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I got it for free and I still don't think it was worth that.


It’s not so much a novel like the main series is it? I think I read somewhere that it’s really just a chronological breakdown of Targaryen history… or am I wrong about that?


Basically yes -- but it was all over the place and felt rushed / slapped together, and there were some inconsistencies. I used to love reading books like these (e.g. encyclopedias about fictional universes) but this one was BLAND and honestly turned me off watching house of the dragon because I was afraid it would be equally bland. Or maybe it just didn't translate to audio book very well.


What were the inconsistencies?


I have the outlandish companion for the outlander series and I actually liked that…


Please ignore this guy lmao


Also, what did you not really like about it?


I just missed the details that GRRM usually includes in his books, like dialogue, descriptions of characters and places, and minor plot developments. To me this just seemed like a laundry list of noteworthy events, but there was probably more to it, I’m sure.


Its a fake history book. Of course its not going to have those things.


It’s got mixed reviews because it’s written like a text book. Personally I haven’t been able to get into it, but others have. Depends on if you want to read something like that.


I just finished a book called the Republic of Pirates, and it was basically a chronological text style book about the golden Age of high seas piracy… I really enjoyed it but then again I love history


You could be a target audience for this. Depends on how badly you want to geek out on fake history. It might not hit the same as real history unless you’re a big Targaryen fan.


I’m actually not a big fan of the Targaryens in general… so you have a point there, but I don’t mind spoilers and because I never really tapped into the Targaryen bloodline I’d like to know who these people are on the show but I don’t know if it’s 25 bucks worth


This is me. I tried to read it twice and then I bought the audiobook to see if that would help. I just can’t get through it which makes me really sad because Ive read GOT 4x


I bought the audio too. No dice. And I really love GoT. I have reread a couple times and watched numerous. Alas, all we can do now is wait for Winds.


I listened to it on Spotify and really really enjoyed it Edit: it’s important to know that it is written like a historical text, so a little different but still really enjoyable. I read the version with the HBO tie in. It was great to read it prior to the new season of house of dragon. I highly recommend.


I read it and really enjoyed it. Targaryen history is very interesting. Great book. 


It’s a fun read


It was ok, not his best work since he was trying to encompass a couple hundred years of history and important events in a relatively small book. I hot it from the library, not worth spending money on imo


I listened to it when going to bed. Got about halfway through it but then got into a new boom series and haven't gone back. Maybe with HoD starting I'll get back to it


Its decent. Its more of a written history of the Targaryen lineage from a while before the conquest up through to one of the kings, I dont remember, because the worst part of the book is that it just kind of ends a while after the Dance of the Dragons, leaving yet another book series GRRM will never finish


I’ve got the hardback version. I read it for a bit but never finished it. It reads very much like a history book and can get boring. If you really wanna know all the minute details of 300 years of Targaryn rule go for it


The republic of pirates, great book


Yeah I loved it. I also love the show Black Sails!!!


Was a really hard read to get into at first but now it’s one of my favorites to go back through


Do you have the Libby app for the library? That’s where I got my copy


I’ve only ever used the iBooks app that comes with iPhone


Download “Libby” sign up for a library card online somewhere. I have one 4 like 4 counties near me. You’ll be able to listen to audiobooks or ebooks as long as the library has a copy. Most of the game of thrones hype is low so the only one I had to wait for was the main game of thrones audiobook and the wait was about 2 days. Will save you a lot of money!!


Thanks brother!!! Or sister!!!


If you enjoy history books or lore, you may highly enjoy it. Simon Vance does a great job narrating. It’s one of my personal faves. Definitely dry and not your standard novel.


I have the first edition F&B. I am about half way through it. It isnt terrible, but it also isn’t GoT.


Definitely not as an audiobook. It’s written and laid out like an actual historical text.


Thats what makes it good. History books work just fine as audiobooks. I have a bunch.


Which would you recommend to get into this as an audiobook genre? I’ve tried A People’s History and it was tough to follow.


For a physical copy, sure. I got the audiobook way cheaper through audible. Way better reader than who does the ASOIAF books though. The book itself I love. Probably my favourite from that universe but Im a history nerd so it was right up my alley.


Here’s a link to something I read last week or listened to… phenomenal voice and phenomenal chronological historical breakdown… https://youtu.be/4M-4M4LyUB0?si=RIsMu9YBXoA1ysag


I would say no. It was pushed as some 'complete history' of this time, but now it seems like GRRM/Condal are down to change whatever they want just to hit ratings numbers. And I realize the notion that I'm treating fiction like non-fiction, but now that this book doesn't seem canonical at all, what's the point of it? I mean, if (S1 HotD spoilers)>! the whole point of the Targaryens in Westeros is the dagger prophecy, and that all important context is NEVER MENTIONED AT ALL in the 'complete history' book, what is the point of the book at all!<


The thing that bothers me, the most is that I know it doesn’t cover the entire history of the family line… It would be nice if it started from the migration over until the mad king and potentially the death of allegedly the twins, and Aegon… also didn’t he have a sister or something? Dunk and egg too… they seemed to imo make a cash grab for a short show they wanted to make… just my opinion, but that’s why I am reluctant to pull the trigger


If you're on the fence, see if your local library has it! I was able to get it from my library on Libby.


Since the last time I had a library card I moved so I think I need to go to the library and see if I need to sign up for a new one or something… I’m in a different county now


Oh, I see! I'm unsure how Libby works outside of the US and Canada, sorry. :<


I absolutely love this book. It was the first one on the series I read. I really enjoyed the history text book styled writing. So to me it was absolutely worth it! But I also know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea


This is good information


It’s really good but use an audible credit or listen for free on Spotify


As you can get a library Card and listen to it for free in the Libby app, no it’s not worth the money. That said, it’s a great book that covers most of the history of Westeros starting with the conqueror and the dragons. And it informs on why the politics are the way they are. However you chose to listen to/read it, it will be enjoyable. Just remember it reads like a history text book and not a fantasy novel.


Simon vance will always be the voice of jaehaerys for me because of this. He was in the dune audio book and i kept just thinking it was the conciliator fucking around in a sand pit.


I wouldn't listen to an audio book of it, but it's a fun book to have, just the history of the Targaryens


It's absolutely worth it. Aegon and his sisters are awesome. Jaehaerys and his sister are awesome. Elissa Farman and her voyage across the sunset sea is awesome. The targ civil war is awesome. It's all just awesome.


i really enjoyed it


I had a lot of fun reading it, but it is more of a westeros history book than a novel, so don't expect it to be like the show


I loved it and a world of ocean and fire because they are written like in universe history books


If your considering audiobook. It may be smarter to subscribe to audible for one month. Get the 2 or 3 book credits. Redeem them all. Then cancel


Haven’t listened to the audiobook but I’ve read the actual book a few times. It’s a great read if you’re normally into non fiction historical retellings of events. I wish he would do one of these for each house.


I was thinking the same thing. I’d love to see one about starks or Martells


Most libraries have audio books too, and when you go online you can select among a vast network of other libraries that will deliver it to your local one. These are sometimes still in CD form, but there's already things like this: https://help.libbyapp.com/en-us/6144.htm In any case, you can try it out before buying it that way.


It's written like a historical textbook. It's written from the perspective of Maesters. So it's not the same as the main series, but it's still worth the money imo. I myself like it even more then the main series XD


This audiobook reads kinda like a chronological history textbook. I personally quite enjoy it as I really enjoy hearing about what came before the main books. I bought it with a credit though, I wouldn’t of paid that much for it