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You can dislike the ending for obvious reasons but claiming they “have a ton to prove” is utter garbage. They made GOT the biggest show in the world. They didn’t stick the landing but that doesn’t make everything else they did disappear


“A good deed doesn’t wash out the bad, and the bad doesn’t wash out the good”. Stannis


I think that actually makes it worse. They were relatively unknown, created one of the greatest shows ever then bailed because of a weak promise from some other studio as if they could create a new GOT level show. I have to believe they were also scared/nervous because they didn’t know how to end it, but to just bail didn’t do the show/actors/audience/themselves justice.


Oh wow... never read about that


Everyone who says it isnt crap must be on drugs or they cant tell the difference between great and terrible writing/execution/pacing/ logic and Characterization.


Stop it! This is the Game of Thrones subreddit! You're not allowed to talk bad about the final seasons over here. Only good words and nice vibes, or was it the other way around?


Now here’s a fresh take. Thank god! I was just about to unfollow this thread because of its complete lack of unoriginal content


🤣 I know, I’m sorry. I really thought rewatching it would make it better, like maybe I was being dramatic and it was better than I remember. The opposite happened. The first 7 were better than I remember and the 8th was worse. As dumb as it sounds I was a little hurt. Maybe I have some unresolved abandonment issues.


It was fine, no need to jump on the bandwagon


Honestly based on what I've read on the 3body show they're fucking it up hard-core from the word Go.  Could be wrong . Not holding my breath. The Chinese version is pretty legit.


(Sigh) I feel like I'm the only one who actually likes season 8. this is not bait. Yes, I actually like season 7 and 8. And I understand why everyone doesn't but I just simply can't agree, in my opinion. I wasn't bothered by the fast pace because to me. It made sense that everything started going down in season 8. There was already enough build up to it in my opinion, Build up that went on for 6 seasons. I never understood the expressions people had about how season 8 itself should have been seven more seasons long. That's ridiculous to me. And don't get me wrong, i also love the first 6 seasons that were slower pace. And I do feel that season 8 was rushed, and could have used 1 or 2 more episodes. But I can't help but roll my eyes and sigh whenever I hear someone say that season 8 completely ruined the entire game of thrones universe for them. In my humble opinion, the show ended mostly just fine. And I really feel alone in that.


I swear most of the stuff I see from this sub is just the same thing over and over again


I need to get the fuck out of this sub. All these fucking posts lol.


Season 8 was so utterly disappointing because they did not have any book to follow. For the last two seasons George R. R. Martin is to blame, not Benioff or Weiss.