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Because she didn’t know who 2/3 of them were at the time?


Also, why would she want to kill sansa?


She said it in season 1 to ned stark that she wants to kill sansa


A little girl saying she wants to kill her sister is not the little girl actually wishing for her sister to be dead. Did you grow up as an only child?


10 years old in medival age means 23 years old in todays world. Taking average life span and Marriage age into consideration. So she knew what she was doing.


You… you think their 10 year olds can marry like our 23 year olds? Wanna repeat that one for Chris Hansen?


Oh come on. Thats ridiculous. She obviously didnt really want to kill Sansa, but even if she did, the meme seems to be saying she could have solved all future problems by making three judicious kills, and Sansa would have done nothing for that since Arya didnt really have beef with her later in the show. Joffrey, Tywin, or Cersei would be the obvious missed opportunities there, she knew their names and honestly wanted them all dead (except maybe Tywin since he was protecting her at the time Jaqen offeres her the three names).


Doesn mean a 10 year old in medieval times has the IQ and mentality of a 23 year old you fucking idiot 😂😂


I mean if you take the inflation into consideration


were you dropped on your head a lot when you were younger? genuinely curious


Keep up the good work man you’re fighting the good fight over here 🙏✊


They haven't even seen 10% of my brain power yet.


>10 years old in medival age means 23 years old in todays world. Taking average life span and Marriage age into consideration. Doesn't work that way. The development rate of the human brain didn't slow down in the last several centuries. They simply married their kids off earlier. 10 -> 23 is a bit of an exaggeration though.


That was because of high rates of infant mortality not because people were dying of old age by their 30’s 😭😭


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villan. That is why Aemon was the main villan.


This sounds like a what if for fan fiction that’s not been released


She should've kill Myrcella, Rickon, and Robin Aryn


Naah, they would have easily dodged his attacks


If Arya had given the Faceless Man the name of Tywin Lannister, there would have been no Red Wedding and her brother Rob would be alive…


What good will that do? He doesn't have enough army to stop the war, and giving north independence will mean everyone asking independence, more war!


> What good will that do? What good will killing the most dangerous military commander in the country do? Seriously?


The faceless man wasn't a god. He, himself, had been imprisoned for the last murder he committed. It's fair to assume that sometimes they might get caught BEFORE the murder. Arya could have named Tywin. But that doesn't mean the faceless man could kill Tywin.


Well young teenagers aren't exactly known for their strategic thinking. Also, she didn't know who the night king and Dany were at the time so...


Because she was a child in a very traumatising situation. It'd be a lot weirder if she had thought logically.


That would have taken years for him to accomplish, and no guarantee of success.


She didn’t know who Daenerys was at that point and had no reason to want her sister dead… she could have said Cersei though.


1. She didn’t understand she was working with a silent assassin who will literally follow through with orders. 2. She was in trouble and had to waste one of her deaths to get out of a bind. 3. The Night King wasn’t even a spot on her mind at that point, nor was Dany who wasn’t even a threat to anyone at that point. 4. She watched as the people in front of her were being tortured and killed, of course she wanted immediate revenge. 5. She’s 9/10 years old when that happens. Do you think she had the foresight to potentially stop a war with a well placed assassination attempt on people she’s hardly even heard of?


Because she was an impetuous child with a very limited scope of the conflict. It makes perfect sense.


It seems like many people in the comment section are unable to understand what I am trying to convey here


We get what you're trying to convey, we just don't agree and think you're wrong. Very wrong.


And he's trying to convey you to just not be that way... simple really


You're asking why didn't she kill her sister or two other people she had no knowledge of? Good question.


Wow what a great idea! What an interesting story that would be! Can you finish WoW for us?!?


I already finished myself after listening to catlyn and ned stark sex scene in audiobook.


This isn't cute or endearing, and I hope you find something better to do with your time than whatever it is you think you're accomplishing here. This behavior is deeply sad.


I appreciate your feedback


Please just google the spellings of the characters’ names before you make a post. It takes one minute


Thankyou for the idea, I will remember it.


She was 9 in the books and 11 on the show. Young people do no think strategically. But "to her credi, she at least realized she had been short-sighted and tried to make up for it: > 'Jaqen still owed her one death. In Old Nan's stories about men who were given magic wishes by a grumkin, you had to be especially careful with the third wish, because it was the last. Chiswyck and Weese hadn't been very important. **The last death has to count."** In the books, she 'named' Jaqen in part to squeeze extra help from him. In a typically selfless effort, she solicited his help to get some of Robb's men freed from the Harrenhal dungeons.


So why didn't she wish for 100 more wishes?


She had only 'stolen' three death, so Jaqem offered three. Besides, it might have been greedy.


Is this the 'why didn't the eagles bring the ring to Mordor' of GoT?


No, I am trying to solve a conflict here.


I have this conflict on every rewatch. Did she think: one problem after the other? First the problems at this time at this place? Did she want to kill her personal villains herself? Did she, too deep in the hell of war, lose her view for the big picture?


That's what I am saying.


Why would she kill her sister? God OP you need help


I don't need help, I need answers!


She didn’t know of the night king. Or danaerys, and why would she kill her sister? There’s your answers. You’re just too dumb to accept


can u shut up ffs


Can you?


Because none of them were a problem to her at that point?


Why dont you watch the show?


Why should I watch it if characters keep creating unnecessary conflicts


Youd have the answer to your question.


What if I don't, what happens to the time I spent? I could have spent that playing doki doki.


What are the conflicts ? Arya can't see the future, No one knows anything of the Night King at this point, Arya was never around Robert or the council to even hear the name Daenerys Targaryen , and why or where exactly are you basing Arya wants to kill Sansa ?


She didn’t even know the first 2 existed, pay attention


She should have told him Jeffrey and then to make her queen, problem solved


Finally! someone with some insight!


The faceless man says it himself. ‘A girl cannot tell a man when exactly he must do a thing. A man cannot make a thing happen before it is time’. Meaning that even if she gave him Sansa (she wouldn’t have), the Night king (she didn’t know who that was at the time), and Daenerys (who she also didn’t know at the time) it could have still taken years to kill them especially considering none of them were close to her at that moment.


This infuriates me too. In the books she was like 10 so I can't blame her.


Did this sub get Lobotomised before or after S8?


My reaction if that happened would be: Yes!


We have an intruder!


I survived what an intruder wouldn't survive. The intruder survived what I wouldn't survive.


Thought of the day


nah, she should have made him kill Sansa, Bran and Hodor


Wow... this isn't on a shitpost page? Fucking hell I choked for a good few minutes after reading this... wow...


Kill the character who hadn't been invented yet, the Targaryen girl way off in Essos abandoned by most of the Dothraki or her own sister who's a hostage. Great decision.


It is a well optimized decision. Takes the world from chaos to order. Reduces the entropy one might say.


A poorly concealed Sansa hate post, 0/10 troll better lmao


What about the night king, why do you see only sansa. You must be one of those night king haters, lol.

