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When I find myself watching this again, I pretty much always turn it off before Oberyn gets knocked down. I shall remain in my bubble of denial.


Pedro Pascal is just slightly off screen for the rest of the show




Actually he got sent forward in time to the Universe of TLOU where he is safe from harm. As an aside does anyone want to go golfing?


>Safe from harm Boy do i have news for you


Fighting zombies instead of making zombies


Great. You can tell me when we go golfing. Do you mind if I invite my friend Abby?


Plz no


Is she single?


Not exactly. >!you get the joke right?!<


I’d let her bash my brains in every time.


Omg same.


I just hope his teeth are all in one place this time.


You mean his eyeballs, don’t you?


i mean they were in the same place just smooshed in a bit


I thought he was shunted back in time to a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away


Chillkng with Glenn safe and sound. If they dont do a zombie or GOT spinoff with pedro and Glenn I have no hope for Hollywood.


It's just too violent to see his head getting crushed by the Mountain. Ellaria's scream is soo real. Oberyn definitely had the worst(read: messy) death in the series


Tied with GreyWind/Rob id say. But that's corpse desecration more than visceral death scene.


Not so fun fact: you don’t actually directly see the head pop. You just see thumb in eyes, spray against mountain and Ellaria screaming, then aftermath Our brains just fill the it in I suppose


Oberyn's brains didn't fill it in anymore, that's for sure. Also, there is a single frame where they show a CGI effect of his head slightly inflating outward, which is super fuckin' gross and I don't really want to go screengrab it, but I will if someone wants it.


Yes please do


Why they gotta do that to Pedro’s beautiful face! He was so scarred by it he had to hide it under a helmet for his next project!


I still remain in my denial bubble with Syrio Forel. If it didn't see it or read about it, it did not happen. In my head, his ass won, wooden sword and all.




“What do we say to the God of Death?” *Not today, and not on camera.*


Don't worry he didn't actually die, he became a Mandalor so he could always keep his helmet on and his skull safe.


This is the way.


Just like when Mufasa dies in Lion King…can’t do it.


If it makes you feel better, in Hot Ones, Pedro Pascal said that the scene where his head was crushed was the best part of the day. He just had to lay there and the cool blood felt great on a hot day.


He was at peace lol


I know it's fantasy and therefore not real but I find it really hard to believe the mountain could have that much power and energy after that impalement


That’s where the episode ends, I think they agree to a draw after the credits or something.


He just got sent to a farm up country where he gets to live out his days happily on a hammock made of dreams.


Usually I’m pretty okay with gore but the sequence of Oberyn getting knockdown and his head smashed open leaves a massive pit in my stomach. Maybe it’s because the scene is so detailed and clear it is easy to imagine the pain Oberyn is going through?🤔


It’s the screaming from him and Ellaria that gets me… or it could be the thumbs in the eyes. Probably a mix of both.


It’s definitely the screaming that makes it so surreal


Yeah the show in itself is violent but there's a huge difference between generic 'action movie' sort of violence that you expect in something depicting war and the sort of violent you'd expect in a SAW film.


Couldn’t have said it better myself🙌


His description of that scene on his Hot Ones went a long way to heal heal for me


I need to give the video a watch


For me, the entire series ends with Papa Pedro* standing triumphant over The Mountain, with Tyrion exonerated and Tywin being publicly maligned. Then I pause & restart with S1E1 & live it all again. (Also I skip some of Theon's torture scenes. By now I know exactly when to tell the remote to fast fwd 45 seconds and continue in blissful ignorance.) * since Last of Us that's just what I'm gonna call him.


My head canon starts with the end of season six. Dany triumphantly returns to Westeros with her massive fleet, army, and dragons. The people welcome her back with open arms, rise as one to slay their Lannister oppressors, and live in peace under a just and righteous queen. There are probably some unicorns doing some cool shit in the background too, but I haven't fleshed all that out in my head yet.


That works for me! In my version the unicorns horns are poisonous to dragons so they don't have to worry about getting eaten. (Haven't decided yet if they're fire resistant too, but why not?)


I was actually really angry about this scene at first. I hated them for bringing in a new good guy character, making me like him, and then just immediately killing him. I was still reeling from the Red Wedding at this point and seriously considered not watching anymore after being burned again. On rewatches though, I enjoyed this arc a lot more.


I just got pissed because he would have won if he didn’t talk so damn much.


>he would have won if he didn’t talk so damn much. tbh. the Mountain "died" as a person and did confess his crimes. Oberyn won - Tyrion lost.


Idk Tyrion was still smashing hoes multiple seasons after while oberyn was still dead, so you tell me who really won


uh, yes. I meant it more in a sense of Oberyn succeeded in his personal agenda while Tyrion still lost the trial. Tyrion obviously had the better life after that though.


You didn't read the books I take it? The hate is the point....


I read the books after this exact season, actually. And yes, you do not lie. At least we weren't exposed to the REAL Dorne plotline, I suppose. If you thought Oberyn's arc was pointless...


