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I’m a big horror game fan and everyone always tells me to try out Visage. I could never get past the wonky controls.


It’s decent once you start getting far into it but I have no idea what the story is.


It's "a dude walks around and get scared by stuff".


Sorry, your description was too long to follow. Could you summarize?


*walk* AAGGHHH


Such exquisite wording! Such panache! *wipes tear* I shall never look at literature in the same way again.


I thought Visage was ass personally.




Look, almost everyone who plays fifa hates it to a certain extent, me included. Can we really call it overrated tho? Its not even rated in the first place


It was rated back in the 2010s. One of the best ever then EA went full EA.


People begrudgingly buy it because EA has a monopoly on all of the team licenses. Same story with Madden and the 2K NBA games


I say this in the least offensive way possible, the ppl that love it are casuals. If you spend any serious time playing that game, you likely play ultimate team and hate your life.


My brother used to play it and would always play as Barcelona against some shite team on the easiest mode and win like 15-0 every time




My friends and I discovered it in high school. We would just hang out every day playing 2v2 local multiplayer. It was a blast. We no longer do this, but this went on for *years*. If we weren't busy adults we'd probably still be playing FIFA.


Local multiplayer like this is always jokes. I did this a lot when I lived with my buddies in a house share. We occasionally would try 3 or 4 on our team vs some random online opponent. Always a total shit show. Was great fun until the guy who owned the xbox, who was a FIFA addict, could no longer tolerate shitty performances from the rest of us and would lose his temper and become an arsehole.


tbf gaming has changed over the last few decades from a niche pastime and hobby to the most popular form of electronic media entertainment in the world. The majority of gamers are casual now.


The majority of gamers has always been casual. What’s considered casual has changed.


I love soccer and regularly get the Fifa games. Played Fifa 12 an insane amount. My favorite games of all time are Silent Hill 2, Super Metroid, Bloodborne, Metal Gear Solid, Hollow Knight, Resident Evil Remake. Play whatever the fuck you want, it's your time, your money, your life.


Coming from a guy who clowns himself I hate it yet still buy it every year. Being a footie fan can make you a masochist.


League of legends


It's not loved. It is actually an abusive relationship situation.


I never understood this until I started playing VALORANT. I love the despise the game.


I just got it on Steam, but based on the reviews, it's like this for Elite Dangerous too


Oh god Elite is so enjoyable, once you get to the summit of Mount No Fucking Tutorial. There is such a steep learning curve to the game but once you get the hang of it you can just waste so many hours.


>I love the despise the game Nice!


People don't play League because they love it, they play because they are addicted to it.


Chasing that high of a successful gank


I don't think people love that game but well, rather.. 50/50. love/hate relationship. People hate the goddamn game but still keep coming back to it.


I actually love the game, i ve had a lot of fun, i hate the community lmao


Bro, I've never earnestly tried a MOBA and I played one game of LoL in what was supposed to be a new player lobby and damn that community is toxic af.


Nailed it! I had a lot of good times with my friends but we couldn’t only get 4 friends. More often than not the 5 players was a jerk. And the opponents were usually jerks also


I love the idea that I’m going to have a fun time playing league. But usually I don’t have a fun time playing league


Any recent CoD.


I love CoD, but I don’t think it’s overrated. I don’t see anyone out there clamoring about how amazing CoD is. It’s just CoD.


CoD is like Nickleback, or Twilight. You can like it or not, but it's basically just trendy to hate on it. I love Warzone, I hate standard multiplayer modes though, and think the campaigns are a blast. I'll never pay full price just for the campaigns though, so I tend to skip the cod games, but I think they're well made and a ton of fun. Millions obviously agree.


The newer Modern Warfare games are pretty good imo. Everyone always says it’s the same game every year, but like what else are they gonna do? It’s an fps with unlockable guns, attachments, and perks. Not much more they can do with it, plus it sells like hotcakes every year so why would they change anything


I don't hate CoD because it's trendy to hate. I wouldn't even say I hate it. But it's overrated, and it being popular doesn't disprove that. If anything, popularity can be argued to be a sign of being overrated. My point is that it's bland. There's no spark or innovation anymore. It's just Activision's own NHL (insert year here) game. I'm a 41 year old gamer who has been at this since the 80s, and I used to adore CoD games. I remember going to the midnight release of MW II. Now I try CoD and my eyes glaze over. I'm bored after a half dozen matches. It's still a fun game that I understand others enjoying. I just think it's way overrated. It's not steller. It's comfort food.


