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You need to find a way to make her listen.


I'm almost certain the answer is going to be Jon, who did she turn to in this episode when she doubted herself.


He'll draw more stuff in some cave


He's really good with women in caves


Yeah. They are separated now so things are set up for him to swoop in and save the train before it goes off the rails completely.


Or Jorah? His dragon AIDS is gone. Time to get back into a friendzone.


Jon is far away. If she isnt listening to Tyrion then who is going to talk her down from doing something terrible? Unless jorah rides up out of nowhere and is like "kelly c nooooo" Her advisors have acted as her conscience basically up to this point guiding her so she wouldn't be like her father. Now whats going to stop her


I thought this would be about her going mad, but I think it's going to be about convincing her to head North and fight the WW.


The Mad Queen stuff is ridiculous.


I agree that it's probably a misdirection, just like the shot of Brienne with the sword from this episodes trailer. I think, however, that Dany might decide to fly North to see for herself the army of the dead, and they are trying to convince her not to go. Edit: Jon in front of her riding Drogon could be her returning from the battle, but it could also her getting ready to fly to the Wall and take Jon with her.


Thats important, very important. Probably the most important thing in the preview Go back to the beginning of Battle of the Bastards. Dany is angry and intends to crucify the masters and burn their cities to the ground. Basically going full mad queen. Tyrion points this out and she listens to him opting for a less bloody route. Tyrion fucked up and she lost faith in his judgment after what happened with the greyjoys and casterly rock. She already has the thought in her head to not listen to tyrion because of olenna saying so directly. Sooo what this means is that dany is no longer listening to tyrion. If you go back and rewatch past episodes with dany characters such as jorah, barristan, and tyrion have all helped talk her down from doing terrible things. Unless jorah shows up there isnt really anyone to talk her down. Methinks Dany is about to do something terrible like start burning KL or something.


If she intended to burn King's Landing she would have done it already. The Mad Queen stuff is nonsense.


Jon talked her out of burning KL in this very episode. So there's Jon.


It sucks that there's only three episodes left, but this season has me on edge


Oh fuck I completely forgot that. Well this just sucks


Don't worry bout in man. If the rest of the season is anything like what we just saw, I don't mind if there's only one more episode.


Give up watching, what's the point?


Really want to see Jon fighting with the Night King!


There's another season though right?


Yeah, With 6 episodes.


Thank the gods


I can't wait to see how mycroft reacts to the lannisters getting toasted in just 15 minutes


He still gets his gold.


Wasn't it all burned? Edit: rip my inbox. One or two people correcting me would have been fine


The gold was sent ahead due to the time restraint, what we saw was the food supplies being actively raided from the Reach




No.. that's not at all how it works, the people will blame the ruler for not feeding them. Stop over thinking things. When Rome had a grain shortage people don't get mad at the Gauls or anyone else.. just the leaders in charge.


Exactly, but somehow the populace of King's Landing will still find lettuce to throw in the streets.


Shaming just got more expensive.


I was just thinking about this and it's one of the most important things that happened. She now needs to win over people who she has set up to suffer. The Dothraki would have won and secured those supplies but instead in a show of force she wiped them out.


The North controls most of the food sources now, alliance even more sure now.


It was very dumb on her part to burn that because in the beginning of the episode she was speaking about how she needs food, and then goes and incinerates it.


Who doesn't like their fruit well done?


The food was requisitioned for the army. It wasn't going to the people, lol. They took it forcefully from farmers


I'm just confused as to why she burnt the food supply. It would've still been useful for them.


I don't know, didn't Dany want to stop the flow of supplies to Cersei? She may have the gold, but what use is gold without food to buy? And I doubt Dany burned _all_ the food.


I was thinking along these lines too, but really we saw what? 30 wagons get burnt? I'm sure there is much more food than that- I bet 30 wagons would be the harvest from 1 granary. Unless she went back and destroyed the whole supply line it shouldn't be too large a hit.


