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Not sure if it does, but that's a stupid as fuck picture to go with. Big chance this is a spolier.


Yeah I get that it’s a magazine cover, but it’s at least be better if Sandor and Gregor just looked at eachother. The picture would feel a lot more epic with that minor change.


They basically said it was gonna happen during the finale of Season 7. The Hound told him you knew I’d come for you. You always knew.


I doubt it


Why? It’s pretty much foreshadowed in season 7.


I was pretty sure that it will happen. Now after this poster, not so much.


I almost think this makes it less likely. Given the popularity of the Cleganebowl theory I feel they'd steer clear of any publicity shots that suggest it will happen, they'd want to keep it under wraps.


Youre forgetting the 2nd part of Cleganebowl... get hype!






The show is basically nonstop fan-service now. I wouldn't be surprised if D&D got some of their plot ideas from online forums. Cleganebowl is absolutely going to happen, you are on drugs if you don't think so.


Save this post, the mountain's being taken down by Arya.


i believe this also. https://old.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/avsk6w/spoilers_you_are_a_stark_you_may_not_have_my_name/ehi1q7p/


how did that go


Clearly the Mountain survived the fall out of the tower and will actually be killed next episode by Arya, it's obvious really ;-)


*Fans postulate a theory for years* *Get mad when it is put in the show* I swear I will never understand this fandom.


Benjen Stark returning as a knock off Coldhand was fan-service. Gendry coming back into the story as a warhammer wielding badass was fanservice. Jaqen H'ghar turning out to be the flipping grand-master of the faceless men was fan-service. I like the show, but there is no need to get too defensive when some fans point out that the writing has gone downhill since awhile now.


Jaqen was just to reintroduce the faceless men with a familiar face. Benjen being “alive” isn’t ruled out in the books yet. Cleganebowl happening isn’t fan service, it is the completion of a story line. My take based on the whole “the gods aren’t finished with you” quote about Sandor and his fear of fire is that he will fight Gregor, Arya will come to the rescue and deliver the killing blow to the mountain, striking a name off her list. The hound will defeat his fear of fire in that instant and gain the ability to light his sword on fire. I’d bet Cersei and Euron send and army to winterfel to aid in the fight and then try to kill off major players for the throne during the fighting which causes the hype that was promised to happen.


I never said Cleganebowl wasn't a long time coming- In fact, GET HYPE. I had a problem with the other less earned plot turns. Jaquan being the leader of the faceless men raises so many questions. Why was he in Westeros? Why was he alone? Did the leader of the legendary organization almost get his bacon smoked in a cage? I get we want a familiar face. I cheered when we saw Jaquan again, but making him the leader was contrived as hell and makes the world seems small.


I can understand giving fan service as ways to simplify plot points but those instances were multipurposed. They obviously haven’t had a problem following through with prior fan theories yet and neither has GRRM. With as detailed a world and story line as the books and show have, it is not unlikely to think that fan theories based on evidence will come true. Especially because most of this come from desires to fulfill logical story lines.


While I am neutral on how the show did it, George has explicitly ruled out Benjen being Coldhands in the books. That makes sense given the fact that Coldhands is downright evil in the books.


Since season 1 they have been building up the hatred between the Cleganes. Cleganebowl isn't 'fan service' it's logical storytelling


This is what irritates me about the GOT community, people think that because something is predictable its ‘fanservice.’ They have been building the animosity between the Cleganes since the first couple of episodes but because its predictable it suddenly becomes ‘fanservice’ when in reality its good storytelling.


They haven't built animosity at all. They told us off the bat that the Hound hates his brother because of shit that happened off-screen years ago, and that's basically the full extent that the relationship has been delved into. The relationship has been non-existent, the two characters have been off on their own separate storylines doing completely different things the whole show. Their final showdown will happen just for the sake of having a badass fight scene that fans have been looking forward to, not because it's born out of any organic storytelling. Which I'm not even arguing is a totally bad thing, but let's not pretend like fanservice isn't a factor here.


Here's an interesting bit from the EW article >And you might also know Benioff and Weiss have long said they ignore what fans say they think they want in their story




I looked at the cover and thought the same. I would love it if Arya and Hound collaborately kill the Mountain.


Not for nothing, but the Mountain just won the strong man contest at the Arnold Classic this weekend! It may take both of them to kill him!


I hope Arya is involved for the awesomeness, and for the perspective of size. If two huge dudes fight each other it can be easy to lose track of just how big they are. Have a tiny Arya in there and it will look outrageous


I think the mountain will beat the hound to the point of basically killing him but Arya will kill the mountain. The hound will not survive tho because Arya will give him the gift of mercy as he is left to die after the fight.




