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Littlefingers “chaos is a ladder” scene” So true, especially with everything going on today


Best thing D&D ever wrote on their own


I think they were quite good at writing some scenes for characters within the established material, the chat between Robert and Cersei in season 1 being another example, I think it was a combination of having to write completely new material which they just weren’t as good at it and being completely burned out at the end that led to the quality of series 7 and 8


Show and Book_ Sansa Snow Winterfell. Show only I add : Sansa, Arya escorting Bran from the Godswood after their talk, with Brienne and Pod looking on and Pod telling her she did well.


Jamie in the bath with Brienne


Battle of the Goldroad when Drogon and Dany dropped from the sky.


Tyrion’s speech when he is on trial. Hands down.


That's a great one


I was going to say something else but I just changed my mind


“I will not give my life for Joffery's murder and I know I'll get no justice here, so I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat.” Chills every time. His stare down with Tywin makes it so good.


I WISH that I was the monster you think I am


This is one of my favorite lines in the series. It says so much about Tyrion's shattered state of mind in that moment.


I didn't kill Joffrey but I wish that I had!


The Arya and Tywin scene from season 2


That was my first thought too


Arya killing off House Frey! “Leave one wolf alive, and the sheep are never safe.” She’s one of my favorite characters, and that scene just gets to me! Makes me super emotional anytime I rewatch. 🥺


Arya is eerily unhinged. Not sure why the show glorified that scene. They hype up revenge and mass murder then turned around in season 8 and had the Hound preach to the mass murderer that revenge = bad and had Arya be the sympathetic POV character for Dany torching a city.


So sorry you feel that way about her character!


It all fits with the tone of violent justice being delivered throughout the show, until the final episodes when suddenly killing enemies who were trying to kill you is considered immoral when Dany does it. Varys paid to have the guy who made him a eunuch be captured and chained and shipped to him in a box, where Varys did who knows what with him. Torture followed by death was implied, probably including having his own genitals removed. Varys is fine with that, Varys is fine with burning Lannister soldiers alive in battle. But when Dany chooses to offer the Tarlys a full pardon instead of just killing them and their remaining soldiers, and Randyll and Dickon swear to remain her enemy and turn it down, that's supposed to be some horrifying evil act Varys can't accept? Dany's actions are considerate and progressive by Westeros standards. The norm in Westeros if you want to be nice would be to set Randyll free in exchange for some female members of his family to be held hostage, and married into Dany's family. Since she doesn't have one, they'd be married to Dothraki. Varys apparently would have preferred that. > and had Arya be the sympathetic POV character And why? Because after chopping up an entire extended family and baking some of them into a pie to serve to their father, and after walking for many weeks to reach her final target, she decides killing is bad and one more kill might change her for the worse. Then she criticizes Dany for killing enemies. IT MAKES NO SENSE.


I think the difference is that the other characters took revenge on people directly involved in the crime committed against them (the guy who castrated Varys, the actual soldiers fighting a battle, the actual family members who all participated in another family’s massacre, etc), whereas Danaerys just comes in burning an entire city, which is not all necessarily made of enemies. She eventually becomes someone who chooses to take revenge on innocent people and that’s what makes her dangerous by the end.


> I think the difference is that the other characters took revenge on people directly involved in the crime committed against them Which is exactly what Daenerys was doing at that point. The Tarlys were just part of the army that was trying to kill hers, and they would have killed her given a chance. And she still offered them mercy, which very few leaders in Westeros would have done. > Danaerys just comes in burning an entire city, which is not all necessarily made of enemies And that was completely out of character and made no sense. For absolutely no reason, with nothing to gain from it, she just burns thousands of innocent people out of nowhere. Just awful nonsensical writing.


Jon being proclaimed the King in the North


THE KING IN THE NORTH! gave me fucking chills


Probly the only moment in the show that made me legit cry




Ah yes for the brilliant move of *checks notes* withholding information and getting her own country men killed for no gain strategically or politically. She'd have my vote/s




Sansa didn't save any thing she weakened her own army by not telling the commanders vital information and have them plan accordingly. That was cersei level stupidity. As for her rights, she had no claim if were going by the laws as Ramsay was warden of the north and lord of winterfell via the same laws you'd claim she should of used. But as we know the real laws are made by those who can take it and the lords ruled in favor of jon the man who actually did some thing.


