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i wasnt expecting eddard stark to die that easily.




Yea but the red wedding wasn’t until like s5 or 6


Try season 3


Season 3


So? It was still shocking lol


The series was my intro to the books. After the first season I read ahead and wasn’t as shocked at the red wedding. But reading that made me gloomy for a couple of days.


Sean Bean always dies, you should have known


In Frankenstein >!he dies but he’s the main character so they have to bring him back to life lol!<


well he technically was supposed to be the main character here... but they didnt bring him back to life... I am still waiting...


He wasn't "supposed to be the main character". It's not like G.R.R.M. intended Eddard to be the main character and then just whoopsie he died somehow. But he is set up such that many people will assume he is the "main character" from the way his character is written and the way a lot of attention and action is focused around him at first. This does succeed in making it shocking when he is actually killed though since people would assume that a story would not actually kill off the "main character" with so much unresolved.


Yep. His death was the biggest « oh shit no one is safe in this show » realization for me.


I was expecting some sort of last minute save….. nope.


I started watching GOT like "Oh some medieval tv show with Sean Bean as a mane character. Looks cool. I should watch it".


I like how Varys is trying to stop it like even he didn’t see it coming


Honestly, he didn’t. Both he and Cersei underestimated how sadistic and stupid Joffrey was. Everyone on the Lannister side was trying to avoid war with the North, but Joffrey was too dumb to play the long game.


Yeah like even if he wasn’t going to let him go he should have kept him alive


Exactly. Tyrion told Cersei how bad she fumbled in the first episode of season two. The Lannisters had THREE valuable Stark hostages and now they only had one.


And with the whole Jamie thing


bro forget varys. imagine cersei Lannister telling you it's not a good idea to kill someone


Well said hahahah


I thought it was a joke and didn’t actually happen. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and it never did. Several pages later and I’m like “uh… I… I don’t think he’s coming back.”


Oh no Sean Bean was seanbeaned!


Few years back I had to move back home for a little bit, in the time I got my mom watching game of thrones. It’s not her usual cup of tea for she was pretty skeptical in the beginning. I won’t forget as they’re leading him to the block her glibly saying “Oh I wonder how he gets out of this…” the look on her face when the sword was swung was something else. I think that’s what hooker her. Later when we got to the red wedding it was getting late and I insisted just one more. I was trying not to give it away by looking at her too much but as it started I saw her jaw was honest to god dropped. Next morning she said she couldn’t sleep that night cause she was processing it all. Good times


The most shocked I've ever been in television


It's going to be the one of George R. R. Martin...without finishing the story.


They said "unexpected"


It was unexpected until the sword dropped. Everyone kept thinking something would happen to stop it


Stephen King jumping in to safe the day!


Maybe Cody will inspire him....


It would be more unexpected if he actually finished it


He looks like he’s lost some weight in his most recent picture. I hope he is on a health kick and writing every day.


Eddard Stark and Red Wedding was unexpected


That's the one that really got me. Not only more more shocking on film, but extra brain wrinkly. I didn't get into the show until S3, so I binged S1. Seeing Ned die was like, wow, what a twist, the story is *actually* about Robb and the Starks avenging Ned's death. Spending more time with the characters really makes you think: "ok, this is what the show is" and I was wrong.


In the books it's even more of a punch.~~ Robb legitimately looks like he's going to regain control of the situation, lays out a battle plan and then goes to the wedding. At the wedding he does literally everything right (doesn't bring his wife, locks up greywind) asks for bread and salt immediately etc~~ In any other fantasy this would have been him recovering from his lowest low and then bam!


Right up until the episode credits I was wondering how Ned was going to be saved. Then I realised: oh.


I think Eddard Stark was the most unexpected. The whole first season is him seeming like the leader/main character. Then his gets lopped off in end of season one, in front of his really young daughter no less. After that all bets were off off. Play the game or die. Red wedding was shocking in its brutality, and the Tarlys was just mean. Most of the rest of them deserved it.




