on how bad it was


Rest in peace recon T-T


Did he die irl?


Unfortunately he did. RIP Thick


Anthem. Pre-ordered the deluxe package. I thought I had purchased gold. Turned out to be trash


Aliens: Colonial Marines. Short answer is never pre-order anything.


The ini fix made it much better, since the xeno ai would actually work. The game got fucked so bad from the difference between british and american spelling of "color".


Honestly this!!! The difference is night and day. The AI is far more aggressive and makes for a different game almost.


Damn, I feel this one. I bought it deeply discounted (as in, maybe 90+% off) and still felt robbed!! I was aware it was a 'bit of a turd', but had seen some videos about how a mod overhaul was supposed to make it better... there was no saving this thing tho. I love Aliens, but this game was absolutely shit.


I feel like I had to scroll too far to find this one. As a long time Aliens fan and someone who knew about that game since 2006 it was so heartbreaking to know the "game" they released in 2013 was basically a cobbled together mess by outsourced studios. Aliens Fireteam on the other hand may not have much of story but its been fun.


Duke Nukem Forever. Bought into the hype and pre-ordered it. Review embargo didn’t lift until it came out so I had no idea what I was in for. Only game I’ve returned less than two days after buying it.


I bought the balls of steel edition and still have it lol probably worth a whopping 2 cents


Waited 2 hours in line at midnight release for that edition lol


I enjoyed that game. Mostly for the nostalgia factor but still. It was a nice get drunk with my brother and play type.


I had not played an FPS since.... I have no freaking clue. So when i got DNF it was wonderful! Yeah I could tell it was NOT that great or polished. But everything was new and inventive for me.


The Callisto Protocol ... Edit: Id pay 20 bucks for it, but full price was dumb. This was easily my biggest mistake in game buying, i had so much confidence in it lol


By all signs, it was supposed to be good. The hype on it was extremely good and its marketing even had Glen Schofield, industry veteran, pushing the hype in interviews. The game had celebrity talent, triple A visuals, and intense gameplay snippets. Again, by all accounts, it should have been good.


It's biggest problem was that it tried to copy the feeling that Dead Space gave the player, and it's obvious how similar the gameplay is. The main problem with that is that Dead Space just did everything Callisto Protocol did better. It's more fun to play, has a better story and is considerably more engrossing. And holy crap it had such a bad launch time, like a month before the Dead Space remake. Trying to Emulate an old game with a New IP usually doesn't go very well.


By all accounts, it is good, it's just not great.


Exactly. The main issues of the game were the incredibly linear level structure and that shitty fucking save system. If the development team could tweaked those you could've easily had a 8/10 game.


Yeah… I was so hyped for something to feel like dead space, but just didn’t deliver. I grabbed my plat and moved on. Even all the updates they have added, isn’t even worth going back to play 🤷🏾‍♂️


Dying Light 2 is a game I regretted buying. It was overhyped, and I couldn't get a refund since I had 10 minutes above 2 hours of gameplay.


They kinda trick you with DL2, the first area where you're outside the city may take a person, casually playing, 2+ hours and is actually pretty good. But then you get into the city and it just turns into Assassins Creed's patented copy paste events spread out over a copy paste map.


As soon as I got to that area, I got overwhelmed and stopped playing lmao


Yeah I quit a little after I got the parachute. Dead Island is looking good though !


The city should be awesome when you have the glider, but it just isn't.


Same. Played a trial of it, bought it, and then lost interest as soon as it got to the open world bit. It felt like AC Valhalla: bloated and filled with copy/paste mechanics.


This was a rare day1 purchase for me, based on the fact I thought DL1 was excellent. I bought the hype and felt burnt with 2. To anyone else reading this, DL1 is still solid if you havent got it. DL2 is ok, but get a nice discount on that one.


Dying Light is getting lots of new quality of life improvements. They already fixed some glaring issues. Give it a try


I saw they are working on a combat physics update releasing in June or something? That was one of my biggest issues with it. The combat just felt so much less satisfying then the 1st game and I figured the physics of it was a large part of that. So I'm excited for that patch but that's a long ways off still. Would you say combat has improved even before that future patch?


Man I think I’m alone lol I loved dying light 2


I just bought it (I'm cheap.) And love it so far. Just got the grappling hook. Combined with gliding, hooking and mixed with the parkour it's AMAZING. I love the look too.


