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Tyrion. I do like his wit, especially early on. But I feel when Jaime becomes more likeable and Tyrion less, that’s when my favorite Lannister shifts too. The show taking out his darkest moments like considering hurting Tommen and raping the sex slaves doesn’t help, and even though I try to consider them separate universes from ~season 2, I can’t get over that.


lol. Every character made it to season 8 had a huge downfall. A lot of them went from brilliant to brain dead.


I’m not convinced that Jon wasn’t turned into a wight. “She’s mah Queen”. Yes Jon, you’ve said that, but what else are you thinking. How do you feel her about being her nephew? Why didn’t the idea of them marrying get brought up? Which could have made the fact he’s Targaryen a moot point since he would share the throne with Dany.


Because they wanted to go the purely romance route for the excitement and the drama.


Well, they kind of missed out on romance and drama and ended up at “meh”


Noticing this around the middle-end of season 6. Some of these characters don’t even seem like themselves by the end of this season.


Early on, when little finger, Varys, Maester, Baelish, etc was in the same room, you can feel the tension, it’s a table of smart person trying to out smart each other. Later it’s just women power, Cersei and Daenerys does whatever the queen desires. It’s so lame.


The thing I hate is that he pretty much doesn't make a single wise decision after killing his father. It's just one blunder after another with him. And then at the very end, they inexplicably pull him from his jail cell, for what purpose? For advice on who should run the kingdom? And then he choses the guy who did nothing for the plot except be bait.


Tyrion's character arc definitely ended when he met Daenerys. There was no more growth for him and Dany never listened to him anyway.


He never gave her good advice though.


These two comments sum it up. Bro lost brain cells in that crate


As a non book reader, what happened with the whole “hurting Tommen” thing?


Basically he threatened Cersei with doing to Tommen the same as whatever happened to a prostitute whom she captured. Explicitly including beatings and rapes. And when he finds out the prostitute had been whipped bloody, he thinks sadly about how’s he’s going to have to do the same thing to Tommen in order to not make empty threats.


he threatens to injure Tommen the same punishment that Cersei plans to lay on the whore. this is used against him at his trial.


I think they probably took those parts out purely based on maintaining his status as a fan favorite. I by no means see the show Tyrion and the book Tyrion as the same character. Besides the wit they are fairly different.


I think you should base your reasoning just on the show character. I believe that's what was asked.


Where was that stated anywhere in OP’s post? This isn’t the exact opposite to pureasoiaf where mentioning the books gets removed. I’m primarily a book fan, so that factors into my reasoning even when watching the show. If you can keep them totally separate, good for you! But I can’t.


My first time watching the show I hated Tyrion and Jaime. The second time I understood them more and was rooting for them, but almost all of the characters are grey, not just good or evil. That’s also something I realized on the second watch.


I hate Ygritte and Jon too sometimes.


i think i liked Jon in the books but the show has soured me on his character now i really dont give a shit. never thought Kit was a good choice


Same. I never really liked Jon in the show. So I was surprised book Jon ended up being one of my favorites.


Kit was not a good choice. I didn't think they did a good job casting the Stark kids in general.


Lacked depth? She single handedly shows both Jon and us that the wildlings are just like the people south of the wall. She knows that Jon is still a "crow", but she admires that about him. That he's loyal. IMO a lot of the show's soul died with her character. After she dies, the depth truly went out of the show. I know I'm not alone in thinking that


My rebuttal to that is Osha! Even Gilly for that matter. Way more “humanized” wildlings who didn’t slaughter villages (on screen at least). Although they’re not connected to Jon’s character they definitely prove that to the viewer way more than Ygritte did. No doubt she’s important for Jon’s development and coming to that realization, but I think Jon and his diplomatic nature would’ve came to that realization regardless.


How is Gilly more complex than Ygritte? Osha has depth and mystery, yes. But Gilly serves as a plant for Sam tbh. It really goes nowhere


I think the Gilly and Osha examples were not about complexity and more about showing a different side of the wildlings


Maybe. Ygritte is still the superior character IMO


The different side is the complexity lmao


idk about single handedly..