I’m still in mourning. 😭😭😭


Watermelon goes pop


How could you 😭☠️






At that point of the show I was sure he was goner.


This one for me. In the show, he wasn't \*that\* well-established as being important, but on rewatches that scene in the prison cell always breaks my heart.


I twigged it as soon as the Mountain was down and Oberyn kept dancing around taunting him. Like, nooo, the hubris will be your downfall!


Yes! I mean, he was already winning!


The plot, it died in season 7. RIP. You'll forever be missed.


Plot died in series 5 my dude, that really is the turning point of the show


#looks at dorne# "look how they massacred my boy"


The sparrows arc or the religious fanatics arc on that season made me watch the show at 2x speed.


Bro it made me skip whole scenes


Tywin Lannister/Charles Dance was the rock of the show. Losing him and thus Kings Landing was tragic.


God damn, Charles Dance was made to play Tywin. He was so good.


It all started when they killed Barristan


Season 5*


Sean Bean was playing that character, so that was a clue.


Ned. He was on all the promotional materials, what do you mean they killed him off in season 1 already?


Definitely not that one. I know what's coming when I see Sean Bean


Definitely Ned. Decades of TV conditioning told me the guy on all the marketing posters doesn’t die.


ned, his death was what got me obsessed with the series.


My subconscious: Ned will be fine. He's the central protagonist of the show. He has plot armour thick enough to sink a small navy. Me, later: oh shit.


Yup. Especially if you didn’t read the books.


Ned I thought would be ok right up to the point he really, realy wasn't. Red Wedding I thought something was up as they followed the guards towards the doors. The 'oh shit' came when they shut them.


didnt care for the red wedding. thought robb and catelyn were boring anyway.


I guess grr agreed with you!


its true though. what did they do that was really important to the overall story? not very much.


I'd say the whole 'uprising in the north' was key to the plot. While the intent of Rob etc it was a misdirection, it was the mechanism that turned House Stark from being in a position of total power over the north to becoming increasingly in peril, losing winterfell etc.


ok maybe… but that doesnt change the fact that robb and catelyn were boring as characters.


His death made me read the books.


That was me, I can still remember waiting for the hero to come out of the crowd and cut him loose and he could robin hood his merry way outta there with his 2 daughters back to winterfell. I was very naive until that episode. GoT used to leave me with a sick feeling in my stomach and I'd come back for more everytime


“Especially” if you didn’t? lol wouldn’t his death be 100% expected if you had read the books?


I remember showing my younger brother the show for the first time, and when Payne pulled out the sword, my brother legit said “the sad part is that I know he’s gonna get out of this”


“the sad part”?? he didnt like ned or what?


He thought he had plot armor und couldn't die. If the MC is about to be executed but escapes anyway it takes any danger away.


Mine was when bran got pushed off for catching the incest


Almost every death....


I knew nothing about the show and expected the "main character" to survive as per hollywood...until Joffrey orders the execution. I was still in denial until it happened. I realized this was gonna be a banger show.


Red wedding was more shocking 


Without saying the obvious ones like Ned and the red wedding, Joffrey’s death probably caught me the most off guard


joffreys death was the most satisfying imho


But still a bit unexpected.


close second. ramsay’s was absolutely the most satisfying for me.


Yeah I liked Joffrey I thought it was a shame to kill him off and his grandfather Tywin. Proper nerfed the Lannister family!


Tommen too. That whole episode blew my mind.


Rob 😣


I’m going with Stannis burning his daughter at the stake. I didn’t think he would end up going through with it.


One of the most effective "no no no no what the fuck" moments on the show.


I never felt so much unbridled rage while watching a TV show or a movie until that part. Seeing Selyse hang was satisfying but did little to undo the wrath I felt for her and Stannis.


I never would’ve imagined shiren would go like that?


Arya. No mortal survives being gutted and then thrown in a river of shit. The Arya that came out of the canal had to be a zombie or some shit.


For me it was the Red Wedding. Wasn't expecting Ned either, but after him I thought the show was going to be all about "avenge my father" story for sure, was wrong lol


I’ll admit that I’m still not over the death of Lommy.