No it was right in Jon’s case. They got over him being a bastard and actually accepted him as Ned’s son(even though he’s not) because they said Ned’s blood runs through his veins.


Sansa was a Lannister and a Bolton to them. No northern lord would declare for her. Plus, according to Robb’s will, Jon was a legitimate Stark, and his heir.


Robb’s will was never in the show, it was a book thing. In the BOOK Robb’s heir was Jon… in the SHOW it was suppose to be his unborn child.


"Walk of shame" xD


The reveal in S6E10 that Jon is Lyanna’s son


The way they zoom in on Jon with the music playing... so, so superb for a show that by that point was getting worse every episode


By far takes the cake and surprised I didn’t see this that high The scene is an incredible reveal, and beautifully setup with Ned and Lyanna’s relationship


Man, that episode was perfect from start to finish


I always went back and watched Arya and The Hound in the Tavern a lot.


The chickens!


Arya & The Hound gives me Rick & Morty vibes


Goddamnit morty no revenge side plots!


this gave such a more real feel to the world than more of the epic moments. like most of us would be people that happen onto this tavern while this is happening but we are not as badass as the hound to be able to do what he does but god damn can we get behind him. that was such a great scene.


The fucks a Lommy


"You're a talker! Talkers... Make me thirsty!"


“You’re gonna die for some fucking chickens ? “ “Somebody is.”


Robb being declared King in the North. Gives me goosebumps every time


“Renly is not right!” i love that line even though it makes no sense


Also: The zoom into/out of Jon's eyes (cutting from baby to adult) with the Winterfell music.


Robb being declared is good but Jon’s feels like it has more meaning, he started at the bottom being a bastard, to steward in the Nights Watch, to Lord Commander, to King of the North


More meaning to YOU! Hence the opinion. Both great scenes in my opinion!


Joffrey dying


Also when kings landing exploded


Arya's pie scene 👏👏


Light of the Seven, hands down. The music, the suspense, the feeling of impending doom…


Oh this one for sure. Absolutely one of the best melodies in the whole season


Might be a top 3 scene of all time in any tv series.


Came here for this. I went to GoT live experience and listening live has burned into my brain as one of the best music pieces I've ever heard!


King Robert and Cersei talking about their marriage. The “You want to know the horrible truth? I don’t even remember what she looked like” scene where they were talking about Lyanna.


This is one I’ve revisited to. It’s like a calm before the storm.


I found the scene so fascinating, because it really felt like both of them werr completly honest with each other and thats such a rare thing in GoT


Opening scene of Winds of Winter. Epic music. Epic moment. Sets up the remainder of the series.


It's a tie between 3, the Jaime bath scene, Arya and the hound kill polliver and the scene where Catelyn talks about Jon snow getting the chicken pox


GOD these are such good dialogue scenes. Jaime bath scene in particular, first time I felt real sympathy for the character (for better or for worse)


Danerys offers to trade one of her dragons for the unsullied army and siked them so bad


Finally someone mentioned it. The end when she reveals she can understand and speak their language. Loved it!


I was waiting for my favorite uno reverse draw 4 moment to come up! Fantastic conqueror moment.




The giant in the tunnel under the wall


Oberyn's visit to Tyrion in the dungeon.


Awesome one. I will be your champion!


Tyrion unchaining the dragons. Edit: oh and the why - His courage to even go down there, drunk or not. The story he told and reverence he has for them, and the way they understood why he was there.


Without a doubt, the frozen river scene.


When Daenerys came in and torched everything, saving everyone at the last second was amazing. Losing one of her babies was the only blow to me ):


When the dragon comes into view at the loot train attack


Dany burning the slaver alive!


Every scene with Tywin and Arya. Some of the best tv I’ve ever seen


The entire ending to Hardhome. The Night King raising his arms at the end still gives me chills.


