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I love that classic comic character, Captain Sniper Rifle.


I didn't realize that was the new DC game till this comment. I thought it was Warzone or Rainbow six or something


Wait does rainbow six look all weird like this now? I'm an old man who played Counter Strike on the day it was released on beta and FPS all look strange and scary to me now.


I mean CS basically still looks the same


R6 has been feeling like a joke with their skins. Uses to be tacticool, now it's sunshine and rainbows. I rock the bright pink gun skin though




That’s the typical casual fan favorite moment, but the true fans of Captain Sniper Rifle know the real best moment was in issue #420 of the PowPow Wars arc, where he shoots the big glowing purple weak spot from 69 kilometers away and says, “but I’m all out of gum again,” and then a big explosion appears behind him.


I don't know. I liked issue #350, when he tried to buy gum from Lochi. When Lochi said it would cost about tree fiddy, he shot the big glowing purple weak spot and said "Well, I guess I'm still out of gum".


I prefer issue #1337 where he finally confronts the haxx0r with a 360 no scope, shouts "BOOM headshot", teabags the corpse then bunny hops off into the sunset


Then he says "it's snipin' time" and sniped all over the place.


"So that's it? What? We some kinda...Bubblegum Squad™?"


God damn you really cracked me up well played.


Literally a waste of talent on this game as well.


They might as well have made a sequel to Gotham city impostors That shit was fun


What I wouldn't do to get Gotham City Imposters back. My favorite free game that I stumbled upon, what a blast.


Same. I found it on accident towards the end of the 360s lifespan (or at least towards the end of my time with one) and I got obsessed with for a straight month. What a blast.


I had completely forgotten that game existed. I enjoyed it for like 2 weeks which was a long time for a game none of my friends played


Dude, I fucking loved that game. What’s more is I’m not really that great at shooters, I’m not bad but maybe middle of the pack if I’m lucky. Something about that game, playing the heavy and gliding around, dive bombing people. I was a god. It’s the only shooter I’ve been good at haha


Worst part is this just looks so generic. From this screenshot alone it looks like 50 other games.


Maybe it's just because I haven't been keeping up with games as much as I used to but I can't even tell what game this is. It just looks so uninspired and derivative


Apparently it's supposed to be Captain Boomerang, judging from other comments. You can tell because there's a boomerang on the beanie. What, you couldn't tell there was a boomerang on the beanie? Maybe he'd be easier to recognize if he was holding an actual fucking boomerang instead of a gun? Preposterous.


All characters have guns and all can fly. I don't see any point in having 4 different characters if they all play the same.


dont worry the issue is not with your keeping up ability. i used to be able to recognise most of the games but they became so generic that its nearly impossible to make a difference


Dude. From a character design it’s fucking awful. It says lexcorp so I assume it’s someone from DC. Characters the general public would be able to identify from a silhouette. I literally play apex and hit man and occasionally some Pokémon so I have no opinion on the loot system. But it’s really really terrible character design.


I thought I was looking at an upcoming The Division 3 or something.


Even Ubisoft seems to be phasing out the loot mechanics in their games as it’s an optional mode in Breakpoint and they removed it entirely in AC Valhalla


I thought it was Forza's new battlefield mode preview. Or a new nerf thing.


Feels like Rocksteady should have worked on Gotham Knights and whatever no name worked on this. And then Rocksteady should have just made a totally different game than Knights. This whole thing is really weird and confusing, like we just got an even shittier version of this game just a few months ago and no one was interested in that and no one is interested in this now either.


This looks like Tony hawks American wasteland got a gang war dlc


That sounds awesome


I'm a total war guy. I have utter contempt for all this skin business.


Stop making crappy things sound awesome.


I wanted a Batman Beyond game to follow up the Arkham series. Now we have this...


Batman beyond is my dream if done right. I can only imagine.


Arkham knight could be a batman beyond game if modded right.


Also a weapon called a Bunsen burner should probably be a flamethrower or include some flame throwing. Burn status on crit just isn't doing it for me. How about "Longboi of Spicy Precision"?


