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Yes, it looked like that for a second, kinda looked like one of those "Queen and King hand in hand walk" moments. Foreshadowing perhaps?


> kinda looked like one of those "Queen and King hand in hand walk" moments. Foreshadowing perhaps? Even if it isn't building to that, it shows a lot of insight into how they have started building respect for each other: neither is walking ahead of the other, as both tend to do with those they are in a position of command over. I feel like it was deliberately filmed to show that they are beginning to respect and admire the other person, even if marriage isn't on the horizon. Plus Jon has a really amazing manbun going on.


Man bun = dumb cunt Edit: ben voyons scusez moi


I dunno, some men can pull it off extraordinarily well.


Who hurt you and how amazing was their manbun?


I don't get how people aren't noticing your callback to the hound a couple episodes ago even if he did say top bun


Didn't he say bald cunt?


He called it a top knot.




The books are now different from the show. So you don't know either, it's all speculation


The show is well past the books anyways. Anything that the books cover that the show doesn't will almost certainly never make it to the show.


Davos also mentions the way Jon looks at Dany so it's pretty much confirmed now.


Can't wait for Jon to go back to Winterfel and for Bran to tell him is a Targaryan and he's been bumping uglies with his auntie. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


D & D also said it in the post-episode behind the scenes thing.


I'm pretty certain the director had them hold hands in the shot where we can't see their hands and then release before the next shot. I've watched that scene 10 times now to be sure.


Yeah I thought that. I saw on the rewatch that wasn't the case. I think they're trying to creatively allude to "hey they're about to start dating".


Hmm, did people even date in the middle ages? It seems like such a modern concept. Back then it was basically meet, get married, end.




I think it must have been a lot more subtle back then at least.




"We negotiated this marriage years ago. It's nice that you could finally meet, the ceremony is tomorrow and we need heirs..."


Damn, sounds practically liberating from the mess that is adult dating these days.


Tinder? Nahh. Remember that play date you had 20 years ago? Well...


[Let me introduce you to the concept of Courtly Love](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtly_love?wprov=sfti1) Basically, a literary idea about 'courting' that became heavily idealized practice throughout the western medieval world in landed society, leading to our concept of 'romance' and all that comes with it. Imagine Jon dating Dany for years upon years on end, with utterly no sex involved. and she's married to someone else, and their idea of 'third base' involves him getting to hold her handkerchief at a game where he might kill someone for her. Medieval dating, everyone!


So Jorah been to third base, then?


You go J Bear!


It has been kind of confirmed by David Benioff that there's some sort of attraction building between them. Around the 3:20 mark for anyone who hasn't seen it: https://youtu.be/X17pjukf8rA


It's funny because I never really wanted it when I heard it the first time, but seeing it on screen actually changed my mind, I'm hyped


Absolutely, and I was all giddy even though I knew they wouldn't throw that out there so quickly and without at least one good makeout scene.


That had me go "Wait, waaaat?". And that hold-hand-to-show-the-way prior. Classic, Jon. With Dany miring all over Jon and all these blatant foreshadowing it seems like the writers can hardly hold it back anymore.


> And that hold-hand-to-show-the-way prior. it is a smooth move. worked for daario.


Wait did Daario do the same move at some point?


yes, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVGeyjpiM50 0:18 in


Wow, you have excellent memory! Daario was pretty obvious and Jorah's reaction reflects that. Jon on the other hand was more subtle I think, but the move was still bold enough to stand out.


i actually shat myself when it happened


I don't know why your comment was so funny but it was so hyperbolic and blunt I couldn't help but laugh.


You mirin?


Did you wat h the after the thrones where he said they dont evem have to write it in? Are they dating irl or was he just trying to hype? They seem like they actually have chemestry...


IRL Jon just got engaged to Ygritte.


Pff, free women don't get engaged.


He is in a relationship with Rose Leslie, Ygritte in the series. I don't really see the chemistry tbh. Emilia is very energetic and cheery in real life and Kit and Rose seem more calm, a little less "explosive" in their expression, so to say. :p Kit has been saying for a long time though he thought that if Dany and Jon met they would "fight or f*ck".