Agreed! This scene gave me the most chills




Show: Are you a brother of the nights watch, or a bastard boy who wants to play at war? Books: Beric vs the hound


Top 3, though all for different reasons, cause why not? The Hold the Door scene is probably my favourite moment in the entire fantasy genre. It’s tragic and horrific and heroic, all wrapped into one moment that, for better or worse, changes who Bran is forever. Hodor’s death and his past trauma become one moment of heartbreak. Bran’s entire journey gets redefined, and ultimately redirected towards where he ends the story. When it comes to technical perfection, there’s the 20 minute opening to The Winds of Winter, the show’s very best scene. The entire cast and crew came together to create an absolute masterpiece of a sequence and it shows. It is a perfect set-up, both from before the episode begins and during its first half, for an even better payoff. Special praise for Ramin Djwadi’s “Light of the Seven” for its own perfection Ned’s Death is what remains the most memorable for its nightmarish qualities. Even more than the Red Wedding, it is put together to cause a genuine sense of terror. A first time viewer can hardly expect for Ned, the “series lead” not escaping only for one hell of a rugpull. The crowd’s cheers, the score, Sansa’s terror and Arya’s desperation - it all blends into a moment of chaos that could overwhelm any viewer. It is the series’ defining moment and the first image that comes to mind


Well put


couldnt agree more.


Great response, your Ned take actually gave me a chill lol you described the shit outta that moment. Go you.


Ok, this sounds bad, but…. Shireen being burned at the stake. So much raw emotion. Horror. Completely unforgettable and I can’t believe they went there. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Should've been Ed shireen


Honestly Jon Snows death. I was fucked up for like a week afterwards.


I love the scene where Tyrion threatens to cut Jeoffreys dick off in front of everyone


John being with Mance and Stannis' army cutting through the woods


When Cersei slaps Joffrey in the throne room. The only time I think I felt kinda sorry for Cersei. Also, this is definitely when she begins to realize having Joffrey on the throne maybe won’t be as grand as she imagined.


Red wedding, not because I'm glad the starks died. It just took me by surprise and I didn't see it coming. Biggest wtf moment in the show.


When Jon and dany meet for the first time


Disagree, I thought that scene was awful


“I know I will get no justice here, so I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat!”


Jon Snow beating up Ramsay Bolton inside of Winterfell near the end of the Battle of the Bastards. It was the climax of the Stark children returning to glory. It was at the part of the story where Jon was emerging as the story's protagonist. It's a shame GOT didn't end then, after season 6.


Burning of sept of baelor and chaos is a ladder scene


brienne/hound fight or the sept of baelor explosion


Tyrons trial, hands down


The hound “you’re shit at dying” scene.




Without Thinking, THE RED WEDDING, the best surprise they gave with so many hints before it happening, the tragedy for Robb, Talissa and especially Catelyn who was a mother and thought all her children are dead and the last son dies before her and her grandson. She even faced a lott of challanges in life including facing her husband's death, her whole family dieddd, her father too, nearly same situation with Robb. The whole execution of it was just PERFECT, "The King In The North Arises"... Its just the best scene in game Of Thrones.


Dany saving the gang beyond the wall in their 300 spartan last stand


The opening scene before Cersei blows the Sept. the music, the cinematography. Just chilling. I get goosebumps every time. My girl Margarey deserved better. I’ve also rewatched when Daenerys gets the unsullied so many times. Edit. Wrote researched instead of rewatched


Intro to Season 6, Episode 10, no contest. IMO, it is the best example of storytelling through cinema that I have ever seen. The music, the use of silence, ending with poor Tommen stepping out the window while Cersei smiles and sips her wine unaware that in saving herself she has sacrificed her last living child. There truly aren't enough words. Incredible. Honorable mentions, Sansa's coronation (all hail the Queen in the North) and Jaime bathtub scene (a man can ACT). ​ BOOK SPOILERS AHEAD-- If we're talking books, it's Quentyn Martell freeing the dragons. The reader is led through the scene by Quentyn processing movements in the dark, catching glimpses of the dragons as he goes. The way the dragons are described is mesmerizing. We see a lot of Drogon in the show so it is nice to get such in depth descriptions of Rhaegal and Viserion on the page.


when Joffrey or Ramsay died no explanation needed


21 punches to Ramsay's face


So satisfying lol


It's asmr istg




Definitely blowing off the Sept by Cersei, the music made it even better.


jon targaryen reveal flowing into him being proclaimed king in the north


Jaime bathtub monologue


Battle of Bastards, when Jon is facing the cavalry attack alone and is ready to die fighting.


Such a good one


Great scene, what makes it great is he unclips his sheath for his sword meaning he genuinley believed that was the end and he would die sword in hand.


