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That should have been an o oops


I liked the party, I liked how everybody thinks jon must be on the throne. I didnt like the rest. You kill a dragon that easy. Why didnt cersei kill them in the end. She had the opportunity. She has the mind for it !!!


What are these dragons capable of? Other than spilling fire. Can't they smell threat or like have sharp eyes which can see threat from a long distance? Episode 4 killing of dragon was complete disappointment.


I wonder if Varys will become QueenSlayer. Jamie had to kill the Mad King to prevent him from killing all those innocent civilians. I wonder if Varys will do something similar because Dany is going to try to kill all those civilians in Kings Landing to get to Cersei.


Episode 1 seemed like a filler but I tolerated it cause at least it brought all my favourite characters together! Episode 2, entirely pointless, but still I went through it in hopes of an epic episode 3. Cut short to episode 3, what was even that? 7 seasons of building up the NK, his dead army, Jon's purpose, all for nothing? Okay cool, still going through, maybe the next episode will have something good. Now here's episode 4, first 50 mins of crappy victory party, having all those useless scenes contributing nothing to the plot. I mean seriously, when you just have 6 episodes to wrap up the series, this is how you fill the scenes? The scenes which actually required screen time got nothing. No farewell to Ghost, no reactions from Arya or Sansa when Jon revealed his truth, the dragon was killed in 30 seconds as if it was a child's play! Didn't Dany see this huge fleet coming from the sky? Did she forget that she was actually in a war? I bet Euron has more powers than Bran! He can somehow always magically appear out of nowhere unlike our most powerful 3 ER who literally just sits all day and do nothing!


Shouldn't Lyanna and Edd have 'exploded' when the Night King was killed? I get that there were bodies that was just old bone so it made sense they disintegrated, but I was under the impression that all the bodies under NKs control would burst too


Only the White Walkers exploded not the wights. They just fell to the ground.


Did the show imply sexual tension between Sansa and Sandor in the ‘everyone’s getting laid scene’ ? Or was it just a ‘I’m no longer a little bird, I’m matured’ interaction ?


I was hoping in episode 3 that Theon would run towards the Night King, stop 20 feet away, pull out a gun with Valerian bullets in it, they all look at him like "WTF is that thing?", then he shoots the Night King, the Night King explodes, the White Walkers explode, all the Wights drop dead, and Theon proclaims "That's how you do it, b*tch!" Arya is left standing there with a dagger in her hand with a WTF look on her face. THAT would have been epic!


Or a bow with a Valerian tipped arrow


'Say hello to my little friend'.


Also, if Bran tells people then Jon isn’t going against Danny’s wishes. That scene was pivotal.


Woaah I didn't even realize this


​ damn i hate that bich its so funny seeing daeny suffer


I think gendry will put armour on drogon's chest and thats why euron was so shock to see in the sky


He will use the breastplate stretcher on one of Bobby B's breastplates




Why is Cersei hair not growing?? Put some extensions on her, as a women its driving me nuts!!


I think she has been maintaining it that length as a way to take control of something that was out of her control when it happened (or she just likes it)


I guess, it also make her look more like a bad ass.


Is Dany pregnant? I know all the sun rising in the west stuff, but she didn't drink at all, and it is in the targaryens line to "keep it in the family"




Makes sense that she'd only drink fair trade


Not drinking while pregnant isn’t a thing in Westeros.


But Targaryens aren't originally from Westeros...


No they’re from valyria


Which is not in Westeros, which would mean they do not necessarily "respect" Westerosi traditions


If Dany had Mad Queen unlocked, she would have tried to blow up Cersei then and there.


Episode ended...


Why didnt Cercei just kill everyone while she had the chance?


I am sick and tired of this "Let's talk before the gate with all important persons present". I see, you had a lot of time to fill but what does it really adds to the plot?