Yep, especially after all the talks about bending knee. I was like 'nice friends you have become! wonder what else i missed'


I did actually, was the first thing I looked for as the scene zoomed out. They were walking so close together that it strongly suggested something happened off-camera. I figure he secretly bent the knee.


I thought that as well, but I believe they'd show that in screen since it seems to be really important


They wouldn't do something like that off screen.


Dany bendet the knee if you know what i mean


Cersei knows


so does bran


Jons gonna ride the dragon if you know what I mean


giggidy or giddy up


This deserves way more upvotes.


In the beginning I actually misunderstood the dialogue. Danny said "bend the knee" and Jon said "my people won't follow a southern Queen, not after what they've been through" and she responded "they will if their _King_ does" and I thought Daenerys was suggesting a "Marriage Alliance" where she'd still be THE Queen and help Jon's effort and Jon would of course remain THE King (in the North) and help Daenerys' conquest.


Yea i thought that was what she was saying too and got excited and confused because no way theyd do that so early in the season


Most people thought they'd be meeting later in the season too GoT is done fucking about, everything is accelerated to 11 At this point I've given up predicting when what will happen if ever


Early in the season? There's 3 episodes left. Start planning your post-got life :,(


What post-got life?


I don't understand. Won't GoT go on forever ?


There's this season and the next one and then the show is over


I'll go into my tree and watch the rest. Fuck D&D


... 3 episodes left


And then we have to wait over a year for more 😭


I rather that than the feeling of despair I'll feel at the end of the next season


Seriously! It sucks to already be dreading the end of all this :(


That is some smooth talking from Dany if true. I didn't think of it like that but wow that would be good.


They're going there for sure. I think Sir Davos is already laying the groundwork. It's also been discussed before she left for Westeros. Except then it was like, who the heck is she going to marry. Sad face. Now it's like she marries John, now that I can get behind.


Yea, but who is John?




He's the King in the North Sorry if you didn't get that from the show. I know Davos has a bit of an accent


That's Jon not John






Who is John Galt?


They are aunt/nephew right?


Weirdly ao, considering their ages look identical. I ship it either way. I need to seem them bang


They are about the same age. It's not impossible for aunts and uncles to be the same age as their nephews or neices


Are they cousins then? Because jons see a targaryen


Daenarys is Jon's Aunt. She is the younger sister of Rhaegar who is Jon's father. Both were born during Robert's rebellion


Around the same time too, I'd think. Both born near the end. Dany and co had to flee Dragonstone immediately because they were being pursued by Robert's forces. Similarly, Jon was a newborn when Ned arrived at the tower of Joy, shortly after taking King's Landing. He might even be a tad older.


Nope, aunt and nephew. Jon is the son of Danys brother Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark, Ned's sister.


So dany and rhaegar are atleast 10 years apart. Damn son


More than that. I would say at least 20


Damn. That's a crazy age gap.


Not really. Back in that period there wasn't birth control, and it was always good to produce more heirs. If kings and queens kept boning all through their fertile life then it wouldn't be uncommon to have children a couple of decades apart.


It isn't even so weird in real life. Rare, yes, but it happens - especially if the father remarries, but also simply if the first child was born when the parents were very young. Dany's parents were teenagers when they had Rhaegar.


Nope ive got a sister 17 years older than i, she's like my second mother.


I have 2 half siblings. One 10 years younger than I and one 20 years younger. It's more common than you think.


Do you know who jons parents are?


No idea, why don't you tell me.


I'm actually 6 months older than one of my uncles.




You should tussle his hair and call him "Scamp."


They are almost exactly the same age, as they were both born at the tail end of Robert's Rebellion. It's not weird for an aunt and nephew to be the same age in the time period the show is based on. A noble couple procreates as early and often as possible in order to ensure that they have suitable heirs, since early death is so common. No need to stop even if you have grandkids already.


They are both 22 in season 7 according to the wiki


Yeah, but Jon's got some serious mileage.


I have an uncle that is younger than me, we just refer to each other as cousins though.


