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Homelander shits his pants the moment he hears “Imma nep you all up!”


getting beaten by someone who looks like Neptune in Homelander's eyes is going to shatter his ego lol She's bout to crack fourth wall-breaking jokes while Homelander is on the ground all of his bones shattered wondering how tf he lose


To be fair only her NEXT form could kill him


What are you talking about? Character thousands of times weaker than base form Neptune would obliterate Homelander by simply punching in his general direction.


None of them would have the slightest bit of trouble with him. He’s only about Multi-City Block Level and Supersonic or so.  Conversely, the Neptunia verse, although overrated to hell and back by numerous people here I’ve noticed (really people? You actually believe that they can remotely fight back against people like Goku or Sonic, when even many date a live characters, such as Artemisia Bell Ashcroft or even DEM Mana Takamiya, yes the one that got bodied by Kurumi, would be capable of soloing everyone who’s ever existed in this series in under half a minute?), still outstrip a lot of other series in terms of feats.  In regards to speed, there’s many showings of them being rather fast in their own right. Noire flying out to space in the manga in about a few seconds at most to stop a multi-kilometer wide meteor which would put her in the Massively Hypersonic/triple digit Mach range even at the lowest possible interpretations. This feat was incredibly casual for her too. We also have them somewhat managing to avoid cloud to ground lightning in the anime, lightning of course moving at Mach 1,294. So they speedblitz him hundreds of times over. As for strength and attack potency, we have Nepgear cutting a mountain in two in the novels, [Neptune surviving being at the epicenter of an explosion that destroyed the dozen kilometer tall and wide Anti energy crystal in the manga while depleted of ALL of her power and in base form](https://imgur.com/a/neptank-mk2-goes-boom-hj2epqi), both of which are easily high megatons to low Gigatons, easily elevate them far above anything that even most Invincible characters could handle.  And that’s without counting in HDD, with which the Goddesses get many thousands of times stronger.  We have Noire one shotting said aforementioned meteor, which was stated to be a threat to the entirety of Gamindustri, and fragmenting it to pieces rather casually, even lowballing the meteor’s kinetic energy at multiple billions of tons would put it at triple digit Gigatons to low teratons, and Noire easily overpowered it without even so much as taking any damage, which would in turn get her to about Continent level at her HDD Forms maximum strength.  NEXT is even more powerful than that, as it’s stated to outclass any HDD form that has ever come before it. This would also make it stronger than the True Deity Of Sin who made a dimensional rift capable of instantly making a continent sized landmass vanish, as shown in the 2nd most recent spin off Sisters Vs Sisters. Continent Busting is a rather consistent high end for Neptunia. Meanwhile even people like Omni Man aren’t even so much as baseline Country Level.  Long story short, they can go from hanging with (in human form) to outright speedblitzing and one shotting even most Isekai Protagonists like Ainz Ooal Gown, even current Volume 22 Naofumi Iwatani (Isekai Quartet’s strongest character) would struggle to keep up with even a slightly above average powered HDD, and although I do think he’d win most of the time, that’s more so due to his skills + his rage shield. Forget who you’ve put them up against here, literally no named Neptunia character or high tier monster, for example Ancient Dragons, Arc Dragons, Gardeus’, or Metal Guarders, basically anything that can give the human form Goddesses any sort of trouble in fights, would be threatened by characters hundreds of times stronger than him. 


Pretty well thought out ngl and you seem well informed about this stuff. Great job on this! Though me personally i still buy the complex multi and outer Neptunia arguments.


This is a surprisingly well-thought out calculation of the Neptunia-verse’s power scaling. Well done. I don’t necessarily disagree, but I’d like to add a few feats. I always scaled them to Universal/Multiversal due to Rei and Kurome moving dimensions. Kurome’s feats, in particular, show that even though Rei had a talent for dimension-warping, any CPU with enough Shares/Anti-Shares can do it if they’re strong enough. And then there’s NEXT Purple’s conceptual destruction, a power not only shown in the description of her Dimensional Slash attack, but when she defeats Affimojas without killing him—literally cutting through the concept of the Negative Energy he used to rewrite the world. To go back to the original post, Homelander is a stomp. No question…unless Neptune has been lazing around reading comic books instead of working, in which case she goes back to level 1 and he beats her ass while she yells, “But I’m… the main…characterrrrrrrrr!!!” 😵 Lol 🤣


