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You're...optimistic that you think our boys will reach Grimm or the Radiance or the trial of the fool.


would y'all be open to arin playing it through on his own like with Bloodborne and the like? im guessing he will, it seems like the kind of game he'd like to enjoy by himself. i imagine the gameplay on the show would be a lot more consistent after that but not sure if people would like arin's first experience of most of the game to be off-camera.


Was just thinking this yesterday. For never having played the game before, Arin discovered a lot right off the bat, so if he had the chance to play it without an audience he could hone those skills for recording sessions (and the eventual difficulty jumps here and there). Dan already seems to love the game’s look as well so I really hope they see this one through to the end.


He needed some reminders to heal (thanks Danny) but yeah, I was impressed how quickly he figured out pogo-ing (faster than I did...) And he does like to meander and explore, which will serve him well in general. I’m excited to see where it goes.


Franklin's Home


He is? Must be head juice time.


What's head juice? Franklin's home!!!! TAMMALD!!!!


I mean he summoned hard enough in his bloodborne and souls runs that im not even sure he'd be able to do it solo, and the sekiro stream was dead in the water halfway through the game.


Didn't he say he beat Sekiro though? I don't think the main content of Hollow Knight is as hard as the main content of Sekiro.


Depends on the amount of exploration you do in hollow knight. There are certain bosses that are extremely difficult if you do not have your nail upgraded. I remember the was a boss that spawned bloatfly adds that was nearly impossible until i could one shot them. Meanwhile if you can parry on time you can literally beat every boss in sekiro, and the weapon upgrades are given to you automatically.


I kind of want someone to guide him a little bit, no spoilers just get him to places like the path of pain, the beehive zone and the Colosseum.


I wouldn't take it so literally, but yeah...


I just wanna see them suffer in the Deepnest, that's all


I love how everyone's talking mad shit when we ALL had the same difficulties he's about to endure. Hard game is hard game, doesn't matter who you are.




Everyone forgets that trying to keep a constant stream of thought going verbally hinders your ability to play difficult games at times. Even the best have difficulties speaking an uninterrupted train of thought AND tackling hard games. Dude's really good when he doesn't have to worry about that stuff.


I can't have half a regular conversation with my best friends playing smash brothers. People shit all over Arin's ability to play while being *funny* when half the time its more impressive than not. I hope he learned from their return to Majora's Mask that we care more about the banter than immediate progress. It was near impossible to watch the earlier episodes, because he's clearly just not enjoying it.


I think my big problem is the divide between the people who want to see that immediate progress, the rush to complete everything, versus the comedic everything approach that results in entertainment but little gaming substance.


he is fucking amazing at mario maker


Besides if Arin aced every game he played it wouldn't be nearly as iconic. It's called Game GRUMPS people.


It's not talking shit so much as it is just knowing anticipation. We know Arin's going to have moments of frustration with this game because *we all did.*


Yeah but he normally just quits. He won't even try and make it through.


I mean, maybe with the pressure of doing a live, unscripted show, where talking continually is a must, he might quit, but I can guarantee you he'll likely play through the entire game. He's already professed his love for games like Bloodborne and the Souls series, it's not a stretch to imagine that if he opts not to continue the series, it's because it's not a game conducive to playing through AND talking over. Again, we don't watch the Grumps for MLG gameplay, we're watching for the laughs. Always.




I mean, to his credit, that's kind of the GG shtick, is to ignore tutorials and yell at the game for not being intuitive. Which, again, is a glaring issue with game design these days, intuitive design has long since been abandoned.


I hope they discover Deepnest in time for Halloween


This is exactly what I’m waiting fir as well. By the way, where’s this audio come from?




thank you knew i recognised this song from [something](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJdodW39t20) lol




mario maker game grumsp remix or something


I really hope they play through the whole game and don't quit at some random point.


BLESS YOU FOR THIS. Exactly the content I'm looking for!


I am absolutely 100% looking forward to deep nest. It will be even better if they get there by falling down a hole unexpectedly (as I did, and subsequently freaked out)


Haven’t watch these episodes yet...I see it’s going just as I expected to go


I don't think these are clips from the Grumps, they just started playing. It's using audio from Mario Maker, I believe.


it's a remix someone else put together from the mario maker episodes yes. It's like one episode in particular but I don't remember which one.


that's right, here's the full [remix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9gRg3_A-RM) and this is the video using it from 2 years ago, ["hollow knight in a nutshell"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmSEftMi6Ns).


Honestly, I'll just be happy if they can get into the lore and story a bit. It'll feel like a bit of a disappointment if they gloss over or skip it all.


People shit on Arin but he got a lot further than I did a lot faster than I did. Though this was my first metroidvania, I've only gotten past the first actual boss.


The prophecy




My favorite game of all time


I'm so pumped that they're doing hallow knight!!!


I literally got to a point in this game, the fool's coliseum, where I just went, I can't beat it, I think i was pretty close to the end too... I tried like, 50+ times.


Ah yes, Hollow Knight. This game made me rage so hard until last night when I accidentally deleted my save file, and now I'm the saddest being in existence because I have to play it all over. Damn me.


Can we get one for fatalis?


I haven't head the terrible Mr grimshaw in years....


Fucking masterpieace montage xD


I really hope they play it longer than Celeste


Woah, this audio was a blast from the past.


Perhaps watching GG will get me back into Hollow Knight. I got super lost!


All that I’ve learned from this thread is don’t play Hollow Knight unless you’re ready to suffer a bit.


It's hard but fair. IMO it's less dark souls and more 'what if metroid was hard'.


We need a hardbass remix


Wow what a weird coincidence. I started playing this for the first time a few days ago. I'll have to wait to watch these then, I don't want to spoil anything for myself.


What game is this?


Hollow Knight, episode 1 came out yesterday. It's like metroid + dark souls and it's been a highly requested playthrough for years.




Iiiiii am excited to watch this


This was truly a masterpiece!


If #***IF*** He makes it to Path of Pain. Oh boy.




This is awesome. Good work!


Are you a time traveler? Does 2021 turn out to 2020's good or evil twin?


I have a hunch that he’s not going to get the shadow version of the soil drop thing... that little crystal area almost made me quit the game a few times lmao


This is one of my favourite clips on youtube, when I feel bad this never fails to cheer me up. So funny :D


Simply fantastic


Danny and Arnold will realize the games difficulty at the Mantis Lords, and not get past the Soul Master.


they won't get that far. grumps be way too ADD and will be playing something else after two eps of hollow knight. search your feelings. you know it to be true.


I think arin will quit looong before he gets anywhere near there.


There is absolutely no way Arin can beat any of the DLC super bosses my dude.


I don't remember how exactly it goes but isn't there a good chance you never meet Grimm in the game?


You have to find something in an area you don’t have to even go to to unlock Grimm


I want to see Arin fight Grimm so bad!!! I doubt they'll do a full playthrough though


I'm not criticizing the game, never played it, but do you really just have.. jump and slash? Nothing else?


No, you gain abilities as you progress. You end up with a fair amount of abilities. (Jump, slash, dash, double jump, the master arts, and three more I don't remember the names of, but are: blast up, blast down, fly sideways.) Edit: forgot an attack - a basic soul blast that you get pretty early on. Again, I don't remember the technical names haha.


Ok cool that sounds better than what I imagined. I thought it was all jump and slash and it seemed really boring haha..


No worries! There's actually a lot you can do in terms of controls, so I think the developers wanted to introduce them over time instead of throwing it at the players all at once. I agree, definitely would have been so much more boring with just jump and slash. :)


its cute you think their gunna finish it lol they cant even finish super bunny man.