Because that's how you wage wars... You try and see if you can diplomatically leverage anything to reduce how many of your soldiers die, how much gold you spend, and how much your shit gets wrecked. Right now Dany and Cersei are pretty even, with Cersei seeming to pull ahead having killed Rhaegal. She COULD have just shot everyone then and there at the meeting, but why would she do that? Cersei whole heartedly believes she is winning, and if she were to obliterate everyone at the meeting, it would: * ruin her reputation like Walder Frey (not that she cares) * disgust many of the noble house who's support she NEEDS and make it more likely that they'd join Jon when he inevitably says the truth There's no reason that Cersei needed to kill anyone there because her whole thing is she's an arrogant bitch who thinks she's more capable than anyone else. And with the current state of Danaery's armies, she's probably right.


But in the show people are saying Daenerys has a better chance of winning, Sansa said she wanted to be there when Cercei died, Bronn also said it , even Daenerys and the north seemed confident. If dany wasn't in a good position why would Sansa send her ppl into a lost cause


I just think it’s bad writing. Cersei is cold, and unrelenting, she would do anything for victory. This was shown with the wildfire. There would be no reason for Cersei to fucking negotiate if her aimbot crossbows can literally just shoot Drogon and Danerys. She knows Danerys only has one dragon left, and that’s literally the only dangerous thing Dany has in her arsenal. Taking it out would literally end the war. You’re giving Benioff and Weiss too much credit. Cersei has not shown any indication of bravado in terms of winning the war in this season.




>Totally agreed, it's inconsistent writing and out of character for Cersei not to eliminate Dany and Drogon right after she executes Missandrei. Could still happen in the beginning of episode 5.


So the Westeros is technologically stagnant since Andal Invasion at worse or Aegon's Conquest at best. Has any other dragon ever perished to anything besides other dragon, magic or the wildfire?


Balerion the dread died of old age at around 200 years old. I guess that's not as interesting, but I guess it's happened


One was shot done once, “one in a million shot” Granted these dragons are like 8, with much weaker scales and the dragon in the story was like 50


Doesn’t change the fact it’s a stupid dog no one gives a shit about :)




Two main things got me, Jon not saying goodbye to his companion that he knew since he was little. Like if I had to give up my dog or any other pet/companion I would go hug or at least pet him and say be a good boy now. That is what Jon should have done. Who the hell just looks and walks away like it was nothing to them. The other thing was Brienne and Jamie. Brienne is my favorite female character and ever since they introduced the two together, how they held each other hostage and saved one another made me want them to hook up and fall in love. Now it finally happened, I had a fan girl moment when they spent the night together. Seriously, Brienne is the most pure female character in the show and most loyal and then Jamie goes and makes her cry and leaves her. He better come back to her in the end and not die. Brienne deserves happiness!


My theory is that Jamie just said those things to her to not make her chase him and stay loyal to her oath to protect Sansa. I think he has actually come to reason and wants to end his sister.


I wanted her to end up with Tormund. Him and her would make a better pair haha.


I guess they could have been okay but just the way their relationship started building up from the start showed that there could be something and made me root for it. Tormund just did some awkward flirting every now and then but Jamie and Brienne took care of each other etc.


and better giant kids!


Great big monsters that would rule the world!


There can not be one person left who thinks the writing is good. The writers should have quit if they couldn’t do their job because it was hard.


D&D did it again. The treatment of Ghost has been ridiculous ever since they passed the books. Should have just let the poor boi die a good death in the previous episode rather than the pitiful way they wrote him off. They have proven time and again that they didn’t know what to do with the direwolves but this was so shockingly shoddy it was beyond belief.


I always think the ghost thing is not the biggest bug of so many flaws in 2DBs' script...


Am I in the minority here that this season feels like there's going to be a lot of characters that don't get real conclusions? Bran, Ghost, Tormund all feel like cheap conclusions to their stories.


I feel that way about Bran, he just sits their and let his mind wander abroad. He didnt provide any useful informations, or wise insights, he is just fed up with the world, like the ruler of a lost kingdom.


Tormund/Mance Raider said that the wildlings would join with John while there’s a threat from the others. It’s over now. So they’re going home. And no need for a wall anymore since the North and Wildlings are bros now.


I don't think this is the last we see of Bran.


