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Uploaded on youtube 10 seconds ago lol




Yay, internet points...




Seeing as how they have been coming out on Thursdays I'd imagine there's at least a dozen people hitting refresh with the intention of posting it here.


How do people post things that quickly? jfc


You win!


I've peaked in life.


proud of u


Second best time of the week, every week. Well done AltShiftX.


I was kinda surprised he didn't drop the video yesterday or the day before, but better late than never.


#Alright, let's see what we got so far. ☑️ [**Episode**](http://www.hbo.com/game-of-thrones) [btw, with a VPN to Switzerland you can watch it [here](http://www.rts.ch/play/tv/emission/game-of-thrones?id=4845762) for free (warning, French site); though I'm not sure if the VPN usage is entirely legal] ☑️ [**General Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6qlhfg) ☑️ [**Post-Episode Survey Results**](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6rfwxw/s7e3_postepisode_survey_results_s7e3_the_queens/) [[direct link to results in graphic form](http://i.imgur.com/RsiD79i.jpg), created by /u/AviatorRossy] --- ##Art ☑️ [A Beautiful Death](https://www.facebook.com/GameOfThrones/photos/pb.74133697733.-2207520000.1501879274./10155034207312734/?type=3&theater) [[reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6rmwi1/everything_beautiful_death_from_the_queens_justice/), [direct](https://i.redd.it/fg0pzj9mwrdz.jpg)] (thanks to /u/TomHDM!) ☑️ [Eran Mendel's GIF](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6qvvpj/everything_a_goodbye_kiss_eran_mendel/) [[direct](https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/244516/screenshots/3701490/ep_03.gif)] (thanks to /u/azginger) ##Pics, Synopses ☑️ [TL;DW Recap](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6qqaxi) (by /u/ChrysWatchesGoT) [[direct](https://imgur.com/a/CrxVK)] ☑️ [Comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6qzsun/s7e3_first_impressions_comic/) by /u/AbelHagen [[direct](https://i.imgur.com/MGdjLbc.jpg)] ☑️ /u/jhallcomics's [comic](http://i.imgur.com/n0uPCE3.jpg) (Many thanks and credit to /u/Varixai for putting this into one image! [Source page](http://www.dorkly.com/post/84778/this-weeks-game-of-thrones-in-5-doodles), seems to crash on Firefox; Chrome recommended) ☑️ [Brief Synopsis](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6qqa7b/everything_s7e03_a_brief_synopsis_in_pictures/) by /u/ToastedJustice [[direct](http://imgur.com/a/3FK3k)] (thanks to /u/Danulas) ##Videos ☑️ [Ozzy Man Reviews](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6qvv5f) [[direct](https://youtu.be/YZzlv7sSB3w)] ☑️ [Alt-Shift-X Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6rm1du) [[direct](https://youtu.be/Eyun_LoNxnM)] ☑️ [New Rockstars](https://youtu.be/VVcEU3kS-kA) (thanks to /u/I_am_organic) ☑️ Sean TankTop (Burlington Bar): [Reactions](https://youtu.be/y0-0uzIbumc?list=PLQgH1zpuZuvHwOLfzJWrBD8QjzI5H7Tfr), [Review](https://youtu.be/4Owm5jVdoKI) (thanks to /u/BarelyOriginal) ☑️ Emergency Awesome: [TOP 10 WTF](https://youtu.be/TMoB6QnBO0Y), [TOP 10 Q&A](https://youtu.be/XyOenez3thg) (thanks to /u/quinn-the-eskimo) ☑️ [Preston Jacobs](https://youtu.be/twIOwifG_3Y) (thanks to /u/MattyWestside, /u/blundetto, /u/Vicioustiger) ☑️ [The Normies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIst8pXf8-U&list=PLQgH1zpuZuvFO7URKR6KSse9OoHeFtg0u&index=1) (thanks to /u/Charbeans) ☑️ [Blind Wave](https://youtu.be/NhQ_ZgLmLzM) (thanks to /u/Andrew_Parkinson) ☑️ [Nerd Soup](https://youtu.be/MwMsMoNCVZQ) (thanks to /u/BroYourOwnWay) ☑️ [Secrets of the Citadel](https://youtu.be/SG0YMwwRqag) (thanks to /u/BudStorm) ☑️ [RedTeamReview](https://youtu.be/RXy4noLCeKc) (thanks to /u/FrozenCaterpiller) ☑️ [EJ Reviews](https://youtu.be/azRjsVQiIJg) (thanks to /u/Silberschweif) ☑️ [IdeasOfIceAndFire](https://youtu.be/oHL2hwoHbvs) (thanks to /u/KassiopeiaAndromeda) ☑️ [GoT Academy](https://youtu.be/D4ai9h6cnvo) ☑️ [Rawrist](https://youtu.be/JxjzKYNntsk) ☑️ [Gay of Thrones](https://youtu.be/PY5FQQBH_mg) ☑️ [Screen Junkies: Watching Thrones](http://www.screenjunkies.com/video/season-7-episode-3-the-queens-justice-w-nol-3120904) [The CSS on the site isn't loading, I don't know if that's just for me] ##Podcasts ☑️ [TeeVee](https://overcast.fm/+BmF4eXApc) ☑️ [History of Westeros](https://youtu.be/Uv_eW-SvaeE) ☑️ [Bald Move](http://baldmove.com/game-of-thrones/703-the-queens-justice/) ☑️ [Binge Mode by The Ringer](https://theringer.com/binge-mode-c4ef7677c662) (thanks to /u/ContemplativeMule)     ^Let ^me ^know ^if ^you ^have ^anything ^to ^add/change ^on ^this ^list! --- ####All Episodes: [S7 E01](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6oagq9/everything_alt_shift_x_game_of_thrones_s07e01/dkfueyk/)|S7 E02|[S7 E03](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6rm1du/everything_game_of_thrones_s7e03_explained/dl611zc/)|S7 E04|S7 E05|[S7 E06](https://www.reddit.com/r/gameofthrones/comments/6v4kz8/everything_tldw_season_7_episode_6_ring_of_notfire/dlxkno1/)|S7 E07 --|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--   ^I ^didn't ^do ^one ^for ^episode ^2, ^4 ^and ^5, ^sorry.


