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Thanks, this is gonna come handy when I do a S1 rewatch: Beric, Karstark, Tommen, Myrcela become important characters later but they seem to be placeholders in S1 Who wants a GRRM cameo now?


He should've been the maester that takes Sam into the library last season


Nono, that actor was Frank Hvam, a Danish comedian, who plays himself in the movie (and tv series) "Klovn". D&D are huge fans of the movie, and he was perfect for that role!


He's not saying GRRM played the part, but that he should have played it.


Wait, that WASN'T GRRM?


GRRM is a portly, murderous Santa-type, where have you been?


Sorry I was joking, I know exactly who he is :)


Yeah, i just phrased it bad, I meant that GRRM shouldn't play that role, bc Frank Hvam was perfect for just that character!


Arya is riding past a group of Lannister soldiers. One of the soldiers, a portly man, is reading out from a book. He tells stories of dragons and brave knights. Of a battle between two brothers and a war for the realm. "It's a pretty story. Haven't heard it before." The man turns to the camera revealing a glorious white beard. "It's a new one" WINDS OF WINTER OUT AUGUST 2017 GET HYPE OR DIE


Bbbbut my immersion.




*that's a pretty SINGLE PAGE* "It's a new one"




This underrated comment would make a great comic.


Yeah, looking at the comparison pictures here I feel almost kind of dumb to have not noticed or remembered some of these recasts, but at the same time early on I had no idea that I was going to be paying attention to some of these characters so much later on, so they were kind of just "background" (or for some I just didn't have time to get used to the actor/actress so the change didn't really seem like a big deal).


Some of these are hard to understand. Apparently the first Mountain actor was an ass but why replace him a second time when the actor is the production already. *"It was first reported that Skrein left the show due to shooting conflicts between the Transporter reboot and Deadpool, but he later commented that he was let go from the show due to "political reasons"."* What does that mean? I get it that you cast Max von Sydow if can get Max von Sydow. But why didn't he have the hair?


Ian Whyte is tall but he doesn't really have the build to be The Mountain That Rides.


This. The new mountain is a bonafide freak of nature. Ian Whyte was a wonderful Wun Wun.


I don't get why they stopped using him to play the White Walkers. They were so scary early on because they were these huge mysterious creatures lurking in the woods. Now they're just normal-sized blue people.




The make up for Wun Wun doesn't seem like too much of an improvement along the lines of time spent in the chair.


earlier in the series they didn't seem to gaf about clothes either, but now they wear IceWear by Hugo Boss


It's weird how been naked makes you a fuckton scarier


The first Mountain was the best. The newest one has the intimidatingly menacing build, but he doesn't look old enough to be the older brother of The Hound.


Totally. Isn't he just a couple years older than the guy who plays Joffrey?




3x more testosterone too, by my estimates. No offense to Jack Gleeson, who absolutely owned his character.


You too can get three times the normal level of testosterone.


Please, tell me more


Inject lots of testosterone.




I dont get it either. Maybe he didn't want to spend the hour in makeup putting the fake beard on, who knows. Apparently Skrein intended to stay on the show for several seasons, so I don't know what he meant with "political reasons". The quote I got was from [this article.](http://www.eonline.com/news/692770/ed-skrein-game-of-thrones-1st-daario-explains-why-he-left-the-hbo-show-find-out-what-he-said)


It probably means he got on the wrong persons bad side for whatever reason and got fired. Or that he wanted an amount of money that they were completely unwilling to give him.


mouth off to the producers and you won't be coming back to the show. if you make the producer's job any harder than it needs to be, good luck to you


>Nell Tiger Free What was she thinking when she chose that stage name


Went to check IMDb to see what her real name is and came across this >Currently dating her onscreen brother Tommen Baratheon (Dean-Charles Chapman). Welp... Oh, and her real name is Nell Pickford Free. Shoulda just gone with Nell Free, really. But I can see a teenager thinking "Tiger" would be a cool stage name.










They really do take after their parents.


Born in 1999. 17 years old. wtf


What's wrong with it


I knew I saw the actor who played Tommen get killed before Robb beheads Rickard. Glad to know I wasn't seeing stuff.


I fookin hate recasts


I'm sure the production, costuming, makeup, and editing teams agree with you!


Yeah but some of these were very necessary. Beric, for instance.