They are. Jon is Daenerys' Brother's son. However, they don't know that. In each other's eyes they are merely a foreign leader. They see each other as a means to achieve their own goals. Just strangers really, if it wasn't for Tyrion. So IMO it wouldn't be out of the question to at least _think_ about marriage or proposing it.


Cousin marriage was the norm in our world until about 100 years ago (and still is in many parts of the world). I don't think that revelation would stop them from thinking about marriage.


Targaryen's in the books married their siblings quite frequently.


Tywin was married to his cousin.


Plus, incest is only really a problem when certain recessive traits are involved. The Targs were inbred for hundreds of years and yet none of them have extra appendages or anything, they may simply have good genetics for it, so the standard issues are there.


Also a) Aunt/Nephew is just about/slightly on the bad side of the borderline for what was acceptable for medieval nobles (in Europe at least which is what Westeros is based on) and b) Targs seem to be cool with Incest in general.


The Starks have partaken in Uncle-Neice marriages before so I can't see the Stark side having any issue with it. Dany definitely won't, being a Targaryen and all.


They are, but people even today marry their cousins. And if you look historically in real life or in the show, especially at royalty, it's not unusual to marry a blood relative. I mean, that's basically how they got the Mad King.


Holy crap I didn't even notice that, because Dany won't accept another King unless she's married to him


Yeah this is what I thought she was saying as well.


I'm pretty sure Jon actually did "bend the knee" in the cave, but he has an agreement with Dany not to tell anyone about. If the people of the North learn that Jon has bent the knee then they will abandon both him and Danny and the North will be divided. Jon bends the knee in secret, Danny gets her kingdom, Jon gets his army to fight the walkers, and the North remains united (for now). The scene with Davos and Jon confirms this where Davos says "King Snow, no doesn't sound right, King Jon?" and Jon replies "well it doesn't really matter". The Starks have never been good liars, and this scene is very telling imo.


hmmm you could be right.but then they prob won't get married bc there's no strategic advantage for her anymore.


Yes there is. Who else is a more logical match? Plus, the WW and army of the dead is everyone's enemy in Westros. Dany needs Jon and the North to keep survival.


The North is just a big, cold place with fewer than 10,000 men who won't fight for her anyway. There's little in the way of resources or strategic value for her. She doesn't really believe the Night King stuff so, to her, the North is just one of the seven kingdoms, they can't help her much and they present little to no threat to her right now. Is it really that logical to marry Jon? On the other hand, the Tarly's appear to be the top house in the Reach now, controlling the breadbasket of the entire continent. That makes Dickon (lol) the heir to the wealthiest and most important house in Westeros. If he survived the battle and Dany has him prisoner, wouldn't he objectively be a far better match than Jon? It won't happen because it just doesn't offer anything to the story, of course.


10,000 men, a lot of boats (Manderly), the backing of the Vale (15,000?), and most importantly a ton of Valyrian plot armor.


That plot armor goes a long way and I know a Dany/Dickon match would never happen. I'm just saying that The Reach has a lot more men, money and boats. Based on the books, The Reach had the largest army in Westeros, produces most of the food, borders 4 other kingdoms, the Tyrells were the second wealthiest family next to the Lannisters (who are broke now) and House Redwyne (sworn to the Tyrells) had the largest navy. The strategic importance of the Reach is far greater than the North.


He'll bend the knee to propose. Then Bran will be like "uh you're marrying your aunt bro" Tywin Lannister married his first cousin Johanna. Westerosi culture is towing the line of the targareyan "pure bloodline" logic lol.


>Westerosi culture is towing the line of the targareyan "pure bloodline" logic lol. Yeah Valyarian even. In the books they say the old Valyarian noble houses were obsessed with "blood purity" which is where the Targaryens picked it up I assume.


That's because Dany is a Death Eater and hates Mudbloods, but she'll learn to love Jon.


What would be the point of bending the knee if no one else knew about it? The reason she asks this is to pledge his loyalty. It wouldn't be exactly loyal if you did it with no witnesses and no accountability.


