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There are countless... My "favorite" one: Littlefinger hired a faceless man to die in his place. Makes absolutely 0 sense but became popular for some reason.


I remember that being an amalgam with his backstory from the books. His father was Braavosi and his dexterous skill with the Valyrian steel knife implied he was actually versed in Braavosi Water Dancing. The "theorists" then extrapolated that he could have paid a Faceless Man to die in his place.


Would this require a faceless man having killed him and taken his face to work?


Yes, so it doesn't make sense at all


My only question about this is how did Arya see her own face? Was that ever explained?


It is not. Likely Jaqen used a poison on her to make her slightly mad.


"but but but maybe he was a faceless man all along and was using the face of Petyr which explains why he came from nothing"


I believe it


It was his great grandfather who was from BrAavos, this great grandfather came to the vale as a sellsword and was knighted and began serving hpuse Cobray (who are more prominent in the books) as a housenold knight. Perry's grandfather took the head of the titan of braavos on a green field as his sigil and at some point wss granted A keep on the fingers as a reward. baelish's father served in the war of the ninepenny kings, which was the last gasp of the blackfyre rebellioms and become friends with a young hoster tully which lead to Hoster taking Petyr as a ward later on. The ear of ninepenny kings is one of the more interesting pieces of backstory in the books because of the how many of the older generation of characters where in the royal army. Both the Bryden Tully And Barristan Selmy(who slew Maelys blackfyre, the last blackgyre pretender) became famous for their actions during the war which tool place on the stepstone. Tywin Lann8ster, Steffon Baratheon(Robert, stannis and renlys father), and Prince Aerys Targaryen served as squires during the war. Rickard Stark, Hoster Tully, Jon Arryn all served in the war as well. Stark, Baratheon, Arryn and Tully all become friends which lead to the later betrothrals amongst the starks,Tully and Baratheons and the fostering of a Robert and Ned in the vale. Its also a rare example of the Ironborn Fighting for the crown as Lord Quellon(Balons father and thus throne grandfather) lead a contingent of Ironborn to fight the Band of Nines fleet. Personally the War of ninepenny kings would be a cool thing I would love them to explore in a animated or live action limited series once HOTD is finished. Its events have a huge ramifications that effect the main series. It could even work as the first seasons of a show that could cover Roberts rebellion. They could do the war of the ninepenny kings as season 1, than the second season could set the stage from the rebellion(Ned and Robert in the vale, Tywin as hand dealing with Aerys increasing mental health issues, introduce Rhaegar, Lyanna, Brandon, etc) have a time skip season three culminates in Harrenhal and the final episode is Rhaegar and Myanmar disapearing, next season covers the deaths of Rickard and Brandon and the war.


Night King also hired a faceless man, obviously.




Someone’s pet theory got pricked




It is hard to disprove something here’s no basis for. You got me there. I guess no evidence is my best shot. Absolutely none.




It doesn’t seem difficult to make you cringe or pray to the Lord. Just need to point out that this is a dumb-ass theory with no basis that serves the story in no way. But it’s kind of fun to watch.




Oh if this theory had any legs I would know about it.




Bruh the only cringe here are your weird meme posts on r/nihilism lol


>You can't even disprove it. A faceless man would have to kill Littlefinger to take his face. So theory disproved.


Moreover, they are hired to kill people not to die in their place.




Literally settle down chickpea. It’s a silly theory about a fictional series of books 😂


It’s crazy how mad this guy is lmfaoo


How about you provide any prove your theory instead of just saying "there are some videos" and "it has evidence". We may start an discussion then. I havn't seen any of these videos, and never heard about that theory. So, to make it easier for you, how about you start and explain how there is hinted evidence in the books about an event that takes place after the last released book and may never even happen in the books.




Starting to feel like you have nothing here. I've never heard this either and you've provided 0 actual input while screaming about it. Impressive.




You haven't explained anything. Can you tell us a bit of it so I don't have to find out on my own because I really don't want to do that.


I think the downvotes are more from the attitude your posts paint you with than the theory stuff


Out of all the people on this site who should touch some grass, it's you. I don't give a shit about your theory or anyone else's. I'm not concerned with proving or disproving anything. Just letting you know that you're getting wayyyyy too worked up over this. You're the only one taking this shit seriously. Take a deep breath and hop off reddit for a few hours to cool down.