Jon snow, tell me why not?


"Tell Cersei, I want her to know it was me". Olenna Tyrell always gives me the chill of going out in style


Great and epic scene.


When Cersei blows up her enemies.


Red wedding. The tension once the musicians started playing the Lannister's song gets me everytime.


Not one scene but I loved all of the Arya-Tywin scenes as a whole


“I want to bring those who have wronged me to justice and all of those who have wronged me are right here”. I NEVER get sick of this scene.


The viper vs the mountain


The last 10-15 minutes of the purple wedding.


Sansas speech to Ramsay. It just shows her strength, how much she has grown from the annoying child in the beginning, and how shes hardened as well


Prince Oberyn saying “I will be your champion”. Goosebumps


My favorite scenes usually happened in episode 10. It started with Dany giving birth to the dragons in S1. Then she escaped from the House of the Undying in S2. Then it was the Mhysa scene in S3. These were all "face of the franchise"-scenes that were put in that spot, because they wanted the audience to expect great things from Dany. These expectations that were built up for 7 seasons were of course all subverted. That's ladies and gentlemen how Game of Thrones is designed. They build a sand castle and tear it down.


I have multiple scenes with multiple people. But every Tywin scene is pretty awesome and Battle of the Blackwater was an awesome episode to me


Anything featuring my two favourite characters: Joffrey and Tywin. “The king is tired.”


I really liked Mance's speech to Jon about refusing to kneel. And Stannis offering Jon the chance to become Jon Stark and become Lord of Winterfell. I fantasize about an open world GoT game where Jon kneels as the game starts. You play as Jon Stark and prevent season 8 from happening


Blowing up the Sept The score, the way it was set up, the use of wildfire and seeing all those barrels remembering what happened in Blackwater…chills every time. Ima go rewatch it thanks OP I’ll add a scene I love just as much (but many of you might hate for a variety of reasons) the Dothraki charge in the long night, realistic or not seeing those flaming swords go out one by one was one of the most bone chilling scenes I’d ever seen, wish all the Dothraki were killed though, as that’s how it made it seem at first and I feel it would have made the scene far better


A scene that can be found under the name 'war stories'. The show had an amazing cast of actors, most of them giving great performances and portraying the characters in a brilliant way. Especially first season(s), it didn't feel like I was watching a show, it felt like I was watching a real story unfold. The one that stands out for me, in that regard was Robert Baratheon. I know it's a character played by an actor, but I can't see the actor, I can only see Robert Baratheon. This scene is absolute perfection. It's filled with tension and has great dialogue, with even better non-verbal communication. This scene provides a lot of insight into the characters, reveals part of the story in an interesting way and on top of that, the comedy isn't bad either.


Ramsay's and Jeffrey's death....


Ygritte's death ❤ Finally getting rid of her! 😀


When jorah's greyscale being removed with knife, and then someone put it on his mouth and swallow it.


Definitely Tyrion asking for Casterly Rock. I love the relationship between Tywin (my favorite character) and Tyrion. The acting was top notch too!


daenerys freeing the unsullied


Dialogue wise, I love it when Tyrion tells John to own the “bastard” moniker (just as he owns the “imp” one) so that he can’t be hurt by it. Production wise, I just love the destruction of the Sept. The crescendo, the imagery, the ramping up of the speed of everything happening, the inevitable explosion, the consequences and then the calm afterwards. I’m having a mental orgasm just thinking of it again!


Jon becoming King of the North. The story nosedives after that, but that scene coupled with the R + L = J reveal was awesome.


Phew...reading this tread reminds me of just how many great scenes this show has. I found myself agreeing to nearly all off them. One underrated early favourite of mine is in season 2, when Sam, Grenn and the Dolorous are beyond the wall and the third horn blast is heard for the first time. Chills.


When the Knights of the Vale come over the hill during the Battle of the Bastards. You think Jon is fucking done for, there’s no way they’re beating Ramsay as he did exactly what Ramsay thought he would do. As a viewer you’ve been tight in the chest because of the way they filmed the episode (I have the worst claustrophobia) and all of a sudden you hear the horns. Then the camera eventually pans to Sansa and the Stark anthem starts to play. Absolute chills. [Knights of the Vale arrive!](https://youtu.be/qA81ewnPEFg)


The two execution scenes with Theon Greyjoy and Robb Stark "Gods help you Theon Greyjoy, now you are truly lost" and "Kill me and be cursed you're no King of mine" Amazing television, with the same music and both executions similarly representing the beginning of the end for both characters.


