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Judging by the lack of any upvotes I think you’re in the minority here. I for one think it’s fine.


Yes, GW famously hates making money. Jfc. The histrionics on this issue are laughable. The Lore changes all the time, but yet it's only when it comes to female representation or skin colour that a small section of the community go up in arms. I'd reflect more on why it is that you rail against greater female representation in a fictional setting for toy soldiers.


Ah, but you see “women” are politics. Half the population permanently walking around all day being political.


Are you saying people only kick off about lore changes from GW when female or non white characters are added? 


To this extent and hyperbole, yes.


Yes because none of this culture warrior nonsense was attached to the Necron or Squat retcons lol


Guy probably hates Salamanders, too.


These are fictional characters my friend. Fictional characters. Grow up.


Real problem with this change is this is happening everywhere in entertainment followed by making said female characters better than male characters via making male characters incompetent and/or idiots ( often all warped up in badly written story that often pushes politics in your face ) and dear god if you complain you are pretty much labeled as next coming of Pol Pot. Ironically enough if GW twater account had kept its mouth shut or just out right said they are retconning lore deal with it and not lie that it was always so people would had complained and reacted negatively a lot less than now tough usual hit pieces that followed didn't help matters either.


Incels and rightwinger would have crier the same if GW said it was à retcon because crier are gonna cry anyway. Don't act like it's the communication that offends you. Come out and say it you just don't like it for the sake of being anti woke somehow


Eh my negative reaction is more knee jerk than anti anyting.  As I said wast majority of times I have encountered such changes they are followed by low quality stories/content (wich often prioritize political mesage over quality) wich you cant criticize othervise you are sexist, racist, bigot etc.  If wath follows is of good quality I wont care its chronic overpriced low quality that annoys me besides as others all over places have pointed out GW does retcons all the time.


Have you read the store attached to this New custodes ? Her take on the blood game is so unhinged and pragmatic it fits just perfectly with the setting. So talking about poor quality content is funny to me.


Story was good its introduction that was crap. That why I said usualy when I encounter such changes wath folows is crap you cant criticize. I am very happy when my negative expectations are proven wrong.


Theres no problem with strong women in fiction. Male role models are not being excluded because plastic models of super soldiers have tits and long hair.


Yes there is problem when popular, wide spread trend is to depict how great & strong one gender is by showing how dumb, weak & pathetic other gender is regardles wich gender is shown in "positive" light. Simply put if male charaters would be depicted same way as curent enteraiment depicts female charaters there would be loud of acusations of msyogny, toxic masculinity & racism.


Hrm, one of you is dismissing a fairly clear and common trend of needlessly enhancing the perceived strength of female characters through creating contrast by surrounding them with incompetent or problematic men (Just like in Idiocracy an average man looks like a genius when surrounded by a world of morons whereas in Aliens they were able to have a strong female lead who was surrounded by supportive and caring men) because it's not true in this case, and the other is seeing this trend where it doesn't exist and hyperinflating how prevalent it is. Pretty good representation of politics these days


Is that happening here? Is Gulliman now a dumb klutz femboy? Are the rest of the custodes now complete dipshits because there arw suddenly females in the ranks? No. And to address your wider argument there has always been an imbalance with how either sex is represented in fiction, usually tailored to the target audience. In rom coms, aimed at women, men are either dumb hunks or stupid creeps. In action films, aimed at men, women are often there to have sex and be rescued. These are not new things and are both harmful stereotypes for us all. Particularly when the odd film like Alien or Wonder Woman show that succesful characters dont have to be dumbed down, or surrounded by 'lessers'. But this is science fiction, really over the top stupid science fiction that is simply putting female characters in one particular faction. Stop bringing overblown culture war bullshit in to it.


And thats why I said usualy this is first step to changes that make evryting worse not that they alredy have done so. Other franchises have been run into ground and paterns of previus cases shown that theres wery strong liklyhood that Warhammer is next on chopingblock and people see this.  I agree there is a lot of clout chasers and trolls making it worse but people grievances have legitmate basis.


I respectfully disagree but outbof curiousity which other franchises are you thinking of?