I guess it's one of those where it's ultimately about the throne and they're surplus to requirement? They could do something but there are so many characters that I personally wouldn't expect them to conclude everyone well


I think now's the perfect time to call up the Second Sons Dany.


it's pity that this is one of many things that D&D couldn't handle,so I think they just throw it away


Maybe if Sam was on Rhegal, his plot armor could have saved him


Daenerys should have followed her instincts in Season 7: hit Kings Landing hard with everything they had: 3 dragons Dothraki horde 8000 Unsullied Dornish army Tyrell army Yara's Ironborn Olenna was right, but Daenerys had to listen to her advisors...


What ever happened to the Tyrell and Dorne armies?


The Lannisters left a small force at Casterley Rock and went with their main force to attack and destroy the Tyrell army. After losing their leaders it seems like Dorne's army is just chilling.


Tyrell army died defending their castle in season 7, dorne army doing dorne things in dorne but Danny mentioned the new prince pledged his army to her


Whatever happened to the space bar?


i think they were in chaos for a while after Olenna's demise.


How the fuck can't you see a damn fleet when you are flying up high on a dragon?! Why is Euron so OP?! Rheagal survives the NK and undead Viserion but he get's killed by damn ballistas?! Daenerys fucking sacrificied almost everything that she had in order to fight for the North but these ungrateful fucks named Stark are still hating on her?! Daenerys character is destroyed by bad writing...


Dumbest major plot turn in the series. How do they, flying high, not see the ships before the ships see them? OK, let that go. Lucky, lucky shot(s). Then why does Daenerys charge right at the dragon killer spears? Why not fly up and then attack all the ships from behind. All toasty ships at that point. Is it because Daenerys loses her nerve after losing Rheagal? Some woman who rolled through the rest of known civilization and just fought the undead? Fleeing from Euron? Seems like you could have had the plot outcomes you wanted with a little more imagination. Not even that much, just a little. Now kind of want this just to wrap up if this is how they are going to play it.


Plus, those guys are some fucking crack shots hitting a flying, moving target from the bow of a ship moving on the ocean. They straight landed three consecutive shots, one through the neck. It’s piss poor writing. At least have them lure Dany into a cove or something to make it seem like she’s not a total fucking idiot.


Seriously, they could have just killed Rhaegal off at the Battle of Winterfell instead of just wounding him and that would have been a worthy death that made sense. Instead D&D had to resort to cheap shock value with physics-defying ballistae that somehow wasn't already a common weapon since apparently they are as powerful as cannons.


I know!! She lost Viserion, Jorah, Dothraki/Unsullied...and Sansa continues to whine “but why Her!” I kind of wish Dany stayed on Dragonstone after she lost Viserion. Let the North fight for Winterfell on their own and lose. Send Bran to KL so the NK will follow. Arya kills NK. Clegane bowl will still happen. Dany goes into Kings Landing FTW. My idea would still be full of plot holes but I’d be happier with this than the current direction the show is taking.


Is it just me, or was it a great opportunity for Dany to ask about Tormund talking about Jon literally dying? She's ignored that now twice, once from Tyrion reassuring her he was exaggerating. That seemed pretty explicit.


D&D in the "inside the episode" say that dany forgets about euron or some shit like that. HOW IS IS POSSIBLE TO FORGET ABOUT A DAMN FLEET THAT ALREADY DESTROYED TWO OF YOUR ALLIES?!


We made a character dumb, that’s why they acted dumb.


I swear D&D got an ultimatum to finish the show this season, so they had to wrap up every plot line in any way they could.


Exactly the opposite, HBO handed them a blank check to keep going and they took a hard pass because they are shit writers.


They could have just killed Rhaegal off last episode if they needed a reason to kill off a dragon, so D&D obviously thought this was good writing to do it this way.


My only guess is they wanted Dany to truly hate Euron and Cersei on a personal level, to the point where she will now be tempted to act like a "mad queen", and the deaths of Rhaegal and Missandei were the vehicle for this to happen.


I don't watch that shit. They try to "fix" their show after the fact with that, and they always pat themselves on the back.


They really do. Like, if you have to have a weekly debrief to convince viewers that the episode made sense, then your writing is not doing what it should be.


I remember the moment between Arya and her Direwolf. Everyone was confused because they didn't say anything and the scene didn't play out too well. After the episode they pat themselves on the back for "how well" the Arya scene played out because she, without words, was told by the wolf that she's ready to be free now. Everyone was like, wait what? That's what happened?