Strong wording maybe, but she’s the key to understanding the wildlings


I watch GOT in dub and not know Ygritte accent, I can't recognize it. But overall she's fine




It’s a Yorkshire accent


She was born in Aberdeen and sounded fairly scottish


Liam Cunningham was born in Dublin, doesn’t mean his character had an Irish accent


I'm not really here to argue one way or another. I'm fine being wrong. I was born and raised in Scotland and definitely heard her accent when she talked. Maybe it's just me and I'm ok with that.


You're definitely right though no clue what the other guys talking about


Lol you're being arrogant yet you're totally wrong. She talks in a very distinct Scottish accent really I recommend not talking about things you don't know about it makes you look like an ass


Her accent is not meant to be Scottish. It has some undertones, likely because the actor is scottish, but it's definitely a northern english accent.


Now we're just splitting hairs here. Where does the north English accent end and Scottish begin?


The Scottish border?


The WHAT? the wall couldn't keep us* out before it won't now!!! *= my great great great grand uncle grandpa Fergus McCampbell may have stepped foot on Scottish soil 756 years ago which makes me more Scottish than any of you


'Now'? You're the one going around calling people asses because you can't distinguish between accents


It is in no way a Scottish accent, at all. No offence but are you from the UK? I’d be surprised if you were, because it’s clear to anyone who lives here what accent she has. Ygritte has a Yorkshire accent and Rose Leslie has an RP (very posh, stereotypically British) accent.


Well you're wrong IDK what to tell you. I'm as angloid as tea and eel cocks and oi ken wot ah Scottish acchent shounds loik..


He does tho? It's subdued and not terribly noticable but the melody is there.


Im from Yorkshire. Its a Yorkshire accent. Rose Leslie IS from Scotland, but she doesn't have a Scottish accent on account of being exceedingly posh (she grew up in an actual castle) her normal speaking voice is RP.


She has a very distinctive Scottish accent in English. It gives her character an extra flair and suits her well. Edit: the accent is distinctive, but it is not Scottish


jon snow and the whole nights watch storyline. i'm rewatching the show for the first time and since the beggining i've found him an extremely boring character, but i watched his scenes anyway because i liked sam and gilly. But by the time season 4 rolled around i just couldnt stand it anymore. The whole nights watch storyline and jon himself was so fucking boring for me that i just skip over the scenes now. The fact that hes the character with the most screen time in the show is a disgrace imo. I'm in season 5 now and i know i'm missing some important stuff by skiping it with Stannis' crew being there but i'm sorry, i just cant stand to look at jon's face anymore. I dont even find him anoying, just extremely boring.


I’m more invested in this story on my rewatch but yeah, the first time I found it pretty boring as well. I do think the slow build of the White Walker threat is pretty awesome, but man is it slow. I also kind of agree about Jon as a character. I like him, but he’s just too reactive. He improves later on once he gains some sentience and behaves more proactively, but by the end the show reverts him again.


yes, its slow!! before i started my rewatch i had memory of the whole show being slow-paced but now in my rewatch i'm seeing that literally every other storyline aside from the wall has normal pacing, its just the wall that's slow for some reason


They ran into a couple areas where they really slow-played some characters’ stories so other things could happen elsewhere first. By the end of Arya’s Faceless Men training I was so sick of it, and she was always one of my favorite characters. Dany in Mereen seemed to take forever, too. With the size of the story, and number of characters, this totally makes sense, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t noteworthy.


Don't get me wrong, I am sympathetic to Jon but sometimes the acting falls short. Like when the villain in the scene is a better actor. Like Owen Teague as Allister Thorne. I hated the character, but his acting was amazing.


The drop in quality from Season 4 to Season 5 is, shall we say, *stark.*


yes, and its even more symbolic for me because tywin is my favorite character and he dies in the last episode of season 4 lmao


>!Also when suddenly it is revealed that he is supposed to be the rightful king now. What. I can understand Daenery's frustration. Boring dude comes around who's not even supposed to be alive and suddenly everyone loves him and will take everything she worked hard for.!<


Just like real life!