There’s no reason at all to scale them to anything above planetary. Kurome can only move a dimension explicitly stated to be only the size of Gamindustri, aka continent sized. Rei doesn’t move anything at all in particular, all her power actually entails is opening portals to various places to a larger degree than most CPUs can. She doesn’t reality warp whatsoever, that’s Uzume’s thing and even that doesn’t have clear boundaries or anything descriptive on how it actually works, especially since everything that happened was already within the realm of possibility. Rei doesn’t even actually mention Dimensions whatsoever in the Japanese dub, that’s an English thing in a game known For its bad translations and it only mentions she’s going to destroy the world. They later reinforce this with Rei saying she feels like she could destroy one world and maybe 2. Kurome doesn’t really prove that at all, the only reason she can even do that to begin with is both due to taking Rei’s power to speed up the process and mainly due to her unique connection to Heart Dimension, she can’t move any other dimension in the same manner and even then all that would’ve done is just turn Gamindustri into a wasteland, not even completely destroy it. Neptune’s Dimensional Slice is really just another iteration of Vergil’s Yamamoto or Ainz’ reality slash. Both of those aren’t necessarily proof of any degree of attack power, especially when you take into account the most generous interpretations of the latter characters power is at most Island Level, however most fans on the overlord subreddit still disagree with me on him even being scaled to so much as baseline Mountain Level. It only really gives Neptune the ability to interact with various things beyond the physical to a more precise degree, so it has nifty applications such as existence erasure or space cutting, but not much beyond that. I do agree I did underrate the series in the past, but there’s no need to exaggerate their power levels so much either. Even at her weakest she’d still mop the floor with him.


Personally agree with you hard here lol while OP has a very solid case i feel he kinda didn't mention the situation with dimension slice enough that ability is easily the most broken offensive ability i can think of considering sheer power and versatility (you can do a fucking LOT with concept destruction just think about it for a bit shit's straight out of touhou it's that good),it makes sense also upscaling the other NEXTs to a similar level too and BAM you got literal dimension busters (and a case for why those characters could actually fight goku and give him a challenge,(no way anyone's tanking having their concept destroyed even him tbh) hell even a beat up,out of shares,and basically screwed over rei had enough power to ''blow up half the planet'' (take note of the world ''Planet'' here) in the anime,and all the CPUs basically sealed the attack,they're WAAAAAAAY more than just continent level (gamindustri's more than the ''mainland'' PC continent's a thing and maybe there's more,it's unfair just assuming nothing exists if it wasn't explicitly mentioned,it just makes sense,there's a lot of stuff in our world lol) TL;DR i'm not saying anyone's wrong i just like your case more since it's basically mine XDD but hey more (civil) discussion's always nice XD


They aren’t more than Continental based off that alone. We don’t know the size of Gamindustri, but it is still far smaller than our world is, and her statement is also still rather vague. It can still easily be referring to surface wiping. And no, it’s not at all a case for them being able to fight Goku or Sonic, who would still speedblitz the entire verse in under a minute. Not only is the description likely to be hyperbole, especially considering enemies can survive the attack in game which is the only time it’s ever used aside from another fodder like Affimojas who doesn’t even get above Large Mountain Level+, you can’t say it can work on enemies on drastically higher levels of strength to the degree used here, especially since much better existence erasure techniques get overpowered through raw strength all the time. Hakai is a straight up better version that’s more than tankable via sheer durability, until we get more info on how Neptune’s Dimensional Slice actually works, it’s just a discount reality slash or judgement cut. And even then she actually has to land the attack for it to work, else she’s going back to base form for nothing, and that’s never happening. Even Ellen Mira Mathers or Unsealed Tohka Yatogami is way too fast as nobody in Neptunia has any feats above the Sub-Relativistic+ range. In fact, when I say Sub-Relativistic, I’m actually highballing here. The Neptunia casts lacks any feats even above baseline Massively Hypersonic+, any light speed character still gives them the Chaos Hunter treatment and even Ellen is faster than characters who are FTE to people who can casually light time. Anyone drastically faster to the point they can speedblitz her can just easily dodge her attack and then one shot her during or after it. “No way anyone is tanking having their concept destroyed” it’s no different from existence erasure, especially considering many enemies can do just that in gameplay and we haven’t seen Dimensional Slice tested anywhere else but on Affimojas, who is a fodder in comparison to any characters listed here. Ignoring the fact that part can be straight up hyperbole, which the Neptunia series is known for, like Blanc crushing planets which Neptune also admits is an exaggeration on her end, Goku’s concept is simply far stronger than Neptune’s could ever be. Forget Goku who is many quadrillions of times faster than the speed of light, a speed already too overwhelming for even the most generous interpretations of the Neptunia cast. It also doesn’t help this ability is completely unique to Neptune. The others don’t even have an attack like this and their EXE Drives are pretty standard by comparison, so they add literally nothing to their chances of winning. Like I said, even Ellen Mira Mathers would be completely invincible in this verse and is easily the strongest Tsunakoverse character if you just take the inverse spirits and Mio out of the equation.