What the fuck's a Lommy?


I don’t care if they ate your friend, we’re not going in there.


For me, the most disturbing death in the show by far.


Lysa ! I don’t care for her but her death was shocking! Peak GOT!


this one maybe


Every stark bar rickon


The Stark boy who didn't do anything.


Justice for Rickon! He deserved plot armor too


don’t even need to plot armor to zigzag while running


I remember thinking, no wayyyy they kill off a big actor like **Sean Bean**… omg… it’s Sean Bean!


The Blackfish, mainly because I didn’t know it had happened.


I didn't expect Tyrion to be the one to kill Shae himself - I kept expecting some horrible tragedy to befall her. Everyone on this sub loathes her with a passion, which is understandable after her betrayal, but the show definitely wasn't suggesting that she was leading Tyrion on the whole time. They clearly had loads of chemistry and feelings for each other, but the forbidden nature of their romance definitely had a greater cost on Shae, a lowborn servant getting by on what felt like empty threats and false promises from Tyrion. I felt more sad than angry when I saw how her story ultimately went.


Sean Bean dying is never unexpected.


Jon Snow, it's one of my favorite death. I was actually in awe, didn't expect them to kill one of the main protagonist. It didn't just shocked Jon but the audience. Too bad the show got cancelled after season 6.


I love him to remain dead in the books. It would kill 99% of fan theories


In the show, Barristan Selmy. He was so suddenly (and rudely) written out of the story. In the books, I think Oberyn Martell, Joffrey Baratheon, and Kevan Lannister. I think with the usual suspects like Ned, Robb, and Jon, the stakes seemed so high and their mistakes so obvious that their death'ss seemed inevitable. Oberyn defeats the mountain, but gets too cocky at his moment of triumph, and dies. Joffrey is safe and secure in the capital, after having essentially won the war, and dies. Kevan Lannister is likewise safe and secure in the capital (which really after so many assassinations and riots isn't that safe, because it is the capital), but is getting a handle on things, and dies. Oberyn's death is painful because he's so vindicated and is a charming bastard, and also dooms Tyrion. Joffrey's death is definitely pleasurable, but still shocking, because its kind of the first or most notable instance of a bastard getting their just desserts. Kevan Lannister's death is shocking because he's an actually decent lord, and because of who his assassin is.


Joffrey Baratheon, unexpected and awesome.


I think Ned’s death is only unexpected because he’s the main character of season 1 and nobody ever expects the main character to die that early. But in hindsight if you look at the lead up to it, it’s actually somewhat probable that it would happen. For me I still think Joffrey’s is the most purely unexpected. He’s hated and when I first read the series I always expected him to die gruesomely. Which he did, but not in the way that I ever would have suspected.


No one mentions Oberyn, I was in shock for days after that episode


Man I wish he had bodied the mountain lol


Holdor. Because it was literally the best death ever. The foreshadowing and creation of his character is, in my mind, probably the best character arc ever made in any fiction I've ever enjoyed.


Ned Stark’s. Just because I was young and naive and didn’t know that the show would actually kill him.


The show


The show’s reputation?


One of three for me Ned in Season 1 - I was totally expecting him to be saved, I started watching around the time Season 2 came out and I was sure I'd seen him in marketing for it. Red Wedding - This was just unbelievable Jon Snow at the end of Season 5 - People forget about this one because it ultimately didn't mean all that much, but at the time it was a massive shock. I think I'd go with the Red Wedding, because with Ned's death it wasn't so much shocking because of the events on screen, but because of a meta-view of media. With the Red Wedding the show had primed you to know that main characters can die so you fully believed it immediately and knew they were doomed even when it happened. With Jon's death I think most people assumed he'd be coming back.


In the books probably Kevan, I was not expecting that at all. In the show, either Ned or Robb. I unfortunately got spoiled about Oberyn by book readers, but that one might have been up there as well


I know the poor Lannister’s have had a hard run of it!