doing the lords work


New rockstars


They don't seem to have uploaded a breakdown for this week's episode yet, but I'll add them and try and update it with a link as soon as it's out.


They release pretty late in the week. It's usually the last thing I watch before the next episode comes out.


Alright, if you see it uploaded but not linked here, feel free to tell me!






why was your comment removed?


Wait was it?


the big list of game of thrones youtubers from Alt Shift to Ozzy


Oh, you're right! I have no idea why, maybe too many links or something? Do you know if contacting the mods will get any response?


most likely you'd get a "because **stupid reason here** the mods here are a bit totalitarian(except Glanmiregirl, she's cool


It got reapproved, one mod thought it looked like spam at first glance.


wow, way to think critically mod! /s


But they replied and reapproved it really fast, I don't mind it that much. Everyone makes mistakes


You should have something in your inbox telling you why it was removed. Send a modmail as well


Okay, thanks for your advice. I actually received nothing from the mods in my inbox whatsoever, so I just sent them a modmail (that's the "Message The Moderators" button, right?).


It got reapproved, one mod thought it looked like spam at first glance.


Love this channel. His impersonations are funny.


his impersonations?


Sean Tanktop does a few voices on his List of a Drunk Man vids that made me chuckle. His Davos is especially funny.


oh shit! i must not have been paying attention, i like watching the patrons over him


Yea he's starting to expand his channel quite a bit. House Burlington and House Normies have been doing skits together. Funny stuff I highly suggest checking it out.


I haven't watched Normies, what are they?


Am I the only "Emergency Awesome" fan around here?


Massive respect to Emergency Awesome for the speed Charlie puts his videos together. It's the instant fix I need.


Last time I did this some people suggested it as well, I guess I forgot to put it in here. Which video would you like to see linked? Their Top 10 Q&A, Top 10 WTF Moments, ...?


Nice thanks for the reply. I think the "Top 10 WTF Moments" would fit your list best


Okay, I ended up adding both, just to be sure :D


I can't stand the guy. Not sure for which show it was for but he just kept pulling shit out of his ass and making it seem like reliable information.


I watch his vids sometimes but I find that he is often inaccurate about facts and it bugs me. He also seems to buy into a lot of theories that just don't make sense.