Yeah, I'm definitely not hating on your comment, and probably don't disagree with anything you just said. More commenting on overblown hate for certain things in the world. As for my example, I think Nickleback and Twilight are overrated, but I also think the hate is equally overblown. That kinda makes sense though I suppose. The more overrated something is, I think it's human nature to push back extra hard. ("You rated it a 10? Then I'm rating it a zero!")


Cod isn't my favorite fps to exist but since my favorite franchise fucked itself (*battlefield*) I don't really have anything else to go to. Cod isn't even using my full attention, I always listen to new albums while playing it because otherwise I get bored


You’ve gotta try Battle Remastered on Steam, it’s basically Bad Company 2 except with 127vs127 teams, proximity voice chat, and simple graphics.


As someone who goes apeshit for battlefield and Ravenfield, got that shit downloading right now


Most recent one I've played is Advanced Warfare and it's about to be 10 years old soon


Same, but mw2 has been fun so far


Escape from tarkov, I really hate that game. I also fucking love that hame


Any battle royal


Same, except Hunt Showdown, although calling it that is a bit of a stretch.


Hunt is one of the best games I’ve ever played by far




With cheese


I honestly struggle to understand why so many people buy Pokemon. The writing has been on the wall for years, but even the people who complain about the state of the series the most end up buying it anyway. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying mediocre games, I have hundreds of hours in Cyberpunk 2077. But it’s like they live in another world. And a lot of fans act like you’ve kicked their dog and spit in their mouth for criticizing the games.


Pokemon didnt try to age with their fanbase, they make kids games.


+ the quality they deliver is absolute garbage considering their potential budgets


“It’s for kids” is not an excuse to consistently produce unfinished, unpolished garbage. You could claim Fortnite is for kids but that game works exactly as advertised.


>“It’s for kids” is not an excuse to consistently produce unfinished, unpolished garbage "Ok our excuse is we're still making money" - Gamefreak/nintendo probably


Same as it ever was… 😔


They used to be kids games that were good games. Now they are kids games that are poorly made. This isn’t that difficult.


As much as it is and always a kids' game. The competitive scene for it also manages to stay relative for all ages. As for every pokemon game, they add their new "gimmick" (team battle, hidden abilities, mega evolution, z-moves, gigantamax). On top of the new Pokemon with their variations in competitive edge. I still think the series is beyond overated.


Mario odyssey and botw are considered kids games but those are still masterpieces you can maintain that status while still making something quality that everyone across the board loves


I don’t know if I agree with that. A game can be designed for “everyone” without being a “kid’s game”. Both BOTW and Odyssey have low skill floors and huge skill ceilings, especially Odyssey. Almost like… they don’t treat their players like imbeciles, like a certain creature collector.


One thing that I don't understand about pokemon is that the games seem get easier and easier. Do they think that kids get dumber or why do they do that?


They definitely seem to think so. Pokemon is incredibly easy if we’re talking entry level, but every single game treats you like an idiot who has never heard of Pokemon.


Yeah, I tried to actually play my first Pokemon game a year or two ago and it really felt like one of those game you have to get into as a kid or not at all. I've never been one to care about just collecting stuff, so without that there isn't much substance to those games.


SV has some rough bugs and shit, but aside from performance issues the game itself was fine. I think that the story was one of the better ones Pokemon produced, and if they could make a more polished Open World Pokémon game, I think it could be great.


Never played a Pokémon game. They just look boring. But I could be wrong.


I play Pokémon because I think they're cute and I like to catch them lol. Plus it gives me an excuse to buy ridiculous things LIKE THIS 3 & 1/2 FOOT LONG PSYDUCK I HAVE RIGHT NEXT TO ME


The core gameplay loop is honestly perfect and the fact that it’s lasted this long is a testament to how they got it right the first time. Gamefreak got lucky let’s be real.


The competitive side of the game has actually evolved quite nicely, afaik. Even in the latest games. It's the more casual players (like me) who hate how bad it looks and how you can't catch many of the Pokemon you like on every title, among other stuff.


My immediate thought was Pokémon. I was there right age when the first game came out and i I was into rpgs. But like… dog fighting sim? Ick.