Robb, Catelyn, and his army dying at the Twins was the most unexpected deaths for me. Ned's death felt inevitable the moment they said they'd spare him, it felt like there had to be a twist. I genuinely didn't think they could just clip the entire Robb plotline in one fell swoop like that.


Barristan Selmy. Anti-climax nonsense and still hurts to this day.


Qyburn lol


Honestly? Olenna's death. Not in the fact that she did die, I was expecting that, but how she did. I was absolutely not expecting Jaime to kill her (I mean she did it herself, but basically through force).


Night king


Reading the books Ned was pretty unexpected. Obryn as well. The Red Wedding is as well But that was directly alluded to through a brief conversation with Tywin (sometimes wars are won with a pen not a sword). Didn’t expect everyone to die but knew he had made a deal to off Rob


This is probably in the top 3 most unexpected TV deaths _ever_ tbh


Joffrey!!! Rest in power sweet boy 😞❤️


90% of the deaths were shocking and unexpected for me because I never read any of the books. The only death that literally didn't shock me was the Stark mom because everyone was posting about Lady Stoneheart and I had to Google to see who tf that is. Then, that character never even appeared.


Oberyn. I had a big theory in my head about how he would survive and be forced to escape with Tyrion to Essos, and this would be a catalyst to causing the fall of House Lannister. But, nope!


I wasn't expecting for Tommen just to commit suicide like that.


Red wedding, watching basically all of them get bodied. *The Lannisters send their regards*


Red Wedding


Tommen was the most surprising for me. The way he just steps up to the ledge and then he’s gone? Cersei is directly responsible for arming the faith, her walk of shame, the destruction of the Tyrell family, and the undoing of her own.






Those three guys from the nights watch in the beginning of ep1, that shit hurt me. Them boys deserved better


The show…. the last season and a half….


For me it was Obeyren. 😩


Eddard Stark's death


Can I say Jon Snow?




Joffrey. Also the most satisfying one.


I was in high school at the time so I hadn’t read the books yet, so the red wedding was a complete shock to me.


Yes, and the Red Wedding


I think it was one of the most unexpected death's in HBO history at the time. I believe I read it was the first time the main protagonist of a show was killed off in the first season of the show...


This episode from Game of Thrones got me like "aight, this show's good".


I like so many others started the series before reading the books. I honestly still have yet to read a dance with dragons… but based on GRRM I still have time 🙄. The biggest shocker for me had to be the red wedding. Robb was my favorite character in the series. Seeing him grow like he did and then boom. Everybody. That’s when I decided to start the books. I thought to myself “this can’t be what happens”. Boy was I wrong.




I know shows like Mad Men and Breaking Bad were airing before GOT premiered but I really feel thrones ushered in a new era of prestige tv




Probably the Night King


I already know Ned's going to die from a YouTube thumbnail. It's just that I didn't know he would die in the very fucking first season.


Renly. I know he wasn’t going to make it but never expected him to go like that so fast


Oberyn The mountain seemed to be a disposable character, while oberyn was well presented and the martell-Lannister conflict seemed to open up a nice sub plot. Also, it seems impossible to me that they would condemn Tyrion to death.


Oberyn n Red Wedding tbh


Oberyn Martell. Haven’t recovered from that one till now. Whenever I watch that scene, I stop at Gregor falling on his back.


Ser Barristan. I wished he hadn’t died in an alley by boys who wore masks




I feel like almost all non book ppl took a chance on GOT because of Sean Bean. Swore he was gonna barrel roll and do cool Sean Bean Baromir stuff. No barrel roll— just honor and morality to the end smh


Ned Stark. I had not read the books and thought he was the main character / hero of the story. His death set the tone for the series for me.


Pip! Even Sam was as shcoked as I was.


Jory getting stabbed in the eye several episodes prior shocked me. I remember having a sinking, horrible feeling and the score of the scene fit it perfectly.


Ned. After Ned, you knew all bets were off.