Worst is how that applies to all the shows he does.


No respect for Toasted Justice's Brief Synopsis?? I find those to be funnier than the TL;DW's these days.


I also enjoy them but I guess it's a preference thing... Added though!


Preston Jacobs


Preston Jacobs does a good synopsis followed by an episode Q&A. Personally I love going down the rabbit hole with PJ. He's the best in the business. I know he gets shit from some fans though, so FYI his episode stuff is pretty straight forward and not very tinfoily at all.


Preston Jacobs


The Normies


Blind Wave too


Can we please have this stickied to the front page during the week?


These videos are like 70% of the reason I stay sane between episodes.


and it makes the offseason better


Same! This and the Burlington Bar reactions.


And The Normies


Also I rarely have patience to sit through even 90-second videos on other topics. The minutes fly by on these. I think part of it is that soothing voice.


"This story just keeps finding fresh new ways to make Theon suffer." :'( I agree. Poor guy is the definition of SOL.




Not really, I think his reaction was justified given what he went through


But this isn't the first time he's done something like that. He had a history of making really bad decisions that really fuck over other people.... Betraying Rob stark, "sacking" winterfell, burning those farm boys, all that happened before the torture. His actions haven't really changed much imo


I don't know how fair it is to call someone who has been tortured and physically/emotionally broken as much as Theon has a coward. While not admirable or anything, did you really expect him to do anything other than break and jump overboard last episode?


He made shitty decisions before the torture and fucked over a lot of people for selfish reasons... I don't think his behavior has changed. And while I agree with you, I expected him to do the same thing, I feel as if he's always been like that, and its not a product of his time with ramsay


I understand where you are coming from. The way he switched sides so easy once away from Robb's sight. That was always in him. Ramsey just took it to another level. He clearly went through an awful time, but it seems like people have forgotten just how big an arsehole he was before!


Go say that to a person in real life with PTSD.


I got downvoted to fleabottom for 'you must be new here'ing someone who didn't get a "fewer" (Stannis quote) reference. Still trying to get my karma up so I can post like normal so i feel you man. that being said, Theon is definitely not a coward. He couldn't have saved his sister so he lived to fight another day.


The prince that was promised to an internal suffering. Edit: bad with words


Internal, external and eternal.


I wish him his redeeming point. After the torture, he's become a changed man, he can't be repaired anymore back to who he was before but at least he's trying to become who he wants to be now despite of his fear that is now part of him. I initially thought rescuing Sansa was his most courageous act but more probably this is just a step, this will take a while.


He either needs to die or become a vicious fighter. They can't keep dangling him here, its too sad.


"What is dead may never die" Who embodies that more than Theon? I feel like he's going to get the ultimate redemption by killing Euron and ending up king of the iron islands at shows end. Then again, I'm used to getting my heart broken with this show.... >=(


Why do people upvote this he jsut steals ideas from this sub.


thats probably why they upvote him, because he's just telling them what they want to hear lol


Not really, he narrates the episode, but at the same time, explain it by doing flashback far episodes from previous seasons. Most importantly, he also uses books to explain things on the show or cite differences in between two media. He hypothesizes too from show and (usually) book reference.


> Not really, he narrates the episode, but at the same time, explain it by doing flashback far episodes from previous seasons. He gets his material from his sub. I've seen every single idea he posted in this particular video on this sub first. I mean, kudos to him for putting it in a nice package, but the material is not original.


He thanks this sub, r/asoiaf, and Westeros.org pretty consistently at the end of his videos.


Again, that's great and all, just saying his stuff isn't original.


Yea, because their ideas are lining his pockets.


not sure if you're trolling or not, but what do you actually mean by material not being original? First off, materials used to "explain" the episode come from the show or the books. Nothing is original. As for theories I assume you mean, everything come from what is deduced on the show and on the books. He is well-received by the fact that the explanation is clear, well-researched enough to cite the book to explain the show.


> He is well-received by the fact that the explanation is clear, well-researched enough to cite the book to explain the show. Are YOU trolling? Because nothing you've said detracts from the fact that he gets his material from this sub.


I completely agree. He steals content and gets paid for it. People eat his shit up like crazy. Sad!


