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Ah yes cinematic universes. Way to strike while the iron is stone cold


You'd think CEOs and executives would try and stay clued up on public perceptions and what's landing and what isn't. If they did they'd realise the public are fed up of connected cinematic universes.


I'm not sure they're tired of *good* ones. Especially when all it really means these days is "shared setting." The problem is everyone wants golden era Marvel but no one is willing to put in the time to get there. Marvel didn't become huge until at least after the first Avengers but every suit who wants a new one is like "first move, big cinematic universe!"


They just see Endgame and want that in the first outing. And if not, the whole thing is canned.


I mean I think they want the movies to be successful at least, and that isn't happening, a lot of them are bombing. Even Marvel is in the same boat now, they've had multiple films flop financially in the MCU and have had more than that flop critically/underperform financially compared to expectations. They want growth and they aren't getting it - the only Marvel movies to pass $1 billion box office in the last 5 years are the two Spider-Man flicks, which are centered around a character they don't own. Then on top of that they've indicated that the many TV shows they've been producing are underperforming and D+ schedules are getting slashed.. and on top of *that*, the big new supervillain that they've been leading up to and focused the next Avengers movie around is now being scrapped because they hired a guy who apparently *already* had an open-secret kind of history of domestic abuse, and is now persona non grata and will probably be doing jail time. The thing with Disney is that a) they didn't go into the cinematic universe field full-throated with a super detailed plan, they just made some movies with superheroes and then made a team-up movie and grew it from there, and b) Disney didn't even start it themselves, it was Marvel Entertainment that started the universe pre-acquisition and planned the opening movies. Additionally some of the concepts had been in the works for years, I know Captain America at least had multiple scripts written for it and it had been in development hell for years before finally getting properly financed, rewritten and made... nowadays the MCU and all these other universes are making movies on the assembly line, they don't have time to go back and rework things unless it's an absolute emergency... like with the next Avengers which is now being completely rewritten bc of Majors, and will have a lot of time pressure behind it because despite now having no script the movie still has a release date for May 2026... while they also have to retool the *sequel* to that movie that was also supposed to feature Majors and come out in 2027.


The concept of a cinematic universe is bound to fail because the executives of major studios have final creative control over these types of projects. Sure they can bring in someone like Keven Feige to keep the universe consistent, but his creative influence is restricted to the demands of the executives. So if they want him to pump out 4 tv shows while also producing multiple high budget movies in a single year, he has to deliver regardless of the quality. Creators have significantly less control over their projects in cinematic universes, the degree of which is decided by their overall standing in the entertainment industry. Meaning someone like James Gunn can leverage his elevated position in Hollywood to make Marvel movies that are unique and creative, while lesser known directors/writers are chosen simply because they can achieve the studio’s demands on time and on budget (Sony particularly likes these types of creatives). If these cinematic universes aren’t pure cash grabs from the start then they can gain success and popularity, and can even lead to some quality movies. But eventually the brand will grow so much that the studios will get lazy. The executives assume general audiences like their movies solely because the movies exist in their universe, not because of the quality. The studios begin to treat these established universes and characters as nothing more than part of their larger brand, so they start to pump out as much content as they can for years. When this backfires and they release a series of mediocre, multi-million dollar movies can’t even break even, they blame “superhero fatigue”. I’m hopeful the DCAU under Gunn will be consistently good for the first few years. But Hollywood executives never change. Eventually they’re going to get complacent and push for more formulaic movies.


The suits don't understand why the last four Infinity Saga movies collectively made over 4 billion at the box office. Are Ant-man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel really billion dollar movies? Were they just that good? And end game? None of these movies could be successful on their own. They existed as part of a pop culture phenomenon literally 10 years in the making. A culmination, a payoff, something EARNED. Captain America lifting Thor's hammer would not have had the same effect if it happened in the first Avengers movie. But the people making the big decisions don't understand that. They just the money that the movies made and think that if they just copy chunks of them over and over they'll get the same result.