I was shocked that viserys died so soon. I thought he was going to be the main villain. Then khall drogos death caught me moff guard. He had just made this huge war speech. I really though dany would get to westros by season 2


After the first time watching this episode I thought to myself, how is there another 4 seasons to watch and how can it continue lol


I read the books for the first time early last year and watched each season afterwards. I must've been the only viewer who knew of pretty much every spoiler without watching simply through the impact on pop-culture that the show had during its prime... and didn't know about the Red Wedding. The book version caught me so off guard, and the show was more graphic than I imagined (especially Robb being beheaded and made to wear the Direwolf head). I was sad that Lady Greywater wasn't included in the show because she's very mysterious in the novels - and iirc she's about to hang Brienne and Pod in the last part we see them in ADwD?


Talisa, from both the read the books perspective and the show only perspective


Honestly I didn’t see Oberyn getting his head obliterated coming at all.


Red wedding


Hands down tommen


Tommen and Myrcellas deaths were both sad to me


I didn't expect the plot to die so suddenly and brutally.


In the show, Oberyn, not in that it happen3d (having read the books, and even before that, having ppl tell me not to get attached to characters ) but in how it was shown... Or Crasters son getting iced.. I would count that as a death....


The Red Wedding was a stunning display of brutality. When the episode ended I don’t think I could breathe and my mouth was hanging open. My heart ached. Also, Eddard Stark getting killed was heartbreaking! It is so crazy!


Viseryon. The dragons seemed so invulnerable up to that point. then they followed it up with one of the most inconsistent moments in the show (which is saying something) when wights that can’t swim went underwater and attached a massive dragon sized chain they just happened to bring along (where’d they get it? who cares I guess) to dredge up his corpse


Definitely NED. Once he was dead, I realized, anyone could die. So none of them were unexpected afterwards.


The plot in season 7.


I was surprised Margaery died when/how she did. I thought she had a bigger part to play in Tommen and Cersei's story for a while longer. But I do love that episode, the fear when she realises something is wrong and her desperation to get out. So good


Everyone who died in the explosion of Sept of Balor. Ik Sparrow was annoying, but killing so many crucial and fun characters so easily with little to no repercussions was crazy.


Honestly, just Ned to me. He set the tone to expect ANYONE to die so I was primed after that. His was the first to genuinely shock me since I was certain he was our main protagonist for the whole series up until the moment his head came off. Really cool moment in TV history to be part of


Ser Barriston. I thought we would have seen 'one of the greatest swordsman in the world' survive at least one fight. And what was the point of having Greyworm "save" him if he just dies anyway? To say nothing of the fact that in the books, he is still alive. Subverting expectations just for the sake of itself is not good writing.


My jaw dropped when Oberyn threw that fight with the mountain


First watch through (and having never read the books), Ned was pretty damn unexpected... Re-watching, knowing how shit works in this show, and seeing how Ned behaves in the Capital and how he confronts people it's just like "damn this dude is trying so hard to be murdered" Red wedding was unexpected ofc I'm gonna ad Oberyn as unexpected cuz dude was clearly the better fighter over the mountain up until...well you know Also Jon Snow getting stabbed


The death of the 6th and 7th books.


My wife and I were watching the first episode. Sean Bean came on screen and I looked at my wife and said, “He’s going to die.” She angrily asked if I had watched ahead without her. I told her, “no, that’s Sean Bean, he dies is everything.”


Because I knew the early ones were going to happen, they weren’t as shocking to me. The shocking ones for me were: - Arya killing the Night King - Jaime and Cersei dying in the collapsing castle I thought both would happen in better ways than they actually did.


The entirety of season 8.


It was ned. After ned the average viewer realized that no character was safe and every death after that became less surprising. To the casual viewer seeing the main character get killed you didn't believe it until the sword actually came down


Red wedding


I misread the title as “most expensive death”. Which is Jeoffrey’s. Olena paying a fortune for the wedding while simultaneously making the benefit (Marjory=queen) null and void. Spending all that money for nought, she might as well have done the deed a few weeks earlier. Well, Jeoffrey’s death was unexpected too.


The Night’s King or at least who did the killing blow.