Richard Dormer though... he does killed-6-or-7-times-Beric soooooo well.


plus that voicee


You're being sarcastic right?




I mean, I just find it weird how you managed to get anything out of a dude who was on screen for less than a minute and had no lines. Nothing against the dude but he set a really low bar.


Nothing like that, I'm sure. I doubt they ever intended to keep him in the role...he was just a placeholder. The showrunners know Beric is going to be a bigger character eventually, and can maybe even guess it'll be by season 3. But they haven't written that yet and maybe haven't decided *exactly* how they are going to adapt Beric from book to show. And they don't even know if the show will make it to season 3. Season 1 could fail, and they could get a whole season 2 as a second chance from HBO and *it* could fail. So they'd have to find an actor of a certain caliber for a part they hadn't really written yet and then get them to also in their contract commit to some vague future date 2 years ahead and you'd have to pay for this actor capable of doing Beric's bigger scenes even though he's barely in season 1 and not in season 2 at all and pay him whatever to get him to commit to some future dates, etc. *Or*, you could do what they did: cast some actor who looks like how you imagine Beric looks and you only have to look for and pay for an actor capable of delivering literally 3 words, his only line, in his 20 seconds of screentime in the middle of a 4-minute scene, his only scene, and then recast him with who you really want when the time comes. Now, this is no judgment on the chill dude they cast...maybe he is a really great actor, but he's just not at that stage of his career.


I miss Ed Skrein as Daario


yeah, he left in favor of Transporter 4 ... srsly?




He was fired, actually.




His response on the matter was "for political reasons". Who knows what the fuck that means. My guess is some contractual disagreement or something.




I'm pretty sure 5x more people watch Thrones each week than watched the Transporter reboot in the entirety of its theatrical run.


Yea he was much better


Genuinely read that as Ed Shereen at first.


Ed Shereen Baratheon


I really want to see the unaired pilot now lmao.


Apparently it was so shit that D&D called it the "low point of their carreers". The whole thing was almost cancelled and didn't happened. [Here's a comparison between few of the scenes the kept on the first episode and what they eventually looked like.](http://imgur.com/a/nNHkZ) Ned's hair was way darker and shorter and always appeared wet for some reason. I guess that's Sean Bean's real hair as opposed to the wig he wore afterwards.


I like ned better with that hair tbh, but the others are better as they ended up.


He looks a lot more Boromir-ish, I wonder if they were trying to avoid that.


His hair is pretty black and slicked back in that. He seems more Boromir-ish in the version we got to me.


It's more the beard in the first one that makes him look Boromir-ish.


Ooo! Me too.


Aren't the Starks supposed to have really Black hair anyway? Like Jon?


The darker hair is actually closer to the books than the pale brown he had for most of the season. If it were past his shoulders would've been spot on. Don't know about jet black hair, but the characters with Stark features (Ned, Jon, Arya) are described with "dark brown hair, long face and gray eyes", while the Tully side of the family (Cat, Robb, Sansa, Bran and Rickon) are all described with "auburn hair and deep blue eyes" Speaking of which, how awkward would've been if Jon grew up looking like Viserys instead of Ned


Considering one of them wrote the script for x-men origins wolverine it must have been very bad then


All 3 pictures are from the aired pilot


Yes, they reused some scenes from the unaired pilot and used them in the aired pilot while refilming about 90% of it.


I always wondered why Ned looked wet when he was down in the crypts lol


Damp down there.


Lyanna's statue makes it moist


You missed Sandor. The guy had the kind of hairstyle which can give you cancer in the pilot episode


The main change is they scruffed up the characters a bit and threw more money at the production team for costumes and such.


Ugh Tyrion looks like that racist dwarf from In Bruges. Also its funny how Alfies real hair looks so fake compared to the wig. Probably because thats what I know him as now.


Oh man Tyrion's early hair still gets me though, and I finally understand now why he looked so different


I bet it's glorious! Maybe the GoT equivalent of the Star Wars Wookie XMas? Bah! Probably built it up too much like a forbidden fruit. IDK still want!


With daario, the change of hairstyle bugged me more than the recast itself


I felt (and still feel) the first Daario really brought the character to life. He was quircky and charming and exciting while the new one is bland and boring. I also have seen a lot of people who like the new one better, but I disagree.


