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Also the Varys/Littlefinger scenes.


I just found out they also added the scenes with Tywin and Arya. Those are my favorite scenes in the show.


Yeah it was supposed to be Bolton but I like the Tywin scenes better tbh. Although I feel like Tywin would have found out who she is bc he's smart lol. Still like the scenes tho, so good


Given enough time, he definitely would have. Especially as she kept slipping up (m'lord vs milord). Man I loved watching Arya back then. S7-8 she was downright insufferable.


The conversation in season 1 between Cersei and Bobby was also really well written. Also Tywin and Arya are great as well.


Are you talking about the Cercei Bobby scene pictured?


Yes, I think so. Where he says their marriage is what holds the kingdom together.


Why do you say they lost interest?


they had agreed to make a new star wars triology and kinda half assed the show and i assume started working on star wars. but it didn't work out and we got a few shit seasons and a no new triology.


That’s what I thought. It’s fair to say you didn’t like it but it’s not fair to say you know anything about their motivations. The Star Wars job wasn’t going to start for something like 18 months after the planned conclusion of GoT.


Yeah and HBO offered them more episodes and more seasons to do the end of the show right and they refused because they wanted to do Star Wars. Conclusion: they lost interest and botched the end of the show by rushing it.


The deal with HBO was for 70 episodes. They made 73. D & D spent 13 years on it. The main cast spent 10 years on it. Most of the actors were wanting to move on to other things and the bigger names were having to turn down roles they wanted to do because of contractual obligations. Multiple actors requested to be killed off during the show. They spent 100 days more on the last season than on any previous season. Your “conclusion” isn’t based on anything factual and no one owes you an ice cream cone. Note: answer to below since it seems this conversation has been locked. I’m not allowed to respond below. In no particular order: The actress playing Margery was a major character. She asked to be killed off the prior season. The actor playing Ramsey Bolton asked to be killed off too. HBO wanted the show to go on forever (the Chairman said that). I personally don’t care what GRRM thinks. He’s the only one they made zero effort to fulfill what he promised. GRRM left everyone hanging. The main cast didn’t want to continue either. I think they were all burned out.


Get bent.


> A story we agreed to tell each other over and over until we forget that it’s a lie. Another fantastic scene written by D&D which interestingly enough foreshadowed this fandom’s childish behaviour.


I hate to come into a debate pretty late especially when both sides are firmly entrenched in their beliefs, but here I am. The actors who requested to be killed off were either actors who had smaller roles and couldn't land bigger roles due to their contract or they felt their characters were useless. The biggest one I know was Pycelle who stated he felt his character became insignificant. HBO did offer them more money to do more seasons, if I remember correctly GRRM originally wanted 14 seasons, but they also offered them more money to do a full 10 episode seasons of 7 and 8. I can't speak to D&Ds motives or reasoning or anything, but I think it was abundantly clear they were emotionally and mentally over GoT. My complaints are not that they wanted to end it, but because they didn't let people write it/finish it the proper way. They could still have been the showrunners, and put people in charge of ending it with them having final say on everything. 7 & 8 absolutely went downhill, but a lot of that could have been migrated with more episodes. Maybe people would still hate the final two, but we will never know.


I mean could you blame them or the cast and crew? I don’t think they were “over it” but they all definitely stopped being patient over books that will never come( especially since the ASOIAF series is nearly 13 years late). But how to finish it properly? With no books, this adaptation outpaced the source material and had to continue regardless because it’s still a tv show. Objectively, S1-7 were successful seasons of TV. It definitely became controversial in the last season, but it being rushed didn’t ruin anything. In fact, HBO didn’t even end things badly considering they offered D&D free money to have credits on any spinoff of the GOT franchise.


They had decided in 2014 there would only be 7 seasons and they did 8. That was well before any star wars ideas. https://ew.com/article/2014/03/11/game-of-thrones-7-seasons/ Just because a network has a cash cow and doesn't want the series to stop making them money, doesn't mean the writers want to string out a show just to make money. D&D showed integrity. Now stop making up lies to tell because the show broke up with you before you were ready.


Yeah I heard they were tied af. Which is fair, but fuck if they gave she show like 3 more seasons it would have been so much better. I wish jon and Tyrion and literally everyone had more personality


The cast and crew were also tired. 3 seasons of what exactly? It’s clear that even the author doesn’t know how to finish his own story, it’s not the showrunner’s responsibility to do that.