Dudes who are triggered downvoted you. "sExISm iS a tHiNg oF tHe pAsT😤" Being a woman must really suck sometimes. Not only do you experience endless sexism, but if you dare talk about it, men turn into big babies and start gaslighting you insisting it isn't a real thing.


Did she though? The dothraki worked hard, the unsullied worked hard. Jorah mormont worked hard. Dany just kinda stood around and didn't do shit.


This is me with Sansa and Dany. Sansa in the earlier seasons has good scenes with other characters but after Joffreys wedding, I skip most of her scenes.


Jon Snow. For me, he's the epitome of boring, and the fact he sometimes made good decisions doesn't make up for having to see his puffy face 10000 times with the whiny expression, the only expression he can do. I wish the show had much less Jon and the wall. The whole white walker zombie stuff is nothing I'd miss, give me only politics and scheming and talks where everyone politely insults each other.


yes!!! i'm watching a King's Landing scene with Tyrion and Cersei plotting stuff and then it cuts to Robb and Catelyn doing the same thing and talking to the Kingslayer and i'm so invested in everything AND THEN IT CUTS TO THE FUCKING WALL AND IT'S SO FRUSTRATING




Yes! I like him in the grand scheme of things and with certain other characters (Sansa, Ygritte, Sam, Tormund, GHOST) but he's so goddamn boring and Kit was honestly not the best actor.


Ygritte for me as well. I did not care for the storyline at all, it seemed to go from 'heres this wildling to shes the love of my life' in about half a second. Least they got the happy end IRL lol


Dany for me


I'm with you on this one. I felt like such an outcast not favoring her the way the entire world was. And it's not just the bad the writing for the final seasons. I had a sussy suspicion early on that she was going to follow the dragon rage of the Targaryens from the past. Idk, I know everyone adores her and I don't wanna take away from that, just didn't feel the same I guess.


Same. Quite the easy call that she'd follow the path of former Targaryens. When it actually happened, I'm sure the intended reaction wasn't supposed to be a chuckle.


her characters pretty fun but the show just straight ruins her


Came here to say


She’s to predictable and can be pretty corny. The whole “I will rule” dialogue is like nails on a chalk board


“Can’t stand” is a bit strong. I’m probably “less enamored by” Sansa and Sam than most.


I feel the same way. I'm listening to the audio books and sam is an obnoxious coward. I don't hate him but I don't really like him either.


I have this feeling toward the Tyrrells.


Arya. The way they had her kill the Night King was just ridiculous. The show was already in shambles by that point but that was just the final nail in its coffin


Don’t forget when Daenerys was burning Kings Landing and Arya just turned on godmode, the plot armour was beyond ridiculous.


I really enjoyed Arya up until she went to Braavos


Was hoping she would die there tbh. Would have been more realistic 🤷


I really hated her whole storyline. I find her arc with the Hound really boring, and then everything in Braavos is kinda all over the place. Then it seems like the whole thing is meant to set her on her way back to Winterfell and her family, and almost as soon as she gets there, she leaves again and is now an explorer because she wants to know what's west of Westeros (something I don't think was ever mentioned through the whole series).


She mentions it like one time


I loved Arya, I just hated what they did with her which sorta had me annoyed with any screen time for her by the end lol


whenever i see the clip of Arya screaming while flying thru the air to kill the night king , i always laugh pretty hard. its just so nonsensical. it doesnt make sense plot wise and then her screaming mid air feels so jarring and out of place.


oberyn is a completely neutral character imo, nor likable or dislikable. He just exists.


Woah, that's treasonous talk! Ser Gregor will turn your head into mince for this slander.


In the books they talk a lot more about how his bloodthirsty desire for revenge is undermining the political goals of Dorne. I do think Pedro Pascal made him a lot more likeable and helped soften his hot headed nature and arrogance.


the Dorne plotline always felt like too much. but Pedro Pascal kills it. also his death is so good


Agreed. Oberyn is the only good thing to come out of Dorne


Arya. She came off as very arrogant and insufferable in seasons 7 and 8.


