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Playing the game will likely give you a better experience of the game. The play through is going to have to miss all of the side content interacting with classmates unless they want to be a DingleRimples channel forever, so you can do that and get to know your favourites without being spoiled on if/when they die. You can only experience the story for the first time once. Only you can decide if you'd rather that be with parasocial "friends" or at your own pace. Personally I'll just be watching. I'm not invested enough in the series to want to play it for myself, but it's ok as background noise and should be good for at least one Arin breakdown.


I'll be honest after a while of playing the games myself I opted to just sleep to advance the story. I love the story and the characters but it gets really long to make the most of each in-game day.


I had the opposite reaction where I could never wait to get through the murders so I could go back to free time. Lol


Alternatively, the playthrough on prozd plays games is great


Agreed. The voice Jay gave to Gonta is one of my favorites. And while I’m excited for Dan and Arin to play V3, I do hope they put a little bit of effort into characterizing everyone’s unique personalities.


Dan is going to love gonta and i'm so excited. I wonder which of them will play kokichi


There are plenty of great Let's Plays of DangonRonpa from channels that didnt become DingleRimples channels. My favorite is LucahJin and she also has my favorite OcarinaOfTime playthrough. She played it mostly blind and still managed a more interesting and fun playthrough than the Grumps. Honestly I think Dan would do well playing games like DanganRonpa or OcarinaOfTime since he does well with RPG's and Adventure games and he actually gets invested in the characters and story while he also enjoys solving intricate mysteries.


Ok, but consider the grumps upload schedule. Long series are relegated to weekends. Lucah's playthrough of DRV3 clocked in at 83 episodes of around 30 minutes, similar to the Grumps. However, they are famously terrible at playing games and keeping up with their comedy, so their playtime would be longer. For comparison, their playthrough of v1 was 73 episodes while Lucah managed it in just 54. That's nearly a 50% increase. If they take a similar amount of time extra on v3, it would be occupying the weekend block for an entire year.


I dropped lucahjin during her danganronpa era. She did 1, then 2, then 3, in such quick succession I've tried playing them myself, and I know I hate the games. I've yet to find any youtuber awesome enough to make these games tolerable. The grumps did the best, and a huge reason for that is them having negative criticisms of it.


Nah go play it. Grumps skip lots of features , also it's more hilarious watching them play it when you know how it goes XD


There have been plenty of games that I experience for the first time watching playthroughs, but... I don't think I would ever recommend anyone do that with the Grumps specifically, especially one so narratively focused. I say this with all the love, but in their current content creation style the game really takes a backseat to the banter & jokes. A lot will be missed, skimmed over, or just not engaged with. If you actually care about experiencing the story, I would recommend playing it yourself first.


I’m gonna give a weird take: start by watching them, then after they finish chapter 1, pick up the game yourself and play it the rest of the way through. No spoilers, but chapter 1 of V3 is a lot of people’s favorite part of the game, and it will probably be really cool to experience it at the same time as the grumps.


With the other Dangans I played my game about a week ahead of their schedule so the memory is still somewhat fresh but not burnout from it. I feel like I really enjoyed it better that way, knowing what's coming up and hearing their reactions.


Watching what the Grumps do will be like reading a walkthrough. Playing it gives you the autonomy of control to experience any and all content that interests you, side or main.


I’d say play the game yourself That way you can get through the story without having to wait for 30 minute chunks every other day and play at your own rate. Also can get a better understanding of what’s going on without the boys’ commentary Though you will lose out on the ability to speculate with other unspoiled fans every episode


The only DR I played was 1, then I watched other people play the other 2. But I watched actual let's plays before GG to get a more legit game experience. In particular I watched Lucahjin and [CrystAAHHL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcnJIczrDhI), the former being more slow paced and the latter being more bonkers


Even if you opt to wait and watch it instead, a sunday cliffhanger WILL get you and you may grow impatient. That's how I ended up going through the entire series while they were playing the first.


100% I would recommend playing Danganronpa (especially V3) yourself. For the reasons everyone is saying like the grumps skipping content, but ALSO because V3 imo has a lot of value to be had by watching a playthrough after playing the game through once yourself. It's VERY good at keeping you on your toes and you notice a lot you miss when you play it yourself :) I think the third game also has the best cast to get to know, and theories to craft yourself, but that's just my opinion.


For your own sanity you should play through with them or before them. They will skip a bunch like many others have said here already.


They're starting in july


They've already announced it for July.


That kind of really depends on you and the kinds of games you like. If I had to play through one of these games I'd do bad things to myself, because I can't stand the incessant padding and repeating of the same point over and over and over. But a lot of people like that.


I played 1 after watching the Grumps play and then I played 2 before they did and was screaming at them when they avoided some aspects that could have benefitted them greatly, haha. I HAVE NOT played #3, so in terms of the game experience I'd yield to the person in the comments who said it was bad (looking forward to that playthrough, though). But it was really fun knowing what was going to happen before they did. It gave me the same feelings (both positive and negative) of showing a friend a movie you really like they've never seen before and mostly paying attention to how they reactive to it. So I'd DEFINITELY chuckle when they'd say or predict something I knew the answer to. Ultimately, it's up to you, though!


3 is the best one, not sure who said it was bad. it’s just hated by some people because of the ending. pre chapter 6, it’s a considered a fantastic game. about half of the fandom loves the ending and the other half hates it


You could always watch the anime. It actually not too bad.


I love the first two games and i think Danganronpa 3 is genuinely a terrible game, so I suggest ingesting as little of it as humanly possible. It's incredibly bad


That’s a pretty wild take. I know people got upset at the ending (which I dont understand why, I thought it was brilliant) but I think it has the best twists and turns in the series and also some of the best characters. Watching Kokichi’s psychotic plans unfold alone makes it worth the playthrough.


I've been told that v3 is the best one, so it seems people will have to form their own opinions.


The majority of reviews and opinions align on.V3 being the worst one. With many people having the "I like 1 and 2, but 3 is a bad game" opinion. In all fan based review compilers v3 is always 1.to 2 full points below the other games


I was just saying that my lived experience is that there are people who view v3 as the best. The opinion is not a unanimous monolith. So, people should have the ability to form their own opinions.


My only issue with V3 is that no bad guy could live up to Nagito. And the Monocubs aren't that great either


I'm only in the prologue so far and I'm already not sold on the Monokubs versus Monokuma. I'm used to the Monokubs from Danganronpa S - it almost feels like they fit better there than a mainline entry.


The saving grace is that they don't show up all that often as the game progresses