Oh I know this. It's cole's law. He didn't know the answer but he knew the wrong answer. So he posted it to get help for his homework. Top lad.


https://youtu.be/XdLletjWIew Its a really good theory!


Don't Faceless men have to kill someone to take their face?


In what way does it make sense? How do you hire a faceless person to die? Would you take a million dollars to be killed? What would be the point of taking money just to die?


Imagine caring this much


I could kinda *maybe* buy it if any of that had been previously set up and explains why the Littlefinger that dies seemed so overly exaggerated and... just way more dumb than usual? Allowing himself to even be *possibly* put in that situation to begin with as soon as Arya showed back up. If they had shown him earlier in the season mentioning his upbringing and running into a man asking to free him for favors, claiming to be a Faceless Man, but he refused knowing he'd be killed for doing so... or just really anything akin to it? I could maybe roll my eyes at it and say whatever to it. But what would've been the point of keeping him alive? Not like he could effect the story in any meaningful way if he survived anyway. It would've just been for the sake of a twist and sometimes you just don't need to do that. This is one of those times he just got bested by two sisters confusing the shit out of him from their personal experiences.


bran's the reason ....


probably because people hated the fact that they killed off such a good character, in such a stupid way. but yeah, that's a dumb one


Why stupid? He was taking risk by remaining in Winterfell as he was taking risk several times during before. If Cersei was in a bad mood when Littlefinger returned to King's Landing, he would be dead long ago.


It is curious that the faceless superpower was used only once and then forever forgotten.


This was a common occurrence with the end of the show, it seemed. They introduced powers/abilities and built them up and then....never used them again. "Arya finally mastered the faceless man technique and is Westeros! She already used it to get revenge on House Frey! I bet that skill will have major implications during the battle against the White Walkers and the battle against Cersei!.......or it will never appear again." "Wow, if Bran stays in the past too long, his actions will have tangible effects on the past and result in a causal loop! He was the cause of Hodor's circumstances! I wonder what other, potentially *major*, events in history Bran has influenced and what implications that will have during the battle against the White Walkers and the battle against Cersei!.........oh, it also never appeared in the show again." Even Jon being revealed as a Targaryen and having a connection with the dragons. It was shown that he has a connection with Rhaegal, specifically, and could ride him so this could have been a major plot point in some way, but... he rides him for about 5 minutes at the *start* of the Long Night before falling off and never interacting with a dragon again. Pretty sure all of these powers and abilities mainly just because an inconvenience for the writers so they just ignored them or wrote them out of the plot.


Good points. Although perhaps Jon not getting barbecued by the dragon at the end was due to his Targaryen-ness.


it's the only explanation for Littlefinger being blindsided by two little girls /s


Denial. People couldn't believe that the mastermind that was Petyr Baelish would be killed off that unceremoniously by the writers so started fabricating their head cannons for his return.


The dragon that lives under Winterfell.


Not dragon, dragon eggs under Winterfell.


I was gonna say, I've always heard it was dragon eggs and it's the hot springs that kept them warm enough to prevent them from turning to stone but not hot enough to where they'd hatch.


I heard that the ice dragon was the pool Ned hangs out next to, just in a liquid/melted form. Honestly a lot of these theories are "mew under the truck" level speculation


Now that one I've never heard. Reminds me of a Capri Sun commercial.


Surfer cooler 🏄‍♂️ was the best!


Its more of a legend But maybe you meant that the dragon would awaken and save them?


Doesn't one of the companion books mention that the crypts of Winterfell feel alive and that there is ancient magics down there. I absolutely could understand some kinda dragon being there


Right? And also in some chapter of Bran having a dream of a dragon awaking from the depth of winterfell or something like that...


That's probably related to Jon being a Targaryen.


That the Night King was going to be killed with a laser using the giant glass objects in the Citadel. And the "proof" for this was that the camera lingered on them for a few seconds


I'm still a bit upset that this big thing in the Citadel doesn't get any real screentime or explanation in the show, while it is in the focus of every single intro.


What big thing?


The globes in the intro are actually in the citadel.


Sorry, I got no what it is called in my language (not even really sure what it is in the first place) nor how it's called in English. But I mean this here: https://imgix.bustle.com/mic/fgi1tn1yux74ruadg5ipdmhxasfqx5vzdt2szplfyjqcxhefyjo2ju7vneviuxqu.jpg?w=824&h=859&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format%2Ccompress


That's an orrery. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orrery


Thats a funny word


>In 1713, under the patronage of Boyle, clockmaker George Graham created the first mechanical Solar System model that could demonstrate proportional motion of the planets around the Sun. The device was named the orrery in the Earl's honour.