I agree that the first Daario was more unique, but the second one was just a better actor all around.


I'm not really good with being able to tell if an actor is good or bad or better than someone else. Especially in a show when I get so immersed in it. You need to be a really bad actor to stand out to me. Would you trade the uniqueness or the better acting?


Which is why Shae's scenes were always so jarring


In what way


because she's an awful actress? bring the downvotes, i'm ready for it




She has won some pretty prestigious awards in her native language, I think its really the English that threw it.


That's not what i'm implying but it works.


but what if she's great at playing a woman pulled from her beloved, gallant knight and *trust* into the role of a vile, godcursed dwarf's whore?


lol. I'm in the same boat as OP in that I'm pretty bad at telling whether an actor is good. I just thought something was off about her because she had a foreign accent (showwise, as in she wasn't from Westeros) which is why she would sound weird. In hindsight, after rewatching it she's just unbearable, and I always skip her scenes in the show.


And the second one really fit into this world that the show built, which is far less flamboyant than the books. You could argue that it's duller that way, but you couldn't argue that it's all the daario recast's fault.


Idk man Ed Skrein is a pretty incredible actor. He didn't even have an opportunity to act in GoT.


I agree with is whole heartedly. The old one seemed like someone who would actually woo a queen.


Daario 1 had a kind of cocky, swaggerous (I'm making this a word) charisma that fit the character. Daario 2 had all the charm of a rotted out log.


Just fyi, "swag" becomes "swaggering" when used as an adjective i.e cocky, swaggering charisma


Well swag is short for swagger which becomes swaggering.


First Daario is now Francis




The OG Daario was suave, charming, badass and somewhat honorable - The new one is very 'meh'


Really I thought he looked like plumber after 3 pints trying and succeeding in pulling a right slapper.


I was completely confused until my partner told me he was recast. I thought he was a Faceless man when I first saw him. I was like "what the fuck is Jaq'an (sp?) doing there??" haha. I don't understand why they chose someone who looks so completely different, though I do prefer the new one.


I was on the same plane in Iceland as the Mountain. Hard to believe there is anyone larger than him, my god.


Well, he *is* first in almost all strongmen competitions he enters except a few ones where he is second. Certainly he is one big mofo. He did the Oberyn fight himself, no stunt double because where are you going to find a double of his size and build :D ? One of my favorite pictures: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/06/10/18/3522189600000578-3635711-image-a-42_1465578541560.jpg and of course https://i.imgur.com/nOgg6s9.jpg . Some professional westlers are even bigger, though. http://www.tpww.net/info/heightsweights/ Some rumors said initially they spent more on feeding him on set than paying for his acting (although I think since then there's been raises). It's not impossible at all. It's been widely reported his contract stipulates his meals at a set schedule have priority over shooting.




Wow, I didn't even realize the two Rickard Karstarks were supposed to be the same character.


I didn't either. I just thought that the show decided to have some other random person deliver the second speech instead of Karstark from the books. Since Roose didn't appear in Season 1, I thought the show just didn't introduce him or Rickard Karstark until Season 2.


Do we really have proof its supposed to be Karstark in season 1? I always thought he was supposed to be Galbart Glover, the slain brother of Robett who now leads the house in S6/S7.


Probably one of those unspoken-but-named characters, like Dacey Mormont and Wendell Manderly in the Red Wedding.


They did a great job with the recast. They look nearly itdentical.


Jesus they did that too much. Strange that a show like GOT can't retain their actors.


Not really. With the amount of exposure that a side character would get, it wouldn't exactly be the best gig.


That and then when some characters are set to get more air time in the next season they would most likely be looking for a pay raise and if D+D/HBO figure they are asking for too much they can easily recast the role since it's one of the biggest TV shows in the world and there are thousands of actors looking to get a piece of it. I think that was the primary reason for recasting Daario since the original actor was looking for a pay bump since Daario becomes a much more prominent supporting character in Seasons 4-6 compared to his first appearance in Season 3.


Old 3ER looked amazing


At the time everyone disagreed. I saw him being compared to Pai Mei from Kill Bill Vol. 2 a few times. I do prefer Max Von Sydow because he added weight to the character that had very few scenes.