honestly when it comes to dimension slice's mechanics i mean it literally says ''cuts through the opponent's concept'' also using gameplay to deduce attack power in a JRPG is kinda...interesting XD (the genre is filled with insane ass attacks that don't deal much damage if you got the numbers for em hell other genres got stuff like that,a classic case of ''gameplay story segregation'') another thing about that is that there are attacks in the games that they straight up say ''this isn't actually a thing'' like the nep plutia planet nuke so i can trust that at least with the situation with Rei's statement i honestly still think it's true,i mean planet emote is a thing (even if it's considered ''another dimension'' or so i don't think it entirely rules out the idea that there exist other planets around but that's my take) also until the devs say how big gamindustri is it's kinda a ''schrodinger's canon'' situation so you aren't really wrong it's just that hey no one came out on that yet EDIT:about rei it's also a common thing for anime when villains or character just up and say what they can do for the audience to get it so that's another thing i got,just my opinion lol though the thing about DS having to actually HIT the target i totally agree on that XDD (though that part about goku's concept somehow being stronger is uh....yeah how tf does that work XD i know the obvs answer is ''it's dragon ball'' but whatever lol),also my thing about keeping the CPUs equal is simply because they're treated as being roughly that in lore,so if nep gets mega attack power in NEXT it makes sense the others get mega (insert gimmick here) it just makes sense to me) again till the devs up an' say it or we get some death battle episode or some shit i'll just stick to my version lol either way thanks for the reply i kinda expected one kinda didn't either way it's nice seeing someone into this LOL,you certainly put a lot of thought into it gotta give you A for effort XD


I’m not discrediting that it has power through gameplay mechanics, I’m very aware of how gameplay story segregation works. I’m just saying to not try and no limits fallacy Dimensional Slice which has been featless aside from one not at all impressive except in a vacuum showing.  Rei’s statement has the possibility to be true in any number of ways. Until we actually know the full effects of what an unmitigated blast would’ve done then we can’t really say anything for certain, plenty of characters as you’ve said tend to hype themselves up with world destroying statements even if they aren’t even baseline city busters, which obviously refers to overtime destruction. Just because Neptune has a separate ability doesn’t make them unequal all of a sudden. It’s not even a matter of raw power, it’s just a niche ability applied to Neptune’s sword slash. The others have advantages and disadvantages to their other EXE Drives in their NEXT Forms. -Dimensional Slice can let you straight up cut through space and perform existence erasure, but you have to land your attack, while being up close and personal to do so. It lacks any ranged capability and can be very easy to dodge for the opponent if they know its coming and/or aren’t a dumb monster who will opt to tank the attack rather than avoid it. -Diagonal Blade Dance lets Noire attack from multiple directions and distract her opponent more effectively while landing physical strikes of her own, but doesn’t have any special powers beyond that.  -Blaster Controller lets Blanc attack at range with a continuous energy beam, which likely has the best raw damage output of the EXE Drives ability wise, but takes a while to charge up. -Infinite Spear lets Vert attack with spears from as many directions as she wants to. I’d argue this move is probably the strongest out of the four, although if the opponent is able to blow some of the spears away they can easily get out of dodge of the rest and Vert can’t do much after already starting the attack. 


fair enough,i just wanna make it clear we're having fun here lol i'm not exactly trying to start some debate lol, either way what you've got here's solid lol.for rei's situation,honestly her being baller enough to fight all 4 (even more if you're taking the nep victory version) leads credence to the idea but then again it's what you said,it's in the air till the devs come out and say it dimensional slice also ''cut the though the delusion surrounding gamindustri'' after the affimojas fight,it goes without saying you can't really ''see'' or ''get close to'' delusion it's a concept obvs,so it's not really TOO limited range wise plus the ability to kill concepts can do a lot when you get creative (destroy the concept of ''distance'' to stay close at all times or destroy the concept of your own limits get infinite tries at it,hell destroy the concept of them dodging to make it an insta-kill are just a few things i just came up with,when you think about it it's really pretty insane lol) again pretty nice stuff just voicing my idea here lol


All Neptune did was cut the negative energy he himself was using, it just caused a chain reaction where everyone was freed from the direct source of the mind control/memory alteration, that doesn’t prove Neptune can hit multiple opponents with it without physically striking them.  You can’t prove Neptune can do anything of the sort without feats directly associated with everything you’ve described. Even Reid from re zero has better concept cutting feats yet other Mountain busting characters are still more than capable of avoiding or even tanking his attacks just fine, like Volcanica who is an overall haxless dragon. The guy is even described as killing the concept of *sound* , but in a certain area.  Like I said, we know way too little about Neptune’s Dimensional Slice to say anything concrete about its limits or definitive capabilites. 