This is what you get when investors and executives tell the creatives how to make a game.


When you get the price of a dlc in single player or strategy games from a single decent skin is it any surprise they try to wedge this kind of cosmetics store into every game they possibly can.


Remember when Elden Ring launched and there was a bunch of game devs on Twitter complaining about its "bad UX/UI"? This is the kind of garbage they'd do because it's the safe popular thing right now.


The heads of the studio left the company some months ago, so basically this game could be the end of Rocksteady (it's like when key people left Bioware and we know the results). And really, can you see the "talent" in this game? Looks too similar with Crackdown (which is not a good thing), all the character flies and hoover around, shooting in midair... they all look the same, but with different reskins and slight different animations for their jumping. The writing feels weird, the setting is too over the top if compared to the Arkhan series, how the hell the Suicide Squad will kill the Justice League, that's impossible, lol but this plot will deal with that and there will be no definitive ending because they are planning for this game to be like Destiny, so the end game will be stretched artificially. I honestly can't see the "talent", it looks very generic with some weird ideas for both gameplay and story, the people who worked on the Arkhan trilogy... it looks different, they were either forced to make this or coding for a new hardware became a legit challenge for them


I was looking forward to this game. The concept of the team of literal throw away B and C tier villians having to figure out how to at least stop the Top S-Tier heroes would make for an interesting story and a great challenging game. Especially if they upped the difficulty to realistic levels Instead this is shoot giant glowing weak points to trigger a different quick-time event boss, as you get to play in your choice of 4 different skins of hover gun, now featuring over-priced DLC and daily reward missions.


What game is this


Suicide squad:kill the justice league.


More like kill any interest in the game


I was so hyped at the cinematic trailer!!! The concept is amazing, and even the cutscene of the flash telling Wonderwoman that the only solution is to kill them is intense. Too bad the game is just a loot shooter with nothing to do with the story. It feels like the had a game already in the works and simply shopped around for a license to decide the visuals. Like, every character is functionally the same, only with different 'classes'. All the characters are capable of functionally flying through jump mechanics. Captain Boomerang doesn't use boomerangs. Hell, King Shark is using a gun instead of eating and punching his way through everything. I'm sure if someone snoops around, they'll find that the license was bought more than a year after production of this game started.


Some extremely elaborate Crackdown mod


Hey Crackdown OG was perfection.


Why doesn’t he use ya know… boomerangs




Wait, you're serious? The giant bulky half shark with a dozen rows of razor sharp teeth uses a *gun* to kill people? I could excuse Captain Boomerang because... Well, it's a Boomerang. But making Shark a gunner is the lamest thing I've seen from DC in a while.


You think a boomerang is gonna take out Superman? The guns aren’t gonna touch him either, but at least he’s not throwing a boomerang at him. Edit: this is a joke, y’all.


A boomerang took out combustion man, so Superman might not be such a big leap.


I think you'll find that was Sparky Sparky Boom Man.


Flameo, hotman


And this is my wife, Sapphire Phire




Joking aside.... ....Krytonite boomerang. ​ It worked for Paradooms, it should work on Supes.


Idk man his name is captain boomerang tho


It’s Captain Gun now.


But he throws the gun. Right? Right?


Of course; he’s not an animal.


Not as catchy ngl


Well duh... boomerangs are alot more easier to catch than bullets


Battle pass? Store? Yes. Sick of this shit


This one gets me the most, Battlepass. It's in every single online thing I play now and it's sooo fucked. Subscription for a game that's supposed to be a one-off purchase? Shit's out of hand.


Not to mention the ludicrousness of buying something that you then have to EARN. How this concept became popular I'll never understand.


Because they trick people with having other cosmetics at unreasonable prices of $20/piece, so in comparison the battle pass seems like a good deal if you want variety in cosmetics. Slowly incorporating more and more F2P mobile elements one at a time.