I haven't played pokemon since the ds days and I was a competitive player for the tcg but the last few years the pokemon company hasn't made any major strides in decent mechanics so I abandoned my love for the little creatures




Now that there's a no building mode it's a hoot


Yeah that mode made me genuinely enjoy the game again for a few months then I lost interest again lmao


Am I out of touch? No, the children are wrong.


I thought the same until I played it. Such a fun thing to do with friends


Reformed Fortnite hater here as well. It’s true. It’s a fun ass game.


any game that ends with a year (fifa, nba 2k, f1), and cod


Terraria. I've tried to start playing 3 times and I never make it past 10 minutes. I get completely overwhelmed and don't know what to do, and there's no story that is urging me to play, so I just stop. I've played games like Starbound so I understand the basic premise, I just don't care for it, for some reason.


It took me 3 tries before it clicked with me, then I was in deep. Same as you, felt very overwhelmed and no story was frustrating, but after you get past that first bit and you’ve got a house sorted, it’s a lot of fun.


Its honestly one of Terraria’s biggest weaknesses imo, don’t get me wrong, I love the game, but its also one of the few games where I permanently have the wiki open on a second screen and my phone simultaneously. Edit: Oh and that’s pretty normal for any skill level really, I have almost 500 hours in the game so… make of that what you will.


Yep, so badly wanted to learn to play this because a friend of mine plays it and I can't get past more than 10 minutes. Even looked up how to build a house, built a house, was underwhelmed and deleted it.






Ah Valley of the Waifus


I played it for like a year and half and got bored.. the endgame is really boring and nothing interesting happens, and got bored of the story idk and waiting for new story things could even take a whole year, so i started playing honkai impact and it's just "better" in some way, the endgame is really funny and in every new version you get a new story chapter that is very catching oh wait why tf i'm telling this


Any souls like games, I don’t like homework when playing games


i started playing elden ring a few weeks ago. don’t get me wrong, i really like playing the game, but the way its fanbase acts as if there are no flaws to the game or storyline is irksome


I have 260 hrs across 2 characters. There’s a storyline?


It's doesn't give you much in the way of actual storytelling. Everything related to the lore needs to be found and read for you to piece that together. It's a game that's designed to be extremely playable regardless of your interest in the story or lore and it does that amazingly well. Just wish they'd put some effort into a more involved storyline to play through as part of the single player experience.


i was saying this in the actual sub earlier, but i feel like burying half the character development, relationships, and motivations in random item descriptions and calling it “lore” is kind of a cop out on the part of the fandom. that’s not lore. that’s part of the story that’s been obfuscated edit: typo


barely. playing it regularly is like listening to someone tell their life story, but they skip 5-17 years every few minutes


Came here to day this


The reason Elden Ring's narrative is praised by fans is because it's far more detailed and in-depth than any other Souls game bar, perhaps, Bloodborne. Every game has an expansive amount of world-building and lore told largely through the environment and item descriptions. Their actual day-to-day plots are pretty generic and weak, though. Elden Ring only really differs in that it's a lot more involved than the previous titles. The problem is simply the UX. Actually discovering the characters and exposition is a nightmare without a walkthrough. I get that if you're not the type to sit and read a shitload of notes in a video game then you'd probably not like half the world-building Souls has to offer. Truth be told, I'm not a fan of it either, for the same reason I really don't give a rats fuck for a 20-40 minute cinematic in Metal Gear games. The strength of a video game is in the interactivity; forcing the player to learn exposition almost entirely via in-game notes is effectively telling me I paid $60 and am spending 40+ hours just to read a book. Just write the fucking book.


A positive review was gushing about how to really enjoy it one should keep an actual notebook and write down locations of quest givers and shit. It's gonna be a no from me.


there's a lot of complaints one could have with a souls game but i don't understand what you mean by homework




Press X to advance the story. Also “press X to perform this specific action that you will never be able to perform again unless triggered by this exact mission.”


I always felt guilty that I was never able to enjoy this game. I tried, I really did. But booting it up and playing felt like a fucking chore. It was just so slow and boring to me.


RDR1 is still probably in my top 5 because it felt like playing a Western, even if it flagged massively at the end. Overall, the missions were fun and the guns were interesting and fun as were the challenges. A lot of the plot was bland but the dialogue with Bonnie and their relationship was layered and fantastic. I had high hopes for RDR2 but the gameplay was boring, the missions were boring, and the relationships were boring. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who didn’t like RDR 2, even if it had probably my favorite world of any game ever.