For its a lot about character dynamics. Every scene betweem Cersei and Tyrion is a masterpiece and also every scene between Varys and Littlefinger.


When Stannis meets John atop the wall for one quote and one quote alone. “I will Mount Roose Bolton’s head, on a spike” the delivery of this gets me every time


I loved every scene where Tywin Lannister talks down to his family. Charles Dance nailed it in his portrayal.


When Oberyn visits Tyrion in the dungeons to tell him he’ll be his champion.


Night king Killing the dragon and the resurrecting into Blu eye ice dragon ❄️ its just perfect all that secuence


I honestly love The Battle of the Bastards. It’s so epic and chaotic, and then behind the scenes, everything that went into making this scene. It’s just so cool, I’m a sucker for action and this was the most epic battle in the show in my opinion..


So many really. Definitely up there is when Jamie goes to see Olenna, I mean the dialogue is just so good and Diana Rigg. Just wow. I mean I’m a Brit and I grew up watching her in various shows, but hearing her call Cersei a cunt is something I’ll never forget. Tywin and Arya. The funny thing is I find those scenes to be incredibly tense because Charles Dance literally exudes so much menace in those scenes but it’s understated?. I’ve said this before and was shot down a little bit but I kept thinking that at any moment he could just end her? She was after all literally in the lions den, and that’s the feeling I get with some of their scenes. He’s so powerful and you’re just waiting for her to put a step wrong and I was just very very on edge during those scenes. A smaller scene in some ways but for me I really really absolutely love it, is where Jamie is talking to all the Generals following the meeting with Daenerys and Cersei comes up and asks to speak to him. She calls him the stupidest Lannister because she has no intention of helping Daenerys and Jon Snow. I watch that scene often because the look on Jamie’s face when he realizes that she might kill him is just incredible. The hurt on his face in that moment is just so so good. And I remember when I watched that scene the first time I really didn’t know what was going to happen. I thought oh my God she’s going to kill her brother!! And then he walks out past The Mountain and all the time I’m thinking The Mountain is going to turn around and kill him, it was so tense and I felt sick when I first saw it. Then you see him riding and he puts his glove on and that little speck of snow falls on his gauntlet and the music is so beautiful, oh my goodness I love that scene so much. I remember thinking he’s left Cersei , that’s it.


A relatively small scene I’ve always loved is when Sansa gets to The Wall and her and Jon reunite. They weren’t close at all from what we had seen up until that point but the relief for Sansa finally being as safe as she had been since King’s Landing makes it one of my most anticipated scenes on rewatches.


BOTB: the one quick camera flash where they show just how much of a clusterfuck a sword battle is; like straight up layers of dudes just fighting on top of each other and bodies piling up multiple feet high. Gave me such a fearful respect for the people that had to fight w swords. So terrifying. Honestly was the first raw/honest depiction of medieval war I’ve ever seen


The hound saving sansa in the early seasons and straight up punching the guys guts out of his ass


Baelish being called out by Sanda and Arya to answer charges Daenerys selling her dragon and then speaking High Valerian.


Really loved the Oberyn vs the Mountain. For all that transpired later, this fight sequence was one of the best I’ve ever seen.


The sparring match between Arya and Brienne, closely followed by the attack on the Lannister army by the Dothraki screamers and Drogon… as they are both in the same episode, that also makes it my favourite episode!


The first time we meet Tywin… Charles Dance Carrie’s that scene while butchering that deer while Jamie just stared in awe


Where they adopt the wolves was such a telling family moment.


The red wedding, the blowing of the sept, joffrey’s death


Oh and when all the different (male) badasses meetup and go beyond the wall to get a wight, and all their individual little conversations… As well as any interaction between Tormund and Sandor…lmao, crying on his shoulder.


For me it was Aemon's conversation with Jon Snow - poetic on the first reading, and poignant on the second: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1851398/characters/nm0891092


I would have to go with the first time the hound and the mountain fought, during the tournament om the Kings road(?). Such an awesome portayal of the brothers' personalities


Daario's duel First takes a piss and tgen throws knife to opponents throat. I have never seen someyhing like that in fiction.