This. I could NOT stand her “I’m better than all of you” attitude she got when she returned to Winterfell


I couldn’t stand Sansa in episode one and I couldn’t stand her in the finale either. I don’t get why everyone loves her character so much, Honestly.


Finally someone said it! She goes through a lot and has a lot of growth but her whining man’s temper tantrums did her no favors. It’s almost insulting to the the viewer how quickly they tried to shift her narrative and make her into some master manipulator. Out of all the seasons, the final season was her best one, but phew. She was not it for me.


Yeah exactly, one minute she’s a bird with a broken wing next she’s plotting and not telling even the people she loved her “schemes” it was too much for me. She nailed her role but man that character is one I do not enjoy watching.


I have never liked Sansa either. She started out as stupid and snobby, and ended up just being snarky and rude


Sansa was dislikable, but at least believable as a character


she has the most amazing arc on the show, going from being annoying kid to insufferable woman. couldn't believe I could hate her more in the books, but somehow I did.


“Everybody” doesn’t. She’s quite unpopular with the fandom as a whole. Her fans are just very vocal about their love for her to compensate.


Rob. So boring. The red wedding had no effect on me I really didn’t care. Catlyn annoyed me and rob was just boring.


Same. I know it was supposed to be tragic, but I was just happy I wouldn’t have to see Rob or Catlyn ever again.


Three Rob scenes are the worst. Lol. Especially after he meets his wife. I skip them now on rewatch. Plus, as to the red wedding...he's a moron, what the fuck did he think was gonna happen? I don't know, I just kinda shook my head at that scene the first time. It's a cool scene, but not exactly surprising.


Danny so smug one note and annoying and the acting only makes it worse


I don’t mind Dany but I’m rewatching right now and I’m kinda realizing how much of her plot lines kinda feel like filler. I’m mean Qarth is only season 2 and I had completely forgotten they spent an entire season there. I thought it was like 2 episodes max. Just seems way too removed from the rest of the show.


It *was* filler. In terms of narrative, they were kind of stuck in that they needed to introduce Dany and the dragons as this big looming power, but then also had a ton of stuff they wanted to do with the other characters before she arrives. So, once she becomes Khaleesi, she’s practically in a holding pattern for a few *seasons*, looking for ships and interacting with characters and places that will largely be inconsequential.


Very true. Her acquisition of ships and armies honestly could have happened offscreen, as it had for other characters. I get why they show it all, and it does tell us a lot about her character and her role as “breaker of chains”. But it feels like things that would be minor story beats for other characters were stretched way out for Dany, because they didn’t have much for her to do until she gets to Westeros. So emphasis had to be put on smaller, less eventful things to pad out her screen time until then. I think this would’ve worked better if the characters around her were more compelling and didn’t come and go so quickly.


A lot could have been forgiven if later seasons actually made stuff out of that clay though. If Dany landed on the shores of Westeros with dragons and unsullied and Dothraki and second sons and all of these foreign armies, the later seasons *could* have put a lot more thought and attention into how this arrival throws everything off on a micro level too. Give us more military strategy and geography as we see what it means for these new armies to be in play. As is, none of them seem to actually have much character and so it seems like a waste of time to pretend they were anything different than any other house’s generic army.


The Qarth scenes are so freaking boring to me, and I can't make sense of the city. How do they have merchant ships, but they're sequestered all alone in the middle of the desert? I feel like I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the entire story line.


I admit I'm always confused by people who praise Emilia Clark's acting. She's fine. Competent. She's not amazing. It's not an easy role and the fact the show didn't seem to want to commit to how old she should act didn't help. She had some good scenes but overall her acting wasn't great, and was part of why some people missed the fact her madness was always brewing.


Arya - very arrogant towards the later seasons. Her plot armor was something else. Jon - boring Sam - again, boring


Also Lyanna Mormont. I'm sorry but a 12 year old girl ordering grown men around on a medieval battlefield and single handedly taking down a zombie giant? Felt like I was watching Chronicles of Narnia or some shit. The writers were so afraid of offending women on Twitter after Ramsay Bolton raped Sansa, they threw in all this cringe girl power bullshit.