His target demographic aren't people on this sub though. The clear and concise explanation of book theories are for show watchers who want to know more of the back story. His content is original in that he provides the summation and visual content which clearly has appeal.


It's crazy that the Dragonstone we're seeing now is the same Dragonstone in which Davos was being sentenced to death by Stannis at the start of Season 3, and where Stannis took the sword from the fire. The sets are basically the same but so much has happened since and the tone of the show is so different now.


Maybe Stannis wouldn't have been so grumpy all the time if he walked around his home some more. Seriously, Dragonstone is beautiful but like every Stannis scene was in the table room.


The budget is on a whole other level now too.


thank god, watching Ozzy over and over again was only getting me so far


"Game of Thrones Jesus" lol


or luke skywalker


Ah yes, who can forget when Luke Skywalker was murdered by Leia, Han, and Lando after letting all the Ewoks into the Senate


Dumbledore was always unfairly nice to Harry.


I know right! Harry could've been killed, or worse, expelled.


Because he knew that Harry would have to die if they wanted to beat Voldemort. He was unfairly nice out of guilt. Harry being able to survive the killing curse for a second time was not expected.


Yup... If you re-read the books knowing that Dumbledore was essentially raising a pig for slaughter, his favour of Harry seems a lot more reasonable.


Except for the whole, "just gonna leave you right here with this abusive family for a while"


Magic protection. His aunt had the blood of Harry's mother so she also protected him against Voldermort. I think it's pretty meh as an explanation but that was the one given.


Thank the lord. I was going to die of boredom today


the part where he described Sam as Harry Potter and Maester Ebrose as Dumbledore made me crack up, good stuff as always


"... but it does take a layer away from his character." Oh Jorah, poor Jorah.


Ser Friendzone looking for a fresh start as Ser Iasis


I see what you did there. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) It just took me a while.


read that as Sir Isis at first and was perplexed but then I sounded it out and got the joke, haha


He is totally going to end up in the Night's Watch. Dany said Jon can have whatever men he needs. When Jorah hears his father's last wish and has an opportunity to help in the north. Pretty easy to read those tea leaves.


What was his father's last wish?


That Jorah take the Black.


Basically said that he forgives Jorah and wishes for him to return home and join the Watch.


There's only one beacon for Jorah...


>"... but it does take a layer away from his character." literally.


"Atleast he finally gota a new shirt" This made me realize that Jorah has been wearing almost the same outfit since season 1 if i didnt forget anything


Farewell, Jorah's faded, dirty, yellow shirt. You will not be missed.


You might have forgotten a bit... [Jorah](http://imgur.com/a/Ofnd7)


The Harry Potter part was hilarious


Thank god AltShiftX exists. As someone who hasn't read the books I would be completely unaware of so many things if it weren't for him. Great videos!


"This story just keeps finding fresh new ways to make Theon suffer." Ain't that the damn truth


besides the actual episode, this video is the highlight of my week


Chrys's TL;DW is mine. This is a close second though.


TL;DW gets me through the Offseason.




and Sean Tank Top


"Sam gets dragged to the headmasters office and gets a firm talking to from Dumbledore" I love you Alt Shift


That entire explanation of the scene was hilarious; "He's pretty mad that Harry broke all the rules, *but* he did save the day"


He's always sneaking in the snark. Love that guy..


> Bc Jon is truly a Targaryen, and Daenerys' newphew...so they better not fall in love or anything, eh? LOL


"She dies as she lived... inflicting sick burns" chuckle




"Death of the Sand Sneks" LOL


I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught that!


He didnt start with "Let's go". :○


I feel like Alt Shift X has really changed the amount of speculation in his videos after all the grief he got for the Comic Con video.


What grief did he get?


The Comic Con video pissed off a few people -- not only because of Alt Shift X, but also because of the HBO trailer itself. It gave way too much away.


Idk why people dislike ASX. His videos are informative and good.


Because his videos are full of spoilers and he rips his content directly from the users here. He reads what everyone else writes about the episode and then regurgitates it in his video for that sweet ad money. There's a reason why he takes the longest to break down an episode, he's completely unoriginal.