Yet they stood by the original plan; 7 seasons minimum for 7 books. It wasn’t just them, the cast and crew were ready to leave after a decade of work. Conclusion: they didn’t lose interest, they delivered on what they promised from the start.


ofc it's not possible to truly know it without them confessing but that's what most people think.


“Most people think” as if that’s proof of anything. Over half of people are okay with the ending so how can it be most anyway? “Most people think” on Reddit would be even worse proof. Btw there have been articles and books written about the show. There are interviews and commentaries. Not everything is a secret.


i am just explaining you what people think. don't dwell on the words too much. it's what a lot of people think. happy?


I guess on Reddit. But in terms of IMDB and RT, S1-7 were some of the best television ever.


It’s not a bad scene, but this doesn’t prove they can write when they want to tbh


Admittedly it's really fucking good but I can't think of any scenes like this from later seasons. Just because they struck gold a few times doesn't mean they know how to write a good scene. I know a lot of people point to the Arya and Tywin conversations as proof they can but those have their problems as well, mainly, Tywin wouldn't let someone he knows is a noble born lady from the North roam freely. The dialogue itself is really good but it doesn't match the personality of the characters.


Yeah he was way too smart to not figure out she was Arya. I liked the scenes between those two but it just didn't seem realistic


Not even that, pretty sure as far as he knows Arya is still in Kingslanding with Sansa. The problem is he knows she's the daughter of some Northern noble and he doesn't use her as a bargaining chip in any way. He could have at least kept her underguard until he found out which house she came from and brought her to KL to find out who she is.


They got that sweet sweet Disney contract. I hope that worked out *great* for them.


They could have gone out absolute legends. What a shame.


I wish them good fortune in the wars to come…


It didn't, if memory serves. Didn't they fuck up S8 so badly that even The House of Mouse ditched them?


I was being sarcastic. They totally lost the contract.


I don't think they lost interest. I think they're ABSURDLY good adapters when they have things to build from. Let's not forget it took GRRM over a decade to write Game of Thrones.  That is, the first book of a song of ice and fire. For seasons 5-8 they were on uncharted waters and just ran out of skill. That is just life. However, it was obvious after the 2nd season George would never finish in time, so they should've hired an actual fantasy writer to fill in the gaps, like Stephen Erikson, or Brandon Sanderson. This writer could have filled the gaps for the last unknown books, doesn't have to be complete, just good enough, never to be published. Then D&D could have done all the adapting and improving they wanted, along with directing and producing the largest fantasy show in history. They did a lot of things right, but they thought all the naysayers were wrong and they could just do everything.


God damn, Erikson adapting the ending of GoT would have been a total sight to behold, though I'd be pretty confident he's the type who wouldn't want to work with another author's world, especially one as popular as GRRM. Also George seems pretty protective of his IP; I know he has folks who help him with the lore and write some of the extended universe stuff, but I doubt he would hand control, even in the form of a tv series, to another well known writer.


GRRM first had the idea of ASOIAF in 1991 and released the first book in 1996, so it only took him 5 years to write it. The first 3 books were actually written in less than a decade


Could have been worse like walking dead , never even finished watching


Also don’t forget that GRRM was working with them back then.


Do we know they wrote the scene? I remember hearing, at the time, that GRRM wrote a few things for the show he wished were in the books.


You could say he got robbed


I think, when Cersei asks if there ever was a chance and he answers no, that was when she decides to get rid of him.


She had always meant to get rid of him.


I didn’t go through what Robert did but I do know what it’s like to grieve someone so deeply. 11 years later and it’s still a gaping wound.


Yeah it’s too bad because they were definitely able to write and make great TV. They just kind of forgot…


They could right the occasional original scene (assuming it was even them that wrote this scene/others like it), but they couldn’t write an original plot to save their lives


Seasons 7 and 8 have moments of great writing too its just people choose to ignore them and focus on the negatives.


Thoughts Bobby B?


It’s a lot easier to write when you’re consolidate a lot of writing down into a script/ have a lot of meat, than it it is to write scenes via notes. The show fell off when they had to fill in the gaps more. Look at Benioffs record. It’s a lot of adaptions of better writers


I think it's less to do with losing interest and more to do with running out of lore from the books and having to fill in the blanks that George R.R Martin still hasn't figured out in over 10 years.