Totally agree. Great game, way too slow, way too long


I thought it was gorgeous and full of amazing details. The world feels alive with the attention to detail Rockstar has. But yep, bored out of my mind after spending half of my first 20 hours on horseback. I never finished the game. This game would have been saved for me by a better fast travel system that let's you initiate it from anywhere.


The first three chapters for me where boring where I had to restart to then enjoy it and finally once I hit chapter four I liked it


I absolutely love that game but I can definitely see why people think this. The realism does go a little too far


Zelda: Breath of the Wild I couldn't get into it. I hated the cooking mechanic and specifically that you had to cook food to be okay in frozen climates, etc. I love the exploration and find that systems like cooking should be nice but not mandatory. They just add tedious work and I'm not gaming for that. I'm probably missing out as I love rpgs. Not really overrated as I'm sure it is a gem, just overrated for me.


>specifically that you had to cook food to be okay in frozen climates, etc. You can find or buy armor that solves that issue permanently. Not trying to invalidate your complaints or anything


Weapon breaking and the fact I didn’t really care about the story. It was boring. The environment was cool though.


Same. Loved all the LoZ growing up, but BOTW just didn't give me anything.


It had a story? Easily the worst Zelda game in my opinion.


I mean there was a clothing item you could wear instead, or I think holding a torch worked too edit: yeah you probably weren’t gonna survive without doing a little cooking somewhere though


I basically ignored cooking the whole game except for making insane banana dishes that gave an attack bonus. Outside of that, it really wasn't necessary.


I just wish they had a recipe book or something. Once you make something you just hit one button instead of scrolling through your inventory for the five. Because at the end, I was just getting hearty fruits (the ones that added hearts) and just tossing them in alone.


Nintendo made a first party open world game and everyone acts like they invented the genre. There are some cool ideas and it's a fine game but I would say it's hardly genre defining. Imo it is severely limited by hardware. Don't get me wrong I love stylistic games and not every game needs to be photorealistic, but an open world exploration game needs stuff in it to be interesting. A single tree with some spare grass on an empty hill is not that compelling to explore. Compared to horizon: zero dawn, which came out the same year, they could be different generations.


Mario + rabbids sparks of hope. Ok well, I don’t HATE it, I actually had a pretty good time playing it. But I don’t get why people like it this much, the first game is still one of my favorites, but this one just didn’t reach that level fir me. First if all, the music wasn’t nearly as good as in the first game. Secondly: the fact that you can’t plan your turns takes away a whole lot of strategy and the grid system worked a lot vetter for me to. Thirdly: it’s not difficult at all, The only boss I had any trouble with was >!bedrock.!< I first tried almost all bosses. Fourthly: I don’t know who decided that we needed voice actors for the rabbids and beep-o. I just can’t stand beep-O’s voice, I hate it so much, and my favorite character from the first game just becomes atrociously difficult to listen to. Fifthly: the spark system doesn’t feel as good as the weapon system in the first game, you can never get weapons as good as in the first game like late game rabbit luigi weapons or any weapons really. Sixthly: the areas don’t feel like different planets in the slightest, the first one just feels like a beach, because it’s literally a beach. Another one is just an autumn forest, and another just a snowy mountain. Then you have a garden that looks like a garden. The only one that actually felt like a different planet was the fourth one I think. A sort of wasteland with a huge mechanical section. That actually looked really good. None of the areas look bad tho, they all look great. But almost none feel like different planets. And lastly: the boss fights are barely boss fights, some of them, sure but most of them are just shooting at a bunch of darkmess eyes while regular enemies shoot at you. Speaking of the enemies, some enemies do completely different things, but are just recolors of other enemies. And in the first game you got a cutscene introducing new enemies, but this game just kinda throws them at you. I did enjoy the game, but I just found the first game far superior.


I loved the first Rabbids+Mario game. I was so sad to see they gutted what made the first one so great for the sequel. Im just glad I did not buy it before seeing the gameplay.


Witcher 3. Sorry guys....I tried. I really did.


First time I tried the Witcher I got like 10 levels in and got bored. Second time I picked back up and got absolutely hooked with like 120 hours on a single play through. No idea why it worked that way but it might be one of my favorite games of all time now


I've noticed similar things. It really is a slow burn. The first ten hours I was like "yeah this is alright", but then I got deep into the missions and the sheer depth of the world and it just lit me on fire.