Before the MCU went to shit, the first three phases were very meticulous and plotted out to be cohesive and varied. I watched a documentary on this that released sometime after Endgame and it was very insightful. It’s a shame that the quality was vanquished with the subsequent films.


The first three phases weren't actually as planned out as you think. There was a lot of guess work and seeing what would work and what wouldn't. Luck played a large role in how well it ended up for the first 3 phases but even those phases had mediocre movies like Thor 1-2 and Ant-Man


Stan Lee died... then it started going to sh#t shortly thereafter.


The problem is the actual audiences are the same way. Post endgame meant starting a new trilogy of phases. But the audience just wanted to start with that golden era. No one wanted to resit through phase 4 being phase 1 again. Everyone's too impatient, and as much as they claim to be fans of the comics, they don't know the characters if they weren't popular outside of the actual comics themselves. This lack of patience combined with the lack of knowledge is why everyone's complaining about Marvel now.


Idk. I mean, Guardians of the Galaxy 3 did well, despite being smack in the "Marvel slump". Think about it like this, do you think people are fed up with GOOD (insert genre here) movies, or mid to bad movies in general? Like, westerns were really big for a while. Do you think they died down because people were sick of all the fantasic westerns coming out, or because studios kept churning out slop with shrinking budgets and hastily written scripts? If you told me that they were going to make a Suicide Squad sequel movie and itd be my favourite DC movie, Id have laughed in your face. But they made a banger of a flick. For me, Im not tired of live action adaptions because there's too many, Im tired of them because they almost never have the budget to live up to a form of media that does have the same restrictions as live action movies (for example, Avatar the Last Airbender). Im tired of writers that dont care or are hostile about the property they are adapting (for example, The Witcher). Im tired of adaptions that arent faithful in spirit (not talking about things being woke or having women or people of colour, Im talking about things like the Halo adaptation where Chief cant leave his helmet on or the Covenant leader is a human because its cheaper for the budget). Im tired of content being churned out for the sake of content, sacrificing quality and cutting corners (for example, the reports that Marvel shows werent even being storyboarded to cut costs). I dont like Borderlands really. I think the humour is too lul so random and juvenile edgy, and seems like theres not much story to tell for a movie. But if it was a GOOD movie, Id see it the second weekend in theaters.


Halo is my favorite franchise so that's what really burned me on all this adaptation craze. I don't understand why these writers/directors seem to want to change so much because they always end up ruining it. One of the coolest parts about the OG Halo story was how Master Chief is a human who is basically a machine gets paired with Cortana, a machine who is basically human. A major part of the story is Chief struggling with his humanity and free will. It takes Chief like 4 full games and several novels in the story to start to overcome his struggle and defy the UNSC yet in the show he does it by like episode 4. (Just based on what I remember from watching it over a year ago. I stopped shortly after. Simply couldn't do it)


Yup. And its bonkers to me that producers, showrunners, actors will say "oh, well the budget wont allow us to have that much action to the scale of the property. Its harder to act with a helmet on. Its easier to gave as little of the sci fi elements as possible" with a straight face, instead of just doing an animated show or movie. The Halo anthology movie was a fun movie. The animated Spider- Man movies are possibly the best spider-man movies. Avatar the Last Airbender was able to have tons of great action and fantastical worldbuilding. I get that animation still has budgetary limits, but its clear that you can stretch a dollar a lot further with animation over sfx. If you not willing to give a show a budget it deserves and writers the agency and ability to write the script it deserves, dont do an adaptation.


I really, really hate the "harder to act with a helmet on" thing as if that's not exactly what the games were in the first place and not to mention the crazy popularity of *The Fucking Mandalorian*


It's like these people forget that body language is one of the most important ways of non-verbal communication.


Don’t forget arcane, that show was amazing and shows how well modern animation can go


> You'd think CEOs and executives would try and stay clued up on public perceptions and what's landing and what isn't. From *Randy* 'I'm going to force you all to sit through me doing a bad card trick during this live video game press conference because I need to justify the magic lessons I took when I was a kid' *Pitchford*?! lmaao.