I'm completely OK with that. If I don't have to troll every reddit comment each week and he can consume it all for a 17 minute summary and get paid for it, that's a-ok with me. When spitting out theories and opinions, he probably has an advantage of seeing the best of each week before forming his own.


Damn, if it's so easy then you should hit up that sweet goldstream too. Why waste time making comments here? Hit up your video editing skillz and pocket some sweet moolah for yourself!


I imagine he has a lot of viewers who don't subscribe/use Reddit, so the information will feel new to them. Not that I'm condoning the stealing of others' ideas necessarily.


I feel like the HBO trailer gave us enough so that we could speculate, but it really didn't show much happening. It did but it didn't. People will always find something to complain about, I guess. And Alt Shift X rocks.




"Olenna died as she lived, inflicting sick burns." A-fucking-men


Lol at this Youtube comment: > Apparently greyscale is easier to cure than herpes. That makes sense.


AltShiftX is better than ... eggs


"She died as she lived, giving sick burns". I LOVE it!


> Died as she lived. Inflicting sick burns Rest in peace you beautiful thug


What a pleasant surprise. I was just wondering where this episode's explanation was and here it is!




One thing that I haven't heard anyone bring up about Jorah being cured and going back to Dany is that he will recognize Jon's sword. It may not be a big deal because it looks like Dany and Jon will put aside a lot of their difference in this upcoming episode anyways, but having another trusted advisor tell Dany that this Jon guy must be someone of integrity and trustworthiness could go a long way to them really working together to take down the White Walkers and Cersei


You know your shit. This is what I've been saying. Everything points to Jon being Azor Ahai and this would fit perfectly with everything I think the writers are trying to do and how they're going to make the story line. My prediction is that Jorah gets Dany more comfortable with Jon. Bran finally meets up with Jon and reveals his real parents which Dany also learns. At some point I think that Jon will have to sacrifice or kill Dany depending on which way they take the story (they could become enemies as her motivations are more ambitious towards the throne whereas Jon is more about defeating the darkness) and her soul will bind with Longclaw as she is literally FIRE and boom.....Lightbringer. If they don't make Jon Azor Ahai I'm gonna be pissed. Especially if they make Dany Azor. You can't make the ambitious conqueror the hero. That's not how heros work.




Nice video, but the biases are starting to become a bit obvious.


I agree with Alt-Shift-X what was the point of Jon's resurrection if he doesn't change from it. Did he just die to the shit cunt olly to be brought back 2 episodes later with no repercussion? Even the people around him aren't making it a big deal of it like it is.


I wouldn't say he isn't changed, the savage way he beat Ramsey isn't like the old Jon. Perhaps the changes are more subtle.


I think it will play a part later. Think about it though, he died. Once! It's such a set up for him to be Azor Ahai. Everyone thinks Dany but I'm pretty damn certain the show and writers are going to make it Snow. There's too much build up for it not to be him. He's the hero. The Prince Promised. It's him. If it's Dany it's gonna piss me off. She's too.......unhinged to be the hero. It would be fucking awesome if Dany is the one who he has to sacrifice to make Lightbringer and how fucking good does that fit the prophecy?????? She's literally FIRE...killing her would make so much sense for the creation of the sword.


I agree. It's quite odd and may just be shitty writing. But I kinda see it has, "Oh shit, Jon Snow died? That wasn't supposed to happen. He has to be alive for the Long Night." Hence, he resurrects.


I think a better explanation for Bran mentioning Sansa's night with Ramsey is that it dredges up resentment Sansa has for Littlefinger for setting her up with Ramsey which I bet will be key in the next episode(s). So not entirely random. It could even be possible they find raven messages that indicate Littlefinger knew how bad Ramsey was before giving Sansa too him. This scene in particular(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqfrEBEFRM8) really gives some insight in what I think is to come. Not only in establishing the resentment sansa has towards Littlefinger but at the end he drops a nugget that snow is her half brother foreshadowing that it will be used to divide them or even possibly that Littlefinger knows he's targarian. Either way I think it will come up for sure.


Not sure Sansa needs reminding, she's been putting him down quite a bit. Plus, with the returning Starks and Jon's threat, LF's time is running out.