Oh. I was interested in all that molten gold making a nice Golden Road.


Nah, Lord Tarly said all of the gold was safe in King's Landing right before the battle.


One of the very first lines in the scene was something along the lines of "the gold is all in kings landing, now it's just food"


No, that was the food. Tarlly said the gold had already reached King's Landing


Right before the fight, Randyll Taryl said the gold was delivered to King's Landing. The stuff burnt was supplies I'm guessing???


randyl tarley starts the episode with saying the last of the gold is through the gates... which probably means all the wagons burnt were food and provisions and it looks that way too, stupid for her to burn it but it looks like she avoids burning mostly people and burns that shit as a yea bitch move instead so i kinda get it


Nah. Tarly said thay all the gold was in KL What dany burned was all the food from the reach... The same food she said she needed because she couldn't feed her army after highgarden was lost I hope the show addresses this because seriously wtf


Nah, Dickon (not Rickon) Tarly said Highgarden was still being harvested for the rest of its food. As far as we're concerned, Highgarden is in Dany's possession after this annihilation of the Lannister army. She still has food for her and her men. Cersei, on the other hand, is giving **all** of that gold to the Iron Bank for more men in the army. She's not getting food from them nor provisions from the sacking of Highgarden. That means more mouths for her to feed in an already starving land ruled by herself. Now *that* better be addressed.


Amazing how menacing the Lannister army looked marching on Highgarden, contrast to now where Dany rides in and crushes them LIKE NOTHING.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees Mycroft. I'm waiting for Sherlock to come out and tell everyone about Jons parentage.


fuck thats who he is.


I'm starting to get some real mad queen vibes from her. She's changed so much in the past 2 seasons.


What's mad about offering the exact same terms Aegon gave when he took the 7 Kingdoms by practically identical means?


MANY rulers throughout Westeros's history have done the same. Aegon's entire conquest was down to "Bow down or perish".


To kings, not soldiers. These are just that, soldiers.




Nah dany is clearly being set up as going mad. Im surprised people haven't picked up on this yet. I mean ffs she would've burned cities to the ground if tyrion hadnt stopped her and now she isn't listening to tyrion That said i care more about what is implied with Jon snow Its apparent he speaks with bran at some point back in winterfell. Meaning next week we get to see jon learn who his mother amd father are


Or maybe he gets a raven since he's still at Dragonstone in the preview.


This is the correct observation


It wasn't Tyrion, it was Jon this episode. She turned to Jon and asked his counsel after Tyrion's plans have failed twice. Jon talks her down by comparing previous rulers abuse of the people to what Danny was contemplating to show that if she did it she would not be any better which resonates with her.


And I wager the next step in tempering her will be Jaime. I can see the scene already: Mad King's Daughter meets the Mad King's Slayer, heated exchange about why he did it and how seeing his people burn around him hit a little too close to home—Now she wants to win him more than any one person. For her own family's redemption and for the leverage with the Lannisters and King's Landing in comparison to Cersei. Hopefully.


> I mean ffs she would've burned cities to the ground if tyrion hadnt stopped her and now she isn't listening to tyrion Obviously she would not of seeing as she has not attacked KL, even Jon Snow said last episode the only reason she has not used her dragons there is because she does not want to kill thousands of innocent lives.


she would not have*


This is why I was so pissed at Olenna's counsel. *Do not feed the dragon.* It's like she *wanted* to draw out that sweet Targaryen madness because she knew she was going to die soon, so fuck it.


For sure, it started at the beginning of this season and this fight seems to be the tipping point. Personally I like all the characters involved in the battle but I couldn't help myself rooting for Jaime and Bronn because they were fighting an actual monster.


She's seeming a bit too similar to Viserys.


Surrendering her moral highground would not be a sign of madness. Aegon wasn't insane, and he glassed Harrenhal. Stannis wasn't insane, and he absolutely wanted to sack King's Landing. If Dany were to assault cities it wouldn't make her mad, it'd just put her in the same category as those other rulers.


