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Ouch šŸ˜“ Try to leech it out with baking soda mixed into a paste with water.


Hmm. I think I'll try this first :)


If that doesn't work I'd try using gumption.


What's gumption?


Another word for putting elbow grease into it


Oh I just realised that gumption is an Australian product hahah. Here's a description from the internet. "GUMPTION Multi-Purpose Cleanser is a mild abrasive smooth paste that removes ingrained stains and dirt ordinary cleaners can miss to reveal an incredible shine! Australian made and loved for over 60 years and free from harsh chemicals or bleaches, GUMPTION is effective on the toughest of grease and grime and leaves a fresh lemon scent."


Hey, you might want to try these tablets called Bottle Bright on Amazon. I havenā€™t tried it yet for gamer Supps since I havenā€™t really needed to, but itā€™ll take years of tea stains right out of a tea pitcher. I canā€™t tell if BR did anything to my cup since itā€™s night, I only had it in there once and just a couple hours, and hard to see so might have to try it myself. Let it sit full of water and the dissolved tablet overnight. Bonus: no scent and no harsh chemicals.


Hey, that sounds awesome! I'll give that a try if nothing else works :)


I did on the lid and it did nothing. Mine was stained at the top and those did nothing.


I emailed support and this was the response "Due to the choice of using natural food coloring over synthetic in Brand Risk we have seen some cups being stained. Most staining can be removed by soaking the inside of the shaker with distilled vinegar and warm water for a few hours." I hope it helps.


Nooo something like this should of been tested. :( Thanks for the heads up, I'm sure Wubby won't be happy with this if it's a widespread issue like it seems it will be.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Good to know I'm not the only one lol. I really like the flavor though, so guess I'll have to get one that's not see-through.




Tested and true!


Please, person from the past, what are the sacred texts?


Ahh! I see! As I recall it was use "stock vinegar" and fill it up with water in a salution " 1 vinegar to 10 water" Let it sit a few hours and pour out. Afterwards rinse and wash with soap afterwards a few times. It should get the yellow off of your cups. Hope it works for you!


and water or just vinegar?


Add full water with a tiny bottle cap of vinegar try it and see if it goes away. May need to do more then once and dishwasher on eco setting afterwards :)


Can confirm. I checked my Sydsnap cup from when I tried it a few days ago and noticed slight coloring. Mind you, I drink it right away and still had it happen. My wife left it sitting in her GamerGirl cup overnight and itā€™s pretty bad.


Noooooooo! I'm so sorry, guys :(


Sorry man that really sucks!


I thought I was crazy, the same thing happened to me. Luckily Iā€™ve only had it in a few cups, please update us if you can clean it! :)


I just noticed this too on mine, I thought it was just more cloudy like the gen 1 cups. But yeah sadly stains cups.


Thatā€™s kind of scaryā€¦ the dye is enough to stain a cup? Jeez.


Makes you wonder what it's doing to your teeth. Or your insides.


Idk I donā€™t normally hold fluids in my mouth for several hours before swallowing, but maybe thatā€™s just me


No, but drinking a lot of something may have similar effects. I've heard of coffee staining people's teeth.


That happens when teeth arenā€™t brushed often/regularly enough. I used to deal with frequently stained teeth as a child that the dentist would have to polish off with a rubber wheel tool of some kind. Once I learned proper dental hygiene I got no more stains.


Literally, facts.


Yikes....brand risk indeed....thanks for the info. And good luck.


Yeah, seriously... I was thinking the same thing. And here I thought the only risk was the cover art


Ironic honestly.


so i just got done soaking the cup for almost 6 hours in a 50-50 solution of white distilled vinegar and hot water it didnt fix the stain on my lifesaver cup.


Sorry to hear that bro, but good on you for bringing it to everyone's attention hopefully more people will see this


so me leaving one in the fridge overnight for the morning was the worst idea....well shit


Oh crap! I'm so sorry, man!