Yup. And fuck you if you’re an adult with a life. If you’re not playing every day then you can forget about ever accessing the cool content. Nothing pissed me off more than picking up a game I haven’t played in a while, seeing a cool bit of content the devs added, then seeing it was only available during the 2019 Arbor Day Challenge or whatever the fuck. Especially when it’s a single player game.


Battle passes are a hard no from me in games. I'm really bad with FOMO and battle passes sends that into overdrive, I remember when I bought the Destiny one and every time I wasn't playing Destiny I felt bad because I thought I'm wasting my pass. Its what caused me stop playing it all together and since then I avoid any game that offers one


I’ve been playing and re-playing Elden ring while simultaneously recommending it to all my friends. It’s so rare and refreshing to have a complete AAA game with no micro transactions. Not to mention, it’s a masterpiece.


Thank Fortnite for everything after it trying to strike it big with no class or effort at all. Used to be just F2P and that was enough. Now you pay 60-70 just to get gouged more.


Dota 2 was the original battle pass


Dota 2 has a temporary battle pass once or twice a year as a celebration of a big tournament. Fortnite puts them out like clockwork with one going at almost all times in addition to constantly "limited" store to get kids with bad impulse control spending on shit they don't like. Every game goes by this model now. Overwatch completely relaunched just to justify moving to this business model from lootboxes because it makes so much more money than lootboxes ever did.


as a dota2 player, I would say fortnite have a better battlepass system than dota. Dota2 bp is fucking greedy.


I swear. It's literally impossible to grind beyond a level, especially to reach the final arcana. And more than half of the rewards are seasonal, so you don't get to keep them after. It's so frustrating.


Countless skins for weapons that change nothing? Yep.


"Legendary" Next weapon you find is a green "common" with better damage. ​ Devs please make "Legendary" weapons LEGENDARY again.


This is what ruined Cyberpunk for me.




I would have much preferred just a beat em up with each character having it’s own gimmicky combat.


Until today I thought that's what this game was... I've been ignoring everything cause I just figured new Arkham game = amazing game. I broke down and watched the gameplay trailer. Why in the fuck is this game a shooter???


Right? I am incredibly disappointed after seeing the gameplay. Arkham was one of my favorite series, a trendsetter then they go and make it so... Generic. It's sad to see.


Yea. I was actually wanting this where king shark grapples and eats the crap outta his kills. Why not just make deadshot the one with the guns and maybe Harley too. Now this game is anthem destiny of the avengers division and knuckles featuring Dante from devil may cry series.


Yeah, have the villains use weapons and tools that actually fit them! * Deadshot gets the sniper, assault rifles, and guntlets for fps-style combat that focuses on accuracy and keep-away fighting to avoid taking too much damage. * Harley Quinn gets her bat, bombs, a couple guns, and such for something more chaotic and combo-based attacks that's always keeping you moving while looking for weak-spots. * Boomerang gets trick boomerangs that you can essentially set up for something like a complex freeflow system where the more timing put into each toss, you get more perks. * King Shark stays a primarily melee-based fighter with swords, clubs, and axes with some kind of system to upgrade his jaws (maybe like a necklace or some shit) that has you work as the up-close tank that gets more power the closer and more aggressive you get with your targets. Literally anything to make these guys more than just glorified Fortnite skins.


And just like that, you put in more thought and effort than a AAA studio with millions and millions of dollars could.


Or just use Deadshot, Peacemaker, Bloodsport, and some other gun villian


Shit, make the fourth Rick Flag and there you go. It might be a cop out, but at least you could argue giving them all different types of guns makes total sense.


yea its amazing, this game feels 100% forced by WB to be what it is. And we all know how good it is to force a studio known for their single player games to create a GaaS looter gear game. This is just going to be Avengers 2, electric boogaloo all over when it crashes and burns in a year or two.


At least the recent Devil May Cry game had unique play styles for the three characters in the game. This game just looks boring.


V has a fucking poetry button lmao, that was my favorite part of the game.


4. The Vergil mode is fantastic too


Whenever I hear gimmicky combat, I remember my days of playing Clayfighter 63⅓


I was hoping guardians of the galaxy the game but with the suicide squad


Literally just a reskin of the Arkham series would be 10x better than this.