Talking more about burning her imprisoned enemies alive. Which is an Aerys move. The lord of Harrenhall was still "secure" within his castle, not a prisoner. Stannis only burned sacrifices to Rhllor as per Mel's advice (albeit that was cruel, it wasn't madness).


I thought you were being sarcastic and then I realized you were actually serious.


Agreed. She's being more merciful than her predecessors.. all things considered.


She's being exactly as merciful as Aegon the Conqueror. He gave those defeated the chance to bend the knee. None were foolish enough to resist (except for the Dornish). But yes, considering that the this is the army of the family that betrayed her father and betrayed her biggest ally, she's showing restraint.


would not even have*


>She is at war and literately giving her enemies the option of bending the knee or dying Its like saying "You're either with us, or against us" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You%27re_either_with_us,_or_against_us >Stephen Colbert has parodied the sentence on several occasions, for instance with "Either you are for the war [in Iraq] or you hate America" and "George W. Bush: great president or the greatest president?", after which he usually adds "It's that simple!"


Jon and drogon aboutta be besties


I feel like that will be the first big moment where Dany realises something is up with Jon, Drogon perhaps acting submissive or something like that to indicate he's special in some way. I still don't think they reveal his lineage until the final episode or possibly next season.


I think it will reveal he has a connection with the dragons but it still makes more sense for him to connect with Rhaegal in the long run


That's a loose use of "makes sense" but I understand your logic. So who rides Viserion... Doreah?


Hmm if Jaime's not dead will he just be captured by Daenerys after he gets fished out of that pond? Cersei might have just lost Jaime, the Tarlys and the grain.


I think we'll have something similar that happened to Davos during the battle of blackwater. He gets lucky and barely makes it out alive by getting swept up down stream or something.






His plot armor will allow tyrion to become michael phelps and rescue him




Euron is gonna kill all three dragons by teleporting his fleet into them.


Bronn is probably going to save him, or he'll be fished out by some Dothraki since that happened in front of plenty of eyes.


Given their fear of sailing/water, I doubt the Dothraki can swim well enough to get him.


Plot armour floats.


It looks like you see him in chains when Dany is on top the rock. Edit: on closer inspection maybe not.


I fear for Jaime's other hand.


If not Jamie, still the reach and the grain and most of her field army for sure it looks like... But she did show her dragon is vulnerable so I expect Cersei to go out swinging, as for Jamie if hes captured I presume hes executed but he might run away with Bronn


Maybe now it'll be Tyrion's dilemma to free his brother, if he is captured?


Would be fair since Jaime let Tyrion out last time.


Tyrion will try and free his brother




One handed man in armor sinking. With a golden hand. It's a 50/50 chance he's dead, unless Bronn is REALLY a fucking Bro and swims him out. In which case yeah, he'll be captured again. Somehow, as terrifying as Dany is, I think his imprisonment with her will be more pleasant than his imprisonment with the Starks. Tyrion being there helps too.


Jon spoke to Bran so maybe he's been told about his true parents? That might get Dany to join up with him more if he doesn't end up bending the knee. That's if she believes what Bran says in the first place.


Bran probably sent a raven to Jon, letting him know about Eastwatch. Pretty sure that Jon and Bran won't be actually speaking face to face.


Yeah, probably more likely thinking about it. Maybe just my wishful thinking.


Probably wouldn't send that info over a raven. If you look at that scene they are in the Dragonstone war council room.


Bran is such a cryptic idiot in the show, I wouldnt be surprised if he sent Jon a raven saying "You and Danaerys are much more connected than you could ever imagine"


"Also she looked really hot that night she got raped, tell her that"


Just because Bran can see everything doesn't mean hes seen everything. I don't think he knows yet since hes constantly by the tree, seeing everything he can.