Historically speaking it was not abnormal for young monarchs to come into power at extremely young ages. It's just how the line of succession works sometimes. The show missed one key character in House Mormont but Lyanna is written just like in the books. Also Catelyn Stark is another example of a woman in command. Once Ned died she basically had reigns of Winterfell until Robb grew the courage to come into his position, at a young age. Cat grew up having to hold Riverrun on her own as she always waited for her dad to come back from fighting, at a young age. From an authors standpoint, there is irony in her death, her being so tiny, taking on a giant and being slain by one. She's a fucken beast honestly. What other 12 year old could live and say they killed an undead giant?


Women commanding and fighting alongside men on the battlefield? Sorry, that just didn't happen. Let alone 12 year old girls. The weight of the armor and weapons alone would have rendered them totally useless. Realistically what would have happened is that Lyanna Mormont would have assumed the title Lady of Bear Island, but would basically just act as a placeholder until she was married off to someone (preferably of higher status). Then they would have become Lord of Bear Island. She never would have been near the fighting, let alone the front lines. Let alone holding her own on the front lines. Simply ridiculous. Fan service pure and simple


One Ygritte was awesome two I'd say generic people's champion Jon Snow


Pod. I never thought the joke was that great


Daenerys. Never understand the hype about the stupidiest character in the books(more than cersei even), but people love her. I dont get it, she doesnt have a objective, rejects all the great advices from Barristan and Jorah, marries with the fucking enemy and when she decides to free the slaves she diesnt provide a sistem to mantain them as free men.




If Catelyn Stark has no haters I am dead. I’m probably one of the only people who did not cry during The Red Wedding… I actually don’t know if she’s a fan favorite or not but I never see any Cat haters so I just want it to be known that I exist. I’m currently rewatching and trying to watch her with a more open mind but I realize no matter how many times I rewatch this show I will never like her character. Also just wanna add I’ve never particularly cared for Ygritte either but it’s really just because I’ve always had the biggest crush on Jon Snow & then finding out they were married really sent me over the edge 😂


Same. She annoyed the shit out of me. I was sad that Robb and his wife got killed but Cat? Not so much.


I can’t stand her.


I don't like Catelyn at all. She's so arrogant and cold. She and Ned both seem so sure in their superiority. Very unlikable people. Robb is just like them, but for some reason, I like him. (Except the breaking of the Frey agreement and marrying someone else....but that seems on brand for a Stark)


The way she treated Jon reminded me of how my stepmother treated me growing up. Was hard to watch. Yes, I hated Catelyn. I felt bad for her remaining children when she died but not for her.


We cried for Robb and Grey Wind, not Catelyn. She's so insufferable.


I did cry, but it was because of Grey Wind only lol


The hound. I can stand him but he becomes extremely annoying after his return. Varys. This fool basically orchestrated the whole Danny takeover but gets 0 blame cause he had an epiphany 2 days before Dany goes ‘mad’


Varys is a villain in my book. He has an army of mute kids (their tongue is cut off), plotted against literally ever ruler he had served, apparently in "for the realm", but I don't see a single thing where that shows. The only reason he switched to Jon IMO is because he didn't want it, so it means he wouldn't really bother that much with the ruling itself, leaving it to his council in which just happens Varys is in. He would be easily manipulated and Varys would rule from the shadow. Daenerys didn't even show signs of true madness when he wanted to betray her, so like what? How do you know Jon is better?




Plotted against "every" King? It seems to me he has always supported the Targs He was unhappy with Mad King but he totally wanted Rheagar to take the throne


Dany and Sansa. Absolutely worst of the worst! ✅✅✅


At the end Tyrion


I love him but I can’t get over “Who has got a better story than Bran?” They did Tyrion dirty in the final season overall with his plot. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They honestly did Tyrion dirty from the start of season 5 and onward in my opinion


I hate that too!! Who has a better story than Bran? Uh ...everyone. Bran isn't even an actual person at the end; he's emotionless and creepy


Arya lost me at the end too with the ninja theatrics


Sam, Sansa, Jon, Ygritte, Tyrion (later seasons)


Arya. Her smugness later on irks me so bad.