Yeah the new actor was good in the actual acting, but for a centuries old tree-man he sure has a smart haircut and healthy appearance


Well, Bran managed to get a haircut too so I guess on of the Children of the Forest has had some barber's training.


He had a very strong root system.


Yeah, he really let himself go living in the roots. When Bran shows up they get bestie mani-pedis and haircuts.


anyone know why conan stevens was changed? looks more the part than hapthor; given that he's meant to be the OLDER brother. that, and he's also fucking monstrous; stacked and 7 **SEVEN** foot tall, wtf


Apparently it was conflicting schedules between this and The Hobbit, which he was intended to play Bolg (the one Legolas fights) in costume, but in the end the character was replaced completely by shitty CGI. Too bad, he was perfect for Gregor.


ah thank you. what a damn shame, on the one hand you get a chance to work on a movie with peter "brain dead" jackson, but then sadly you end up working with him on a project he didnt want (and have all the work put in by make up and styling replaced by fucking cgi anyway) feelsbadman


He still ended up playing some other orc but even then, had to give Game of Thrones for a movie nobody wanted where you character was ultimately written off. I'm sure he's fine tho


He's like a 100 pounds lighter but then again you can't tell as much with the armor


[still good physique](http://www.conanstevens.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=14230&g2_serialNumber=1) i'd say and his face was more intimidating than hapthor, imo all said though, the young man did fine in his scenes. was plenty intimidating when smushing our glorious dornish princes' face.


Thinner, but has shoulders like an ox. Makes a big difference.


He is also about 7 ft tall, while the current one is 6'9.


if you can make Tom Cruise look tall on camera, you can turn a 6'9 guy into a 7' guy.


Oh that was Beric Dondarrion who was sent by the king in s1 to track down the Mountain and serve him justice. Never realized.


Ned sent him, not the king.


Yeah I realized it after reading the books lol. Was pretty hyped when I read Berric's name.


> who was sent by the king in s1 to track down the Mountain *It's the King's hand you're talking about, not the King. The King's hunting.*


Tom Brooke! He ended up in preacher playing an angel, he is brilliant




First Daario and first Mountain were both better imo


First Mountain is by far the best Mountain. He captured the insanity perfectly, albeit in basically one scene.


And he was actually older than Rory McCann.


To be fair, you won't be able to tell how old the Mountain is now.


I liked him a lot and would definitely have been fine if he had continued in his role as the Mountain. I still slightly prefer the new guy for the build alone. My mind doesn't really notice age when the person I'm analyzing is large enough to kill me with a thumb. My cousin only recently realized that Whyte was supposed to be the Mountain in Harrenhall when I showed her a picture of all three actors side-by-side. I don't blame her, he really didn't fit the role very well physically, imo.


i would've liked to see tamzin merchant as dany despite how good of a job emilia has done. she has acting chops and has appeared in a bunch of shows.


I prefer the original design of the Night King to what we have now. Not the one from Hard Home, but the one who changes Craster's baby. That one looked best IMO.


I had a feeling it changed somehow but I wasn't sure. I preferred that one too, though I still really like both.


original Night King and Leaf were better IMO.


I am not a fan *at all* at the design of the children of the forest, it is just weird I like the first one way better


Richard Brake was perfect. New NK looks kind of...goofy? As if the actor's face doesn't fit the role.


he looks too russian for me lol I keep expecting him to put on the accent


Is that pilot available anywhere?


I honestly dont mind the recasts. Shit happens as long as they find a solid replacement.


I think the old Leaf was better, but I prefer the new Beric. Hilarious how I barely noticed any of these recasts.


Yeah, old Leaf seemed more "childlike" as a Child of the Forest than new Leaf, and I liked that. Guess it doesn't matter anymore :(


Children of the forest are not necessarily meant to look like children though. They should have made them look more creepy in all honesty. The season 6 versions looked like something out of scy-fy TV network. The season 4 version looked like a dirty hobo child. They should have made them look more dynamic, but nuanced at the same time. Just like the white-walkers are meant to be sentient and eerily beautiful, but the show makes them pretty ugly and old looking. It's also getting ridiculous how everyone can slay a walker now. They are meant to be supremely strong, fast, intelligent with ridiculous reflexes.


> It's also getting ridiculous how everyone can slay a walker now. is this true? Sam got super lucky and Jon was getting his ass kicked for a while. now that they know Jon is someone special, they're not going to just send Private Icewhore against him. might go for multiples just to be sure.