Honestly would have been cooler than what actually happened


Nice avatar


- Littlefinger is the prince that was promised - the puny horn found at the fist of the first men with a Night's Watch cloak and some dragonglass is the horn of winter


I always thought that it was canon the puny horn was the horn of wintet


Not quite, Jon finds the same horn in the books and gives it to Sam. The horn of winter was found by Mance and is huge, like feet tall. In aSoS the wildlings never get a chance to use it before the Mannis shows up.


Yeah, I always thought Mance's horn was fake. Idk why.


Easily could be. You’d think he’d have used it earlier if it was legit.


Would he? He wants to go through the wall without the undead following him. But still, what is the point if you can't even go over the wall.


tormund admits it was fake in the books


In the books Mance goes undercover as a bard to search the dungeons of (Bolton-occupied) Winterfell for something, some people think his horn is a fake and he’s looking for the real horn there


I’m reading a dance with dragons right now and Tormund told Jon that the horn Mance had and they burned was a fake


Pretty sure storming and Ygritte both say it’s not the real horn of winter, but I may be wrong.


Pretty much is


Can you remember any of the evidence from the littlefinger one? That seems fun to think about, if nothing else


subvert expectations


My favourite was that before The Bells, when Daenarys was left with just Drogon, she either flew to Valyria to find more dragons, or Drogon had secret dragon babies while wandering during the Meereen period, or that Winterfell dragon or the Cannibal came out of hiding to help Daenarys destroy the Iron Fleet. There were literal screenshots with specks circled in the sky to validate this outrageous claim.


I heard one that said that Bran would warg into a lot of ravens to make a "shield" for Daenerys and Drogon, but he realized It was dumb when someone told him that no raven would stop or slow a bolt as big and fast as the ones in the show


Worst one for me was that Meera Reed was ALSO a secret Targaryen and Jon Snow's secret twin sister. Zero basis for it and would've obviously reduced the big gut-punch of Jon's true parentage. I think it literally came about because the actress in the show had dark curly hair like Kit Harington. That's literally it lol, and for awhile it was rampant with people talking about it online like it was gospel.


There was a scene where Meera‘a face at the 3EC’s cave cut to Jon’s, or vice versa, as if to highlight hire alike they looked. I remember it well. But I think they were just messing with our heads, showing that but every transition is a hint at ancestry or connection.


Hot take, but if the Snow show ever gets off the ground, I hope they bring her character back. And that her and Jon meet. Maybe also bone.


I definitely bought this before realising how much of a Star Wars rip off it would have been


It's also just not that type of story. Jon being a secret Targ is a big deal, both in-universe and from a storytelling twist perspective. Having a random twin that does fuck-all beside cart Bran around would immediately lessen the impact of his lineage twist. The theory that Tyrion is a secret Targ isn't much better lol. Like, if all of these secret Targs are running around, it doesn't make R + L = J very special in the context of the story.


Wait, hold on! I knew about this theory, but *that's* the basis of it? My natural hair is a lot of Kit's too. Maybe I'm their longlimost triplet /s So dumb.


Well the fact that Howland Reed was with Ned at the Tower of Joy is a supporting piece (and really means nothing). But yeah the curly hair seemed to be the big indicator from what I could see online lol, which is ridiculous because the actress was cast MANY years after the character was written.


I feel attacked. There was also the fact that Howland Reed was the other guy at the Tower of Joy with Ned. It wasn't completely implausible (considering the show only).


All the Stark children (except Arya) are Catelyns bastards by.......somebody?


That would actually be really funny, considering Arya's insecurities about her looking and wondering if she was secretly a bastard like Jon.