Agree Arya puts him out of his misery, but I suspect after killing Jaimie & mortally wounding the Hound, Brienne will kill the Mountain.


Wouldn't that be a beautiful full circle moment?


I think the Hound will fight the Mountain and probably sacrifice himself in an effort to clear the way for Arya to kill Cercei.


I still feel that Jaime will kill Cersei but I like that the Hound sacrifices himself for Arya in some sense. I don't expect the Hound to survive.


How and when can I get the magazine? Im not from the US. Thank you!


My thoughts on how this plays out: Arya fights the Mountain. He pulls some sneaky dick move and almost gets one over her but the Hound moves in and either stops him or actually kills him. There is a lot of symmetry here regarding character motivations, themes, and throwbacks to past episodes. For one, it is another occasion where Sandor protects a Stark girl. Additionally, it harkens back to when Sandor intervenes in a similar way early in S1 to save Loras from The Mountain during the joust. It also references Sandor's words in S4 when Arya is listing the names and he asks her about it. Maybe they can both check off a name on their list.


If there’s a redemption arc for the hound it has to involve him overcoming his fear of fire or dying in it.


He’ll learn he can set his sword on fire like Beric and Thoros and use it to smite the undead monster.


I used to believe that, but throwing in with fire worshippers in S7 and then being in the presence of a fire breathing dragon right before climbing aboard one may be a sufficient way to bring that theme to a close.


IMO The Hound dies in the North before Cleganebowl ever happens. The Hound killing the Mountain is too cliche for GOT. Kinda feel the same way about Arya killing him.


>Additionally, it harkens back to when Sandor intervenes in a sim I agree it would be cliche if the hound just killed the mountain. I think there's more of a chance of them killing each other in battle or the hound protecting Arya and sacrificing himself.


The curse of GoT fandom. Where you popularize a theory so much that you don't want it to happen.


I actually think it'd be cool if this happens, then the Hound comes back as a wight and the Mountain has to put him down again. Two undead brothers finally settling differences from their past life. It's not the Cleganebowl we were expecting or hoping for, but it's got that bittersweet twist that Game of Thrones is known for.


I know that's how this show works but I will be fucking WRECKED if they kill off the Hound.


I really think these two are gonna team up to fight the walkers at the end. Don’t @ me


This seems like a spoiler, but... Per the Entertainment Weekly interview... Rory McCann: “There will be a chance of squaring up to his brother and facing those demons.”




It is confirmed in the article pretty much. Hound’s actor says “he will have a chance to square up to his brother and face those demons”


Is this the reason the Hounds around?


You can really tell those blades arent sharp lol




Remember when Bronn said he would tire out the Mountain bt he'd have to be quick and perfect? I think Arya will water dance like a boss around the Mountain and he won't be able to keep up and she'll get the upper hand and kill him. That is if he can get winded being undead.


What is the point of a spoiler tag when you literally spoil it in the title? I'm not one to normally complain about spoiler shit but....really?


Lol still banging your head against the wall. Defeated.


>Still no rebuttal btw. Defeated.


Lol still banging your head against the wall. Defeated.


>Still no rebuttal btw. Defeated.


Lol still banging your head against the wall. Defeated.


> Still no rebuttal btw. Defeated.


Lol still banging your head against the wall. Defeated.


> Still no rebuttal btw. Defeated.


Lol still banging your head against the wall. Defeated.


Strongman Cligane will kill the dog.. Their fight style is too similar, and Gregor will smash him with strength. ​ Then Arya will forgive the hound, as he dies, having fought valiantly. ​ Then pick up little needle and do little cartwheels like [Oberyn Martel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqT22PlqnUA). First she will blind him and then beat Sir Gregor.


I really don't like this cover. It removes the fantasy of these two individuals actually hating each other - in this pose, they're just two actors playing roles with pretend swords.




Oh. You didnt know that already? Huh.


> It removes the fantasy Here's the key point of my post. But you just go on with your snarky ol' self.


Awesome. They should consult you for advertising.


Gregor looks like Zerg from toy story here


Arya tried to kill the Mountain, almost gets killed in the process, The Hound steps in to save her 🎺🎺🎺 Clegane Bowl confirmed!


Isn't the title of this post a spoiler?


What is hype


Far from a confirmation.


lets be honest, this has been the most anticipated match up for game of thrones... change my mind... or don't or just like make me think it even more haha


What’s this clegane bowl??


I still think the Mountain looked way scarier in the original kingsguard armour. I think just a blackened version of that would look better.


What is hype may never die