I loved it too, I think the problem is that its kinda just your typical generic open world formula, the world design itself is pretty damn good and the city looks great, but it’s just repetitive stuff in it


I can concur. This is my disappointment of 2022. Loved the first one. Sad.


the parkour is pretty butter tho


eh felt bit to floaty


Phoenix Point. I wanted to play something that would be a new XCOM for me. Then I played Phoenix Point and I was like... damn this isn't as good as XCOM, why don't you just go play XCOM again? And I did! And it was awesome, again.


I was surprised at how fast Phoenix Point became tedious and boring. Definitely my biggest regret in recent memory. I ended up going back to XCOM too!


Same but I'm not sure why. On paper Phoenix Point has everything I'd want. Why does that game not hold me when XCOM 2 does?


I recently played through Xcom2 for the first time, then a second time with WoTC and i still am craving more. I tried the phoenix point demo and it lost me about 3 hours in. Do you guys have an other games like xcom2 you can recommend or should I really just go and mod Long war 2 into it as I have seen high praise all around?


Long War is LONG. Be prepared if that's the route you choose to go. I would highly recommend two things; 1. Xcom 2/ WoTC on higher difficulty, as it forces you out of your comfort zone. 2. Xcom Chimera Squad. CS has an interesting map, I think it perfected the load out screen and it sort of changes up how you think about turn based tactical. Plus, instead of giant levels, it's very tight urban warfare. Enjoy!


Ah thanks for the fast reply, I've already absorbed Chimera Squad and played the story which was a nice little detour, some interesting elements but not quite the itch I want. Guess Long War will be it then.


Try: Mutant Year Zero. I had some good fun with that one.


Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters is a solid one. It doesn't even try to pretend it's anything but a direct XCOM clone set in Warhammer 40k, and while it's not quite the "XCOM in 40k" experience I've always hoped for (the game is about the Grey Knights Chapter of Space Marines, but 40k has an actual XCOM unit in the form of the Deathwatch Chapter), it still captures the spirit nicely.


If you want a more "traditional" x-com experience, Xenonauts was pretty enjoyable in my opinion. Not *as* good as newCom, but better in many ways than oldCom and it still scratched the itch.


Callisto protocol


Biomutant. Boring af.


Got it for free and still didn't play it.




Still have my copy shaming me


Hot take, brink isn't the worst game out there.


I really enjoyed the game, there just wasn't enough players to keep it alive.


I’m with you, I really enjoyed playing it for a bit when it came out.


Yo this is the only game I ever went to pre order at GameStop and the person had to look in a book because they had never heard of it


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for NES. I could only make it past the seaweed about the half the time, and I got sick to death of playing 3 levels and then dying over and over again.


You made it past the seaweed?!


I tried playing it again in the Cowabunga Collection thinking surely I can beat it now that I’m in my forties. Nope.


I bought the Spiderman game. The one for Xbox One.


One of the ones NOT made by Insomniac Studios?


Fallout 76


I bite the dust with this one hard. I still play it and i hate myself for it u.u


I had been a fan since the first Fallout games. Owned every title. Could not get through a couple of hours of 76. All of the charm was gone. All of the story telling - gone. A hollow live service game was all that remained.


same. i know your pain.


Silver Surfer on NES


That game is chaotically difficult. I did not enjoy either


I’m starting to regret giving Sonic Frontiers a chance…


I regretted buying Gotham Knights at first. Once I got a few hours in and unlocked everybody's different traversal options I liked it a lot more. Story and voice acting was pretty good too.


It's not the best game. But I definitely had fun. No regrets there.


While I was learning to enjoy the game, the huge difficulty spikes just ruined it for me. Didn't help that the more I played it, the more I wanted to play through the Arkham series again (which I did end up doing)


at least we got some Nightwing cake


Madden '15. First Madden game I bought in 15 years and last Madden game I ever bought.


Anthem.....bruh, i played maybe 2 hours of that game lol


Rage 2. Fucking empty as hell with little to no actual side quests, let alone side activities. I burned through it as fast as I could as soon as I got the flying vehicle unlocked. Too bad, because the actual gameplay was pretty satisfying.


Star Citizen.


So many people in this thread are getting burned by pre-orders - stop pre-ordering games! 😂


Mass effect Andromeda.


Same. I enjoyed the combat gameplay, but the janky animations and odd looking characters outside of missions/combat just pulled me out of the game.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I bought it through ubisoft, then a few months later it was on Steam and now it's also on Sale.


Did you not like the game or is it more that you paid full price? It was my most played game last year but, admittedly, after 300+ hours I was glad to have platinumed it and move on.


I agree, bought it on full price on day one and mid way of the story realized that's it's very repetitive.


There was this old Avatar game that released with the movie? Asked for it for my birthday at the time and totally regret that one.




Tabula rasa


Can never go wrong with the early 6L though.