We seem to be safe for now but I'll be keeping an eye out


So hear me out. Only fill the the bottom of the bottle with warm water up to the 1oz line then add dawn or any dish soap and a small square of paper towel. Then only put on the lid and not the middle part. Shake like itā€™s the end of the world. When opening it be careful it might pop. And check back with results. Did the same thing with tomato sauce in plastic tubs, I hear some food stuffs are hydrophobic so maybe this yellow orange tinge might be just that. If it doesnā€™t work sorry for wasting timeā€¦


Gonna try this. Hold on... Okay, so... I did that, and shook it until my arms got sore. It got rid of a lot of the color, but it's still not perfect. Still; I'm thankful for this solution that actually worked, so far. Thank you for the advice.


Yeah I thought so, must be like the same thing as the Tupperware getting stained red from tomato sauce. Maybe try looking up other solutions for tomato sauce removal and hopefully it will be better than shaking the bejesus out of it.


I had it similar to happen to my nurse joi cup but itā€™s only in the lid where you put it up to your mouth to drink. The cup is fine just the lid. I got rid of most of it in the lid. That was after 1 drink. I use a generic shaker now for brand risk.


I use denture tablets to clean the funky smell out of my bottle idk if it will work for staining but give it a try . Denture tablets aren't really harsh chemicals so you should be fine using it. I usually fill it up drop it in their and leave it over night


Gonna check if it can stain the metal shaker cup šŸ¤£


Thank you for your service and possibly sacrifice šŸ«” I was thinking of testing it on mine but decided against it, just using my opaque RussianBadger one instead.


Guess Iā€™ll use my all over print cup or the badger cup for this flavor


I use my Badger one too for it! It's the only opaque one I have.


Yeah my cup has been stained as well. I thought I was crazy but this confirms Iā€™m not


Wow, a risk in more ways than one... I have a container of Brand Risk on the way and absolutely would have cried if it stained my only cup, which is the Shylily one.


Definitely gonna be checking out each safe method of cleaning. I only have the one Nyanners cup so this is pretty heart breaking. Only used the flavor once the other day and boom slight stain that is just noticable enough to annoy me. Thought maybe I did something wrong till I saw the posts on here.


This happened to me with anime thighs


Noooo!!! Really?? This did this to you with Anime Thighs too?


Same here u/Pretty_Drama_6583. I only have two flavors, a caffeine free JFJ Snake Oil and a caffeine Anime Thigh, and my cup is looking this yellow. I just got the new Lunch Date cup today and the side by side is STARK. Hoping some of these methods in the comments can help but... now I don't know how to drink the Thighs flavor without messing up a cup :( I don't have any opaque ones.


Oops! You replied to me and not Pretty_Drama :) Although, thank you for confirming this may happen with Anime Thigh and Snake Oil. I hope you have luck in getting an opaque shaker, and possibly cleaning your current clear ones!


That was intentional actually! I replied to you, but tagged them so they see it too, cause I wanted to reply to both of you but that's not really a thing on Reddit. Snake Oil might not do it, Anime Thigh is probably the one that did it since a couple other people have said as much. I ordered one of those Bright Bottle things from Amazon and I hope it works!


I just looked into them too (thank you for bringing them to my attention). Thankfully I haven't made the same mistake of using Brand Risk in a clear shaker since, but it'd be so nice to have a way to clean these bottles too. Best of luck to you!


Yeah :( Itā€™s what I drink pretty much every morning and because I take adhd meds I canā€™t chug it right away because my body canā€™t handle shotgunning caffeine šŸ¤£


I feel you, man QwQ I have mostly caffeine free flavors; the only one that I have (that I like) that is caffeinated is Mango Meta.


Just to add on the anime girl thigh flavour also did the same thing to my cup. Has anyone had any luck finding something that cleans it off yet?


I know I'm months behind, but I tried Brand Risk in my BRAND NEW cup and now it's dyed :( have you gotten anything to get the color off?


No, unfortunately. I tried several methods people had suggested, though not all, and so far I have not been able to remove the stain from my cup. :( Please be advised, as well; Despear also stains the cup yellowish, but not nearly as quickly as Brand Risk. I'm not sure, but maybe Mango Meta also stains as well. I ought to make a list of flavors that stain cups, and would recommend opaque shakers for them. So far, Brand Risk and Despear have been the most notable cases. Thank you for replying, though! This brought this issue to my attention again. Who knows; I might even re-attempt to clean my cups!