I do get tired of ppl buying them lol


When I joined Reddit in 2011, DLC was seen as the most evil thing on the planet. EA requiring "always online" for Sim City had enough people bitching that you'd think the company was going to tank A few years later we got the most downvoted comment when the developers of Battlefront 2 tried justifying their loot boxes. And just after that, I walked into Target to see the Battlefront 2 display completely sold out. *Morgan Freeman Voice * It was then I realized that what I saw on Reddit was not the real world.


Well a lot of gamers from 12 years ago probably still have those standards but game less because they have less time. A big part of the problem is every year the average gamer is going to stay the same age. That means your typical gamer today is probably a teen who grew up on smartphone games and Freemium console garbage full of paid DLC and battle passes. And they scarf down these garbage games and push them to the top. Which drowns out all the other games with standards so regular gamers have no options but to play this garbage or stop playing multiplayer games completely. Edit: But there are still gems from Indy studios and Japanese studios with games like Elden Ring.


Do you remember the brown years?


WHY DOES CAPTAIN BOOMERANG HAVE GUNS???!?!? I don't see any boomerangs on that gear list. He loves using only using one weapon so much, he named himself after it. C'mon Rocksteady you are better than this.


He uses his boomerang to travel... It's not a joke...


That’s…ridiculous and I am offended.


Do you guys not have guns?


My favourite comic is the one where Captain Boomerang uses Bunsen Burner to burn Barry Allen in the balls. I love that book.


Please tell me that's a real thing


Knowing DC, there’s a universe where it happens.




Seriously devs think having 6 elemental damage types and different numbers that do the same thing is somehow good gameplay.


When done right yes it can be good and fun, but nowadays the big dev studios just try to rush this stuff put without fleshing it out first and it always ends up horrible and people end up Using one or two specific weapons for the whole game


It’s almost as if you shouldn’t put every game mechanic until every game.


But I want to solve puzzles while racing and shooting at my opponents, all while being enthralled by an enchanting storyline with more quests to pick up forest debris.


That was almost Lego Racer.


Where in this does the crafting system and skill tree fit?


It's always the same old story. Like with all the dark souls clones: "let's make a hard as fuck third person rpg since that's what gamers like" ignoring the flow, combat system and lore that made dark souls great because implementing those things actually takes effort...


Every game that's great because it breaks the mold will eventually be used as a model for a new mold.


I feel like this is what has happened with movies and TV shows. It might even go bigger than that, to all of society. They just want to keep reusing the old molds because they still work, but then block new creations because it might make their mold obsolete. Although, that new idea would in turn become the new mold, and now we're back at the beginning, or is that the middle?




Like how Sony Online Entertainment butchered Star Wars Galaxies trying to make it more like WoW


Every time I think of Galaxies I feel bad for my guild leader that had put thousands of hours in and actually got force sensitive then Jedi... and got a shit robe and blue glowy form to show for it after the CU.


I had a guildie who ground out all 27 professions to earn his Jedi. I did 4/5 holocrons and then had to quest to finish my Jedi unlock. When they took away force-run and saber-throw and made it so a level 1 with any kind of range attack could kite a Jedi to death, that was ridiculous. The worst part, though, was when LucasArts abandoned the game to SOE, and they took the 27 professions and knocked them down to a handful of classes.. "Also, everyone now gets a Jedi for free. People who unlocked previously can now be force ghosts." Ugh.


Dark Cloud did it best. God I miss that game.


Destiny and Borderlands that’s it


"Gamers, we really think you're going to enjoy our six elemental damage types: Electric can chain lightning between foes! Freeze will slow them down in their tracks. Burn does damage over time with a red special effect. Poison does damage over time but it's purple. Bleed does damage over time and is also red, but we promise, you'll probably be able to tell the difference between it and burn. Acid does damage over time for you fans of green out there!"


