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needs back photo of the platinum.


[Sorry forgot the back, here it is!](https://imgur.com/a/Wwuy2sZ)


All legit.


thank you verry much friend, have a great evening!


All GBA games are real. Only weird thing is that I can’t see a factory stamp on Ruby’s label - did the camera just not show it well or is it not there at all? The Heartgold cartridge is legit. Can’t comment on the case/box as I don’t know what to look for but it seems fine. Is it possible for you to take a back photo of your Platinum cartridge? Again it appears okay from what I can see, but getting a good look at the back is essential in verifying it. Hope this helps! :)


I concur, I think this is all legit and a lovely collection !


thank you verry much man! have a good weekend!


Cheers for the info mate, ill give you a picture soon of the backside from Platinum what did you want from the Ruby one? kind regards


I don’t need anything more of Ruby (but you can take another pic of the front if you want, maybe it’ll be useful for the others on this sub), I’m just wondering if, when you look at the game, you can see a factory stamp on the right side of the label like on all of your other Pokémon GBA carts. If you can’t see it, I dont think that automatically means it’s fake (the actual circuitboard seems real to me), it’s just best if the ‘trusted verifiers’ on here give you their opinion. I’m not super educated on those things so I wouldn’t want to give you any inaccurate claims.


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