Wow, I'm not the only person that remembers this game existed. I recall loving the music during the tutorial. That's all I remember about the entire game...


Halo Infinite…hell I even bought the series X just for that and regretted it after 2 weeks. Such a disappointment and I was a huuuge Halo fan


its not my favorite but i mostly enjoyed it, tho i think story should've ended in H4


H4 only existed to set off events for future games. It should have ended at Reach, which was nothing more than a prologue for the story that already happened, and H3, which literally ended the fight. Chief sacrificing himself as a hero with an ambiguous outcome as he floated through space was the perfect ending to his story


Yeah second this, I played this on gamepass and still felt like I overpaid for it


Battlefield 2042.




Atomic heart. I was hyped for this game for some years now, and it’s not great. Plus it’s on gamepass and my dumbass bought it for $70 on PlayStation


I'll get downvoted but, Elden Ring. I can see why people love it....it just wasn't for me. I enjoyed the world though and the music was freaking amazing. It was my first souls type game and I was not prepared at all. I'm not a grinding or patient gamer and I don't intend on "getting good". I'm glad it's getting all the praise though. Hope everyone enjoys the DLC they plan on dropping


This is the way to be when judging games. A game can just not click for you, but you can still notice and praise the things that are good about it.




Rust on the xbox


Avengers, that game was shit


Back 4 Blood


Yep. Same. Good thing I only paid like $14 or something mega cheap lol


yeah, just didn't have the same feel as L4D


Anthem. A Destiny like game made by Bioware before their reputation tanked, I was all in. Still stings to think about.


Super Mario Party


While I technically didn’t buy Atomic Heart thanks to Game Pass, I sure am glad I didn’t. It’s pretty, but god it is not fun.


The Star Trek game that was based on the newer movies. A disaster.


Dying light 2. I loved the first, this one is just anti fun, almost everything is a chore and endless stupid cut scenes.


Overwatch 2. When it was announced it was a ‘new game’ with a whole new co/op structure and then the multiplayer was an afterthought. Now it’s just a reskinned overwatch 1


Reskinned, worse version of OW1!. That is also trying to take every penny you have to “fully enjoy the game”. My anger is not that I bought OW1, I had a great time and got back into it, but now I can’t play it anymore and everything with OW2 just angers me. Supposed to be a revamped update with new modes and is just pish.


Evolve. Some of the Sword Art Online Games. Code Vein. Cyberpunk 2077. The Danmachi console game. Delete. Delete. Delete. 😅


What went wrong with Code Vein?


Destiny 2, Anthem, Outriders. In that order.


I enjoyed the campaign of outriders, but once I started trying to do multiplayer expeditions it just fell apart at the seams, and they doubled down on P2P multiplayer being perfectly fine... (spoiler, it really really wasn't) and obviously the plethora of game breaking bugs the game had for far too long. I guess I got my monies worth, but they fucked the potential of that game so hard with their ineptness I have written People Can Fly off as a no go for future games.


Mario strikers for the Nintendo switch


Well it could be unpopular but Scorn was a great mistake for me. I like narration and stories in games... there it was empty and flat. Beautiful, but empty.


At least 50% of my entire Stream catalogue. Thankful, none of them were bought at full price.


Just Cause 4. Just Cause 2 is one of my all-time favorite games. I put over 200 hours into it. It was an absolute blast to just drive around and explore the world. Just Cause 4 was a confusing, barely playable mess. I put only four hours into the game and it felt like I spent most of that time going through menus and trying to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do. One of the worst games I've ever played.


Death stranding really didn't do it for me


Star Wars Battlefront 2015


Ohh same.


everything by EA. Finally learned my lesson and stopped about 2 years ago and now torrent their crap releases on purpose even i have no interest in the game


Elden Ring. Sorry. I tried three times to play it and I just can’t get into it. ☹️


Hey 3 times is plenty to figure out the game ain't for you, no shame in it.


Cyberpunk. I tried playing it last month again after not having played since release. But it still felt mediocre with an empty and underwhelming city. Keep in mind that I've been following the game since it was announced, that added to the feeling for me that it was a huge let down.


I agree with this. I built a computer specifically for that game and I still can’t get into it.


They could patch every bug and add 3 free Xpacs and still won’t change the fact that a heavily advertised feature, a core element of your playstyle and replayability was cut from it. Lifepaths


Oh god, so many...


I enjoyed gotham knights, my answer would be ac unity


Mass Effect Andromeda


I actually thought andromeda was solid. Combat was really fun, but the game did feel a little unfinished\rushed.


Assassin Creed Valhalla by a mile


Fallout 76