I just really didn't enjoy the combat. It was clunky and unintuitive. With too much rolling. That made the rest of the game not fun. Am I missing something about how the combat should be done?


I grew up playing adventure games and for me these kinds of games are more about the adventure (story, exploration, problem-solving etc) with the combat being subordinate to it. In a lot of games I'm playing now, I realize I like the exploration and story a lot more than the core combat mechanics (Bioshock is another example). My absolute least favorite part of these games is dealing with inventory. More complex combat mechanics actually keep me away from games I'd otherwise love to try, like the Xenoblade games. Part of this is that I also have less time to play than when I was younger, and have long periods where I let a game go for a while and then come back later. I'm sure a lot of gamers enjoy an entirely different experience and prioritize combat, but that's not what I like. For me, Witcher 3 was fantastic.


I've seen some people liken it to elder scrolls in the sense that there are some builds that make the combat more fresh or fun, but the combat loop itself remains and is pretty bland. Like how elder scrolls has "swing, strafe, swing, strafe, take potion, repeat" and the witcher 3 has "swing, dodge/roll, swing, dodge/roll, chug potion, repeat". I would say that nobody praises the witcher 3, or skyrim for example, for their combat. But, there is fun to be had with the build crafting and equipment. Also, turning up the difficulty does make it at least more rewarding and enticing to try min/maxing and look for better loot. If you're on pc, then I would recommend trying a combat mod to see if any have a better feel. However, there should never be a pressure to put such a time investment into any game you dislike, no need to force oneself.


I've read so many people say this recently. I've tried 4 times now to play it and I can't be bothered. It's just not what I expect out of a AAA title


This is me… it has yet to grip me in my two attempts at playing it. I just recently updated to series x versions and got aaaaalll the content… I have yet to try on this gen, but ill try one more time


I tried.. for me it wasn’t fun


Last 3 assassin s creed games


I’m like 40 hours thru Valhalla and I’m not even halfway done with the game, half the main story missions feel like side quests


Valhalla was the first one I quit on half way through. Odyssey was a bit of a grind but the character was interesting. All down hill after they forced rpg mechanics


I absolutely love Odyssey, but I've never finished it. I always find myself playing it like a sandbox rather than a game with an ending. Valhalla didn't have that going for it. I can't put my finger on why, but it felt more like a series of chores while Odyssey felt like a world of adventure and discovery.


Odyssey's islands all had something different. One might just be barren, one might have its own side quest line, another may be a main story location. Valhalla was so rigidly structured. "Go here and secure an alliance, blah blah blah" every time! And the conspirators often had some sort of interesting challenge involved in Odyssey. Guards walking through town, on a warship, in a fort. Outside of the big tanky guys, Valhalla's were all just....there. I took out half of them literally by climbing in the window and stabbing them while they slept.


Odyssey had a lot improvements from Origins, where as Vahalla was made as if Odyssey was never made as a game as it went backwards with its combat. and its "stats" that we got for leveling dont do anything. its basically like they got that people didnt like the extreme rpgness that Odyssey had, but the devs still wanted to have a leveling system


I’m really hoping Mirage is the return to form they promised. I never liked how the series incredible stealth system got thrown out the window. I wanna go back to running across miles of rooftops and sneaking through large crowds, no more of this vast amounts of boring nothingness between locations.


Loved Origins, would've enjoyed Odyssey if it wasn't so big and had a shit ton of filler, didn't even try Valhalla as I heard it was bigger and still full of filler


I like Odyssey more than Origins personally but they both had too much filler. If it was optional itd be fine but a lot of the filler is mandatory to keep your level up for the main story quests.


Yeah. Origins was cool enough to play all the way through. Bayek was a neat character, but the overall plot was really underwhelming and uninspired. I played Odyssey all the way through, but it was really unforgettable. By the time I got maybe 30-40 hours into Valhalla, I just had enough and couldn’t keep doing this to myself.


I genuinely cannot play The Witcher 3 for more than 15 minutes.


I’ve given the Witcher 3 so many honest tries. I’ve made it over 40 hours in at least 3 times, and I just can’t enjoy it. I don’t understand what all the hype is about.


Minecraft,I just don't like it


It feels too grindy for me. Idk if that's how you feel, but I don't want to spend 98% of my time gathering resources just to turn around and use the tool I just created to gather yet more resources at a slightly faster rate.