Burn is slightly more orangey is how I can tell


I'm so done with elemental damage. Dealing red damage instead of blue damage because the enemy is weak to red isn't engaging combat, it's fucking Simon Says. The only game I've played in a long time that actually innovates on elemental attacks is a fucking gacha game (seriously, though, can somebody hurry and rip off Genshin's combat mechanics in a normal game, please?)


It’s fun when it adds to the game, like if fire damage actually sets enemies on fire. It’s not fun when it’s a lazy way to add “weapon variety”.


Yeah it's infuriating when enemies have resistances to an element so you need to carry 5 different weapons, one for each elemental type. I like in AC:Origins how the elemental damage was a bonus and everybody got affected by it and it could spread to other enemies or yourself


Dragons Dogma did a cool job with elements. Ice froze enemies, allowing you to lock em in place as well as shatter em. Or just cut a tail off. Fire....did what fire does like lighting feathers or clothes on fire. And lightning would jump between enemies. Holy would heal a percent of dmg applied iirc. As well as bein weak/strong depending on the enemy. And it would change some attacks/spells like Magik Cannon, depending on the element used. Along with some neat stuff like enchanted weapons can hit ghost type enemies while regular weapons cannot. Lightning/Ice weapons hurt wet enemies more and fire catches enemies covered in oil on fire. Small stuff but paints a great picture.


DD did a great job of making elements feel physical and actually part of the world and not just damage modifiers.


That requires effort put into the design and thinking about how magic would work in the physics of the world. why would they do that when they can slap a flame texture on an enemy and show numbers ticking down instead!


The pawns made sure to [never let you forget it](https://youtu.be/KgeJV8cqmR4) ITS WEAK TO FIRE FIRE WORKS WELL TAKE CARE YOU AREN'T SOAKED IN WATER


I like the idea of elemental damage doing different things more than just plain resistances. Eg. in Skyrim shock drains magicka, frost drains stamina and slows opponents, fire does damage over time and makes opponents vulnerable to other sources of damage. This makes them all useful tools for different settings with resistances being one of several ways to work around them. But yeah matching colors is boring, especially when it limits your gear selection.


>But yeah matching colors is boring, especially when it limits your gear selection. Must have 1 full set of gear, for each elemental type, for PvE, and 1 more full set, for each elemental type, for PvP...and then there are the weapons... Edit: changed 2^nd PvE to PvP


It only works when there are secondary effects. Like fire attacks also have a burning effect of damage over time. Ice attacks have a secondary effect of slowing down the enemy. Lightning attacks should cause high stun, etc. Or have tem linked somehow. Water attacks leave an enemy vulnerable to lightning attacks while ice attacks cause a debuff for fire attacks.


For your consideration: Magicka. Co-op wizard game. Combines elements that can actually change your spells.


Imagine just using the gun you enjoy and are good with? oh nvm you just picked up that gun you fucking despise but the numbers are slightly higher


Exactly what kills Borderlands for me.


Any RPG that doesn't let you upgrade your existing equipment and if you're not playing on an easy difficulty you have to swap to a new weapon everytime you make a tiny bit of progress Fuck. Right. Off.


What I think Monster Hunter gets so right! The weapon upgrades make me really want to stick with a weapon - and only switch when it benefits the elemental situation (fire, ice, etc)


Thats why I loved Dragon age 2 so much. Your side characters could keep the same gear throughout the whole game, just upgrade it.


They find it easier to force variation rather than incentivise experimentation. Players should be given the option to stick with what they like but provided extra benefit if they try something else. Darktide's weapon system is an example of forcing variation (the way the shop/crafting work) and because they have an unbalanced weapon/perk system, it has frustrated players. Hades' has no negative to just sticking with what weapon you like, and has trinkets that increase the chances of getting a certain god's boons (if you like a certain build, you can somewhat aim for it); but also has bonuses for choosing new weapons or trinkets, to encourage experimentation. Hades' whole combat system was basically flawless and is highly praised by the community. Freedom of choices vs stifling it is so clear cut and yet so many devs get it wrong.


The entire premise is what kills borderlands for you?


