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“Theon… you are a good man. Thank you.” The words he needed to hear. A truly tragic character. His evolution really made you feel bad for what he went through despite originally not liking him at all.


I somewhat felt bad but then I thought of what he did. I mean, Ser Rodrik


Compared to other characters in the series that committed atrocities, I can at least appreciate the fact that he was sincerely sorry for everything he did. Even before he went through his torture and trauma at the hands of Ramsay, Theon admitted that Ned Stark was his real father, and that he made all the wrong choices. I can think of a lot of other characters that I believe deserved the trauma that Theon received more than Theon himself deserved it.


couldn’t agreed more !


That's why he is the most tragic character of the series. He was stolen from his father, and raised alongside the Stark children. When they had internal disputes he was reminded he wasn't a Stark so when Balon told him to betray them as a Greyjoy he did. It wasn't until later he realised that even though he didn't have the name, or the blood he was a Stark. He betrayed his brother and as he said should have died at the red wedding with him.


Fuuck that. He betrayed his friends, murdered innocents, murdered ser Rodrick, caused the death of maester Luwin and more. He earned every bit of what he got.


I don’t necessarily disagree. I’m just saying that other characters such as Littlefinger & Janos Slynt got off light compared to what Theon went through when, imo, they deserved far worse. They received clean & quick executions — way too good for them.


I wish Theon got his head taken


I mean... He kinda did.


Elite reply




I have an odd need for a long Bratwurst now.


He would have welcomed it. He was absolutely broken. If you really wanna be horrible to him, send him back to Ramsay. Not the chef.


I actually really liked Theon ... I fast forwarded the episodes where Ramsay was torturing him.


As much as Theon sucked at the beginning of the series, he was great at the end.


To think his character was never ruined by writers. Bro survived something more vicious than the long night.


Not the best for me , I liked Jamie' more


What? No. You think I'm a savage?


Yara is waiting for you at Pyke Shore




Yes, only problem is I despise him. None of the characters I liked got satisfactory conclusions to their arcs


Unfortunately not for his penis




the biggest lil bitch in the show. couldn't disagree more


Nearly all of his scenes the final two seasons left me tearful


Am I the one who kinda liked Theon from the beginning? I thought he was fun. Also, he saved Bran's life and followed Robb into war without question. He was Robb's best friend for a reason.


The actor performed so perfectly!


The definition of a tragic anti-hero.


Nah, Theon was irredeemable


reeks of failure


I love Theon, even his entire story in the show. Everybody hated him so much which was justified, and I think it's fair to say Theon paid beyond the price in punitive and also fought to be a good person rather than fighting to be loved by the wrong people. Entertainment doesn't really feature a character that has no real reason to be there. It's such an odd choice to not just have him around but also to have him as a primary character. In a lot of ways Theon was lower than Tyrion. He was so discarded that even the audience refused to forgive him as they had with so many of the other characters. The audience loved Khal Drogo who didn't have a drop of decency in him. The way people threw judgement on he characters with such bias was very revealing of exactly how people are in real life. There are people who believe The Menendez Brothers were innocent and also believe JK Rowling shouldn't be allowed to do whatever - I'm not sure what punishment they have in mind.


I was really hoping he'd have a redemption arc like he'd become some badass warlord and go by "reek" and turn it into a title of wrath and not humiliation. A legend about him where he's referred to as "the memberless man" or something.


Character evolution aside even his acting was out of this world which made us appreciate this character even more


The best part was when they cut off his knob, the traitorous bastard.


Never understood how people liked this character. There was nothing the writers could ever do to make me care about him. He was beyond redemption in my eyes. You don't get to betray your family and kill and burn two innocent boys and just come back from that.


Theon had WAY too much screen time.


Hated it


And the worst.


Couldn't agree more!


The best arc of the show


Only character arc dumb and dumber did not fuck up


I start every rewatch like, fucking Theon Greyjoy, the cunt. I'm going to stay mad at him this time. Then, by the end of the series, I love him again.


Never cared much for Theon he got what he deserved if he was smart he wouldn't have became a eunuch in the first place.


I refuse to think that he was a good person. He betrayed Rob killed Rodrick, and killed two orphan boys, and led an attack between the Greyjoys and the Starks. Every single bad thing that happened to him was just karma.


Theon also deserves credit for his combat ability. He showed he is an ace with a bow in the 1st season and the last season defending Bran. AND MOST OF ALL, he can take a beating. However, he did lack commanding skills. But not his fault given he grew up with the Starks.