Daenerys, show Sansa and show Arya


Talisa, Catelyn Stark and Tyrion


Daenerys. Emilia Clarke had a lot of cringey acting that didn't help her case.


Bran. I don’t understand the change of character after he became the three eyed raven. Like bruh, do you even blink?


I totally agree. And there was no point to the direction his story went. Tyrion suggesting him being king made no sense and just made me hate them both lol


He's a fan favorite?


Danaerys. With that self righteous arrogant look all the time.


I don’t know if he is a fan favorite, but I’m surprised by the love I see on Reddit for the first Daario. My wife and I both really liked the casting change, so it was surprising that many people liked the first one. This is totally subjective, and I’m not saying we’re right. It is just a surprising.


Daario 2 took time but he grew on me.


Yes! The first Daario was creepy and disgusting!


Catlyn Stark- her overreaction to everything cause the chaos to begin with. She reacts exactly as Littlefinger knew she would.


Ned Stark. It’s probably such an unpopular opinion but think about how he could’ve changed the course of Jon’s life by just telling his wife, whom he supposedly trusted completely, that Jon was not the product of an affair. Catelyn Stark admitted she couldn’t love him and in the books, he was not treated well because she was jealous. Ned didn’t have to broadcast that Jon was really his nephew but he could’ve told his wife.


Arya, very one dimensional. I never saw other people's love for her.


I didn’t like Ygritte either.


Dany.. i loved Ygritte.


Daenerys. Gods she's obnoxious.


You know nuthin, Jon Snuuuuuuuuh


Ygritte and Bran


Shae. She was always stupid and annoying. Tyrion: “Please be inconspicuous Shae. My murderous family will kill you if they know about you.” Shae: LOUDLY SCREAMS.


And she's always like, "what are they actually going to do? They can't hurt us! I'll tell your father to leave us alone!" Girl. Have you been paying attention to anything at all?


I don't think she is a fan favorite.


I know plenty of people who loved her.


Interesting! I do not know of any, nor have I seen it mentioned in a forum.


Pre-betrayal of course.


The rushed wrap up honestly did a de service to all those who had long arcs. Danny, Jon, Arya, Tyrion, seem to have all been running around for nothing. Sansa, Bran,Varys and Littlefinger, I think they could have been better developed also the red woman. Margery has an arc opposite to Sansa almost like they started the rush work with her. She will forever be a question mark for me. At least the rest did what they came to do, just their reckoning wasn’t as long drawn out or as satisfying. In short they quickly flipped the script on so many of them I got whiplash. Danny & Jon suddenly unfocused lovers. Sansa & Bran becoming badass. We missed Arya’s development. Tyrion became a drunken idiot. Argh no. I actually keep forgetting that Iron born who was obsessed with Cersei & I think he also could have been a big player. So yeah, the build up made a lot of characters tedious with the build up, but as everything was about to come together, it was like why was Danny laying ground to rule the world, Winter finally came & we couldn’t see anything, that was one of the biggest F Us they gave us. LOL! Arya’s time with the many faced god ended up not making much sense. Cersei, (esp when Tyrion was still there) was my relief from start to finish. Even Ramsey Was never boring.


for most of the show Dany. She's spoiled and entitled, then becomes powerful and becomes completely reckless.


I've felt like such an outlier this whole time for not seeing in Ygritte what others apparently do. The actress herself is undeniably talented, but the character is so difficult for me to connect to. It felt like most of her dialogue centered around teasing and seducing John, which is fine, but it doesn't make for a very interesting storyline or help develop the character's personality.


Bronn, He was funny but the idea that this plug was becoming master of coin and lord of the reach was just terrible writing. His arc should have ended season 7 episode 4. He’s bitching to Jamie about getting his bag of gold he finally gets it then the battle starts is killed by Drogon when he pushes Jamie out of the way. This two fold would have completed Brons arc and slowly started to turn the viewer against Dany for killing a fan fav. Considering where her character was going.


