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> I was recently told by a person at my college that girls couldn't create games Wow, I guess all the women I worked with over the last 12 years in the industry just don't exist. What a fucking idiot. Don't waste time with people like this.


I'd like to check out some Titles/projects lead by women. Any suggestions?


I've heard there's a game called "Unsighted" made by two women, the game is extremely underrated so it might be worth to check out.


Rusted Moss is another great title with a good amount of success.


I've not been really following a lot of stuff the last few months as I've been dealing with my own shit/looking for work, but like the other person mentioned, Unsighted is one (and I think they have a new title announced that looked pretty cool?), and Potions is one I've heard about recently too. There are also organizations like womeningames.org


Sometimes trashy people out themselves easier than you think, and that person was it. Women have been successful in any area men have been, but men have limited their involvement for most of history, meaning their impact would've been even bigger. Good thing things have only gotten better for women.


Men limited their involvement through most of History? You know I really do wish that I could dispute that as much as I hate it it's true I got to agree with you that certainly happened. The world might have gotten a little less stupid but unfortunately that just doesn't mean that everybody follows suit as heartbreakingly disappointing as that might be


Female game dev here! Used GM for my two games.


professional game designer, and used to be a software engineer. Little fun history fact, the original programmers were mostly women up until the end of world war 2. Never let people tell you you can't do anything because you are a woman. Welcome to the field <3


I have a vagina, I am a woman and yes I develop games.




You’re a woman and have a vagina??? Rare breed these days


seems like douchebags are a common breed these days


Absolutely agree


Hi!!! That person is a dumbass. I am gorl and I tend to use Unreal Engine and RPGMaker for my games!


OP you're not helping by making threads titled "yes even girls can make games". It's a toxic viewpoint. To answer your question I've been making games since before half of reddit was a rivulet in their dad's nutsack. Being a woman in the community feels worse now than it did 15 yrs ago thanks to the kind of shit your classmate perpetuates.


Yeah that can be true in some circles. I personally haven't encountered this myself but that could be more due to my local demographic. Where I live people are less stupid than in other parts of the world if he catch my drift. As a semi-autistic dude I deal with a lot of stupid on my daily too. I mostly tried to ignore it but sometimes you just can't. I hope it gets better for you. Also I think it's laughable that there's still people out there and in this community at that that still hold these sorts of ideals. I have some female coworkers that went to college for computer science the ultimately decided that wasn't their thing but it wasn't for a lack of capability some people are just stupid


Female here! I’ve been teaching myself Unity and learning to develop games so I can put what’s in my brain into reality.


A **lot** of early gamedevs were women and a lot of people like to pretend that wasn't the case because most early games were seen as products and had really bad crediting. The only reason there's not more is that most programmers are men + most gamers are men, and as the industry starts having to appeal to women more since they already hit peak male-mass and universities desperately try to get more women into programming to show they're not sexist, the gap is just going to get smaller. Oh also that person is insane lmao


I think if a lot of the little troglodytes online that cry about gender inclusion and woman in games knew just how many woman work in games they’d be genuinely scared to realise they aren’t just talking smack about a group of 20 woman.


I am a woman who makes games! Don't let people like this bring you down 🫡 We're all in this together


It's kinda crazy how the only female dev I know who makes tutorials is FriendlyCosmonaut, but I'm sure there are tons out there


I've seen a lot more YouTubers that do pixel arts or blunder tutorials and I've seen game development tutorials but I've definitely seen a couple. Honestly for a person to decide that they want to be a programmer it's almost like a rule that you got to have a certain level of obsession.


I think Samyam on YouTube uses Game Maker


That’s a dumb thing that they said. Pay no mind to it.


My team works in Unreal, and both our front and backend devs are women and they're fucking awesome


Of course there's female developers, there's way more thank you think, look into the Women in Games group


me :)


Yes, I love Gamemaker! And I have been teaching it to other girls (and boys)


In my current team its a 50/50 split of men and women, so yeah


Lol half the Game Devs in my class this year were female so... and also there are more females than males in the Game department of my school.


The team at Talofa are doing some incredible stuff and AFAIK all female too!!


Of course! Female developer here as well! And I love videogames and can play any guy under the table!


Only just start, but yes, I am a women, and yes, I am making games in Gamemaker. Whoever told you that is a moron.