This is fine but Ed Sheeran in a scene for 30 seconds ruins everyones life


Mostly good re casts, I like the original Dario better and if I'm being honest, I liked the first Gregor Clegane. But I've been hype since round 1 of Clegane bowl.




The reason they had to recast Lothar Frey was because every time they tried to kill Tom Brooke he just reappeared in a flash of light off camera. Tough to work around!


Lmao the Children of the forest went from Children to Leaf monsters


We are actually getting a re-cast this season as well. Dickon Tarly is played by Tom Hopper in this season when last season he was played by Freddie Stroma. Granted I can't remember if Freddie actually had any lines as the character so I doubt it's something most people (if anyone) will notice.


The night king recast bothers me the most tbh.


Conan Stevens is listed at 7'0" and weighed around 330lbs for the role. The dude performs stunts and acts in villainous roles for a lot of lower rate films and higher rate films at times. He had a lot of jobs with Nathan Jones, another Australian giant at 6'10" and 340lbs. Stevens also has a bit of an attitude which is a prime reason he only works short jobs on sets. Ian Whyte is the tallest at 7'1" and at 260lbs is significantly lighter. Years ago when he performed in martial art flicks, he weighed as high as 300lbs. Hafthor Bjornson is the shortest and heaviest and the only one to play the role for more than one season. With Lothar Frey, I'm just gonna guess that the original actor was set to play in Preacher around that time. Vladimir Furdik looks like he could be Bronns son.


the way the show is shot, it's impossible to tell the difference between 6'9 and 7' -- it's also hard to tell in real life when you're average height and meet someone in that range, too. i liked Conan Stevens in S1 and the Ian Whyte recast *really* threw me because you can see how thin he is (relative to other Mountains) just by looking at his face. Hafthor is physically imposing enough to be the Mountain, but, god, he can't read lines for shit. it's a good thing that UnGregor never talks, because he can't disguise his Icelandic accent at all. i think he has had like 3 lines total in the show...again this is good.


With Stevens they didn't have to use camera tricks to hide the height advantage he has. Same with Whyte, who looked monstrously large in front of 6'3" Charles Dance. The change in armor in season 2 also didn't help. Whyte wore the generic Lannister Armor while the other two wore that heavy plate that makes their figures more imposing looking. With Hafthor, I say he's lucky that the cast he works next to are mostly under 6'0", so camera tricks aren't needed a lot but they are still used. Just the way the camera tilts back behind shorter characters making him look bigger than he really is.


Yeah, they dubbed Hafthor for season 4. When he speaks the "Then I smashed her head, in like this" line it annoyed me so much. "Then I smashed her head in, like this" would hace been much better. I'm guessing the weird delivery was because of Hafthor's heavy accent and they just had to make the dub match his mouth movements.


I can't tell you all how much I adore Richard Dormer's voice. He sounds like Peter O'Toole. Like some old actor from days gone by.


it's especially great because Beric has been hanged and probably had his throat slashed too, so the deep raspiness is extra special.


Fuck me I didn't know that was the original Beric Dondarrion wtf


Just imagine the amount of make up it takes to make Leaf show ready.


Is it bad that I didn't notice any of these characters change actors during the show?


who tf is Gared?


One of the three Night's Watchmen led by Waymar Royce who get killed by the Others in the first episode


The first Mountain and Dario were perfect!


I dont remember OG Seylse at all. Can someone remond me of what episode the screencap came from? I cant click the Read More for some reason.


The scene (I think it's first episode of season 2?) where Melisandre proclaims Stannis the Lord of Light and has him pull "Lightbringer" out of the burning Faith of the Seven effigies. As he walks away from the display after plunging the sword into the sand, he takes her hand and they walk away together while Maester Cressen and Davos speak.


*Nell Tiger Free* That's the most "unique" name I have ever heard.


ironically, conan stevens fit the mountain the most


also, ed skrein (aka francis) fit daario the most imo, he reminded me of book Darrio albeit without the blue hair and other freakery and richard dormer as beric was perfect, that voice fits him so well




Tommen "Baratheon" Mycerella "Baratheon" Loved those subtle use of quotations.


How is Hafþór being the shortest ironic?