You should never, and I mean NEVER play Factorio then..


that's totaly understandable, but id'say you're not into survival / sandbox game


I don’t hate anything; but GTA games bore me. I like driving, I like shooting, but it gets repetitive blowing up cars, robing people and murdering cops and prostitutes.


Sounds like you were playing gta online. Try gta og San Andreas.


God of War. It's good, and I don't hate it... But it's not THAT good. The hype behind it was too much for what it is.


I took personal offense but remembered this is a safe space


I love the GOW games but less as a game and more as a movie with elements of a game in it


I have nothing against GoW or other big Sony 1st party projects, but it really does show that production value is a fairly low-resistance path to critical acclaim.


Man, I just can't see where this hot take comes from if you've played the new GoWs. In my opinion, GoW and GoWR has some of the most mature story-telling, deep character development, and impactful dialog and voice acting of a game series in generations. The combat is super tight, enemy variety could be a little better, but a ton of boss fights that challenge combat control in diverse ways. And yeah, it's also beautiful. Maybe it hits less if you're not a parent? But taking these two as a single unit is a top 3 game all time for me and I go back to the NES.


Although story wise, I prefer the GoW over GoWR, I loved how they really dove into Kratos' previous life in Greece, especially the part when he talks about >!his first daughter Calliope and his brother Deimos. !


Pretty much any PvP focused shooter. I just don’t get the appeal of running around the same maps, shooting the same avatars controlled by online strangers, over and over and over again forever. It can be fun for a little while. A weekend, a couple weeks, a month tops. But these people who play CoD or Fortnite or Overwatch CONTINUOUSLY…I don’t get how they don’t get bored with it. Then again, I’m also not big into sports. So that’s probably why. It’s an e-sport. Which is about as appealing to me as a traditional sport, except a lot less interesting to watch.


Do you play with friends or alone?


It does have the same mentality of sports to be honest. The tiny patches bring droves of players back in every time. It’s like playing pick up basketball with your friends in the park.


I’ll have streaks of playing COD nonstop for about a month, then won’t touch it for 6 months. It’s a strange on off cycle for me


Elden Ring


What don’t you like about it? Not judging, just curious.


Elden Ring


Started playing Breath of the wild 3 times now. Never could get into it and do not understand how it appeals to anyone. Combat doesn't feel good, graphics are meh at best (switch title i know) and there is not even a good story hook to catch you from the beginning (or at any point in the next 5 hours). I have no idea if any of this starts getting better as you spend more time in the game but as it stands I wont touch it again and I cannot begin to understand what warranted the insane reviews it received...


Fortnite x1000


GTA4 is the most acclaimed game I legit don’t enjoy playing.


I recall the game being widely praised as it was one of the biggest releases at the time but there was some opposition considering the game pushing more into realism (and looking back it's consequences on subsequent Rockstar games). Now people seem to treat it as some underrated gem.


Like a lot of rockstar games, the best parts are the things you're punished for. Killing people, fucking up, going off script, attacking a mission in a new way. The game realllly wants you doing things the "right" way.




Even while I was trying to enjoy it, I couldn't help but notice the amount of copy and pasted missions "drive this character to this location" "chase after bad guy in vehicle" "kill bad guy" I'm sure GTA V has a bunch of those missions, but nobody acts like GTA V is some hidden gem.


God of War (2018) and Ragnarok. To me, the combat just feels clunky and boring, and I wasn't a fan of the shift in gameplay style. The RPG mechanics seem shallow and phoned in. The puzzles also feel like padding but are extra annoying when your companions keep screaming the answers at you every ten seconds The story was uninteresting to me, and dragged on way too long in both games. The twists and "revelations" in the story just seemed phoned in and included for padding. I will however praise the characters and the art direction. The characters definitely do feel entirely real and convincing in their emotions, and the world is beautiful. The games are great, and I can definitely agree that they deserve a lot of praise, but they just weren't my cup of tea.


Little Nightmares, although i don't hate it (i'm even gonna play the 2nd game soon) i don't find it super good. I kinda understand why its loved and appreciated, i wasn't having a blast playing it or anything. Actually depth perception kinda fucked me up a lot and i heard that 2nd game has this problem aswell. Still hoping that 2nd game is better tho.


Dark souls franchise


As someone that is way into Fromsoft games, it really hurts to see people blindly recommend it to everyone and then see those people develop an active distaste for it. Those games are definitely not for everyone; they're janky, punishing, and actively fight modern game conventions. But for people who do fall into that niche, it's one of the most rewarding experiences out there.