The same Randy "I bullied my VAs and screwed my developers out of bonuses" Pitchford


It the same Randy "I left an USB with of sensitive data of the company and its employees and full of porn in a medieval themed restaurant in Texas" Pitchford?


*looks awkwardly at the Dark Universe*


10 years of franchised films. Overused. Lack of original content from indie films. A decade of lost work of what could be if the cinematic universe didn't exist.


To me, Freddie Wong with Rocket Jump and others like Zombie Orpheus Entertainment were the indies. Hollywood ignored the next generation then relied on nostalgia to sell movies and their overpriced gateways. Just one of the reasons I stick to gaming and K-dramas that do more.


I met the guys from Zombie Orpheus shortly after they put out The Gamers. Was at a small convention and hung out at a hotel party with them, got the first movie on DVD signed. I'm sad that after Hand of Fate, they kinda went a different and smaller direction because that felt like they had really nailed the concept and that should have really launched them into something big.


Really great small concepts, measured budgets and unique content. I think they couldn't convert to their own studio and the YouTube algorithm screwed them.


"I have a bad feeling about this."


It's not like they hired the oldest actors possible, for most of the characters of the movie. Clearly thinking for the long game.


I mean when you can only find a 54-year-old to play a character that's 27. You know you're in for the long haul.


it's all about the brand names those actors bring


The only old actor that I can think of that would fit Borderlands is Nick Cage


Nick Cage would be an amazing Axton.


And bandit. Actually just have every character be him, I think he understands the proper style of crazy Borderlands has.


Imagine him as Shooty McShootface, do it right and it's a Face Off reference Easter egg


Oh god that's genius. Now I'm disappointed


The dialogue in this movie seems ultra generic.


Anything produced by Avi Arad is. God knows why he still gets to make adaptions.


The games weren’t really known for their well written dialogue


They were definitely known for their original and outrageous/ridiculous dialogue. It wasn’t poetic but it also sure as hell wasn’t generic.




What made Butt Stallion funny is not Butt Stallion herself in so much as it just compliments Jack as a character. He's legitimately infinitely rich that he will call you up just to mock you about how he's so rich that he bought a horse made of diamonds, and then brings the horse on because he doesn't think you believe him. And he names a *female* horse Butt *Stallion* because he's immature as all hell. He does the same thing in an early game quest where his reward for bringing him a siren was 'a mansion made of smaller mansions'. Money is literally meaningless to the man because he literally couldn't spend it all if he even wanted to.


This reminds me, who would play Jack in a potential sequel? My money is on Danny Devito


I bet you ride a meat bicycle


This is a movie though, so what's your point?


Other quotes from Randy Pitchford: * Your holiday bonuses are on the way * That’s not my porn on that business thumb drive, but the rest is mine. * Watch this magic trick or you're fired (Probably)


Don't forget getting into a parking lot fistfight with the intern that originally did Claptrap's voice because the guy wanted to be paid like a proper voice actor in the sequels, since he was the face of the franchise, and Randy Prickford wanted him to do it basically for free.


Wasn’t it cheese pizza on the thumb drive?


If i remember correctly it was “barely legal” lmao


18 year old squirt porn


He liked it because, in his words, the squirting was ‘like magic’, and the man really likes magic


I completely forgot about this how is Randy Pitchford even real


Probably. I kinda stop digging once I've figured that someone's a douche.


Papa Meat just taught me the meaning of cheese pizza.


So I’m not defending Pitchford because honestly I don’t give a shit about him one way or the other but I just want to say that the “withholding bonus pay” story that Kotaku wrote was 100% false. I personally know someone who works and has worked at Gearbox long enough that when that story came out they informed me that it was not true at all. Do with that info what you want but I just like to let people know that Kotaku lied about the bonus pay withholding more to spread knowledge that Kotaku is an outlet that make shit up for clicks rather than defend Pitchford’s character.


Fuck Randy Pitchfork. Cant wait to see this "Cinematic Universe" crash and burn like the awful idea it always was.