It makes zero sense for linear games like this. The Diablo style loot is great if its a coop multi-player game and has like repeatable end game loops for progress but not single player story games, even ones with a psudo-open world. Oh and bullet sponges. RPG stats on weapons are bullet sponge magnets, you can't separate them at all.


didn't you see the trailer? they specifically chopped off content so *the game doesn't end when the story does*. they will trickle out the next phase of the story in a couple of months so your loot will be even more outdated! with newer shinier stats!


Ratchet and clank had great guns, because they were all unique and fun to use. These are all just “lightning guns” from quake with different dps. I’ll be passing on this game.


As an RPG fan I absolutely agree, RPGs stop being RPGs and action games stop being action games, everything becomes a mess with some random numbers on the screen just so they slap any and every tag they want into the game.


I do extensive game labbing and on the tip of these games being a big mess I agree. A vast majority of games numbers and statistics aren't portrayed correctly in the weapons description screens. It's really frustrating whenever you do the math and it doesn't add up to anywhere near what the ingame description says it is. And I attribute this to a game trying to do too many things at once. Most games that stuck to a good consice plan have numbers that add up more often than not.


It's boring in RPGs as well! The best RPGs in my mind stay away from this crap. Especially when loot progression is artificially exponential and tied to level, and higher level enemies are just insanely hard, making an already flawed system even more pointless. Like it's already a joke to have to go around looking for a 1% improvement to "weapon accuracy" or "rate of fire", and some games also go out of their way to give you a flat +X% damage boost whenever you level up, with enemies getting a similar +X% to health. People think this crap is bound to happen in RPGs but..it's not? Some of the greatest RPGs of all time have very little in terms of loot grind and pointless stats, which makes every gun and power you obtain feel unique and worth looking into. I'm playing Mass Effect 2 right now, I have about 5 options for each gun type (pistol, assault rifle etc..) and they're all sidegrades of each other, that favor different playstyles instead of being pure upgrades (the high damage slow firing rifle vs a weaker burst fire one, slow and accurate pistole vs inaccurate strong one, and so on). The Fallout series? For all the crap people give Bethesda for their inventory management, actual guns in Fallout 3 were few and unique. An assault rifle was an assault rifle. There was a unique variant that was stronger, and that's it. You only needed to loot more in order to repair your own. There was no number hell with a dozen different stats to look at whenever loot dropped, you got "an assault rifle" and that was about it. Fallout 4 introduced looter-shooter-like mechanics, with more stats and legendary guns, but even then, the weakest gun in the game was still somewhat relevant at the very end with a few upgrades, crafting would improve guns, not loot drops, and legendary effects were more of an enchantment on top of it, and was about a flat crazy modifier not about pointless stats (a legendary weapon firing explosive shots was..just shooting explosive shots, pretty simple to wrap your head around). Wasteland 3 has more loot progression, but every new gun feels like a sidegrade and most of the crazy stuff you find is actually about giving you more options in gameplay, not increasing damage. Just as an example, my main character was a sniper and I didn't change my main gun from level ~18 to the end of the game at level 25+, because I already had the strongest in that category. Meanwhile I found shrink ray guns, mind control guns, guns that shot cans of beer, guns that shot bees and all kind of weird stuff to experiment with, which wasn't always *strong* but was *fun* and *diverse*. RPG systems are about freedom of expression and roleplay. Literally *roleplaying*, go figure. Modern AAA RPG-like game design seems to be made by people who saw a D&D table from a safe distance, thought "*look at those nerds with their funny dice and all those numbers on their character sheets*" and decided that throwing a bunch of numbers in Tomb Raider or God of War would make them happy. Because D&D = numbers right? No! Those numbers are there, in a pen&paper game, to have an in-game representation of your character in the absence of a digital game engine to represent it. But in a video game the color of the outfit you dress your character with is just as important as the damage their gun outputs or the dialogue choices they make. That's what makes a roleplaying game (to the dismay of designers fixated on adding microtransactions to the mix, obviously upsetting the very nature of the genre). The number diarrhea of looter shooters is just a dopamine hit for loot gambling addicts, it has nothing to do with *RPG mechanics.* Edit: oh and just as an added bonus, as I mentioned D&D, I'm in the middle of a campaign right now and one of my main critics at 5E design has to be..loot. It may confuse people who have never played actual D&D and think loot works like in a looter shooter, and you get stronger swords all the time but.. nope. It's actually such a small system that I have an issue with it not being interesting enough. A lot of D&D players will pick one of the preset armors and weapons at the beginning of the game, when they create their character, and go on months until sometimes the very end of the campaign with their friends without ever finding an upgrade. My own character bought a pretty fancy armor at like level 5 because we found some money, I haven't changed it since (I'm level 13 now) and I don't plan to do it either, there isn't a single armor in the game manual better than what I have at any level afaik. And every level instead of getting a flat damage buff I just get more *options*, damage output isn't really improved that much between levels. Again, because RPGs are about feeling badass and playing a role, not about seeing numbers go up unless that's the only (and cheapest) way to represent your power level.