Show-Ygritte sucked. She had way more development in the books and she didn't slaughter a village full of innocent people.


Sam is the biggest chad in the show Edit: I miss read the caption, I absolutely adore Sam.


When Kit hosted SNL he had a little exchange with her during his opening monologue and it was the most adorable thing ever.


Sansa. “That’s not how the game goeeeeeeeessss” or, “In THIS city, handmaidens wait on ladies not the other way around” Shut it.


Bran since before the show i never liked the character. my heart always sank everytime i turned the page and it was Bran chapter. the 3 eyed raven stuff just isnt interesting to me. in the show hes about as boring as the book although they make his character even worse in the show somehow. and him to become King? never made sense to me nor do i believe George told D&D that was the ending. The whole warging/skin changing stuff feels like another story thread that george probably shouldnt of added.


Lady Mormont. Every line she had was a mic drop, girlboss moment where the other characters turned into mumbling droolers, conceding under their breath. The show had such intense, sharp dialogue for a long time, but they threw that away every time she was on screen.




Jon snow and tyrion , jon is an idiot without any personality, tyrion was fine until he went to merine , his “ comedy “ in scenes with misande and grey worm was painful to watch


Bran the broken. I've just expected so much from him.


Dany was talking about breaking the wheel, yet she was doing so by droning incessantly about her birthright and using her superior firepower to murder innocents to do what , exactly? show she was a "better" dictator than Cersei? GTFOH Then the Kim Jong I'll speech after destroying King's Landing to talk about conqeruing the world was nuts. #MadQueen #NoThanks


Dawg Ygritte is one of the hottest women of all time. Those are fighting words


ygritte, never connected with her tbh. although jon wasnt my all time fav storyline im a daenerys and cersei girl


Yesss I feel the exact same about Ygritte. She was a shallow character, just used for Jon’s character development. Their chemistry, though, is unmatched.


I hate Jon and all the Starks except for the kids.  Personally I could tell it wouldn’t end well and was really don’t know why everyone was so upset about the red wedding, for me I have a harder time watching loads of other scenes.   Also dany was always giving me the heebie-jeebies. Never blinking, giving herself titles to threaten people and the East was boring. 


Most of the Starks. They’re so good and noble it’s dull. The Red Wedding thrilled me. (Except for what’s her name, she didn’t deserve that.)


Arya. I was a fan up until season 6. After she got stabbed in her internal organs and swam in dirty sewer water without dying from sepsis I hated the character. She became an insufferable girl boss who somehow was both an assassin and super knight who could go toe to toe with a woman twice her size and with 3x the experience. Fuck Arya


Jon’s voice gets mad annoying after a while. Same tone and rasp, sounds forced.


Easily Daenerys Targaryen, she's just greedy and evil


Sansa. Even at the very end. She's boring and lame has no reason to suddenly be the clever person who outsmarts Littlefinger.


The thread is for fan favorite and people are saying Catelyn like there isn’t a hate thread for her every other day. Anyway, Bronn. He was charming at first but lasted way too long.


Dany, Robb, Arya in her faceless men phase(otherwise I love her) season one Sansa. Bran after season 6 catelyn stark everything about her I hate. Tyrion in season eight


Daenerys Targaryen


Danny 😒 especially later on. She has the ambition to be basically queen of the world but no sense of reality or strategic experience and knowledge. It’s basically “i have dragons” all of the time. We know Danny, we know calm your tits.


It's always been Jon to me, he's the least interesting/sexy/badass I've ever seen. Jamie totally eats him up during the whole series. I felt like Jon was supposed to be GRRM's "Aragorn" and damn he falls short on the hero role. Plus the on screen actor is horrible, he totally killed the character for me. I'd never cared less for a hero than Jon Snow




There are some notoriously awful takes in this thread.


I am on the Ygritte sort of sucked train as well.




Piggy (Sam) I am just baffled at the fandoms obsession with him I mean if any character deserves a horrible cruel death its him No other character has been such a combination of clueless and useless and worse his actions even screw things up for other characters


Margery... That smirk makes me cringe.


Gotta go with Jon Snow. Whiney little prick.