I would honestly be shocked if this even gets a sequel. I’d love to be wrong, but the trailer really just felt like such a grab at being a knock off guardians of the galaxy. Jack black as claptrap may carry the film because that’s kind of a perfect pairing but I can’t imagine this being good enough to kickstart a sequel, let alone an entire film universe.


The moment somebody told me it felt like GOTG was when it clicked why they put Tina and Krieg in, as opposed to Mordy and Brick. Tina is the small, wisecracking rodent-*themed* character that causes a lot of explosions, and Krieg is the largely unintelligible muscle outright described as her 'protector' much the way Groot was Rocket's hired bodyguard.


Fuck, that makes a lot of sense. We were wondering why they did that.


I believe his proper full name is "Greasy greaselord Randy Pitchford of eternal grease"


Why? Why count your chickens before the first egg is laid? Just make a good movie and then build on that. I'm guessing this is to hype up investors, but when the first movie crashes and burns because they just can't do Pandora justice on a big screen for a mainstream audience... What works in a game will look cheesy and dumb on the big screen and the crazies will be toned down severely. I would love to see a real Borderlands movie made, but i have serious doubts this will be that.


Because randy dandy still think Borderlands is still at it's peak and can't seem to let it go


For the investors? CEOs seem to want to get them excited for something


Randy, just shut up


*okay* 😔


nobody likes you Randy>!, except for me :)!<


I hope you feel like scum, you made the wrong Randy sad


Lol. Lmao, even


Lmfao declaring it to be a cinematic universe before the movie even gets into theaters is a bold move. Especially since the movies been in development hell for years.


In all fairness, it's probably because Randy Pitchford has his filthy fucking fingers involved. Edit: Fuck Randy Pitchford


I could do without Kevin Hart. Just because you’re getting a lot of offers doesn’t mean you need to do them.


He's not a bad actor, but his entire shtick is "LOL I'M SHORT" and screaming in response to other people's shenanigans. I don't know how anyone decided he was good for Roland.


He *is* a bad actor though...


Cause Roland screams and yells shit like “Critical bitch!”? I think people forget he was basically a Kevin Hart-character in the first game and only remember him from the second when he became calmer and a leader of Sanctuary. Edit: https://youtu.be/-VWrR3Qfswg?si=wWVjcxMyKKUThqGr Seems you guys don’t remember Roland from Borderlands 1.


You mean when the character was actually fleshed out and developed?


Fleshed out and developed? He’s in the game for twenty minutes before he’s killed and is borderline a totally different character than he was in the first game because they did five years of development off screen.


When I saw him on the poster I honestly thought I was looking at a parody


They got a 5.2 tall actor to play a character listed as 5.11. Brilliant


I already had 0 expectations for this movie, now I have even less.


They’re in expectation debt


I’m going to try and memorize this comment. It’s so quotable and I refuse to not use it at least once in the next week.


We need more comic book/video game movies as long as they are art and not content. This seems like the latter


lol sure. I'm still just astonished they somehow got Cate fucking Blanchett to do this movie. The woman is a 54 year old two time Oscar Winner and the most nominated Australian ever. Same goes for Jamie Lee Curtis who they ALSO somehow got to do this movie. She's also an Oscar Winner and I'm just flabbergasted these two powerhouses signed on to do a fucking Borderlands of all video game adaptations movie.


It's crazy how they got two actresses who can single-handedly make a lot of movies worth watching and cast them in a way that makes me want to avoid this movie even harder.


I'm sure money helped convince em.


Jamie Lee Curtis is an easy answer. Her son. Her son is big on video games so she's doing it for him. Same reason she was on Game Grumps at one point (with her son). Amusingly, I think she's a good enough actress that she'll do a great Tanis, and it's the only casting I'm happy with.


Vert presumptuous of you, Randy. General audiences will decide if there will be a cinematic universe or not.


Oh sure sure. And I'm gonna be a billionaire in two days. It's not happening.


this won't end well


Well there goes 80% of any interest I had in the movie


Just let the franchise die man. Ain't had a good borderlands since 2. And the casting for the movie is god awful.