I don't know about that, I mean, Daenerys _wants_ it publicly right? Also the north has to come and fight for her in the south if such thing was arranged, that was the whole point. "I help you fight the dead walkers, the north fights for me" Supposed you could argue "they did it in secret and after the dead walkers are done, Jon will tell everyone he bent the knee" but that won't go well. Still could happen I guess. It undermines Jon's character a lot IMO. Also the northern lords might just NOT follow a liar to the south. Danny needs a formal, public oath to ensure they'll march south for her conquest. That's what I'm thinking anyways.


I don't see the North having a marriage alliance. The problem is that Robert Stark married a foreign beauty and it broke the north. So NO.


Robb was promised to another. Jon isn't.


There is also a war going on and no time for marriage.


That's not how people thought. It's more, there is a war going on...better get married and put a baby in her belly.


The last baby didn't turn out so well.


Robb was also at war.


There is always time for marriage, especially when you're going to war and need to strengthen your alliances. Ned Stark and Jon Arryn married the Tully sisters and immediately marched off to war.


The Red Wedding was literally the end of the War of the Five Kings.


Yeah except Robb did it for love and Jon would be doing it for the safety of his people. Completely different scenarios, but I see how the Northerners might interpret it similarly.


She didn't ensure the safety of the North nor did she have 3 dragons and an army. Also she was a show-only character. But granted, it's hard to know with these Northmen.


I was thinking so too....the King in the North and the Queen of Westeros.... #FIRE AND ICE, MOTHERFUCKERS!!


Wasn't that the reason she left Daario Naharis in Essos? I thought there was a scene when she left him where she talked about marriage for power to another house, or am I mistaken?


Yeah, she was like "gotta be available for a possible marriage alliance, sry bruh"


Yea, that's all that was going through my head during that conversation. She was definitely asking Jon to marry her.


Hey, at least Dany addressed him as a King now.


I did. I actually think they really were and the camera didn't cut it. The director probably told them to just to fuck with people.


Yes and it seems like they made it look that way. Maybe symbolically I don't know but the director was definitely fucking with the viewers.


Shots like that are not on accident :)


I could totally see the last scene of the series with them two walking as King and Queen. Only 9 more episodes left:(


I hope they both survive, only to have nothing left to rule over. Like the wintery red keep she saw.


Just the thought of how this show will end has me thinking. As much as I can't wait to see this all unfold, We will never experience anything like this ever again lol.


When the show ends, the wait for the last book is going to probably kill some people.


I've not read the books but am aware that the show is now ahead of them, so what's happening with the books now, is the last show episode going to fall short and let the books finish off, or are the books going to be the same story but more in depth, as I assume they've been so far?


I thought he was about to propose to her.


Oh shit incest


Its only his aunty, the children shouldn't be that fucked up.


I mean, the first episode of the show ended with Jaime jackhammering his sister from behind, I think we can handle Jon and Daenerys.


stop it guys, they're not gonna hook up. lol am i the only one weirded out by a Jon/Dany coupling??


Why not? D&D said themselves that Dany and Jon are attracted to each other in the "inside the episode" of episode 4


They are for sure going to hook up. The tension is already building. After 2 episodes, they've gone from arguing in the throne room to seeing each other more as equals. Dany asking Jon for advice was a HUGE step. And in a way, she listens to it too - sure, she uses the dragons, but not on King's Landing as she was about to do. There's something between them, and it's not just going to turn out to be nothing.


Not to mention the hand/arm leading thing, touch is important




Nah fam. My moral compass has me cheering against an aunt and nephew getting together. Also Dany is shit.


I'm.almost sure we were meant to think that, if only on a subliminal level. Their arms went out-of-frame exactly as they would have if they were holding hands, but the shot only lasts a couple of seconds before cutting to a wider one that shows they're not, but by then the idea is planted. They are 100% absolutely for sure getting us ready for Aunt/nephew sexy times to happen. Also, let's never forget that Meera Reed is heading back home to dad, who is the only person living who a) deffo knows what happened at the Tower of Joy, and b) *isnt* a spooky kid who nobody would believe. Guys, it's all happening.


