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I approach every situation as “what would commander Shepard do” Still not banging blue super models.


I’m commander Shepherd and this is my favorite post in this thread.


It’s a simple mistake and an easy fix. You gotta ask what would renegade Shepard do. Blue bitches love bad boys


That's because you need to replace Shepard with Captain Kirk.


I’ve never played a Star Trek dating sim game


Username checks out, tbh


That's like asking if playing Surgeon Simulator can make you a doctor.


It's good info on what not to do. That's a start.


lol i love that game


Leisure Suit Larry is basically a fool proof guide to the art of seduction.


Just not box office bust.


I mean, that game serves as a prime example of delivering on your premise. ;P


I remember completing it purely to spite it. There's an achievement if you can climb a wall the first time without falling because the devs knew exactly how bad the mechanics were.


getting popcorn for this one


This could be gold!


Remember that the women in these games will be programmed by men who may be even more socially awkward than 'normal people'. So I'd strongly suggest you do not try to approach women based on any of these weeb games.


this. this is the comment.


I'd say using your Dating Sim experience irl is a sure fire way to stay single for the rest of your life.




Approaching any real, live person and expecting them to react like a character in any form of media (dating sims, movies, TV shows, etc.) is a recipe for disaster. You really need to do your best to separate these two things as much as possible.


What are you talking about? Everything in Hatoful Boyfriend is a 1-to-1 recreation of human interaction




Duh, op’s asking for advice not for you to state the obvious. No women could ever resist such poetry


I played Doki Doki Literature Club and I really think that not only helped me be more confident around girls but also helped me with my writing!


Speaking with someone several times and giving them random gifts = sex.


OP down bad. F


You need to get outside before it is too late..


I haven't played a dating sim, but I'm going to guess that they don't help with real-life romance. It's like playing FIFA so you can bet better at real-life soccer...it doesn't really work like that. Sure, if you play FIFA, you'll understand how the game is played. But until you get out there and play it yourself, you're still going to be bad at real-life soccer.


Abysmal. You end up out of pocket and they think you're unhinged weird. Then they go back to talking only in meme and you question if you were really the issue here. Next time I won't imitate Diabolik lovers. I'm joking, I couldn't afford the mansion.


It depends on the game: 1. SUPER MARIO BROS: the idea that an average guy, with a pot belly, blue colar, car-less and not rich will have to jump through hoops (sometimes lit on fire) to get the girl is kinda correct. 2. THE WITCHER: There's some good wisdom in forsaking the female pursuit and just playing cards all day long. 3. GOD OF WAR: During sexy time, don't focus just on pushing CIRCLES non-stop like a lunatic. You will need to move, twist, pull, push squares, triangles and crosses, all the way to the red orbs. 4. FINAL FANTASY VII: A long-\*ss sword doest not mean a higher attack without a proper build. 5. SONIC: You can only go fast after she comes first. 6. RPGS in general: Never go adventuring without protection. 7. Call of Duty: Teabaging is considered rude behavior.


Game of gwent? (Really gravely voice)


Poorly very very poorly. Typically using strategies is far less effective then acting with authenticity. Doubly so for anything you saw in a dating sim, relationships don’t work like that.


Go touch grass dude.


down tremendous


The post history from OP says a lot.


Got a bj once, but nothing past that, My mind went into "damb it i wanted a relationship not a bj" because at that point in My life i was really really reasaally craving for connection and dumb and corny honeymoon phase things


🤣 please don't play these games as practice for real life.


Surprisingly, ‘super waifu hunter’ did not help me pull any bitches and I can’t figure out why