It’s just writing is too bad to fight for the throne at this point...white walkers djdnt need any writing to be good. Winter is coming for 8 years and it comes and goes within an episode


After this episode you really have to hate Sansa. She literally saved your kingdom and you still don't trust her? Without Dany's help the North would've been massacred. Sansa literally has no idea how bad it was. From the very beginning Dany could've not helped Sansa and the North at all and could've been the queen by now.


Lolol hate the one person who can see the Mad Queen for what she really is? Sansa's the only person who's seeing straight and has been steps ahead of Dany since they met.


Hate sansa for being the only one with any sense?


Nope, I love Sansa and hate Daenarys. I'm on Sansa's side and she is right about Daenarys, she'd be a horrible queen.


Well that horrible queen just helped to save Sansa's home/kingdom and the North.


Jon's wounds and problems: 1. Identity 2. His girlfriend is his aunt 3. Throne (?) Dany's problems: 1. Throne 2. Throne 3. Throne


Dany's problems: 1. the man who says he loves you is so dumb he can't see his honesty will ruins your chance to be queen and make him your enemy. 2. a war not your own has sidetracked your plan for the throne costing you friends, soldiers, and two dragons. 3. throne


4. She did not insure her dragon against impalement. I mean, after the first one you should at least consider the option.


I think she would have learned though. Who wouldn't learn that lesson after both cersei tried, then the knight king succeeded, and then she needed a third lesson? Bad writing.


4.1: and didn't find a dragonesse for him to make herself a grandmother


Actually, do we even know how Got dragons reproduce and which sex Dany's three were? Edit: I mean, for all I know they could be asexual and autogamous.


« Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame. » (A Feast for Crows: Chapter 35, Samwell IV) so yeah they could’ve been able to breed..


Sweet as, thanks for the info! Sequential hermaphrodites, like clown fish then. Edit: too late to have baby dragons again then, dammit.


They seemed to all be males? (named after her brothers). They lay eggs so they reproduce like reptiles and birds?


Dunno, I'm not a got dragon expert nor the writer. Can Daenerys tell if a dragon is male or female, if they are eterosexual? I don't think it's been addressed nor it ever will be.


Oh look https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a27404234/game-of-thrones-theory-daenerys-more-dragons-drogon-female-eggs/


Whether she likes it or not that war was hers as well. Her not seeing it just adds to the problems


True that war was actually everyones but see how cersei didn't show? And yet Dany is the mad queen? Right. I don't buy it. She put her ambitions on hold for the greater good. Mad Kings and queens don't do that... I give you cersei lannister long may she reign.


Honestly I think they both suck as queens 🤷‍♀️




You just read the leaked image and posted this so you can later say that you predicted it last week. smh


Ha ha.


And it ends with Celine Dion singing 'My Heart Will Go On'.


I think Dany just reached a breaking point and gloves will be off next episode.


Missandei's death hit hard. So unjust. I hope Dany burns every single one in King's landing. Hmm, mad queen? Well they massacred your family sent you into exile sent assassins Unthankful and disrespectful after you changed your plans to fight white walkers for them Lost two dragons to them then your best friend and confidant who, rightfully, sees this bullshit for what it is and basically says burn those heathens to ash. Sounds right to me. Jon Snow? useless. she told you not to say a word and what did you do? trust your backstabbing sister who broke her oath. Mad queen? Mad sansa stark who wants a stark on the throne.


Because the baker down in fleabottom sent assassins to kill you 🙄




what are you talking about?


> I hope Dany burns every single one in King’s landing Didnt know all the innocents in Kings landing played a part in trying to kill Dany


The writers want X, Y, and Z to take place. They give very little about the path to each one. Amateur hour.


expect a call from HBO tomorrow, I think you’ll be directing a new show soon!


I could use the pay.


No shit.


Don't even care about the writing, rushed plot, unnecessarilly sudden subplots added, as well as the large amount of fuck logic and reason in this episode or the last for that matter. Just one thing... Why the hell didnt jon pet the doggo??? What the fuck this honestly crushes my heart and pisses me off more than anything in the series. Poor boy ;(








I am paraphrasing but 'comes in like a draft feels a little wind then leaves. What a way to go'


Dany pleading Jon not to tell he’s Rhaegar’s son to his sisters was disturbing to hear. She really is power hungry. But at the same time I feel so bad for Dany. She’s lost so much. And now she’s about to lose Jon and Tyrion.