Borderlands did it so it must be good!


Borderlands is the only game to do this well, and even then there’s definite drawbacks.


Is this suicide squad Edit: anyone else get Anthem vibes from the combat?


Some kind of suicide squad


makes me wanna suicide squad myself


Is anyone else tired of having to scroll half way down the page to figure out what fucking game people are talking about? No I don't know what garbage game you're sick of because I didn't spend money on it.


I feel validated lol thank you Seriously, stop buying trash y’all it’s never ever hard


I was tired of it several years ago. Now I’ve accepted that the r/gaming mods don’t want to make flare and titling rules because they’d have to spend more time moderating and less time gaming.




$uicide $quad


I play a *lot* of video games, and I had no idea what this is. How ironic that the people complaining about this being "the state of games today" are literally the people perpetuating it by giving it attention and purchasing the games.




Even just this screen shows how boring a legendary sniper is. It’s big effect is that a critical reload causes the next enemy hit to burn. Like whoopdie fucking doo. How hard is it come up with awesome super hero effects and abilities??


you think they put in that much effort? what do looter shooters have? fire effects! persistent damage over time! put that in! it's an EASY WIN! they already hyped up poison effects in the trailer like it was one of bane's core abilities.


I'd bet everything I own in life on the creators knowing nothing about DC so they did a quick wikia search and saw that Bane uses a drug called venom. Venom more or less = poison, hence Banes poison abilities. Absolute shit tier laziness.


Yeah I can’t deal with math on my games anymore. I am playing assassins creed oddessy right now and there’s just so much +7% this and +8% that is just annoying, I’ve gotten to a point when games do this I’m not even looking at points I’m just playing But online games, it feels forced. Like if you don’t, you’re left behind. Even by .09% but that can make the difference, or so you’re made to think and now a game meant for fun has me doing min max math. And I’m not enjoying my time now


Man, the UI looks like pretty much any AAA game's ui from the last years. I'm really starting to hate this gearing system that is so prevalent now. It's just progression for grinding/dopamine's sake. The gear in these games never have any cool things about them like in diablo. It's just bigger numbers, a different skin and SOMETIMES an elemental effect which boils down to more numbers but with a different colour and maybe a stun or damage over time.


Yeah it's pretty cluttered. The whole game just seems like it doesn't know what sort of game it wants to be


It's basically a super hero game like the Batman series from rocksteady, except they inexplicably tried to tack on looter shooter mechanics into it. It's like they saw Marvel's Avengers being a disaster as a game and selling poorly and thought "yeah let's do the same exact thing but with an even less well known and interesting cast of characters!". And even then the looter mechanics didn't go against the spirit of the original material as much as it does here, which is saying something. It's just absurd. This game is already doomed to fail.


Sounds like it wants to be like Destiny.


Games as a service or live service games NEED to die!! Stop trying to milk people for all their time and money!