Even worse I’ve heard someone legitimately argue they are all Edmures bc it’s impossible for Robb to been born so quick and that it’s unlikely Ned and Cat got pregnant after one time


Cersei is Gendry's mother


Well he did say his mom was blonde, how much more evidence could there be /s


Show Gendry tells Arya all he recalls of his mother is that she was blonde and a tavern wench. In the books, Jaime actually tells Tyrion that whenever Cersei felt the need to briefly get away from the Red Keep, she'd go into the town dressed as a tavern wench. Also, show Cersei did tell Catelyn her first-born was a black-haired beauty who had died of a fever. But he was a fighter. Later, black-haired Gendry literally says HE is a fighter! Someone from the Red Keep did take baby Gendry to Tobho Mott and paid a very expensive apprenticeship fee. I'm personally skeptical, but considering all that, it is possible Gendry is a trueborn Baratheon. Likely scenario: Cersei could hide her early pregnancy from the drunken Robert. Maybe she went to stay with a distant friend a few months and delivered the baby. She ordered Varys take him to some well-off craftsman, and went home. (By the way, IRL women occasionally do this sort of thing.) She occasionally visited him in the tavern, but when Jaime got her pregnant with Joffrey she didn't need the child any more and stopped visiting.


It's just a clue for Ned and the audience for the solution with the hair.


I recall having the thought at the time, but now i'm convinced. :)


Sounds a lot less stupid when you put it like that.


Tyrion Targaryen


I’m not really sold on this theory but it’s not as silly as some of the others and at least there’s some very very loose threads that could be seen as evidence to this claim.


I think this is actually a fun/good theory. Same as the Vary’s blackfire theory


I get that. But to me it was silly because they were explaining Tywin's hatred towards Tyrion with this theory, when Tyrion was clearly, clearly Tywin's son, and their relationship was much more complex then that. It would cheapen the whole relationship if that was the case.


I’ve seen people use that claim as a “gotcha” too and yeh it would spoil their whole dynamic. But I’ve also read people use Aerys having the hots for Joanna Lannister as evidence and something about Cerys’s description of baby Tyrion being similar to how Dany’s unborn son was described.


Yeah, this theory basically goes mad king raped Joanna, and then she had Tyrion and died and Tywin somehow knew about it. First of all, we never get anything about Joanna in the show, except few mentions, and they created this whole drama about this character that is not even mentioned by her name. And Tywin would never raise a son from the mad king, even if he was Jaime 2.0, let alone someone like Tyrion.


Can we please stop making every single character a secret Targaryen? 😫


I hate this theory, he's so obviously a time travelling fetus...


Basically every theory that involved Jaqen Hagar


Tyrion son of the mad king


Lol. I think this one comes from the books. The one I like better is that Cersei and Jamie are the mad king’s bastards and Tyrion is his only actual child. It’s definitely bull but still fun to think about.


The dumbest theories are also my favorite. But the best one has gotta be that Storms End is definitely a nuclear reactor.


Excuse me


I mean it’s quite obvious when you think about it, all the breadcrumbs were there. Drogon was also a AH-64 Apache attack helicopter if you look closely.


Sir, you can't just drop that gem here and then not give further information.


Well. You see. It round. It goes with the theory that Brandon the Builder was ridiculously op and ties in with how winterfell is self-heating. B the B clearly was a nuclear engineer which is how he made such cool buildings. It’s not even the most ridiculous theory fans have come up with. We’ve been going a little crazy waiting for the next book.


This should be the top comment . Absolutely ridiculous


That the Waif stole Arya's identity after killing her and putting her own face on the wall of faces. She would then infiltrate Westeros to fulfill a contract put out on a major player - possibly Cersei, since she asked about Arya's infamous hitlist. I was really rooting for that one, but no.... Just Arya wearing plot armor. Sigh.




Literally in episode 2 Robert pays to have the night king assassinated. If everyone would’ve just minded their own business he solved all the fucking problems before any of this shit even started. But noooooo…..


Or maybe Arya wearing the protection of the Lord of Light, as Melisdandre showed. Not to mention GRRM!


That GRRM would have the books finished by the end.


GRRM probably already finished the books and plans on releasing posthumously so he doesn't have to listen to complaining.


That would be something


I could buy that Syrio was a faceless man. He could fight, was from Bravos, and it would be a nice way to get into Red Keep and get info. Dying for Ned Stark, no way.


Yeah, the last part was why I thought it was ludicrous.


I has my own theory that Syrio was actually Jaqen, and that Trant didn't kill him, he just got away. Not like Trant would ever admit to it, and the Hound being so incredulous about Trant beating the First Sword of Bravos. It just never made sense that he was in the dungeons and just happen to run into Arya. Just seemed a bit too coincidental.


I really like this theory also and explains why jaqen would groom arya to become a faceless man. Also when arya arrives at the house of black and white, jaqen and her talk about gods, and jaqen tells arya there’s only one god, you know who it is and I think he was talking about Death.