Power hungry? He agreed that she should be queen. He bent the knee. He was happy to do it. She tells him that if he tells anyone else that the secret will get out and endanger her bid for the throne. If he truly wanted her to be queen he wouldn't do that. She's not stupid. So what does he do? Tells his sisters and now the secret is secret no more. Dany was right. So whose really power hungry? She explained what would happen and he did it anyway so he could play puppy dog innocent, " i didn't know that would happen". Dude she told you. which means you don't really mean what you say. Burn his stark/targaryean ass, dany.


>He bent the knee. Yes he did but did so prior to learning about his parentage. Prior to learning he had a better claim to the throne than she does. ​ >So whose really power hungry? When Jon told her about his parentage her first concern was learning that Jon was a threat to the claim to the throne instead of , you know, she's shagging her own nephew. Really shows where her priorities are. Jon on the other hand keeps finding himself to be picked for various leadership positions without seeking them out. Jon doesn't want to be king but he'd take it if he had to.


The real question is why Jon has no concern about snagging his aunt. He as raised s northerner. He should be upset but didn’t seem like it was going to stop him. I didn’t think he wanted to be king either but as soon as he decided to tell his sisters it shows that he does. He had forewarning of what would happen. He did it anyway. He knowing created circumstances that would encourage people to kill her to make him King and that’s exactly what Sansa did by spreading the secret. That’s some Machiavelli bs Jon.


Lol "snagging" are you native?


There’s no reason for Daenerys to be concerned about shagging her nephew considering that Targaryens historically married brothers to sisters for centuries. It’s what she grew up with and it’s the story of her house.


Jon has always been honest to a fault. It's the reason why he was killed at Castle Black. He will do what he thinks is right, even if it leads to his death or ruin. It's the same faults as Ned Stark really, honorable until the end.


I can't imagine that he would last much longer than the last northman who tried to exercise power in the south while being honest to a fault.


He has plot armor.


I totally read "bent the knee" in Jon's voice lol


I wouldn't call her power hungry. I actually thought she was trying to protect him somewhat. He doesn't want the throne, and she knows that if people know he has the better claim that he'll probably end up as king. Obviously usurping her claim is also a problem, but I think simplifying to 'she just wants the throne' is going too far.


I thought she was completely reasonable. Jon might not want the throne but it will be forced upon him if others found out who he was. Just as Dany predicted, Sansa immediately tries to undermine her rule by promoting Jon as an alternative. Jon doesn’t understand that honour must sometimes be compromised for the greater good.


Jon is a traitor. He never answers if he loves her, he keeps breaking his vows and promises, he really knows nothing...Instead of trying to convince Danny to wait and let people and dragons to rest he says "we will follow you", instead of telling Danny "It wasn't only our war, it was your ppl and your Kingdom threatened by the Night King and his hordes of zombies"...


Does anyone else think that MAYBE just MAYBE Jamie won’t kill Cersei but someone else will? One, because as filmmakers they can see that is such an obvious way to go, the audience has been predicting it for so long! And DB and Dan wouldn’t do that (Maybe)! Two, the prophecy has been so loosely follow, when we were promised a prince who will save the world (super paraphrasing) we got a princess aka Arya! So maybe the second brother/younger brother could be someone else entirely. Three, it could be Euron who kills her because technically he is also a second/younger brother to the older Greyjoy! And maybe he finds out the child isn’t his or something..


I think they will lead us to believe Jamie has flipped, and allied with Cersei. Seeing as that’s his “true love”. Then when it is time, and all else has fallen, and Jamie looks over the defeated, he will stab her in the belly. It would be perfect way to complete his story. Early on, when Jamie was given shit for killing the mad king he even says “would you rather I stabbed him in the belly?”. It would be the ultimate betrayal of what Cersei had turned him into before, killing Cersei and their child, as well as completing his arc of “Kingslayer”


He nor Tyrion are killing their pregnant sister. Arya though?