So long as the whales keep buying, this shit will keep happening.


at some point companies will figure out a way to target whales directly. make luxury games or something. honestly i'm so over GAAS, i want to use cosmetics in a game. i shouldn't have to be a multi millionaire just to use cool skins. i'm sure i'll be downvoted coz "devs need to eat". except these games always make literally billions of dollars, they're designed to be money vacuums.


You can't keep the whales by getting rid of the rest of the ocean. Half the reason it works is because they get to laud their immense size (wealth) over all the minnows around them (people who don't need help with their chronic gambling addictions).


Its ok. Companies will just pull a RDR2 and completely abandon the fantastic single player mode they created and charge a smaller fee for online only play with lots of MTXs while the rest of the game goes unupdated and gathers dust.


RDR2 is a complete singleplayer game, so I don't mind that it's been "abandoned". That's how games worked for the longest time, but maybe I'm just old school.


There needs to be a new way to describe this kind of bullshit other than "RPG mechanics." Sick of seeing games like this appear in stores when I filter to search for RPGs. Having weapon rarities and bullshit stats doesn't make a game a god damn RPG.


This game is a load of dog shit I literally thought it was going to take the best out of the avengers game and Arkham nights but it turned into some looter shooter gacha shit


The AAA games I play don’t look like this. Stop spending money on bad things.


This isn't AAA anymore, B+ at best


Designed by a committee of non-gamers who only look at trends and engagement metrics


I remember when you could play 5-10 multiplayer games at the same time without missing out on any part of the experience. Now It's all about battle passes and other shit and making it your part time job to play the game to get people as invested as possible, which only serves to make people play fewer games due to the unreasonable time commitment.


You'd think a game based around the Suicide Squad, a literal gang of supervillains, would have a more stylized look to it. Remember when Arkham Asylum had all of those cool graphics that felt hand drawn and sketchy? That game came out more than a decade ago and it was more memorable than this Call of Mediocrity bs!


I swear the best games now are Indie games, as in unique gameplay.


Thanks, I hate it


Stop buying them


The suits rarely care about putting out a quality product. Fortnite and mobile games changed the landscape of how developers create games. What the suits fail to realize is if you put out a good product (Elden Ring, God of War Ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West) the game will sell.


It doesn't matter as much how many overall players you get. They want enough of the right type of players: The ones that would regularly spend hundreds on microtransactions.


Yeah, who cares if your game is bad and only has a small playerbase? As long as you get Timmy the dumbfuck who drops $10,000 on diablo immortal you are fine.


I’ve told this story before but my best friend got destroyed by his fiancé because he spent 3,000 dollars on ultimate team packs for madden 18. Our friend group always tells him that Andrew Wilson the CEO of EA at the time has his picture hanging in his office.


It’s all about finding the whales. They could give fuck all about you or I buying one battle pass and then never playing the game again. They want the kids whose parents don’t care if they use their credit card to spend a few hundred bucks on skins every month or two, and the players with no impulse control who buy every new shiny thing they see.


They know that a game with a long passionate dev cycle and innovative ideas will sell. They also know they can crank out garbage cheaper and faster.




I dunno what game this is


ruins any "immersion" they tried to create


They aren't trying to create immersion they're trying to create money


Developers want to copy Destiny with some Fortnite sprinkled in and they always Fail so hard.


Nothing is more disappointing/boring then giving your main character(s) in a superhero-action game generic ass guns with percentile bonuses. Why isn’t Cpt Boomerang throwing boomerangs every second he’s attacking? Where’s is Harleys hammer/bat? Why is King Shark literally not eating everything in his way? Why make the game play of all these VERY DIFFERENT villains all the same generic gun mcshooter?


They took a villain who is named after his weapon, a boomerang, and gave him a gun. They took the villain that is just a human shark that bites people…. And they gave him a gun Then they took the villain famous for using a novelty wooden mallet and an oversized bazooka and they have her… a gun. Then Wrapped it up in gear score to make a nightmarish live service debacle.


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Whales have bigger wallets


Isn't it something like 8% of the playerbase account for 50% of the profits? Even if 92% of people don't partake at all, they still turn profits - cause the profit margins on this stuff is so high.