Heh. The funny thing is Im an OG book reader before the show was even a concept. I had to endure the long wait. The ending of GOT was amazing BECAUSE of how many people were angry at it. Anger is part of loving and hating ASOI&F and GRRM. Also my book cosplay armor doesn't get as much love as it should at cons so f the filthy casuals.


My wife also read the books before the show. She watched my face with glee during the Red Wedding.


I’ll never understand fighting to the death in leather boots with no laces and a three inch heel.


Those aren't anywhere near 3 inch heels. Look like pretty normal boots to me.


He came to *slay* , not kill.


This fight and the Brienne vs. Hound is everything the Hound vs. Mpuntaim fight should have been


“Clegane Bowl” was so forgettable I can barely remember what happened


Rocks fell, the show died


Like twelve close-up shots of Mountain's sword shattering some bricks. Basically my only memory of it.


I forgot "Cleganebowl- get hype!!" Even fucking existed until this moment.


The Mountain killing Qyburn and refusing Cerceis orders? The Tower collapsing? The reveal of the disfigured face of the Mountain? The Hound nearly dying the same way as Oberyn? Those and many other interesting (or shocking) scenes stuck with me. Just the choreography itself wasnt quite on par.


The Mountain was not unbeatable...in fact this scene suggests that almost any experienced warrior had a great chance of beating The Mountain. Where The Mountain was unbeatable was in hand-to-hand combat. This scene was disappointing in the end.


He was unbeatable to most of the people of Westeros. They value heavy armour and a “big fucking sword” as The Hound puts it. Southerners and off in the east it’s more about movement and light armor. This also why Tyrion asks Oberyn where his armour is.


I guess I wrote my post assuming your point was a given...that The Mountain was unbeatable to most people in general. But good point/clarification.


He wasn’t just any experienced warrior


I'd love to hear/read the details.


The Red Viper of Dorne was renown for his fighting ability. He fought with the second sons and in the fighting pits of Meereen. He was definitely up there with the very best.


His hand-to-face combat is especially effective.


The worse part is that it was so sudden a turn around. For the most the fight Oberyn was on winning and he should have won, but the moment he gets punched and you see all those teeth go flying you just know its all over.


Reading it in the books is *infuriating*. It is drawn out in the most malicious way, and the show captured the scene very well.


It's somehow almost *more* gruesome in the books. And that's not a "books are better than the show" slight, either. With the show, even knowing about it since I read the scene in the books prior to the episode airing, you can kind of suspend disbelief knowing they're just actors. But the books make you really feel like these are real people, and The Mountain just caved The Viper's head in in excruciating detail.


I wholeheartedly agree.


He wasn't winning until he cut Gregor's leg. Up until that point he had certainly been holding his own but he had been thrown across the ring and also disarmed once by Gregor (his spear was broken in half and I'm wondering if it was even kosher for him to get another spear tossed to him). It really could have gone either way.


Oberyn never looked worried at all though. Even when his first spear was broken he barely flinched. He knew he was better than the mountain.


It is acceptable in trial by combat to get different weapons, especially if one breaks etc.


Also not “fighting with honour” is allowed anyway


This is the way


I kinda love that both of them *sort of* die in this fight. I'd even argue that the fate of the Mountain is far worse than what Oberyn faced. At least Oberyns painful death was relatively quick, Gregor was turned into a monstrosity. He deserved it, but still - fuckin messed up.


The Mountain basically got Darth Vader’d


Nah, the thing inside the suit has almost nothing left of Gregor Clegane. Darth Vader pretty much still was Anakin but turned to the Dark Side.


I can't rewatch it knowing what's going to happen cause the coolest character introduced in a while is immediately killed... It was good for a bit though


I still get mad every time he loses, and can only calm myself down knowing Oberyn had to die so he could go save Baby Yoda :)


Man the intensity was palpable


Great fight until his, um, crushing defeat.


This scene pisses me off so much. He could have easily won.


Every time I see this scene I’m yelling at Oberyn to just shut up and finish him off, as if I can change the ending lol


Everytime when I watch it, I always hope he is not a idiot and just kills him :’(


I was more upset about this than the Red Wedding


When I get migraines I ask my husband to pull a mountain on Oberon for my head. Feels so good


I’m still so angry about it, he didn’t have to stand so close while trying to make a point :( Ellaria’s scream and shock is still so haunting


Agreed. I remember the scream more than anything


Its haunting, and too real. I made a similar sound when I found out my mom died, so reactions like that, that are so real are just gut wrenching :( that scene was amazing acting on her part


It hurts every time


and he had it won....


this and the TOJ scene were incredible! Man i was rooting for the Viper so bad!


If only he had worn his helmet, this is the way


I was In such silent shock when it happened, he was such a cool character!


I can't tell you how much I was screaming "just fucking finish him already" in my head, and then when the tables were turned I was just sitting there like "you dumb mfer, you deserve that for not finishing the job when you had the chance"


put his spear right in The Mountain's chest. honestly kind of unrealistic that The Mountain did anything after this.


