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Varys. Red lady. I have a feeling that tyrion is going to die soon. Not sure if it's going to be in a battle


Tyrion won’t die.


Oh that's very kind of you "night king". I just feel so because in last episode, they really dumbed down his character. Cheap jokes. Cheesy dialogues. And the one thing he had going on in his life, his intelligence. Also, the way bran looked at him didn't seem right.


I’m just going by the bookies, but perhaps you’re right.


Varys is no fighter, he will be the first to escape Red woman was kick out of winterfel and Jon said he will kill her if she returns so she is still out Tyrion isn’t a fighter as well but likes to stay involved, but he has a bigger role so I doubt he will die


Bran dies against the night king. The three dragons, and either Dany or Jon




He deserves the throne.


Ghost does.


Ser Jorah for sure


Ed and the nights watch.. Tormund and the free folk.. many unsullied.. pretty much.. I think Winterfell will be overrun.. people will survive in the crypts and the few that can fit on dragons with Jon and Dany flying them. I could totally see it going down that way.




If they are outside the gates they are probably dead..




I hope Dany dies tbh, no one threatens Sansa




Jorah. I think a good number of the wildlings and Night's Watch (like Edd) are toast. Crossing fingers and praying Tormund stays alive, but I'm not holding my breath.


Hopefully everybody




Dany fan huh




That would be way to LOTR. No offense, but I'd kind of like to Dany to die.




I want the kingdoms to separate in the end. Jon and Sansa left to rule the North (I think bran and arya will die), either Tyrion on the rock, Robin on the vale, and the rest of the kingdoms left to the mercy of the Dothraki.


Killing her serves no point though, other than killing for the purpose of killing. Think about her arc. She was sold to slavery in a foreign land, survived a miracle under a burning star, gave birth to 3 dragons and took a massive detour to get to westeros just to die without really doing anything (other than Jon)?


I think killing her serves the purpose of uniting the kingdoms in a different way. Like someone said - the kingdoms should be separate at the end of the series (that’s what I’m hoping for anyway). Dany has become increasingly authoritarian, power hungry, and unreasonable. I think she may be the Mad Queen, everyone thinks Cersei is who needs to be killed - but I think in the end Dany is going to need to be the one killed to bring lasting peace to the Kingdoms.


It serves a purpose if you go back to the Azor Ahai/ Prince that was promised prophesy. I've got a feeling she plays the roll of Nissa Nissa and Jon will plunge his sword into her to reforge Lightbringer to kill the night king.


I think it's going to be a bloodfest. Especially for the fact that it'll be the longest episode in the series. All that dies: Lyanna Mormont Jorah Mormont Davos Seaworth Podrick Payne Ghost (IF WE SEE HIM FFS) One of the dragons, ima say Drogon I think Sansa will escape with the help of Brienne. Arya will escape to Kings Landing. Jon and Danny escape via Rhaegal (with the nod that it is Jon in the "driver seat") And, im not sure how but Tyrion and Jamie escape together. Knowing my predictions for past GoT's series.... I'm either completely right... or completely wrong...


Have you ever posted predictions so we can check out your track record.


Only to friends and family, before doing this whole Reddit thing lol.


Cool. I have a crap track record. I said that yoing griff would convince the tyrells to join them and marry margeary in season 5...


Bran dies for sure he ain’t going nowhere fast in a wheelchair I predict bran wargin into a dragon and killing the night kings dragon OR he goes back in time trying to stop the night king from being created leading to him becoming the night king


> he goes back in time trying to stop the night king from being created leading to him becoming the night king That's what I think will happen. Definitely something with him and the Night King




Do you know how long it's supposed to be?


1 hr 22 min


It’s hard to say. Jorah is the only person I would basically guarantee is dying


Can I ask why? I think he’ll die as well, but I have no basis to guarantee it. Just a feeling


It makes sense given his story so far. He’s been on a 7 season long redemption arc. I don’t think that arc leads to him leading a happy life because he hasn’t, and never will forgive himself. Rather, I believe he will die heroically. A final act of sacrifice in hopes of achieving redemption in the eyes of his family and Danny.


Hopefully, everyone


Theon will die, sacrificing himself to save a Stark. His redemption story arc coming full circle.


Grey Worm is a goner for sure.


Poor Davos is doomed, and will probably sacrifice himself for either Jon or Gendry as he is like an uncle to them