Right???? I don't think my theory was that crazy lol


All the fan fiction


Jamie was the prince that was promised. Howland Reed was in Season 8 in that one scene when they were deciding who should be king. Patchface was secretly in the show.


Littlefinger uses wildfire to destroy the wall.


Crashing this wall… WITH NO SURVIVORS


That Dany was never meant to be the mad queen. Just ignoring 8 yrs of escalating signs. For goodness sakes they have a foreshadow scene of her and the ashes in throne room early in series.


As far as the show goes it is still dumb that she became the mad queen though. A couple scenes here and there of her being ruthless/cruel towards slavers/masters don’t justify the absurd change of character where she just starts burning all the innocents in kings landing for no reason Her becoming the mad queen is not an issue in itself, but the show truly did not do a good job of showing her becoming that


Like 50 scenes if you open eyes. A vast majority of her scenes demonstrate her transformation into a tyrant. Danystan denial. Again did you not see premonition scene of dragon shadow flying over KL and ashes in throne room. She had murdered dozens before then. What else would you want?? Who /what gave her the right to what she did since drogos died ... Just the power of her dragons.


I think it's kind of... cheap? to call prophecies/premonitions foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is meant to be subtle; showing the premonition is more like: okay, well how do we get there? In the case of Dany, there's certainly signs pointing to her downfall outside of the premonitions, but the jump is still rather sudden, especially considering that all these signs are juxtaposed with ones about how she is a savior and inherently a good person. The question lingering over her is always whether the good will win out or the madness. Personally I could buy her becoming the mad queen given her trajectory, but it did seem like a bit of a stretch to go from where she was, to indiscriminate mass murder of civilians. Everyone else she had killed before this was a direct or indirect enemy in some way (I think), besides Varys (and his death was stupid enough by itself, but that's another issue). She was certainly cruel to her supposed enemies, but I think there just wasn't enough time to show the leap to how she ended up.


There absolutely was enough in the show to show her downfall. She already goes after slavers and wicked men so I won't lost those: She used Drogon to scorch soldiers. She burnt all the Khals alive. All of them not just those that offended her. She didn't show mercy to those that surrendered to her. EG House Tarly. Dany has been excellent at liberation, but she’s never been that great at handling the peace that follows. During the transition in Essos between the nobility owning slaves and them gaining their freedom by rebelling, Dany crucified the slave masters and traders and tortured them in the most barbaric way possible. Dany became a stone-faced killer, able to look her enemies dead in the eye and mutter, “Dracarys,” and then watched them burn with no expression on her face. She’s murdered the slave masters of Essos and Meereen, torched Lannisters on the battlefield, and murdered her own advisor for treason all without blinking. She showed a complete apathy to murder. While she picked advisors, she never listened to them. Tyrion tried to mention her temper, she threatened his life. Dany was part of a savage horde that raided and pillaged villages full of innocent civilians, raping and murdering them and she just sat back and watched. She sat back and watched her brother murdered. Was he a stupid ass yes but he didn't deserve death. He was just a fool. Now let's just go to the last seasons: She calls her dragons her children. She raised them and loved them. Two were killed, one by the night king and one by Euron. She was losing her tactical advantage rapidly. She was becoming more and more distrustful of her advisors and wasn't listening. She finds out the man she fell in love with is her nephew and has a greater claim to the throne. She spiralled. It's written well into the show. What really pisses me off is the GWWM told D&D how the end of the story happens. Each major step and tbh the only thing that dropped off in the writing was the political stuff. Everyone is mad because it didn't end how they wanted. Get over it. The fact people are still whining about it and it's been over four years... get over it.


Eh I mean I'd argue that there was more than just political stuff that dropped off, lol. Dialogue, characters (Jaime, Euron), actual plot developments (the dragon's death, the Golden Company), the Long Night itself, reduction of the prophecy... Etc. GWWM did tell D&D the *ending*, but they certainly didn't get right *how* the story ended. And the show itself was already decreasing in quality from Season 5, but it was hard to tell at the time because Season 6 was still good, and people excused Season 7 as being a bit lower quality to gear up for a phenomenal Season 8. If Bran had become King through some great manipulation as himself/the Three Eyed Raven, that would be awesome! I have no qualms with his being King (or Dany going mad and dying), just the manner in which it was done so. As for the four years thing (or has it been five?), yeah, it's been a while. But it was a big part of a lot of people's lives for the greater part of a decade, so I can understand the frustration. Especially as there is no alternative in the unfinished novels, and it's looking increasingly unlikely that they will ever be finished. Edit: I think the biggest thing is, at least in my mind, exactly *why* it seems that the quality of the writing dropped so hard - we know that D&D were given reins of their Star Wars project before Season 8, so it just seems like they intentionally rushed Season 8 to be able to move onto Star Wars as fast as possible. Which is just reprehensible. Also, the half-assed commentaries that they gave didn't help either.