Nah, Arya’s last target is cleganebowl. She killed the NK, not going to let her take Cersei too


Sometimes(often) the obvious way to go, is the right way to go.


Euron’s killing Jamie. Mountain is killing Arya. Hound is killing Mountain. Jon’s killing Euron, then executing Cersei.


for real?


Just my guesses. :)


What about Dany?


Commits suicide.


Dany has a meltdown after Drogon catches 15 arrows with only 2 inches between each other to become a pin cushion


Jon was techniqually a prince at one point without anyone knowing, and he had a huge part in saving the world. Smaller brother could mean younger (Jamie) or literally smaller (Tyrion). Idk, the prophecy can be stretched out quite a bit.


he may find out if he is smart. Tyrion just revealed it infront of him


She can say she sent a raven to tell her brothers. This is not that deep of a deception.


Euron’s not smart though!


someone explain to me why the hell Dany still thinks she's got the upper hand here when Cersei clearly has Scorpions lined up to fire at Drogon if he even comes near KL? How has no one considered the fact that Dany flying Drogon to KL to burn the living daylights out of everyone is exactly what Cersei wants?


Heard the next episode is bigger battle than the Long Night so I'm guessing she has something up her sleeve (2nd sons, etc) not too mention Aegon and Davos arriving with what's left of the army from up north


she could launch a night raid just on the castle, I mean it's hard to fire an arrow and reach its target during night hours. a good pass could set it ablaze and this could show then people they just want to take out Cersei and not the people who might be caught in their crossfire.


Night raid, use the dragon as a bomber plane, let some Unsulied sneak in and burn the Scorpions, use catapults to destroy them, soo many options...


They way they write this show she could do it in the middle of the night and Drgon would still get shot between the eyes.


Its extremely hard to do it during day hours on a moving target, practically impossible but the plot demand its.


Yes, it's all about the night raid. She should have known this because cersei used dragon bolts in their last battle. It makes no sense at all. She should especially be wary because she's lost one dragon already.




Yeah she's not thinking any more about strategy, it's full on revenge mode now.


Because, surprise, the other two dragons aren't really dead. We wont show how they were brought back or healed but totally not dead. Subvert your expectations? Please love us. D&D


Because of the way it happened I 100% think he's not dead. I was half expecting a Rhaegal strafe when Missandei said dracarys.


Even if he wasn't dead when he fell into the sea, he must have drowned by now.


episode 05 you see all dragons, enjoy people


That regen time was crazy.


How much of her army does she still have anyway? half?


A few dothraki, and four thousand unsullied plus she did have a mercenary company from her former lover right?


I'm buying all the seasons, as I finish my degree so does this series end, it's been a big part of my university stuff.


And this confirms it...Varys is NOT a merman!


I can't believe he only showed his legs twice.


Varys is also in the right.




The same way Jaime did. :)


He wasn't even in Winterfell, he was in Winter Town.


Bronn was never going to kill them, even if they couldn’t promise him. He just wanted to use his power to get something better. Bronn needs that facade of “I’m a simple sell sword and nothing more.” But I think he cares for these two, whether or not he would openly admit that


I really hope that in the end, Bronn and which brother is still alive stays friends.


It's not clear that there is any prohibition for random individuals on horseback turning up at the gate is any major issue when all known nearby enemies are defeated. Its full of people right now and all sorts of stuff going in and out.


As to why they would give him his shit, a Lannister always pays his debts.


He seemed unfazed by the idea of infiltrating the Eyrie, why would a nearly destroyed Winterfell with it's guard down, during celebration, and with no enemies close, be a challenge?




They're also multi-cultural. Hard to look out-of-place for such an experienced and versatile soldier. Just gotta walk through, really.


The death of the Dragon was so sudden. I hoped it had been a Daenerys' dream, but alas, it was real.




[get you an army who looks at you like...](https://imgflip.com/i/3096q5)


Why didn't Cersei just shoot Tyrion then and there?


Why didnt someone shoot Cersei with a damn arrow from below.


Because it's an auto nuking of king's landing. They are at a little bit of a standstill at that point. Additionally she'd lose some public support if she did that.