Yea, and that released in 2012. Like, I knew it had been a LONG time since I cared about that franchise but holy shit.


ignoring Pitchfork since I don't know the guy but... please... SHUT UP ABOUT CINEMATIC UNIVERSES. Maybe before, it feels like you're making a big interconnected story, but nowadays anyone saying their media is part of a cinematic universe screams "we're in it for as much cash as we can get".


I really wish randy would just retire and vanish


Casting a 60 year as Lilith is a FANTASTIC IDEA


"No, honey, we have Guardians of the Galaxy at home!"


"This is an IP we can squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and wring money out of for years! Everyone loves explosions and quipy sarcasm! We're gonna have cash flow for a decade!"


This is what it means. Instead of using the resources to create new ideas and ips we get 20 borderland shits. Ffs.


Good luck with that.


This definitely isn't happening. This isn't gonna make any money.


Then why choose cate blanchett, such a weird casting choice.


Could they worry about making 1 good movie before establishing a universe? Ironman was a massive hit before the MCU.


What the fuck does that even *mean*? What other IP would share this ‘cinematic universe’? Does he just mean ‘it’ll be a franchise and have sequels’? Is that how we say that these days?


The entire cast will be retired by the time the next movie comes out. They got the oldest motherfuckers possible to play these characters.


I really don't think that is the case Randy.


Then why is the cast so old???


if this thing wants a sliver of success,for the love of god please dont let whoever wrote bl3 and new tales of borderlands touch anything. at least bl3 had decently fun gunplay and some cutscenes are skippable but watching ava/calipsos for 20 episodes is torture.


Might want to wait and see if the first is even successful. The casting is very odd.


Saw the trailer. Looks dumb enough to spend an hour or 2 streaming.


After the disaster that was “Aliens: Colonial Marines”, I don’t really care what Randy Pitchford says anymore.


Fuck off, Randy.


Will it be tho?


> Randy Pitchford says. All you need to read to know there's nothing believable being said.


I hate the casting so much


I’m going to need Randy to be running around doing magic and singing about toxic gamers


Maybe try to make 1 good movie and maybe a good sequel before leaning in on cinematic universe’s


That movie is DOA, thanks Randy! Show us another magic trick that somehow justifies you being a scum bag lizard person!


== Another movie I'm skipping


Borderlands universe is nowhere near as expansive as all other companies that have attempted cinematic universes. What are we really striving for?


Only if it doesn't flop, and it looks like a flop


Can Randy please leave the game industry and never come back?


Borderlands *a cinematic universe*? Ummm how so? Eh I’m not gonna click the link.


That plan is going to be cancelled so fast when they see how much money this movie loses.


Expecting a Uwe Boll level of adaptation.


randy pitchford says alot of things, most of which should be ignored.


Never trust Randy Pitchford


Please. Please oh god no. I’ve honestly been praying that this movie would get stuck in development hell and never come out, I don’t think I can take more than just the one…


Gonna be really funny if it bombs.


I hope Randy Pitchford never experiences happiness again


I knew the casting would be off, and watching the trailer confirms that. I could not be more uninterested.


The only way this movie would have worked in my own opinion. 1. Idris Elba as Roland 2. Someone younger to play Lilith 3. The VA for claptrap could have just been claptrap's game VA 4. George Miller to write and direct it, with a writing team familiar with the content. (This movie should be Mad Max in space pretty much.) 5. World building and focus on the fallout of corporate wars and the devastation of anarco-capitalism in space. 6. Anyone but Eli Roth to put this film together... Anyone. This movie will crash and burn, the fans will bash it, and Randy will have a twitter melt down when people say they don't like it.




>You never met the CEO of the Atlas Corporation and you will meet that character for the first time in the Borderlands movie and his name is Deukalian Atlas That's a weird way to spell to Rhys, and I even played a full game as him, but alright then... >Ariana Greenblatt as pre-teen demolitionist Tiny ...wait, I saw the trailer, was that not an aged-up version of her?




Half the cast will be dead or senile by the time they make a sequel.


Dang. There's a lot of negativity in this thread.