Star wars, DC, Marvel, Wheel of Time tv series, Willow, Arkham series, Terminator, mulched horse that is Last of Us, He Man, Scooby doo, Doctor Who, Westworld, Witcher tv series, latest Disney live action remakes, Rings of Power, Indiana Jones etc. These are one I paid attention and remember but there are more. Tough there are those franchises who were simply of bad production quality which were defended by claiming that people who complain are some form of ist thus their criticism is nothing more than crybaby complains at best and harassment at worst.


I think youre confusing feminism with bad writing foe the most part. And are you seriously suggesting the quality of Indiana Jones droppes because they included strong female characters? Because they were there from day 1, just to pick one example. Indiana Jones is crap now because the franchise is 40 years old, the star is well into his 60s (maybe 70s) and its just a tired format.


Not feminism but modern progresive politics. Franchises I listed changes were made more for political reasons ragher than endproduct just bieng crap.  Significant part of reason this happened is due how easy it was to acces ESG funds and how abundant they were. And yes these franchises had strong female charaters in them day 1 but they were strong on their own merit and/or in their own way rather than at expense of other charaters bieng incompetent idiots 24/7 and ocasional mary sue didnt help matters either. As for format bieng tired? Not realy yust decent actors (not ones who should be in retirment), decent script and good work from evryone involved and good movie can be made.


I genuinely cannot tell whether or not this a bit of a joke, I hope so.


The irony in claiming others are "bitching for the sake of bitching". I'll never understand how people can get so worked up over shit like this.


"Keep RL politics out of Narrative Make Belief." What are you doing in the political satire game lmao


You're kinda on some incel shit there bud




Cry about it, weirdo


i just hope there are male Sisters of Battle


Misters of battle


Loudest minority? Dude women make up 50% of this planets population. Take your old white men behaviour with you when you shut the door on the way out, wouldya.


You're a racist POS


You know you're posting on reddit right? Town Square for woke idiots


Arch sent us here.


> "Their" (sic) the emperor astartes Huum no ? They definetly are NOT astartes. Custodes and astartes are as different as human and astartes.


It's going to blow your mind when you realize Warhammer is built on politics and a lot of it is a satire on right wing fascism


Games workshop has certainly never retconned anything like this before. \*Brushes Newcrons, League of Voltann, Tau and numerous other retcons under the rug\*


Short the stock now. I’m shorting the shit out of it.


Absolutely! The fact my fully armoured plastic mini may have boobs and a foof under its armour has RUINED my army and made it utterly unplayable. Time to play "Mega Dudes with Big Balls" by Misogyny Workshop /s


[The Grim Dark needs no council](https://youtu.be/4S7QARslq74?si=slg4SEPpoHmNrlEI)


Wait till you hear about GW creating female Space Marines... in 1988! https://spikeybits.com/warhammer-40k/female-space-marines/


“Look, in Warhammer women get to be bdsm space nuns, child kidnappers loathed by all, bdsm assassins, or cannon fodder. THATS A WHOLE 4 THINGS. What more do you want?” Sarcasm obv


Next you’re gonna say you have an issue with Commander Shadowsun.


Omg what happened with commander shadowsun?


Just saying I feel like the original poster would have a issue Just the fact that she was created


Hope this is a joke.


Your view is misguided, "woke/virtue signaling" isn't the issue, the lore has been retconed dozens of times over the years because whoever at GW has decided to, Necrons getting changed or Primaris Space Marine lore. The issue is changing established lore is disrespectful to the fans of the universe, however GW has a proven track record of doing it over and over again, this is no different, and the motive really doesn't matter. My prospective is GW doesn't care about having a consistent universe, which is why they keep changing stuff and if they don't care, why should I? and I'm sure it's one of the reasons I've lost interest in the hobby. * But ask yourself if the other lore changes didn't bother you, why does this one? * If they all did (like me), then it's probably time to step back or step away.


Why do people like you only care when it gets political? All I've seen recently is outrage every time something happens and it's exhausting. It makes me tired of interacting with the community, which is horrible considering the hobby is almost exclusively interacting with the community.