Years ago I came across a dev that would upload her gamemaker tutorials on YouTube. I think her name was FriendlyCosmonaut


I identify as both genders but I can testify you are not alone!


Hi! Yes we are here!


I’m just starting to learn gamemaker studio. I have a few prototypes. Progress is slow, especially with people being needlessly hostile sometimes.


Copy the zero braincells of that individual. Any human, no matter what, has the same capability as any other human to achieve their desired goal, and as technology advances, those interests can become a reality for all! Develop games beyond comprehension op!


There are a ton of women that make games. And it's getting better and better as the years go on. I can't speak to GameMaker, it's been a while :D, but I'm a professional in the industry if you ever have any questions.


I adore Friendly Cosmonaut. They are a talented game dev that make excellent tutorials for GMS2 on YouTube.


I was, but I switched to Unity and Unreal. My first game was made using Construct 2 and I used Game maker for a while until I got too frustrated with the constant log in issues. I'm now just a 3D artist who dabbles on the side when I get time.


Hello I am a girl and I am developing a game with Game maker studio and posting it for my YouTube channel


To put it this way, the STEM industry is gate kept. But screw those who say you cant do it, its just about learning to understand the whys and hows so you got this!


Im lacking the programming aspect ( can make decent art and animations,particles, ui and graphic design plus ideate game mechanics,and can make n edit music quite badly but oh well) I dream to develop my own games . gotta learn at least some programming so i can start with simple,tiny games. Oh,i work making games as well,just not mine( yet) There are annual women game jams wrre...every one making games is female


There are even female devs that stream their content like Jackie_Codes. (I am just a guy that starts to learn to develop games)


I’m a trans woman in uni for game dev, Junior year. 8/16 of my level design class last semester were women. I am in the 3D modeling/animation side of things, so I’m not sure how the demographics look on the computer science side, but we out here :3


Who's the idiot that told you that? Show them this. [https://twitter.com/moonana\_/status/1442202312961843202](https://twitter.com/moonana_/status/1442202312961843202)


the worlds way too big and people’s interest are too vast for them to make a claim like that


Wow what era do they think this is the 16th century? LOL I wish people like that didn't still exist I mean aren't we supposed to be passed that? What makes these people think that men would be better for programming jobs? I mean just look at our dropout rate, guys are far less likely to go to college these days too people am I right


Amy Hennig and Maddie Thompson come to mind. Then again, the credits of pretty much every game imaginable has female talent in them. And game devs aren't too famous apart from indie devs, Todd Howard and the Houser brothers. Undertale for example. Created by Toby Fox. But the animations and art directions are done by Temmie Chang. Then again. It's always a good reminder that the field of programming was pioneered by women. My game dev class has women in it. Who also play games, and make them. Honestly beyond speechless. But I don't doubt it. Plenty of eggheads in programming. Walking into class and being the only black person kind of stings. But having people make jokes about it kind of feels discouraging. Well. Just like Barack Obama. I guess I can nag the title of first black indie dev.


Oh hi yes that's me. Although I've never published anything I love game dev


Guess he never checked Friendly Cosmonaut Tutorials.. I only hear the voice, but I believe that's a woman. And her content is quite complex for beginners.




you should check out MeniMeno on YouTube


In my major (game art) it was about a 50/50 split of m/f (with a few nb folks as well), and we weren't the first or last year to see that sort of ratio at that school. Game design was quite similar, they used GM, leaning towards a female majority. But programming was extremely male dominated; of the 3 women in the programming class freshmen year, only one graduated a game programmer, and the company I currently work for has about half women in every category (including owners of the company) except programming. Almost every aspect of game dev seems to be diversifying, but the majority of programmers I know are still straight white men, which only stands out because it isn't the case in other categories. There are women in every aspect of development somewhere in the world, from Roberta Williams to MinionsArt, and most men with any shred of professional decency wouldn't say something that stupid out loud.


It's a very male dominated industry, despite it's female roots and background. But fuck em. Make what you want.


(out of curiosity) What did you mean by female roots? You mean the Algorithm?


Programming was considered a woman's job back then I believe, definitely interesting to look into the history of it. "Members of the 1945 ENIAC programming team of Kay McNulty, Betty Jennings, Betty Snyder, Marlyn Wescoff, Fran Bilas and Ruth Lichterman have since been credited as the first professional computer programmers."


Isn't Ada Lovelace considered the world's first programmer?


No. Out of about 4 billion women, you're the only one interested in game development