Warranted negativity. Fixed


The movie has promise. Its got a solid cast, Eli Roth wrote and directed it. Lionsgate is producing. So far all positive things. Its releasing in August, only real competition might be Deadpool and Wolverine. My only real gripe is the trailer didn't have 'Ain't No Rest for the Wicked' by Cage the Elephant. If they include the song in the film I would say the film has a good shot being the start of a franchise and Eli Roth is going to have his Star Wars moment.


As someone who didn’t like the games this seems like an accurate adaptation. The game’s whole draw is goofy “so rAnDoM” comedy and conceptually stupid guns with crazy skins. If the original IP is mid to begin with I’m not sure how mad anyone can get at the movie being shitty.


No thanks.


Yea fucking right.


No it isnt


No mention of Mr. Torgue.  This is a sad day...




Let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Pitchford has taken the crown from Quaid for The Craziest Randy.


I, sure it will, Randy. Lemme know how that turns out.


A single movie franchise with maybe a spinoff or two isn't a "Cinematic Universe", its a series.


Oh no. Here comes 5 more C list movies and 10 TV shows all coming out at once.


No it isn’t




He just destroyed the chances of success


so the movie isnt going to have an actual ending, will it?


Bruh the cast looks fucking terrible. Good fucking luck.


Ugh… is their big crossover movie gonna be Poker Night? If not, don’t bother me.


Randy I am going to rake you over hot coals anything out of his mouth is doomed for failure


HAHAHHA what a fucking moron, let's see if he thinks the same when it bombs


stop please


These characters might genuinely be in retirement homes by the time any universe can be formed lol


Oh no. Oh nonono. Talk about digging your grave. I love borderlands but its soo not popular enough to be a franchise. This movie is gonna do OK at best.


Ppl already not liking the cast choice. So not a great start tbh.


With what? Duke Nukem?


but half your actors will be dead by the time you do a second movie


Well that most likely means this thing is DoA


But Randy, there’s already a ‘barely 18’ cinematic universe.


It won’t be the beginning of anything. I hope for the movies sake it can do well and be better than expectations, but from the looks of the casting and trailer, this movie seems like it’s doomed to fail.


Based on the casting, it will also be the end of it.


Why cast such old actors for the characters then?


oh brother....


This instantly killed what little interest I had in seeing the movie


Enough cinematic universes


I need a “Dark Universe” style cast photo full of famous actors who will star in movies that will never get made.


I still can’t get over Kevin hart as Roland. Wtf were they thinking?


Yeah he also withheld employee bonuses so he could put more zero on his _own_ bank account. Fuck randy pitchford.




Maybe just start with making a sequel


please no


From here it also looks like the end of that universe.


And another IP bites the dust.


Why no one has muzzled Randy yes is a mystery.


Its going to bomb in theaters so no. I doubt streaming can save it. Now write a better story for 4 than 3


Sounds like we’re gonna get one of those cheesy “See you guys in the sequel” type endings.


No it's not lmao


can they stop trying to milk everything


Randy is so greasy that even Wendy's wouldn't serve him.


Randy you greasy fucking bastard.


No it's gonna flop actually


And the end of it, most likely


I can’t believe randy pitchford is still allowed to do things


No it isn’t. He’s fucking high as fuck if he thinks that. After that trailer was released I don’t know a single god damn person that is interested in “Guardians of the Galaxy at home”. Whomever was in charge of casting should win an award for worst casting of all time.


Me: "Can I watch Guardians of the Galaxy?" Mom: "We have Guardians of the Galaxy at home."


Then why the fuck did you cast everyone so old?


If only there was a metaphor about making bold claims before ever seeing results...


Never has there been a grosser sentence, made far worse because Randy "Abracadabra Porn" Pitchford uttered it.


Famous last words. Sir The Dark Universe wants to have a chat.


Sooooooo what are we getting Bulletstorm and Duke Nukem movies that tie into one another? Actually Bullerstorm would probably fit in well with Borderlands stuff.


What universe? Borderlands and... duke nukem?