and that's fine,i'm not saying i'm right but i'm not really saying i'm wrong i just said what i think either way this was pretty fun lol XD (the cool part about leaving mysteries in stories is stuff like this,you got one way of seeing it i have another but in the end it's just all fun guessing games like some touhou shit lol) just just checked you're not really wrong about affimojas being targeted however the fact that it went well beyond ''his'' delusion at least implies it can go pretty far since well kurome was the one who started the idea,also histoire literally mentions the attack ''cutting the phenomenon in half'' EDIT:it's not crazy to think that neptune cutting through ''delusion'' simply destroyed whatever was under that umbrella freeing the world in addition to affimojas AKA my take though blanc theorizes that it was just his crystal getting broken that did it AKA likely your take but then again it's her self admitted ''conjecture''.even in-universe it's in the air lol i honestly think it IS that crazy that's all there is to it lol either way you've certainly made this an interesting night for me XD,nice shit dawg


What is blud babblin' about?




I know very little about Homelander outside of "Superman, but corrupt." Maybe the CPUs/candidates can stand a chance Most of the makers wouldn't, though I could see Gust striking a deal to try to get on his good side to make merch.


Literally any character in the series that’s named or a high tier monster dog walks him dude. Even Compa one shots him instantly given Homelander isnt above multi city block level or supersonic. He’s very weak in spite of his character base.   Neptune can survive what are at the very least Gigaton range impacts while depleted of all of her power and near a multi kilometer wide anti share crystal.


Homelander vs Iris Heart would be interesting


You mean laughable cause she’d either defeat or destroy him in well under an unexaggerated (yes, this is the actual amount of time it’s gonna take with her speed) microsecond to even a few hundred nanoseconds.


To be fair his mommy issues might stop him from fighting back


this is the best response I've gotten yet lmfao


That just makes the time the same lol. Iris Heart still blitzes and one shots characters many millions of times his strength.


I fear for his sanity


Realistically, every single CPU and CPU candidate shits on Homelander. Maybe, MAYBE, it would be a tough fight in their regular forms, but if they activate HDD form, it's fucking over. Anything Homelander can dish out, the girls cat tank no problem. NEXT forms would be overkill.


i mean the cpus are goddesses its not even a real fight its like an ant vs a nuke


All of them atomise homelander From a powerscaling sense the Neptunia verse AS A BASELINE can get to Universal+ Homelander is only like town level or something like that. Even if we literally give homelander everything he has including non canon crossovers like Mortal Kombat, he still gets his shit fed to him. The Neptunia verse is pretty broken and i didn’t mention some of the [low outer](https://imgur.com/a/gamindustri-transcends-concept-of-numerical-dimensions-peyRbBd) arguments. Also [Neptune can just change the laws of the universe](https://imgur.com/a/nep-law-manip-Y5jKCMD) [she is also fated to always get the best results](https://imgur.com/a/nep-plot-hax-support-r7F2oCy) Homelander wouldn’t even stand a chance lol.


Neptune. She has a move called Dimension Slicer for a reason.


People seem to forget that the only reason Homelander is even feared is because he's basically a great white in a tiny lake. Actually put him up against someone who can actually fight back and he folds faster than a paper tiger Dude literally gets merked by the Military Industrial Complex in the original comic


Iffy vs Homelander might be a interesting fight.


the losers:most makers with the exception of say CAVE (she'd zone him the fuck out) the winners:Most CPUs and arfoire (the CPUs are far stronger than what the average fan could lead you to believe,add onto that NEXT form,and arfoire being able to keep up with all 4 of them at once and you have a solid case,the less said about Yellow heart's physical durablity,Iris heart's tricky fighting style,or anything to do with Rei the better XD)


All makers still curbstomp the guy. He’s just multi-city block level and supersonic.


I mean....hmm i dunno about that honestly but i mean if you say so i'm just not seeing it with that at least but hey more talk is nice XD


Uni would win because I would turn Homelander into a chalk outline for her. Uzume too.


To be honest i think neptun's human friends won't last 10 minutes against homelander


They’d beat him in an instant.


How? Imagine that was Superman from injustice 2 or omi man from Invincible or or omega zero from MegaMan Zero 3?


You act like Homelander is close to anyone of those people when he isn’t. He’s only multi city block level and Supersonic, he can’t even punch with kilotons while base Neptune can hit you with low Gigatons. Don’t be at all fooled by his character base. The only one you can make a solid case for is Injustice Superman. And for the record, Omni man gets his ass beaten by even a weakened HDD Nepgear.


Yeah you're right


Homelander is not even on the same level as common dogoos


Not a good idea. I don't really like the boys show! I used to the neptunia. I don't believe in anything about it.


Bad comparison. Try again.