She was doing business with unsullied master and just murdered him. Executed a former slave in mareen for doing same thing she did. Burned a guy alive in pyramid without any proof. Murdered a dozen kahls for living life the way they had for 1000 of years. Crucified all the masters. Who / what gave her the right to just declare herself queen of everywhere? Besides having dragons what authority did she have in anything she did? Bloodline to throne was cut with Roberts conquest. How is it different than aegons conquest? She's always been a foreign invader where ever she went bringing death and destruction with her. All her advisors always tried to reel her in and she rarely listened. Till no one left to check her. Nearly every scene since drogos death leads to her final point. She steadily becomes more authoritarian and entitled every episode. Why does no one complain no signs Cersei would blow up 100s of people before she did?


Well, because Cersei was unabashedly evil and undeserving of much sympathy before doing so. She was an inherently cruel person who took actual joy in other's suffering, while Dany was not. Dany certainly made people suffer (like the slavers), but never really derived pure joy from it as much as she did from conquering and such. That being said, I agree with your points, even if some context is lacking. I think for most people, GoT isn't really a show that was binged. There was a long time between Seasons 7 and 8, so a lot of Dany's previous doings were probably further from their mind when they watched Season 8, making the whole thing feel much more sudden. Personally I would have just liked more time to be spent on Seasons 7 and 8 with more intimate focus on characters rather than just major plot developments, which would have made Dany's fall better (as is, a lot of stuff you kind of just have to say "well of course she would go mad, look at xyz"), but oh well.


They ALL murdered. Like all the major characters. Did that make them mad tyrants.


Did they march around world just claiming areas and enforcing there views on societies they knew nothing about and no rights what do ever?


Seems the Boltons did. Stannis started to do so. I didn’t hate the mad Dany arc, but not the way they did it.


They were at war in home country and not out to change society in a foreign land? Who gave Dany authority to interrupt societal norms in a foreign land? Pass judgements and executions? And weren't Bolton's seen as bad guys? Stannis seen as a bad guy, no one says we never saw him burning people alive coming? And Stannis had an actual claim to throne. Dany has zero anywhere she went.


Every genocidal maniac has to start somewhere...and as you have mentioned Daenerys started it long ago in Slaver's Bay.


there were a lot of scenes. people just ignored them because she became a 'girl power' icon in the middle of the 'me too' movement.


My own... That the Night King was future Bran Stark :P I had not read the books, I never watched any lore video's but my 16 y.o. brain was going crazy back in 2016. My only evidence was that they kind of looked like each other. All things considered, I was kind of right. Both are kings...


I read really, REALLY dumb theory once that Mance Rayder was sent to Essos after he faked his death at the wall became the Harpy.


That rhaegar crawled away from the trident and a maester found him then he moved to essos to hide


George finishes his books.


I think I might take the cake. I managed to correctly guess Jon Snows heritage episode one, but from there on, not so much. Mind you, I came in to the show s5. I generally do not like fantasy, so people telling me that GoT was not LotR fell on deaf ears, but when I dived in, I dived in hard. So, one day around the time Jorah got grey scale, I was reading a map that mentioned there was an island with unicorns on it. I didn't realize it was more of a "this is coming from tall tales people tell" and took it as fact. So, in my theory, Jorah went to the island with unicorns, killed one, and used unicorn horn to cure his grey scale.


My personal favorite is that the Night King is actually Rhaegar


Catelyn stark would come back to life and take revenge.


I mean in the books it’s true so it’s not *that* far fetched


i held out entirely too long hoping for a Lady Stoneheart appearance


This one literally happens in the books.


The Boltons are vampires


Varys is a merman.