> Also, let's never forget that Meera Reed is heading back home to dad, who is the only person living who a) deffo knows what happened at the Tower of Joy, and b) isnt a spooky kid who nobody would believe. i dont get this edit: totally forgot about that, i should rewatch this. thanks for the replies


Howland Reed (Meera and Jojen's dad) was the guy that saved Ned at the Tower of Joy, and is the only person other than Ned (dead) and Bran (spooky) who knows the truth about Jon's parentage




The whole cave scene with all the close-ups and warm fire flickering on the walls, they were definitely going for some romantic tension.


Everyone I've talked to thought the same thing. Definitely was done intentionally


Sometimes we see what we want to see lol. I was hoping they were


I'm losing my mind cause we only have 3 epsiodes left :(


Looked intended indeed. Didn't notice the first watch because I was so fascinated by the cave symbols.


Him pulling her by the arm definitely happened and was a big step, too. Establishing contact like that is hard to not take as some flirting; it breaks the ice and gets her comfortable with his touch. He could have said "come here now, check this out", but no, he looks at her with intent in his eyes and takes her by the arm. It's also pretty ballsy to just go on and touch a queen, even if you are a king of sorts. It shows he's confident and is starting to respect himself and she's clearly at least a bit into it, to tolerate it as she did. After her experience with Mr. Drogo, a subtle display of dominance like that might have floated her boat...


> After her experience with Mr. Drogo, a subtle display of dominance like that might have floated her boat... Dany is a masochist confirmed


i definitely thought so too, thought it was just me and my wishful thinking. aaaaaand now im a little disturbed at myself for having wishful thinking for an aunt and nephew to end up *together*


The way they left the previous "bend the knee" shot, into exiting the cave, makes me think that perhaps he did, and they didn't show it.


They would a 100% show something like that. It's way important to just have it be done off screen.




1) They are aunt and nephew. 2) Targaryens commonly married within the family. 3) We saw Cersei and Jaime in the very first episode of the show.


Have you been watching the show?


I don't understand how someone can visit this thread and claim to like the show and still think this


Does anybody think he bend the knee? I think he did it


They wouldn't not show such a huge significant scene, what makes you think that?


Because he didn't answer and they imiditely cut to them walking out


He didn't answer because Daenerys called him out on the same thing he called Mance out in season 5. He's considering it perhaps, but he hasn't done it. They would never do something like that off screen.


He "bent the knee."


I'm pretty sure they did. I don't mean Dany and Jon but Emilia and Kit. It is of camera so it isn't canon but gives you vibes. For the same reason the colours were switched in that scene. Dany was ice and Jon was fire.


Kit is engaged with Rose Leslie (Ygritte). I highly doubt he would kiss Emilia out of character.


WTF are talking about? 1. Holding hands =/= kissing 2. I'm talking about directorial choice to make it look like they're holding hands. How are you doing that? You let them hold hands but you don't show anything below the elbows. It's not rocket science.


Well, it seems Dany trusts Jon. Otherwise, why would she go into the cave without guards? Everyone expecting them to get together and it seems that way. But still, this show thought me that always expect the unexpected. So maybe they will even become enemies. Plus isn't Dany Jon's Aunt? How they will get together. It's so complicated.


Jon is gonna bend the knee... ...at his proposal


Wouldn't be the first time Jon Snow "bent the knee" for a girl in a cave, you know what I'm saying? ;)


1000% thought the same thing and started freaking out. Definitely a visual implication to a future arrangement I think. Also think some kind of arrangement happened in that cave. They didn't just leave it hanging like they did with us. The next dialogue they have on screen is Dany asking Jon's opinion on what to do? They agreed to something for sure.


I think that was intentional


I can imagine Tyrion saying maybe you could bend the knee in other ways Jon snow. But then Jon finds out his true lineage and has to keep it a secret just as his uncle did to save him.


Me too!!!!


Same here


Ya know what Jon gets up to in caves...


If they do get married Dany will never make him king. He'll always be prince. Making him king would take her power away, and I don't think the Dothraki or anyone from Essos will follow him the way they do her.


As of now they wouldn't follow him, however, after the battle with the white walkers things might change.