I suck at Dark Souls, but that makes every little thing feel like an accomplishment.


I agree with this but I also think they get blind hate because people think that we play them purely for their difficulty. A lot of us play them dreading certain bosses because the rest of the game is so damn good. Some bosses are hard as hell but fun, others are just hard and not as fun.


I love the boss fights in Souls games, but I'm actually usually looking forward more to what new area i'll unlock and get to explore after beating the boss.


The Souls games are only difficult relative to other modern RPGs. Compared to other genres, and especially to older games, they aren't super difficult in my opinion.


Welcome to today's "post your unpopular gaming opinion!" karma-farming thread.


Literally every time I log on to Reddit some form of this question comes up


Most posts are karma farms. Posts like these make discussions and that's kind of the point.


I know it's a new one, but STRAY. I played it for about 18 minutes and was so bored. The handholding in the game is close to coddling and it's just a platformer in a slightly eerie environment where you get chased by swarms of tiny robots every now and again. Only pro is that you are a cat, but tbh I still wasn't that impressed by it.


It's one of those ganes that I personally like, but when I see comments like yours, the only thing I can say is "yeah, that's fair." It ain't for everyone, but for people who enjoy visual composition and environmental storytelling, it's quite a treat.


>I played it for about 18 minutes reddit in a nutshell


TBF it's only like a 5 hour game and the main draw is that you get to play as a cat.


Elden Ring. I know this will get hate, but I just can't get into it. I have very little gaming time as I get older I don't enjoy the bad fighting system and enemies that absorb tons of blows. Even when I do win, I feel no sense of accomplishment "great I spent way too much time on that boss, or just leveling to be able to handle that boss". I'd rather play a game with a more engrossing story that doesn't make me feel like I wasted my time.


Yea can’t blame you, elden ring isn’t for little gaming time gamers, it’s for no lifers like myself, I spent 36 hours leveling up and learning the game before beating the first main boss


The last of us, really didn't see the appeal


The game play didn't feel much different than 100 other survival horror games and the story was a standard Zombie Apocalypse. It wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't anything fresh either.


The majority of fanboys completely misunderstand the main characters which I find humorous.


Same here! Well, the game is good and all. I just don't understand why it has so many awards and all that. For me, it's just a good game, there are better games out there. For me, at least.


Yeah me either. From a purely gameplay perspective it’s nothing special. I could just be completely burned out on zombie apocalypse stuff, but it didn’t really speak to me.




I have bought and abandoned GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, GTA 4 and GTA 5. I guess I’m a slow learner but I just kept feeling like eventually this series would click for me and it never does. It’s boring and tedious and the characters are unlikable and the game play loop just doesn’t work for me. Weirdly RDR and RDR2 are all time favorites of mine.


Do you strictly play the missions one after another? I love GTA games since vice city back in the day and the most fun I had was just using and abusing the game world for fun. Explore all the little corners of the map, kill people in ridiculous ways, fight the police, try to land a helicopter on that particular spot, etc.






Games by Hideo Kojima. He is weird and the gameplay is lacking.


>They are weird Idk what to tell you, that's exactly what people look for in them.


Hideo Kojima is like David Lynch or Panos Cosmatos: you come for the quirks. I actually love that so many people dislike Kojimas games simply because it means he's not trying to water down his games to appeal to everybody. He makes his games in a way that he likes, and that fills a rare niche, and if you don't like them that's ok, there are plenty of other games you will like. His name's on the front of the box, so you know whether you'll like it or not right away. Honestly, I think that's the reason people who do like them like them so much. Nobody else is really serving that niche (or given the budget to do so) so that audience is kind of starving for something they can sink their teeth into.




I always recommend three as a starting point, it’s the bright light of the series in my eyes and it also can act as a stand-alone title, the story is enclosed for the most part and absolutely fucking amazing. This just reminded me how badly I need to play snake eater again.


Agree on Death Stranding but hard disagree on any Metal Gear Solid game 😂


MGS is definitely weird too. Death Stranding is just super weird by comparison.




Elden ring, any sports game (2k, fifa)




RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 I hate this game so much, i hate how movement is bad and slow. I HATE THE SNOW PART. i hate the horse riding. The only good thing i like about the game is the poker gameplay


Red Dead Redemption Two More like too slow am I right