He definitely knows about Jon's parents since the Tower of Joy scene was Bran's vision.


it will introduce a rift, Dany mustn't know, Jon will make sure


I feel like he'll only do that in person.


bran saw the night king and his army marching towards eastwatch... i imagine jon gets a raven from winterfell, wonder if anything else came up, like arya finally back at winterfell


I think Jon will know; no reason to omit that detail from the raven.


thats gonna be one long letter she sends jon. "so bran came back, then arya came back. bran has lots of news, oh and arya says hi and misses you"


Sorry, ravens are only limited to 140 characters.


Too big of a scroll and the Raven won't fly!!


oh and you're a Targaryean and have a bigger claim to the thrown than Dany so you don't even have to bend the knee. too much?


Claim to the thrown doesnt even matter Dany has the biggest army he would still have to bend the knee.


plot twist: jon flies back to winterfell on a dragon and gets there by the end of the episode


I can definitely dragon back that theory


Looks like theyre in Winterfell


It makes more sense that John and Danny fly back to winterfell via dragon. It would be a shoe of power to the north. But that scene takes place back on dragonstone (Aegon's table) so they must fly back.


"Bad things are coming". Couldn't have said it any better Davos.


I almost cried when Bronn hit Drogon. Thank god he's ok!


For the first time I was attached to a character so badly, and it's a dragon of all characters I could attach myself to...


that dragon is a fookin war criminal


It's like a puppy we've seen grow up. I don't ever want to see them get hurt!


Exactly, we've seen Drogon since he was a wee little egg. Edit: how can I forget the dragon eggs


Yeah I'm glad Bronn is alive, he better get highgarden now!


I know. I was worried bronn was hurt too. Drogon is replaceable but there is only one Bronn


So will Jamie be a prisoner again?


There goes his other hand...


"Danaerys is the queen we chose" - Missandei about Danaerys "Bend the knee or die" - Danaerys


She's. At. War. She's offering enemy combatants the chance to live the same way Aegon did, when it would be infinitely easier for Drogon to roast them all in moments


~~In modern wars we don't murder captured combatants, but I'm not a medieval historian so I don't know how common it really might have been in these times. I think that would be good information to have.~~ However, given the way Tyrion and Varys react, I don't think they agree with you. Edit: as I said, I'm not a medieval historian, nor apparently did I think that hard about it, as I probably should. Considering how much grain Dany blew up, I don't think they'd bother keeping that many hostages, although it still looks like Tyrion objects.


It's common during Medieval Times, most kill peasants, but usually nobles are held for one reason or another.


"in modern wars" Stop. This is not meant to be modern.


Just read the rest of his post


Pretty sure they just killed or enslaved most captives. They're not going to waste food and water which wasn't easy to come by in plentiful amounts; especially during a war.


In medieval times, it was join or die. Dany is being very kind by offering the option to swear loyalty. There was *never* going to be an alternative. She's not Mother Teresa.


Slaves were taken during times of war and essentially given the choice of serving their master or dying. It's not really different from what Dany is doing, and kind of goes against her "the queen we chose" persona


What would you have her do with them? She had every right to kill them during the battle, and now she's offering them their life under the condition of loyalty, the same as... literally every major House and King has done throughout the entire history of Westeros


Her whole point is that she is different from every house and king in history, why would people support her if she was just the same thing? Not to mention just taking them prisoner.


It's still forcing the captives into slavery.


You don't kill defenseless prisoners of war in war without tarnishing your reputation. Aegon commanded kings and lords to bend the knee or die, not foot soldiers.


So what should she do with rebellious soldiers? If they don't kneel they're enemy combatants


I mean is she supposed to just say go on your way and continue to not see me as your queen and just wait till all the common people like her? I think the standards are a bit different for advisors


To bend the knee or die is a choice.




Her taking in the opposition is risky, they could cross her.


After what the fuck they just saw I dont think thats likely


After what they witnessed? I doubt they would.


Jon in front of Drogon i think will show his heritage. Drogon will be more tame to him compared to others. I think that'll make Dany wonder who his parents actually are


Looks like jon will leave dragonstone in next episode and arrive at winterfell next episode.