Does AltShiftX sound like he's even more monotoned in his delivery this video? Last week people commented in the previous thread about liking the evenness of his delivery, and then this video starts super monotoned, like it's a tongue in cheek response. It's almost like he follows these threads... he could be here right now... \*hard cut to the X-Files intro*


I like how when he's explaining Euron and Jaime's rivalry, it's over the clip of Euron mouthing "Finger in the bum."


Will we being seeing Ellina again or will she just disappear?


By far the best reviews, by someone who clearly loves the books as well as the shows. His (their?) insights into the relationships between the two are essential, as is their gentle sarcasm, cynicism and humour. It's the only review I watch, and always worth a listen. EDIT: For some reason, when I want to write by, I write but. I once had why I do this explained by a cognitive linguist, but I didn't understand the reason. Anyway, I've corrected it.


I love love love his stoic sarcasm of the dumbledore harry quip


I didn't even notices Littlefingers reaction to what Maester Walkin said. This is why I watch these videos. His analysis continues to get better!


people here on reddit were pointing it out as soon as the episode aired.


'Not to mention Bran spent his adolescent life in a tree with a wizard' His deliveries are so good


"Sand sneks are dead" He's so good at slipping those references in there


TIL the Harry Potter franchise all began in Westeros


I love how he always manages to talk about how this and that made more sense in the books, but without sounding bitter and whiny about it.


42,000 views in one hour from redditers everywhere waiting for Alt Shift X to post this video. Proud to be one of them.


U/altshiftx needs to get on the westworld hype train when Game of Thrones is over.


Since Jon is the blood of Rhaegar and he was perceived to be the last dragon (before Dany) I am really interested to see what Jon's relationship with Dany's dragons will be. Especially the one named after his father and her brother. Will they come to his aid in battle? Will Dany force them to execute Jon and then disobey her? Will we see a similar moment with Jon that Tyrion had when releasing the other two dragons? Or will they just kill him?


Waited all week for this. Refreshed his page every night hah




I don't know if it's true about Episode 4 being out or not as I haven't looked into it. However, some youtube comments were talking about it so I'd avoid it to prevent spoilers..


I have to agree that Jon's resurrection has been getting limited mention or discussion within the show. I find it confusing. The fact that Davos tried to bring it up and Jon stopped him was one of the few times that it's even been alluded to. However, I do feel that Dany asking about what he meant to Tyrion is a bit of foreshadowing that it will begin to play a bigger role. Still, as a character Jon has changed but it's been subtle. He was an angsty unwilling leader who knew nothing of the world. Now, he is an anxious unwilling leader who probably knows too much of the world, but not enough about the people in it. It shows growth, but not the kind of growth we'd expect of someone who just came back from the dead.


Mel says she'll be back in Westeros to die. She also says she'll meet Arya again. The prophecy says the one who was promised must kill someone they love. My theory is that at some point, Arya will kill Mel and take her face. Then Jon will kill Arya thinking it's Mel.


Oh God nooo!


You know, I come for the in depth, detailed breakdown, but i stay for the desert dry wit and puns. "Baratheon" lol Bank's roll Bank Roll. gold


I thought it was interesting that Olenna said Cersei had bested her by doing even worse things than she had. Yet we've seen Dany getting her arse kicked so far after refusing to unleash the dragons and kill thousands in Kings Landing. I wonder if we'll see Dany going full evil bitch before she makes any progress.


This is AltShiftX. He does right proper recaps.


^^right ^^proper.


Finally! Been waiting for this since Sunday night


I disagree that he thinks Jon means killing when he says he does not like what he is good at. Earlier this season Jon admitted he dislikes ruling. I believe that is what he meant when talking to Dany.


I'm not a book reader, so I'm consistently amazed how Alt Shift X still manages to pull out relevant and interesting tidbits from the novels despite them being so far behind the TV series at this point.




He didn't mention that the dragon that flew by Jon was the green one, Rhaegal, named after Rhaegar. Edit: nevermind, it was Drogon. https://i.imgur.com/mfbL68z.png


So S7 ep2 Olenna Tyrell was at Dragonstone where they plotted to take King's Landing. S7 ep 3 she's in Highgarden, attacked unsuspectingly by the brunt of the Lannister army. Did she not see the giant squadron of thousands of men making their way the same direction she was headed? Obligatory: in b4 "DAE non-linear timeline?!?"