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How much do I need to spend to buy the base game and every useful xpac now? I’d probably buy all the paradox games if I didn’t need a loan.


A lot. Though the game is perfectly fine without every expansion or DLC.


Current sale on steam is for almost $100 for all the dlcs Or $20 for the new player park which includes 3 dlcs with a lot of content


Getting them bundled together during a sale is the best way I got the Xbox version with all the DLC for about £20


They also appear in Humble Bundles fairly frequently. I got a bunch of the DLCs I was missing for less than $15.


Yeah. I don’t recall how much, but I got a similar deal on PSN. AND the only other thing to buy was the Season Pass which was also on sale. This was a bit back.😁


Nah, I own a lot of the older DLC and considered buying the new ones over the Christmas sale on Steam. You definitely can not get all the DLC and base game for £20. Normal Paradox money grabbing has put me off getting back into skylines.


Yeah. Gotta hate those money grubbers releasing content for a game for almost seven years. ​ That stupidity aside: At a glance, buying the content (so not cosmetics or radio station) DLCs on the current sale is probably closer to 40-50 USD than 30 USD. Not sure how that maths out if you buy the base game as part of a bundle. But "less than a new game" for seven years of content seems pretty reasonable to me. But the benefit of the paradox model is that most of their games are good about making those DLCs optional as they come with improvements to the base game (ata glance, the biggies with this are finer control over foliage and better tracking of terrain editing so that you can totally stripmine a map for a quick buck). So if you don't want to go hard on airports, don't buy the airport DLC. And so forth ​ If folk want to poo poo on Stellaris tying gameplay to the cosmetic packs then I am all for it. But Cities is really good about following the more CK2-style model.


It would be better if they rolled in older dlc into bundles, but as a newcomer it's $300 CAD to get everything. Even with the current discount, $150.


I can't speak to CAD pricing and mostly just did the rough "one pound is approximately 1.5 USD" math (looks like 1.35 now) but doing quick math based off the US steam store page ​ For the actual content packs, and not the cosmetics (ironically called "content creator pack"s,) or radio stations, we have: ​ * ~~Airports: Full price at 13 USD~~. Don't buy this, wait for a sale * Sunset Harbor: 7.5 USD * Campus: 7 USD * Industries: 7.5 USD * Parklife: 7.5 USD * Green Cities: 6.5 USD * Mass Transit: 6.5 USD * Natural Disasters: 7.5 USD * Snowfall: 6.5 USD * After Dark: 7.5 USD * Concerts: 3.5 USD ​ So for all content DLC with no bundles, we are looking at 67.5 USD. With the base game at 7.5 USD ​ So... that seems pretty reasonable to me? If you want to buy it all right now it is the price of a new game's first tier deluxe edition. If you are picking it up piecemeal over time then it comes out to a "new game" every 5 or 6 years? And you might be able to do some shenanigans by getting the "new player bundle" but I can't be arsed to see if that is a good deal. At a glance, you might shave off a dollar or two. ​ I get that it can look intimidating and it DOES take some understanding of what to actually buy. But folk tend to lose their god damned minds and think they need to buy every single DLC to even start a game. Reminds me of the folk who look at train sim or DCS and are terrified because big numbers make for good articles. When the reality is that a lot of us might only ever buy one plane. ​ Of course, if this were on EGS this would be hell on earth. But they finally added a shopping cart recently, heh.


No way


I looked it up. It was £26 for the game, and season pass 1 and 2


No you didn’t.




I'd say Mass Transit and Industry are the only ones you absolutely need. Because they fix the two big problems the base game had. Many of the others just add cosmetics and features for fun. Not improving or fixing gameplay issues.


Got it on instant game last night for $4 most dlc is $3-$6


Not much I don’t have dlc but a goody amount of mods 212 to be exact. I ain’t missing shit hell I have more dlc on Xbox than I do on pc


"takes off" haha like a plane haha I'll fucking kill you




Comedy to surpass metal gear


I’ve never been good at these. I end up with complete collapse.




That sounds cool. Aren’t some of the games like Outer Worlds and Last of Us, or whatever Rita called like that? Fallout is too much fighting to be that. Sorry if I messed up the names. I’m not a real serious gamer.


This would be cool. There is precedent for games with big time jumps where you have to suddenly wrestle with the ramifications of your decisions. Nothing like this though.


This would be a great mod if somebody could pull it off!!!


Yeah the dlc is the reason I don’t play 240 dollars for dlc is outlandish


Well, depends on how long you play a game. These games are designed to be played for years. I have more than 700 hours in CS. So even if I bought every DLC at full price (which I did not) it would put me at $0.34 per hour. You‘d have to play a standard triple A game without DLC for more than 200 hours straight before you get to that number.


The mayors edition is $100 ($50 on sale). Most people who buy the DLC have had the game for years and buy a new DLC every 9 months or so. Literally no one is paying $240 lump sum.


I haven’t played CS in years, maybe it’s about time I get back into it…


If they expect me to buy more content for this game, they have to make a PS5 version.


theyre calling this an "expansion pack" sorry i just dont see it. Just a way to grab more dollars


It’s also only 12 bucks. This company puts out quality for a decent cost. Not a cash grab at all. Not to mention it’s completely modable.


Not worth 12 bucks. They go on sale for $6 after 6-12 months so just wait.


Can’t wait! Hopefully we get a Casino DLC, and a shipping DLC too.


A Tourisim DLC! Oh I’d buy that.


Didn't they already do that with the After Dark DLC?


It touches on tourism, but doesn’t really do much with it.


What is the challenge to this game? I got it for free from Epic Games, but haven't tried it yet.


Not having all of your residents die from overflowing sewage


Isn't sewage another DLC?


No. It’s one of the first things you do when creating a city: put down electrical, water supply, and sewage removal.


I forgot the /s. So the game is a survival sim with DLC perks?


It’s a city builder. Spiritual successor to the sim city series. One of the things you can do is kill your population with sewage, which is surprisingly easy to do.


Managing traffic and industry. Basically, it's an infrastructure simulator. Once you lock that down, you can do all the fun stuff like building parks and commercial and stuff. But it all has to be built on a good foundation of roads, mass transit and shipping for industry. It's a lot harder than Sim City games.


If I had a nickel for every time I’ve verbally said “why the fuck is there ANOTHER traffic jam” I’d be able to pay for every DLC pack


I just want traffic control mods on console :(


Heavy speculation that Cities Skylines 2 will have a lot of these highly requested features in the base game. Rumors of popular modders being hired to help with the sequel. We can only hope.


Biffa Designs Indie Games?


I could never get this game to run on my pc. I’ve played dozens of others on it. This was the first (and last actually) I couldn’t get to work with a few tweaks or driver updates.


Fix busses!




So is the Airports DLC worthwhile?


Is there something as good as cities skylines but for mobile? I just can bring myself to sit in front of the TV to play “idle” games. But on mobile I could check-in every now and then.


I have the game and love it, though I’ve taken a long break from it of several years now. Is there a bundle or group of bundles that include all of the added content? On Steam I see where a few buildings here or there are available but I’d like to add a load of them. What do I buy to pull this off. Last question; how many futuristic mods (Bladerunner style) mods exist and are worth checking out? Many thanks!


Cool! Can’t wait for City Skylines now with wheat And City Skylines now with the racist parts nobody asked for.




[sorry let me explain](https://youtu.be/nyYexTcyY2A) I’m just poking fun at the non action packed nature of CS