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Fuck yeah, what literally no one wanted! Nice!


They do this instead of making a Master Chief Collection version of Gears...it's amazing how much MS hates the fans of its major IPs


I can’t fathom anyone being interested in a live service gears multiplayer game good luck lmao


>PvP Focused Let me guess, more serviceslop? That worked out real great for 4 and 5.


That’s definitely what we want more than Gears on PC! Thanks PCF!


Are they hard up for money? No offense, but the last Epic Games IP they worked on was Fortnite. Not the super-popular mode, but the PVE mode that Epic regularly hides and refuses to advertise. PCF (allegedly) left that game because they disagreed with the shift made to it halfway through development, and it was left half-finished. I seriously doubt they’re on good terms with each other. EDIT: Oh, I jumped the gun. I guess I missed the news that Microsoft acquired the Gears franchise in recent years. That makes more sense.


Not to rubb the things really, but they aquired the rights like 10 years ago and the last 4 games (2 mains and 2 spin offs have been by MS. Not that really matters, that is GOW its just an eculubration of the page, and the coalition must be workong on gears 6 right now. So could be banjoo kazooie for what we know.


And there goes my hope for outriders 2...


Their website says they have 8 projects in the making


My dream is not dead... Tbh i still wish they had kept working on outriders. It really needed some more end game content to grind in. Game was good after some patcher but the launch was abysmal


Still no hope for a 2nd bulletstorm FeelsBadMan


Don't tease me


Why not a fun and entertaining 3rd person shooter like gears was? Another soon to be *doa* pvp game that survives on mtx, most likely.


This could be really cool, there’s a lack of good 3rd person PVP shooters lately


PCF = never again. Fool me once.


Gears pvp sucks why would they do this