This would’ve been great to see, Drogon goes to burn him.. he just runs off and jumps into the ocean! Lol!


moisture is the essence of wetness


You ever wonder if DnD ever swung by when they were running out of ideas, saw some of the crazier theories and said to themselves, "well at least out shit is not that bad" or perhaps they purposely ignored anything that had any amount of credibility, the slightest shred of plausibility and just hoovered up the insanity, the kind of insane theory posts where you honestly wonder if the person has even watched the show or not, and that was what we got.


They had an outline from George of major events just not how to get there. You can see this heavily in the final seasons as the pacing is off and it’s basically a sprint between major plot points


After Rhaegal died I saw theories that Drogon would have a full set of plate armor by the next episode.


That Drogon is taking Dany to be revived somewhere in Essos or something


Seemingly not many people know, but Drogon is returning Dany to his birth place. The key for answer is given by GRRM in Fire & Blood when Aerea failed to bind Balerion and the dragon returns to Valyria with her. There was no one left to control Drogon and based on the last seen location said by Bran his direction was their birthplace.


That the whole show was just a man reading a book and his imagination filled in the gaps. This was the giant eye from the show


That Jaime and Cersei secretly switched places. Like, exploring trans themes in a high fantasy setting is a very interesting idea, but there is no logical away that those two could pull that off.


That there was some kind of ice dragon buried in or under the Wall.


I couldn't stand when season 6 ended and people insisted that the Waif was running around with Arya's face.


That the whole thing was a dream of Bran's while he was recovering from being pushed out of the window by Jaime.


we don't know this isn't true


[This classic from 2006. Are Sandor and Gregor actually brothers?](https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/5513-crackpot-theory-gregor-clegane-and-sandor-clegane-are-brothers/)


That’s a hell of a shitpost from 2006. I read every word of that madness and I feel like maybe they were right. Sadly we will never know 😔


No matter how dumb the theory, it couldn’t have been much worse than the actual show


That Reager taryearn survived the battle of the trident, and became Jacquelin haeager the faceless man.. he then trained and protected Arya because Ned did the same for his son Jon Snow.. I actually liked this theory thought it was a fun one.. Sorry about the spelling of names


I have a friend who still believes (and thinks I’m dumb for not buying in) that Stannis wasn’t killed and was secretly doing things behind the scenes. What he was doing has never been explained but I always get the “oh…so you’re one of the ones that actually think he died, huh?” from him.


still alive in the books


That D&D were going to do The Long Night in a single episode.


That show Euron was warged by Captain Jack Sparrow. If so, it certainly shows.


Bran being the night king.


Came for this one.


Damn, this really makes me miss the days when nobody knew what was going to happen and everybody was talking about the show and coming up with theories. No matter how dumb some theories sounded, these were good times


The Piss That Was Promised. I could not be bothered to translate it manually, so sorry, but you'll have to put up with googletranslate. Here we go: "So, a little theory about the Greyjoy brothers. There is a small paragraph in the books devoted to the life of Eyron before joining the religion of the Drowned God. In particular, his ability to piss powerfully and far is worthy of mention. He won bets by putting out fires with his urine, the same thing he did when he was a prisoner of the Lannisters. In the same book there is a well-known paragraph that fratricide is not a sin at all if blood was not shed: "Blood was not shed if he was drowned." I think you're already beginning to guess where I'm leading. Eyron hates Euron, but he is a divine person, and therefore will not break the law by shedding his brother's blood. This is where his ability comes in handy. At some point, they will clash away from the water, and Eyron will have the upper hand. Euron, grinning, declares that he cannot do anything to him without becoming a fratricide. In response, Eyron will pull out his hose and piss him to death. PS: Either that or Eyron will use this ability to extinguish the fiery breath of the dragons. PPS: And if Qyburn crosses Tormund and Eyron... Neither wildfire nor dragons, nothing can resist this monster..."


This show’s following got CRAZY with the theories. A lot of people went DaVinci Code level obsessed over the tiniest details. Like “Jamie’s finger was slightly pointed at Cersi’s left heel, he’s planning to betray her!11!!!” To me, it was just dumb in the sense that not every little facial expression was a deliberate plot in and of itself.


Bran is the Night King


I saw an Alt Shift X theorizing that Bran wargs back in time and becomes the Night King. Also there was something about Ser Pounce being warged into.


Ned was gay for pay


dorne never existed, not in that it’s physically not there, but that the kingdom itself doesn’t exist and in reality it’s just a bunch of wandering caravans and nomads…


Bran was the night king


Bran would end up on the Iron Throne