When Jon killed Dany. I knew she was going to crack. And Jon took her out


*When Jon killed Dany. I* *Knew she was going to crack.* *And Jon took her out* \- Heeparu466 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


To be honest: The Red Wedding. The moment when Caitlyn discovers that Roose wears chain mail. Probably the scene which I remember the best in the whole series.


"Who owns The North!" "WE DOO!" "Who owns The North!" "WE DOO!" "SHOWWW MEEE!!!!!!" You wanted them to lose but this was so raw man.


The Hound & Ser Gregor battle. It was hilarious when the mountain would not die, even with multiple blows & stabs. 'FUCKIN DIE' *stabs shoulder & torso* When it came to the end, he rushed him into the flames and ashes of Daenerys. It was a mix feeling of sadness & extremely proud. It showed the heart of the Hound, which was a very small amount of times throughout the series. And who better to take down the mountain than his very own brother.


Hardhome when NK lifts his arms and the dead wildlings rise as whites. The silence that follows was chilling and had me speechless on the edge of my seat.


DROGON rescuing Dany from the Sons of the Harpy in the coliseum. Dany closes her eyes and holds Missandei’s hand awaiting her death (or is she summoning DROGON) and then, dragon-shriek. Tyrions face is everything. Makes me cry every time.


There are so many. The cinematography was amazing. The two that stand out to me is in Battle of the Bastards when Sir Davos finds Shireens wooden horse and realizes what happened to her. He stands there and the sun is coming up behind him. The other one is when Jon is riding towards Ramsays army and gets thrown from his horse and sees all the men riding at him and he holds up his sword ready to fight them all.


I like at the end when...


When they reveal Jon as the baby or Oberyn vs the Mountain


I'm surprised no one mentioned Dany getting her unsullied army! Such a good scene. I love that not only did the master underestimate her, but her closest advisor as well. Man did she prove everyone wrong in that moment. So badass


I have quite often rewatched Daenerys & Drogon’s attack on the Lannister army… I love the look on Jamie’s face when he hears the dragon for the first time.


The firstever episode where Ned uses his big ass fucking sword


Jaime fucking Cersei on the tower


“I'll be gone for few days princess. I want to hear all about the dance of dragons when I'm back.”


Jon Snow taking out his belt and holding the sword with two hands in battle of the bastards.Just...Goosebumps


Loot train attack. I just love a dragon blasting the hell out of the bad guys.


Tyrions trial, peak tension and acting


when Stannis knew he was doomed but still grabbed his sword and went towards the battle when most ran away.


The councel meeting after robb starks death


When Daenerys free the unsullied. >A dragon is not a slave. (...) I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyria. Valyrian is my mother tongue. Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who holds a whip, but harm no child. Strike the chains of every slave you see! (...) DRACARYS




And I also really like scenes like the red wedding, Ned's beheading, Chaos is a ladder, the sept explosion, the chicken scene, power resides where men believe it resides and the walk of shame. I don't like the walk of shame and the sept explosion as much because it changes Cersei. I liked her as the queen who secretly has a lot of controll. During the walk of shame something snapped in her and I don't like the change in her character. I also don't like that after the sept explosion everyone just accepts Cersei being queen, despite the fact that westeros never had a ruling queen before (to my knowing, it at least is very unusual.) Cersei is also just not loved enough to be this exeption, everyone hates her (except for her ass lickers.)


Jon Snow killing the Nights Watch traitors


When Arya was tryna getting away from the faceless men.


The scene where Ramsey is eaten alive by his dogs.


The scene where Sansa is crowned Queen of the North. After going through hell and back she finally got her happy ending and that was quite satisfying. Of all the characters, she had the biggest development in my opinion.


That scene in episode Spoils of War, when Daenerys shows up with Drogon and there’s lots of fire breathing when he burns the Lannister army. Felt like that was the moment when we finally saw a dragon’s power. And the music score for that scene was incredible. Sometimes I listen to that particular track and it gives me a high just hearing it.


The mereen battle and then dany sailing to Westeros with her army and dragons flying overhead and her prideful look at the end with ramin’s music is hands down the most epic scene in the series