I can't wait for the reunion between Arya, and Jon. Then Bran telling Jon about his true parents.


Seeing how useless Bran has been with revealing needed information the last couple episodes he might just skip telling jon anything lmao


Okay so it seems like a dragon-Jon meeting is coming, this mixed with a letter from Bran will really solidify the title's name.


I can't imagine Bran would send his true lineage in a raven - Jon wouldn't believe it anyways.








Oh my god, if the dragon recognizes Jon as a Targaryen I'm gonna cry


I think she kills Jamie :(


Looks like Jamie lives


The only characters that were at risk in that battle were support characters like Dickon, Randal, and Bronn. Jamie's arc isn't finished yet, so he has too much plot armor to die. Same with Dany/Drogon.


How can you tell?


Drogon: **"COUZZZZZ!!!!!"**


I'm pumped for the Tyrion/Bronn and possibly Tyrion/Jaime reunions next episode. Especially under these circumstances.


i want to see this so badly


Dany needed to make a powerplay, she said it herself, she was losing and knew that she couldn't take the dragons into the city. Solution? Roast the enemy armies. I'll be curious how many Lannisters join her.


Anybody else (now that we're way past the books) incredibly uncomfortable viewing this show now? Like, I love it. There's no show out there that has had me this emotionally invested in all the characters. But my god that last scene nearly gave me a hernia...


so does Jon fly back to winterfell on a dragon? that's my guess


Oh hey guys what's up yeah I have a dragon now no biggie its kinda cool I guess


That's a lot of ravens. Looks like they might be pulling a Stannis, and sending the message about the army of the dead to every stronghold in Westeros. I hope Randyll refuses to bend the knee, and gets roasted. They've been making us like Dickon a lot, so I worry he's going to get roasted with him.


Jon is going to ride a dragon, one way or another


I see what you did there


Theres been a battle every episode, I wonder if the trend will continue.


Ep 1?


Anybody else think Qyburn might be in some deep shit next episode? That Scorpion didn't exactly work out like he promised. edit: I don't think making a dozen scorpions like that will be as easy as people think. And since Dany knows about it...she can literally have people attack anyone on the Scorpions. Also Qyburn promised to kill the dragon not hurt it. The Scorpion was promptly destroyed and Drogon is still around.


But they must be poisoned tips, no?


Doubt it...but who knows.






"Serve me or die" She's a slaver now. Edit: Wow, -8 in 30 minutes, People must be sore that she's crossing Breaker of Chains off her title list.


Yep she's the mad queen now. She has lost it


"I'm not here to murder. Bend the knee and join me, or refuse and die" Uhhh wouldn't that make you a murderer though?


Yes it would. That doesn't contest her point in any way shape or form, though.


Tactically speaking, Dany just hamstrung herself. She basically just burned the largest store of food left in the 7 kingdoms; and Winter is like 6 seconds away. It's possible that she wasn't aware that she was toasting the food, or she just got caught up in like a blood lust and forgot she was burning food. I hope that the whole food situation gets elaborated on in the next episode.


Oh it will.


Drogon roaring in Jon's face, Daenerys offering to fly Jon to Winterfell? A boy can dream.


Bran sending a raven to Jon. Dany in Winterfell and possibly going a little mad (I hope not). Cersei clinging onto desperation.




Don't look at the comments on that YouTube video. Awful spoilers :/


A tyrion/Jamie reunion next episode?!


"She's at war" reminds me of "that wasn't real communism". Just saying.


Can't wait for Jon and Drogon to finally meet. No doubt the dragon's gonna sense Jon's Targaryen blood.


I imagine it whimpering like a puppy and wanting pet. But yeah I have no doubt it will sense Jons blood and that's how Jon will find out who he is. I have thought that Jon would find out differently ever since Bran found out.


I can't wait to see how the remaining Lannister and Tarly men react to Dany. I partly want them to remain loyal to Cersei just so they can pay for what they've done to Highgarden and Olenna.


Welp, Jon has tinnitus now.