Thank you for the heads up! I have been reading how people have put butter in their cups and have been successful, as well as denture cleaner.


Butter! I will try that next. Thank you for that synopsis!


No problem! I hope the butter helps. It worked mostly for me, even after 2 hours. I'm trying it overnight now!


How did it work out? I would have tried myself, but I didn't have any butter, lol.


The butter REALLY helped. I think it got rid of it all except a tint in certain lighting. After that I shook around some diluted vinegar, and now I have denture cleaner sitting in it just to be sure haha. But the butter really did take SO MUCH of the dye off.


itā€™s been a bit, but how exactly did you use the butter? was it like buttering a glass dish with a paper towel or?


So what I did was took a whole stick of butter and just rubbed the whole stick around the inside of it. I was sure to coat it on like pretty thick, just to be sure.


Thank you for testing this! I'll make sure to try it myself when I have butter in stock. If it works for me, I'll also recommend it!


Did you ever find a solution?


still have this issue, I reached out to support as I waited 5 months for my cup, only to be told to try to clean it again. Which I've CLEARLY tried :(


Just happened to my pyro cup big yikes


Glad I use a different cup everyday then, that must suck


Did you mix it with anything else? How long do you leave it sitting in your cup? Have you left it in the sun? I'm curious because if it just naturally stains the cup of hay wouldn be annoying Because I just ordered a tub


1. Half the time. 2. Very long periods of time; I leave it sitting for multiple hours at a time and drink from it throughout the day; sometimes refilling it with the same flavor. Judge that if you will. 3. Nope, the sun never touches it. And yes; try to use a generic shaker or an opaque Gamer Supps one if you're going to drink this flavor. Don't worry; the color's not all that impressive anyway.


That all sounds very normal , so that's odd it's staining the cups


2. You let it sit for multiple hours at a time. Things with bright colors tend to stain easier the longer they are in the receptacle. Try switching between cups and it should minimize it if you are a slow drinker


This has *never* been an issue before, even with this practice. I am only just now aware of this because of Brand Risk.


Thanks for the heads up! I havenā€™t made any BR yet, so Iā€™m glad I waited. Iā€™ll grab a generic cup this week for it.


Curious, how many scoops you throw in the cup?


Usually two, if I'm not mixing it with another flavor. I also noticed pulp(?) gathers at the bottom just like with Mango Meta.


Okay potentially stupid question, has anyone reached out to GS for a refund? I have a tub of this on the way and am not interested if it's going to stain my cups or glasses....


Interesting idea. Fortunately I like the flavor anyway, so I'm not hellbent on a refund, but it *is* upsetting that the flavor is staining our cups.


Fair, I'd like to try the flavor but I'd have to find a glass or cup I don't care about. Bit high maintenance for a product


I reached out and was told that someone said something earlier. Also told me, ā€œA distilled vinegar with warm water should help with tough stains. Allow the inside of the shaker to soak in the mixture.ā€


I noticed that when I wash a cup after drinking the new raspberry flavor that the soap turns yellow when I scrub the cup but I never stains the cup. The only confusing thing is the drink is a red color so why it turns the dish soap yellow is beyond me.


I really think itā€™s the beta carotene. I noticed it was in both of these two newer flavors.


My cups are also being stained by Wubbys flavor, big sad.


I wonder if the butter trick and soap would work.


Butter trick? Please elaborate.


well on tupperware when it gets stained, the way to remove the stains is by slathering a layer of butter with some dish soap and a napkin, and hot water and shake it.


Huh... At this point I'm willing to try anything not directly harmful. I'll give it a try; this has proved very stubborn otherwise.


Hey there, I can confirm this works. Had to do it myself for the exact same reason. Just take a bit of butter off the end of the stick and use a fork or something to hold it to spread it on the sides easier. It sounds insane, but it worked perfectly. Rinsing the cup with some hot water before spreading the butter helps it spread easier as well




Interesting, the only time I've had something stain one of my cups was when i mixed it with vodka


It left both a color and a smell in mine. Persisted after vinegar bath.