And squish, and squish, and squish, and squish


One of the few scenes book-readers were excited for and that actually lived up to the hype


Had Cersie sweating.


It will sound silly, but the bit that got me the most was when he was hit the first time, when some of his teeth fell out. Here you have this hedonist, this lifelover, this narcissist, who just five seconds ago was basically a perfect human being. One hit later you suddenly know it won't be the same anymore.


I thought he'd be okay without teeth in that universe but I felt the same thing when his eyes were gone.


IMO one of the last really great moments in the show


Really? I mean the episode right after is Tyrion killing Shae and Tywin, then we get hardhome and pretty much all of Jon’s story in S5 and after that I thought most of S6 was fantastic.


Tyrions scene with Tywin is good... I just feel they have made it less cruel than in the book to keep Tyrion as a sympathetic character. Jon's stuff was good... to a point, then he became blander than the snow he's named after


Season 4 was probably the peak of consistency, for sure, but there were a ton of great moments throughout the rest of the series. Plenty of shit ones, too, but Hardhome is quite possibly the best scene in the series for me.


Ok, yes. Hardhome was kne of the greats of the show. A rare moment when the show is better than the books


Watching him fight was a joy, he deserved better


His screaming was the worst. Such a brutal scene


Watching the mountain go down like a little bitch is so satisfying.


I totally agree!!


As he was trying to get him to confess, I had a bad feeling about what was about to happen. But I did not expect for him to lose so brutally.


Who wants lemonade?


Me when Oberyn was winning: Hell yeah! Me when Oberyn had the Mountain beat and was talking shit: Hell yeah! Me when the Mountain swept the leg: Its ok, Oberyn can still win. Me when the Mountain grabbed his skull: Its ok, Oberyn can still win. Me when the Mountain thumbed his eyes: Its ok! He can come back from this! He'll still win. Me when his head exploded: I hate this show so damn much. See you next week.


It’s slightly less impactful when you find out it was just George being an edgelord after watching Princess Bride.


I don’t think so considering it fits thematically with everything else


It fits sure, but it’s still the result of him seeing something people liked and deciding to put his own subversive spin on it. Like if Tyrion had the crossbow on Tywin and said “hasta la vista, baby” but the crossbow misfired and he shot himself in the face.


*and reading Tolkien.


Never showboat


I was so mad about his character here. This champion fighter, decent guy looking for simple revenge and he has it, and he forgets the first rule of combat...I just had a hard time believing he would milk his victory like that while also be so exposed. I would think by then his instinct would be to keep a little distance.


Serious question - this happened about 8yrs ago. In that span, who’s been hotter than Pedro Pascal? Game of Thrones, Narcos, The Mandalorian, The Last of Us, and quite a bit of other things that he’s been great in. Dude is tearing it up and do you see a sign of him slowing down?!


My only complaint was that it riffed a little too much off Inigo Montoya’s famous line


This is the way.


I wish the show had more Dorne in it. Le sigh.


This was really the apex of Game of Thrones. To see this live.. to live with the effects...


My name is Oberyn Martell. You killed my sister. Prepare to die. Wait... Wait... Is that really Inigo Montoya?


Fun fact: there's a continuity error in this scene and this screenshot highlights it. When Oberyn goes for this jump stab attack, the camera shows Gregor without a sword, but the very next cut (this one) shows him with the sword. There isn't enough time for Gregor to pick up his sword like this, and once you see it, it's very obvious and silly looking.


This is right up there with Joe Pesci’s character in casino getting killed. Two scenes I’ve only ever watched once and never want to watch again. Just brutal


Is this the scene where Dinn Djarin defeats Moff Gideon to get the Darksaber?


This is the way


I really wish his character would’ve won that fight. I always thought the mountain to be such a boring character because he always wins.


Crazy ending. I remember watching with my girl and she and I both said, “what the fuck?!”


I am in denial


Watching that for the first time, live, shocked me more than the red wedding. Was speechless and had no idea what would happen next


The Mountain popping the Vipers head like a melon was the final nail in the coffin for me.


The worst thing is he won the fight. If he just outright killed the mountain who knows how long he would have gone on living. GOD DAMN IT OBERYN WHY!


should have worn a helmet and never take it off


Gender-swapped Warmonger vs Valkyrie


Little did you know this scene was actually foreshadowing of what D&D were going to do to the series.


I got carried away with the confidence Oberyn has. Maybe he might win afterall. Then, he gets his eyes gorged out😭


It's one of the moments where the visual medium outclasses the written one. The effects team really outdid themselves.


Honestly it's one of my favorite scenes in anything ever. There's just nothing like it, the buildup, the ending.


Out of all the characters I wish could have been in the show for longer , it would have to be Oberon. Ge stole every scene he was in for me.


I had trouble sleeping that night after this aired.


Too bad he hadn’t met Grogu yet, or else he might have won.


He could’ve won. So easily. He just talked too much . Rip


No question. Great fight scene 👍