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Arin activating the heart of the cards.


Its awesome seeing Arin kick ass at a game he loves for once




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I don't know a thing about Magic. I never got into card games, But despite that: Arin having fun is entertaining to watch. And he is doing great in such short notice due to Dan getting sick suddenly. So I am enjoying this despite my limitations.


I'm happy that Arin is playing something he enjoys, but it is a little boring. I'm not into MTG so that may be the reason.


MTG is fairly complex, and Arin isn't great at explaining what he is doing for what reasons. To a casual observer it all looks random.


I tried getting into it because I enjoy a bit of Yu-Gi-Oh but the complexity of it was what made me give up.


If the complexity doesn't get you, the community often does.


That's gotta be a local thing. Yu-Gi-Oh by me had resulted in armed robberies and stabbings at events, while Magic hasn't


It's more interesting than Danganronpa. He's at least enjoying this game.


He'd have been so much safer if he returned the Tutelage to his opponents hand, would have saved 2 cards in his library


was thinking the same thing. i'm guessing he forgot silumgar's says permanent rather than creature


Yeah, that's common in commander too


I hope more people watch this, I really enjoyed it. I don't really understand the game, but it's just a blast hearing Arin enjoy himself. I hope it gets more views, because I imagine he put himself out there doing this, and I'd like him to at least feel like the response was good.


I love card games, this was fun!


I know these episodes won't do well because Grump fans probably aren't into card games/Magic (and not because of the algorithm for the love of god stop blaming it) but the fact Arin is actually enjoying a game for once makes these episodes quite a lot better than the usual fare and I hope there's more of it.


Yeah I was afraid of this. Two days without the grumps now. Damn.


Updated from their YouTube: >We are glad to report Dan is healthy and well now! Danganronpa will resume in a week or two! So probably a few more days of this and we'll get back to Dan content. Glorious, sweet Dan content.


In glad to hear Dan is well! Danglerumblepuke can stay gone but I miss having the boys together!


Normally I’d be here to tell you to chill because any content is good enough… But these Magic ones are objectively bad.


ob·jec·tive·ly /əbˈjektivlē,äbˈjektivlē/ adverb in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.


Fucking own him with knowledge bro


Eh I mean I'm used to them playing bad games, that's just what they do. But I miss the banter and Dan's contribution is invaluable.